Do you have bad karma? (DIANE S.)

When I think I can, I can.  When I think I can’t, I can’t.  It can be as simple as that.  For instance, If I doubt I can be successful at achieving a goal, chances are I won’t.  I have to believe with all my might that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Sometimes, it can be fear of success or fear of failure.  Or both,  In any event, thinking right thoughts produces right actions.  Thinking bad thoughts, produces bad actions.  What I have to do is constantly be aware of what I am doing so that I am not hurting anyone or causing any problems.  I am here to help people, and to make this world a better place.  Wouldn’t you agree?


Michael Norwood:

Sounds like a Wealthy Soul life to me, Diane!

Just remember, if we allow ourselves to be pulled in too many directions, there may be nothing left for ourselves. Our first duty is always toward our own balance – and onward from there!

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