“Now, that’s what I’m talking about!”


That is indeed what I’m talking about!

As I’m writing this, 75 of you have already responded to the request in my last 2 newsletters to share on this blog where and how you find the Wealthy Souls of the world.

Didn’t that feel good, my friend?

Didn’t it lighten up your soul to tap into that Wealthy Soul energy simply by writing about it?

That’s exactly why I love writing this newsletter and reading what you have to say on the blog.

So . . .

          "Where are the Wealthy Souls?"

I’m going to take a back door approach to answering this one. . .

Meaning I’m going to get you to figure it out for yourself!

Directly related to this, I’m going to start by first asking you what you think one of my favorite sit-coms of all time is? There’s one from the 70s also, but the one I’m referring to is more recent.

I’ll give you a few clues:

It is about a hilariously dysfunctional family.

There’s constant conflict between the members of the family.

And there’s even more love.


Each character is a study of certain Wealthy Soul traits.

Each character is a study of certain Wealthy S.O.B. traits.

S.O.B. – That’s "Stuck on the Bottom Line" – see page 2 of The Vision of the Wealthy Soul.

The final clue about this sitcom is that its final episode was aired last year and reruns of it are shown everyday on TBS in the U.S.

Go to the Comments Box below, and share which sitcom you believe I’m referring to.

More importantly, share WHY you believe I love this sitcom so much.

Your thoughts will open you and the many others who read your comments up to the answer to the questions of "Where and How do you find the Wealthy Souls?"

Don’t be afraid you’ll guess at the wrong sitcom. There’s Wealthy Soul moments all around – not just in my own field of vision.

But in the next newsletter, I’ll share with you which sitcom I’m thinking of as well as provide the answer to the questions of "Where and How do you find the Wealthy Souls?"

This will also be the main subject of the very first teleseminar you’ll be my guest at, whose date I’ll be announcing shortly.

Meanwhile, share your best guess at what is my favorite sit-com including your answer to WHY I love it so much in the Comments Box just below.

A hug with lots of love and laughter!

28 Replies to ““Now, that’s what I’m talking about!””

  1. Your question,
    “where do you find the wealthy souls”?
    Really got me thinking the past few days- Almost immediatley, I rattled off several answers, but with each statement I made, there was a little voice in my gut saying ‘shut up and give some thought to this first”! So I did.
    Wealthy souls will find you. It is what you attract when you are a truly happy, grateful person.
    No matter your status financially,physically, mentally or on any other categorie in life.
    I believe you either repel what your thoughts are consumed with, or you attract what you want, because you are not attached to the outcome. This way of being creates inner peace and happiness that keeps you open to recieving your higher good. It really does not matter how much material you have or do not.
    I love your newsletter and look foward to its arrival – thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me, I am grateful for your generosity as it has been so powerful in my life.

  2. I think the sitcom you are referring to is Everybody Loves Raymond. That show is just hilarious. Each character is so real and they all have issues–and try to deal with them the best way they know how–which at times is what makes it so hilarious.

  3. Everybody loves Raymond. It contains all the ingredients you mentioned in your blog, everyone with issues, problems, etc., but in the end love remains strong. One of the best sitcoms to air on television, and sad that it’s gone. Each one of the characters at one time or another had or was a Wealthy Soul.

  4. I am in a challenging place in my life. I have been reflecting on the concept of wealthy souls. I think many wealthy souls come into our lives, however, I think there are times in our lives that we are unable to see them or the gift they are bringing. There are times when we are too stuck ( wounded) in the problem to realize the gift “answer” we are being given. I realize I have had several wealthy souls in my life however, because I did not believe in myself I could not believe or trust in what they were saying. I did not have the innocence of a child anymore, I did not trust, so I did not have ears to hear. There have also been times that I have been a wealthy soul to others, however, to be a true wealthy soul in my view, what you do, has to be coming from a pure place of not wanting or expecting anything in return.
    Sitcom- I too believe it is Raymond… which would be the modern day equivalent of All in the Family. Namaste

  5. Hi Michael,
    As soon as you gave the hint that your favorite sitcom aired its final episode last year, I knew it just had to be “Everybody Loves Raymond”, because that show fits your description to a “T.” It shows the characters in the family in everyday life, facing a plethora of conflicts but always allowing their love for one another to shine through. Each epsiode is like a slice of life in so many families…a mirrored reflection of similar situations. I never thought of it as a picture of a dysfunctional family, but yes, they actually are indeed. Maybe that’s why so many of us viewers can relate to them easily. In America today, wouldn’t you agree that the majority of families are somewhat dysfunctional?

  6. Hello,
    I’m going to say “Everybody Loves Raymond”. This is also my husband’s favorite show and he watches the reruns ad nauseaum! Personally I can’t stand the show and the one with the “wealthiest spirit/soul” is Robert, who is always picked on or shot down.

  7. “Everybody Loves Raymond” and Michael may I add. I feel you love this show because this family reminds you so much of people you know and love. For me, the mother “Marie” reminds me of my grandmother, especially the episode when Raymond and Robert are in the kitchen and Marie unlocks the drawer to give one of them a sucrets. I promise you that happened every summer we spent with our grandparents. My grandmother constanly hid the sucrets, cough drops and had many keys to different things. The Dad Frank is my grandpa, says what’s on his mind, not very effectionate, but you feel the love. Thanks for sharing…

  8. Hi Michael,
    Everybody loves Raymond! All my family loves this programme and yes it is a family with everyday problems but always someone with a solution. My favourite character is the mother. It is going to be aired here in the UK – thankfully! Your newsletters are great and very inspiring – thank you.

  9. Michael thanks thanks so much for the ‘Wealthy Soul’ books. I received them a couple of days ago and have already quickly scanned through them all. I am planning a good few hour reading marathon soon with a cuppa coffee and your books!
    Two sitcoms immediately came to mind. Raymond, and Will and Grace.
    Both dysfunctional families personify the Wealthy Soul examples. Both families, no matter what life throws at them, in the end come together and are there to strengthen one another in love to weather life’s storms.
    Raymond’s family is tried and true dysfunctional family in that the family unit is there – parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren.
    Every show ended though with the positive Wealthy Soul trait of love.
    The other show Will and Grace shows that family doesn’t have to be one build of parents/ grandparents/ children etc. Will and Grace show how people that are totally different in attitudes can meet up, live together as a family even if it is dysfunctional and still find the Wealthy Soul.
    ‘Will and Grace’ and ‘Raymond’ show that it doesn’t matter what kind of person one is, the Wealthy Soul aspect ‘Love’ conquers all.

  10. Hi Michael:
    Before I clicked on this blog page I wrote down my guess: “Everybody Loves Raymond”. If you have another sitcom in mind…..a lot of us are wrong. And, you need to watch that
    show 😉 Each one of us has been everyone on that show at one time or another.
    But the story’s moral is usually: “When the P.M.A. (positive mental attitude) is allowed to prevail, LOVE does as well, eliminating being S.O.B.”
    I think that’s why you love it Michael: they’re ‘Wealthy Souls’ personified.
    Love and Peace to all!! E.B.

  11. Hi Michael,
    I guess your favorite show is “Everybody Loves Raymond” it is one of my favorite shows also.
    I love it because it shows the interaction of a dysfunctional family which in the end always works out ok. There are lessons for everyone. Even the father with his one liner comebacks sometimes shows truth in his simplicity.
    The relationships are sometimes strained, but the moral is always there, and in the end truth and justice usually prevail.
    I love the show because I can relate to the characters with their very human emotions and problems. It shows how we can all be very different and imperfect, yet, still manage to grow and love each other in the end.
    Thank you Michael for this blog.
    With Love,

  12. I want to believe it to be … All in the Family for just what it is TBS or not … or just about any sitcom at that The wealth of the souls there are in that family and those the Bunker family touches for being themselves in their own right. Not out to “be” for anybody but sharing themselve unapologeticly. Unapologeticly … I can’t spell. Each charecter was a lesson and got a lesson. To me a “wealthy soul” is content in the moment and aware of the fact it is just that, and should one want to change at anytime one can do so by choice or view. You can’t put a name to that. So does it have to be a sitcom, dramma, or ultimately a mystery … Ponder that … Wealthy souls are in and have the untouchable … feelable, place unreachable here. Gwen

  13. HiMichael,
    My guess is Everbody Loves Raymond and the show from the 70’s is most likely All In The Family. Both shows were about dysfunctional families with characters that were all very different and they had their differences amongst themselves. However, when the chips were down they could somehow overlook the differences and come together. In other words, “Love me, love my warts and I will do likewise for you!” I think a wealthy soul is able to do that.

  14. I vote for Everybody Loves Raymond. I thought of it immediately when I read the blog. It is absolutely hilarious. It is full of wealthy soul moments. It’s one of our favorites, too.

  15. Having just now received the books, I am using my own definition -for now- of the wealthy soul.
    My life has been enriched because a wealthy soul crossed my life path at a critical junction.
    About a year after my husband died, an old friend from my teenage days suddenly appeared in my life. He just called out of the blue one day after having not seen or heard about him since we left high school.
    After the usual catching up, our e-mails continued but within a more philosophical, spiritual and alternative context. I was on the brink of a brand new life, and only knew that I wanted it to be meaningful for me and for others.
    I believe my re-newed friend has a wealthy soul as he has been a gentle guide to new vistas of understanding. My friend introduced me to many books, websites, such as this one, and beautiful and important concepts.
    No matter what life holds for me, I will always carry with me the benefits of his shared wisdom which finds its source in a wealthy soul.

  16. “Everybody Loves Raymond”!!! No wonder it is such a popular sitcom all over the world, and so much in India. The daughter in law is such a loving forgiving person.The mother means well and the father has the right to be rude knowing full well that he will be forgiven!! The brother and Raymond have this really bonded relationship. Yes. They are all wealthy souls arent they? They are such an inspiration to many, working their magic in such an unobtrusive yet hilarious way!

  17. I have never seen “Raymond” that everyone seems to think is the family you are referring to–to me it seemed that it might have been 7th heaven–although that one may be too “obvious” since it is “supposed” to be a show that ends with love–however on “Heaven” every one in the family has his/her own quirks that could lead to disaster and the love that exists in the family keeps everyone on track, and somehow makes everything come out as a blessing for everyone…(hmm…Maybe this just shows how little I watch TV and Heaven has been in the rerun stage already for a long time–all I know is that now, when I finally get time to see it ocasionally, it is always a re-run.) I hate it when a favorite goes off the air!
    Joanne in California

  18. I don’t spend my time watching TV. There is more to my world than spending time in front of sitcoms.
    My mind is more precious.

  19. Hi,
    I don’t watch the TV. So, I have no clue about what sitcom you are referring to. I have the books, still, I haven’t read it. I am not sure why? I do like your e-mails and the presentations you sent. May be this month or Feb., I will read your book.
    Thank you.

  20. Don’t have cable – limited programs. My answer “Everybody Loves Raymond”. If there was no love there, they probably would have killed each other or stopped talking to each other.
    Started reading your ‘9 Insights…’ book – the stock market is a totally foreign language to me. Know how you felt.

  21. Where are the wealthy souls?
    I believe they are all around us.
    They ‘re there all the time but often don’t make themselves known
    until a crisis comes along. Then
    they open up their arms,their
    homes,hearts and pocket books to victims and needy of all kinds.
    Many years ago, due to alcohol
    abuse, I was going through a div-
    orce and had no place to stay. A
    family I barely knew took me in
    until I could find a place. Then,
    an old freind heard of my plight
    and invited me to stay with them.
    I thank God that he puts these
    people in our lives, as sometimes
    it could mean life or death. I will
    be forever grateful to those wealthy souls who helped me in my time of need. I may not have survived without them.

  22. Dear Michael
    Thanks for your gift and emails.
    I am from Iran and live there.
    As you khow my country is not in your list and also I do not have credit card.
    How can I get your book?
    Best wishes

  23. Hi!!! I ‘m a girl from Greece so please forgive me for my mistakes in english!
    I don’t think that we should be looking in the 3-dimentional world we live in, for wealthy souls. Meeting wealthy souls, in my opinion, is controlled by the 4th dimention: Time! So when the fulness of time comes, we meet wealthy souls! In my experience wealthy souls come along at really bad times for us… When all hope is gone… when there’s nothing left to be said or done…a wealthy soul comes and finds us and takes us out of our misery!!!
    As far as the question “how to find a wealthy soul” is concerned I don’t really have an answer! I think that, attracting such a soul towords us is the result of an internal procedure; but I haven’t figured out how it works yet!
    Keep up the good work,

  24. Hi Michael… The first sitcom that came to my mind was Friends, I know
    you said it involved a family, but for me family has a larger meaning,
    it’s any group of people who are together out of love and caring. I believe that
    the characters portrayed in this sitcom are a family. They all have their own issues
    to deal with but they are always there for their friends, they give support and
    unconditional love to each other. I think your favourite sitcom was Everyone Loves
    Raymond, I didn’t watch this to much, but I did watch a few times when one of the
    brothers found themselves doing something that they didn’t want or like doing just
    to help the other one out.
    I believe that the answer to your first question about where do you find a wealthy
    soul, is in your own heart. The person that I think is a wealthy soul may not be one
    to someone else. I also believe that we all have had some wealthy soul moments in
    our lives. It’s these moments that keep us on our journey, to find that place in our
    hearts and souls of peace and tranquillity. When we have that peace and love inside
    ourselves, we emitted it out to all around us, we can open up and shine the light for
    Mac, Peace, Love & Happiness

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