Do you have bad karma? (Pete – BiPolar Bear)

I hope when you mention "good kharma" you are open to God’s presence and the working of the Holy Spirit.  When faced with these "challenges" I think knowing how little we can do on our own and how much we can do with God’s help is crucial.

I face the challenge of manic-depression.  Through more than forty years of cycling up and down I’ve learned that I can’t pull myself up by my own bootstraps.  One lesson that I’m still slowly learning is how weak I am by myself and how dependent I am on the Holy Spirit.

Viktor Frankel said that in the end we may have no control over our situation, but we do control how we respond to it.  Even in the depths of a concentration camp as he found himself there were some who did not give in to despair and evil.  I think that power comes not just from within,  but also through reliance on God.

I have no control over my mood swings, but I DO have control over what I do about them. I think without belief in God and his working in my life I couldn’t make sense of why I have this condition.  It makes me sensitive to others with mental disorders and others considered "weak" in our society.  I want to use my gifts of writing and cartooning and singing about my condition to help others realize they’re not alone and promote a greater understanding by the public.

It’s not an "Us vs. Them" situation.  We are your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters and husbands and wives, your co-workers and friends.  We have something to offer society, a different perspective from outside the culture of winners and losers.  Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

     Peace and Love,      Pete Nelson (BipolarBear)



Oh, how I love your response, Pete!

Your words remind me of the movie "A Beautiful Mind." Indeed, we only have control over our response – not the situation. And therein is where the Good or Bad Karma gets created.

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