“The beauty was so staggering.”

You may want to argue with what I have to say here –

You may believe that television is a waste of time, as many
people do (despite continuing to watch hours of "junk" a day!).

But I believe, depending upon what you choose to watch,
television can be one of the most transformative mediums
in your life.

I say this because there are extraordinary Wealthy Soul lessons certain shows can teach you without you having to go through the oftentimes great challenge of living through those particular experiences yourself.

Up until recently, there were four particular moments on television that I always counted as touching me to the deepest core of my soul.

Then, in the last few months, there came a fifth.

I am a collector of such moments. And this particular one came on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

The entire program had held me absolutely transfixed. And then the featured guest, who had told one of the most extraordinary stories I ever witnessed, said the words about his experience that I’ll never forget:

     "The beauty in the midst of it was so staggering."

The context in which the young man said these words is truly life-changing. And I say "is" as opposed to "was" because I wish you to be present with those words for at least the next week.

Hold them in your silences. And look deeply in your own life where such words might apply.

And if you can begin to see their hidden relevance to the most unexpected of your own experiences, you will discover a brilliant new meaning and depth to your life.

Next week I’ll share with you who the guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show was and the story that led him to say such words.

Meanwhile, meditate on how "the beauty in the midst of" one of your own experiences "was so staggering."

     What experience was it?

     Was such beauty expected?

      Or was this beauty, as in the case of Oprah Winfrey’s guest, a paradox?

      A Gift?

     The last thing you could have imagined under such circumstances?

     And therefore, was such beauty an act of Grace?

Share your experience in the form at the bottom of this page. You will not only light up your own soul, you’ll light up the souls of thousands ofother Wealthy Soul readers from around the world.

A big bear hug to you,


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** Now, go ahead and add your own story how "The beauty in the midst of your own experience was so staggering."

26 Replies to ““The beauty was so staggering.””

  1. The beauty in the midst of it was so staggering.
    At the end of the afternoon of a particularly difficult day, I headed out the back door and into my car to drive the half mile to my house down a lonely dirt road. I had just learned that my husband and best friend had been seeing each other for seven months. My feelings had not yet run the gammut but the storm had gathered. As I got into my car and stepped on the gas peddle the tears exploded, a Niagara explosion and I pulled over to the side to gather the strength needed to drive. After a few moments my deeper thouhts gathered like storm clouds, black and heavy, my shoulders slumped, my face felt numb and I started to drive over the little cement bridge that separated the summer camp from my home property. The bridge was narrow and had no side rails and although less careful than usual, I spotted something. There on the side was something you see in magazines now and then, a most beautiful flower growing in the least expected place. It was dancing in the wind amongst the ragged crevices and rocks lining the bridge. It didn’t belong, like this new event in my beautiful life but the flower was so staggeringly beautiful that I knew it was a blessing. At the moment, the timeless moment, those moments that last forever in memory, all I could say was “Thank You”.

  2. While serving the USAF in he Phillipines, I realized the gift of grace. The beauty in the midst of it was staggering, yet the life I was experiencing was ugly. One crystal clear evening as I gazed into the star matted sky it became clear to me that I was part of an ever changing and constantly serving universe. My presence in this universe was purposeful and that I alone had the ability to make a difference everyday. That ability was my own thoughts, the realization that I had become what I constantly thought about was the life-altering event that changed my life forever. The beauty in this is staggering and everyone who reads this has the same ability. You can alter you experience of living by simply taking control of your thoughts!

  3. Dear Micheal,
    I am glad to be remind of the staggering beauty that can be found in the midst of almost any situation. I am going to a Trade Show this morning and worried that it will be a trial but instead of thinking that; I will be looking for staggering beauty right there: in that trade show, in the moment. I love your blog.
    Love, light and laughter,

  4. On Mothers Day, 1995, we drove to Oklahoma City to se the Murrow Building. We walked around the fenced off area, looking at the tributes attached to the fence. The crowds, some of them in Sunday Best, some with corsages, were quiet and subdued. When we got to a view of the building I was shocked. The first day, it had looked as if a giant cleaver had sliced off the front and it had looked strangely clean. Now, there were materials hanging out of the openings on every floor. It resembled nothinh so much as a large, unmade bed. When we got to the place on the East side where we could approach more closely, we could see part of rhe awful, gaping hole. There was a little tree whose tattered leaves were still offering some shade. I could place my fingers into the holes in its trunk where shrapnel had entered. Suddenly, a bird opened its throat and sang an anthem into the clear blue sky. And the beauty in the midst of all the destruction and inhumanity was staggering. And I felt blessed and that we had been given a benediction.

  5. Actually, I won’t argue with you about television, because once one is “present” in his or her own life, there is so much beauty to behold.
    Just take a look outside your window right now as spring has sprung and see the beauty of the flowers, the greenery that has returned, the bird that wake you in the morning, the cloudless skies of spring and yes even the storms of spring that wash all the pollen away…how can you not behold the beauty…it’s all around you…and one just has to be awake and present in the moment to enjoy what’s literally under your nose and right infront of you.
    So I am actually agreeing with you that even in simple television shows you can find moments to make you reflect on what hidden beauty exists in your own life.

  6. There was television program (it’s since been dropped)that I loved to watch. I think the name was “Touched by an Angel” or something close to it. It stared “Ella Fitzgerald” & I think her name was “Rome Downing”, who were angels. Each episode they were tasked to make a difference in someone’s life. They never knew ahead of time what they were supposed to do,so each time they have to get involved in some persons life and figure out what was wrong and do something about it to help make a positive difference in this person or family’s live, but they couldn’t use any of their angelic powers.
    Each episode of this program, carried the message that “God Knows & Cares about our problems and wants to help if we will just believe in him & let him”. Because “God loves us very much and wants us to be happy”!
    Every episode didn’t always have a happy ending. Life doesn’t. But Peace & Understanding was provided to the troubled when they were shown how things & events were all a part of God’s plan.
    I don’t remember ever watching an episode where I wasn’t touched to the point of tears. I was always very moved, because some,hit “very close to home” as they say.
    I miss the show, but I remember the feeling!! It helped me come to grips with the loss of my parents, and to appreciate my own family of wife, 4 children & 7 grandchildren. Sometimes I realize just how lucky I am and it makes me cry,because I am not sure I’m worthy of the joy they bring to me.
    Thank You………..Bill Laker

  7. Your last email I must say touched a heartstring and it brought me back to an experience I had years ago when my father was dying of cancer and I thought the whole world was coming to an end.
    In those last weeks, my mother and I took turns caring for him around the clock. It was one of the most difficult and painful times of my life. It was before such things as hospice and other kinds of help. The doctor said “just take him home”. So we were there with him until the end.
    I’ve always expressed my feelings through my paintings. One day in the middle of this immeasurable grief, I felt the strong need to go out into the golden fall landscape of Southern California and start a painting. I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to paint, but I found a beautiful little meadow close to home with golden grasses surrounded by stately mature deep green Oak Trees. It was a private, secluded place where I set up my blank canvas and on the soft golden grasses and began to paint the statuesque, stately oak tree before me. As I painted the tree, I prayed for my father’s deliverance from pain and suffering. I began to feel the sense of amazing beauty surrounding me…the sun flickering through the leaves, the very blue sky, the total peacefulness of the place.
    Within 3 hours the painting was finished and as I look back it was one of the best and most meaningful I have ever done. I was actually painting the spirit of my father in that tree and what he meant to me, his strength of character, his enduring love which he showed in so many ways, his support and belief in me. He was never a man of material treasures and financial successes. But he was a man of integrity and to me, as in the song, he was the “wind beneath my wings”.
    The next day he died peacefully with my mother and I beside him at home. But in all my sorrow, having done the painting somehow brought light and hope and beauty into this most difficult time of my life.
    Years later the painting was given to a good friend who during her troubled times found comfort and a ray of light in this inspired work. I released the painting but never the vivid memories of the father who meant so much to me.

  8. So many times we wonder where the beauty is in the difficult times that we have. As I read your story about the Oprah show I thought about the time we lost our son when he was sitll born fifteen years ago now and it still seems like it was yesterday.
    The blessings that came out of that situation was, we were able to share with others who had the same experiences.
    If you are willing to let go of someting you love so much it will come back to you in another way. We just never know when or how. But in Gods time it will.

  9. Prior to entering the USAF, I was packing and getting rid of items in my apartment one weekend. After working so hard that weekend, I was extremely tired. As a result, Monday morning came and I was too tired to go to work… As I returned to my bed and started dozing off, I heard a voice telling me to get up and go to work. I flew out of that bed so fast and ran from room to room to ensure that no one was in my apartment but me since I lived alone. After I ensured that there that no one was there–returned to bed a second time; and as soon as I began to doze off, the voice came again but sterner than the first time. I added more pillows over my head to block out the voice. However, the third time it was persistent and sterner that the previous two times. Once again, I was told to get up and go to work; I jumped up, screamed and told no one in particular that I would go to work. I arrived to work that day very late. When my supervisor asked the reason for me being late, I simply said “if I tell you, you would say that I am crazy.” When I got off the subway station at 6:00 pm that evening, all the children in the neighborhood was waiting for me. They were screaming that I had been robbed and that someone had chopped down the door to my apartment. I was so used to them meeting me everyday with some tale about what had happened in the neighborhood during the day while I was at work that I told them no more stories today; and pointed out that I was too tired to listen to any stories. However, when I got to my apartment, all I could do —was stand there speechless while a half dozen voices said I told you so. It was Grace that save my life that day and has kept me since. Nothing off value was taken, all valuable items in the apartment was there. The items taken were an old sewing machine, a black and white twelve inch TV and an old stereo player. I knew without a doubt that had that voice not spoken to me that morning, I would have been killed that on that fateful day. So when I hear that old song “AMAZING GRACE” I know its true meaning—it is very dear to me. For it is GRACE that has brought me this far—the beauty in the midst of it was staggering. Lois

  10. Michael,
    My mother is 85 and a stroke patient. She cannot walk, feed herself or speak and though she struggles to talk, it is nintelligible.
    My mother’s roommate at the nursing home has Alzheimers and speaks very little, and is not always understandable.
    Saturday afternoon Lawrence Welk comes on the Public TV station. On this particular afternoon, it was a show spotlighting patriOtism and a number of hymns. My mother and this lady sat in their beds and sang along with every song. Every word was not pronounced clearly, but it was definitely sung with love and dignity.
    This was truly a beautiful moment in a sometimes very heartbreaking situation.

  11. Yes Michael, have something to share
    Live in one of the busiest cities around LAX, the name is Inglewood, sometimes my friends ask me why do I live there and my answer is always “because my light is needed there”(besides that have family and friends living in the area).
    Well about three weeks ago in a busy Saturday noon time went to this busy shopping center and since was busy will not even try to park on their parking lot or in the close street, will prefer to park in a very far away not to busy place not minding to have to walk, any way went to the store did my errand and did not notice any thing happening outside.
    What a surprise when went outside and first see many police cars and other emergency vehicles and what looked like a whole block of cars crashed one over the other and a big Van upside down in the other side of the street and the first thing that came to my mind, was this is too bad to be true must be a movie (since they film a lot around this area), however they will not do it in the middle of a very busy Saturday, so it was real.
    Now start walking to my car and see all the other cars parked on the street damaged by the Van upside down and the content of it see the fire department stopping the small fires that have started, feel very scared did not know if it was my own fear or was filing every bodies fear, just walked back to my car and feel the big difference, by now the streets are closed, so here were my car is parked is quiet they are big trees and a lot of birds singing and sea gulls looking for food.
    The place is nice and feel very calm now, can not go no were until the streets are reopen so it may take a while, could go inside my car and meditate, or could stay were I was standing under the big tree and just pray for all the people involved in the accident and just did that for a whole hour, that is how fast they were able to clean up, have never pray so hard and so long for one reason in front of my eyes, after a while felt like the time have stopped, do not hear any noise only the birds singing and feel a very deep peace inside my heart and will say a prayer of thank to spirit for let me live that moment and yes did not know these words them, but “The beauty in the midst of it was so staggering”, was very appropriated to describe how I, felt.
    Felt very thirsty, so the clean up is almost over so walk back to the shopping center to buy a drink and while drinking it just watch the last details of the clean up and felt so much love and gratitude for the police the fire department the city of Inglewood workers, they all were very professional, compassionate and efficient, the last detail that have observed was one of the police cars had the lights on for so long the battery died, so one of the last tow trucks give him a jump start and after that the police man and the truck driver, give each other a pat on the back.

  12. Michael,
    After reading the conclusion to your story of the Oprah show I thought it fitting to share with everyone else the story that I shared with you personally.
    Here it is:
    Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend some time with a friend of mine that has been given one to two months to live due to cancer. What an inspiration she is ! So far her husband has been taking it well ( at least on the surface ). We all have a tenancie to hide things at times like this.
    I really didn’t want to even go there because what do you say at a time like this to someone in her condition. God pushed me in that direction because I really didn’t want to be there. I guess as long as He is leading I have nothing to worry about because just like Moses He will give you the words.
    Well as I sat there and visited with her and her husband I heard this voice say give her the books. My thought was WOW what a great idea. So later I had to go back by their place and I took her a set of the books that you wrote. She was so happy to get them and said when I get finished with them I will get them back to you. I said no this is my gift to you and you can keep them or give them to someone else if you choose to. She has two grown children and it is my hope that she gives the books to them to help them understand what she is going through.
    What a blessing it was just to be able to give your books to her. That one act alone of being able to give her your books made my rest of the day go so much better.
    Thank you for that opportunity !!
    Chester Tau

  13. On a particularly stressful year…I prayed on the way home from work… God, please help me…please give me some sign that I am where I am supposed to be…and doing what I am suppossed to do… Please…I need this sign….
    As I rounded the curve on the highway…there before me was the largest, most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen!
    It had not been raining.

  14. I sat with my mother, before she passed away, 3-4 days a week in the nursing home for the 3 years she lived there before she died. It taught me compassion, much more than I had, for the elderly, their hardships, and how hard it can be for some of them. It also taught me what a difficult job the nursing home aides have, as well, and how they must have patience and compassion for those they help on a daily basis. As hard as it was, I’m grateful for the experience because I think it added a dimension to my caring about others that I may not have had enough of. I really saw how what you do comes back to you and someday when I’m old I hope the kindness I showed others there, not just my mother, will come back to me when I need it most. I saw God work things out for my mother’s benefit because my sisters and I depended on Him and His love. There is always something to learn from every experience in life, you only have to look.

  15. The beauty in the midst of it was so staggering, that eighteen years later, it still astounds me, that, whichever, “God, a higher power, the universe, the loving spirit of my husband, or whatever you choose to call it” instantaniously brought peace to my heart that night, so many years ago.
    Three weeks earlier, on April 16, 1987, after months of suffering from severe depression, my husband of twenty-six years, had chosen to take his own life in a most horrific manner.
    Three weeks later, “a Catholic friend?” sadly mentioned to me, what a tragedy it was, that my husband would not be allowed into heaven, as it was against the laws of God to commit suicide. Needless to say I was very disturbed by her comment! Although I had gone to church on a semi-regular, basis as a child and definately a believer, I wouldn’t say that I had an intimate relationship with God, but, that evening before going to bed, feeling very alone and in need of answers, especially concerning what my so called friend had said to me earier that day, I looked up into the sky and my attention became focused on the biggest star up there.
    My husband had been a railway conductor and we lived about two miles from the railway tracks, but after living there for many years, because of the constant traffic of a major roadway near our home, I had never noticed the trains blowing their whistles before, but that evening as I looked up into the sky, I noticed that the night was strangely quiet and as I looked up at the huge shining star, I silently asked my husband if he was alright and if he was finally at peace? As if in answer to my question,(prayer) in the far off distance, I heard the distinct ” toot, toot” of the Locomotive Engineer blowing his whistle. A feeling of unbelievable peace came over me that night, and was to remain with me throughout the many difficult days and years ahead, for myself and my children.

  16. Divine guidance and Gods Angels are a reality in my life.Shortly after I was married at age 24 I was working on a car in my drive way. The day before I had jacked the car up and put jack stands under the car. The car appeared safe and I removed the transmission. The next day I installed a throw out bearing. I was getting ready to get back under the car and put the transmission back in when I sensed a presence and an almost audible voice saying to get out from under the car.I got out and inspected the car and it looked safe enough and decided to get back under the car when I heard the voice again. I got out and looked and could not see anything wrong. I started to get under the car again when I heard the voice stronger saying to get out from under the car RIGHT NOW!. I stood by the car and laid my hand on the fender of the car. The car fell off the jack stands. I have learned to listen and heed these feelings and voices. I jacked the car back up and secured it again. I think to this day about that incident and many others similar and realize that at my now age of 53 how I would have been long gone had I not listened to the divine warnings.The car would have crushed me and my new bride would have found her dead husband when she came home. I survived a tour in Viet Nam at age 19. I believe I have been spared for a purpose so I ask my Heavenly Father daily how I can be used to further his kingdom and be a blessing to my fellow human beings.I encourage everyone to develop a relationship with the Heavenly Father and not forget the sacrifices of his Son Jesus as he took our place on the cross.

  17. I, too, will soon have a life story to share. It isn’t quite ready yet, but I wlll be forwarding it soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

  18. Today upon waking at 6 am I started to cry for appproximatly 1 and 1/2 hours till I fell back to sleep. Upon waking again at 8 am I told myself get up, go exercise and you will feel better. So off to Jazzersise I went…as the music played the tears came again…….I did my best to hold them back…the reason for all the pain has been a combination of events starting 2 and 1/2 years ago with Kidney Cancer (I’m fine now) and then last year I lost a very dear Aunt on May 1st, my Husband and I split up on Nov 1st and my Mother passed away on Dec 10th after a long battle with Kidney Failure. And so today it all seemed to hit me really really hard. But, what helped turn it around and make one of those moments of Beauty was when a fellow Jazzersize student came up to me after class and asked if I was ok….I didn’t hide it this time…I said “no, it’s just not a good day….she then said….Be gentle on yourself….you’ve had alot of things to deal with….and the thing that helped to take my pain away was when she said….you are a very special person, inside and out and that I have alot to offer…and that “this too shall pass”…well after that I proceeded to go pick out paint so I can repaint my living room and I cleaned the house from one end to another…….the day became much more peaceful after her words……..it really helps when someone offers a few kind words

  19. By pure chance I met a beautiful young man through the Internet a year ago who opened my eyes to a heightened level of feeling and love. Until this encounter, the thought of visiting Pakistan had never entered my mind. Writing a poem about these feelings suddenly became a reality. I had not been a poet by nature…but in a matter of moments…thoughts were racing through my mind and down onto paper. (poem attached). A two week adventure of a lifetime, meeting gentle, warm, friendly Pakistanis was so opposite from what our news sources present to us about their people. As my young friend so aptly put it…”it’s only the purity of hearts, the purity of feelings and the purity of souls which took us from two distant poles and put our hearts and souls together. This purity is rarely found in this world and where it’s found, it paves the way for a real love….it takes the souls to the infinity..” Real love is possible between a younger man and an older woman even if it might not result in marriage or having children together. Opening up your heart to such a concept is enlightening and fulfilling even if it goes against mainstream thinking. Louise Treadwell-Williford
    Soul Ecstasy
    Love’s deepest stirrings
    Soul-felt pure love
    The deepest longing
    Thousands of miles connected
    Soft clicking of keystrokes at midnight
    Love’s hearthold developing intensely
    Mysterious energy flowing to and fro
    Keystroke by keystroke
    As real, as strong, as overpowering
    As any love can be
    A pure connection of souls
    Enflamed by the power of words
    Hearts entwined by love’s soul ecstasy.

  20. Almost 20 years ago, my dad suffered a severe brain stroke. He was 83, so we knew this was very probably the beginning of the end. As I sat on the train to the town where he and mom and my youngest sister lived, I had many mixed emotions, but most of all I felt serenely elated. I felt that my dad was at last getting the promotion he so richly deserved (he had served as officer in the tiny Norwegian Army, but he was never concerned about climbing the ranks, and never made it beyond a captains degree). The next few days were heartbreaking, to see the strong noble man lying there helpless, unable to move or speak, just following us with his eyes and trying to squeeze our hands with the few muscles in his right hand that still obeyed him. Then one night as I was sleeping at my sisters house, I awoke with this strange feeling of peace, and I knew in my heart that his struggle was over, and that this was his last greeting to me and anyone able to perceive it. Half an hour later they called from the hospital, and I got there in time to feel his body heat slowly receding. I will treasure those beautiful moments till the day I too shall cross the border and rejoin him and all the other loved ones in everlasting bliss.
    And thank you for your beautiful books.

  21. Excerpt from my book:
    In any case, the guard tower overlooks the blowhole and those that are there to catch a geyser. DA and I walked down the hill to the blowhole and joined a crowd of a couple dozen people. There are tourists of all nationalities. All are waited for a big wave to come in and create a geyser. The waves kept coming in, but, they produced nothing but wee little spouts of water. As the anticipation grew, the crowd gathered at the rail, craning over the side to see where the water came out. If you really stretch yourself over the rail, you can almost make out the opening of the blowhole. As if the will of the crowd forced nature, a huge geyser erupted from the blowhole. Everyone leaning over the rail whipped our heads away from the spout of water and watched it shoot fifty feet or so into the air. It came down like a sheet. With all of us grouped so close to the blowhole, it drenched the entire crowd.
    Everyone burst out in surprised laughter. We all looked at each other and laughed at how drenched the next person was. Laughed at how fast it happened and how surprised we all were. There must have been natives of a half dozen countries there, all speaking a different language. At that moment in time, though, we all spoke the same language. It was the language of laughter.

  22. Three years ago, I survived a diabetic coma that doctors said afterwards that there was no clinical reason that I should even be here right now to discuss, and I wondered, ‘Why?’.
    Barely 14 months later, I buried my youngest son, who was only 21 years old, and I thought, “This is why I was allowed to live? To help my husband bury our own child.’ I was deep in the depths of despair, not really even being alive. I got up every morning and went to work, and did things I thought I should be doing, and remembering very little of what was said or done. I was really very disconnected from my own life, and , I am sure, very little help to anyone else. During this time, my oldest son’s wife left him, because she said she was not getting enough attention! I had so little emotionally to offer him, because I was so caught up in my own despair. He lost his brother and his wife within weeks.
    Then, I started having other, very serious medical problems. After much insistence at my medical provider, tests were done, and I got that call. The doctor said, I am sorry to tell you this, but you have Cancer. Well, that was the defining moment. My granddaughter was just days from her third birthday, and there was no way that I was not going to be around to watch her grow. I decided at that very moment that I had no time to waste, and that every moment of every day was precious to me.
    I am almost two years Cancer free, and the beauty is so staggering everytime I look into my granddaughters eyes into her wonderful inner spirit, that I just can’t imagine having ever thought any other way. I am grateful to be here, and to be surrounded by love and when I am down, there is always someone to point out the beauty, even if I am having difficulty finding it for myself at any particular moment.

  23. I remember saying a final goodbye to a girlfriend on a busy street in Toronto in 1982 and, as we embraced, a passing stranger said “Parting is such sweet sorrow!” Did that capture the pain of the moment or what, but it also made it intensely beautiful.
    Ex-crack addict and author, Lee Stringer, descibes the “preciousness and sweetness of life in the face of death” after an outpouring of his feelings onto paper regarding his brother’s death

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