Do you have bad karma? (Julie)

I found out Friday that my agency didn’t get its contract renewed with the county office of alcohol and drug services so by the end of December I will be out of a job.
Unfortuanately, I am afraid that there are fewer and fewer positions right now, Governor Arnie has really cut back on funding, and of course it trickles down to the program level.
Please pray for me and ask every one you know to pray too. I want to be useful, to fulfill my purpose and to be able to keep up on my bills and not end up homeless.
I have no back up, since all my funds were spent last year taking care of me and my mom and paying off my bills and hers.
It is a scarry place to be with no savings. I know I have to have faith as well as take the indicated steps to look for work. I am doing both.
Okay Michael, I have never met you , but I have been taking your writing to heart. I cant afford to buy your book today, but I have saved some of your poems and I go back to them for reassurance.
I do believe in karma’s existance, I am not sure about how it is created. If everything is energy, then your theory about us creating it with our own energy bears consideration.
Do I have bad Karma or good Karma? I have experienced a lot of losses over the past year or two. I am continuing to get up every day and deal with what is in front of me. How much energy do I have to continue to persist? The place where I lived was purchased by the Federal government and although they were obligated to relocate me, they only paid for my belongings to go into storage. My mother had a stroke at the same time as my things were packed and stored. I took off from my job and took care of her until she died, which was about seven months. In the process, I lost my job, lost my place to live, again, lost most of my own activiites while I was consumed with her care 24/7. I ended up paying off her bills and mine and now have no savings or other backup. I had found another job at a much lower rate of pay, that’s the one that just evaporated. I sold most of my furniture to an auctioneer, so I could save the storage bill and ended up with a net of $284. Some of my things were worth hundreds of dollars. I am now living in an apartment, that I don’t know how I will pay the rent in January. I have several medical conditions that require me to see physicians, I have five, and take numerous medications. No, I don’t qualify for disability, although I am disabled, the disability specialist told me I can do my job from a wheel chair if necessary.
I have a lot of strong friends and some family members who care. I do have a firm spiritual belief. I am a recovering alcoholic with twenty years of recovery. I have a masters degree in administration, but I am having a hard time finding a job.
How do I learn to do this reversal of Karma? I would sincerely like to know. I have studied self-improvement, stress management, etc. for many years and taught those topics to others, now how to apply them to my own life.
I am the poster child for stress management today!!
I am wondering if you actually get these emails, or if this an automatic email box. I would love to know if you have any ideas of what I do next.
Sincerely open to suggestions.
Julie Chlarson 
Julie, my heart is with you with all you have been through.
What strikes me most about your email was one of your last lines: " I am the poster child for stress management today!!"
Despite the tremendous amount you have been through, you still have a sense of humor!
You’ve got what it takes, Julie.  Look backward only with an eye toward seeing all the strength you have to survive what you have . . . and the lessons you have gained, and the angel wings you have earned caring for your beloved mother.
Now, start looking forward. Take one small step at a time. Just one step a day, or one a week. But keep taking them.
Allow a Vision of what you are suppose to do with all these experiences come to you over time. Be guided by it. And most all, trust in your own strength and your slowly blossoming purpose.
God bless.

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