Thanks for The Gift of Prayer! (One of The 30 Gifts of Life presentations) One of the outstanding gifts of my relationship with God, is my freedom to pray to him at anytime, anyplace, and in any manner that I chose. One of my favorite times being in the very early morning, just as a miraculous sunrise is coming up. I’m usually driving home from work (I work 11-7 shift as a nurse, at the jails), tired and generally drained emotionally. When I see the beautiful sun rising, I always utter a prayer of thankfulness for the beginning of another day that will be another opportunity to enjoy all of the God-given gifts in my life. Another day to perhaps right the wrongs of the previous day. Another opportunity to love, and be loved, and to recognize that each day is a gift. These are what I’m reminded to pray a prayer of thanks for.
Yes, to be able to pray in the most unusual times and places is the best gift of all of them, I think!!
Julie Campbell
The Wealthy Soul:
Dear Julie
Sounds like a Wealthy Soul life to me!
Greatest blessings!
Michael Norwood
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