Do you have bad karma? (Richard)

Doc, I will reply as you ask, but let me state this right now-my life has been a roller coaster since my wife of 25 yrs asked for a divorce this past August. Most of trauma has been my fault, thank’s to a very smart Dr.
I have come to know myself and to handle the depression I have been subject to for all these years. So now I am on the long trek from the floor of the valley towards the top of the mountain.
I have a lot to share and you have the ability to put our experiences to good use for other folks out there.
None of this would be possible without the grace of God. For I can do nothing good without that good flowing from Him.
ps; there is no karma-good or bad.
Dear Richard,
Your life starts today. As you change, those around you change. And those who refuse to grant you that change?
With time, they will, too.
Meanwhile, keep focusing on those who allow you the space, and keep forgiveness in your heart toward others and yourself above all.
God bless.

Do you have bad karma? (David)

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.  Psalm 34:19

God does not give anyone a problem free life.  However He does make provision for the ability to live in victory!



Amen, my friend! And the victory is over ourselves.

Do you have bad karma? (Pete – BiPolar Bear)

I hope when you mention "good kharma" you are open to God’s presence and the working of the Holy Spirit.  When faced with these "challenges" I think knowing how little we can do on our own and how much we can do with God’s help is crucial.

I face the challenge of manic-depression.  Through more than forty years of cycling up and down I’ve learned that I can’t pull myself up by my own bootstraps.  One lesson that I’m still slowly learning is how weak I am by myself and how dependent I am on the Holy Spirit.

Viktor Frankel said that in the end we may have no control over our situation, but we do control how we respond to it.  Even in the depths of a concentration camp as he found himself there were some who did not give in to despair and evil.  I think that power comes not just from within,  but also through reliance on God.

I have no control over my mood swings, but I DO have control over what I do about them. I think without belief in God and his working in my life I couldn’t make sense of why I have this condition.  It makes me sensitive to others with mental disorders and others considered "weak" in our society.  I want to use my gifts of writing and cartooning and singing about my condition to help others realize they’re not alone and promote a greater understanding by the public.

It’s not an "Us vs. Them" situation.  We are your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters and husbands and wives, your co-workers and friends.  We have something to offer society, a different perspective from outside the culture of winners and losers.  Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

     Peace and Love,      Pete Nelson (BipolarBear)



Oh, how I love your response, Pete!

Your words remind me of the movie "A Beautiful Mind." Indeed, we only have control over our response – not the situation. And therein is where the Good or Bad Karma gets created.

Do you have bad karma? (Linda)

I’m impressed with the depth of thought and wisdom in some of the emails regarding Karma.  I’m also saddened by the difficulties some of you have suffered.

I’ve given Karma a lot of thought over the years and I have to agree with Dragonfly who mentions the Talmud, the Torah and Buddhist and Christian writings.  For every action there’s a re-action.

I’ve had many difficulties over the past 3 years and like many, I was asking myself why me?  When I finally admitted to myself and to God that there’s someone I hurt deeply, my life started changing for the better again. I will be apologizing personally soon and put that past behind me.

Many blessings to all,




Very good point, Linda – for every action there’s a re-action. And isn’t Good Karma created when our reaction is proactive as opposed to purely reactive? And isn’t our own re-action to the re-action the point of possible pro-action?

I believe Karma doesn’t necessarily take thousands of years to "come around." It can be as quick as a a small self-generated miracle away!

Do you have bad karma? (Bob)

Your article on "bad karma" was very timely Michael. I have been wrestling with several work related issues lately and the inner turmoil was beginning to take a toll on me mentally and emotionally. It concers an issue that I am very passionate about but am feeling that my suggestions to address an issue are falling on deaf ears. I decided to seclude myself to my closet so that I would have no interruptions while I sat quietly, rested my mind and waited for an answer. And then it came…surrender. In this situation the "bad Karma" was the result of me responding at all. Sometimes we need to recognize that the best thing we can do is not respond at all and as my favorite verse from the bible says…be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding will guide your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.



So beautifully said, Bob. Indeed, it’s often our need to respond rather than be still and surrendered that creates the Bad Karma. If you can be surrendered, as you say, and respond only once you are a vessel of higher good and understanding, you are a rare breed (I think they call them "Wealthy Souls" . . .)

May your words inspire other Wealthy Souls.

Do you have bad karma? (Arti)

thank you for changing my perspective towards life…your note has actually changed the way i think…
i really do not think that you or for that anyone has a bad karma.
it is all in your mind if yuou keep thinking of all the bad that happens to you to be the result of your karma you will keep believing in bad karma…and all that happens will be due to your karma…then what have we done in life? nothing? if we can take credit for all our achievements then why cant we take the blame for anything wrong or bad that happens to us???
i am really bad at expressing things that i feel in words might not have the right words…but hope you understand what i am trying to convey here….
according to me we are responsible for the decisions that we make…and we should be ready to face the consequences of them…
like i could blame the accident that i met with to my bad karma…but if i had not made the decision of going out for a late night movie i would not have met with that accident…and similarly i could give the credit of my good performance in my exams to my good karma…but it was my hard work and hours of struggle that actually paid off…\
so i dont think that there is any such thing as good or BAD KARMA..
thanks for the greate thought…
i would like to read more of your articles…
is there any place where i could get soem of your books in india???
would be very greatful if i cud read some of your good work…
thank you…



Dear Arti,

You indeed know what it’s all about. And it’s all about, as you allude to, taking responsibility. Owning up. Taking your own life into your own hands. That’s the Good Karma. Knowing it, and doing it.

My  books are available at . And in the coming year I will be getting all of my past newsletters up on this blog or on for you and others to read. If you’d like to receive a new 30 – part series I’ve developed, email me and I’ll get you set up on it.

No worries about the language – your spirit shines through to all who will read and be inspired by what you wrote.

Do you have bad karma? (Julie)

I found out Friday that my agency didn’t get its contract renewed with the county office of alcohol and drug services so by the end of December I will be out of a job.
Unfortuanately, I am afraid that there are fewer and fewer positions right now, Governor Arnie has really cut back on funding, and of course it trickles down to the program level.
Please pray for me and ask every one you know to pray too. I want to be useful, to fulfill my purpose and to be able to keep up on my bills and not end up homeless.
I have no back up, since all my funds were spent last year taking care of me and my mom and paying off my bills and hers.
It is a scarry place to be with no savings. I know I have to have faith as well as take the indicated steps to look for work. I am doing both.
Okay Michael, I have never met you , but I have been taking your writing to heart. I cant afford to buy your book today, but I have saved some of your poems and I go back to them for reassurance.
I do believe in karma’s existance, I am not sure about how it is created. If everything is energy, then your theory about us creating it with our own energy bears consideration.
Do I have bad Karma or good Karma? I have experienced a lot of losses over the past year or two. I am continuing to get up every day and deal with what is in front of me. How much energy do I have to continue to persist? The place where I lived was purchased by the Federal government and although they were obligated to relocate me, they only paid for my belongings to go into storage. My mother had a stroke at the same time as my things were packed and stored. I took off from my job and took care of her until she died, which was about seven months. In the process, I lost my job, lost my place to live, again, lost most of my own activiites while I was consumed with her care 24/7. I ended up paying off her bills and mine and now have no savings or other backup. I had found another job at a much lower rate of pay, that’s the one that just evaporated. I sold most of my furniture to an auctioneer, so I could save the storage bill and ended up with a net of $284. Some of my things were worth hundreds of dollars. I am now living in an apartment, that I don’t know how I will pay the rent in January. I have several medical conditions that require me to see physicians, I have five, and take numerous medications. No, I don’t qualify for disability, although I am disabled, the disability specialist told me I can do my job from a wheel chair if necessary.
I have a lot of strong friends and some family members who care. I do have a firm spiritual belief. I am a recovering alcoholic with twenty years of recovery. I have a masters degree in administration, but I am having a hard time finding a job.
How do I learn to do this reversal of Karma? I would sincerely like to know. I have studied self-improvement, stress management, etc. for many years and taught those topics to others, now how to apply them to my own life.
I am the poster child for stress management today!!
I am wondering if you actually get these emails, or if this an automatic email box. I would love to know if you have any ideas of what I do next.
Sincerely open to suggestions.
Julie Chlarson 
Julie, my heart is with you with all you have been through.
What strikes me most about your email was one of your last lines: " I am the poster child for stress management today!!"
Despite the tremendous amount you have been through, you still have a sense of humor!
You’ve got what it takes, Julie.  Look backward only with an eye toward seeing all the strength you have to survive what you have . . . and the lessons you have gained, and the angel wings you have earned caring for your beloved mother.
Now, start looking forward. Take one small step at a time. Just one step a day, or one a week. But keep taking them.
Allow a Vision of what you are suppose to do with all these experiences come to you over time. Be guided by it. And most all, trust in your own strength and your slowly blossoming purpose.
God bless.

Do you have bad karma? (Camille)

Dear Michael…
Of course, I don’t think you have bad karma, nor do I.
Around the middle of September, I started a blog called I think, therefore, I make myself crazy!  I have been writing and publishing blog entries daily in it since October.  It is not a journal in the sense that I don’t write much about the daily activities that are going on in my life; rather, I write essays dealing with what’s going on in my head.  I would love if you could take the time to look at it.  Here is the main URL:
Here is the direct link to yesterday’s blog, which I think might amuse you:
And here’s the link to Friday’s entry:
Feel free to share it in your newsletter; in fact, please do if you feel so inclined.  And if you do, dear man, please include my signature line as it appears below.
There seems to be a problem with other people being able to post comments.  They email me directly.  I’ve reset the thing several times and it should allow anyone to post whether they have a blog account or not.  However, it is a free blog, and while I’ve notified them, one can hardly complain. 
Much love and admiration,
Camille Sanzone
Please check out my weblog,"I think, therefore I make myself crazy." It might encourage you to think differently about some things, or it might just make you laugh. At best it will do both. Give it a go. You have nothing to lose but your despair.
I love your blog, Camille. You truly have a unique and beautiful take on things. My you continue to shine the brightest light and spread the greatest wealth.

Do you have bad karma? (Jamario)

To spend your time planning for life means you are using up your time for living. Lord, I choose to make the best of right now, to be joyful right now, and to live with no regrets.

Monday, August 30, 2004 Lessons of life

Every situation is a lesson to be learned. From the most mundane chores to the most complex projects, life is always ready to teach you something.

Life is ready to teach when you are willing to learn. And the more you learn from what life offers, the better life becomes.

The lessons are usually not all that obvious. Yet they are there if you will think to take a look. The lessons are there in every moment, in every dilemma, in every frustration and every joy. They are there in every sadness, every victory, every discomfort and every pleasure.

Each lesson you learn paves the way for a new and even more valuable one. Each lesson you ignore keeps coming back, again and again.

One way or another, life will teach you its lessons. When you’re a willing student, those lessons are pure gold.



I love what you say, Jamario! Indeed, "the lessons are not all that obvious." And indeed, though they can be like panning for "gold," with an open mind and a willing heart, they become easier and easier to find.

Do you have bad karma? (Vince)

Hey Michael!

I was just thinking about you this week – wonderin where the heck you are and how you are – ?

The answer to your (rhetorical?) question – Do I have bad Karma?, Do you have bad Karma?  Answer = YES

Bad can’t exist without good – Bad defines Good as Good defines Bad.

Everything that ever is was or will be must have the exact opposite of itself in order for itself to exist – it is all part of IS – this (in part) helps us to deine the indefineable, because everything that ever is was or will be is infinite in its scope – ever collapsing ever expanding with no end in sight always getting better yet can always be worse.

This is defining God in simplest terms – GOD = IS

The Beauty and Love of God rests in the truest freedom of choice (in particular choice as it relates how we view things), just as you suggest – it’s not what happens to us, moreover, it’s how we respond (our view – our choice) to those happenings that allow us to really determine our own Karma.

When things appear to going wrong, or life is imposing a series of difficult issues upon us – the answer to that is – Thank You – Thank You GOD for the opportunities and challenges you have provided me this day for without this difficulty I might not be so aware of how good things can be.  One can’t exist without the other!


Brother Vince



Brother Vince, you beautifully point out the paradox of the universe: Good doesn’t exist without bad, just as light can’t exist without dark.  Indeed, I believe Good Karma is a product of what we positively do with Bad Karma.

I might add, you are one of the very few who has ever said to me "Be thankful for your challenges," who I didn’t want to throttle! On a deep level, I believe you sensed I would eventually do something with those challenges precisely like I’m doing in this newsletter and all the Wealthy Soul productions under way. And it is indeed now a blessing.

Love ya back!