Do you have bad karma? (Chester)

We all have challenges and it is how we act or react to them.  If we first look to God and look for the answers He gives us the strength to cope with those challenges.  It is through God where we get our strength.

As I look back at different times in my life and when those challenges were there and I looked to God for support He was always there.  He gave me the strength to deal with those challenges.  It was those times that I grew and became stronger.  It was in those times that I shared with others that I was able to help someone else and we grow togheter.

"If God be for us who can be against us?"

Your books came at the right time and I am part way through the 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul.  What a blessing at the right time in my life!



Yes, Chester!  Timing is indeed everything. And how can we have Good Timing without patience? And how can we have patience without, as you say, surrendering to God? (Insights 2, 3 & 4).

And thank you for your kind comments about The 9 Insighs of the Wealthy Soul!

Do you have bad karma? (Llona)

Hi Michael: I read your email with interest and it made me smile. It made me think of all the times I have said, "why me, what have I done to deserve this?" Looking back, however, I realized that the things that have happened have taught me invaluable lessons about life and have made me a better person. Due to these bad/unhappy times I have learned patience, tolerance towards others and have come to firmly believe that nothing happens without a reason. If you can get through the difficult time, you will at some point look back and an understanding will come and you will say, "so that’s why!" I believe that if you do bad things and live in negativity, you create your own bad karma. If you live to the best of your abilities,have a positive attitude and show kindness and compassion towards your fellow creatures of all kinds, good karma will be there. We all make mistakes, we all have bad times/days, we all do things that we feel bad about, but if we learn from these things and do better – that is what counts. Take care and don’t be discouraged. Your "bad karma" gave us an opportunity to write to you today.



Your excellent comments, Llona, remind me of what a friend once rhetorically asked me when I was feeling very time-pressured. He said:

"Have you done all you could do?"

When I realized I indeed had done all I could do, it made me realize there was no use fretting over what I couldn’t do.

And, indeed, your comments and my friend’s question reminds us all that there does indeed seem to be "a season for all things." And isn’t Good Karma, afterall, having the wisdom to understand that, with patience, our season always comes?

Do you have bad karma? (Annette)

Hi Michael,  I ordered your Wealthy Soul a few days ago… Have to wait for them.  I read your email about Bad Karma vs. Good Karma and had to smile. Yes – I am such a person that "suffers" bad karma all her life – it started as a 1yr-old with hearingproblems and continuing middle-ear-inflammations (with lots of pain). Had learning problems, 11 big surgeries, problems with getting pregnant and several miscarriages. My son turned to be an authistic boy with lots of problems (its going better right now, he is 22)and 10 yrs ago I myself got ME/CFS and turned disabled for several years. I am a lot better now, but still not strong enough to work again. Financially we live in a complete mess and my husband is a chronic depressed person (authistic too). In short: bad karma? Sometimes I think so, but every time I climbed out – started over. And still do. I "know" people get just as much as they can handle, so I am a very strong woman that can handle so much. And I’m a fighter, I will survive. I don’t like to see all this what happened as bad karma, but as challenges for growth, for developing strength and – my favorite – for trying to develop our abilities to help other people. I still want to help and I still do. In my own way.



You hit on a wonderful point, Annette – the entire meaning of what it is to be a Wealthy Soul:  triumphing over your own challenges, and creating the Good Karma of raising others up with you who may be facing similar challenges.

This, as I describe in "The Vision of the Wealthy Soul," is what distinguishes  Wealthy Souls from Wealthy S.O.B.’s (those Stuck On the Bottom line). Many gain great material wealth in life, but can anyone but a Wealthy Soul know what a truly "sweet" life is?

You’re an inspiration, Annette.

Do you have bad karma? (Lois)

Hi Michael,  Since I acquired your books, I have not written to you although I do enjoy reading your emails.  Your books were enlightening and I enjoyed reading them. Re your email about bad Karma, I really don’t think that anyone has bad Karma and that goes for you too.  However, I do believe that when things go wrong in our lives, it is for a reason.  And when things do go bad, I try to find the good and lesson in it.


Great point, Lois – as soon as we find the lesson, we initiate the transformation.

Do you have bad karma? (Chrissey)

Bad Karma for me is always when I let my thinking go its own way.  And, I can always counteract it by saying something that may sound crazy.  I simply say to myself, "Devil, get away from me." God always wants us to enjoy life and have contentment.  He gave us control over our thinking, but we must use that control.  Just think about what we sometimes allow to happen in our thinking and what we say to ourselves. Imagine this:  "If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?"Michael,  I have often wondered the origin of karma, it’s existance and what did i do so terribly wrong in the past to be continually bombarded by very hurtful things–is it my attitude?  I tried to be a good loving person but lost family and health no matter what i chose—HOW DOES IT TURN AROUND?   BROKEN ANKLES , CHEATING HUSBAND, CANCER, BLOOD CLODDING CONDITION–WHEN DOES IT STOP?  I WAS SO POSITIVE TO CHANGE MY LIFE AROUND –AT 52 I AM STILL WAITING….IS IT MY IMPATIENCE?



Dearest Chrissey,

Everyone needs a hand sometimes. You’ve been through so much. Seek out those people who will extend you theirs – they’re sometimes hard to find, but that’s what makes them so golden.  If you can’t find them, become one to others, and those whom you help will feed you with their love.

Find those people, read those books, watch those movies, keep taking a tiny step forward at a time, and think of yourself as a "thriver", not as a "survivor," and most certainly not as a victim. Surround yourself with such life-giving input and your ship will slowly begin to change direction so you again can feel the warmth of the sun.

Do you have bad karma? (Seth)

I believe as you Michael that life presents learning opportunities so we just keep on keeping on.



Keep on keeping on . . . sayings become popular for a reason, don’t they, Seth? Thank you.

Do you have bad karma? (Pastor Rob)

Bad Karma for me is always when I let my thinking go its own way.  And, I can always counteract it by saying something that may sound crazy.  I simply say to myself, "Devil, get away from me." God always wants us to enjoy life and have contentment.  He gave us control over our thinking, but we must use that control.  Just think about what we sometimes allow to happen in our thinking and what we say to ourselves. Imagine this:  "If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?"



I love it! Great truth of yours, Pastor Bob: "If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?"

The "devil" seems indeed  to be our own selves at times, isn’t it?

Do you have bad karma? (Marcia Ann)

Whenever something happens in my life that I would label as "bad" karma, I immediately begin to look for the lesson that needs to be learned from this "bad" karma. I know that whatever the lesson is, I need to learn it, for somewhere in my life I will need this information.  The "bad" karma turns into a blessing for me and my family.  Sometimes it teaches me patience, perseverance, or how to handle things when I am told  "NO, not this time" or just "NO"!  Most of the time when this happens, I find  that something better is around the corner, so the  "NO" was a "WAIT!"   I believe God is constantly honing me for His will, shaping me to become better and better as His person.  Peace and many blessings,   Marcia Ann



Your comments, Marcia, remind me of the words to one of my favorite songs: "Unanswered Prayers." Whether we’re a country-western singer, a stay-at-home mom, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, all of our wishes don’t always come true.

Thank God (literally!), and ourselves, when we can have the strength of faith – and then the proof! – of the existence of A Bigger Plan. Those Wealthy Souls who learn to go with the flow know exactly what you mean.

Do you have bad karma? (Brother Martin)

As a Christian I do not believe in bad karma or good karma. I believe God has placed me in a circumstance to be taught something or to be used by Him for a purpose I may not recognize. But I know God uses His children for the glory of His Son Jesus, because of Calvary. Each situation must be bathed in prayer and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We never know where God is leading and using us in His service. Sometimes the situation is to increase our faith in Him. Sometimes He is using us to reach others. That how we bring honor and glory to God. To be obedient and willing to serve and do His will and not our own. We must learn to die to self and live for God. Jesus was obedient and died for me on the Cross of Calvary. I must take up my cross dailey and die to self and live for Jesus to glorify Almighty God the Father. Be blessed … Brother Martin



Indeed, Brother Martin – what could one say about the karma of Jesus? Was not he a tool of His Father, just as we .. . . through our responses to our challenges . . . can be a tool of the same Father?

Many blessings for sharing your wisdom.

Do you have bad karma? (Maurice)

You write books. it does not mean you control absolute thruth, same as a "pope" does not.  I just read the 9 Insights of the whealthy soul, and I like them very much.

For my humble opinion, karma does not exist. It is all in the imagination of the reacting person in front of obstacles or uncontrollable events. If you accept the 9 insignts, as a way of transforming life, you will probably agree that the most difficult insight is to spiritually surrender, to be able to be patient with life  I have had my BIG share of badluck in my 70 years of life, but I really feel that the events were the consequences of decisions I have made, one after the other, to put myself into trouble for being "not patient" with my wishes and for following bad advice concerning possible gains that were not timely and kosher. Not Karma.  I have accepted the situation long ago, on certain aspects of my life, but always search for "the solution" for a better life. I have not surrendered spiritually  and I hope the book I just ordered will help have a better insight, with patience. Thank you, and Better daily future to you, Mike.



Ah, you bring up a good point, Maurice! Does karma really exist? Indeed, from the perspective that we are so largely in control of it, it only exists as far as our response to it.

Do we make lemonade out of lemons? Or, conversely, does a life of lemonade make one a "real lemon!"

Thank you for bringing up that mystery!