Resolutions of the Spirit

From: Te Aroha Taki
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:39 PM
To: Dr. Michael Norwood (and all caring souls)
Subject:  (Tsunami Tragedy)

This is the last day of the year 2004…Such tragic events
overseas I pray for them all, the dead, the dying, the
living and the lost people…what else can we do????

There is nothing mankind will ever achieve that compares
with the wrath the natural world can pour on us. If we do
not pray and be thoughtful to all others, race, creed,
colour, environment, global love is what is needed now…..

To make the powers that be….take note…they are the cause
by generating the fear in peoples minds, the thoughts, words
and actions they convey to the masses….all they are
concerned about is & who would be needing money
at a time like this…when people are traumatised, scared, &
lost….who will distribute money to people fairly who is
going to be helping.. when all people want is shelter, food
and love.

Dr.Michael, you can use my words where you believe will help
others to make meaningful changes, to gain a different and
hopefully beneficial outlook that encompasses more
peace,love for all others where ever they may be in this
beautiful & wonderful world that we live in.

Thank you & may you through your work and gifts sent to us
all achieve the loving changes in every one you touch.

God Bless and Arohanui,

Te Aroha Taki
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand

Michael Norwood:

Dear Te Aroha,

Thank you for sharing your deep and heartfelt thoughts.
Indeed, it is hard not to be upset seeing all the suffering
taking place. Viewing all the news on the Tsunami has made
me look deep and be thankful for little things.

I personally find it empowering to look more at effects than
at causes in this case, what I can only call "Resolutions of
the Spirit":

– How people are so beautifully reaching out to help
others . . . from Presidents, to citizens, to you
and me.

– How, indeed, the world is united in this effort:
Asian and American, friend and foe, Democrat and
Republican, white and brown and black.

– How my own personal challenges seem so
insignificant compared to the lives lost and the
people suffering.

– How tragedy allows you and me to expand our hearts
and clear our minds.

– How it allows you and me to realize what’s
important and "who’s" really important in our lives.

– How, indeed, in years ahead, we will look back and
remember the devastation . . .  yet at the same time
marvel at how we, as humans, are capable of
recovering and triumphing over even the most
horrific of challenges.

Thank you for opening up this discussion, Aroha. I will put
this up on my web log ("blog") and allow others to share
their beautiful thoughts to begin the sacred healing

God bless,

*** I invite you, who are reading this, to share
your own beautiful feelings and empowering
"Resolutions of the Spirit" to my list above by
adding your "Comments" below. Your words
and personal stories will touch thousands of
others. Let us all begin to transform this tragedy
into an event that opens our hearts and quickens our
intimately connected spirits.

24 Replies to “Resolutions of the Spirit”

  1. I agree that our, at least my challenges are insignificant compared to what is happening in Asia and it’s great to be able to help. Hopefully, we will not forget and we can continue to be generous to ease the suffering and also we will also be kinder to one another to make the world a more loving place, from our own backyard to the other end of the world.

  2. -I received this in my e-mail today….Timely. I hope this is the original author.
    —-Original Message—–
    From: MT Michelle Thur (4994)
    Subject: I love this …
    Recently I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said “I love you and I wish you enough.”
    The daughter replied, “Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom.” They kissed and the daughter left.
    The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”
    “Yes, I have,” I replied.
    “Forgive me for asking but why is this a forever goodbye?”
    “I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is – the next trip back will be for my funeral” she said.
    “When you were saying goodbye, I heard you say ‘I wish you enough’. May I ask what that means?”
    She began to smile. “That’s a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone.” She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. “When we said ‘I wish you enough’ we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them.”
    Then turning toward me she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory — I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
    She then began to cry and walked away.
    They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. I wish you enough…

  3. This is an opportunity to give love and serve. This is a chance to join in the most powerful sustaining force and law of the universe, love!
    Those taken in a twinkling of an eye served all humanity by providing such a unifying and uplifting gate for the rest of us to transcend from divisions, hate, and violence. We must not waste it, but be thankful even joyful for it.
    Those taken have entered the Father’s embrace. May we enter our Mother’s (Wisdom) and bless the survivors.

  4. As I write this I am overwhelmed with the Love that people are sharing, the opening up of their hearts, the story of the mother and the daughter at the air port sharing their final goodbye.
    Yes indeed amidst all the pain, suffering and loss, such that most of us can only glimpse, comes unconditional Love like a phoenix rising out of the ashes. Let us not forget the power of prayer, for each word of love and hope we offer up the Universe will also expand with that Love.
    These latter years have been filled with fighting, intolerance, poverty and greed. Let us hope that out of this major devestating disaster, we each of us looks into our hearts and into our lives and take action, not just by giving money, not just by praying but by taking responsibility for how we live our lives and how we treat our fellow beings. Yes pray, yes give money, but remember personally taking action makes a difference to our world.
    Love and peace and hope to all.
    Maureen Ryan. York. UK

  5. I’m really happy and touched by what is happening around the world.To me it is a clear indication of the days that we are living in.What Paul says perilous times in 2nd Timothy Chapter3.Things are reaing but these are a sighn to the farmer that the end is near.So lets pray Jesus said watch and pray and more for spiritual awakening to the church of Jesus.May God bless you.

  6. Thanks to all who share in this moment of time that I can describe as a day that was and shall be no more. I can relate to the loss of a loved one or should I say the losses of loved ones. The year 2004 began as a tragic one for me and my family. We experience death in such a way that was almost unreal. Every month a loved one went to sleep to awaken no more. As adults we remember the times spent with them but still cry and sorrow for longing to have them near. When my grandmother passed in June it was the 4th death for the year. But within 2 days of her passing my uncle passed away. The family members gathered again for another funeral and within two days another funeral. And it seems that since February 2004 each month we who remain gather again for a homegoing celebration. For we realize that it was a loss to us but a gain for them. Most of them came to know Christ as their savior before leaving and accepted his love and salvation. The testimony they left behind that they knew Him personally allowed the healing process to begin for us. But our losses and our pain and our sorrow is so very small compared to the lives ended in the recent tragedy in Southeast Asia. I can only wonder and begin to pray for the children. What about the children? The adults who passed in my family left behind lots of children and grandchildren. I now give more time to my own 5 children and others in need. My prayers and thoughts are for the children. Daily I pray for children. Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.

  7. It is so beautiful to see how the world has come together to serve, provide, love and pray for the victims of the Tsumani.
    I come from the tiny island of Malta in the Mediterranean and I am so amazed how our people have reached out to help both financially and materialistically, but especially in prayer.
    I was touched by an SMS I recieved a few days after the tragedy. The message was to light a candle in the window and say a prayer for the victims.
    What a beautiful way to unite and show love.
    Blessings to All,

  8. I have lived a blessed life. Blessed more by others than I have blessed, me thinks. The Tsunami damage of lives could not be accepted by me- It was too much! I do not have TV and only bothered with glimpses throught the internet. Two days ago in a paper I saw a picture of hundreds of fellow humans, their dead bodies lying on the beach, motionless, among debre and trash. I cried with the realization that this was real. I cut the picture out and placed it on my Kitchen board. As I looked at that picture – a spot of comfort came to me as I knew those earthly vessels were dead but their sacred souls lived on where-ever souls live on at. It is those who survived this tragedy whom could be helped. And so I came to the realization to bless how I could. Not just today, but months to come. And again I realize that even in those lifeless people, I have been blessed more by them than I can bless. May you also————

  9. This past few years has been especially hard for me as my husband and I seperated in November and my mother died on Dec 10…so the story of the mother-daughter-airport story really hit home. I am also a 2 year cancer survivor and everyday is a gift I know, but even I sometimes forget…..but what happened on Dec 26th was a tragedy as well as a chance for all of us to take a good look at where we are and realize that being grateful for wherever life happens to be for us at this very moment is enough..and that was is even more important is like what others have kind to each other..even those that we find are hard to deal with for whatever reason…….life is a journey….with ourselves and others…if we can just learn to somehow get along with each other and work through our differances….and when others are having a hard time to lend a helping hand…then life actually can feel pretty darn good!!! God Bless to all..p

  10. Seeing the Tsunami tragedy made me appreciate the fact that God is faithful!we go through life complaining about things not being right,but this people never had the opportunity to whine as we sometimes do about things not being right!they never had the time to make up with family and friends over quarells and will never have the opportunity to say “i love you” to their family and friends.Now i see God”s faithfulness in keeping me alive and giving me the opportunity to laugh with friends and family and appreciate LIFE as a GIFT from God!As i watch the television and see those that were miracously saved,i say thank you to God for being faithful to them and giving them the gift of LIFE!and i see each day as a gift to be shared by spreading joy and appreciating everyone that comes my way.So for me its all about ATTITUDE!the Tsunami attitude for me is to live life with a grateful heart that it could have been me!

  11. As a mother of two young children I feel so blessed and filled with joy to be a mother, despite the hard times and challenges that go along with being a parent. The Tsunami tragedy has taught me how to never take my children for granted again. Recently and “Out of the blue” I asked my 8 year old son, “What do you wish for?” and he said “Love, just lot’s of love for everyone”…. And here’s me thinking he would be wishing for a toy or something material. How wrong I was! Our children are so precious and my heart goes out to all the lost children in the recent South East Asia tragedy and to all those parents who are looking for their children.

  12. Let those of us who remain alive use this tragic occurrence to remember that all mankind are EQUAL in the sight of God. We are like flowers – all of differing shades of color. It is this difference that creates the beauty. We were put here to enjoy and appreciate this uniqueness. Do not curse what the Father has declared “good”. Prejudices of ANY kind is a curse.
    Out of the ashes of destruction in S.E. Asia rises the deep love and support of people everywhere for victims of that tidal destruction. It is indeed heart warming to see how citizens of my country, your country and around the world pause in their conflicts and realize we are brothers – all. May this be the year that we begin to live as God intended us to live – as sons and daughters of the One Father. My heart is full of LOVE for all who may read this.

  13. Love…the universal emotion… is what we can share with our fellow world survivors following this devastating catastrophe. Through love comes a generous spirit of giving…to the limit of our individual means. My deepest condolences go out to each and every family touched by this horrible event.

  14. Dear Dr. Michael,
    Thank you for your words of wisdom, I know I sound a bit skeptical when it comes to these matters of life and death on a global scale… is a time for all of us to realise the wonderful basic things we have in life and to fully appreciate the differences between standards of living that we enjoy in comparison to less fortunate countries.
    As the days go by after the tsunami, one feels so touched by the generosity of the people from all over the love is certainly in action right now…so we hope it will continue on a more deeper scale, by continuing to work together, helping each other,ensuring that all aid is reaching the masses that really need it, to rebuild their lives.
    I support a orphanage in Southern India, and as luck will have it they (Karunai Illam) are untouched, but many of the young girls who lived at the orphanage,who became nurses, worked in the hospitals along the coast…have lost homes and other family members…The orphanage is now trying to resettle some families and making arrangements for support in helping many people looking for shelter…I am not sure at this time how they are coping, but many of the locals are resourceful, resilient,and used to the bare basics in food and clothing.
    I believe after such a critical, traumatic experience that has touched our global family the time has come for Governments to work together, bury their conflicts and start afresh.
    We are now it a turning point today which will make for a better more caring world, a time when we should always be grateful for the wonderous things that given to us, therefore we have more to give to the less fortunate.
    May all be well with you and yours.
    TeAroha Taki.

  15. While recovering from a sinus infection and feeling sorry for myself, I have had a good little bit of time to look inward. I discovered something I have always known.
    On one of my recent trips to Starbucks, which happens to be in a local casino, one of the valets asked me what my New Year’s Resolutions were. I replied, “I didn’t make any because I don’t want to feel guilty when I break them. My resolution is no guilt!”
    But later while reading Marianne Williamson’s book “The Gift of Change” I realized that there is one resolution we can all make to change the world.
    Right now even the earth mother herself is crying out for change because of our treatment of her. The gift we can offer is that of love.
    To remember that we are love is the gift that will change the planet into the home our Father intended it to be.
    Then we can be free from fear and hate and anger. Then we can finally have peace.

  16. Dear Everyone,
    I find I begin and end each day watching the news to stay updated on what’s happening with the people and the land damaged by the tsunami.
    I have set up a prayer energy grid with quartz crystals and other power objects to continuously send healing and loving energy to all the people and to Gaia.
    I am so moved by the outpouring of love and help from nations all over our world. It does take money to help the people and provide the necessities of life. However, our prayers and thoughts are just if not even more important for everyone.
    The Divine knows where and what the needs are- humans with their charts and satelite information know where the need is – working together The Divine and the Human- co-creating healing together makes our world a much better place and brings the HOPE to all of us of the Goodness, Truth and Beauty of Humanity. Maybe not 100% but enough to know we are good and deserving of the Divine’s love and intercesstion.
    With Love,
    Atlanta,Ga USA

  17. How heartwarming to see all the help to all those affected by this tragedy. All affected or involved in it are in my prayers.
    Thank you for the reminder we too often need that we not forget how many blessings we have to count even in the midst of our own losses and trials in life. I, too, have lost a loved one, my beloved son, in June 2003. My pain is as fresh or fresher than the day he died but I still am so grateful for my many blessings.
    I agree it is important to be kind to others as we want to be treated. I would love for this world to be free from hate and anger and have peace while pursuiting happiness.

  18. I was so depressed watching the world trade center victims that when I heard about this tragedy I have tried to not watch to much TV coverage of it. Not that I do not care I do I really do. I pray everyday for each and everyone of the people that lost thier lives and for the children that were left with no family. But for me I have got to stay away from the TV this time.

  19. The truest treasures, that are possible to possess here upon this earth, can only be found in the bonds of relationships that we develop and nurture.
    Sometimes those relationships we must sacrifice the most, to develop and nurture, prove to be some of the most rewarding treasures.
    The most valuable treasure of all, is forged in the bonds of the relationship that we develop and nurture with our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
    This tsunami has given all of us an opportunity to develop and nurture a relationship with the survivors of this terrible disaster. And by doing so, we will discover the greatest treasure of all, when one day we hear the words “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto Me.”

  20. This is another opportunity to praise our Lord and Savior for all of His love. I pray for all the people who where affected. God, as we speak, is helping us cope and only HE can give us the strength to get through this.

  21. Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your inspiring email. Hope your ankle heals up very quickly. We are truly all so fortunate as we witness the events in southeast asia. A friend heard that a woman (very good swimmer) was swept out to sea by the huge wave. She was pulled way under to the bottom and there were two children. She grabbed them and miracuously they were still alive. She was a good swimmer but too far from shore. She suddenly saw to the side of her a huge python. The python pulled the woman and children to the shore and safety. There are always heart warming stories to brighten our day. Bless you always and much love
    Shareall and bill

  22. I am touched to my very soul by the comments I have just read about the S,E, Asia tragedy. I’m recently lost my best friend and am so grateful for the wonderful sharing and love he brought to my life over the last ten years. It is true that the pain is always in your heart. However the memories will never leave despite his leaving to go home to his father.
    As I read the comments, I feel strengthen because of the out pouring of love being shown by the world population for the stricken people from this region. It shows me that hope and love are still very present around the world and the outpouring of prayers, money and supplies are generously being provided unselfishly to those who are in desperate need at this time.
    Our tragedies here are certainly small in comparison to those in Asia. But God’s love is still very strong, and the love in God’s people is abounding in this times.
    I am glad for my blessings every minute, and realize these is still hope for mankind and it’s big heart. All my prayers go out to the families in this tragic event but all for anyone going through bad times wherever they are….

  23. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about success and the idea of attracting abundance into your life- and being thankful for what you have. That seems to be the starting point- and disasters like the one in south Asia make it that much easier to be thankful. Unbelievable what people are going thru there. I hope more people can stand up, give from their hearts, and know that it’s cases like these-that there’s hope for us collectively as a race after all.

  24. The Human Spirit has risen above this horrible event and has endured. It has brought hope to a hopeless situation. It is wonderful to see how the different people in the world can come together and unite.
    May God Bless each of us and may his blessings shine down on the victims of the Tsunami

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