Do you have bad karma? (Linda)

I’m impressed with the depth of thought and wisdom in some of the emails regarding Karma.  I’m also saddened by the difficulties some of you have suffered.

I’ve given Karma a lot of thought over the years and I have to agree with Dragonfly who mentions the Talmud, the Torah and Buddhist and Christian writings.  For every action there’s a re-action.

I’ve had many difficulties over the past 3 years and like many, I was asking myself why me?  When I finally admitted to myself and to God that there’s someone I hurt deeply, my life started changing for the better again. I will be apologizing personally soon and put that past behind me.

Many blessings to all,




Very good point, Linda – for every action there’s a re-action. And isn’t Good Karma created when our reaction is proactive as opposed to purely reactive? And isn’t our own re-action to the re-action the point of possible pro-action?

I believe Karma doesn’t necessarily take thousands of years to "come around." It can be as quick as a a small self-generated miracle away!

One Reply to “Do you have bad karma? (Linda)”

  1. Hi,
    What about reincarnation? If you believe in reincarnation, you believe that after one incarnation and you “die,” you are on an astral plane, where you and a Spirit Guide plan your next life.
    You go as far as to decide that IF you do not do what you were put here to accomplish, what bad things will happen to you, to try to steer you on track! As in, if someone stands in your way, they are gone from your life. You can lose your income, your job, your savings, your home, have accidents and illness.
    You pretty much, cause your own problems.
    Nothing is ever a waste, IF you learn something from it!

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