How a Pizza Changed My Life

That's right.

A Pizza.

Changed my life.

A mushroom pizza, to be specific.

With onions.

No kidding.

The date was February 24, 2007.

A Saturday.

Let me explain the beautiful thing that happened to me that night.

It started with an order of pizza.

I order it about once a month.


Because, the rest of the month it's all beans for me.

And salads.

And coconuts.

And fruits.

And nuts.

And grains.

And fresh veggies.

And free-range eggs.

And yogurt.

And all organic, mind you.

Having been around a lot of illness in my life, I treat my body preciously.

However, I throw pizza in every once in awhile to pay homage to the 100 billion cerebral neurons God gave you and me.

You know –

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