Do you have bad karma? (Chip)

I do not not believe in “bad” or “good” karma. Karma just is. Who are we to know if something is good or bad in the greater view of our soul’s journey? With each challenging event that occurs we have a choice, to center ourselves and act, or react. Holding on to the notion of judging whether karma, or anything, is good or bad, only sets us up for again judging if our actions are going to produce more good or bad. How to we know? It’s only conjecture and yet another opportunity for our overactive, ego centered, thinking mind to take us over. If we move from a centered place, a heart place, what we produce will be the right action. Again, neither good nor bad.



Precisely! Did Nelson Mandela have Bad Karma going through all he did? Do professional athletes have better karma than me or you because of their fame, talent and salaries? Ultimately, it is exactly what you say, Chip – how we respond to the challenges and the lives we were given.

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