Do you have bad karma? (Chester)

We all have challenges and it is how we act or react to them.  If we first look to God and look for the answers He gives us the strength to cope with those challenges.  It is through God where we get our strength.

As I look back at different times in my life and when those challenges were there and I looked to God for support He was always there.  He gave me the strength to deal with those challenges.  It was those times that I grew and became stronger.  It was in those times that I shared with others that I was able to help someone else and we grow togheter.

"If God be for us who can be against us?"

Your books came at the right time and I am part way through the 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul.  What a blessing at the right time in my life!



Yes, Chester!  Timing is indeed everything. And how can we have Good Timing without patience? And how can we have patience without, as you say, surrendering to God? (Insights 2, 3 & 4).

And thank you for your kind comments about The 9 Insighs of the Wealthy Soul!

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