Do you have bad karma? (Kate)

I am compelled to respond to the messages in your November 20 newsletter. Oh, how correct you are!  I have long subscribed, personally, that the Universe unfolds as it should and that there are no coincidences.  For ever so long, when I hear somebody say "what next" I MUST tell them, DON’T SAY THAT!! because this Universe WILL send you what you ask for.

Sparing you the gory details I will say that I have had and still have, some extreme personal challenges in my life. Right now, I have some serious decision making to contemplate about the future course of this life of mine, but I embrace these challenges (albeit, not always lovingly 🙂 ) knowing that from this will come extreme growth and I trust, a healthier and more whole ME.

After all, it is all about the journey, isn’t it?

Blessings on this holiday and may we all continue to give Thanks and Giving.



I enjoy the way you put it Kate: "I embrace these challenges (albeit, not always lovingly 🙂 )"

There is a certain holiness yet down-to-earthness in this approach.

And, in a way, when we’re present with those very human emotions, we can even enjoy our own "grumpiness", no?

(By gosh, we may be doing it right now!)

2 Replies to “Do you have bad karma? (Kate)”

  1. Wonderful responses. Couldn’t help but laugh. No…not bad Karma just as there are no “bad” children…just naughty children or good children with bad behavior.
    However, there is some substance to “bad moon rising” which would dispel ANY Lunar calandar, eh?

  2. It is so good to see how others handle these situations. I have my own way of seeing the problems of life. We all are like children at Christmas. We are anxious to get to the present. Most of our presents are wrapped. We must unwrap the boxes to find out what is inside. Some times there is more than one wrapping to undo, ribbons, tape,wrapping paper, and a box. As we undo each phase of wrapping the anticipation grows. Many of the gifts or blessing from God are wrapped in problems. We are to anxious to get to the present to appreciate the fact that it is wrapped. We do not recognize the problem as wrapping on the gift. If someone gives us something and they have taken the time to wrap it, it makes it special. The more wrapping and time taken to make the presentation special the more we get excited about the gift. This is just a way of expressing our desire to make it special. The more special we make it the more it is remembered,and hopefully appreciated. I believe God does the same thing with gifts to us. Next time you get a big problem get excited and try to unwrap it with anticipation, knowing God has sent you a gift and he wants it to be special, remembered, and appreciated. When are you most excited? Seeing a tree with gifts wrapped with your name on them or seeing the tree with no gifts in sight? Do you get anxious right before your birthday, wondering who is going to remember it is Your day? So when you see gift wrapping (problems) get excited something wonderful is on it’s way.

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