Resolutions of the Spirit (MARGARET)

Michael, your new year appears to have delivered a new challenge for you.  How unfortunate your accident was and to be impaired by an ankle injury affects sooo many daily routines. . . especially exercise.

Yes, my prayers are with you and the victims in addition to the secondary people involved in the Asia travisity.

I had patients involved.  Adolescents who live in Naples with their mother were visiting the father in his vacation home in Puket (i.e., my spelling may be distorted :-)).  They were playing golf with their father THAT morning and were unaware of the happenings until the father’s maid came to the golf course to inform him that he must find his other family members.  The father took his boys to the police station for safety and guarded post trama possibilities, located the rest of his family, and returned to the police station to take the boys to a hotel (i.e., without electricity and minimal food) he secured prior to flying the entire back to China.  The father’s vacation home was totally washed away.  The father employed a psychologist to work with the entire family on the plot where the home had appeared.  He will rebuild the home. The boys have returned to Naples and appear to be  having minimal post traumatic symptoms.

I hope that your injury is as pain free as possible and that your healing process is rapid as possible.



Michael Norwood:

Dear Margaret,

Wow, what a story. Will, undoubtedly, change the boys lives – with your counseling, for the better (by such experiences are Wealthy Souls made).

And thank you – my ankle is much better. I’m not exactly jogging yet, but no hobbling now (and darn . . . no one willing to serve me dinner or drinks any longer !).

Resolutions of the Spirit

2005 indeed started off with a bang for me . . . or perhaps more appropriately, "a crack."

I was jogging at night, playfully criss-crossing back and forth across the street, when I stepped off of the curb once more, and whammmo! – twisted my ankle.

I landed up hobbling my way home, all the while cursing my stupidity and my ill luck.

I arrived home barely able to walk. I got an ice pack out and plopped myself on a couch in front of the television feeling just a little sorry for myself.

Despite a record-breaking book-selling season for me (as I described in my last newsletter series), it had come only after one thing going wrong after another resulting in me working 14 hours a day for the four months leading to and through Christmas.

I had thought I was leaving the ill luck behind in 2004.

And now this . . . a twisted ankle, for gosh sakes.

A few minutes after I turned on the television, an evening special began on the Tsunami tragedy. Up until that point, I had barely had time to see anything but glimpses of news reports about the unimaginable events in Southeast Asia.

Now the reporter began telling the story of Petra Nemcova, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model who survived 8 hours clinging to a tree, her pelvis broken and her boyfriend swept out to sea. I watched transfixed for the next two hours at the scenes of total devastation and misery.

It’s not necessary to describe the change of emotion I experienced at that moment. Suffice it to say, any one of tens of millions of people in that part of the world would have been happy to be safely seated in my place in a warm dry home, immobilized by a twisted ankle or not. And it would take the most hardened human being not to realize it.

Several of you have written me, trying to come to terms with what you have seen on television. And I had a call about the same subject from a friend of mine who works at CNN.

Monitoring the events in Southeast Asia 8 to 12 hours a day, continually seeing the images, he was numbed by the tragedy to the point of not being able to sleep.

That, the emails and particularly an email from Te Aroha Taki, a member of the noble Maori people in New Zealand, has triggered me to write this newsletter. It is not so much about New Year’s Resolutions as it is about Resolutions of the Spirit –

And, particularly, Your spirit, my friend.

You have your own trials. Whether you are experiencing relationship challenges, financial difficulties, health issues, or even loss of a precious loved one . . . you nor I will ever likely have to face such total devastation approaching the magnitude of what millions of survivors in Southeast Asia are now facing.

What can you learn from this epic catastophe?

What possible "Gifts" might there be to take into  your own life from it?

Or is it all just meaningless?

The 30 Gifts of Life you are receiving from me should clue you in to what my perspective might be.

Please read Te Aroha’s heartfelt email to me about the Tsunami victims and my response to him about "Resolutions of the Spirit" at .

Then, kindly, click the "Comments" link to add your own "Resolutions of the Spirit" so that you may take part in strengthening the many other souls who will read what you write.

Thus, though we may never be able to make sense out of such tragedy, we will, together, begin to create the tiny miracles that will bless all of us together.

God bless,


Resolutions of the Spirit

From: Te Aroha Taki
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:39 PM
To: Dr. Michael Norwood (and all caring souls)
Subject:  (Tsunami Tragedy)

This is the last day of the year 2004…Such tragic events
overseas I pray for them all, the dead, the dying, the
living and the lost people…what else can we do????

There is nothing mankind will ever achieve that compares
with the wrath the natural world can pour on us. If we do
not pray and be thoughtful to all others, race, creed,
colour, environment, global love is what is needed now…..

To make the powers that be….take note…they are the cause
by generating the fear in peoples minds, the thoughts, words
and actions they convey to the masses….all they are
concerned about is & who would be needing money
at a time like this…when people are traumatised, scared, &
lost….who will distribute money to people fairly who is
going to be helping.. when all people want is shelter, food
and love.

Dr.Michael, you can use my words where you believe will help
others to make meaningful changes, to gain a different and
hopefully beneficial outlook that encompasses more
peace,love for all others where ever they may be in this
beautiful & wonderful world that we live in.

Thank you & may you through your work and gifts sent to us
all achieve the loving changes in every one you touch.

God Bless and Arohanui,

Te Aroha Taki
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand

Michael Norwood:

Dear Te Aroha,

Thank you for sharing your deep and heartfelt thoughts.
Indeed, it is hard not to be upset seeing all the suffering
taking place. Viewing all the news on the Tsunami has made
me look deep and be thankful for little things.

I personally find it empowering to look more at effects than
at causes in this case, what I can only call "Resolutions of
the Spirit":

– How people are so beautifully reaching out to help
others . . . from Presidents, to citizens, to you
and me.

– How, indeed, the world is united in this effort:
Asian and American, friend and foe, Democrat and
Republican, white and brown and black.

– How my own personal challenges seem so
insignificant compared to the lives lost and the
people suffering.

– How tragedy allows you and me to expand our hearts
and clear our minds.

– How it allows you and me to realize what’s
important and "who’s" really important in our lives.

– How, indeed, in years ahead, we will look back and
remember the devastation . . .  yet at the same time
marvel at how we, as humans, are capable of
recovering and triumphing over even the most
horrific of challenges.

Thank you for opening up this discussion, Aroha. I will put
this up on my web log ("blog") and allow others to share
their beautiful thoughts to begin the sacred healing

God bless,

*** I invite you, who are reading this, to share
your own beautiful feelings and empowering
"Resolutions of the Spirit" to my list above by
adding your "Comments" below. Your words
and personal stories will touch thousands of
others. Let us all begin to transform this tragedy
into an event that opens our hearts and quickens our
intimately connected spirits.

Do you have bad karma? (KEVIN)

I really like that, Kevin: " When you feel the power and beauty of life, of being on this Earth at this time in history to live your destiny, any "setback" simply becomes a minor stop on your path to greatness."

Indeed, if we can keep the bit picture in focus, the day to day challenges just seem to lose significance.  Amen.


Great topic Michael!

Whether you were raised Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Doiast, or what-have you, there’s a fundamental belief in all spiritual walks of life – life’s challenges are put before us so that we can learn and grow from them.

Continue reading “Do you have bad karma? (KEVIN)”

Do you have bad karma? (CLARKE)

Regarding karma, There is no such thing in the universe. For those who know  the Triune God there is Divine providence, sowing and reaping and one day  the final judgement.

Karma is seen by most people as a principle of the universe disconnected  from a belief that there is a Creator God who is without time and is  all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present.

We do reap what we sow and the wages of our sin is physical death one day.  The Good news is that all our sin can be forgiven thru the person of Jesus  Christ, God incarnate, who died as the perfect sacrifice to free us from the  guilt and bondage of our sin.

The ultimate truth is that life comes from death, His death for us! He is  the Resurrection and the life! To you it is karma, to me He is a person who  has revealed Himself to those who cry out to him to be saved. A merciful God  who will one day restore things to their original state, the way it was  before sin entered our being.



Michael Norwood:

I like what you say, Clarke, about "Karma is seen by most people as a principle of the universe disconnected  from a belief that there is a Creator God who is without time and is  all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present."

Indeed, in my own newsletter, I was thinking of "Good Karma" and "Bad Karma" more as a figure of popular speech as opposed to a mystical interpretation of how the universe works.

I, too, believe that as you sow, so shall you reap. And I believe in it, not only in terms of long-term life and spiritual consequences, but immediate ones as well:

Think and act in an angry, unforgiving, frustrated and self-righteous manner regularly, and you fill your body with angry, unforgiving, frustrated and self-righteous free radicals and  molecules that wear the body down, cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer – and immediately make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

Think and act in a caring, strong, abundant and gracious manner, and you self-produce through your very own glands the hormones and neuro-transmitters that perpetuate your own "Good Karma" (or simply, your "connectedness to God").

And for that, kindly allow me to thank you and everyone else for sharing your grace by contributing to the Wealthy Soul blog.

Do you have bad Karma? (HAROLD to Norayda)

Hi, Norayda
Excellent inner exam, Hi Iam Harold, This is my personal opinion. I was raised as a Methodist, Drop out, Catholisism, Drop out. Always believed there was a God for 40 plus years I haved looked for the answer.
Through out this 40 plus years I would go through spurts of talking with God outloud alone in my space. and all those times I found it to be enlightening. What was happening is while talking outload I realized after a time, long time. That not only was looking for wisdom and answers, but that I was answering them myself.
It states in the Bible. WE need not ask for anything, for GOD knows everything we want every question that we are going to ask.
Knowing this for years. I still had a life tha was upside down big sinner, Went from the top of the world and to bottom several times. Still believing in God but never asked nor steped inside of a church. Why people have asked me my answer was because I was a SINNER, and knew that I was going to continue to be a sinner. So I could not go to church and be a hypocrite. Over all these years I was over looking one vital aspect of God the Church all that, and that was JESUS. The answer to you questions are not to GOD but to JESUS in order for us to reach God we must become one with JESUS, it has taken 40 plus yrs. to find the answer, and it has been in front of me all the time. For total well being, happiness, that we live as Jesus did in the way we look upon life.
What has caused the problem for so many of us is it has always been the church although they talked about Jesus & God it was only for the benefit of the church.If you can find the right church one that fits, then by all means go, But it does not mean that you have to. As far as tithing, it is a requirment. (AS YOU SEW YOU SHALL RECIEVE) True statement, you give to what your heart tells you, as long as it is for the good of the and Gods work. Asimple way of doing this is through out your daily life when a question or problem ask yourself what would Jesus do, and if you follow that answer in time you will be supprised how much your life will change and your purpose come into focus, and it is no harder than that.
Karma is simply lessons that we need to learn in order for us to truly be as God created us to be in our own special way.
God Bless to all and learn to keep it simple because it really is. Is it easy no not in the begining, not untill your belife and faith are one, and then there will still be challenges, for that is how we lean
Blessings Harold F. McCune


Michael Norwood:

Indeed, as you suggest, Harold, for me Jesus and God speak for themselves – and to ourselves. Everyone else’s interpretation is just that – an interpretation.

And for what it’s worth – here’s mine:

God and Jesus represent the highest forms of unconditional love, forgiveness, surrender and grace.

And any interpretation that leaves you and me with anything less than that is more of the interpreter than of God and of Jesus.

Amen. End of interpretation of interpretations.

Do you have bad karma? (MIMI)

The following quote came in an email about the same time as your question and reminds me to see "both side of the coin".  The more I practice this, the more I can experience an inner calm.

"Would you like something to challenge and strengthen your mental forces? At the next disappointing event, reflect, ‘This is also just as much a part of life as what I label a favorable event. As a whole person, I see both sides equally; I do not split events into good and bad. Being whole, I see the whole.’ Do this, even if you don’t understand it, for it contains a tremendous secret."     from Esoteric Mind Power, by Vernon Howard.


Michael Norwood:

I enjoy that philosophy, Mimi. Sometimes, though, we’re faced with some really major challenges that I believe are better to experience in their full impact rather than sugar-coat in our minds as being "all good"  (ie. how much good would it have done to espouse Vernon’s philosophy to families of 9/11 victims on 9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 14 & 15?).

I believe in first being present with whatever is truly there – grief, anger, sadness, etc. Experience the emotion fully and without "trying to look on the bright side."

But then, at a certain point, to indeed begin looking for the "Gifts" from the challenge.

And perhaps a little later, to begin stop thinking about the challenge constantly, and to move on.

But then, after that, to use what we experienced to look at how we can help others overcome similar challenges. Thus we become an instrument of grace in other people’s lives . . . and in our own.

Do you have bad karma? (KATHY)

Hello Everyone,

I really do think I have bad Karma. I have nothing good to talk about. I am not exagerating when I say I have no friends. I am very ill and take a lot of medicine so although I have a decent job my money goes to medicine. My children 24,17, and 15 are pretty much all a mess. As a single mother I did the best I could. But I am trying to turn my life around now and I bought the Wealthy Soul books hoping to begin to heal myself. I think I have been sad my whole life because I was abused as a child and who wants to be around someone that is sad all the time. So that is my Christmas gift to myself this year to work on healing my broken soul.


Michael Norwood:

Your life begins today, Kathy, so congratulations on your new resolve. I would refer you to my last post on Jana’s comments – or rather on her comments themself.

Indeed, the hand we are dealt with in life can sometimes be very tough. And, indeed, you have every right to not stifle your emotions.

But there does come a point where you just plain and simply have to say "Enough is enough. There are people with worse situations than me out there. Maybe I can’t change some of the things that have happened to me, but I certainly have 100% ability to change the channel I’ve had myself tuned to."

Choose a new channel, Kathy. Don’t forget your past, but do move into the future. Turn off the soap opera (my life is one too if I allow it to be, as is everyone else’s). Why not turn to The Nature channel, or The Wisdom channel, or to The Inspiration channel?

No kidding – it has to do with the programs you choose on TV, the books you read, the music you listen to, and the friends you choose.

The Wealthy Soul series is a great start.

This blog and my newsletter is a great start.

But rest assured . . . it’s a big world. I ain’t the only one out here!

Fill up your thoughts and waking hours with that music, and see how your tune begins to change.

God bless.

Do you have bad karma? (CHARLES)

Having read your interesting newsletter (and awaiting the books I

ordered), I am compelled to ask if you operate out of a big glass

cathedral like my friend in California……Proverb 17:22


Michael Norwood:

To quote the Dalai Lama, "My religion is simple. My religion is kindness."

And I try my best to make my Cathedral my life.

God bless.

Do you have bad karma? (ANNIE)

Dear Michael,

I’m not sure I believe in bad (or good) Karma, but I do think we’re given the exact experiences we need in order to learn the lessons we were put here to learn. And ultimately, to pass those lessons on to those we come in contact with during this lifetime.

Take me, for example; when I was 18 in 1991 and on top of the world, having just graduated from high school and feeling invincible as all teenagers do, my niece was diagnosed with cancer. She was 8. And she was the joy of my life! Her and I had a very special bond and the news hit me like a freight train.

Now, I know you went through a similar experience in your young life and understand the depth of what I was feeling. Boy, some days I just wanted to give in to those depressive thoughts I had. But, I knew for the sake of my niece – and my sister, who was her mother – that I had to be strong for both of them. I knew there was some reason, as all things have a reason, even if we can’t quite grasp what it is in the midst of the situation. So, I kept myself grounded.

At one point, just before the end – I had a realization and I just *knew* without a doubt that she would be gone later that day. And just hours before she passed away she came to and said to me "Annie, it’s ok. I know where we are." And I know that she did. She knew exactly where we were. She knew exactly the lesson we all needed to learn, the reason we were all experiencing this situation.

Years later, as a mother and a wife myself, I’ve finally caught on. And I know that even though the experiences we have can make or break us, if we allow them to, they will, indeed make us stronger. There is a reason. A lesson.

And that is, to share LIFE with those around us. To help eacother. To love. To laugh and to smile. We must stop and see the beauty God created all around us. For beauty is in the wind, in the trees, the mountains and valleys. It is in the rainbow, the ocean. In a kiss. A hug.

And in every dream.

Take care, Annie


Michael Norwood:

Ah, Annie, the experience you describe is so beautiful. I like to describe what you went through as a Near-a-Death-Experience – exquisite spirituality gained from being near the side of a loved one.

There aren’t many more difficult experiences, and there aren’t many more beautiful. You’ve touched the ethers and found the gifts.

Keep sharing them.