The Geisha and The Wealthy Soul

In my newsletter last week, "Your Geisha Moment," my suggestion to see the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha" created some controversy.

Perhaps you, too, wondered why in the world I would encourage you to see a movie that is about a child sold into a cruel and forbidding world to be trained her entire life to serve men.

Though the geisha are not prostitutes, some of you didn’t want to see a movie that had to do with the exploitation of women.

I sympathize with this viewpoint.

My response would be to see it for the same reason you would see Roots and Gone with the Wind . . . Schindler’s List and Exodus . . . and Dances with Wolves and The Last of the Mohicans.

Each is extraordinarily beautiful and powerful in its portrayal of humans acting far less than perfect to other humans.

Why you and I relate so deeply to these classics is that most of us lead less than perfect lives ourselves. Most of us face difficult situations and difficult people at different points in our own lives.

What extraordinary movies like Memoirs of a Geisha can do for you is to show you how it is possible to rise above the most difficult of circumstances . . . how in even the worst of conditions, a few Wealthy Souls will sometimes appear to touch your heart.

And most importantly . . . how YOU yourself can become such a Wealthy Soul to touch others.

When I recommended Memoirs of a Geisha, I had one particular scene in mind. This one scene was what made it such an extraordinary movie for me.

If you have not seen the movie yet, I won’t give the story away for you by telling you too much here.  In fact, the reason I bring this scene up at all is that it would be easy to pass over the extraordinary lessons and beauty it contained.

It occurred in the movie after the child Chiyo has been torn from her family and sold to a Geisha house. Not long after, she is manipulated by the most prominent Geisha in the house into committing an unforgivable violation.

Then, after a severe fall during a failed attempt at escaping her ever-worsening fate, Chiyo is consigned to a life of slavery by the house mother. Because of the framed act, she is excluded from the training that will enable her to elevate her position and eventually become a Geisha.

Chiyo, just around ten years old, has lost all hope.

Her world entirely dark, she is on her knees on a walking bridge, when a well-dressed man accompanied by two Geisha stops, leans over to her and says: "It is too pretty a day to be so unhappy. Did you fall down?"

It is a stunning moment in the movie.

It is almost too unbelievable.

Is someone actually showing kindness?

It’s to the point where you, yourself, are unsure at this moment, thinking, "Now, what is this man going to try to get from her?"

In fact, his kind words continue.

He tells the silent child, "We all stumble sometimes." Pointing to one of the elegant geisha accompanying him, he smiles, "She once fell clean off her wooden shoes. Now look at her."

He takes it a step further. He asks Chiyo her name. He buys her a succulent treat from a stand.

And the cloud the child has been so long under suddenly lifts as her eyes brighten and she exclaims, "Now I’m a geisha too!"

The gentleman disappears. But like a true Wealthy Soul, his one act of grace has profound impact.

The narrated voice of Chiyo as an adult telling the story says, "In that moment I changed from a girl facing nothing but emptiness to someone with a purpose."

And her entire life does indeed change at that moment.

She is still enslaved. But she makes the decision right then to flow with her fate, to embrace her destiny, and to use the path she has been given to rise above all.

And it is with decisions such as these, my friend . . . no matter what your own circumstances may be . . . that your life changes too.

Have you ever had such a moment?

Have you ever had someone say similar words to lift you up and give you the strength to carry on to a brighter tomorrow?

Or even more importantly, have YOU ever said those words for another, completing a circle, embracing your highest destiny to eventually be a light for others, as well?

On page 10 of my book, The Path of the Wealthy Soul, I wrote:

          "Normally you must look long and hard to find such
          a person. In fact, very few people fit the Wealthy
          Soul bill. Yet at the time of your greatest
          adversity, if you are so fortunate, you needn’t
          look any further. The Wealthy Soul will find you."

Many people have written me about that line. They all want to know where the Wealthy Souls are in their lives.

Facing your own challenges, you – like me –  at times, have desperately wished to find them.

The true Wealthy Souls, indeed, can be rare.

          Do you want to know where to find them?

          Do you want to know HOW to find them?

Write in the comments below your own experiences of encountering a Wealthy Soul or being one yourself, as well as what you think the answer to the above questions is.

Next week I’ll share with you my answer.

A big Wealthy Soul Hug,


         "I just ordered the books last night so have not
          read them yet! BUT….what struck me was that the
          inspiration was after your father’s death.  My
          mother is now in her last hours after many months
          of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.  Although
          painful to watch and with heavy heart, I have been
          given many gifts in the care-taking of her.  Worn
          out.   Sad.  Angry.  And add  many other emotions
          to accompany my memories, I listen carefully to
          the words "I love you", "I want my Nita", "I want
          to go home now."  How will it be without her here
          in my physical world?  I have never lived without
          my mother before.  Who will I call to find out how
          to make the raisin cream pie or the plum pudding
          at Christmas.  Who will I be able to call and tell
          her about my new grandson?  Who will I hold close
          to my chest and weep with?

          I miss her so already. So I await your books…"

                 – Nita Danielseon

     Dear friend, as I would advise Nita, don’t
     go it alone. Reach out for the light where you can
     find it – in movies, in fine television shows, in
     books, and in The Wealthy Soul Newsletters, Gifts,
     and Books.

     Next week I’ll tell you more about the upcoming
     f’r’e^e teleseminars. Meanwhile, The Wealthy Soul
     series was designed specifically to be of help to
     you and someone you know. Kindly find the books

86 Replies to “The Geisha and The Wealthy Soul”

  1. 1-the lady “Germaine”that took me in when I could not afford my appartment,made me feel like onr of her daughters, found me living quaters I could afford and gave me momentoes I still have exp; a clock.

  2. I’ve not seen the movie, but will share a moment in my life. I’m nearly 50 years old now. When a young teen, hanging with the wrong crowd, a kind woman took me aside and told me there was something different about me than the others I was with, she let me know I was special, and that gave me hope, as I was with them due to lack of self-worth and lonliness. Many times over the years I have received comfort from that memory.

  3. hi.i have red the book,but not yet seen the movie.
    in every situation i try to find a silver lining,as what ever comes in your life u learn and it makes u stronger.there always be a better tomorrow,,we dont realize our strength untill we r put through the hard times,,,so never give up

  4. Haven’t seen the movie yet,however,
    Thank you Michael,
    Had the books for a year and finally read the 9 Insights. This was a wonderful sharing of your
    life and experience. Needless to say , I was brought to tears several times, as I’m sure most people are.
    Most people in my life have gone Quickly, but my mother hung on till almost 95. She, like your
    father, was only a shell of her former self. I wasn’t able to be near her much, as she resided in Arizona with my brother. I too, am
    thankful that her pain is over and
    choose to believe that she is in the company of many other angels.
    God bless you Mikey.
    Bob in Minnesota

  5. Thank you Dr. Michael,I love to read your letters.
    I am a wealthysoul at work,I work with seniors and love them I am always giving them a wealthysoul,but sometimes I wished someone somewhere would be my wealthysoul.

  6. I have not seen the movie but I have read the book and am looking forward to the movie, if for anything, the visual feast that I know I will encounter. The book is full of poignent moments;Wealthy soul moments if you may. I feel that if you wait to find the total wealthy soul person in your life you will miss many wealthy soul moments. You can find some goodness and golden nuggets in most everyone you meet. You must have discernment and be able to gleen the good from the bad. Chiyo met many people in her life journey who shared with her wealthy soul moments, whether she realized it or not. I thank God for this site and for the new found awareness of looking closly into life for those wealthy soul moments. God Bless, Ana

  7. Thanks for suggesting that I see the movie “Memoirs of a Geisha.” It was about my own Japanese culture and I could feel something deep and familiar about it coursing through my veins. It reminded me of my mother and what she said at times, “Sometimes people don’t have a choice.” I also remember being told that my father’s aunt was given away as a child and became a geisha. I recall seeing her a few times in her later years. She hated men and she is what we call a “butchy,” a male-like lesbian. She drank, gambled, always wore pants and a large shirt, and spoke roughly.
    I’ve met a few wealthy souls who’ve changed my life around: A married couple who became my dearest friends, treated me like a daughter, and taught me for the first time what it was like to be treated with dignity and respect. The husband was recently voted one of the top 100 people to make the biggest difference in Hawaii. His wife was the first female family court judge in Hawaii. I also met a female English professor who took kindly to me and gave me $1000 for me to continue my schooling. My uncle also provided me with $300/month to help me complete my B.A. in English as he knew that I was dealing with much in the family.
    I remember the kindnesses that have been bestowed upon me and I make it a point to do something kind for others as much as possible. I’ve taken into my home a woman dying of cancer and another woman whom I never met before but needed a helping hand. I have bought my nephew a truck when he didn’t have the funds and as a social worker, I do not make an exorbitant amount of money. I’m a legal guardian for my sister with schizophrenia and have been there for her when she has been at her worst. Lately,I’ve been feeling burnt out and was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Fortunately, through the prayers of friends and others, I was recently told that I will not need major surgery. SO this has been another wonderful blessing in my life and life feels very good, though it is difficult at times.

  8. Do you want to know where to find them (wealthy souls)?
    Do you want to know HOW to find them?
    In order to find (or become aware of) a wealthy soul, you must develop your soul to be one. Most persons in life are self-centered. Those that do acts of kindness typically do so to gain something back from that person (if even recognition of your kindness, thank you, etc.) Now before reader’s egos protest, I will state that much of this is done on a subconscious level, but it is nonetheless the practice of the majority mindset. The words and acts of the majority are narcissic in nature. The “lights” or wealthy souls are few and far between because it requires great sacrifice to love or give to another with expecting little to nothing in return. It requires expunging one’s ego and considering how your words and actions will affect the lives of those you come in contact with. It means reacting through your heart versus your mind that screams a logical or self gain approach. It means acting from Truth rather than practicing self-delusion. In my journey of 37 years, I have both witnessed the lights, and passed the torch myself. However, it was only in aligning myself with my spirit nature that I was able to see that the “angels” existed all along, guiding the path before me. I have faced difficult persons who sought to block my dreams, break me down emotionally, mentally, and physically, and use their power over me and others for personal gain rather than the benefit of all. Even when responding in love, their words and actions grew more difficult, because for them to recognize love they first must be it. Yet, gratifying one’s ego brings rewards in this life that are temporary. The wealthy soul seek to love and bring encouragement, joy, peace, and ultimately truth. We all have the potential to be a wealthy soul….but you must first forsake the temporary rewards of your false self.
    God bless your efforts Dr. Norwood. May your soul continue to be prosperous, at peace, and full of the light of Truth!

  9. Those are two good questions you posed in your latest newsletter. It gave me something to think about and meditate on. Before I go on with my response, I would like to share something else. The growth that came from reading your book was awesome, I’ve also had some interesting dreams of late. But getting a chance to share my experiences and sharing in other peoples experiences has been uplifting, I look forward to reading more of the same. I know how scarey it can be to open up to just one person. So a big Wealthy Soul Hug and Thank You. I was blessed with a mother who was a true wealthy soul person, not only to us, her family but to every one she knew. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, I’m the second oldest of seven kids, we did have a lot of love. Mom was not a perfect person, she had her faults. The one thing she could always do, was to make everyone and anyone feel special, you’d walk away a little taller after one of her little chats. She was taken from us in 1994 in a car accident, she was 55. I know she’s always with me, I can feel her when she around, I get this warm feeling in my heart and I can feel her warm caress on my face. There has been others who would fit the bill of a wealthy soul, such as my best friend. We both know when the other needs to hear a friendly voice, even though we are separated by a few hundred miles. I believe that the first place we should look for a wealthy soul is within, when you can find the wealthy soul within yourself, for yourself, then you can see all the wealthy souls God has put in your path. Like attracts Like, that’s the universal law. Open your heart to yourself and find the wonderful person God created. I have had the joy of being a wealthy soul for some people in my life and have grown as a result. There’s no better feeling than to give for no other reason than giving A Big Wealthy Soul Hug To All Mac.

  10. I have neither read the book nor seen the movie, but I know exactly what you mean by a wealthy soul.I have come across them so often…!Something as little as a smile from a stranger on a bad day is BIG Wealthy Soul stuff!!!That’s why it is so necessary for each of us to be more giving than receiving…even of such small favors as giving someone a compliment or a smile…or even just saying a ‘hi’ in an elevator.There are so many lost and sad folk around who paste on artificially ‘normal’ faces when they leave their rooms.The best way to make those faces real is to help them do that with a kind gesture. Dr.Norwood, God Bless You for being who you are. The world needs more of you! Cheers,

  11. My comments to your statement “The wealthy soul will find you.” I went from being a business owner to a serious drug addict… and back to the light of the world again. Because of adversity (my drug use)to the point of taking my own life I realized I had only two choices left. To change my life and live… or die like so many before me. The wealty soul did INDEED find me… It was with me all along… It lived inside of me and I only needed to realize it was there. I am now a wealty soul not only to myself, but to everyone meet. Helping to shine a light deep within the wealty souls of others…
    Because I no longer fear dying I feel I am now able to truly live!!!

  12. I have read the Geisha and the wealthy soul.And I think most of the answers we are looking for is inside our soul…I can say that because whenever i’m experiencing difficulties in life and when there’s really no one to turn to, i often ask myself and pray to God and somehow all things got better, wealthy souls are coming in to provide the guidance and understanding. Thank you for continuing to write good things that uplift the spirit.You are one of the wealthy soul here on earth because you provide understanding to so many things that a person sometimes can’t comprehend.More power and God bless you!

  13. Could not help but marvel at how many Wealthy Souls there really are around us…just recently while out of town I was able to observe a homeless man and his dog (wearing a bandana). The man asked for money again and again from passer bys, I wasn’t able to help at the time, however one gentlemen did. He reached into his pocket pulled out some money and handed it to him, asking, now you’re sure this isn’t for a drink it’s because you’re hungry…he said yes. The man walked away, and then doubled back to observe the homeless man. The homeless man tied his dog to a light post and went into McDonalds, purchased two hamburgers and when he came out and sat on the street curb…gave one sandwich to his dog and then ate the other. It warms the heart and soul to know that there still are acts of kindness for both man and beast.

  14. Altho I have wanted to see the movie, I’ve not yet gone. My roommate kept asking “why would you want to go to a move that demoralizes women and all that we have worked so hard to change?” I try not to go into TOO MUCH defence about my likes and dislikes – for I’m positive and she’s NOT – and reading just that part that you wrote about – I AM going for sure. Everyone needs someone who believes in them when they don’t have the strength or insight to do it for themselves.

  15. My first husband was stricken with polio while living in New Mexico. He moved with his family to Texas, where at the age of 12, he had to watch his younger brother suffer with the same disease. He was overheard , saying on bended knee, Lord, take me and spare my brother. As we dated and for the 20+years of our marriage, I observed many unselfish acts similar to this. We employed teen-agers to help in our business. One of them told our daughter that he would have been a criminal or worse if my husband had not provided him with hope and opportunity. I have read all three of The Wealthy Soul books, and I thank you so much. I recently suggested them to our Prayer Warrior group. My first husband died at age 40, but I had the blessing of being his wife and sharing his vision, his path, and his many good works.

  16. I first just want to thank you for providing a forum for people to connect on this level. It gives me hope to read such positive comments in a world where negativity continually assaults us. Regarding “Geisha,” I read the book 20 years ago in college and look forward to seeing the movie. Stories like these, though difficult to watch, again provide hope that one can rise above adversity. As for wealthy souls in our lives, they are everywhere … but it requires real person-to-person connection to recognize one. I think most of us are just too busy in our fast-paced, treadmill lives to notice. But in those brief moments when I hop off my little treadmill and really pay attention, really allow myself to connect with another human being, when the wealthy soul piece of the puzzle in me recognizes another puzzle piece in someone else … well, that’s just magic, mind-altering, soul-lifting magic. The trick is to try and stay in that perception instead of letting it pass and hopping back on the treadmill. How do we sustain the magic and maintain positivity?

  17. Yesterday I was walking on the park and found a kid sun glasses. Beautiful one. Colourful. Rose. To myself would not be of any use. But I catched it with a purpose of giving to the first child. And then there was this black young couple selling mineral water. I approached the woman and ask her ‘do you have a child?’ already giving her he sun glasses. And she answer pointing to a very beautiful little girl bathing herself on a pond, ‘yes there she’s’. She and her husband gave me such a beautiful and grateful smile that I got a rush of energy along my spine up to my head that I got dizzy and had to seat. We all 3 start to laugh loud and uncontrollable. They thanked me for the sun glasses. I thanked them for the moment.

  18. I’d like to share a touching moment that I shall never forget. It was pouring rain and I was on a local bus trying to get my handicapped child to a doctor. My bus driver drove around the block out of his way for me, then stopped the bus outside the door’s surgery and lifted my child down for me. His act of kindness happened 11 years ago, and is one I shall never forget.
    Since then I have tried to make a difference in as many other lives as I can.
    T. Kenny, Brisbane, Australia

  19. I haven’t found a wealthy soul yet, I have been unhappy for nearly twelve months since finding out that my husband of thirty four years has been having an affair with a woman fifteen years his junior for three and one half years, he wants me to forgive him but refuses to answer any questions regarding this, I wish I could find a wealthy soul to help me, I am so unhappy and feel so betrayed, I have been with him for fourty two years, never looking at another man, maybe I should have strayed when I had the chance.

  20. This was only a small kindness I did but I though it rang true with the moment in the Geisha film you mention. A girl I’m living with has just had to say goodbye to her boyfriend of 1 and a half years, as he is going away for a year abroad. On top of this the day after he left she caught chicken pox. Needless to say she’s not the happiest girl around. I served everyone an ice cream then went upstairs where she was alone with an ice cream in my hand and said: ‘Would you like an ice cream?’ To which she replied surprised: ‘Er…yeah, ok.’ Then she got up expecting to have to go get one (that the one in my hand was my own). So I said: ‘No, it’s yours.’ At that moment she smiled and the pleasant surprise was written all over her face. I could see it really touched her and took her out of her present nightmare reality.

  21. Michael you sound like a compassionate guy, and I appreciate your writing. However, I am one of your older friends, and have had heavy obligations for a while. Have not read your books as yet. Will get back to you soon.
    Thanks, RJ

  22. Greetings and blessings to you! First I must say to Jennifer and Gwen, “right on!”. That beautiful wealthy soul is indeed in every one of us, just awaiting the opportunity to resonate with other souls, to whom we are all connected. We only need to tell the ego to step aside and give our full, loving permission. I, like many of you, have had numerous happy instances of helping a homeless person, the best part of which for both of us, is always the conversation, one between equals in the truest sense. How many angels do we miss when we categorize others? One of my greatest joys, though, was teaching a small chorus of immigrant children. Sure, it felt good seeing their skills develop. But the best part was when they sang in a concert-the look of pride and happiness on their faces told me that no matter how much I gave them, they gave me a thousand times more! St Francis of Assisi had it right!

  23. I’ve neither read the book nor seen the movie, however, I’m intrigued reading your letters. Your questions stopped me and I took some time to think and see where Wealthy Souls have come into my life and where maybe I’ve been one myself. It wasn’t easy; I kept overlooking the simple things thinking they were of little value to the answer. I was wrong.
    The Wealthy Souls in my life have done everything from giving me their time and money to a simple smile on a gray, rainy day. I see now I’ve been extremely blessed by life. I think the answer to finding a Wealthy Soul is to open my eyes and look around me. They’re everywhere! To help someone experience themselves as a Wealthy Soul I then need to be open to their gift. If I’m unwilling to receive, then the gift lies fallow and may be wasted. But when I let it in, WOW.
    Now, myself as a Wealthy Soul, that was a challenge. I didn’t think I had it in me, but again, when I opened up I discovered a story.
    When my daughter was younger she developed a drug habit that she couldn’t shake. Until she had a baby I had no idea what to say or do for her. I couldn’t see an infant living in the lifestyle my daughter chose so I took my granddaughter, brought her home with me and refused to give her up until I was forced to do so. A few months later my daughter went cold turkey and kicked her habit. In her words, “If you were willing to go to jail for the child, I should be willing to kick drugs for her.” That was 14 years ago and my daughter has stayed clean and sober since.
    Thank you for your work, Michael.

  24. Dear Michael,
    First and foremost, thankyou for your e-mails as they are of very valued inspiration to me, at this time in the journey of my life and the search for my inner soul.
    I received your books yesterday, and have begun to read A Father, A Son and Life’s Greatest Treasures.
    I could not have anticipated, that in reading the first 20 or so pages, your story would infuse such emotion within me as I continued to read on. For you must know Michael, your story is one that I have lived. It’s as if you were standing next to me, making note of every detail so lest we never forget what people in our lives, truely mean to us… and the hope in some small way we gave them our love and gratitude for the sacrifices, they made so we might have a fullfilling life.
    My father passed away in 1973, yet to this day I still remember the sound and silence of his last breath
    I continue to read onwards, in search that I can ask for his forgiveness, and learn to forgive myself.
    This is one of the journey’s.

  25. Right now I am a bit busy with a neice just deployed to Iraq, her husband of 1 yr deploys next week, my father is very ill, a classmate since 1st grade in a med. sz Catholic school died unexpectedly night before last, my mom wants me to figure out their Rx expences with this new Medicare plan D and YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT FOR YOU ??????????
    I’m tired of you taking up my computer space when I already sent an unsubscribe message….
    do you want to pass out hugs and lunches with me on Sunday in the homeless district of LA ??Let me know.
    Or maybe next week we’re having the blanket jacket drive for the homeless…can you spare a coat or blanket?

  26. Thanks so much for your books, which I have found very helpful indeed. “Geisha” hasn’t arrived in New Zealand yet, but should be here late January. I look forward to seeing it next month. I ask myself, “Do I know where to find wealthy souls?” and find myself fighting a strong urge to reply that I really haven’t a clue! They aren’t ever around when I need them, are they? But when I stop just for a short moment and think quietly, I realise that they are hidden in all of us. We just don’t let them out very often. Yes, each of us has a wealthy soul inside, and we can find it outside of us too in each person that we meet, if we like to look carefully enough. The more I think about it, the more abundant I know these souls are, all around me. And the more I know they are there, the easier it is to see them! So how do I find these wealthy souls? Having fought off the thought that it isn’t possible for me to find them, I realise that when I have raised myself from whatever adversity I have had to struggle with, my eyes have been opened a little more. Maybe I have found a little wealth inside myself, and riding on that I can meet the wealth of others. The secret is to keep the eyes up. Then and only then can I see. I also find that I don’t have to go looking. They are there, waiting at secret corners. No matter how down I am, and how long the “black dog” lingers (and I have good experience of that!) when I lift up my eyes, a “wealthy soul” is frequently there for me. Maybe it is a person who makes some offhand comment that leads to something very important for me, maybe a book, maybe a verse I happen to read. Whatever it is, when I lift up my eyes, I can then see, with the tiny bit of wealth from inside me, the wealth that abounds around me. That is why it is the grappling with adversity that helps to build wealthy souls, because we have to consciously lift our eyes from the depths, and it is so hard! But every time we do it, we get just a wee bit stronger!

  27. After reading the comments posted here, the word GRATITUDE comes to mind. We all have so much to be grateful for, firstly and most importantly to be alive here and now. Start by being grateful for that and then go from there. When life gets difficult, we have the opportunity to be grateful for the adversity because it helps us draw on our wealthy soul to make us stronger and more compassionate. Thank you all for your wonderful stories and comments.

  28. hi mike, how can i acquired that book(wealthy soul),i read your your stories, i found it very uplifting to everyday life,..where and how can i find wealthy soul?…..dennis

  29. All of my life I had been looking for these souls and every one was a disappointment. It struck me many years ago, when dealing with my own father’s terminal illness and my own issues with disabled child (now a sport champion) that the person I was missing was myself. I coped with these issues and far more beyond once I realised that looking outside was not the answer.
    On that realization, many more came into my world as if the door had opened on another level. Now I work as an energy coach with troubled souls and regard many friends as Wealthy Souls.
    I have just received my books and am looking forward to them hugely.
    Thank you Michael.

  30. For five years, during long drawn out litigation, I had no income at all.
    Despite that I found that through
    the generosity of family and friends ( often unexpected ) and acquaintences my family and I were
    able to meet our needs.Many wealthy souls assisted us in times of great dificulty.

  31. I find great hope reading all the heart sharing that goes on in this forum. I love the Wealthy Soul Books and for me I must read and re-read them several times. I know when I have done this I wil always learn something new, or something will jump out at me to remind me of who and what I am all about. I also believe that the “Wealthy Souls” can and do find their most profound energies from sources besides people!! Some people have just flat given up working with others because of trauma they have endured in their lifetimes. Many find the Wealthy Souls in animals, plants and other living energies. Aminals know the Wealthy Souls in an instand and respond accordingly.the old saying “Try It, You’ll It” might help someone who is asking for direction in how to find the Wealthy Souls in their lives. Little children just go out and play, sometimes bringing home some flower (probably a dandelion or other weed flower) to someone they love. Most people look at the weed as a just a weed, I choose to look at the weed as enlightment for my soud because someone so small just taught me a wonderful childlike lesson that our world seems to have erased from our memories.

  32. I’m commenting on the Wealthy Soul questions. I’m still in self examination to the true meaning of a wealthy soul. I will share a moment of my own personal experience. I was a troubled child, teen and adult because of abuse and a dysfunctional home, but sought counseling when I became a young mother. I’ve been searching for peace and light since that time, when I was in my twenties. Last year, I attended a five weekend series in a Personal Transformation Intensive and through hypnotherapy and group work, discovered that I am a wealthy soul. I just needed to clear away all of the old, negative messages that I received as a child and replace them with the truth. My eyes and heart were opened.I embraced my past as a lesson to me and also a blessing and the healing has begun, as well as growth. I have hope and feel peace now. My mantra to myself on a daily basis is “I have an abundance of blessings”. Thank you for your newsletters, they are a continuing inspiration to me! M. Baldwin

  33. Thankyou for your letters, Michael,thankyou for your gifts!
    I apologise you, but I am not an “english women”, my english is not so good, but I read in english and I understand very well your messages, your gifts!
    Now, I want to know more ,to see, to hear, to learn!
    Now, I get an wealthy soul!

  34. Thank you for your emails,I guess you are one of those wealthy souls.I just remembered a friend Maurice.I met him at a Course in Miracle. I was going through a difficult time, divorce , feeling betrayed , alone and sad.He called me every day to say he loved me just the way I was and that he was gratefull to have me in his life. I would find it very hard to listen and accept those words, he persisted, it still brings tears to my eyes, no one had ever taken the time to give me simple love and not ask for anything back. No, we had no romantic link just friends, a friend that made a difference at a time when I needed it most.

  35. I was an an abusive marriage for 19 years. At 35 year of age I realized (through the grace of God) if I was so blessed to recieve another 35 years of life, I had so much more to offer. With that I decided to go out in this world and touch as many lives and make as many friends as I could. I rebuilt my self esteem and did just that. Touch lives and made friends. Many of my friends are truly the best friends and say that I am their angel, I picked them up. Some had similar problems and some had went through tragedy. I somehow picked them up therfore touching their life and a great friendship formed. I made so many friends my self esteem sored! Then I met a man,truly another angel. So completly different and truly another best friend! I have been so blessed to be able to pull myself through a situation I know a lot of women are in. It is true fact that I have been touched and this story I’m sure will touch my heart as soon as I see it. God Bless! Kim

  36. I believe that the wealthy souls live inside each of us, some of us find how to tap into that power and others have to be taught through books, people, etc. We have so much power in our words to build people up or tear them down we just fail to realize the power that we hold within each of us. When each one of can realize the value of our life we can become better wealthy souls and help others tap into their own power. God didn’t create junk he created unique masterpieces. And it takes more than one puzzle piece to make the jigsaw puzzle, so it is with each one of us. When we heal within we can help others heal as well and sometimes it’s in helping others that we find healing for ourselves. R.S.

  37. Thank you Michael,for your emails and my apology for the lack of response to your questions. I have had glimpses in varying degrees of the wealthy soul in everyone I’ve known in 77 years of life. And I recognise it in myself too.
    Two recent examples: 1)The brave sacrifice of a 28yr old acquaintance, who shaved her beautiful hair to raise funds for a pal’s private access to the new treatment for cancer, not available on the NHS. 2)A surprise visit from my son-in-law and two grandsons this morning, which lit-up my day.
    The following words summed up the answer for me while I was still a teenager:
    “I sought my God but my God I could not see; I sought myself, but myself eluded me;I sought my brother and found all three”.
    There is a wealthy soul in
    everyone,seen most clearly in the LOVE they show for other people.
    I have not read “Geisha” but its message is clear, and I still await your book in the post.
    God bless you for being a wealthy soul, Michael. With love and a soul hug.

  38. I haven’t seen the movie yet but there have been these moments in my life when this has happened to me. when my mother-in-law was dying of cancer and I was feeling more helpless than I had ever felt in my life before, she told me that she loved having me with her because I made her feel calm. That gave me the strength to go through the rest of her life, helping her by being calm.
    my niece helped me once when I was in the middle of my divorce and I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing, I was scared of being on my own after 23 years, and afraid for my future. she just looked at me and said “Why would you want to go backwards?” That was my turning point – now I am in another relationship, much happier and financially independent.
    My daughter was recently trying to get out of an abusive relationship. I hope I gave her a wealthy soul moment when I just hugged her, said I would be there for her, and listened to all she had to let out.

  39. I have met quite a few Wealthy Souls in my life; the one that has had the most influence on my life has been my adopted son, who seems to have been born with a Wealthy Soul. He has taught me more in 15 years than I believe I have taught him. While he has grown physically, mentally, and spiritually in that time, he has forced me to grow too.

  40. One of the Wealthy Souls in my life just passed away in November of 2005. This woman was so humble she never really realized the difference that she made in so many “teenagers” lives. She was a mother of 7 children and still she would open her doors for every one of us who ever had a problem at home. She did not care what “race, color or creed” you were her door was always open to you. But whenever you were in the house you had to “participate” in whatever was going on in the house even if it meant washing dishes, helping to cook or helping her wonderful husband with “men” stuff around the house. She was like a mother to me and I was closer to her than my own mother. She was a very honest person, you always knew where she stood about things. She spoke her mind and did not mince words. I try and follow her example and open my doors to my children’s friends. My children tell me that their friends like to talk with me because they think I am cool and that they like how I talk to them. I am fortunate enough to say that I have had many wealthy souls in my life and still do and I would like to think that I am a wealthy soul for my family and friends.

  41. Dear Michael,
    I forwarded the email to my daughter and she wrote back telling me that both of us (she & I) are some sort of wealthy souls as we have helped different people for quite some time as it is really something that we all have inside us. Whether we recognise it or not is another story.
    I personally have been blessed to encounter one in my younger days. Having married young had a tough time making ends meet looking after a young family as well as my mother, aunts and sister. An old gent who used to live across us would come over and chat with me; telling me that worrying solves nothing, but will only make me look older than my age! Use the energy that you use for worrying to solve the problems and sleep on them…will get them solved easier.So from this old gent, I discovered a fact that we do have the wealthy soul within to help us in all our times of adversity, if we will only believe that we have and can use it!
    Thanks Michael for giving me a chance to share.

  42. Hi,
    I saw the movie…..felt it was quite sad. I’ve been thinking about the question you raised about “healthy souls”. I’m not sure how many people out there demonstrate “healthy soul” 24/7…but I have seen signs of health soul growth in many. When I think about it, I think that everyone who is on a true spiritual path (not necessarily religious), is growing a healthy soul. I encounter health soul moments in others on a daily basis. I think you just need to be open to recognizing one when you see it. It’s the kind of moment that gives your heart a little song to sing.

  43. I know that wealthy souls are all around us, even in us. One period of my life was full of heaviness. I was in a very abusive marriage and didn’t believe anyone had a clue to what my husband was really like because he was a public charmer. I felt very alone and confused and afraid. One day at the yacht club a friend told me another friend had suggested she take me to lunch and talk with me. We met, and lunch changed my life. Turns out that the women did know and they wanted to let me know that they did. “It’s him, not you.” And she told me her own story of an abusive marriage, how confused she was, and how she got out with help. I was so amazed, and though we never referred to our discussion again in words more than “how you doing, kid?”, I continued to ride on the strength from these women while I found my own.
    Another day I was watching a sad looking man working in the fresh produce department of a grocery store. I watched him for a few minutes and then went close beside him and said, “You know, it’s a good thing you’re working with this produce instead of me because I’d be making faces out of the vegetables. I just wouldn’t be able to contain myself.” He smiled at me and I left to continue shopping. A few minutes later he was by my side, pointing back at the produce display where a happy, strange looking character was smiling back at me with vegetable hair, eyes, ears and nose. “You mean like that?”

  44. Haven’t seen the movie as it is not out here in the UK. Will do at the week-end though.
    Wealthy soul and where to find them?It is right here within us but we have to open our hearts and allow the wealthy souls to touch us. You will find them everywhere once you have done that. I am blessed with so many of them but I allowed them to touch me first.
    I love your articles and eagerly await to receive them. You are blessing so many people with your good work. Keep it up!
    Warm regards,

  45. A wealthy soul to me is someone who does not pass judgement but is there to listen. When I was 14 years old I remember being a friend to a girl, Sharon who was ridiculed, teased by her peers. She had parents who were alcoholics, no money, run down home and very poor. She wore dirty clothes that smelled and was constantly made fun of. I invited her into my home and we played dress-up. I remember she had a bubble bath, I gave her some of my clothes, and make-up. I accepted her for who she was and never passed judgment. I have not seen her for 30+ years and often wonder where she is. I hope I touched her heart as she did mine and can reconnect some day.
    My husband and I also opened our doors recently to a young man who also had no family.(that he associated with)We always had him come for family dinners, get togehters, etc.When we would look at family pictures he would say the only one missing is me. My husband and I both know we are wealthy souls and so is he.We made him feel special and part of a FAMILY. I have not seen the movie yet or read the book completely but look forward to soon.

  46. Dear Michael,
    Thank you so much for the beautiful books, they are perfect for the next steps on my journey. I devoured them on receipt and now I am slowly savoring them.
    There have been many wealthy souls in my life and I am extremely grateful for all of them. They offered a kind remark, encouragement, acceptance, unconditional love, grace, insight or a helping hand. They did all this without bells and whistles they were just being themselves. Sometimes I was not the direct recepitent of their action but just by being in their presence and observing their acts of kindness left me knowing I could choose to be like them too. One wealthy soul in particular offered insight and direction and just because he believed in me he gave me the courage to take risks and grow as a person. He encouraged me to further myself with an education. He had the insight to see the gifts of healing I had and I was so moved by his few simple words that at the age of 30 I went to college and became a registered nurse. When I was 17 I felt drawn to be a nurse but was discouraged by my mother. I didn’t believe I would make a good nurse and had never discussed it with anyone else, so when this man, a doctor, took interest and encouraged me. I caught a glimpse of myself thru someone else’s eyes and it was life changing. One of the lessons I have learned from this and have since put into practice is the power of one’s words, they can harm or heal, when I speak to someone I want to help heal and encourage them, give them a glimpse at themselfes, thru someone else’s eyes. Thank you again for the beautiful work you are doing.

  47. Thank you, Michael! Upon your recommendation, I saw the movie. I, too, recognized the moment on the bridge as a Wealthy Soul moment. I have received your books and I’m half way through the 9 Insights.
    I am a Wealthy Soul and have a number of Wealthy Souls in my life. I didn’t always remember that I was a Wealthy Soul. As I reflect, there are moments that “nudged” me. For example, a divorce after 20 years and raising 4 teenagers; deciding to refurbish the 1901 Victorian townhome after the divorce and working fulltime with the 4 teenagers; moving from Chicago to California (where I found my spirituality through attending personal growth seminars, reading, etc.) and driving the U-Haul truck most of the way; finally at 40 years of age,dealing with my father’s sexual abuse; selling or giving away most of my beautiful antique furniture (refinished myself) and moving to Florida with only 24 boxes of personal stuff and no car.
    I share this only as a brief synopsis of the adversities and experiences where my soul has literally stood up and demanded that I move forward. It took tenacity, courage and many times a “leap of faith.” And, all of these experiences gave me such pride in myself; a feeling of accomplishment; a feeling of love for myself. They all helped me find my Wealthy Soul. It is only after one recognizes their own Wealthy Soul that they can see another Wealthy Soul. And, guess what, I just keep getting wealthier.
    One of my recent “wealthy” experiences was supporting a friend get out of an extremely unhealthy marriage — a marriage that had alienated him from all four of his child and grandchildren even to the point of not being invited to their weddings or seeing his grandchildren. He is now away from the relationship (divorce pending) and speaking to his children (one after 12 years of silence!).
    For me, a Wealthy Soul has a sense of peace, of knowing one’s self — truly authentic, does not judge, lives in the “now”, knows when to listen and when to speak, lives a life of gratitude AND has no attachment to the outcome of anything.
    Wealthy Souls are all around us!!
    Thank you, Michael, for being the example.
    Gloria La Barge
    Boynton Beach, FL

  48. Reading the other folks’ posts brought to mind so many “wealthy soul” moments in my life. I have been greatly blessed.
    Once when I wasn’t sure where I’d live, a friend said, “You have a home; you just don’t know the address yet.” That helped so much – and it has continued to help over the years. At various times, I’ve reminded myself that “I have a job, I just don’t know my employer yet” and “I have a husband, I just don’t know his name yet.”
    As for your questions, I think the “where” is all around us, and the “how” is just to be open and aware. I agree with others here that when we put positive energy/feelings/intentions out there, we will draw the same to us. The most powerful “wealth soul moments” in my life, however, the ones that knocked me back on my heels, the ones that have stayed with me most vividly, came when I had little positive to give; they came when I most needed that which I felt I didn’t have – hope, joy, confidence, etc.

  49. I have had so many Wealthy Soul experiences in my life that I hardly know where to start.
    I couple of years ago my daughter’s mother in law was dying and in hospice care at a local hospital. Her own Catholic church did not respond to a request to visit her. A Stephen Minister from the church I attend did respond daily and sometimes twice daily to simply talk and/or pray. One of the hospice women on staff suggested I call a Catholic church she knew would respond, which they did, more than once.
    The result of those Wealthy Souls is that a dying lady went to her mortal death much more at peace than she would otherwise have done.
    Another result is that I am now studying to be a Stephen Minister so I can be a better Wealthy Soul to others.

  50. I have not seen the film and i can not tell you anything about this subject but i can tell you about wealthy souls.You can found wealthy souls where you do not expect to find it.I found a wealthy soul in a peasant which imprest me because it was so profound and so deep in his simplicity. He proved me once again that not the study gives you knowledge but your inner common sense your own knoweledge about life and the universal truth.In my life i meet meny people who were very simple people but they gave me the best advices i could ever get.I love such of people with all my heart because they learn me a lot of beautiful and usefull things .

  51. I am always in awe as I remember the many, many times I have been touched by a Wealthy Soul at a time of adversity (and at times it has not always been human, but life changing just the same). The few times I have been that Wealthy Soul to others, at just the right moment, I have also been lifted by something greater to act in such a way as to amaze even myself.
    Thank you for your curage and wisdom to REMIND US of how important we all are to the Web we share.

  52. I have not seen the movie because it has not reached my area yet. However, many years ago while living in New York, I suffered from severe nose bleeds especially during the winter. One Saturday, I had a severe one and could not stem the flow; as a result, I began crying because blood was everywhere. With all this happening, my doorbell rang and when I answered it, there was a trucker who worked in my neighborhood and all we ever said to each other was good morning and ask of each other’s health. When he saw the condition I was in, he rushed into the apartment and applied pressure to my nose and after a few seconds, the bleeding stopped. After that this is what he said: “I was four city blocks from your apartment on my way home when I said let me go back and see how my crazy friend is doing today.” Then he said, you would have bled to death had I not turned around. I was never so happy to have such a friend and it was the first time he had ever been in my building or apartment. During a time of turmoil, a Wealthy Soul not only touched my life, but save it. We were simply two ships sailing each day that saluted each other daily, yet when the waves had my ship rocking, he was there to steady it.

  53. My husband and I were going through an extended financial crisis; it had reached the point where we were in forclosure, on the verge of losing our home. I know and use a range of spiritual/ psychological tools, and used them as best I knew how, but I still felt panicked and kind of paralyzed.
    My best friend and soul sister presented me with a financial gift sufficient to keep us out of foreclosure temporarily. But more important, she gave me hope. She offered me a statement with such clarity, such conviction, that I embraced it with all my heart: “All this can change in a holy instant.”
    And it did. A shift happened that could not have been anticipated based on circumstances, and a year later we are in a very different place financially than we were.
    I have served as her Wealthy Soul as well — so that when she can’t see her own possibilities, I’m there to see beyond her circumstances to a higher outcome from a deep knowing of her potential and right to thrive.
    How do we find such a Wealthy Soul? I don’t know, other than to be open to what my friend and I offer each other: honesty, vulnerabilty, respect, and a celebration of each other’s gifts — most especially when we don’t recognize those gifts in ourselves.

  54. I think I’ve found a wealthy soul in my husband’s heart, Mike ! When we got married, he’s a widower with 9 (nine) children and 30 (thirty) grandchildren, and me is a widow with no children. Since we’ve got married until now I always admire his honesty and upright toward me and his children and grandchildren. He seems never need money, always willing to give all of his money to me and all of his everything (clothes, shoes, etc.) to his children (although this behaviour annoying me sometimes). He has ability to love everybody, Mike, while I am a short tempered working woman (:-D) ! He always try hard to find out things, occasions, which can make me happy, although we both have a very different background, very different lifestyle in our childhood. Sometimes, I feel never enough return his kindness, although i have tried very hard to be a superwoman (doing housekeeping & working to earn money – I can’t leave my career which I have since before I met him, Mike !). I think that’s one wealthy soul in my life. May God Bless you … Best wishes, Tri.

  55. Dear Michael; I’ve not seen “Memoirs of a Giesha” yet, but I plan to. I agree with many
    others: 1) to find a Weathly Soul, we need only be open to them, they’
    re all around us, especially within.2) the best defination of how to be a Wealthy Soul is from
    Gloria La Barge, Baynton, Fl. (in this blog):”A Wealthy Soul has a sense of peace, of knowing one’s self, does not judge, lives in the NOW, knows when to listen and when to speak, lives a life of gratitude, and has no attachment to the outcome of anything.”
    Right on Gloria!! You nailed it!
    Thank you! And, thank YOU, Michael,
    for your kind words, gracious spirit, and for sharing YOUR Wealthy Soul. God bless You. E.B.

  56. Over the past year we have lost a number of people from our church because they have gone on to be with our Lord. I have found out that just being there to listen to the families concerns and being a shoulder for them to lean on has been a big help to them.
    By listening to their concerns it has not only helped them but has helped me as well because it makes my problems seem so small. It is not always about getting that is important but the giving and it is through the giving that we receieve much more than we can ever dream of.

  57. yeah! My previous letter made it on your letter page. I feel special.
    For all to know, my mother passed Dec. 16th. After the service and with the knowing that my father would be okay, I went on a 9 day healing journey to Hawaii. Many “Wealthy Souls” showed up….in various attire.
    And while there I saw the movie also. Filled with gratitude and grief I left my salty eye drops at the Oceans edge many days.
    Now for the questions. The simplest way to find wealthy souls is to be one yourself. I find that the more loving I am the more miracles I notice. The perfect harmony that life brings to the table when I am in awareness.
    I had Kurt, an elderly man seranade me in the airport in Salt Lake City…an opera that touched my soul deeply. As he sang we both cried, and at the end the entire group waiting for the delayed flight applauded.
    There was Lynnie painting on the beach. Her mother passed the year before on Jan. 2, my mother’s birthday. My mother passed on Dec. 16, her birthday. We connected! When she left she gifted me with one of her paintings, a rose she had painted for her mother.
    Then at Kalani Retreat Center–Anita and Mithch from Florida who asked if I was a movie star. They told me I was stunning and striking! It was perfect. I was feeling so low after mom’s death and a break off of my fiance weeks before. Perfect timing? yes, as always.
    How about the Watsu massage from Lew who held me close to his heart while dancing me through the water. I sobbed for so long, releasing the pain, and grieving.
    Would I have noticed all of these and many more if I myself was not a Wealthy Soul also? As I give, I receive and the Wealthy Souls show up in numbers.
    I of course read all three books as soon as I got them and feel blessed to have responded to the letter to buy them. I just typically don’t buy anything on the internet. Ha!
    Much aloha to all.
    Nita Danklesen

  58. I have not seen the movie or read the books but have known several wealthy souls, from children to elders and have felt enriched by being with them. My Mother taught me the power of positive thinking as a teenager and during my darkest days and months these teachings have lifted me. I have learned the healing power of another persons’ presence and personally been enriched just having time with them. Many times they are totally unaware of their gift they are giving to others just talking and being with them.

  59. I have met many, many wealthy souls in my 52 years. Over and over I meet them and am always grateful for these meetings. When someone can remind me in a moment that there is much to wonder at the beauty in a person, place or thing.
    I am most grateful to a person who is in my life now. He came at time when I hadn’t realized that I had given up hope. Hope of anything beautiful in my life. I was just trudging through each day till the end. I am now looking forward to each and everyday. I have hope, appreaciation in my life again.
    I have had many, many wealthy souls in my life and I thank each and everyone of them.
    I realize also that I am a wealthy soul also. I am told often that my laugh is something people look forward to. As it makes them smile.
    Thank you to all of you wealthy souls out there that have crossed my path thus far, and to all of you who are still to come.

  60. On the surface, everything about my boyfriend spells trouble. He’s without a job, has 6 months left of parole, attends a weekly meeting about Anger Management, has been divorced twice, and has difficulties dealing with Jealously. But would you believe he is also the Wealthiest Souls I have ever met. He gives and gives of himself to friends and family with no selfish motives. He’ll fix a friend’s roof, let his cousin borrow one of his car’s for 6 weeks, check in on troubled friends and bring them left over turkey on Thanksgiving because he knew they were alone. This man has the most beautiful and genuine heart I have ever seen. And yet, all those things I mentioned at the beginning are just the latest of his trials and tribulations. From the start this guy was dealt a raw hand with no father, a mother working two jobs, hardly enough money to eat, he’s dyslexic and can’t read. The list goes on and on. Talk about rising up above all odds. You can’t be considered a failure if you keep on trying.
    Nobody can understand what I see in him, as I’m the one with the prosperous job, my own place and everything going for me. But the fact of the matter is, wealth does not equal money. Wealth does not equal success in the Republican status kind of way. Wealth is a light that shines ever so bright from deep down in your soul. Very few people can get past the surface of what I described at the beginning, but because I can and I do – everyday – I consider myself a Wealthy Soul as well.

  61. Dear Michael,
    Thank you for the emails and the books, which I received yesterday, and have already read. There is nothing at all to disagree about, you are very blessed, and able to bless others.
    But where to find Wealthy Souls? Hey, Michael, I live amongst them. This is McGregor, a very small village in the wilderness of South Africa, and we all know each other as if we are one big family.
    The village center is a Retreat and Spiritual Healing place, where many, many visitors come, and many, many spiritual seminars and other courses are offered.
    In a time of need, of any sort, any of us could, and do, call upon each other. I know dozens of people I could call with any problem at any hour of the day or night, and have done.
    We are of many different beliefs and sects, or whatever, but we don’t even need tolerance. Everyone is accepted as they are, and nobody cares whether or not they “agree” with our own ideas or not. We love each other, and therefore accept whatever experience others have as right for them.
    Your books are super-special, and needed in the world, and will be passed around here, by me, but although we will all appreciate them, nobody will be surprised.
    This is the way we live, with our Father-God, however any of us choose to understand Him.
    Blessings and love, from…;.

  62. Ans 1-A soul is a part of god and a wealthy soul is one who is aware of his eternal wealth of love, joy and peace and knows that the more he shares it the more it will increase.
    Ans 2-To find a wealthy soul we should look inwardly and the reality will dawn upon us that the all the glory and power is within us, each one of us.We should find it in others as well.The soul’s glory comes out not only in Big things but little things like a hug, a smile or just a lovely soul touching letter.
    Michael, will surely watch the movie,hope u got your answer. Just wanted to tell u that your letters to me is a great wealthy soul act.
    Bye, take care

  63. Ans 1-A soul is a part of god and a wealthy soul is one who is aware of his eternal wealth of love, joy and peace and knows that the more he shares it the more it will increase.
    Ans 2-To find a wealthy soul we should look inwardly and the reality will dawn upon us that the all the glory and power is within us, each one of us.We should find it in others as well.The soul’s glory comes out not only in Big things but little things like a hug, a smile or just a lovely soul touching letter.
    Michael, will surely watch the movie,hope u got your answer. Just wanted to tell u that your letters to me is a great wealthy soul act.

  64. There was a point in my life were it seem that everything was headed in a downward spiral. My worst fears had been showing their ugly heads. No place to live and scraping for money. My morale was at it’s lowest. It was just after Christmas the frist few weeks of January 1997. The rains had been pounding for weeks. Some areas had flooded. It was a Thursday night and I was to teach a new class that I had been working on for many months, No More Bad Hair Days. (It was about a desigtn system I developed based on Leonardo DaVinci’s proportion.) That evening I went to my storage area to retrieve slids and projector. As I started to open the storage door water poured out. The area had flooded the night before. My heart sank, I wanted to give it all up and not go to the class, just stay and see what I could retrieve. My heart said know, you can’t do that now come back tomorrow. I walked into the class it was full not a seat empty. Everyone laughing and having a good time. i realixzed that it would not make any difference if I told them about what just happened. Yes, people would have been supportive though I realized it wasn’t about me. I took a deep breath and started the class the more I got into teaching the more I forgot my troubles. That night changed my life. Every person that attended class became a client. it started my life in the most profound and beautiful upward movement that I had ever experienced. I am so greateful for the grace of god that told me not to give up and keep going.

  65. Wealthy Souls have been all those who have affirmed (my) life and others…and also have not affirmed(my) life and others…
    they bring me back to love,
    thru apparent love or the criticism that hurts and moves the heart to open further…
    Disabled, living alone, and
    not sure what to do next, if I allow this picture to be the manifestation of love: low income housing I needed, more time alone for reflection and for myself, the chance to engage and help and share with others of a different race/creed/or other…
    As it is hard for me to see how I am a wealthy soul, though my heart knows it is true, I often wish for something things and so, as others mentioned, miss what is in front of me.
    I have been blessed with having spiritual teaches, respite, donations of food and clothes when I lost everything…so many people… even after the murders of 4 friends in my circle of friends this past weekend, I can see how their lives, those who have ‘gone’ have brought tens of us together again….
    Humbly, Leila ……Virginia

  66. Am in the process of reading the 9 Insights they are helping with the grieving process. Have not seen the movie yet, but intend to. Have met many Wealthy Souls over my 70 years and inspired others on the way. Met my first one 40 years ago when we lived with our five children in a bad area and had illness and other misfortunes occur. A neighbor met me one day and offered their campsite in NJ for 3 weeks that summer. When I inquired that I could not pay for it, she replied that was not necesssary but as I went through life, I would meet people that could use my help, not necessarily financial, that I was to think of her and then pass that message along to them to keep the circle going. Well, that circle is still going around. This past week my friend told me about her friend Linda, whom she helps as she needs surgery and has difficulty getting around. Linda was a health care worker before she fell and injured her hip and befriended a gentleman under her care. He passed away last week and left her an income for life and real estate holdings, etc. Well Linda has been living in one room in someone’s house under dire circumstances. My friend happened to go to Google to try to look up this man, Manfred Alexander, who was a Holocaust survivor. Well, under the Google search he was listed first in a Guardian,U.K article written by the grandson of the German man who saved Manfred. This article is so incredible that I read it with complete awe as I learned of Manfred’s life and his friend Werner whom was given a medal by the Israeli Consulate last March in NYC. Manfred and Werner were both Wealthy Souls. At the medal ceremony, Manfred closed with the quote, “Naked a man comes into the world, and naked he leaves it. After all his toil, he carries away nothing – except the deeds he leaves behind.” How true, that Manfred, friends of the powerful and wealthy like the Trump Family, one of his last deeds is to remember and help a poor person who could use help.

  67. I think that wealthy souls are caring individuals. More than that they are conscious rather than unconscious they are reflective re their own behaviour and they try to give rather than take, or at least find a balance there. I think a wealthy soul would try to make the world a better place. A wealthy soul follows the heart rather than society’s rules or whims. Purpose would be more important than money. People more important than things. Where do you find them? Well they are there. You have to get to know people watch and be aware. Believe and know that such people exist and they probably turn up in your life when you need them most. Try to be a wealthy soul yourself and dont give up. I know that Michael is a wealthy soul, just because of his books, gifts and this website with the emails requesting the ideas of others. I haven’t seen the movie but when it is screened here I will I have seen the trailers. Looks like a classic. Anna James

  68. My most Wealthy Soul had to be my Quaker Mother. She was a single parent who raised two out of four sons. The eldest died in infancy, her third son was run over by an Ice Truck not long before I was born. I was the youngest and when I was four my Father deserted us but my Mother found employment at height of the depression and becamee the head X-Ray technican in San Francisco.
    She worked hard and long hours but she somehow always found time for her sons in the evenings and on the weekends. The people she worked with in the hsopital always said that a smile and a good word from Marion lit up their day. I think the Inner Light that is inbred in the Quaker belief was what she saw in everyone she met. Even when she retired she volunteered to go to Korea for the American Friends Society and teach Public Health Nursing and rather than accept any money she deposited it in a Korean Bank and set up a Trust Fund to help young ladies to become nurses. Many years after she had passed on I met a young Korean nurse at a hospital in Pasadena, California who was one of the recepients of my mothers Trust Fund.

  69. Hi. I think what we all are trying to find out, is within ourself..our inner strength, the power of motivation, which i feel is in every human being. The point is how much of it is being utilised.Life is a journey, and should be utilised in the best said manner. A tiny smile given could be defined to be an act of wealthy soul, as it would uncertainly give happiness to other person.
    Soul, which is said be to an individual, is the essence or substance of karma. Karma is what we do, how we overcome the discrepancy of life and help others smile in some or other way.
    So, wealth soul is in one and all and could be found within oneself.

  70. dear michael
    we all possess wealthy souls, each and every one of us, and i do see wealthy souls emerging every so often in spite and despite some very challenging circumstances and tragedies of life and living.if we open our eyes and seek out wealthy souls its not that hard to find them. most importantly we must become wealthy souls in order to attract wealthy souls into our lives. its true that within us too lies a selfish and mean soul but our true calling in life is to allow our true selves, which is our wealthy soul to emerge and dominate our daily actions, more and more each and every day. simple wealthy acts like an unexpected smile, a kind word or a spontaneous act of charity or help to someone in need without any expectations of reward or recognition; these are simple yet powerful affirmations of wealthy souls in motion. wealthy actions tend to emerge especially in challenging circumstances, a simple example is the ability to smile or laugh at oneself when faced with difficulties. i define forgiveness as one of the biggest act of a wealthy soul. the ability to forgive comes only from a wealthy soul. the late pope john paul ll demonstrated that when he forgave the man who tried to kill him. today the would be assasin walks a free man and i truly believe that the minute the late john paul 11 forgave the man some 20 years ago, he was already a free soul.

  71. I’ve been blessed to know a few wealthy souls in my life. One is my mother, and one is a friend from my former church, who died just before Thanksgiving. Her name is Caroline, and she was my age at death, 53, I believe. Caroline endured being a single mother of four, and in her forties was diagnosed with breast cancer. She beat that one and for a few years seemed to be in total remission. Two years ago, however, it returned in her bones, and she had to have pins inserted into her legs so she could walk. This was important to her so that she could continue to work as long as possible. Caroline had remarried a few years ago, and to her very last breath, her deepest wish was for her husband Rick to accept Christ. Rick didn’t even attend Caroline’s memorial servicee. She was as close to a saint as anyone I’ve ever met. Her single purpose in life was to be “grace,” to show Christ-like love to EVERYone she met, and to reach out in love to others who were hurting, though most were hurting far less than she was. I’m still in awe of Caroline, and will always think of her when I think of a wealthy soul. Everyone loved her deeply, and cherished the true loving spirit within her. I dedicate this blog to her, and I thank God for her life, though it was far too brief. Her touch was indelible and she will always remain a part of me.

  72. Very interesting thread. I think quite a few of the posters are on to the truth. It’s all about what’s going on inside you.
    When you’re stuck in the poor-me victim mentality, nothing anyone does is truly appreciated. You expect more because, well, you are a victim. And you are also less likely to want to do anything for anyone else. Very self centered in your own mire.
    Once you open up to feelings of gratitude and appreciation and start to take actions to change your life – the world starts to look entirely different.
    Acts of kindness are around you everyday. Are you open to seeing them, or so entrenched in your dismal thinking that you can’t see them? Heck, even the checkout girl taking time to not squash your bread is an act of kindness. If you were to take a count of all the little little things that people do for you that is over and above the norm – you would truly be amazed. And maybe a little ashamed.
    How many times did you not let a driver in? How long would it have taken? There are hundreds of opportunities everyday for us to give to the world that don’t cost you a cent. But the rewards are priceless.
    These acts of kindness usually come from people who have acknowledged acts of kindness that have come their way and they are giving back.
    So the first step for anyone looking for wealthy souls is to pay attention to the acts of kindness that are shown to you everyday. Do you even notice the sunset? Or the little green tips of new flowers pushing up out of the ground? There are marvels all around us every day. Do you notice them?
    Once you can see and express gratitude for the blessings you have already received – they will begin to multiply.
    Then it’s your job to be a funnel and spread these blessings to others.
    William is absolutely right – The Wealthy Soul resides in each and every one of us.


  74. Thank you very much for your newsletter. They’re very heartwarming. I haven’t watch the movie yet but I finished reading the book (Memoirs of a Geisha) five years ago. I think Chiyo is a wealthy soul giving us inspiration how to cope up with the rough times and still triumph at the end.

  75. Dearest Micheal,
    I know of two wealthy souls that reminded me of what a joy life really is. I took a path of denial and suffering as I was a herion and crack addict and lived in the streets of Phoenix for 4 years until I was set up and arrested four times until I finally got a conviction of distribution of a dangerous substance. Ironically it was a drug I did not use but had a harder sentence than the narcotics I used. My first angel was my probation officer who I thought didn’t know beans about me and he tore my ego to hell and back.
    The next angel was the head of Arizona Pathways and between the dialogs with my ego and the Spiritual Mind Treatments and of course meditation I remembered I was a loving child of God. Ellen
    sent me to Creative Living Fellowship and introduced me to Ernest Holmes and then I found The
    Course in Miracles.
    Micheal I am the Wealthiest of them all as I realize that I had to change my perspectives on life and undue my belief systems.
    Then my husband, daughter and father all died within 5 yrs. My father died 4 days into detox. Yet he died knowing I was on my way to recovery. One year later my daughter was killed in a car accident. It somehow made me more determined to change the way I looked at this world. Today I read, i study and then I let it all go. My father was in the 82nd airborne division and had he’s knees shot off over Sicily. He then raised 5 children by hisself.
    He was a truck driver but the strongest willed man I’ve ever known.
    I know today that I have been surrounded by Love and God’s wealthiest Souls!
    MaryJane Hensley

  76. I hope at times I have been one. I do remember one, of a number, that has helped me. This will probably seem trivial to many but you would have to know my background to fully understand. Having never driven the expressways as they are today, as someone else did the driving, it was a very uncomfortable thought to have to go somewhere alone on them. I had the opportunity to see people I had not seen since I was a child. But I told them I did not think I could make this weekend event. Most people told me it was about time and just get in the car and go. Instead of helping, this just seemed to add to my apprehension. One of the people organizing this reunion of our young years together, called, e-mailed and encouraged me for months to join them. He knew that it was going to be hard for me and why. Instead of the usual “just go”, he said he would come and get me. I couldn’t let him do that after so much encouragement so I said I would try. Then he said that if I came alone, no matter where I was, if something happened, to call him on my cell phone first. He would be on his way as I was calling AAA. He said he would beat them, be there first and help me with whatever the problem. This kindness was the most helpful of all. I did go, said many prayers, had no trouble and was calm and relaxed the entire way. I have made a few more trips since, always a bit uneasy at first, but mostly calm after I am on my way. Talk is cheap but a sincere offer – requiring the gift of yourself to help – can work miracles. I believe he was a true Wealthy Soul.

  77. Dear Michael:
    I feel a bit like Della Reese — there have been many “angels” or wealthy souls along the path of my life. Many of whom I didn’t think of as angels/wealthy souls at the time. Changing my perspective has enabled me to see many more wealthy souls now than I did before. I can come up with a very long list of well-known people whom many would consider wealthy souls. It is as effective, however, to consider those closer to our own experiences who are truly wealthy souls in our day-to-day world.
    For me, the wealthiest of all are those who have been there for me through everything – good or bad — friends who are true friends because they offer unconditional acceptance and love.
    My late husband was my very wealthiest soul — he gifted me with unconditional love, respect and admiration; AND accepted the same in return from me! Additionally his love and support offered me a firm foundation to truly shine my own light for the very first time ever in my life! It has taken great work for me to continue to hold on to those wonderful gifts since his sudden/unexpected death, but hang on I have! — often only by the tips of my fingers, but then I feel his spirit catch me and I re-arrange my grip to be stronger!
    Several other wealthy souls are those friends who have allowed my tears to fall when necessary and not expected me to fit into some sort of “normal grief mold” that would make them comfortable while making me uncomfortable.
    Even those who have disappeared from my life because they didn’t know how to handle the grieving process are wealthy souls because they have gifted me in their own way with new insights and knowledge about life, death, faith and love.
    Then there are all the wealthy souls who graced my formative years with their wonderful presence — offering support, love, knowledge, encouragement to learn every possible bit of information my sponge-like mind could soak up. My parents who taught me to read – thus gifting me with the world! My grandparents who taught me to whistle, laugh, and enjoy life. My children who re-taught me how to be a child and love life with a child’s openness. My teachers who ensured that I opened every door to knowledge I could. Friends and classmates who watched and cheered [or jeered] as I forged my own path — either way strengthening my survival skills!
    The list is endless since I see each person who crosses my path in whatever way as a wealthy soul.
    Thank you for making me aware of this once more. Sometimes life gets in the way and we neglect to acknowledge our blessings [i.e. wealthy souls]
    warmest regards,

  78. I find wealthy souls everyday, while at work, at meetings, on a walk. However I have not found a wealthy soul for my beloved soul mate. Someone so wealthy in giving of themselves of genuine guiding and clear communication.
    I can find wealthy souls in most of my daily encounter s but not a true wealthy mate.
    How would I go about finding one, Well that I justhave to be true to myself and the wealthy soul will find me! Thank-you Micheal!Christina

  79. Dear Dr. Norwood,
    Thanks for your e-mail. I have not seen the film on Giesha in India. Even otherwise it is years since I watched a movie. Regarding ‘Where’, for me, firstly it is wherever I am and secondly in books like Conversations with God and many other such books. I have read half of your book on ‘Insights’. Regarding ‘How’, I think, by looking in good books, even by looking so many postings at this sight, I see so many wealthy souls. (Both questions seem synonymous or complementary) Hence, it is a matter of awareness, being in the mood of thankfulness, surrender may make it easy to find them anywhere. Such people with ‘unselfish’ and ‘giving’ traits (without expecting returns) can usually find them. By way of mentioning just one person out of many, one is my friend, CN Kutty, who retired as PS to Medical Superintendent in a big Government hospital. This person used to help anyone whoever came to him. And helping people in hospitals where ‘unfortunate’ people come for treatment / healing, gives them a sense of great relief. It relieves their tensions. He has helped me many times and whoever I sent to him.
    However, the person whom I am most accredited to in my life, is my Guru whose Mantra I have been meditating on for 25-30 years. I was a born dull person looking healthy outwardly but with many internal problems. Hence, mentally also I was very very dull. During 25-30 years of meditating, in the way (process) it was explained – because there is also a process involved, today I am cured of many ailments along way and getting more and more well so much so that I am in a much better health (physically and spiritually) than many people around of my age. The healing has been happening without any prayer – I actually discovered this process of healing along way which I did not know when I started meditating. There is still more to be gained, which, I believe, having experienced so much, I will be able to pass through more barriers. Therefore, ‘Where’ and ‘How’ both are a matter of awareness to find such souls. It can be on way, in books, in Mantra etc. Having read half of your book, I opine that your father and you are also amongst wealthiest souls. Thanks to you for this site and to all who have posted their experiences. I read them with interest and feel more enlightened and encouraged.
    J.S. AHLUWALIA, India 19th Jan 2006

  80. Dear Michael
    I have not seen the movie nor have I read the Book. Where do you find wealthy souls ? certainly not with the people you live with! When I was young I was needed by Husband and children for their own reasons. So I always felt wanted and needed . Now that I am old, I am hardly of use to anyone . so I remember times of self pitying. But I soon found Jesus and His word gives me life and i began to see everyone with the eyes of Jesus. My greatest prayer is to fill me with His love that unconditional love that i may seek nothing but give. I learned to rejoice in the Lord and give thanks to Him for saving me and a prayer and blessing to those who hurt me. Jesus is teaching me daily and it is a great source of strength. There is none like my lord my God JESUS

  81. “Do you know where to find?”
    You can a wealthy soul within your self.
    “Do you know HOW to find them?”
    You can find it by beilieving in your self and your religion and praying.

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