Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (KATHERINE)

I have not had Cancer.  I do not know the cold fear of facing a disease that exists to steal my very life.  But I know the truth about losing your life, about waking up one day to view the wreckage of your own life – as if a train had run off its tracks in your backyard… or a plane had fallen from the sky into your garden.  I also know the miraculous reality of the worst that life offers being the best thing in your life.  At least that is how it was for me.  Once I lost my life –my old fearful, indulgent and visionless life- I was free to choose to make a life of living.  It is so scary …tinglely in the stomach scary…like in those really awesome roller coasters or maybe like just before you step out on the stage and the floodlights blind your eyes and you wonder what am I doing here?  But who told you of the joy, the delicious happiness that living in hope and wonder and gratitude for all of life that you would not only experience, but know for your own.  I glimpse a little more each day.  Just when I think that I’ve seen all that there is, I step over the edge into a whole new expanse of goodness.  It’s really quite humbling.  The things that I have dreaded the most; the insecurity; the aloneness; the honesty with my self have been the very catalyst for the safety, the friendships and the authenticity that I treasure more than gold.  The losing of my life was the finding of my Self.  How grateful I am for the gifts of the worst in my life…….they pointed me to life as I only dreamed and longed it to be.  I have glimpsed the truth of me.  I am True and Strong and Good.  I am Pure of Heart and reach toward Beauty.  I have Hope and Courage within me.  And I am also weak and timid and scared.  I carry my fears with in me.  I am all of these things. I am enough. I am ENOUGH. I AM ENOUGH


Michael Norwood:

"The losing of my life was the finding of my Self" – very beautiful Katherine. Roy Horn found something similar in his experience with the tiger. As do all people who transform themselves into Wealthy Souls.

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