“Where are the Wealthy Souls?”

I ended my last newsletter, The Geisha and the Wealthy Soul, asking you these two questions about Wealthy Souls:

          "Do you know where to find them?"

          "Do you know HOW to find them?"

In the past as many as 70 of you have responded on my blog when I’ve asked similar questions.

Only 12 of you responded to these two questions, perhaps showing how rare it can be to find a true Wealthy Soul, or at least to see a bonified Wealthy Soul act.

Or perhaps the truth is that you and I are so busy . . . we’re so tuned to our "agenda of the day" . . . we don’t see the magic occurring right before our very eyes when it does happen. . .

So, I want you to stretch yourself on this one, my friend.


Open your heart and your eyes and look around you.

Go back to the blog now. Reread the last newsletter there if you need reminding of what a true Wealthy Soul act looks like.

See the 12 beautiful stories and comments left by some of our brother and sister Wealthy Souls, and focus in on the Wealthy Soul acts you have seen in your own life . . . share the most memorable of these. . . and leave your answers to the questions there.

Later this week I’ll share with you my own answers to those two all-important questions about Wealthy Souls:

          "Do you know where to find them?"

          "Do you know HOW to find them?"

The answers, my friend, are life-giving. You can start by drinking from that well yourself and creating "Wealthy Soul Manna," via sharing your thoughts and stories in the Comments box just below.

A big Soul-filled hug!

21 Replies to ““Where are the Wealthy Souls?””

  1. Wealthy soul moments:
    A minister having endured five years of seeking to bring peace and balance to a chaotic church filled with past scandal, betrayal, and imbalanced religious practice was ready to throw in the towel and leave. The congregation had split 3 times due to staff undermining yet he continued to show grace. Members were divided on seeking to destroy his ministry yet he stayed firm. The final blow sent all but 65 people out the doors. At this moment, he considered leaving the ministry. Then on a Saturday he entered the church at the call of a maintenance problem and there were the 65 people all waiting for him to arrive. He was led up to the podium, asked to sit down in a chair, then one by one each person got up to speak of how he had touched their lives with the love of God in the five years he was there. It ended with pleads for him to remain in the ministry where God had called him as a young man.
    Second story:
    During the Depression, my grandmother was one of the few women who worked and brought in income as a nurse in So. Ill. town where she lived. Because supplies and money were so hard to come by, and things were rationed out, frequently there were reports of illness. One such time there was a young Italian family whose child was deathly ill and in need of innoculations. They were poor and unable to see a doctor. My grandmother took it upon herself to visit this boy, staying up with him day and night to administer the medications he needed to survive and get well. Numerous other occasions were reported of her by-passing Dr.’s orders to assist poor persons in the town, and as head nurse at that time, she had the knowledge, experience, and will to do so.

  2. After 24 years of having a really bad relationship with my mom, she has now become my wealthy soul and I have become hers.
    After our home was robbed 3 times in 3 days over christmas, after the third disasterous call to my mom to say that the very last of our stuff was cleaned out of our home, she told me that we now have a very clean slate (which was one of our prayers) to start the New Year with. She also said that we build best when our backs are against the wall and that it was time to build a new, bigger, greater life for us.
    Thank you that there are wealthy souls around us without which I would never have survived the last disasterous year.
    I hope that I may fulfill that need in just 5 people every month. That would make me happy.

  3. After 24 years of having a really bad relationship with my mom, she has now become my wealthy soul and I have become hers.
    After our home was robbed 3 times in 3 days over christmas, after the third disasterous call to my mom to say that the very last of our stuff was cleaned out of our home, she told me that we now have a very clean slate (which was one of our prayers) to start the New Year with. She also said that we build best when our backs are against the wall and that it was time to build a new, bigger, greater life for us.
    Thank you that there are wealthy souls around us without which I would never have survived the last disasterous year.
    I hope that I may fulfill that need in just 5 people every month. That would make me happy.

  4. I thought about the questions:
    “Do you know where to find them?”
    “Do you know HOW to find them?”
    The help you need is always near. You just have to open your heart.Don’t be afraid to show your feelings.If you offer your love and help to the ones who need it, help will come to you in your time of need.Just keep your heart open and loving. Take time to see and care for the ones around you. Empathy – your pain in my heart.
    I don’t have words to thank for the gifts you send. They touch my soul.I send them to my friends they send them to other people. You talk to many people here and they listen and care.
    I live in Romania. How can I get your books here?
    May I tell you my stories?

  5. Mike, thank you for this opportunity. As I thought about who do I know that has a wealthy soul, I was brought to the thought of my mother. She married at a very young age and worked as a nurse. After bearing 10 children, my father died at a very young age of 42.
    My mother was left to raise all 10 of us … with very little money to support us. What did she do??? She perservered with very little money, no job, and the question everyday of how am I going to feed my children. Even though at the time, I did not realize that she was emotionally drained, I realize now that she did what was most important ~ keep the family together, keep focused on what is best for her children and keep these children on the straight and narrow. Her approach to raising us was very consistent and firm but never through physical punishment. She earned a respect from us through her words and actions. As I write this and realize her birthday is approaching next month, I will write her a note to thank her for all that she has given and sacrificed for all 10 of us. I know I have never been thankful enough. Thank you for providing a space to share and to pause.

  6. I’ve been blessed in life as I’ve had many giving and receiving ‘Wealthy Soul’ moments. The inner love I have for each of these souls is still with me.
    The story below is one that I had many years ago with what I call one of my ‘angels’.
    Now as many know large families tend to have some dysfunction in them. I was one of five children and being in the middle I was picked on often by one of my brothers.
    My parents decided we should take a road trip. Along our route my Dad planned to stop and see a few business associates. After a long few days on the road we stopped at one of my Dad’s clients homes.
    The hot car and long ride had made us tired and grouchy, and I had a red mark or three on my legs where my brother had pinched me. By the time we arrived inside the home, I was in tears. To make matters worse, my parents forcefully told me that I must sit in a chair and not move — while my brother was still throwing a fit and acting up.
    I sat and said nothing, but the child inside me was still crying.
    Then who should walk through the door but a kindly gray haired lady with a smile that lit up the room. She waltzed over to me, smiled and said a few words to me and my day brightened. ‘Just a minute dear’ she said, and she went into the other room. When she returned she had a gift-wrapped box, and she dropped it in my lap with a few soft words and a big smile. Well my tears started drying up.
    In that box was a necklace and earring set with a cross on them. The whole time my father chatted with the couple I was fingering the locket and thinking ‘This is so nice.’
    We finally left the ‘angels’ house, and of course things heated up again in the car. It didn’t matter though, whenever I felt bad I just looked at my locket and smiled.
    Now though that is not the end of the story. I outgrew the locket through the years, and being rather unorganized I always put it somewhere that I thought it would be safe, only to lose it for some time.
    Through the years that locket just followed me around. Anytime that anything is going a bit wrong in my life — pop! from seemingly out of nowhere to my version of somewhere the locket reappears and always brings a fresh smile to my face and a song to my heart.
    I hope that the times I’ve helped others — even with just a smile –that it’s brightened their day as much as the locket has my life!
    Where to find Wealthy Souls? Everywhere and anywhere, down the block and up your street!
    How to find Wealthy Souls? Open up one’s heart to anyone and everyone and ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’. Keep ones eyes open so that one may see, and ears open so that one may hear. Live and love with the full mind – spirit – and soul!

  7. By a “Wealthy Soul” I think would mean someone who has reached a level of personal growth who has the ability of seeing or foreseeing. The seeing or foreseeing may relate to events that are happening or likely to happen. If the events are beneficial the wealthy soul encourages & acknowledeges them.
    If the events are going to be unlikely to benefit, the wealthy soul takes action to prevent or warn those concerned.
    Where events have happened & grief resulted, the wealthy soul is sympahtetic & has empathy with the grief stricken.
    My young brother John fits the “Wealthy Soul” category extremely well.
    When my daughter who was 4 months old had a heart surgery, my brother who lives in Australia, phoned me every week.
    He was at her funeral a month later. He did not say anything but he was there every time I looked up.
    For a whole year I could tell before the phone rang that he was going to call. For the first few months he phoned weekly, then monthly. Each time I would tell my wife that John was going to call & the phone would ring. For me my brother John is most definitely a “Wealthy Soul.

  8. Haven’t seen the Geisha movie yet but have read reviews. Will look out for it in our area. Enjoy receiving your emails out of the blue. Today received your Gift 7 of Soon-to-be-Angels series and was moved to tears by the message, vision and music. Many thanks for distributing kind and gentle thoughts around the planet. Keep up the good work.

  9. First off I want to thank you for blessing my life with your beautiful words. Many times in my life I have felt like a lost ship looking for a safe harbor. I was often one against many in what I believed in. When I found you on the net my first thoughts were that I had found a soul that thought as mine did. For that I thank you.
    I purchased your books and at the time of my purchase it was impressed upon me to buy two sets. At the time of purchase I did not even know to whom the other set was going to go. I just knew that I had to trust and eventually I would know. While praying one night my renter’s name was impressed upon me just as the the purchase of the books had been. Knowing that this was my answer to whom the books should go to, I quickly made up a Christmas basket and included the books as a gift to her.
    In order to understand the significance of this gift one first needs to understand the story of how our renter came into our life.
    We are an average family living comfortably. We have 4 very active boys and with that comes many expenses. Despite what seemed to be many odds against us, we decided to upgrade to a larger home by tapping into some of our equity and turning the older home into a rental property.
    My husband is a very cautious man whereas I am a risk taker. To make a long story short, we weighed all the pros and cons and ultimately decided to pursue the business opportunity. While our loan was being worked on for the new home, I proceeded to place over $500 in advertising for the rental property so that we could have a renter in place by the time we moved to the new home. The day kept getting closer and closer till my husband began to worry that we would not be able to find a renter which would in turn be a financial disaster for us ultimately after a few months because there was no way we could afford the two houses together.
    So a few nights before we were due to move, I prayed to God that if there was any time that my husband needed to see prove that one needed only to have the faith of a mustard seed, now was it and if he could please just steer a renter our way. That morning our renter called. She had just been crying and explained that she had just opened up the local Penny Saver and there was our house.
    We talked for a little and agreed to meet. It turned out that she was a landlord’s worst nightmare and no one in their right mind should rent to her. She was a lovely person and very sweet, just not someone you would want to rent to. She disclosed to us that she had just seperated from her husband who had been her childhood sweetheart, they had two kids, they had just sold their home and were filing for divorce because of her husband’s infidelities. My husband did not want anything to do with her. I on the other hand felt that she was meant to come into our life for some reason. I did not know at the moment why though. Bless my husband, despite his reluctance to rent to her, he trusted my blind faith. She signed her lease agreement and became our renter. Then the problems began….
    She was late on her rent every month, we were getting complaints from our former neighbors regarding excessive partying, stench from her dog’s mess was beginning to create a problem, she brought in sub-renters in violation of her contract, our home was slowly getting thrashed. In the four months she’s been in our home we have had to send three certified letters. In those letters I pleaded with her not to put us in a situation where we would have to evict her because I was not worried about her as much as I was about her children. I told her it would break my heart to have to put your children out. When she almost died in an accident and tried to use it as an excuse for why she was not able to drop off her rent, I asked her what she was doing out riding motorcycles when she should be out looking for a job. I would continually ask her why she had all these bad influences around her child when she claims they are the most important things in her life. I was tough but I was caring as well. I tempered everything I said with reality. I’ve had to drive her to her bank on some occasions to collect our rent. She lost her job the first month into our rent, her friend steals her car and punctures the engine the second month into the lease, her husband served her divorce papers on their 10-year anniversary, her oldest son moved out to stay with dad leaving his younger brother with his mom, she got involved in a motorcycle accident and almost dies, the list just goes on and on. All throughout this painful journey I have been sharing with her my painful experiences and how I came out of the dark and into the light. I shared with her how my husband and I had seperated for a year and how I had taken my son home to my parents with me to pull myself out of a nervous breakdown. Though I did not have the same experience of infidelity that she had endured…mine was just as bad because I had the mother-out-law problem. I was dealing with such a dysfunctional family that I ended up having a nervous breakdown. In short, I told her that I’ve walked in shoes very similar to hers. She of course thinks it’s all a speal to get her to pay rent. When I heard that she was feeding her son food from the dollar store because that was all she could afford, I surprised her with a Thanksgiving turkey. On Christmas I sent over the gift basket I had made up with your books in it and explained why I had been led to share you with her.
    Unlike with the turkey where she had called thanking me profusely, I got the exact opposite reaction with the basket. No thank you, no Merry Christmas…just silence. Unfortunately for me, I caught the flu and since she had already paid us for December, I really did not have any major need in which I had to call her.
    Here we are in January and last week she called finally and left us a message. She was giving her 30-day notice and would not be able to pay rent for January. Fortunately for us, we had a significant security deposit which included earnest monies she defaulted on. In her message to us she expressed her gratitude for our kindness towards her and her family. She thanked us for cradling her and sheltering her for four months. She said that her mother was so touched by what we had done for her daughter that she wanted to meet us to thank us in person.
    A few days ago my husband, out of irritation, said, “I don’t know what you ever saw in her. She was a flake from the beginning.”
    I looked at my husband and told him that no one is perfect in this life. We all have our faults and our weaknesses. Some people need a little more guidance than others when they are lost. Some stay lost forever.
    I told him how fortunate we were that God brought her to us despite all the peripheral problems she brought with her. So many of our friends have properties that are still vacant to this day but yet God provided for us in our time of need. His only concession was that we be his tool in her life. Now that she is ready to move out and move in with her mother, our job is done and we move on. Just as she is moving out we received news that my husband’s mother may need surgery and I told him, without selling the house, we would never be able to help her out the way we would be needed to help out. When our renter gave us her earnest money and the security, we had put all that money in a CD and just picked how many months at random. Would you belive that it matures a few weeks before she moves out. Everything is timed to God’s time. She is moving out and our realtor keeps thinking we are going to have to serve eviction papers on her. I keep telling him that though I know he has experience with renters, it will not get to that point because this was different. I also told him that me forcing her to pay this months rent through legal means would not be worth it to me if it meant that I would be taking what was left of her dignity and self worth in the process. I would rather be out the rent monies than have a part in destroying someone’s life.
    I have never felt better about anything in my life. This whole experience has allowed my husband to learn a little more about humanity and what it means to be a part of it.
    Your question was if we knew where to find wealth souls…
    I believe that they are everywhere around us but ultimately it is us who become the wealthy souls when we reach that point in our lives when all the life lessons we have received begin to make sense. It is that”AHA” moment when you say to yourself that all the painful or happy journey’s you’ve taken in your life have come to full circle when you’ve impacted the life of another for the better and in doing so you too become a better person and become a little more wealthier in your soul for having shared of yourself.
    Your second question was if we knew how to find them…
    I think the only reason I know how to find wealthy souls is because I trust my soul to lead me to them. What has led me to this trust? I had to fall flat on my face a few times till I could fall flat no more. It was in my lowest of lowes that I think I finally saw the light that was there for me to reach out to. I went through all the stages…denial, projection, selfishness, etc. As strange as it sounds…the pain eventually set me free to see. The more I shared my pain and the lesson my pain taught me, the more free I became.
    Here’s my childhood in a nutshell…
    My mother walked out on me when I was two and my brother who was 7. I had no conscious recollection of her and so my father made the decision that I was never to be told. Our father remarried and since I was the spitting image of my mother, my “mom” was always tearing into me. Back then people tried to justify it as discipline…I now know it as abuse. (She and I are now the best of friends I should say)My brother upon hitting his teenage years got into all sorts of trouble including abusing crystal meth so at 18, my father kicked him out of the house and for three years we did not know if he was dead or alive. He’s now hooked up with our real mom who is now his enabler. He has done so much drugs in his life that at 47 he can’t even have a decent conversation for more than 2 minutes. He’s the sweetest and kindest man you could ever hope to meet…but he’s destroyed his brain. For 21 years I lived a life full of family only to receive a strange phone call saying that no, this was all a lie and that I should ask my father about the truth. The next day after the phone call my father walks into my room and says, “Let me tell you the General Hospital version of our family”. From there on my life began to crumble. I attempted suicide more than twice, including an attempt while I was pregnant with my now oldest son. My list goes on and on…the most recent additions have been two surgeries on my knee cap, almost losing my 4th son because I began to hemorrage and because of which I ended up having a complete hysterectomy. In all my experiences, I have had two nervous breakdowns within a 7 year period.
    I thank God everyday that he saw past my stupidness and thought me worthy enough to keep pulling me though my mess. Little by little I took it upon myself to help myself. I took Psychology classes and in doing so learned why my step mom did what she did or rather what led her to do the things she did. I read almost every self-help book that was out there. Until eventually I pulled myself out of the muck.
    I am a wealthy soul for all of the experiences, both good and bad, that I have been blessed with. I am a wealthy soul for having been blessed with 4 beautiful boys. I am a wealthy soul for having fought through the bad times in my marriage in order to savor the good times. I am a wealthy soul for more reasons than I can state. We are all wealthy souls for being given the miracle of life. I give thanks everyday for the invisible wealth I have inherited from my heavenly father.
    I apologize for the length of this…I did not even realize how long I’d been writing. It’s now 3am and I still have to get up early to take the kids to school.
    In closing, wealthy souls abound…they are our family members, they are our neighbors and our friends. They could also be the stranger that approaches you in their time of need. One need only to open to the lesson that is needing to be taught in order to reap the invisible wealth that feeds our souls.

  10. Nancy, although my journey in life has used me to be a wealthy soul, I can honestly say that today you have been a wealthy soul to me. I speak prosperity into your life, and I see you sharing your story with the world in a published book. Praise God for you my sister! God Bless you and your family!

  11. I am a 53 year widow, with two small children 10 and 13. My husband died after a six week illness of a brain tumor. I relate to his end of life, with such dementia, to that of an older person. Today I consider myself a Wealthy Soul. I am helping one of his co-workers, who is also dying of cancer (also a widower) deal with some very honest views on life. I myself, found my Wealthy Soul two doors away. He is a single parent, raising a son.
    He calls us grown up hippies living in the past. I think that in today’s society that “downsizing your life” is a fad, but we truely want to live that way. After being a widow almost three years now, I think I am 75% of the way to the life I crave.
    How true—when you need a Wealthy Soul, you will find them.

  12. Hi Michael and fellow wealthy souls..I can only state how the more I look inside myself for what may appear to be hidden from me, and the more I say to myself “I let the Universe Bless me”, without hesitation the missing or hidden thing shows up, on time, in rich appropriate form. Your Books showed up when I was contemplating how I was going to get through the holidays without work and money. The answers I received in prayer and meditation was to actively Love myself more everday. And…..everyday, someone gave me money or something that I needed without me having to ask. I had a person in need of my tutoring service pay me in advance. So tell me Michael what does a Wealthy Soul NOT look like, and where they are not? Blessings,
    Yolanda Pope

  13. Where are the Wealthy Souls and How do you find them?
    They are everywhere it is a matter of perception. Every person you come in contact with is a Wealthy Soul. We just have to really see them. It is up to us to open to the gifts that are present all around us. Like the lessons in your book everything that happens to us molds us or forms us into who we are becoming.
    We are constantly gifted with Wealthy Souls who show us parts of our Self. Every interaction with another is an opportunity to grow, to learn, to commune. Every relationship we have is a mirror of our Self. We are constantly being given the chance to Love our Self through Loving others.
    We are also being shown how we don’t Love or Tolerate our Self by being presented with people we have a hard time Loving or Tolerating. Every person in your life has a purpose, especially those who are giving you a hard time. The Dark Teachers in your life are doing you the best service because they are willing to play the bad guy just so you will learn from them.
    So if we all took the attitude of seeing every other person in our life as a Wealthy Soul we would benefit our Self tremendously.
    Michael, Thank you so much for your work.
    With Love,

  14. I thik we should all quit watching the news, which tries to convince us that there are no wealthy souls out there, and take the same time to notice the wealthy souls around us, and make every attempt to be wealthy souls ourselves.

  15. I would want to say the wealthy souls are among us, among me. Some
    without even knowing yet that they have this very special gift. If the Word is in them, their light will shine through. If they are afraid, they need to see US shine through for them to ask more questions of us, leading them to understand and learn what they have deeply locked away just waiting to come out of them. If the Word is not in them, they will
    run the other way from me or ask what it is of my light allowing me to share my Wealthy Soul to them to ponder.
    I find them what a bear is to honey or what a bear is to the fish; a smile on their face loving every minute of life for that day.
    In deep concentrated prayer, I ask if there is anything I can do for Him in helping someone and my trust for that day will lead me to where they are at.
    May you all be blessed and shine your lights throughout the world.

  16. Greetings:
    I wonder how many of you will think this a little strange perhaps, but I think there are lots of wealthy souls around us and many of them run on four legs! I think my dog is a wealthy soul. She, like most pets, is such a wonderful companion, being so non-judgemental and loving. I have had a couple of somewhat rough years, with health issues and loosing a business. Many times I have felt really down, and always she is there looking at me with those searching eyes as if to say “I’m here and I love you”. Many times when I haven’t being feeling well, she will come and lie up close to me and I am sure she is trying to keep me warm. SHe doesn’t ask for much. A nice walk every day and a juicy bone once in a while and she is content. I think many people in the world could really learn a great deal if they just stopped to look at the love and devotion that a pet brings to their human and the joy that one gets from their company.
    Yes, I really do think my dog is a wealthy soul.

  17. Christine _ Jan 10th
    Thank you for sharing your story, your strength and your wisdom. You are my wealthy soul. I am where you were, doing the reading, praying and learning… same place… thoughts of suicide…i know spirit is working by guiding me to your story today… your experiences gave you compassion so you could give your renter a new chance to change her life and your love has touched many around you.
    Thank you for living and being an inpiration.

  18. PS
    You find one who changes your life..
    You find one, by becoming one. Spirit answers out needs and prayers. Not always in the way we want it to come,however, it comes in the way that will best serve our soul.

  19. My comments were somehow put under Cindy Devine’s name of January 14th, 2005. Perhaps the writings under my name, Linda Ritter were to have been Cindy Devine’s.
    Linda Ritter

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