Do you have bad karma? (MELODY)

Hello Michael, We spoke almost one year ago on the phone regarding your Wealthy Soul series which I purchased not only for myself but for all of my children. A wonderful investment! At the time we spoke I was bemoaning my situation. I had had a terrible fall which left me with nerve damage, torn meniscus, cronic pain and in a wheelchair at the age of 45. Bad Karma? There were times when I truley felt, as well as my husband, that we had bad karma. We are still stuggling to say the least, especially financially and at times we are very "Concerned"! This is a word I choose instead of "afraid or fearful"! I believe what you put out there comes back ten fold including but not limited to Words. This event (fall) in our lives has changed things around immensely. We have railed against the fates, tried to figure out what we have done wrong to deserve this and yes gone down the Bad Karma Road, must have been a huge debt?!?! But I have to tell you that the changes that have come about and continue to come about due to this event are amazing. There is no way we would be where we are or having the things happen that are happening if it were not for this event. I believe sometimes we think that the path we are on is the right one or we are too "concerned" about the unknown to make the necessary changes in our lives so here come events, bad karma and any other name you can think to call "it". "It" comes along and makes us change course so that we have the experiences we need to grow and change as well as the affect that it has on others around us. Wether it is loss, accidents, or mishaps they all happen for a reason, sometimes it is for us, sometimes for others and most times for both. I read a beautiful plaque the other day regarding the loss of a loved one, it stated, "The loss of a loved one means there is an Angel you Know!" Now that is turning it around!! Take off the Bad and just leave it at Karma, in the end it really is all good!! Melody


Michael Norwood:

Thanks for the kind words about the books, Melody.

I love two things you said:

Using the word "concerned" – tremendous balance in adopting that attitude, which is not alarmist but realistic, and prepratory for action.

And your quote:

"The loss of a loved one means there is an Angel you Know!"


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