Your Throat in a Tiger’s Mouth (MICHELLE)

Funny that the story of Roy Horn came up today…’s God’s way of answering my own questions.

Last night my husband and I kicked our son out of the house because he stole a credit card from us and ran up hundreds of dollars on a hard core porn website. This kind of behavior has been ongoing for several years and we were finally able muster the courage to take action.

Even though it’s hard to stop crying, I know in my heart that I forgive him. The ache in my heart is knowing that he was raised differently and chose to take this road in his life. It’s hard to understand (as it’s hard to understand why a tiget cub raised with love and care chose to hurt his ‘parent’ Roy) why our son chose to hurt us. More importantly, though, it’s hard to understand why he chooses a path of stealing and lying when he knows better.

We can only leave him in God’s hands now. We can no longer try to live his life for him and try to lead him in the right direction.

We pray that he is safe.
Michael Norwood:

Dear Michelle,

I’m so sorry about the challenges you and your husband are facing with your son. But you bring up an exquisitely beautiful and important point.

And that is, we usually can forgive to the extent we know in our hearts we are capable of handling a situation. And it seems to me you handled the situation with your son with great deliberation, restraint, and love . . . and yet did what you had to do.

So many people who hold bitterness in their hearts are those who secretly "fear" those they can’t forgive –

     Fear they will do the same thing again.
     Fear they will not know how to handle it when they do.
     Fear they will be hurt over and over again.

Making others accountable when necessary and through increasingly stronger means is truly the path of a Wealthy Soul – as well as the path of surrendering and finding forgiveness.

God bless,
Michael Norwood

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