Do you have bad karma? (ANNIE)

Dear Michael,

I’m not sure I believe in bad (or good) Karma, but I do think we’re given the exact experiences we need in order to learn the lessons we were put here to learn. And ultimately, to pass those lessons on to those we come in contact with during this lifetime.

Take me, for example; when I was 18 in 1991 and on top of the world, having just graduated from high school and feeling invincible as all teenagers do, my niece was diagnosed with cancer. She was 8. And she was the joy of my life! Her and I had a very special bond and the news hit me like a freight train.

Now, I know you went through a similar experience in your young life and understand the depth of what I was feeling. Boy, some days I just wanted to give in to those depressive thoughts I had. But, I knew for the sake of my niece – and my sister, who was her mother – that I had to be strong for both of them. I knew there was some reason, as all things have a reason, even if we can’t quite grasp what it is in the midst of the situation. So, I kept myself grounded.

At one point, just before the end – I had a realization and I just *knew* without a doubt that she would be gone later that day. And just hours before she passed away she came to and said to me "Annie, it’s ok. I know where we are." And I know that she did. She knew exactly where we were. She knew exactly the lesson we all needed to learn, the reason we were all experiencing this situation.

Years later, as a mother and a wife myself, I’ve finally caught on. And I know that even though the experiences we have can make or break us, if we allow them to, they will, indeed make us stronger. There is a reason. A lesson.

And that is, to share LIFE with those around us. To help eacother. To love. To laugh and to smile. We must stop and see the beauty God created all around us. For beauty is in the wind, in the trees, the mountains and valleys. It is in the rainbow, the ocean. In a kiss. A hug.

And in every dream.

Take care, Annie


Michael Norwood:

Ah, Annie, the experience you describe is so beautiful. I like to describe what you went through as a Near-a-Death-Experience – exquisite spirituality gained from being near the side of a loved one.

There aren’t many more difficult experiences, and there aren’t many more beautiful. You’ve touched the ethers and found the gifts.

Keep sharing them.

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