Do you have bad karma? (Lise)

I started responding to you after the first paragraph – You do NOT have Bad Karma – All is as it should in life!

I believe you are a spiritual being having a human experience and since you are made by the Source – who is perfect, you are not a mistake and neither is your life and what occurs… one may not always know why but one can always be sure that its exactly as it should be!

You may not have sent the info in the time frame you had planned but when I get emails from you – its soooo timely that its perfect!  So the timing is as it should, dictated by the Source of all good!

And after finishing to read the rest of your email… I can only say that my belief has changed greatly over the year in regards to the existence of Karma… in fact I truly believe that we are perfect beings living a human experience to learn to be on purpose and all that occurs, occurs to put me on purpose and its all good, great, necessary and exactly as it should – really beautiful – my attitude towards all that I experience is definitely how I influence many outcomes! You may want to call it good Karma, I call it being on purpose.



Yes, Lise! That’s perfect! –

"Being on purpose." A great way to describe how we transform our  supposed Bad Karma into Good Karma. Or, said in a slightly different way – the way we transform our greatest challenges into Higher Good.

And isn’t that the "purpose" of our challenges, after all? To provide us the motivation to keep forging ahead, and ultimately discover that we are much greater – much more unlimited – than we ever thought we could be?

Sounds like a Divine Plan to me!

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