Do you have bad karma? (Llona)

Hi Michael: I read your email with interest and it made me smile. It made me think of all the times I have said, "why me, what have I done to deserve this?" Looking back, however, I realized that the things that have happened have taught me invaluable lessons about life and have made me a better person. Due to these bad/unhappy times I have learned patience, tolerance towards others and have come to firmly believe that nothing happens without a reason. If you can get through the difficult time, you will at some point look back and an understanding will come and you will say, "so that’s why!" I believe that if you do bad things and live in negativity, you create your own bad karma. If you live to the best of your abilities,have a positive attitude and show kindness and compassion towards your fellow creatures of all kinds, good karma will be there. We all make mistakes, we all have bad times/days, we all do things that we feel bad about, but if we learn from these things and do better – that is what counts. Take care and don’t be discouraged. Your "bad karma" gave us an opportunity to write to you today.



Your excellent comments, Llona, remind me of what a friend once rhetorically asked me when I was feeling very time-pressured. He said:

"Have you done all you could do?"

When I realized I indeed had done all I could do, it made me realize there was no use fretting over what I couldn’t do.

And, indeed, your comments and my friend’s question reminds us all that there does indeed seem to be "a season for all things." And isn’t Good Karma, afterall, having the wisdom to understand that, with patience, our season always comes?

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