Do you have bad karma? (CLARKE)

Regarding karma, There is no such thing in the universe. For those who know  the Triune God there is Divine providence, sowing and reaping and one day  the final judgement.

Karma is seen by most people as a principle of the universe disconnected  from a belief that there is a Creator God who is without time and is  all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present.

We do reap what we sow and the wages of our sin is physical death one day.  The Good news is that all our sin can be forgiven thru the person of Jesus  Christ, God incarnate, who died as the perfect sacrifice to free us from the  guilt and bondage of our sin.

The ultimate truth is that life comes from death, His death for us! He is  the Resurrection and the life! To you it is karma, to me He is a person who  has revealed Himself to those who cry out to him to be saved. A merciful God  who will one day restore things to their original state, the way it was  before sin entered our being.



Michael Norwood:

I like what you say, Clarke, about "Karma is seen by most people as a principle of the universe disconnected  from a belief that there is a Creator God who is without time and is  all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present."

Indeed, in my own newsletter, I was thinking of "Good Karma" and "Bad Karma" more as a figure of popular speech as opposed to a mystical interpretation of how the universe works.

I, too, believe that as you sow, so shall you reap. And I believe in it, not only in terms of long-term life and spiritual consequences, but immediate ones as well:

Think and act in an angry, unforgiving, frustrated and self-righteous manner regularly, and you fill your body with angry, unforgiving, frustrated and self-righteous free radicals and  molecules that wear the body down, cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer – and immediately make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

Think and act in a caring, strong, abundant and gracious manner, and you self-produce through your very own glands the hormones and neuro-transmitters that perpetuate your own "Good Karma" (or simply, your "connectedness to God").

And for that, kindly allow me to thank you and everyone else for sharing your grace by contributing to the Wealthy Soul blog.

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