Do you have bad karma? (Dr. Bob)

I always lean to the major premise of Quantum Physics and its universal law

of nature. All equations have an expected result. Therefore that result is

a positive result as it is expected. That positive result is a good thing

in reponse to our universal equations. God made everything good and our

past experiences create our emotions of demise, merely an interpretation by

ourselves. When in order with all things happening in this world it is

really a good, expected result. I burn my emotional hangup and regroup to

enjoy the break in routine and circumstances knowing that this too is a

good thing. I know no bad karma as you know no bad karma. You are doing a

greaqt hing for humanity and it will come to fruition in His time.




Thanks for your kind words, Dr. Bob. Indeed, there is a certain science to Karma. We really do know when we’re creating Good Karma – or bad.

The daunting part of the equation is whether or not what we’re experiencing is Good or Bad Karma – or is it something that is in the divine order of things to help us become stronger, or eventually help us help others undergoing a similar challenge.

Do you have bad karma? (Bob)






Exactly. It takes a certain amount of "volition" ("voluntary ignition!")

Do you have bad karma? (Dragon)

Bad Karma    who’s that

never heard of him

the dragon .



You’re a hoot!  I love yuh, bro’!



tis true,   tis true

never meet him and never even heard about him either

you say you know who it is




Yup, I know who he is, my brother.

He’s the one who is there when you think he is there.

Do you have bad karma? (Debra)

I noticed you used to live in Sedona, I think all signs point to…
move back to the magical red rocks! 
-Debra, of PHX, AZ (just got a second home up there)
You’ve got a point there, Debra! Though the energy of the vortexes can create some pretty strange Karma, too!

“Do you have bad karma?”

Dear Wealthy Soul,

All right, I admit it.

Recently I had begun wondering if I’ve got Bad Karma.

After a year of two shopping cart failures costing me thousands of dollars of lost revenues, 3 major computer breakdowns putting me months behind in my work, 3 hurricanes (lucky me has been in Florida) I took refuge from putting me additional weeks behind, a 3+ month inexplicable delay by my printer in the reprinting of my books (and this is one of the largest printers in North America used by almost every major book publishers), I’m beginning to think it may be true.

Maybe I do have Bad Karma.

And, after all, you yourself may be starting to wonder about me, too.

After all, haven’t I had to make repeated apologies about not yet getting all of you who have obtained The Wealthy Soul book series your bonuses of the last 18 of The 30 Gifts of Life?

So maybe, you believe I have Bad Karma, too!

And if I start thinking long enough along those lines, I begin to really think you – and the pessimistic "I" – may be right!

But then I start thinking about some other things – mainly all the blessings in my life:

* Living in a free country where there’s always
enough food and a heated home
(I’ve spent a lot of
time in countries where there’s not.)

* I do work that I love.

* I know the great joy of helping people.

* I’ve been given a precious Vision of what I’m
supposed to be doing with my life.

* Despite daily headaches with a technology I
never quite seem to master, I see I am moving step-
by-tiny-step toward my goals and toward the
unfolding of my Vision.

* I have the love of very special people in my life.

* Though I’ve had an incredible number of failures,
setbacks, mistakes and delays, step by
I have the pleasure of looking back,
the long road I’ve traveled,
seeing I have
and seeing myself slowly succeeding
despite everthing.

The list goes on . . . as does yours.

So, you tell me  . . . do I have Bad Karma?

With all the obstacles I’ve come up against in this last year, I’ve done quite a lot of soul searching, particularly with my own One Minute Miracle technique (which I will be talking more about in the future).

And what I come up with every time is . . .
that I’m right where I’m supposed to be.

That my problems – though indeed incredibly frustrating – are only truly problems rather than challenges when I create resistance to them. And I do this when I don’t simply accept these challenges as stepping stones to where I’m going and instead begin thinking of myself as having Bad Karma.

So, do you still think I might have Bad Karma?

Do you think YOU might have Bad Karma, too?

Have you, like me, had a lot of doggy-doo you’ve had to deal with lately?

I’ve got an interesting theory I’m beginning to develop about Good and Bad Karma – and it’s come about because the more people I speak to, the more I see that WE ALL may have Bad Karma . . .

And here’s the theory:

That Bad Karma doesn’t come from the events that occur to us . . . but perhaps – are you ready for this? – it’s more a product of us thinking that these events mean we have "Bad Karma."

Wooh! Back up, there a second, Michael. Explain.

In other words, Bad Karma is more a result of our reaction to our supposed Bad Karma – our challenges – rather than the challenges themselves!

Thus, when we create Resistance to these challenges by thinking "What did I do to deserve this?" THAT’S the Bad Karma.

So, this begs the question, what is "Good Karma?"

Isn’t Good Karma simply our ability to flow with and be proactive to these challenges?

Yes, but maybe not entirely so. (Listen closely . . . this is BIG).

Maybe that is not enough.

Personally, I am – just as you may be – always proactive toward what I face . . . even though I may complain about it!

And please do not tell me not to complain! (occasional complaining is allowed. In my book it’s called being authentic!).

But there is a second essential thing that you and I really need to embrace besides being proactive to have Good Karma. And here it is:

To have Good Karma, we have to shift from Resistance to Appreciation.

Now, that does not mean I should be thankful for the challenge. And telling me to be thankful DOES NOT make me FEEL any better, thank you. (Especially when it may make me feel like THROTTLING YOU for telling me that! – the attitude which, only, of course, goes to make more Bad Karma. . . )

What I do find easy and very self-empowering to do is to acknowledge the fact that I have the persistence that people with truly "Bad Karma" do not have.

So, indeed, "Good Karma" by definition is simply . . .

"The self-empowering appreciation of your own persistence in the face of your personal challenges."

So now,  you tell me:

Do you indeed have "Bad Karma?"

Do I?

Can it be that the true answer is simply a matter of how we answer the question?

Yours for the greatest wealth,

* In my next newsletter, I will share with you the
best technique I know for creating "Good Karma."

* GREAT NEWS!: If you have already received The
Gifts of Life 1-12 and have obtained the Wealthy
Soul book series ( ), you
will be receiving Gift 13 of Humor just after Thanksgiving
weekend (appropriate, huh?)

These new Gifts are complete with
beautiful music and special effects.
One new exquisite Gift of Life will follow
each week for 18 weeks – the end product
of 3 years of work.I thank you for your
patience! Please continue  emailing
me your wonderful comments on how these
new Gifts affect your life and make
you feel. I will soon publish a web
page with all your lovely comments.