Do you have bad karma? (LEO)

After reading all the comments on Karma – good or bad it all boils down to one thing, "We are all exactly where we are supposed to be at this given point in time".  The only thing that is certain in life is "change", and just when you get used to that change (or become complacent) you get more change.
The universe has a way to keep us on our toe’s.  Love for one another is the driving force, if we as humans forget to love unconditionally.  This is the nature of some of us, to get wraped up in ourselves. The universe has a way to bring us to our knees, some people learn to be grateful, other’s never do.  Life is a mystery, if we knew the end of our story, would we read the book? I think not.  In our society of instant gratification we often want the end of the story before we have had a chance to learn and grow (which is the story). What would we have learned then? Not very much, I think.   Our great learning experiences are often associated with pain and hurt, that is unfortunate but, most do not learn from the "good times" it takes a force knocking us to our knees to make some pay attention.  A lot of things that are necessary "life" things, such as death are
often misunderstood as a bad thing or bad karma, hey! it will happen to us all, no matter what good or bad we have been delt.
We need to "get over it". So we can get on with the gratutide of being able to have a life such as ours here in a free country.
So many are not so blessed.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, minds like yours are special Michael,  as you have the ability to make other people   "think" which is at a premium now days.


Michael Norwood:

Thanks for the kind words, Leo.

Love your line, "if we knew the end of our story, would we read the book?"

Same goes sometimes for writing a book . . . !

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