“Your Fatal Flaw” – the winner!

Chrissey’s response on my blog at http://tinyurl.com/9t6h7 was the first that came closest to figuring out the answer to last week’s newsletter. She said: “The one thing I have learned about human nature is its phenomenal ability to go into denial rather than be responsible for ones own behavior.”

But Chrissey didn’t figure out if it was the husband or wife. And there’s a profound difference between “being in denial” – where you won’t admit something to yourself – as opposed to not being willing to admit you’re wrong to others even when you know it yourself. This was the phenomena so beautifully demonstrated in this episode of “House”.

Suresh Menon figured out who was lying and how the show ended, and was correct when he said “They {people} resort to lies to escape the consequences.” But he preluded it by saying “You could figure it out because your background as a holistic doctor has taught you that most human beings cannot resist the temptation of love and sex.”

Though this obviously has truth to it, it was not a primary reason the writers would have chosen this ending for the show. The primary reason was to portray how, as I described in the newsletter, “people sometimes would rather die than admit to being wrong.”

So, Chrissey nor Suresh got it completely correct. However, because both came closer than anyone else, I’ll let both share the prize and give each a 25 minute coaching session. (Chrissey and Suresh, please email me by replying to this week’s newsletter and we’ll set a time up).

Now, my friend, please provide your personal thoughts, comments and stories to the Wealthy Soul lesson portrayed in this magnificent T.V. episode. Comment box is below.

A big hug!


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Your Fatal Flaw

On a recent television episode of the hit medical drama series, "House," the doctors are completely bewildered over the diagnosis of a woman who is mysteriously dying. Her main symptom is such deep sleep she can’t wake up except for brief periods.

After endless testing and eliminating every possible cause, the only diagnosis that remains which matches her symptoms is African Sleeping Sickness. Though treatment will cure the otherwise fatal disease, the medical team cannot dispense the cure without being certain of the diagnosis.

The doctors question the woman’s husband if she or he ever has been to Africa. The husband states that neither of them ever have. The medical team is forced to ask a very delicate question: if he or his wife has ever had an affair – because the disease can be transmitted sexually.

Continue reading “Your Fatal Flaw”

“What’s Irritating You?”

RE: Gift 30 of Immortality

Michael, thanks for the "gift".

I too am awakened in the night (lately) and that is when I turn to your book. I am at the part where you are in hand to hand (combat) with Dr. Solihin. Perhaps something is “irritating me” too??

I really appreciate the concept of the soul being pure vs our minds and maybe we should try to let the soul run the show more… I think I will try to do that!



The Wealthy Soul:

Dear Kevin,

Thanks for sharing your kind thoughts.

Indeed, we’d all be better off if we could let the Soul “run the show” a bit more. But we’ve got this thing called a mind, that . . . well . . . seems to have a mind of it’s own!

Sleep tight!

Many blessings,