Do you have bad karma? (Ilona)

Hi Michael: As I had said previously, when bad things happen there is always a reason. The only thing is, that at the time we are going through so much pain/anxiety/frustration/anger or whatever, we can not always think positively. Later on, when things fall into place, we can see why. Had everything worked out as planned for you, you would surely have had great results, but look at what happened! Yes, it was a lot for you to go through, but WOW, what a reward – and I am sure that you have learned many lessons, are thankful for many things and have grown because of your trials. The realization of these gifts of growth and knowledge will carry you through for many years to come (I hope) until the next challenge presents itself. I know that for me, this is how it works. I must admit, though, I sometimes also ask, "Did my learning process have to be quite this challenging!!". Nothing is ever wasted if we learn from it and turn it into something good and positive. I enjoyed reading all the responses and my heart went out to many of the brave souls that wrote in. I send blessings to all of you and to you, Michael and hope that this upcoming festive season will be special for all. Love and Peace, Ilona


Michael Norwood:

Agreed, Ilona.  If everything always went the way we’d expect, and we had all the answers, perhaps we’d find ourselves in heaven rather than on earth.

But then heaven might be pretty boring, wouldn’t it?

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