Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (LORNA)

My husband Brian receives this newsletter. A week ago he underwent surgery for cancer of the tongue and throat. Because of his situation we needed to look at our relationships with several people and to enter this journey we both needed to embrace what has happened in the past, forgive those who had hurt us and ask to be forgiven for the things we had done.
I guess Brian’s tiger is the cancer but already so many positive things have come from something that could have proved to be very negative. We both feel blessed to have life, this day, this moment.


Michael Norwood:

Funny, Lorna, how our greatest adversity’s either can ruin us, or allow us rise to an entire new level of life. It’s obvious which of the two paths you and Brian have chosen. God bless.

Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (CONCLUSION)

In last week’s newsletter, I told the incredible story of
Roy Horn’s near-death after being dragged by the throat by a
400lb White Tiger on stage in Las Vegas. If you haven’t yet
read this amazing story and the comments you wrote, go to:

To see my responses to many of your comments – which I’ll
continue to post on a daily basis over the next few weeks –
every morning check out:

What struck me most about your comments regarding this
story is The Way in which each of you perceived Siegfried
and Roy’s actions. Montecore, the tiger, as you read last
week has been kept as their beloved pet – an extraordinary
act of unconditional love.

      There is, however, a major twist to this story.

Continue reading “Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (CONCLUSION)”

Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (KATHERINE)

I have not had Cancer.  I do not know the cold fear of facing a disease that exists to steal my very life.  But I know the truth about losing your life, about waking up one day to view the wreckage of your own life – as if a train had run off its tracks in your backyard… or a plane had fallen from the sky into your garden.  I also know the miraculous reality of the worst that life offers being the best thing in your life.  At least that is how it was for me.  Once I lost my life –my old fearful, indulgent and visionless life- I was free to choose to make a life of living.  It is so scary …tinglely in the stomach scary…like in those really awesome roller coasters or maybe like just before you step out on the stage and the floodlights blind your eyes and you wonder what am I doing here?  But who told you of the joy, the delicious happiness that living in hope and wonder and gratitude for all of life that you would not only experience, but know for your own.  I glimpse a little more each day.  Just when I think that I’ve seen all that there is, I step over the edge into a whole new expanse of goodness.  It’s really quite humbling.  The things that I have dreaded the most; the insecurity; the aloneness; the honesty with my self have been the very catalyst for the safety, the friendships and the authenticity that I treasure more than gold.  The losing of my life was the finding of my Self.  How grateful I am for the gifts of the worst in my life…….they pointed me to life as I only dreamed and longed it to be.  I have glimpsed the truth of me.  I am True and Strong and Good.  I am Pure of Heart and reach toward Beauty.  I have Hope and Courage within me.  And I am also weak and timid and scared.  I carry my fears with in me.  I am all of these things. I am enough. I am ENOUGH. I AM ENOUGH


Michael Norwood:

"The losing of my life was the finding of my Self" – very beautiful Katherine. Roy Horn found something similar in his experience with the tiger. As do all people who transform themselves into Wealthy Souls.

Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (JANICE)

My dad was emotionally disconnected too. He would probably be surprised and hurt to even hear that.

It was emotional work to just have a conversation with him. I have no doubt it was because he had a crippled arm from having polio as a child. He told me that absolutely no one ever made fun of him. It must have been a much kinder gentler time. But he was very guarded and had emotional walls up.

I love him and miss him.


Michael Norwood:

Beautiful, Janice. You truly know what it’s all about. God bless.

Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (PATSY)

My understanding is that Roy believes that the tiger acted in a protective way towards him because of some perceived threat that the tiger sensed from an audience member.  I tend to believe that as well because I have no dought that the tiger could have killed him in an instant had that been his intention.  Because of that simple fact alone Roy is sure that the big cat acted in a loving way towards him not understanding that the cats version of "love" could be deadly to a meer mortal! 


Michael Norwood:

Yours comments, Patsy, remind me of yesterday’s post "When Love Ain’t in the Form You Like", and my respsonse to the writer of that email to me.  Thank you!

Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (LEN)

I’ve been pretty lucky in my life.  My only real mistake in this regard was in my relationship as a teenager with one of my sisters but that is well healed now.

A few others have clashed with me in my working life but life is too short to bring these relationships back to neutral ground.  Agree to disagree and move on.  Not every relationship needs to be or should be fixed.


Michael Norwood:

Indeed, Len, you can’t walk around trying to be loved by all the people all the time. Choose your battles, I say . . . but choose also your battles for your soul.

Personally, when it’s time for me to transition to the next level (go on to heaven), I’d like to do so with no "charges" in my soul. Meaning: from people I should have forgiven or asked for forgiveness in the form of my apology to them . . . sometimes even when my wrong-doing might have been a matter of perspective.

That’s coming from the perspective of "The Grand Perspective: the truly "Big Picture."

When Love Ain’t in the Form You’d Like

A reader of The Wealthy Soul book series wrote me a touching letter after reading my books. Below is my response, and in the link after you’ll find his letter:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Dear Steve,

What a beautiful letter! Besides some touching similarities between our dads, your Dad’s ways makes me think how everyone has their own way of showing and sharing their love. All we can do is accept it and be thankful for the form it takes (ie. your Dad and you with cars, me and my Dad with stocks –at least you had more of an interest in cars then I did in stocks!)

Life begins today, Steve. However your father was, however you are, it is 100% up to you how you continue to be.

Take the good and leave what you perceive as less good behind.

Grasp your life in your own hands and start developing the qualities of whoever you wish most to be!

God bless!


(See Steve’s letter by clicking "Continue Reading. . .")

Continue reading “When Love Ain’t in the Form You’d Like”

“Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth”

I would like to share with you a strangely beautiful story.
To do so, kindly allow me to introduce it by asking you to
consider a very unusual question:

What would it be like to have a 400 lb White Tiger’s
huge jaws wrapped around your tiny throat?

Roy Horn of the famed Las Vegas magic show duo, Siegfried
and Roy, was walking  on stage with the tiger he had raised
since it was a cub when the tiger unexpectedly took his arm
in its great mouth, refusing to let go.

Horn, in front of a packed audience at the MGM Grand Hotel,
began hitting the tiger over the snout with his microphone
until the tiger finally released its grasp (standard
procedure for this . . . ahem . . . "non-standard"

Then, depending upon whose version you hear in the audience,
Horn fell to the ground. (Others would say the tiger knocked
him down). The tiger then grabbed Horn’s neck in its
forbidding mouth and began dragging him off stage.

Continue reading ““Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth””

WGOD in the morning!

Received the following anonymously written poem from Wealthy Soul subscriber Carol Phillips:

    I met God in the morning,
    When my day was at its best,
    His Presence came as sunrise,
    Like a glory in my breast.

    All day long he stayed with me;
    We sailed in perfect calmness
    O’er troubled sea.

    So I think that I know the secret,
    Learned from many a troubled way.
    You must seek Him in the morning,
    If you want Him through the day.

As an early morning riser and writer, I LOVE THIS. Even when I was working full-time in holistic care, I would wake up early every morning at 5 – 6 a.m. and write.

Though I sometimes wrote for only 15 – 30 minutes, it was (and still is) enough to open my  vessel and make me feel I tuned in all day long.

What about you, my friend?

How are you going to regularly start the day tuning into God and your Highest Power so your day goes equally well?

Yours for the greatest wealth,
Michael Norwood

Loving Intentions

Received the following beautiful message from Wealthy Soul reader, Louise Gervais:

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Hi Michael,

I did begin reading the books which I received after Christmas, when I returned from visiting my family. My husband (74 years) had had a bad cough since we returned, then had a gout attack that lasted three days, then ended this by having a silent stroke.

This means his logical process is unbalanced and I have to spend all his waking moments with him. I tried to make him read short passages of the books, thinking the soothing words would help, but he can’t seem to concentrate long enough and I don’t want to insist.

I do a lot of energy and psychology medicine techniques all through the day and also sophrology relaxations with him in the morning. He does seem to be getting better day by day.

I have to thank you dearly for your messages. They sure bring comfort to my soul. Thanks for your beautiful work.

Love, Louise

– – – – – – – – – –

Dear Louise,

Thank you for your kind words! I’m honored that the books have so touched you. And that you have tried to share them with your husband. Even if he can’t pick up on the words, he can feel your loving intentions. Truly so. And nothing is more important for a healing body and a wealthy soul.

Greatest blessings!
