“The beauty was so staggering.”

You may want to argue with what I have to say here –

You may believe that television is a waste of time, as many
people do (despite continuing to watch hours of "junk" a day!).

But I believe, depending upon what you choose to watch,
television can be one of the most transformative mediums
in your life.

I say this because there are extraordinary Wealthy Soul lessons certain shows can teach you without you having to go through the oftentimes great challenge of living through those particular experiences yourself.

Up until recently, there were four particular moments on television that I always counted as touching me to the deepest core of my soul.

Then, in the last few months, there came a fifth.

I am a collector of such moments. And this particular one came on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

The entire program had held me absolutely transfixed. And then the featured guest, who had told one of the most extraordinary stories I ever witnessed, said the words about his experience that I’ll never forget:

     "The beauty in the midst of it was so staggering."

The context in which the young man said these words is truly life-changing. And I say "is" as opposed to "was" because I wish you to be present with those words for at least the next week.

Hold them in your silences. And look deeply in your own life where such words might apply.

And if you can begin to see their hidden relevance to the most unexpected of your own experiences, you will discover a brilliant new meaning and depth to your life.

Next week I’ll share with you who the guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show was and the story that led him to say such words.

Meanwhile, meditate on how "the beauty in the midst of" one of your own experiences "was so staggering."

     What experience was it?

     Was such beauty expected?

      Or was this beauty, as in the case of Oprah Winfrey’s guest, a paradox?

      A Gift?

     The last thing you could have imagined under such circumstances?

     And therefore, was such beauty an act of Grace?

Share your experience in the form at the bottom of this page. You will not only light up your own soul, you’ll light up the souls of thousands ofother Wealthy Soul readers from around the world.

A big bear hug to you,


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** Now, go ahead and add your own story how "The beauty in the midst of your own experience was so staggering."