Do you have bad karma? (Annette)

Hi Michael,  I ordered your Wealthy Soul a few days ago… Have to wait for them.  I read your email about Bad Karma vs. Good Karma and had to smile. Yes – I am such a person that "suffers" bad karma all her life – it started as a 1yr-old with hearingproblems and continuing middle-ear-inflammations (with lots of pain). Had learning problems, 11 big surgeries, problems with getting pregnant and several miscarriages. My son turned to be an authistic boy with lots of problems (its going better right now, he is 22)and 10 yrs ago I myself got ME/CFS and turned disabled for several years. I am a lot better now, but still not strong enough to work again. Financially we live in a complete mess and my husband is a chronic depressed person (authistic too). In short: bad karma? Sometimes I think so, but every time I climbed out – started over. And still do. I "know" people get just as much as they can handle, so I am a very strong woman that can handle so much. And I’m a fighter, I will survive. I don’t like to see all this what happened as bad karma, but as challenges for growth, for developing strength and – my favorite – for trying to develop our abilities to help other people. I still want to help and I still do. In my own way.



You hit on a wonderful point, Annette – the entire meaning of what it is to be a Wealthy Soul:  triumphing over your own challenges, and creating the Good Karma of raising others up with you who may be facing similar challenges.

This, as I describe in "The Vision of the Wealthy Soul," is what distinguishes  Wealthy Souls from Wealthy S.O.B.’s (those Stuck On the Bottom line). Many gain great material wealth in life, but can anyone but a Wealthy Soul know what a truly "sweet" life is?

You’re an inspiration, Annette.

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