Do you have bad karma? (KEVIN)

I really like that, Kevin: " When you feel the power and beauty of life, of being on this Earth at this time in history to live your destiny, any "setback" simply becomes a minor stop on your path to greatness."

Indeed, if we can keep the bit picture in focus, the day to day challenges just seem to lose significance.  Amen.


Great topic Michael!

Whether you were raised Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Doiast, or what-have you, there’s a fundamental belief in all spiritual walks of life – life’s challenges are put before us so that we can learn and grow from them.

I beleive, that the idea of bad or good karma is simply the view you take towards events in your life.

If you believe you’re a victim, you will feel victimized (bad karma)

throughout your life — as if life is happening outside of your control.

However, if you accept that where you are in life (poor, rich, stressed

out, bored, depressed, etc.) **is exactly where you should be**, you begin

to feel the power in your life return. God DOES have a plan for you.

When you feel the power and beauty of life, of being on this Earth at this

time in history to live your destiny, any "setback" simply becomes a minor

stop on your path to greatness.


Kevin Mahoney


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