Do you have bad karma? (Maurice)

You write books. it does not mean you control absolute thruth, same as a "pope" does not.  I just read the 9 Insights of the whealthy soul, and I like them very much.

For my humble opinion, karma does not exist. It is all in the imagination of the reacting person in front of obstacles or uncontrollable events. If you accept the 9 insignts, as a way of transforming life, you will probably agree that the most difficult insight is to spiritually surrender, to be able to be patient with life  I have had my BIG share of badluck in my 70 years of life, but I really feel that the events were the consequences of decisions I have made, one after the other, to put myself into trouble for being "not patient" with my wishes and for following bad advice concerning possible gains that were not timely and kosher. Not Karma.  I have accepted the situation long ago, on certain aspects of my life, but always search for "the solution" for a better life. I have not surrendered spiritually  and I hope the book I just ordered will help have a better insight, with patience. Thank you, and Better daily future to you, Mike.



Ah, you bring up a good point, Maurice! Does karma really exist? Indeed, from the perspective that we are so largely in control of it, it only exists as far as our response to it.

Do we make lemonade out of lemons? Or, conversely, does a life of lemonade make one a "real lemon!"

Thank you for bringing up that mystery!

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