When Your Kindness is not Acknowledged

I received an email from an overseas subscriber (who we’ll call "R") who was feeling bad he didn’t receive a response from a friend of his he sent my Wealthy Soul series to as a gift.

What triggered his email to me was when he received The Gift of Presence email, which is part of The 30 Gifts of Life series I automatically send when someone subscribes to my free Wealthy Soul Newsletter. The Gift of Presence email starts off asking "Where are you?"

This made R acutely aware of his hurt feelings from his friend, to the point he could’t even finish the rest of The Gift of Presence. Here was my response to him:

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Dear R,

If I may be so bold, it sounds like you are quite attached to the response of this person. I know how that can feel – wanting acknowledgement for something nice we do, especially from someone we care about.

Sometimes, though, we just don’t receive it. So whatever good deed we do has to be looked at as having been done in the name of higher love and unconditional giving.

There is a universal "bank account" I believe we either squander away or regularly add to. Kind and gracious acts are what build that account. And while bitter thoughts aren’t what causes it to lose value, they do effectively render that great worth useless. But have heart, R – this is only until you refocus your attention.

Let the feeling of all your kindest acts fill your heart, and in a little while, you may actually find it almost doesn’t matter if the other person responds or not.

After all, is not kindness like a morning sun that warms everyone, and not just those observing its rising?

Warmest smiles,


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