Do you have bad karma? (Lise)

I started responding to you after the first paragraph – You do NOT have Bad Karma – All is as it should in life!

I believe you are a spiritual being having a human experience and since you are made by the Source – who is perfect, you are not a mistake and neither is your life and what occurs… one may not always know why but one can always be sure that its exactly as it should be!

You may not have sent the info in the time frame you had planned but when I get emails from you – its soooo timely that its perfect!  So the timing is as it should, dictated by the Source of all good!

And after finishing to read the rest of your email… I can only say that my belief has changed greatly over the year in regards to the existence of Karma… in fact I truly believe that we are perfect beings living a human experience to learn to be on purpose and all that occurs, occurs to put me on purpose and its all good, great, necessary and exactly as it should – really beautiful – my attitude towards all that I experience is definitely how I influence many outcomes! You may want to call it good Karma, I call it being on purpose.



Yes, Lise! That’s perfect! –

"Being on purpose." A great way to describe how we transform our  supposed Bad Karma into Good Karma. Or, said in a slightly different way – the way we transform our greatest challenges into Higher Good.

And isn’t that the "purpose" of our challenges, after all? To provide us the motivation to keep forging ahead, and ultimately discover that we are much greater – much more unlimited – than we ever thought we could be?

Sounds like a Divine Plan to me!

Do you have bad karma? (Rahime)

Dear Michael,

My English is not enough to explain my opinion about bad karma, but I will try it..

Every one had once in life bad karma, important think is in this situation to look to find something positives, if one door closed to you another will open, we must keep our hope

Best regards Rahime



Your English is more than good enough to see the wisdom shine through, Rahime. Thank you for your words about closed and open doors . . . indeed, there’s always another open one around the corner.

Do you have bad karma? (Rosa)

Hi Michael, Last weekend was one of the most wonderful ones. Saturday read you books from the Wealthy Soul and was really impressed with all the love that pours from you family and your words. Regarding karma completed understand that is how we react to our challenges we can always learn with joy or with struggle the choice is ours that is free will.

Thank you for all your love and teachings



Thank you for your words, Rosa. They warm my soul. May your wisdom bring you many more wonderful weekends!

Do you have bad karma? (Mary)

Michael, A lot of times I do feel like its "bad karma", but, what I believe it really is, is a new experience presented to us, usually something we do not care for nor are we prepared for, to learn and grow in ways that we may not have ever thought to go. I believe these "unexpected bad happenings or "karma" are put forth for us to learn and build on for, sorry, other new experiences to be presented to us, Without the previous experience we would be totally lost and confused (not to say that doesn’t happen anyway) but more so. There is a reason for everything, but, we are not meant to know at that time what the lesson is for. If you pay attention in life, people, places, things, experiences may "click" from something you have already gone through and perhaps it is to teach you something, or, it may very well be that you were meant to help someone else. "It" is not always about self.



Well said, Mary. In "The Path of the Wealthy Soul" I described how Rudy Giuliani’s divorce and cancer diagnosis transformed into a strength and resolve that inspired the world at one of mankind’s lowest points.

Who can say for what purpose we are being molded by the events -both good and bad – of our life? Faith, acceptance and patience. . .

Do you have bad karma? (Meghan)

While my belief system tells me there is such a thing as bad karma, I’m more inclined to believe in planetary alignment or gremlins when things like that happen. I have recently had to replace a dishwasher, have my computer system rebuilt and now have a nail in my tire that I have to have fixed. Meanwhile, my business is growing,I have found the love of my life, I have a new grandchild on the way and life is very, very good. I look at all setbacks as a challenge, embrace it and look for the lesson. Perhaps someday I can share the lesson with someone else and make their load a little ligher. Thanks for all you do. Meghan



It does indeed feel like "gremlins" at time, doesn’t it? Well, you have indeed just made my load a little lighter, Meghan, as well as many others. (What’s a little nail in the tire, or even the cost of a new dishwasher in return for that?!)

Do you have bad karma? (Karen)

Michael, I have news for you! This is not about your Karma! I get your "gifts" right on the day that I need them in MY life…..I feel that they come to me on the just the right day to speak to me in my life….so you see it’s not even about you and the things that delay you. IT"S ALL ABOUT ME!!!! 🙂 My advise to you was in the body of your e-mail and that is you are right where you are suppose to be, and you know that. Besides it helps me to know others are "struggling" with their Karma too, I feel more normal Thanks so much for sharing!



Thanks for the reinforcement, Karen! And, I agree – it has little to nothing to do with what happens – it is all about "me" (and how we respond), right?

Do you have bad karma? (Jason)

Well to put it succinctly, I dont believe in "Karma". I do believe that every issue that comes into my life needs to be looked at throught the eyes of logic and Love. If you can balance those two then in my experience you’ll come out OK and I only say OK because it doesnt always work out in the best possible manner and thats OK!! I think "karma" puts the issue of issues in "something" elses hand and takes away the power we all have to make changes or just accept the fact that things happen…



Love your idea, Jason, of taking responsibility, and keeping it in "our own hands."

Do you have bad karma? (Gregory)

You can take most any situation and make it positive. I get excited

at wakes. That person in the casket is an example of how I want to live my

life or he’s not. Either way, I get excited and learn from it.

It’s not what happens to you, but your reaction to what happens to

you. I know people who are always saying, "poor me." And I know other

people with more challenges saying, "lucky me." Go figure.

The only people who have bad karma are those who think they do. If

you know about karma, you should also know that there is no such thing as

bad karma.

Thank you for your writings Michael!



Excited at wakes? Now, there’s a new type of awakening for us!

Thanks, Gregory!

Do you have bad karma? (Mike)

Easier said than done…There is a place of higher knowing where questions
fade away….if my attitude improves so will the circumstance;they are
intertwined…until I can arrive and stay on a higher plane,I’ll continue
swearing at the */#!*// ignorant dinglebutts who make a right turn from the
left lane with no signal!!… …Peace.Mike



I love it! Your real, Mike. That’s why I mentioned in my newsletter that "complaining is allowed." Nothing worse than adopting a false attitude of piousness.

You emboey the lesson of becoming present with your emotions, letting them out if necessary . . . then moving on.

(In other words, not letting the "dinglebutts" ruin more than a minute of your day . . .)

Do you have bad karma? (Norayda)

I just wanted to say thank you because I have recently been struggling with this notion of what is causing the lack in my life.  My husband and I could both relate very much to the premise of your e-mail so I got a great deal out of it.

Now, I recently met a self-proclaimed, born-again Christian woman who was quick to point out that the reason I was experiencing the pain I have been experiencing for some time was because (and she quoted Bible scripture at me) of the iniquities that we have that separate us from God.  She said that since I wasn’t going to a church and I wasn’t tithing that God wasn’t listening to my prayer because God doesn’t listen to a sinner’s prayer — only when the sinner is praying to repent does God hear a sinner’s prayer, she said — and that what I needed to do was to repent and re-commit myself to God.

Needless to say, I’m confused about what I’m hearing and the scriptures used to "prove" my new friend’s points.  I have had an uneasy feeling about reverting to Christianity, in the context of "church" to find the peace and prosperity I’ve been seeking and has so far been eluding me, probably because I had it shoved down my throat 24/7 as the daughter of Christian missionaries and I never saw it exemplified positively.

I realize I have been resisting making the mental changes required to implement all the great stuff I’ve been learning and now I find myself really resisting what I just heard from my new friend here because it feels like it’s a step backwards, and at the risk of sounding or being arrogant, I feel I’ve evolved beyond it. My horizons are much wider now and I have a much larger view of the world and the universe, and I KNOW that there is no such thing as Good without Evil, Up without Down, Sound without Silence, Light without Dark, Black without White, etc., and that these opposite pairs co-exist and are dependent on each other for their very existence.  What bothers me about "Christians" is the over-simplification of what Christ actually did and said, and their black and white views about everything and the certainty that THEY have the only "truth" about life.

I’ve been studying this issue of tithing and because I am NOT convinced that going to church is something I want to do at present, and not only have I not been able to muster up the faith to tithe, I haven’t known where to do my tithing even when I’ve said, okay, I want to take the leap.  I attended my mother-in-law’s church recently and have seen a lot of growth in that church and I felt spiritually nourished by what the Pastor there had to say one day, but I am not able to attend there regularly because it is out of town.  So, should I tithe there?  I have heard from non-religious prosperity teachers consistently that I should tithe where I feel I am spiritually nourished.  Well, this presents a challenge because I feel very much spiritually nourished by the authors of prosperity consciousness programs when I listen to the CDs I buy, or read the newsletters I subscribe to, or the various books I buy on the subject of manifesting prosperity.  There are more sources of spiritual nourishment than I can count!  What a blessing, wouldn’t you say?  How do I know where to tithe?

I also can’t figure out for the life of me why I can’t resolve the unconscious conflicts I have already identified so that I can implement successfully the things that are supposed to bring me happiness and prosperity.

I don’t know why I have felt compelled to address these questions to you at this particular moment in time, but if you have any insights on this that you would care to share, I would welcome your input on the points I have brought up.



Norayda, I love all the wonderful truths alive in all the great religions. Every one one of them, at base, is about finding a higher source of Love, Surrender and Forgiveness.

What I find very disturbing, though, is individual interpretations of "God’s Word" (as if that’s God’s Word, itself).  I believe anything that elevates and uplifts is of God, and that which engenders fear and  division is not.

Discover the truth inside yourself by simply asking yourself "Does this fill me with warmth and love, or fear and foreboding?"

Your inner response may be very different from someone else’s to the same situation or words.

And from that context, find God’s truth inside of you.