Resolutions of the Spirit

From: Te Aroha Taki
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:39 PM
To: Dr. Michael Norwood (and all caring souls)
Subject:  (Tsunami Tragedy)

This is the last day of the year 2004…Such tragic events
overseas I pray for them all, the dead, the dying, the
living and the lost people…what else can we do????

There is nothing mankind will ever achieve that compares
with the wrath the natural world can pour on us. If we do
not pray and be thoughtful to all others, race, creed,
colour, environment, global love is what is needed now…..

To make the powers that be….take note…they are the cause
by generating the fear in peoples minds, the thoughts, words
and actions they convey to the masses….all they are
concerned about is & who would be needing money
at a time like this…when people are traumatised, scared, &
lost….who will distribute money to people fairly who is
going to be helping.. when all people want is shelter, food
and love.

Dr.Michael, you can use my words where you believe will help
others to make meaningful changes, to gain a different and
hopefully beneficial outlook that encompasses more
peace,love for all others where ever they may be in this
beautiful & wonderful world that we live in.

Thank you & may you through your work and gifts sent to us
all achieve the loving changes in every one you touch.

God Bless and Arohanui,

Te Aroha Taki
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand

Michael Norwood:

Dear Te Aroha,

Thank you for sharing your deep and heartfelt thoughts.
Indeed, it is hard not to be upset seeing all the suffering
taking place. Viewing all the news on the Tsunami has made
me look deep and be thankful for little things.

I personally find it empowering to look more at effects than
at causes in this case, what I can only call "Resolutions of
the Spirit":

– How people are so beautifully reaching out to help
others . . . from Presidents, to citizens, to you
and me.

– How, indeed, the world is united in this effort:
Asian and American, friend and foe, Democrat and
Republican, white and brown and black.

– How my own personal challenges seem so
insignificant compared to the lives lost and the
people suffering.

– How tragedy allows you and me to expand our hearts
and clear our minds.

– How it allows you and me to realize what’s
important and "who’s" really important in our lives.

– How, indeed, in years ahead, we will look back and
remember the devastation . . .  yet at the same time
marvel at how we, as humans, are capable of
recovering and triumphing over even the most
horrific of challenges.

Thank you for opening up this discussion, Aroha. I will put
this up on my web log ("blog") and allow others to share
their beautiful thoughts to begin the sacred healing

God bless,

*** I invite you, who are reading this, to share
your own beautiful feelings and empowering
"Resolutions of the Spirit" to my list above by
adding your "Comments" below. Your words
and personal stories will touch thousands of
others. Let us all begin to transform this tragedy
into an event that opens our hearts and quickens our
intimately connected spirits.

Do you have bad karma? (KEVIN)

I really like that, Kevin: " When you feel the power and beauty of life, of being on this Earth at this time in history to live your destiny, any "setback" simply becomes a minor stop on your path to greatness."

Indeed, if we can keep the bit picture in focus, the day to day challenges just seem to lose significance.  Amen.


Great topic Michael!

Whether you were raised Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Doiast, or what-have you, there’s a fundamental belief in all spiritual walks of life – life’s challenges are put before us so that we can learn and grow from them.

Continue reading “Do you have bad karma? (KEVIN)”