Do you have bad karma? (Marcia Ann)

Whenever something happens in my life that I would label as "bad" karma, I immediately begin to look for the lesson that needs to be learned from this "bad" karma. I know that whatever the lesson is, I need to learn it, for somewhere in my life I will need this information.  The "bad" karma turns into a blessing for me and my family.  Sometimes it teaches me patience, perseverance, or how to handle things when I am told  "NO, not this time" or just "NO"!  Most of the time when this happens, I find  that something better is around the corner, so the  "NO" was a "WAIT!"   I believe God is constantly honing me for His will, shaping me to become better and better as His person.  Peace and many blessings,   Marcia Ann



Your comments, Marcia, remind me of the words to one of my favorite songs: "Unanswered Prayers." Whether we’re a country-western singer, a stay-at-home mom, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, all of our wishes don’t always come true.

Thank God (literally!), and ourselves, when we can have the strength of faith – and then the proof! – of the existence of A Bigger Plan. Those Wealthy Souls who learn to go with the flow know exactly what you mean.

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