1 Ocean, 2 Waves

My apologies.

It’s 3 months since I’ve written you.

That’s the longest I’ve ever gone without sending out something new in the 5 1/2 years since I began writing The Wealthy Soul Newsletter.

Indeed, something major has happened that caused me not to write since early June.

I needed time to absorb this life event.

To feel the emotions, and just to "be" with what happened.

To basically "live it," until I could view it with some distance . . . with some clarity. . . and then share it, as I’m finally ready now to begin doing.

Though this circumstance finally culminated in mid-June with the passing of a precious loved one, in truth, it has been ongoing since 1994 – the year that my father passed away.

(This was portrayed in my book, "The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul.")

One major challenge and life journey ended with my father’s departure . . . and another, even more difficult one, immediately began.

I never disclosed anything about this more recent 13-year challenge in previous Wealthy Soul Newsletters for reasons that will become apparent to you in the next few weeks.

Nevertheless, the great depth of emotion I was undergoing – and more importantly, the great Gifts and Lessons I was being taught -were breathed into the soul of every word you received from me.

And because the last years of this great challenge occurred while I was in Florida living next to a real ocean – The Atlantic –

and because the ocean itself became my closest friend – and greatest teacher – in coping with what was happening to a dearest loved one . . . I will begin by talking about this Ocean.

About a real-life phenomenon in it.

A phenomenon that opened me up to a profound revelation that gave great meaning to my challenge.

A phenomenon that can have as extraordinary of an effect on your life, as its had on mine.

          BUT –

You first have to "notice" this phenomenon in order to comprehend its extraordinary underlying meaning.

You’ve probably seen it at the beach many times without realizing it.

You’ve seen it when looking upon the waves.

But it’s easy to miss, because at first glance it appears so ordinary.

Do you have any idea what I’m talking about?

In truth, I will be surprised if you do.

In fact, I believe only 1 or 2 of the 100,000+ Wealthy Soul subscribers reading this newsletter guesses it correctly.

Will it be you, my friend?

          CLUE 1: 

The title of this newsletter contains the answer:

1 Ocean, 2 Waves.

That’s all the clues you need to figure it out.

Let’s see what you come up with.

About this phenomenon that contains such profound meaning.

The one that’s right in front of your eyes when you observe the ocean . . . most clearly during summer months when the sea is calmer.

What – is – the – phenomenon – I’m – talking about – here?

Share your response in the comment box below.

God bless,

    ***   There will be a special prize for
          the first 5 people to guess it
          correctly, so share your answer on
          the blog today! I’ll tell you what
          that very special prize is in the
          next newsletter.

          The only thing I enjoy as much as
          contemplating this beautiful ocean
          phenomenon itself is the profound
          answer I know you have inside of
          you, my friend . . . even if
          it’s not the exact one I’m thinking

          Illuminate your spirit, mine, and
          that of thousands of other Wealthy
          Souls with your lovely words in the
          comment box below about the
          transformative meaning of 1 Ocean,
          2 Waves at:

606 Replies to “1 Ocean, 2 Waves”

  1. While the water on the surface going one direction, there is always water going the other direction, the undertoe. The water is moving front to back and side to side all at the same time.

  2. May it be akin to our very own breath……the coming and going of life………..?
    Our lives are always giving, and taking……..a balance of nature.
    You are blessed to feel the energy of the earth, it is our life giving force and so a part of all our lives…and yet most fail to see it, in all it’s gifting glory………thanks for sharing…..it is now half the burden for you….M

  3. At the same time the waves are going out, taking away what we had, they are also coming in, bringing new things and new experiences. Though the ocean may seem forever the same, it’s in a constant state of change, as are our lives and the lives of those around us–sometimes peaceful and calm, sometimes turbulent, but never at a standstill.

  4. Hi, you could be speaking about the quanta waves, it´s an ocean, a “one”, but sudenly, waves. that´s all in the conciousness, i think, no diference betwen conciousness and “the ocean”. the whole “us” mind, thinks waves, and waves they came. wave and particle, they exist in the same universe.

  5. I believe it would be the ebb and flow of life. The life wave deposits us on the shore, we live, we love; then, the life wave recedes, sending us back to our source.

  6. There are two energies which are represented by the waves, these together create the force of the ocean. Without the circulation of the waves the force of the ocean would not exist. The movement of the waves recreates, recycles and renews the water creating a sound of peace and harmony like music to the ears….well, better.

  7. I have my own experience regarding the sea, which probably isn’t the same one you are thinking of, Michael.
    A few months ago, while attending to my Mom during the last phase of her life, I had a dream that is one of those that I will always remember. I entered into a large building – a hotel or conference center, to hear a lecture by my sister. All of the interior was white. I noticed some beautiful decorations on the walls that were sparkling lights, like I had never seen before. When I turned to look at this phenomena more closely, I was awakened by my Mom who needed help. I reflected over that dream many times, and regretted not being able to investigate the beautiful lights more closely.
    A few weeks after my Mom passed, I was walking to work along the fjord outside of Oslo, Norway. It was my birthday, so I decided to take a few extra moments to look out over the water on a sunny day. What I saw was exactly the same lights I had seen in my dream! It was the sunlight reflecting on the water in the fjord, broken up by small waves or ripples on the surface of the water and creating the sparkling effect I had seen in my dream. How many times have I seen such sparkling lights on the surfact of the water during my 60-year life, without reflecting on it or remembering it? I experienced that moment as a great gift that I will always remember – and a lesson to stop and notice the beauty around me. Every day.
    Best regards from Maryanne

  8. Our life ebbs and flows. It is ever changing. New ‘waves’ surge with heightened awareness, deeper understanding to enrich and rejuvinate the ‘ebbs.’ Both are life.

  9. I’m thinking the ebb and flow of life. We have the power to go with the natural rhythms of life; we’re born, we live, we die and that’s unstoppable as is the ocean and its waves. The more you try to stop or resist the waves in the ocean, the more turbulent your life will become. Acceptance of “being” is key and can get you through periods when you are most challenged.

  10. Hello Michael, good to see you back! I’m imagining that you may be thinking how the ocean is so vast and so variable and each wave is an individual and yet part of the whole ocean, different, yet made of the same stuff, just like we are individual expressions of the same life ‘stuff’ or universal energy and how we get an opportunity to express ourselves individually, then return to where we came from and become one once again. Hugs, Carolyn xxx

  11. I think of the Ocean as being God.. ‘GOD Ocean’ is without boundaries and depthless. The waves are US moving up and down in life lessons, sometimes raging, out of control and sometimes peaceful and serene… We are a part of God, always have been and always will be. We are pure light, vibrating energy, We are ‘ONE.’ Therefore there is no death, energy never dies…it just transfers into a different level of Beingness.
    This life we live is an illusion of time and space. In reality we are safe in the bosom of GOD OCEAN. We are at peace. Only when we feel separated from our Source do we fear anything, we forget we are Love and light.
    Pat K

  12. I would have to guess that the Ocean is life and the 2 Waves are the Good & Bad things that happen in life. They are there but only for a little while and they pass like the waves breaking on the beach but there will always be more to follow and you just have to deal with them as they come and go.


  14. One ocean two waves means to me that the ocean is the storm of life and the waves are you and the Lord. He’s reassuring us that though the ocean is big he’s always there with us in the mist of the storm. Theres never a time that we should feel all by ourselves.

  15. It is the breathing in and the breathing out of a beautiful, living, breathing Being born by Mother Earth which loves and sustains us and which at times cries and at other times throws up
    always protecting her own family within her body.

  16. For me the ocean reminds me of the great depth of stillness that lies beneath the surface turmoil of life.
    The Waves are like our everyday thoughts and actions and while your surfing them you’re not thinking of and tend to forget the stillness that lies beneath their turmoil. When the breaking waves tire you out, dive deep into the stillness for a break yourself.

  17. Hi Michael! I can understand your absence as you have just passed through a phase that I did three years ago. I felt the same need to recoil, rethink and resail. That phase changes the dynamism of life for the ones left behind. It’s odd you said the waves are calm at summertime. After living in the Caribbean for sometime, the waves can also be rather rough during the hurricane season, which occurs in summer and runs through fall. Life itself is the Ocean bringing us from “No Where” to “Now Here” and taking us back to “No Where”…it’s just a matter of rearranging the letters. We are, as humans, parentheses in infinity, and what we do when we are here makes us who we are. The Ocean of life brings us in and then takes us back…from here to there. One Ocean, two waves…and those left behind when we go, remember us by whatever impact we made when we were here…during our parentheses in infinity. God bless you, my brother.

  18. I think that just as the one ocean has waves coming in and going out. We each have people that come into our lives and then leave in some way. The beauty of this is that they make an imprint on our hearts and minds just as the waves make an imprint on the Ocean and sand.

  19. the waves of the sea are full of emotions, when i was fortunate at a time in my life to sit and watch the vastness, the power, the gentle waves and at a certain time of the day the stillness of the sea. it would seem like it has a cycle, but also a spiritual side that helps you wash away your worries and fears.it was a place of comfort a place to shed a tear. but i would always come back refreshed and calm.

  20. 1 Ocean: Atlantic, the one which you were viewing. Yet metaphorically this ocean can also be the vessel of our being which also contains two waves.
    Where the ocean is concerned, the 1st wave is the natural waves of the Earth’s oceans which we can see on the surface and the 2nd wave is the currents beneath the surface (tides, undertow, rip currents, etc) which although just as important to the oceans existence, they cannot be seen with our eyes.
    If we view ourselves as an ocean the 2 waves I believe are the waves of emotion we all experience. As with the physcal ocean, waves of emotion contain similar properties to the oceans physical waves. These two properties are also the ones we and others can see (external emotion) yet there is a second property which is just as important yet it lies beneath the surface (internal emotion).
    The internal emotions are the ones which define who we are and yet very few other people get to see them. The emotions within us that bubble to the surface, are the ones others can see and become the emotions that others use to define us. This is without having the perception or understanding of our internal emotional flows.
    Interestingly similar to the viewing of waves on the ocean’s surface.
    Both waves types are just as important to the whole entity, yet we base our whole perception and subjectivity only on the waves we can see and then define the whole ocean based on this fact. This can be evidenced in people, when someone does something so extreme that no one can uderstand why something occurred. Can you remember statements like, “It is so unlike them! I can’t understand why they did that.”
    We have all experienced the fact that someone does something so counter to what everyone believed them to be that we realise we really did not understand them at all. We based everything we believed on their externalized emotions and not the underlying emotions which were the cause.
    Both waves are just as important to the whole, whether it is the oceans, or the waves of emotion within ourselves. Hmm, 2 waves – the waves of the ocean and the waves of emotion. By understanding each type of wave (surface/under water or internal/external) we can get a better understanding of not only the ocean but of ourselves.

  21. Welcome back Michael. I had wondered why there was nothing from you for so long. I too adore the ocean and have a place here in Australia that I try to go to as often as is possible. It is Phillip Island, and when there I go for a minimum two hour walk along the beach every day. When I reach the end of my walk, I sit and watch the ocean before heading back. The ocean to me is like life – the ebb and flow. The waves are like our lives – the ups and downs that we go through, with the ocean itself, the “life flow”, the constant, always there no matter what. Wonderful to hear from you again, and always know, you are not alone. Irene – Melbourne, Australia.

  22. For me, the ocean represents our life, our soul. The two waves represents the movement of our life going in one direction and then in another. Like a wave, our life takes a journey (long or short). When the wave ends (at the shore, at a cliff or wherever there is land), it spings into another direction, regenerating new life — a new wave, creating a new journey. Essentially, our soul continues this journey over and over again. We never really die. Our soul simply takes on new forms — different body, same soul, new journey in the vast ocean of life.

  23. like the ocean, we are one and the waves represent the trials and tribulations, the ebb and flow of life, always remaining whole and connected but running in and out with the tide, all of which marches to divine order same as us
    ocean also represents our feelings and they will feel awash like high tide at times and then slowly trickle away to low tide and then we repeat the cycle again with the next lot of stuff that washes up the beach our way, all of which is sent from Allah subhana wa talla, God, Universal energy, divine order or any other of the myriad of names we give for Divine Source.

  24. The one ocean is the combined consciousness of the universe, we are all one!
    The 2 waves is:
    1.- our conscious physical existence, which is limited!
    2.- our unconscious connectivity to the source, which is unlimited!

  25. Life is like an ocean and the waves. Waves begin in the deep where they cannot be seen. Sometimes they are huge but most of time they are small, unseen by most people but felt by us. The pain and joys of life are like that. As life crashes around us like waves on a beach they always return to the ocean to begin once again. To qoute Billy Joel, life begins in streams and ends in the oceans, and in between we travel on the river of dreams.

  26. I think that when you go to the ocean, the tide comes in and goes back out, symbolizing that God puts people into your lives, yet one day he must take them back. It’s just a part of life that we must deal with, and we must remember that one day we will meet again.
    This couldn’t have come at a better time. My father-in-law passed away 3 weeks ago today. My husband and his 4 brothers are not handling this well. He was and always be a wonderful man in our hearts. We are filled with good memories. Yet, we all feel the whole that once was filled with a loving man.
    Toni-Ann Basile
    Glen Cove, NY 11542

  27. As I sit on the beach here in South Florida under my umbrella stuck in the sand I watch the waves. They come in and go out. In and out, in and out.
    I see a jellyfish bobbing in the waves, seemingly unmoved by the in and out, riding on top, however…
    If I watch the jellyfish long enough I notice that there is another wave carrying it from South to North and before long it is out of sight as it travels on that larger unseen wave carrying it to places far away.
    And so it is with our lives. We can focus on the in and out, the little waves that go back and forth, our daily mundane routines, or we can jump into the water and let that larger wave carry us to far away destinations.
    Most of us will however become uncomfortable when we get carried too far away and eventually get out of the ocean and walk back to our little umbrella anchored in the sand and the safe little sameness of our ordinary lives.
    Some of us will do it again and again to test the waters and be carried away a short distance and then we repeat the activity all over again never getting very far from our safe sameness.
    It is not until we are ready to completely let go of the anchored umbrella in the sand and allow the flow to carry us to our true destiny will we be free to reach our potential greatness.

  28. Hi Michael,
    I think the waves represent what’s happening in our life, too: the ups and downs, coming and going. This all is expressed in the Principle/Law of Polarity (there is good and bad, black and white, up and down, etc.) and the closely related Principle/Law of Rhythm, the pendulum that swings from minus to plus, a pendulum movement like the tides. Everything in the universe is subject to a constant change, a constant rhythm. Nothing is ever lost, what’s dying is transforming and re-born.
    Dear Michael, I know exactly what you are going through – I experienced the same at the beginning of this year, I lost the person most dear to my heart, and it took me a very long time to “recover”. I wish you all the best from my heart,
    Hadwiga from Germany

  29. Michael:
    My heart goes out to you like the water on the seashore rushes out to meet the next incoming wave.
    As you know, a dear loved one of mine has congestive heart failure and is slipping away before my eyes. It is so hard to watch and even harder to deal with emotionally.
    This ongoing, relentless, seemingly unending experience (for almost 10 years now) drains me and sometimes even embitters me, yet the priceless gifts and teachings I’ve received (and continue to receive) from this person make it all worthwhile and more.
    I am a wealthy soul indeed!
    Thanks for sharing and reminding us all of the preciousness of life.
    Sending you waves of love … we’re all in this ocean of life together. Bless you!

  30. The one ocean is our true life,
    the 2 waves:
    waves come and go, repeat forever,just like our life,every body come then go,no one is special

  31. One Ocean two waves. My guess may be a bit different. There is the wave that refreshes you and can cleanse you as it washes across your feet on the shore line or carries the surfer on the best ride of his life and then there is the wave that can overcome you and leave you fighting for your life and indeed may even claim your life. Hello and Goodbye. One ocean two “waves”.

  32. One ocean is the offspring, the two waves are one’s parents. The ocean ebbs and flows, just as one’s life undergoes change- change for the better, and change for the worse…but lessons can be learned from both. The main constant is the ocean, but the driving force of the ocean is are the waves…PARENTS…one may believe, at one moment in time, that parents may not be not be looking out for our own good. We recognize and aknowledge the gifts and material things that they provide, but it takes a while for the lessons from the not so good to sink in. Well, it does, whether the act (the wave) is a large life changing event, or a small ripple in the water- a splash can change things, too, but the effect is not as noticeable at the moment. Appreciate the ebb and flow, learn from it and pass it on to others. That’s what parents are for!!!!

  33. I am not sure what you experienced at the ocan but for me all seem to be an illusion of the eyes but I know they are some “force” or energy stream. If you let your eyes just relax and “play” with the blank sky above the waves everyone I have done this with “sees” an ocean above the waves. I see it as all encompassing and loving and surrounding every single human soul (and all the life forces on earth)in the same way the water and its waves surround every fish and life force in the sea.
    When I see it I swear I feel the positive love and “hug” sort of feeling from Divine forces. The swirling tiny dots become something and they are not unlike waves. I personally believe this is why we all feel recharged after a trip to the beach. Of course I could be wrong about all of that or perhaps it is not what you are looking for but like anyone it gives me great comfort and joy….

  34. 1 ocean, 2 waves relates for me that there is one ocean of life and that the two waves we experience are ‘birth’ and ‘death’ that are repeated over and over in the cycle of life.

  35. I believe the ocean would represent life itself while the two waves, the two facets of life (usually counterbalancing each other): peace and disturbance/ups and downs/joys and sorrows/good and bad/birth and death/beginnings and endings — the phenomenon life renewals, transformations and rebirths, the process of maturing.

  36. It is the waves coming into shore and the waves retreating back into the ocean. The ebb and flow of the tide, as the ebb and flow of life.

  37. I’am sorry for all you have been passing in. first I’am not so good in English, I understand it well but you know. Oke I will pray for you and yours. and I don’t understand what you talking about the “phenomenon” Praise God we are a small Rock Island.Praise God, it never pass here. I saw it only on tv.
    Now about me, I’am e simple woman/mother and gr.mother. widow with 4 children and 9 Gr.children and one great grand child. I spend my days helping others in my Parish with prayers and evangelizacion. I’am off, Pensioner, driving my car to go everywhere. I’am 72 years old, but I’am still strong if you see me you can’t say that I’am 72 but, 50 and I am feeling me young to. Praise God. we have to be grateful for the natural of our lives, my hair is snowwhite. thanks God. I love my Internet and my email’s. When I’m home you find me with my Comp. checking my email’s. I am happy, I feel happy, I’am living happy (poor) with my lord no problems because I, me, Myrna can’t do nothing only my God can do everything. I love Him, I thank Him for everything (Idon’t have money) but I’am Rich in His name. So this is me, simple surving my Lord. Amen. God bless you and yours. Myrna

  38. Waves ripple from an effect on the ocean, caused by the wind, the swell, the shape of the ocean floor, the shore line, the bow wave of a ship or a whale or even an earthquake. Sometimes the amplitude of the waves is small and they are gentle and predictable, at other times the waves are gigantic and powerful and the ocean seems chaotic. Similarly our lives create a ripple effect on others and on the earth and the universe. That ripple can have an impact a great distance from the source point and can interact with other waves. We are like a body surfer or board rider immersed in the ocean of life. Sometimes we can float peacefully in the gentle swell and other times we have to act to protect ourselves from being buffeted or overwhelmed. We can be refreshed or exhilarated by the ocean’s waves or we can become embroiled with them in a life and death struggle to survive. The ocean is a rich source of inspiration and healing with abundant latent energy. We endeavour to understand the ocean’s cycles and are grateful for the return of calmer times after a tempest.

  39. The intuitive message that came to me was: the One Ocean is God. We are one in God. The 2 waves represent how we as individuals can be representative of the waves. Waves are interconnected and so are our lives. As you were feeling the love of this friend and also knowing you are releasing this friend, you could see how both of you are one and one with God. Like waves we are always connected whether in this life or whether one has made the transition to another life. That love never changes. It is always there for us. From the 2 waves we begin to see how that love can reach out to other waves or other people. It is never ending–love always is and always will be. To know love that deep allows us to be more giving and sharing of this special love we (you) now have experienced.

  40. One ocean is the whole;
    The 2 waves may represent the 2 aspects of life, (visible wave & tide or undertow) or the two waves may represent the merging of the individual into the whole, for when you observe the waves as they move in the ocean, each individual wave affects the wave nearest or next to it and then merges with it before returning to the whole.

  41. I thought I was a wave, separate and alone, in danger of breaking on the waves; then I discovered I am the ocean, the eternal, undying ocean of Now. Lovely sharings, everybody. Welcome back Michael. I feel restored in connecting with you all today. Thank you.

  42. I’ve seen many answers akin to my own as I scrolled down to enter my answer. The surface of the ocean can appear smooth and calm but is always in motion, with waves moving outward until they contact the shore and move back toward the center from all directions. At the same time, during storms the surface of the ocean appears rough and tumultuous, while just below the surface, there is a calm inner world teeming with life all the time, unaffected by what happens on the surface. As spiritual beings trying to be human we get affected by the events outside of us while still maintaining a strong inner being which KNOWS all is well, and is our connection to our Source. Spending time each day in touch with that inner being and my Source gives me great strength and comfort, just as being at the beach and communing with the Ocean does.

  43. Hello Michael, After reading your message, I took time to visualize the ocean and the constant movement of the waves. In the vastness of our world in seeing the ocean, the waves represent to me the ever flowing of energy in and all around us always. We can grow with this energy, if only we can see and attract it.

  44. It’s the fusion of horizons between the ‘wave of the ocean’ and the ‘wave of my being’. God bless. Mabuhay ka kaibigan!

  45. I am at a true disadvantage with this question. I live on the high plains of Wyoming. In essence a desert, covered with sagebrush rather than sand. I am so very happy that you have found the answers the YOU need. Bod Bless!!

  46. One ocean, two waves – where does the ocean end and the waves begin? They are all one as we are one – with our eyes we think we are separate but in truth-where does our true reality begin? In the one not in the duality!!! The Ocean and the waves cannot be separated. We are not separate from our loved ones or from anyone else. Quantum physics says we are all at that same spot and that we are at all spots-all joined. Two waves and all waves are joined into the one ocean.

  47. I am at a true disadvantage with this question. I live on the high plains of Wyoming. In essence a desert, covered with sagebrush rather than sand. I am so very happy that you have found the answers the YOU need. GOD Bless!!

  48. I was standing at the beach one day and collecting shells. The waves were coming into the shore but I also noticed the wind taking a wave of knowledge back out to the ocean. It went right over my head. If I had only been a few feet higher I could have caught that knowledge. It was so strong that I knew it was there but gone in an instant. That was an amazing experience.

  49. The ups and downs, coming and going of the waves from the ocean do represent life. But the ocean represents us. I’ve learned it sometime ago that to go to observe the ocean and its waves is like meditating. We could use the coming in and out of the waves to meditate, to help us realize that nothing in this life could exist for eternity. Everything could be washed away one day, but the inself calmnest will help us standing stronger on our two feet. A good way to meditate! My very deep sorrow to you Michael for your lost!

  50. Well Come Back.
    As we sit upon the shore
    the wave comes in and spashes
    before us an abundance of things
    upon the beach of our life for that day.
    We can if we chose, to pick that of we wish we have.
    Somethings we keep
    Other things that pain us is there too. We can reflext on it, learn from it, grow from it and allow it to be part of life.
    For as the wave retreats and the secound small wave pulls itself back into the sea of life,clearing the slate.
    We rejoyce in knowing that the next wave of wonderful abundance will be at our feet again.

  51. The tide is never ending…it rises and falls 3-times during a 24-hour period, just like the three times in our lives–the beginning years, mid-life, and the golden years or Spring, Summer, Fall/Winter seasons of life….The ocean with its waves ushers in the “three tides or periods of life” and sustains life with the changing of the water and its levels….The beach itself is also constantly changing as a result of the tidal movements and motions with some new sand being deposited, and older sand being removed…The waves of the ocean are the catalyst to constant change, just as the seasons/periods of life are to human existence, and the sand is equivalent to the human body itself….The oceans are the sustainers of life on Earth itself…

  52. We are all connected, like individual leaves on the tree – we are the leaf and feel alone, we are the wave and feel separate, but we are also the tree, the ocean, the one-ness underneath our unique expression.

  53. the waves come in one direction and then another at the same overlapping…kind of like two different realities at the same time… multi dimensions…
    living in one moment while your higher self washes a new truth over you
    healing and expanding

  54. The ocean to me is like the world it is never ending and just keeps on going regardless of what is thrown its way, and the tides help to take away the old, the rubbish, the bad and bring in the new, the refreshing – the fresh beginning – soothing and peaceful, and yet always with a hint of danger – its one of God’s phenomenon’s.

  55. For each wave visible above the “surface” of the water, there is an inverse wave “a depression” that extends below the “surface” of the water. By analogy, the wave above is Yang, the wave (depression) below is the Yin.

  56. While the water takes away what is on or near the shore when the tide rises and buries a portion of the land, when it recedes, it leaves what were hidden treasures on the very same land which couldn’t be seen for a time while covered in water. Only the lucky get to see those treasures, brought from the depths of the sea. They are only there for a while, and disappear again, to be replaced by new ones, as the tide ebbs and flows. Change is constant, yet comforting, because the knowledge is there that you will be given what is needed at the time you need it.

  57. Abundance! We only need to ask God and the Universe, to help us with our problems, There is more than enough for everyone, like the ocean, it always replenishes with every wave, there is plenty to go around, you only have to believe.

  58. Hi Michael, Thanks for sharing.
    I think the ocean in it’s vastness represents our lives. It seems calm at times however notice the waves which represent challenges that we must face at times in our lives. Notice that these waves, like our challenges come, but they don’t last forever, they dissipates. So in life we must expect them, deal with them accordingly not holding on to them, knowing that light comes in the morning. This too shall pass.
    Bless you

  59. When we walk in the sand we leave footprints and other blemishes on the beach. The ocean clears those blemishes with about 2 waves so that the beach is “perfect” again. Much in the same way we are cleansed by challenges put in our path.

  60. In our human minds we see ourselves as individual and alone. When in truth we are one, all parts of the same. The Ocean and the waves are one and the same. The flow of the body of water is life and it is never ending and all moving. What we see as loss isn’t we have narrowed our thoughts and perceptions to a solid consciousness when in reality we are connected to what is seen and unseen. All are waves of reality on one level or another. The true loss is only in our selves and our perception.

  61. Hi Michael,
    Started to read all the other comments but no time now. First thought, Creation is one ocean, we and everything else in creation are as waves in that ocean. The waves are unigue as is all of creation but part of one great rhythm and stuff.
    Ocean and waves are created by interdepependenceies, flows of forces created by everything in creation, including the pull of the moon and other forces in the space beyond our planet. The currents of wind and air and sea, the formation of clouds, the olife cycle of beings -it is endless, endlessly interelated, unfathomably intereled. One Ocean, two waves. and it is rhythmic like the many tides of life, of our breath, our beings, night and day, moon and sun, winter and summer,, living and dying, and the way we re-experience these things is rhythmic too.

  62. the ocean tells us constantly of our rebirth,we are but one drop , we are also all of them to form the sea We are the wave coming in , we are the wave
    coming back, being reborn in a new heap of energy, of relentless movement that is the movement of the infinity of life , knowing that we belong to a greater soul that is a reunion of allsouls, one life is taken to be rebornand given, elsewhere.
    thank you for sharing those precious times with us.M

  63. Hi everybody, the only thing I can think of is that waves go backwards to come forwards. Of perhaps we are talking about duality, the difference between the exterior and the interior or a wave, as it draws in on itself to become once again part of the ocean, coming back full circle.

  64. In 2002 after receiving my divorce decree I asked my sister if I could move in for a while till I bought a house. I settled in with just a suitcase. Her home is right on the Atlantic Ocean, a great place to contemplate my new life, as I always found the ocean restorative.
    My sister had two dogs that we would let out in the morning to walk the beach, they would return on their own within the hour. Both would crawl in bed with me after this, one a standard poodle “Hershey”, as dry and pristine as when he went for his walk that day, the other wet and sandy a golden retreiver of substantial size named “Bailey”.
    Both were welcome, both came with their own perspective of their start of another day.
    One afternoon I was home alone with the animals. I went outside, in the fenced area to gaze at the ocean with dogs close at my heels.
    We reached the gate, they both looked at me and promised that if I let them run they would come back. I opened the gate.
    THEY WERE OFF, the poodle leading the way. I walked the beach toward them imploring and calling there names to come back…come back. 45 minutes elapsed, I was sure I’d gone from one seaside town into the next and in fact had walked into the neighboring state.
    I could still see them but they were just dots to my eyes…farther from me with every step I took. I was despondant…I was going to loose my buddies and my sister’s beloved pets. I started contemplating that perhaps I could hide in Afghanistan or Iraq, my sister was going to KILL ME.
    I had to stop this chase, I had a long walk back to my car, what would happen if I never found them. I stopped and started to cry as I faced the ocean. I looked at the ocean imploringly and spotted coming on a wave a yellow orb…what was it , a tennis ball. A tennis ball that washed up on shore right at my feet.
    The dogs (dots) had stopped when I did.
    I picked up the ball and waving it in the air I called each ones name.
    Bailey started coming back, Hershey no longer in control of his companion, following behind.
    Finally they were beside me, I clutched the ball and led them home. Releived, relaxed and in awe. Once secured, I gave them the ball.
    Two weeks ago both dogs were put down due to illness, a week after my sister who was fighting her own illness passed also. I will always remember that tennis ball.
    What does your message mean to me.
    The world is vast (the Ocean) I am just a small part of it (1 wave) but I never walk alone (the 2nd wave).
    I am stuck in Texas right now, but the first thing I do when I get home is sit on the sand and look at the ocean.

  65. Hello Dear One,
    My Heart reaches out to you with Love. Please know your story shares all the essence of your Heart.
    A beautiful gift of being in the present moment, to feel emotions with reverence and honor the opportunity to experience Heart’s Divine essence in sorrow. In sorrow there is life giving back gracefully, “come, come and enjoy all that is in the calm”.
    The Ocean is vast and continues to move. When calm, there is still a gentle swaying that sways back and forth, soothing and comforting, as a slight breeze touches lightly, softly. The blues and greens shine as the sun illuminates diamond sparkles that dance on the water. Amazing wealth in this grand performance of elements.
    Being present with the Ocean as it rocks me gently while I stand in the sand, just knee high in the water, comforts me. I feel all the possibilities of life in the distance and at the same time feel the compassion and Love in my own being within my Heart. The Ocean and sky are connected as I stand in awe of the simplicity. Visions have come in the time just standing there. I am brought back from this gentle comfort when the water reaches waste high and the wind feels cold. I am gently reminded I am here. I am alive. I am. We are one.

  66. To enjoy or even see the Ocean I must first be in the Now or present Moment (control of my thoughts) or other wise I will neither see nor enjoy its beauty.
    The ocean represents myself, my thoughts, and/or my thought turmoils.
    The calm ocean represents my mind under control and being under control and as such the Infinite Spirit now can communicate. The more peaceful my mind the more in the Now (Awareness) I Am and the more I can see the entire spectrum of the ocean and its movements.
    When negative thoughts arrive and I grasp (grab) hold of one or more of those thoughts they/it then attracts more negative thoughts and the Ocean represents this by the white caps. Then comes the storm (negative thought attracting more negative thoughts) with large pounding waves hitting the beach (my mind getting out of control as evidenced by the pounding waves sometimes anger enters, sometimes doubt, sometimes fear).
    As I once again gain control of my mind (shrinking the thoughts and replacing with positive thoughts) the white caps begin to go away and the waves shrink smaller and smaller to where they just smoothly flow onto the Beach.
    The waters flow in and the water flows out. (Maintaining One thought as it flows or allowing only positive thoughts to file single one behind the other in answer to my question.) As I now take control of my mind-thoughts and make myself mindful then that inner peace flows smoothly as being that wee small voice. The wee small voice arises and stays with me for longer periods.
    The Ocean then to me is a teaching lesson on my personal mind. Since the Universe is ALL ONE Mind then this is mind teaching mind and Yes gazing at the Ocean places one into the Now. The Ocean, The Wind The Sky are great teachers of our mind.

  67. There is always a wave that goes out, and there is a wave that always comes back.
    “Cast thy bread upon the waters, and it will come back –

  68. The ocean is a source and sustainer of life. Waves are an expression of the ocean. They are individualized and contain the nature of the ocean. Waves cannot exist independent of the ocean, they are part of it, always return to it and merge with it to be “one” with it. Just like we are “expressions” of the Universal Spirit, and are an individualized part of that Spirit, return to it and merge with it and are “one” with it.
    Peter V.

  69. Reflection
    I may have a simple view as I am just beginning to come to an understanding of myself. I have finally reached a place that I can search for wisdom and peace. I have lived a life of extreme turmoil and I am desperate to transcend beyond the immense pain I feel in my being.
    The calm ocean, to me, is a solid and reflecting surface. It is a symbol of my state of mind and my existence.
    When I present myself, it is a mirror of the person, , knowledge and stability of my being. I long to truly be the “Calm Ocean”.
    The two waves represent memory/experience and release.
    I have lived my life being bombarded with wave after wave of memory/experience leaving me with great loss, defeated, and in pain. Holding onto every moment until I thought I would explode and I had become paralyzed and unable to accept any new experiences leaving me in the most alone place I have ever known.
    I am learning to release and allow a greater understanding of myself. I am learning to release all the bad and the good. I can hold on to neither. I can only be. I am learning to feed what nurtures my spirit and avoid what kills it.
    Please let not fear of drowning hold me back.

  70. Okay, maybe I should list more in case my first guess wasn’t right:) lol.
    1. The rhythm of the ocean
    2. The waves moving onto the shore and then pulling back into itself
    3. The horizon
    4. All the water in all the rivers, flows into the ocean.
    5. The sound (and again the rhythm)

  71. The tides are part of our universe, pulled by the moon, each tide is a renewal. Places of the world have 20 foot tides and nearer the equator the tides are small one or two feet. The ocean was lifes birthpalce. I love the oceans tides, they are all different, from the large Pacific to the South Pacific each has it’s own sound and size.. I believe we are all correct in how we feel about the ocean… it has meaning for each of us.

  72. When I look out to the ocean I can see that heaven and earth meet….I being the one wave in turmoil and the calming wave being our creator.

  73. The Ying and Yang of Life. God is in control. Within the waves, as the sun shines there are Pearls of Wisdom dancing on the waters, reflecting the Stars and the Universal laws of Oneness.

  74. The Ocean signifies Life. We have one Life to live but within that life are many happenings, happy ones and sad ones. There are two waves within the ocean. They could be happy or sad, easy or difficult, but they are within the whole and we have to accept that. The one thing we do know is, that they will change and the ocean will become quiet again. So we have to be patient and expect that things will soon change for the better again.

  75. And so the Heart has the path to the Divine mind, the beautiful mind with infinate expansion, life.
    You all have beautiful Hearts and Minds. What blessings you are here in your expressions.

  76. Ocean-waves,so constant, so relentless; and so is life, my life,
    your life and we can do so little
    to change in our short span. How
    regretful it is that our short time
    will end and all our successes go for naught. Would that we could be
    transported to a ne world and finish
    what we had hoped at one time to

  77. Ocean-waves,so constant, so relentless; and so is life, my life,
    your life and we can do so little
    to change in our short span. How
    regretful it is that our short time
    will end and all our successes go for naught. Would that we could be
    transported to a ne world and finish
    what we had hoped at one time to

  78. Wow! What amazing insights by so many!! Thanks, Michael, for giving the opportunity to read so many wonderful comments!
    My two cents (waves?) worth would be to add that one life, two layers. The body, visible, felt; the spirit, invisible though also felt. One a source of livingness, the other the expression of it. Neither complete without the other.

  79. When I look at the Ochen, there is always first wave, there is always new thing, this new thing give me the feeling of my speciality,I feel as if this new wave is comming to me. however,this first wave, as I see it, is not permanent, but this wave is always changing because the second wave is comming soon and the first one is withdrawn giving the chance for the comming wave, to the new one. it is like music one instrument in playing the onther interfere with its sound, the first one leave place of keep sounding quietly to give a chance to the new voice to play its role. for me it is the endless flow of life.

  80. Greetings Br Michael
    Condolences and deepest sympathy for what you have been through
    Yet remember its when I am weak that I am strong
    Now for my comments on one ocean two waves
    I hear the echo of your voice and I know the power of your hand
    The ocean is the voice the same voice that separated the firmanent
    As the waves roar listen it speaks of you it tells you things only you can understand as creator speaks directly with you
    The waves one two are lifes long journey and experiences birth to death there is a third wave life eternal
    The more you get into it the sound of ocean and waves
    the deeper you get lost inside creation and new deep light understanding peace and goodwill to all who listen
    You undersatnd self and are brought to point of true peace moment as the hug of the almighty is in it too as you just dip into it so here I am lord
    The waves tell you of your ups and downs your whole life your everyhing reminds you of a time for everything and everything is nothing and nothing is everything as the voice you hear is God telling you I am everything looking again I see the boudaries of life come thus far here your proud waves shall break
    so its only so much we can do and we must end too this is as far as we can go
    So Br Michael one ocean two waves whew its lots lots I am sure as you experienced it you alone know how deep or far you went
    I can only share my thoughts
    GOD bless and thank you

  81. One Ocean Two Waves
    For me the two waves represents the fact that there are no two waves that are the same just as there are no two people that are the same but they all come from the same ocean as we all come from the same source and are as one.

  82. I have lived by the ocean almost my entire life. I am not writing this to win a prize or anything, just to share my thoughts on this with you. The wave that comes in brings foam, shells, seaweed, perhaps tiny shrimp, conch, crabs or other miniscule forms of sea life that live in the seaweed. As that wave brings in new life the undertow pulls out the sand, seaweed and some of the things that the other wave tosses ashore. The ocean is a timeless reminder of our own humanity. Ever changing, as is life, nothing ever stays the same. The ocean can be beautiful and calm. It can be so awesome and peaceful on a windless day. At sunset the color changes reflected from the sky are astonishingly beautiful. When winds start to blow it churns up with waves and crashes on the shore endlessly. Storms on the ocean can mean loss of land and life. Hurricanes can take everything in their path, leaving behind devestation. Regardless of what the ocean may do, I am grateful that I live next to it in all it’s awesome majesty and power. Whenever I stand with my feet in the water looking out at the horizon, I am reminded how precious life is and how wonderul it is to have that gift at that moment. Over the years I, live everyone else, have experienced the beginning of a new life and the ending of a life. Perhaps, there is no beginning and no end just the everchanging cycle of new and old.
    Mother Nature gives and takes away. Happiness lies in accepting the gift and treasuring the now. Gifts come in so many disguises. Some are joy and some are sorrow but they are all part of the mystery of life. Just look for the beauty and the lesson in every gift and remember that without sorrow and loss there would be no way to know happiness and new life.

  83. Dear Dr. Michael,
    I also lost my father years ago and have lived with the experiences of that loss over the years – others never understanding or comprehending what had happened to me.
    I recently, although not an ocean, but rather a lake that is high in the mountains of Utah walked along the sandy shores in the ripples and seashells of this miracle brackish lake – felt the pull and connection of ebb and flow of the tide. My early years were along the Gulf coast and another recent travel took me to the Pacific ocean. There is nothing like the pull and push of the ocean tide and the connection to oneness that one receives while in the waters of Mother Earth.
    I think I get your message and your gift that you have shared about the endlessness, the vastness and the oneness that we each experience in each breath and each moment.
    “I APPRECIATE the JOY of being grateful for my LIFE!”

  84. Thank you for your beautiful message. I have lived along the Atlantic Ocean as well as many years along the Gulf. Your talking about it brought back the many, many hours I have spent in communion with the water, its healing touch, its rhythms, its moods, its power, its beauty. I was able to viscerally be there again, to close my eyes and feel the breeze, hear the waves, feel its healing presence.
    I honestly am not sure what you are speaking about with your question, but the thing I have noticed is that there is always a wave coming in and one going out at the same time, yet they are flowing into each other and part of the same whole…much as I perceive my soul and my body being two parts of the same whole.
    Whatever your answer, isn’t it beautiful that mother nature shares so bountiously with us. I currently live in the foothills of the mountains, and she feeds me the same way here.
    I too have been and am currently on a journey with loved ones. It has been a time of being stripped down to my barest core and rebuilding, and yet I am also learning to live more in the present. God Bless You.

  85. Hi Michael,
    I sit by the ocean a lot because I have poor eyesight and I find the ocean so soothing. But thank you also for the spiritual challenge of contemplating the meanings of the 1 ocean and 2 waves and getting me to “see” more with my intuition than with my eyes.
    For me the ocean is symbolic of the source, it is both fearsome and wonderful, it gives and takes life. The two passages of waves for me are like the way we enter this life, make our mark upon the sand, or against the rock and are then pulled back into the source. Each little wave thinks it is separate but watching the line of waves we see that we are all interconnected we are in fact one. together we can destroy, or create, erode or build. Walking along the sand I felt that some waves bring beauty, they make beautiful marks on the sand, we too meet people who make beautiful marks on life. Then they are sucked back to source and the next wave comes and makes a new pattern. Walking along the rocks I became aware of those waves who work hard and expend a lot of energy building and destroying, they are magnificent or fearsome people, but they too come make their mark and leave.
    This day the Ocean and its waves gave me a new love of all humanity because all peoples good and bad, hard working and easygoing, powerful or gentle are all manifestations of the great source, they are waves of the great sea.
    I also observed that most waves come with an air of purpose, some splash, some crash, some flow gently, some stay for a long time, some only fleetingly but all are sucked back with the same even handedness, as if the Source loves them all, loves us all equally.
    Thank you

  86. waves travel between land masses and the waves that leave our shores must travel many miles to then become waves on a new land mass–so that the energy of the wave is never lost but changing…life is similar in that we think we lose someone as they move away from us but the energy of the life force travels far and is transformed never actually dying but going on and on….and living forever esp in our hearts…

  87. Ah…the vast ocean….the oneness of all things. The two waves representing the duality of samsara. The stillness of calm waters, the stillness of the mind. Always there, always available though often we are caught in our everyday problems, our forever seeking, the waves our many, many thoughts. And then we remember…we sit and we settle into the vastness, the calm clear waters of existence.
    Namaste and Blessings to you Michael.

  88. I think this is a present for mi and for many people inaround the wordl.
    If I can change with your letters and messages in best films. you, you anyou can change.

  89. Aloha Michael……
    everyday i marvel at my own existence.
    such ‘luck’ at where i am today.
    beautiful hawaii….
    a daily walk to my paradise, ‘magic island’
    where i also came across a most fascinating
    ocean waves goodbye
    coming and going survives
    calm to action, done!
    live love laugh
    follow your bliss
    stop the suffering
    keep on keepin on
    helpin you helpin me
    blessed to be a blessing
    use money & love people
    the way through is the way out
    at your service inC

  90. Dear Michael,
    Thank you for writing again … always enjoy your letters and input … quite thought provoking. Have been reading the wonderful beautiful words that people have written you from all over the world and i am guessing you are feeling a lot of love right now!
    The ocean and waves are of course all of the things that everyone wrote. And that is probably the beauty here, that we can expand our own experience of the ocean as we take in these different perspectives.
    In addition to the ideas posted up till now, i thought i might add that the Two waves are the Illusion we have of the opposites that our lives are made up of here in this physical existence. Often it seems to us that In and Out are opposites, that Calm and Stormy are opposites, that there is a Real separation between things that are opposites. That there is a separation between “ocean” and “sky” … And yet when you stop to think, everything that Is includes itself and it’s opposite.
    The incoming tide and the outgoing are included in “wave” or “tide”. The wave and the sky are the “two waves”… they are really reflections of one another, and are one and the same, although “different expressions” of the same thing. There is an illusion of separateness, which is so easy for us to hold onto.
    And so, as one comes to grips with Death, one also comes to grips with Life. Life includes Death includes Life includes Death etc etc. Life and Death are different expressions of the same thing. Being here without the dear people you love Seems to reinforce the idea of opposites. But you are never really without those people who have “died” … nor are they ever without you. The ocean is “The Source” from which the waves (“both” of them) and us (our lives and deaths) and all else, begin and be.
    Thanks for the opportunity to think about this, dive into it and open my mind to new and renewing thoughts!
    With Love, Susie

  91. Plural of future is together, exactly like the ocean, with it’s water and streams. Hope you’ll understand what I mean.
    Love eachother like yourselfs,

  92. The ocean is a life force. The waves are the obvious motion that we are able to see on the surface. What we don’t see is where the wave was formed. Waves are formed by the wind. This wind can be generated from a far distance away.
    If you apply this concept to life we have circumstances that are obvious whether it is a disease or accident or some other traumatic experience (relates to a wave in front of you). What we do not see is how this experience or circumstance was created (this would be the wind forming the wave out of sight from a great distance). Life (the Ocean is life) does that to us. We cannot see it coming and when we do see it there is little if anything we can do about it.
    As an example of this – I have a cousin that was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He has little time left to live. He went for his regular checkups but this type of cancer progresses so quickly that there was no time to react to it. Now it is just a day by day situation and we hope and pray each day for him to with us another day.
    Hard to deal with but we have to be strong for him. We are dealing with the inevitable as best as we can. We pray for a miracle, so far none has been shown.

  93. Hi Michael
    I see the ocean – the rise and fall of its tides, the ebb and flow of the waves – as my reconnection with the essential rhythm of life, the recharging of my being, the restoration of balance after a love lost or a beloved life force snuffed out.
    Aeons ago we came out of the ocean onto dry land – no wonder we are ever drawn back to the womb that nurtured us, to feel again that great pulse of life. With our inner being rested and restored, we can move on and discover that we have recovered the strength to embrace whatever life holds in store for us. We can love and laugh with the waves, and once more travel serenely with the ebb and flow of life.
    Michael – get ready to dive back into the ocean and let the waves take you where they will!!

  94. As above so it is below. We are within it and separate from it. No life without it and yet live apart from it.Live with it & die without it then live without it and die with it.1 ocean 2 waves!

  95. I am often mesmerized by the waves that are receding, and how they sometimes flow lazily back into the body of the sea, yet other times, they seem to be consumed (almost in a violent way) by the new wave crashing down upon them.
    How true this is with our lives as well. Some things flow in and out peacefully, while other transitions seem sudden, ruthless and even violent in nature.

  96. sorry to here about your loss but I beleive the one ocean is the life force that connects the whole earth with a highly conductive way of delivering energy to the land and its people through the waves coming in but it doesn’t ever stop as the waves turn around and seek new lands as every thing is made of the same stuff, energy, these waves are so much more than a moving bump on the water. Thanks for being a part of my life and loving the ocean as I do.

  97. Two waves are enough to hear the powerful sound of life giving waves that sooth the soul. Above the crest of the waves you see the vastness of the ocean and know that underneath the water the real diversity and miracles are unseen yet very real. Those two waves usually carry a fresh breeze of new air for us to refresh, breathe and smell. Those waves have pounded the pretty sand for us to walk on for as far as we can see.
    God is awesome!

  98. We are all in the same ‘ocean’ of life experiences….or waves. The only two waves that exist are the one behind me (from which I have now regained footing or balance,) and the wave in front of me that is coming me way, through which I will need to do as as did with the wave that is now behind me….ride it until it has passed….some waves carry exhilaration that can even make us giddy…other waves come crashing down upon us, making us feel as if we are fighting for our very lives.

  99. One wave cannot become differentiated from the ocean and run towards the shore without the support and movement of it’s predecessor. The drawing back of the first wave into the ocean helps the second swell reach it’s full wave potential by giving it the water and the energy it needs to move forward. More energy, bigger waves; focused energy, continual waves; no one wave without the other. Each wave is a Bodhisattva for all the other waves; each one striving to have the best abilities of a wave to help the others complete wavehood.

  100. So eloquently expressed by many of your readers Michael, it can in fact be said in few words:
    The Ocean presents us with a true picture of life
    – The Ebb and the Flow.
    Yes, as someone said,
    giving and taking,
    but the main aspect lies in the fact it is a never ending, never ceasing motion: Life ! It never ends, even if our earthly being expires, our spirits, the spirit of life never ends. That’s the analogy the Ocean provides us with at every beach we make contact with it.

  101. Ocean/wave
    This reminds me of the beat of my heart. When you focus on the waves, and listen to your heart, at the same time, it is like they beat in unison, up/down, in/out. It is the connection we have to all, the energies of the cosmos we are all made of. The energy,power within is manifested without. It comes from the same Source.

  102. The new waves continuously come in as the old waves hit the shore, break and recede. Your parents were the two people who brought you into this world. Your journey toward “orphanhood” and becoming part of your family’s oldest generation (coming closer to the shore and experiencing your own breaking into the next phase) began with your dad’s death. Have you been walking the journey toward shore with your mom these past 13 years and experienced her passing in June? Michael, whatever the nature of your journey, I wish you healing.

  103. Hi Michael,
    Sorry U had to lose your loved one. In the 1 ocean 2 waves
    comments, they are very interesting. Isn’t the ocean beautiful? I have always loved it. The comment by Elverta W.is one of the ones that I identify with especially the older I get. How people come into our life for a period of time, then they seem to move on or we do. God brings people together for awhile, then something happens and they are gone. I have lost 2 really close friends in death in the last 10 years. I know I will see them again in Heaven when the time comes. The ocean is eternal too. The waves are all different but are made of the same material. I feel like we are too. God is beautiful and a wonderful Creator.

  104. Hi Michael,
    Just thought of something else. At night one can see the reflections of the moon. Possibly the stars. Would that have something to do with it too?

  105. One ocean, two waves.
    It’s reminds me of one mind sending out the thougths.
    Ever waver “thought”will follow with a second one. the ocean “my mind” sending constately waves “thoughts” of diverent sizes and shapes. Just like the thoughts in your and my mind.
    ( i’m sorry my english is not just well, but it’s a message with dutch thoughts)

  106. i ocean, 1 life. 2 waves, the beginning and the end. Two opposites joined together. When my grandmother died, I read a poem that compared death to a beautiful ship. On one side of the shore, wathcers gaze and say “There she goes.” she is gone from their sight. On the opposite side, the watchers say “Here she comes.” Her life is just beginning.

  107. one of the phenomena of man’s life is death. for the Catholics like me, we believe that the four last things are heaven, hell, judgment, & death. life seems to be look like a series of waves. it starts with a strong force from the middle, it becomes weaker, until eventually, it ceases when it reaches the seashore. indeed, man started from a strong, healthy, conversant, etc. but time will come and all these things that man possess will cease – his energy and his breath. i was not able to read your book nor Acquaint with you because of the fact that you and I have a different nationality. but God uses it for us to be more familiar with and understand eac other. if death comes, we cannot expeirence it, because no one experiences death. death is the termination of all possibilities.

  108. I was also going to say life. I have spent alot of time soul searching at the beach. It provides inner peace for me.

  109. The ocean rolls in a beautiful presentation of what she has to offer, and presents it gently at your feet. With such great dignity the ocean can mystify your every thought as to its never ending overpowering yet gentile presentation to you. The romantic sounds and smells of the ocean can be life changing, as you can only fall inlove with this great show. Then ever so quickly, and without any fanfair she disappears, only to once again roll up and stop just at your feet. The ocean’s gentleness and awesome beauty developes a bond of friendship. This friend will alway be there when you need time to meditate. This unresisting friend will eventually cause you to fall in love with her. Life seems to present itself to you in this fashion. We are presented with unyielding love and friendship on a daily basis. Life, just like the ocean, just all of a sudden, without notice dissapers. We look out hoping to see it return, just as the ocean always does, but here is where the ocean and life itself differ. Only your close friend the ocean will return.

  110. As I live on the Pacific Ocean, I spend much time reflecting upon the waves. It never ceases to amaze me that the life a one wave seems to end on shore, but it rolls back out to create the wave behind it. Without one you don’t have the other. We have good and bad and can’t have one without the other, but with what we think is death or the end of a cycle it really rolls to become the beginning of a new.

  111. when the waves goes and back, i see the circle of life, the movement of the the blood in my body going around, the thought in the brain, the waves are the same forward and back. Peaceful and speeding,but the trick is to find the one second between both of back and forward of those waves and to have the power of staying in that very moment.

  112. Dear Michael,
    I is good to hear from you again.
    I think it is a very good thing to take time out to deal with life changing events. If more people learnt to deal with what life dishes up maybe there would not be so many crazy people.
    As for 1 Ocean and 2 Waves I think that the Ocean represents the universe and the waves our coming and our going.

  113. Dear Michael,
    I is good to hear from you again.
    I think it is a very good thing to take time out to deal with life changing events. If more people learnt to deal with what life dishes up maybe there would not be so many crazy people.
    As for 1 Ocean and 2 Waves I think that the Ocean represents the universe and the waves our coming and our going.

  114. I believe you’re referring to the changing of the tide … high v. low … representing times in every person’s life when you experience euphoric highs and those when your emotions sink to seemingly bottomless pits. It’s the same ocean … it’s the same life … two waves … two ends of the spectrum.

  115. Life is like an ocean, vast & calm.The ocean is the real site of vastness and calmness which supports endless creatures. Externally there is cotinious waves in the ocean but intrnally it is all calm. At times there are rough waves but they come and go making no ultimate difference to the basic nature of the ocean. We can take a lesson from the ocean and broden our vision so that nothing can touch the ultimate calmness of ours.

  116. Michael and Everyone,
    I am new here and have only been getting these emails for a week or so. I am very impressed with the magnitude of how many and how insightful the readers are.
    I think you might be speaking of a thought I have had. The thought I had refers to our perspective. There may appear to be only one wave making landfall. It is crashing right in front of you, but somewhere on the otherside of the great blue is someone just like you watching “their” wave crash in front of them. Sometimes it might appear we are the only ones here or the first and only one to ever go through this trial. I think the truth is closer to this ocean phenomenon.

  117. ocean represents life and waves represent ups and downs of life,conveying the message that you must rise everytime you fall.

  118. Well, Michael, you sure know how to get people talking. I just don’t like the feeling of competition. Where there’s winners there’s losers. The last time you did the pizza thing, it left me with an empty feeling. Like only the people who won your little game were now in your circle.

  119. Dear Michael,
    I think you are talking about the Tsunami that occured. I was from the ocean and two big waves came one after the other. It drew people into the ocean, never to return back.
    I feel that God’s word and his love also draws us into himself but in this case you do not die you live, a new creation!

  120. pure enduring energy. a constancy in our lives, the ocean is mesmerising and the waves ebb and flow and all life mimics it.

  121. The ocean is the womb of life, with the waves constantly rolling to shore with new energy to renew and refresh. The ocean is a microcosm of the universe, with the waves representing the vibrational energy continually bringing new meaning to our awareness.

  122. Life is wide and large just like the ocean. But we must remain focus and always press-on forward like the a pair of waves…ie the back wave will always push the front wave….

  123. hi michael,
    I relate 1 ocean,2 waves to a personal experience of my own.
    I wrote a poem many years ago entitled “Life is a Gentle Stream.”
    Life like the ocean is a constant.
    It continues whether we choose to notice it or not.
    One wave is the gentle wave that laps the shore. It symbolizes happiness, peace, and tranquility.
    The other wave is more forceful and strong,like the one surfers seek to manage.
    It symbolizes the “storms” of life. Those events that are sometimes unpleasant and unsettling. But each wave has a message for us. We can listen or ignore it. Nonetheless,like the continuous waves of the ocean so too are the waves of life.
    I learned in a grief support group when my brother died that the deaths of those we love and care about cause a change in us,an impact on our lives.
    The ocean of life. It continues like clockwork. The waves are constant too,but can change.
    Just like the circumstances in our own life.
    Thanks for asking for my input.
    It was good for me.

  124. The ocean and beach isin a constant state of flux. While it is torn down through erosion, at the same time it is rebuilt through the erosion.

  125. The ocean is life and the two waves are happiness and sadness.These two waves go together in the same ocean.I’m thankful to you that you remember me and hope for the best to happen.

  126. Hi Michael,
    a secret: in Romania when finish 12 classes well a tradition to make a canvas with picture with coleagues and teachers and more, small format pictures the smallest possibles we get on some flyers which every class choose after debates and prepare on time for the final celecration when you share the flyer of your class with the choosed motto of the class you*-re part of and with some personal thoughts you share when writte: for…D for eaxmple, what inspire you the person the experience or some classic words you share the meaning to let meditate your friend as remember…nice isn*t? well it happend that without proper organization of the team of my class we where in exams period and 2-3 weeks before the the party? Our Mr Bur said well, what will do , the XII C of our lyceum no scratch for the friends ? the flyers…decide to selve the problem, so i step out for. yep but the delayed time for print choose and make a small command few hunderds when the huge wave of that type where closed..few big city*s until Sibiu and when at least the direction accepting talk with the girl, and than make a frame for a limited order but no time to wait to choose the common model to represent us , decide there and make the order at the lowest price possible..it was a wave on blue print flyer, with motto chosed in minuts..and the 30+ childrens we*ve had the flyers to share but less time to writte it to all friends… catch the wave, be bold , momentum! fine art and line which make the difference of a deep calm aparently ocean..have you think about the thirst the ocean attract the rivers which run hug it and be part of the ocean…a deep mirror for the sky lights, the secret dance of day and night light as a dance closer and back a bit flux and reflux mornings are very special when is not day and not night anymore, that balance that intiem moment of love the sky and the ocean silent pray of love giving birth at a wonderfull green Earth..think about the hidden rivers and the news each river get when join the ocean, the polution they wash on the hug..walk on the beach and see that when water touch your feets, ask you closer to swimm to feel the love hug of water go forth step by step and see that water come closer to your feets too.2 waves , one from the water and one from the sky, message sent, remember the love of the gift received, the miracle the greatness, the holly without words reach your soul and let him fly with the breeze minuts of seconds, that freedom to know we are soo loved soo especially for us made, that welcome us each time when come closer and the special remember of wish to stay longer follow in heart no matter where we are..if stay longer see the gifts the ocean trow at our feets: coloured stones fish stars rarely pearls, what we trow to the oceans? to the rivers, how we feel when once on the north sea see huge balena agony die on the beach? what we do? what we do? what we do?
    Bless Michael
    is the fire furnace the God separate the purity of our souls, learn for him and wish to know more to open his guide as Bible is, to make that our creation is compatible and responsible with the nature waves, pulse and song. all the Nature is Music if we listen…
    Best Wishes

  127. Present moment, master the beautiful mind by allowing and then gently moving the mind to quiet. Awe, there, being, just simply being with YOU, the Ocean, waves, sun, moon, breeze, YOU are vast. YOU are living right NOW. Honoring the past and honoring what will come, still, NOW you are alive, enjoy.

  128. Haven’t looked at any of the comments above, just dashed to the bottom here to comment.
    1 ocean, 2 waves
    There are many ways to look at this statement, and it touches on the concept of duality, action and reaction, good and evil, etc.
    Here are a number of “2 waves”
    * up and down
    * The air and the sea (the wave of air going in and out, and the wave of water, so basically “both sides”)…which can be seen as 2 oceans
    …a sine curve has /\/ 2 sides to each wave.
    So, death is a beginning, one can see ripples from above the ocean (while in the air), or from below (basically while in the ocean).
    So, the line is this dividing line where air ends and ocean starts.
    That’s an incredible place to be, and my feeling is that that’s where Dr. Norwood is when he watches the ocean.
    My contribution to the discussion of duality is that vanilla needs no opposite. Vanilla is not the opposite of, let’s say, chocolate. And blueberry is not the opposite of strawberry.
    To me, that means 1 ocean, infinite waves, which, once 1=2, you can generate at will.

  129. One Ocean, Two Waves
    A particular phenomenon that I have noticed from childhood is how successive waves affect each other as they arrive at irregular intervals and break on the beach. The surfers here in California (probably every where else as well) call these irregular wave groupings, “sets”.
    One wave rolls in during a lull –without much resistance– releases its energy with a dramatic break surging far up the sloping sand. The next arriving wave encounters the first wave receding. The second wave’s shape and energy are restrained by the receding effect of the first wave, altering its reach up onto the beach. Some thing important also happens within this moment. The strong wave draws back some sand towards the second wave. The churning action of the two waves meeting further refines the sand partials into an ever finer consistency.
    It’s interesting how both waves looked the same as they were nearing the shoreline, but the impact of each wave is very different. I wonder if we tend not to value the importance of that period of time after the waves hit upon our lives. For me, learning to live in the “receding moment” –the moments between the waves– has been crucial to my soul’s fitful journey. A journey of choosing. Choosing “a turning” towards growth or choosing “a turning” away from growth. This is the choice we are all choosing to make…focusing on the power and tumult of the wave…or envisioning the importance of the “growth zone” after the wave hits and then recedes.
    Value the moments created by the wave “sets”. Real life meaning can be found in those moments…absorbing the impact of two very differing waves…a period, a moment, a choice, easily overlooked by most.

  130. The same waves that are tranquil one moment can turn and be raging at any given moment. Such is life and all the emotional attachments that each change brings.Either way, we can’t change them, they can only change us, if we allow them to. Some people notice the beauty and power of the waves while others seemingly aren’t aware of it’s presence and influence.Again, such is life & such is the passing of life.

  131. Wow, I read some of the amazing responses and they are all lovely, but I did not want to taint my thoughts with outside infulences, so I will finish after I post my thougths.
    Like many others, I initially thought of the incoming wave and the outgoing wave or undertow as the cycle of life. Coming from source and returning to source.
    Then I also thought of how the ocean seems vast upon viewing it, but actually it is contained between two shores. While we stand on one shore and watch the waves flow toward us and then ebb away, so is someone else on a far distant shore seeing the same thing, but through their eyes, filetered through their experience. This brought home the
    “brotherhood of man” and how we are all part of one life, lived in many places, by many parts of the whole.
    Whatever you have gone through and are going through, will pass and enhance your soul’s growth. I really like a poem called The Next Room/Death is nothing at all
    I have only slipped away into the next room
    I am I and you are you
    Whatever we were to each other
    That we are still
    Call me by my old familiar name
    Speak to me in the easy way you always used
    Put no difference into your tone
    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
    Laugh as we always laughed
    At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
    Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
    Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
    Let it be spoken without effort
    Without the ghost of a shadow in it
    Life means all that it ever meant
    It is the same as it ever was
    There is absolute unbroken continuity
    What is death but a negligible accident?
    Why should I be out of mind
    Because I am out of sight?
    I am waiting for you for an interval
    Somewhere very near
    Just around the corner
    All is well.
    Nothing is past; nothing is lost
    One brief moment and all will be as it was before
    How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
    Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral
    May your days be filled with waves of happiness, as the sadness ebbs away.

  132. Perhaps this is two souls, one world or one spiritual universe. Although the souls or the people might be separate entities, they are united in the spiritual world where there is no separateness.

  133. Permit me an additional thought on “One Ocean, Two waves” question.
    Waves can be viewed from two very different, but powerful perspectives. The first, a wave acts as a powerful force impacting our lives as if we are the shore. Uncontrollable, crashing in upon us with a regular rhythm. This wave happens to us. The second, a wave can also be viewed from another perspective –as a propelling force– something that we choose to ride. This is the wave of an opportunity and not of victomhood.
    This question has reminded me of a poem that I wrote in my journal while I was experiencing the trough between two waves in my life, more than three years ago now. Separated form the love of my life and headed inexorably towards divorce. Devastated, depressed, disillusioned, distrusting, knocked off my surf board, and struggling to keep my head above water. It was happening to me –crashing down– unavoidable, a victom. Wave after wave coursed in upon the sands of my shattered life.
    In a very brief moment in time, I felt my self temporally transported from the beach perspective to that of a surfer on a board, out on the ocean between the on coming waves. This poem represents the thoughts of a new perspective that was forming within me for the first time. I had a choice, surfer or victom.
    The Wave
    Did I just catch a wave,
    that silent power.
    A small ripple on the surface ever moving,
    seeking a shore to fling its self upon.
    I wasn’t looking
    for a wave to catch.
    I’m not a surfer,
    or ever plan to be.
    I floated, with out desire
    far from the shore.
    Safe, away from the forming waves
    that push recklessly toward the sand.
    From where did it come,
    that one extraordinary wave.
    That it should rise suddenly
    in my place of desperate peace, between the waves.
    Had I drifted closer to shore,
    was I seeking it with out knowing?
    The sudden push, unwilled
    with astonishing intensity.
    Rising, thrusting,
    propelling me with its power.
    What a thrill, I’ve lost control.
    Do I choose now, to ride or to pull away?
    With its own will, I’m riding,
    I am at its mercy.
    Will it toss me under
    or break me upon the rocks?
    Caught by its intoxicating power,
    I ride, thrust forward.
    A reluctant surfer, now
    filled with new hope and old fear.
    On it I ride, not caring for the future,
    only the present seems important, now.
    Did I catch the wave?
    Or did that wave catch me?
    Michael S
    We choose the perspective from which we view and understand the waves that come. Sometimes the first, sometimes the second. I ask, why not a “frame of reference” that includes both and…Victom –maybe, maybe not– or opportunity? Both can be true.
    The question is, do we choose to surf the second wave after the first crashed in upon us?

  134. I only was at a real ocean once in my life (whehn I was a child).
    There are two things I remmber about that experience:
    1. There seemed to be a rythm where one wave was shorter then the next.
    2. One wave washed something on shore – while the other took something away.
    Funny, I am 56 years old and it took your e-mail to make me rember.

  135. What I love about the Ocean is the fragrance.Lift your head and breath in deeply as you walk along the shore and get something of the oceans essence into your lungs and your spirit.
    I also love the reflection of the heavens visible on the calm sea day or night.

  136. I think when big events inlife happen like death of a loved one the first thing that happens is the grief etc. sometimes this is never complete and years later some event happens that triggers the unfinished business. If we are healthy and strong the teaching from this last event is stronger than the first


  138. there is only 1 truth (ocean),
    1st wave is our 1st experience into the created,
    2nd wave is our returning to the process of birth and death
    a cycle until we realize we are the 1 ocean having an experience.

  139. Hi Michael, welcome back!! Thanks for coming back. I grew up near the Atlantic Ocean as a child. It was my neighbour during my early school years – literally next door. Did I notice this vast ocean. Yes and No. I noticed that it exited but I did not notice the wonder of it. I moved away from the ocean as an adult and did not think about it one bit. Then a few years ago I found myself yearning to be next to this ocean that I did not even consider to be a significant part of my life. I’ve only come now to realize, it’s a great part of my life and I love this ocean.
    What I noticed most, other than the ocean itself, the waves and the flow of it was it’s SPARKLE OF DIAMONDS!! I walked upon the ocean one day after being away for a couple of years, observed and noticed the amazing sparkle of millions and millions of diamonds shining upon the ocean thanks to the glorious sun’s reflection. This sparkle was an amazing gift of nature. It it one of those treasures that goes unnoticed but once observed, can not be missed again. Each time I go to the ocean I am amazed by its vastness, the open space that can never be used for a subdivision, a highway, a high rise, nothing other than itself… the ocean. Three cheers!! That I am thankful for.
    The spaceousness and shine of sparkes of the ocean will continue to keep me coming back to sit and observe and be thankful for one of lives most SPARKtacular gifts.
    Michaeal, look forward to hearing about your life’s experience.

  140. 1 ocean 2 waves to me means the ocean is twofold. In my life I have visted the ocean (Pacific) during times that I need to comtemplate. What always facinates me is how sootheing and mellow the ocan can be and at the same time powerful.
    How familiar yet so filled with unknowns. And always the ocean illustrate God’s love and his mighty wrath at the same time.

  141. oneness we are all in this together. the ocean is water representing the spirit and the waves are in harmony to the vibration of the universe and it is just as life is coming and going,beginning and ending, living and proceeding to the next place after being here on earth.

  142. The ocean has always meant the great SOURCE of life–of ALL. It is a metaphor for the infinite well of Spirit. It is also All One–connected–The water is one even when it appears to be in one spot miles from another spot. The waves appear to be individuals. They are not. They can never be truly separate from the ocean which is there source. So too do we appear to be separate beings in separate bodies, but we are not. This is just an illusion. We truly are all One in Spirit — in God. We can neither truly separate ourselves from our source nor separate from each other.

  143. Water and breath both parallel life’s journey,
    waves of water,waves of breath in and out.
    When calm,
    both reflect what is real, what is true
    One Ocean~~One Love.
    Enjoy the ride!

  144. Well i can relate from my own experience about how everything is always transforming and really making room for newness.
    I had went on a retreat one year and my surroundings we nature. We were given questions, to open ourselves up on the journedy. In the journey my first thing was a rock,and allowing it to speck to me….I placed it on my shoulder and how woven it was, and it set perfectly in place, and my second place was down my a stream. I sat there for some time wonder what would be my next journey.I noticed a tree it was old, strong, and i bit it had alot to speak to me about,as i sat there i begin to feel sad for this tree because it was the broken at it weakest point. But then i realized the at this point was new leaves,and twigs….Then i realized that life of the tree was never truely die, but was making way for newness,wisdom,and that life is about shaping and forming itself once more.
    To me the ocean reminds me of a wide open space and we are drawn to water, it always never the same but renewing itself to awaken newness of wisdom and that the shore are shaping the sand into newness and also never the same. That the oceam and the shore together is another journey to all who walk with our being and allowing ourself to see through ourlives to tell the story and the truth about how we are connected to this vast universe of ours.
    The sounds,Michael that you heard or word or even a depth inside deeper connection with your being
    makes your journey so unique and beautiful and thank you for trusting me to share your beginning of your next journey.

  145. Hi Michael,
    I’m on vancouver island looking at the blue blue ocean after spending the day walking through the forests overlooking the ocean and sitting at a cafe with friends for hours gazing and photographing the ocean-2 waves and one ocean.
    Two waves dancing in the One ocean of Bliss.
    Our personal selves are like the waves dancing within the eternal,
    infinite One Ocean of foreverness.
    The two waves may seem separate coming and going into the One Ocean of form and formlessness, forever changing and playing in this world and other dimensions, awake and asleep always moving, becoming and dissolving into the source of water within and without, through and through always the same as the two waves are truely part of One Ocean of Love and light.
    With love, Mia

  146. To me the ocean has always been a deeply personal communion with God, but 1 ocean, 2 waves means (to me) that what you give to this short sojourn on this earth comes back to you twofold. You always receive back more than you give.

  147. If you consider the universal laws that govern all that we experience, then the Law of Rhythm is seen when you observe the waves of the ocean… they come in and they flow back out… tidal forces increase the intensity of the waves such that they are calmer at sunrise and after sunset… when you take into account the unseen current that flows along the beach, the waves are always bringing different water onto your beach even though it appears the same just as with the Law of Creation, you have a new “condition” with each wave even though it appears to come from infinite source… Pat O

  148. Dear Mike,
    Welcome back ! I have been waiting for your writings about Wealthy Soul ! And now, let me try to answer your quiz about 1 ocean 2 waves : it is a life – a family life – which consists of man & wife who have very very different background, therefore sometimes there is a crush happened. But, because both are humans – from the same kind of materials – then they will going along together peacefully again. Best regards, Tri.

  149. Welcome back Michael and I’m looking forward to reading what your new message entails.
    When I see the words…1 ocean and 2 waves, it signifies the ocean’s tide.
    In 1988 while caring for my father in Marathon, Florida, who was dying of colon cancer, I witnessed first hand the wonders of the ocean and how easily it represented the various stages of life. The tide provided me with various lessons during that month I spent caring for my father.
    My heart will always miss my father yet the memories and miracles of sailing with my father on the Atlantic ocean will remain with me forever.
    As my father shared with me, “Pay close attention to where and when the tide comes in and goes out otherwise you could find yourself stranded on a sand bar without any real notice. Always have respect for the ocean yet enjoy it’s inner beauty.”
    I remember asking my dad about the seaweed, dead fish, etc. that the tide would leave on the beaches. By the next morning though, the beaches were back to being beautiful and full of life again. Amazing…simply amazing.
    At a time when our family was feeling so much pain with the loss of our father…I could look out at the ocean and know Dad was finally at peace.
    It was as if I could see Dad playing in the waves and know in my heart that his lessons about life and the ocean would remain with me forever.
    I also learned that it is not an easy task to get a 75 year old woman out of a sailboat when the tide goes out. The sailboat was a good 4 feet below the pier. That 75 year old woman was my father’s mother and she also loved the ocean.
    Thank you Michael for mentioning the Atlantic Ocean…your timing is truly remarkable.

  150. Hi Michael,
    I imagine the ocean signifies LIFE and it’s abundance….and while you were going through the emotional spell the semblance of ocean and wave was poignant. Whatever the experiences in life are symbolized by the waves…some come so forcefully…The first wave could mean the turbulence emotional contained in the wave of life because of the trying moments and the second wave could just herald a new beginning after it came to pass. Hence, within the large expanse Ocean..i.e life there are waves which come and pass and herald new beginning..and remember after all the waves in life tranqulity is always restored no matter how turbulent the ocean was.This can add such meaning and understanding to our own lives just looking at the ocean and the waves.There times when waves are strong and after they pass calmness is experienced.

  151. There are so many people visit and gone/some stay in our life like waves, but there are two waves will always touch our life(ocean) our Father and Mother (waves). When they apart the Ocean(life) we will be silent for some time -indeed.
    But cheers thats life 🙂

  152. Hi Michael,
    Thank you for your sharing and
    invitation to share.
    I am reminded again of a very impact-full realization I had many years ago as a young woman watching the ocean as I walked along the shore of an isolated Maine island, looking out to the open ocean, with the waves coming in and going out, and the vastness of the ocean in front of me. Mesmerized by the constantness of the action and motion, feeling awed by it all. A phrase came to my mind – “the inexorableness of the ocean” – and an awareness of my place in the scheme of creation. That the ocean would pull me in if I acted in a manner that did not respect it’s relentless power to just go on doing what oceans do. That I am personally responsible to act accordingly. That there are forces that I nor mankind cannot change, which we in our hubris consistently seem to forget.
    I have the privilege to stand in awe of the beauty before me and to enjoy it and be grateful for the experience. I also have choices about my personal responsibility for my safety and actions at all times.
    I am reminded of the prayer –
    God grant me the power to change what I can change, The patience to accept what I cannot change, And the wisdom to know the difference.
    Later in life I learned that the Chinese ideogram for our word “crisis” is the combination of the ideograms of “danger” and “opportunity”.
    1 ocean – 2 waves.
    One life – birth and death. The inexorableness of death – the crisis of choice we are afforded as we experience loss.
    “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Praise be to to the Lord”
    After my widowed mother died at 85 years of age, I came to the realization that we only get to have one mother in our lives, and that is a loss that we are never really ready for, no matter how well we think we may be prepared for it, no matter our age.
    God be with you in your grief and your healing. Thank you again for this opportunity to put these thoughts in words.

  153. Mike, as I saw your 1 ocean, 2 waves, I saw life’s ups and downs. I remebered that both are necessary for proper balance in life. That’s life!

  154. Hello Michael
    As I read through your story I visualised 1 Ocean as being a vast sea of people and in that vast sea were 2 waves. These 2 waves represented 2 people in your life who were very dear to you. 2 waves will always be part of 1 ocean and a part of you. Even though these waves ebb and flow they remain a constant in the ocean. These two people will remain forever in your heart. Just as the waves remain a constant in the ocean, so do these two dear ones. They have not gone, they are still with you. They are part of you. Your spirits touch and intermingle just as the 2 waves do with the ocean.
    Please accept a hug from my spirit.

  155. The ocean teaches me that we are all individual waves in the same great ocean – we are all part of one great universe – all connected in oneness.

  156. The TIDE…Life is always flowing in one direction or the other. And as trials come, they too pass as assured as the ocean tide. We must never become overwhelmed with either cycle as in life. Trials, tribulation, success and riches all have their limited presence and none should direct our attention beyond simply recognizing there presence and soon to be absence, for a time that is always limited, not permanent. The TIDES in life always ebb and flow and we can be assured that each leaves its impression upon our consience and it is up to us to be their manager. Those who place their presence in absolute terms, forget their brief limited existence and fail to overcome the power they at times possess. For the famous, it will pass. For the downtrodden, it too will pass. Each can learn from the presence and control their effect upon our lives in the first, humility and the latter, patience. The same sun shines on all, the good, the evil, both believer and sinner and no one is exempt from the richness and learning that the TIDES of life bring!

  157. My impression of the title – One Ocean – two waves would be everytime a wave comes in it goes back out – like people and things in our life. Things come into our life and they go out of our life.
    In 1989, my son Michael died in a car accident and I spent alot of time near the water – it always calms me. I was thinking then about things coming into our lives and things going out of our life. It took me awhile to see the good out of this situation but I did. I can remember believing that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. When my son died, I looked up and said ‘you just made a big mistake.’ But he didn’t – I handled it and came out better than I ever thought I would.
    Even our breath goes in and goes out. All of life comes and goes

  158. One Ocean, Two Waves….
    I haven’t been to the ocean in over a year. What I see in my minds eye is while one wave is coming in to greet you, another is leaving underneath (the undertoe). If one’s not careful, the undertoe will drag you out with it.
    I also notice waves seem to come in pairs. They don’t seem to be single events. They run in tandem together.
    The waves remind me of the people in my life. Some are in our life for such a short duration but can leave such a profound affect in our lives we never forget those brief encounters. Others may be in our lives for years and we don’t realize the impact they have had on our lives until they, too, have left our sphere of influence.

  159. The waves remind me of several old songs. “When the Storms of Life are Raging, Stand by Me” and “Peace be Still”. Which in turn we all have storms in our lives that turn us over and over, like the waves, we try to move forward, but are pushed back into the abyss of turmoil, yet know that with all we are going thru our God is with us, ever holding our heads above water, teaching us to trust in him by trials, tribulations and our own storm tossed seas, then we know Peace Be Still will come, and will last if only for a while. These are all things individual believers and non-believers face, sometimes they happen multiples times in one day, then maybe a month of calm, just knowing we are being tested, tried and God is ever constant to be by our side.

  160. The Idea that waves are separate things is our illusion. In truth what we are seeing is the ocean ‘waving’. In the same way individuals in our enviornment, including ourselves, contain and are contained by all of creation. We are all always connected to and by everything/everyone. Seperation is the great illusion. Live with Joy Peace Love and Beauty, Larry

  161. Michael, I too love the ocean. Even though I only lived near it for a year or two having grown up on the desert and now living in the desert. I brings to my mind the knowledge that this world is made by a Divine Creator, God even our Father who loves us and in his majesty comes peace and calm. He provides for us and cares for our needs. There is more than just this life. Life is Eternal. I know that with all my heart. I too went through these feelings when my mother passed away. I know that she is alive and well in spirit and I will see her again. Our lives are ever changing but we can be sure of a constant and loving God, our Heavnly Father.

  162. The peace that comes from the song of the ocean waves, washes over us and we are re-born and cleansed of all hurt, pain and problems as the 2nd wave carries all that sadness out to sea, farther and farther until it no longer stays in our soul, and we are healed. Eloise

  163. Sometiemes we need to get inside for a while, and always when we come out, we realize, we are much more than we new before. I missed you and feel happy youre shearing again. Thank you.
    About the ocean and the waves.To me means that there is onenss expressing itself in an individualized form. each drop of ocean contains the whole of it. I see ourselves as waves, each one is different and unique but at the same time part of it all.

  164. God is always there the tide comes in and goes back out. But he is always there waiting for us.
    He is the ocean , waves & the tide. Always near never to far.
    That is what I see in the ocean
    and waves.

  165. The ocean represents all of consciousness and even though there are many millions of waves that come and go in their many forms, what is always the same is that they are never separate from that which they come from, just as we are never separate from that which we come from.

  166. For me sitting and watching the ocean.. is finding my peace..
    The waves have always reminded me of life, the rises and falls of each moment, day, month, year or the different season I have past through.
    Depending on the mood of one’s self.. and the dramas that unfold for me..I have had peaks and valleys.. the waves representing the high and lows of life.. Sometimes it can be viewed as a moment where the good or bad is being viewed. Or that same wave could be recording as well reporting your own emotional state at a given moment or a given time frame..
    Either way, watching the movement of the water, I find in the end it just comes quietly and softly up into the sandy beach. Often I have wondered is this how it is represented also in life. Does it means that we have excepted what has been given, we have found how to forgive if it was an event that hurt us or reminds us of the gentleness of kindness and love as it feels when we get a warm embrace.
    For me .. it a great place to sit and remind myself of the cycle of life. I can decide if it
    will crash with great energy and force or quietly and calmly enter my beach.

  167. The waves of the ocean have always reminded me of individuals, rising from the vastness of ‘beingness’ to take a unique, though constantly changing shape… and then to eventually return to the oneness of the ocean.

  168. You could attach anything that has meaning to you – it can be a metaphor or representation that touches you deeply.
    In this context, all of the answers given so far are correct!
    Well done!

  169. The ocean is our lives. The waves are the ups and down. With every wave representing the good and bad things but at the end our lives are are what we make of them.

  170. What wonderful comments keep on coming! It has been a joy to read them all. Here’s a poem written by my husband which touches on the issues that have emerged over these last few days :
    The Soundlings
    In Moonlight…
    just beneath the ocean surface
    the water spirits gather
    to sing their state of being
    these are the Soundlings…
    their song echoes throughout the deep
    and is carried by the soul of giant currents
    linking continents and rivulets…
    the Soundlings sing their state of being
    In Sunlight…
    the Soundlings rise from the surface vapours to the sky
    their song carried on the shoulders of the wind
    and echoed in every cloud and sunset
    until the entire atmosphere rings with song…
    the Soundlings sing their state of being
    Then … When hot meets cold
    and where mountains touch sky
    the Soundlings fall to earth, mountains, seas, lakes,
    rivers and streams
    …returning with a rush of music
    the Soundlings sing their state of being
    In the Moonlight… In the Sunlight…
    You can hear their song…
    a mantra that connects and sustains all
    Listen softly, listen long…
    Let their song awaken your soul
    And your heart herald their message
    Read more here:

  171. The ocean represents our lives in its full bastness–turbulances,and calmeness. The two waves are the ups and downs of our own lives. There are times for sorrow and sadness, but there are also times for happiness, and easyness…no matter what happens in our lives–good or bad is always a positive experience because with those experiences we grow spiritualy and that puts us closer and closer to our creator.And that is the whole purpose of our lives:To get closer and closer to our LORD.

  172. The ocean represents our lives in its full bastness–turbulances,and calmeness. The two waves are the ups and downs of our own lives. There are times for sorrow and sadness, but there are also times for happiness, and easyness…no matter what happens in our lives–good or bad is always a positive experience because with those experiences we grow spiritualy and that puts us closer and closer to our creator.And that is the whole purpose of our lives:To get closer and closer to our LORD.

  173. Hi Michael
    Life is like a wave.. full of ups and downs. I get into a state of ‘nothingness’ when I think about this more and more.
    God bless

  174. It reminds me of what an infinitely powerful awesomely wonderful God we have that watches over us, and that He created such a wondrous universe with man in His image.

  175. Thank You Michael for the opportunity to share here.
    May this day open as a rose bud to reveal all it’s beauty to you and those who read your blog.
    I appreciate how you and others have touched my life with your magnificance.
    You are all amazing!

  176. 1Ocean 2waves: The vast oceans magnificents and the never ending deposits of it’s strength where
    every wave is different from the
    last no matter what size, sends
    messages to the viewer that opportunity knocks continually.The
    lack of sameness is what makes the
    watching so challenging and thought provoking for me.

  177. 1 Ocean is like our lives. The 2 waves are like the birth and death. We have some good things happening and some bad things happening in our lives. The challenge in life is how we deal with the ebb and flow of life.
    Micheal please know that my thoughts and prayer are with you and your family at this time of sorrrow. Take your pain to God. God is always there for us.

  178. I think it is one spirit, with 2 roads in life. It is your choice on which you take or maybe which one your life ends up following.

  179. ocean mean the inconditionnelle Jesus Love or passion :THE mostdeep ,strong ,huge.invariable
    tow waves mean :the souladoring Jesus or contrary

  180. ocean mean the inconditionnelle Jesus Love or passion :THE mostdeep ,strong ,huge.invariable
    tow waves mean :the souladoring Jesus or contrary the other wave the soul whodonot beleive in god

  181. Hi Michael,
    I think 1 ocean, 2 waves is to do with the ocean being the world and the 2 waves are to do with the choices we have, to choose the positive in a situation or to choose the negative in a situation.
    Thats my thought on this.

  182. Hi Michael,
    Thanks for the chance to do this, I found your email regarding this blog, yet the newsletter did not come through. It’s o.k. as, your question immediately starting me thinking, regarding the Ocean etc.
    I just let my thoughts waunder and it came right back to me, easy, It just means the 1-Ocean is your soul, and the 2-Waves, a reflection of life and death. As we each portray/see/feel it.
    This was very thought provoking and keeps those in tune with themselves and their thoughts, constantly on their toes.
    ‘keep ’em coming, love the brain food!
    here’s a warm hug for your loss also.
    Kathie M.

  183. I am sure I speak for the majority when I say that the last thing I am thinking of when participating in this blog is any “prize”. The tremendous gifts of soul inspiration and the feeling of community that participation has engendered are indeed priceless. Blessings once again to you Michael and heartfelt gratitude to you and to the many who have, so willingly and openly, shared their peace, love and understanding.
    Ken Carey put it thus: “The extent of your consciousness is limited only by your ability to love and to embrace with your love the space around you, and all it contains.”
    Ain’t that the truth?

  184. Your thought are replica to most of my thoughts too. It is a voice from within . Ocean is boundryless and so are thoughts. Beneath the silence, lies many lives…. unseen, unexplore. The waves are different emotions which go up and down and then again up and down but ahve a semetry. Lets learn the phylosophy of life from the ocean.

  185. I also felt uncomfortable about the contest. Of course, it’s fun and exciting to have the opportunity of winning something, but picking the first five who “get it” kind of puts a damper on things. On the other hand, the people who enter later have the advantage of reading the earlier comments. If people like the idea of the contest, would it be possible to change the criteria? For example, you could select five at random from the answers that touched you the most. That way, there is a pre-selection, but the readers know that other answers were taken into account.
    By the way, the responses have been awesome. What I was going to say has already been said, but there are far more than five winners.

  186. 1 Ocean is source…..have you ever tried to empty the ocean?
    2 waves is the stuff that we experience everyday. My “waves” might get pretty choppy at times, but deep within the “source” is calm.
    I must stay “within” the source, or in close communion…..BREATHE…….

  187. My dear Michael,
    I have no idea what you mean by oceans and waves – or more specifically what oceans and waves mean to you!
    Oceans and waves mean different things to me at different times; the meanings change. The ocean and the waves trigger different feelings and emotions, depending on where, what the weather is doing and so on. Sometimes I yearn to be with those of my family, separated from me by the distance of the sea. For many of my ancestors, the sea or the ocean meant freedom – their way to a new life, in another land. Other times, I simply soak in the magnificence: the blending of sky and sea, the sound of the waves and the screeching og seagulls. All of it provides meaningful experience.
    And in this instance, the ocean – specifically the Atlantic – means I cannot avail of many of your wonderful prizes, unless I stay up half the night (which I have no intention of doing for reasons other than a party!!) 🙂
    Nor am I interested in competition!
    So….although not interested in competition, I enjoy the discourse. Thank you.
    God Bless,

  188. The term 1ocean, 2 waves can be compared to the world and the people that live in the world. The good and the bad. It represent the ever changing circumstances.People’s behaviour can be compared to the movement of the waves some times calm and another time rough.The ebb of the waves are liken to the things happening in ones life,people come into your life and go out of your life.It shows that nothing is constant, ever changing form and temperature which can be compared to individual temperament.

  189. Michael,
    I was not going to post beacuse I do not have any formed thoughts on 1 ocean, 2 waves. However, when I read your followup email this morning, I felt my heart thumping deeply for more. I do not know what it is, but I know your email has opened a space in my heart and this is what I wish to share with you, something for which I thank you from my heart.
    I sense I will have my own dawning on the topic in its own time. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading your update tomorrow.
    Blessings, peace and much joy to you,

  190. To reflect on the ocean and the waves at the time of a loss of a loved one would most likely bring me to thoughts of my own mortality.
    Whether it be parents that have died leaving me as a grown (65 yr. old orphan) or a lover and true friend leaving me to go forward alone with no one at present to share lifes joys and sorrows. We each are a oneness in the ocean of this universe but at the loss of a loved one we feel sorrow and pain and yet we also celebrate and feel the joys that we have had with the person. It is also the time to reflect on the time of our own passing and that no matter whether we live or die we must be prepared for both. We consider what we want to leave as a legacy for the world and to make room for others.

  191. constant motion, endless reflection..
    memories awakened
    of a time long forgotten..
    whispered murmurs
    of past , present and futurs..
    one ocean,
    one breath of creation..
    two waves,
    a union of recognition..
    you touching me touching you..

  192. Hi Michael, Long time no hear! Thanks for giving us something to dwell on. I passed on commenting the first time around. I had to think about it for a bit. I believe that God created us and the universe we live in. We are far too amazing to be explained away by the chance of random evolution, and I believe the ocean’s waves on the beach to be a metaphor for God’s cleansing of our sin by the gift of His one and only Son dying on the cross. The first wave symbolizes Christ’s appearance on earth as the Son of man and his sacrifice on the cross, and the second wave going out is the cleansing of our souls washing our sins away and giving us the knowledge that there is an eternal heavenly place waiting for us provided by Christ’s resurrection. Only God could have put that spiritual longing in our souls for a place beyond our human forms. The waves keep coming back time after time letting us know that He is always there to pick us up and cleanse our souls even if we messed up because His love and grace are infinite. All we have to do is accept Jesus Christ as our savior to be cleansed just like the waves do to the beach. Whoa! I get tingles just pondering that opportunity. I want to comment on todays message from you about winning and losing. I think just the fear of losing, in essence being wrong, keeps a lot of folks from bothering to comment at all. The fraility of human nature keeps us all wrapped up in our own neat little boxes and we don’t want to come out to play for fear of bruising our chins.
    God Speed, Don

  193. I do know what you mean…I feel the ocean is our “possibilities” and the waves are which direction we choose to take the authentic path or the path that is chosen for us by others. I find myself struggling everyday with that question…society chooses alot of non-authentic paths for us, it is for us to choose our path that creates empowerment in us. Sometimes, that path is not so easy and filled with life lessons that teach us some serious realizations. I find myself on that path right now, and I am trying very hard to choose the wave of authentic empowerment. I know you have the same choices as I do…and I know which one you will take.

  194. 1 Ocean means “YOU” and the 2 Waves are: father/sister. Passing in the ‘night’, but are al- ways together spiritually. I read you, with antici-
    pation/interest. I have a ‘pulling feeling’ when I read your responses and thru your ’30 gifts’ Why do you suppose that is?
    Responses are very good.

  195. 1 Ocean,: One ocean is your one and only life that you have to live on earth. It encompasses all that you are, all that you have, all that you accomplish and all that you will ever be.
    2 Waves: 2 waves represents the entrance,happiness and impact you made on life upon your birth into this this world and the ipmact, the void, the values, the memories you laft behind when you depart(ed) this life. Two waves, birth and the impact there of and death and the impact there of.

  196. God is always giving us everything we need (wave 1). God then takes what we don’t need (wave 2), polishes it to perfection, and returns it to us (wave 1). It is a constant cyclic process of universal love.

  197. I shall not even try to guess what you mean by the title, I will just write what I feel. To me the Ocean is vast and reminds me of how very tiny one is compared to it. Waves are like full circles with each ebb and flow, they keep going out and coming back.

  198. We are the ocean, the waves are calm & calamitous, just as we have days of complete calm we also have days that are very trying. They come & then they go. Sometimes we see them coming, sometimes not but we learn to accept both.

  199. Dear Michael,
    I love the sharing and expansion going on here through your invitation for everyone to express.
    My conclusion is that thee is only One of “us” out there represented by the ocean itself. One wave rolling upon the shore (of experience/life) comes in giving birth to the outflow of the energy within the ocean/ocean of life. All unfolds, implodes upon Itself in an inifnity of newly created forms of expression represented as situations, events, circumstances, happenings. All serving the one and only goal, as I understand, of understanding, expressing, and expanding the Tuth of Who/What we truly are: Love.
    Infinite Joy, Mary B

  200. I want to answer this mystery the best I can.
    we go to the Ocean for many things, prehaps mostly to experience the closeness of our spirits(Souls) to feel GOD.
    In that example, here’s what I believe.
    Where we all network to connect, we part to meet, so this (Ocean)is where God will be. (beginnings,endings,eternal infinity)
    God is the OCEAN, and the wave to keep the activity is the Son & the Holy Spirit, which makes up this completion! We are simply there to “connect” with our existence to our holy father.
    No matter the turmoil, the calmness, reasons, choices,feelings, thoughts, beliefs ,or purposes to go there, This is where GOD shows his mercy,strength,patience,invitation to receive him. Your choice, your change is always near the water. Water is the symbolic name for Jesus.(The living water) Water on earth comes in 3 phases (liquid, vapor, & solid) which represents our total makeup a humans. (liquid the Blood,solid the flesh, vapor the electromagetivity..pulse of the living soul)
    All of this represents the neccessity to exist as humans. Jesus is the 1st wave,the second wave is the holy spirit, and GOD (JeHova) is the ALL OF ALL….”THE OCEAN”
    One ocean— 2 waves

  201. The ocean and two waves represent something different to everyone.
    The continuity of life. Like the sun coming up every morning…they are always there.
    Life comes and it goes, but it always comes back again. No matter what.
    So, with each day we have a new hope.

  202. I beleive that 1 ocean 2 waves represents the ying & yang of life. for everything you receive from life, there is something that is taken away. This is the only way to maintain a balanced world. Metaphorically, If we only received in life, soon the world would be out of balance, and would fall apart. Obviously, ther are some people who are greedy and seek to take more than there share and this means that someone else must give more than there share in order to maintain this overall balance. This, I believe is one of the major problems with the world today.

  203. Michel,In response to your question: this happen ed to me several years ago, when I saw the unith of all in the waves/light.
    Enoyed your postings. Don’t reallu care about your constest. Reading your posts is gift enough>

  204. Hi Michael, Welcome Back!
    The two waves represent two! A pair they are together but for a moment in time and return to the whole of the ocean the bearer of life itself for eternity. The waves are always together.

  205. Dear Michael:
    I am sorry to hear of your loss. By now I am sure you realize how much you have also gained, and I hope these things are helping you to find peace. I have a feeling we now have an even more wise Michael among us. I have enjoyed the other posts very much. I also think that the Ocean is the “One” which we call God, our Source, the One to whom we return. Using your metaphor, God sends us out as waves becuase we can have the experiences that God cannot. We bring them back upon our return. That is another subject.Anyway… One wave is visible, on the surface, feeling the warmth of our Sun and being part of Earth’s life force. The other wave is either forming or diminishing. That which is diminishing was formerly as the first wave but is now closer to returning to the Source – the Ocean. Some days the waves bounce and sparkle in the sunlight; some days they brew darkness and bring trouble to the Earth. Some days they look with envy at the calmness of the Ocean and wish they were part of it, perhaps unaware that they already are. Welcome back; you are still on the surface with the rest of us. I’ll see you at the Ocean.

  206. I haven’t taken the time yet to read all the comments, and that’s likely a good thing. I don’t want my thoughts to be influenced by yours until after I’ve had a chance to give them voice. In my mind, the ocean represents the whole of our experience on this plane, from birth to death. The two waves then represent, to me, the ebb (1 wave) and flow (2nd wave) of those experiences. The various high and low tides of the ocean also represent, to me, the way our experiences run through highs and lows. I’m not sure I’m articulating this very well, but I’m also sure that anyone who reads this is very likely to get it. Thanks Michael.

  207. Dear Micheal,
    1 ocean comes in and 2 waves surround the pain. Evenually the pain takes on a different form. It never goes away. We change our focus on the situation by remembering the good things about the person that has gone to heaven. We feel a little bit better every day about the sitution.

  208. Michael, My computer crashed several months ago and I lost your email address I’d had. After not hearing from you for some time I had wondered if you’d had to say your goodbyes. I will never forget that wonderful evening we all spent together two years ago. As you know, I grew up on the southeast coast of Fla. My first home was across the street from the ocean; the sound of the surf was my lullaby. As a teenager when upset I would drive to the beach, sit, watching the water, the waves and I always felt at peace afterward. I have read some of the posts in answer to your question and quite frankly, everyone of them could be the answer. The ocean to me was always very mysterious. It represented emotions, as some have said, the ebb and flow of life itself, Spirituality. I can understand your finding solace there. Take care. I hope one day you will return to Arizona, at least for awhile. With love, Charlene

  209. 1 Ocean/2 Waves
    The Ocean represents Life,
    one big, undiscovered future, like the underwater life that teems there that we don’t know about;
    just waiting to be discovered, like our potential;
    like Columbus, we have to have the courage to explore it;
    like the scientists, we have to examine it, see what we like about it, what we don’t, and how we can improve it;
    like the marine ecosystem, we have to work with those around us and see how we can improve our relationships with each other;
    Life is a series of ups and downs, like the ingoing/outgoing of the waves.
    Like the high tide that comes in and is filled with ocean life; we’re filled with energy, enthusiasm, and undiscovered opportunities;
    And like the pebbles and sharp rocks on the beach, or the debris that washes ashore, risks and obstacles intrude into our lives for us to overcome, to test us, make us grow our characters;
    Throughout life, there are small waves that just nudge us into action;
    then there is the tsunami, the crisis that blow us over and threaten to destroy us, if we let it;
    there are calm seas where we can enjoy a little respite from the storms;
    where we can bask in the sunshine of our accomplishments;
    amid the winter gales that come periodically;
    Then comes low tide, when our energy and enthusiasm starts to wind down near the end of life;
    where the rocks of ill health and accidents may appear;
    and the weeds of discouragement threaten to dampen our joy;
    yet, the sun still shines. And we can hopefully look back and say that we did a good job with how we planned and worked our lives;
    we seized hold of the waves of opportunities that washed over us, and we soared over the sharks and the icebergs that risked sinking us.
    1 Ocean/2 Waves.
    1 Life/The Beginning and the End.
    Make it last.

  210. The answer is: ocean = person with 1st thought — 2 waves = others who ponder the thoughts or questions of 1st thought. Waves move out and touch other areas, so waves become part of the ocean. Wierd, huh?

  211. I see waves only moving out towards the shore, never going back as in the undertoe. The wave starts in the middle of a vast open ocean and moves towards the shore in 2 waves: firstly it crashes at the surf but then is followed by a wave that moves it up onto the shore. Regardless of what is happening in the middle of the ocean, the waves always move outward. The undertoe is not a wave but rather represents a pull back to the source bringing with it whatever it has picked up at the shore while the 2 waves represent all actions moving forward to advance the source and experience whatever it meets on the shore.

  212. 1. The ocean is fluent, liquid, ever changing but yet reaches the edges of each continents life.
    2. the waves crest in opposing directions, on different continents but yet bring with it the essence of the whole which is the ocean.
    So who is deemed to be wrong if they (ideas) are different but from the same body of value.

  213. After some thought and my entry (my apologies for misspelling undertow with an “e” – yikes!!), I have three guesses of what you may have called your newsletter:
    1. energy transfer
    2. oscillations
    3. vibrations
    Best regards.

  214. The ocean represents God’s truth and the 2 waves represent wich direcion you take either toward the lord or away from the lord.

  215. When I think of the Ocean I think of calmness. When I look over the Ocean I see a vastness. Never ending blueness, (one of my favorite colors). It goes on and on. As the waves ebb and flow, gently doing its dance, switching from side to side in a rhythmic sway it triggers my brain cells to do the dance in my mind and the things of this world suddenly grows dim as I am enveloped in this PEACE and unspeakable calmness. Every doubt and every fear seemed non-existent. My intellect is enlighted and I can think and great thoughts come to me. I can write because I am infused with such wisdom. The Ocean, the Wave together as ONE but dependent. Each supportive of the other. And so it is with LIFE. We can not live our lives totally independent. We need each other. As the Word of God says, when one falls there should be someone else to pick us up. It is so sad that we do not learn from Nature. She is our greatest teacher.

  216. Michael, I am glad you are back. You sound “wounded” but healing. I love every one of the comments written about 1 ocean, 2 waves. They are wonderful and so profound. These people are so spiritual. I love the one from Don on 9/14. Thank you everyone for these wonderful writings. It is so complicated yet so simple for me. One ocean to me is my life. 2 waves – people come and go in our lives. As a “wave” comes in – another “wave” leaves. There are so many but each means something to us. I am very anxious to hear your story and insights and wish you well. Pat

  217. I am a Reverse Speech Practitioner and for me the metaphor of ‘ocean’ represents the collective unconscious — so this is the ‘1 ocean’ and the ‘2 waves’ then are the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. And it’s spiritual significance? When we come into human form we are influenced by the collective unconscious and play out our humanity making the unconscious, conscious. In this way we grow.

  218. RE: 1 Ocean, 2 Waves
    From: Gerald Taillefer (geraldtaillefer@hotmail.com)
    Sent:September 8, 2007 11:23:20 AM
    To: ~ Dr. Michael Norwood ~ (newsletter@wealthysoul.com)
    Hello Michael,
    Welcome back. It is always a pleasure to be challenged into thinking about life’s gifts and the insights your wonderful puzzles unleash in me. When I think if 1 Ocean, 2 Waves I feel it speaks of life’s dualities as a frame of reference to help us make sense of the physical universe we perceive to be real. We can’t think of light without dark, hot without cold, good without evil, sweet and sour and so on. In fact this duality is what creates for us a framework in which to experience reality as we know it. Without it we have no bearings with which to gage our experience of living in this physical universe.
    The 2 Waves are a part of the 1 Ocean in the same way we are but vibrational entities existing in this wonderful universe. As each wave is created we can watch it crest, break and race to the shore. In reality it’s impossible to separate the wave from the ocean. Each wave contains the full potential of the ocean, unbounded, pure and powerful. We are connected to the powerful rythms of the universe in this same way. In each of us lies the full potential of the whole, limited only by our own perceptions and beliefs. In essence it is the analogy of the connection of our personal soul to the universal soul. To the degree in which we allow our lives to mirror the full potential of the whole is the degree in which we are able to manifest greatness in all levels of our existence in this realm and live with grace.

  219. I think the ocean represents life and The Maker and the two waves are you and your loved one, who appeared for a short time then returned to their Maker, as in dust to dust.

  220. Dear Michael,
    I believe that the ocean symbolizes One God, whatever our personal perceptions of God may be. The two waves are indicative of all mankind, whether believers or non believers….whether we choose to journey with or against Our Supreme Maker….either way we are still a part of the master plan…..still as equal and valued and no less significant a part of the whole..in His eyes.

  221. One Ocean, Two Waves…
    A Haiku for “Individuated Oneness”. We are individual & insperable expressions of the ONE. In Sanskrit… SOHAM… I AM THAT. In Hawaiian ALOHA.. We are Universal Light & Breath sharing ONE SPACE, the INFINITE, the ETERNAL.

  222. All is one and seperate both in the same body…..never really apart..always comingling….loss of a loved one brings the ebb and tide together for us to see the rythm of life here and beyond

  223. It is representing our soul, and mind in our own physical body.
    The ocean consist of water and the natural force intermingle with each other in the ocean space.
    The ups and down resembleme our life which is ups and down all the times.
    Everything that happy has a cause. Once there is a cause there will be an effect.
    Our life is make up of fate and the way we cause our life in our present life. Therefore, what we are now is brought by the way we before in the past( this life or past lives), and our destiny will tide in with our behaviour now.

  224. Michael, all such wonderful answers, and I am so glad that you rightly say, none are wrong, because each one is right for you in our own individual ways. To me, one ocean, 2 waves, could be looked at from a spiritual point of view. God has created so many beautiful things on this earth for us to enjoy, with the ocean being one of the most powerful, cleansing, and spiritual experiences one could encounter. An analogy could be made relating the ocean, as just one part of our collective consciousness, and two waves, as the never ending, changing and yet unchanging face of God. Honestly, Michael, I have no idea what you are referring to, but it is fun to think about it. Glad you are back, and I just wish for you God’s peace and comfort to enfold your life as you seek His truth.

  225. Hi Michael.. It has been a long time. I’m sorry to hear about the passing you your loved one, know that all of us here are with you and keep you in our hearts. You have created an extended family here with the Wealthy Soul newsletter , You’ve taken some events that ’s caused you pain and turned it into something that’s very warm very inspirational and truly loving. I can just see you sitting down by the ocean at night watching the sun set, all the day’s events and emotions going through your mind and heart, looking for the bigger vision, first you see the waves of the ocean, they come in and go out, all in perfect harmony and balanced by nature, one ocean. Then you let your eyes go out of focus, the beauty and awesome wonder of the setting sun over these waves paint another picture. You start to feel the harmony in the waves, you hear the music in the movement of the ocean, you can now let go of any pain in your heart and as you just relax there you become more the touch with the true beauty of your own heart. I can see how it became your friend, it was always there for you waiting for you to come and sit for awhile, it never judged you or offered anything that wasn’t requested, it just was, that’s what friends do. A teach helps us learn the lesson we need to learn, guides us to the resources. Then they give us a safe place to experience these lessons and make them a part of who we are.
    Peace, Love & Happiness.. Malcolm

  226. I believe the OCEAN represents the LOVE OF GOD which is all there is.
    The Waves represent the Circle of Life. We each experience GOD’s creation through the lower energy vibration of the material side and returning back to the higher energy vibraton of the spiritual side. All of which is an illusion because as the waves coming in or going out, we never left the Ocean of God at all. GODS LOVE IS ETERNAL, it always IS, WAS & WILL BE.

  227. i belive that the ocean waves is very clenseing of our soul GOD know what HE is doing its all written in HIS book the teaching of every thing we need in want to know .IF YOU GET BAPTIZE you will feel new, hold ,reborn . i’m telling you a true story back in 2002 my sister was in the hospital she was very sick she had heart problem,high blood preasure. so before i went up to her room i stop in the veinding area to get a bit to eat there was many people in the area i had a $5.00 bill the machine didn’t take my money so i ask some people in there if they had change for $5.00 each person said no , so i began to search down in my purse for lose change i found four quaters so i bought a bag of popcorn in put in the microwave by this time every one was gone i was standing there alone, i was tired , hungry,in hot . i began to pray to GOd please FATHER i need something to drink when i turn around to leave out of the veinding area the machine that was fill with pop,juice in WATER. YES ‘ A BOTTLE OF WATER falls down from the machine it sound as if some one push the sellect botton i looked around No one was there i reach down to get the bottle of water. I LOOK UP IN SAID THANK YOU FATHER I KNOW YOU GAVE ME WHAT I NEEDED.
    JESUS THIRST FOR WATER HE ask the woman at the well FOR A DRINK.
    the water he wants us to drink we shall never thirst again.

  228. i belive that the ocean waves is very clenseing of our soul GOD know what HE is doing its all written in HIS book the teaching of every thing we need in want to know .IF YOU GET BAPTIZE you will feel new, hold ,reborn . i’m telling you a true story back in 2002 my sister was in the hospital she was very sick she had heart problem,high blood preasure. so before i went up to her room i stop in the veinding area to get a bit to eat there was many people in the area i had a $5.00 bill the machine didn’t take my money so i ask some people in there if they had change for $5.00 each person said no , so i began to search down in my purse for lose change i found four quaters so i bought a bag of popcorn in put in the microwave by this time every one was gone i was standing there alone, i was tired , hungry,in hot . i began to pray to GOd please FATHER i need something to drink when i turn around to leave out of the veinding area the machine that was fill with pop,juice in WATER. YES ‘ A BOTTLE OF WATER falls down from the machine it sound as if some one push the sellect botton i looked around No one was there i reach down to get the bottle of water. I LOOK UP IN SAID THANK YOU FATHER I KNOW YOU GAVE ME WHAT I NEEDED.
    JESUS THIRST FOR WATER HE ask the woman at the well FOR A DRINK.
    the water he wants us to drink we shall never thirst again.

  229. Hi, Michael! I love your questions! They get me to thinking. But I may have gotten a little long-winded with this one!
    I believe the 1 Ocean is your family. Therefore, the 2 Waves would be your parents.
    Sometimes your parents “come at you” full force; and, sometimes they come or seem to just be there quietly and patiently waiting for you, to be your sounding board or your confidant.
    You have 2 parents. You always will. They might not always be here in the physical form for you to see and feel, but regardless, they “are” your parents; not “were” your parents. Sometimes the waves are gentle and you don’t even notice them, other times they are harsh and command your attention.
    Each one of them has given you many “treasures” in your life; whether or not you felt like they were treasures at the time (like your stock lessons!). Or the many of life’s lessons you were taught by your mother when you were very young. This would represent the incoming tides many people here have commented on.
    On the other hand you have given them many “treasures” as well, whether you realize it or not. Think of the love your father must have felt, knowing you had no real desire to learn about the market, yet you chose to make yourself do this so that he could pass on valuable lessons to you, not only on the stock market, but about the little “moments” you two shared during the lessons. I don’t know much about your childhood other than what you wrote about in your book about your sister, so I don’t know if you and your dad had little things you did together or not. Even if not when you were little, you did your father a great “favor” by letting him teach you about the market and letting him know that, eventually towards the end, that he had not only “fed” you, but “taught you how to fish”, so you could feed yourself.
    The waves come and go, as there have been times when it seemed your parents were there for you or with you and other times when they weren’t. Possibly, one would give you advice or lecture you and then leave, and the other would come in and make sure you were okay. They help/listen/contribute to your life and then return to the ocean/the rest of your family. Sometimes they are with other family members/friends, or always working, and other times they are right there with you.
    There have many times in my life when I have thought about my own father who passed on 6 years ago. But, although he is no longer physically with me, I seem to feel his presence still, sometimes even stronger than when he was alive. And now I don’t worry about whether what I do will please him or if he thinks I’ve made the right decisions. He always left me make my own choices and tried to help me learn from my mistakes and to take responsibility for them. Now when I think about him, somehow, I seem to “just know” what his reaction would have been! And it seems that no matter what that reaction would have been, I don’t worry about that now. I usually think of something funny about the moment that he probably would have joked about in his efforts to lessen the tension.
    I remember a long time ago, one night when he was teaching me to drive. He was reminding me about something and something and then something else! It was getting very frustrating for me, and I responded, “I’m trying!”. His reply was, “Yeah, I know, you’re very trying!” And that broke the tension! (Actually I think he was worried about his pickup truck I was driving for the first time!)
    Anyways, enough of my ramblings. I will always love my father, as will you; and while I may have to indicate he has passed on, I will NEVER say I “had” a father. I still do, he just isn’t physically here anymore. I think I may actually think about him more now than before he died.
    There are times when my 72 year old mother, who lives with us, gets me very frustrated, and worried. She has an independent personality and it is hard for her to accept the fact that she can’t do as much as she used to. It is hard watching her deteriorate, slowly before my eyes.
    So now I guess that as the “waves” come and go on the beach and they have deposited with me my many treasures, it is my turn to become the “wave” going out to the family/ocean, taking with me some of what they’ve left me. And, in turn, become the next “wave” for my children; bestowing them with my little treasures and me with theirs; and for my mother as her health slowly deteriorates, to return to her some of the many times of love, understanding and patience she has surely bestowed upon me in my past.
    Wow! I find it absolutely amazing how much emotions these questions of yours bring to the surface! I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. Thanks for the many “insights” you’ve opened to me through your books and these questions! God Bless

  230. I think you need to put a dark line across the entries after the name so people don’t get confused as they scroll down the long pages, as to who wrote what.
    Maybe it would be better to put the name and info at the top, prior to listing the comment, since you have a line above the name, not below it?

  231. Dear Michael,
    Your spirit must be in good light..
    for the power of it has assisted
    many to respond to you.
    I lived in Ormond Beach for a brief time about 5 years ago as I recouped from a drastic divorce, court ordered to leave 50 percent my home. Seperated from my children and animals and gave away many precious material objects.
    In it all, by visiting Ormond’s
    Beach I was uplifted and recouped
    quite well.
    When sitting in quiet meditation,
    veiwing the vast ocean, I felt my spirit more free than I could recollect from any past. As each wave came in.. my thoughts were seemingly as free as they were.
    No boundaries.
    In thoughts of your phrase of
    1 ocean and
    2 waves..
    it reminded me of the very experiences of my visit to the lovely beach you reside near.
    1 free spirit in a vast ocean
    with free thoughts with each wave.
    May everyone here feel the freedom of spirit as I did doing those times that brought me to the point in life of “now”
    In light~Patricia

  232. One Ocean means one life. Two waves indicates pair. Everything in this universe is in pair, while universe is only and only one.

  233. The first thing that came to my
    mind is 1 ocean 2 waves. Is the
    holy trinity. you don’t have one
    without the other. It is still
    ONE Sometimes the ocean brings in
    good stuff sometimes it is for
    birth and what it takes out is
    somtimes junk and tosses it around, This summer
    My daughter got married at Saint
    Anthony’s by the Sea Chapel in
    Gloucester,Ma the reception was at
    “The Tavernon the Harbor. Although her back was to the Harbor because they (bride & groom
    was facing her guests. The guests
    had the privilege to facing her and the harbor. It was a beautiful sunny day and clear you
    could not help admire the beauty
    of them and the harbor.
    Anyone standing in front of a body
    of water is taken in by the sound
    and waves. It is like God’s blessings coming and taking away
    our sorrows. It is refreshing.
    It is a place you can be alone or
    with others, children playing in
    the sand or just laying around,
    but if you do have the opportunity
    to be alone it is breath taking.
    At one point my daughter stood near me at whispered I wish Nanny
    was here today. But out tears
    was washed away with the waves.

  234. One of my favorite sayings is “You,ve got to move like the waves of the ocean.” Breath in and out…live today. To me the ocean represents the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirt..3 in 1.

  235. Even though waves come from the same source (the ocean) they can be forwarding moving or simply circle around and around with no forward movement.
    Additionally, wave are either constructive (moving particles forward and building the sandbar, or destructive; tearing down the beaches they contact.

  236. I am a ocean person, when I need to refresh my heart and soul – I always go to the beach. Living my CA dream, I landed 15 minutes from the beaches of Malibu. My thoughts for years have been that the waves come in … some strong and crashing .. while others come in gentle and smooth. What they both have in common is that no matter what the force of the waves, just like our life situations… the waves break up and return to the SOURCE .. back to the vast waters of the ocean .. the very source of all.

  237. Michael,
    Thank you first of all, as I am truly amazed!!! You do read all of these and respond, that alone speaks volumes.
    O.k. the real answer is this:
    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace”.
    The good lord just wanted to show us, and uses the ocean/waves/sand, all reflections of lives intwined.
    Have a blessed day,

  238. I see the waves come in from the ocean, the water rising and falling. I see the waves of sand left behind as the sea goes out at low tide. The impermanent impression of the water leaves a permanent impression on the sand — until the next wave comes in, changing the lay of the land. Every generation leaves its impression, every person part of the wave that comes in from the ocean. The ground beneath the wave is affected by every wave but moves more slowly, sometimes grains of sand at a time, but slowly shifts the sand waves. When the waves from the sea are violent, whole beaches change, sometimes moving quite a distance from their previous location leaving the bodies of dead fish and other wildlife strewn around. We should walk softly as we pass so as not to do the damage that a storm or hurricane, or even a tsunami can do.

  239. I haven’t lived near the ocean for years and years, so I try to visualize what you describe.. and yes, I used to look at the waves.. I am going to say the omnipresent ocean sends out waves, like sending out souls and souls, if you like, and on the breakers, sand dunes, the soul creates a physical body, the second wave.. and sends it on, at the same time watching over it, being in sync with it.. and the little waves goes on to the beach, but it lasts only so long,like physical bodies, they die, but the big waves, like the souls, keep coming and coming.

  240. When I reflect upon my Ocean and 2 waves I see my life. My life being the 1 Ocean. Along the way I bounce back and forth from either of my 2 waves. See in each wave I create many ripples. One wave was created when I am happy or sad but hold strong to my faith. The other was created when I loose sight of my faith. The ripples in that wave are created by my struggles of trying to overcome my sense of being lost. When I make it to my second wave I create more pleasant ripples. See this 1 Ocean holds on to 2 Waves which stores and carries all these memories and experiences that are seperated by the types of feelings we associate them with.

  241. The ocean represents energy life..the wave is the oceans way of expressing itself.and in low tide there is equilibrium calmness.tranquility ,there is a space a little void here between one wave and another there apparently is nothing..and out of this nothingness there is everything…Same applies with us our ability to create as we re observe….

  242. The two waves represent to me – the recycling of life. The coming and the going and return. Mother Earth is always undergoing change – the ocean waves are designed to break down and carry away and redeposit the rocks, land masses which border the ocean and expand the waters. Earthquakes also break the earth to form new terrain. Mountains push up through the Earth’s crust to form new land masses. The earth is in constant motion – building up and tearing down – recreating. We humans are much like Mother Earth…building up and tearing down…expanding our minds and bodies and then our “essence” goes on to become even more in a recreated world.

  243. At low tide, when the waterline pulls back out towards the sea you see the waves of water coming in and, quite often, you see wave patterns in the exposed sand left behind. The waves of water are active and changing. The waves patterns left in the sand are pretty much static (unless water comes in over the top and erases them again.) These sand waves are life echoes of the active water waves, frozen in time. They are perhaps like the battle scars of life we all carry within us, the good, the bad, and everything in between. They cannot move or change on their own, but require the flowing movement of living, dynamic water to erase and then reshape them anew.

  244. I live in Minnesota; we have many bodies of water but alas, no ocean, so I have to try to remember… At low tide I remember that the wave comes in and “rests” in the sand for a moment before going back out to sea. And I remember how the movement of the water created new patterns around my feet. After walking away, that imprint remains for awhile but is eventually claimed again by the sea. So one wave comes in, rests a moment at your feet and then returns to the sea, its pattern changed by your presence.

  245. I have seen at low tide the pattern of the waves imprinted in the sand so that there are waves created in the undulating sand shapes. There are also the waves from the sea water. These two effects are from the ocean – sand waves and water waves. One is a reflection or a complement of the other, leaving its mark temporarily – only to be smoothed away by the greater force of a high tide. The parallel lines of the waves, the parallel reflections between wave and sand, and the parallel undulations within the water and the sand could all be a metaphor for the coming and going of life, the cycles within our lives and the surety of the repetition of life.The sand has its own unique wave pattern formed by the ocean waves as do we also have our own unique life pattern. Both the sand wave pattern and our life are smoothed away at the end of our cycle – only to be reformed anew. and so it goes and so it continues.

  246. Welcome back, dear Michael.
    About the two waves and the one ocean…
    When met by life’s challenges, we are never alone.
    The one ocean is the universality of all experience. Our experience of it is always unique, hence the two waves.
    Two views, two understandings of the shared experience–all meeting at the end of the sandbar in the same ocean.
    The perspective of the other, so very different than our own, gives a deeper, broader meaning, perhaps even to loss.
    When we are open to receive, to see the patterns in the sand, there is comfort even in the midst of grief.
    Sending all blessings.

  247. I tend to think about the longitudinal (forward/backward) and transverse (up/down) nature of waves. The ocean can represent our journey through life. We are either progressing or regressing, and in the process, endure ups and downs in our lives. The comfort is knowing that life is not all downs, nor is it all ups. We do, however, as humans, get to choose whether we progress or regress (at least spiritually), create or disintigrate.

  248. OK. This is what I think happens. The sandbar causes the incoming water to “jump” into the slight basin formed between the sandbar and the shore. Then, it can’t always get back over the sandbar, due to the loss of energy during the “in and out” process. Thus, the water has to seek a place to flow back through. This can cause suction as the water builds up and then is sucked out through a break in the sandbar. This causes a rip current or riptide.
    Right answer?
    Actually, this kind of seems like how a life on earth is lived. We emerge for the great ocean of spirit into the basin of our life here on earth. We do our “thing” for a while, then we start the process of flowing away. Sometimes it can be fast. Sometimes slow. Sometimes we have a riptide or two, but ultimately we are propelled back to our source. It is a metaphor for life.

  249. Hi Michael and all. Seems to me that when we, relax, “soften” our gaze and slow down our pace — ironically, much like the low tide appears to us to be doing — we may begin to see the underlying cohesive energy pattern that we are connected to. So, in this case, it is the slower ebbing and flowing of the waves/tides that brings this to light.
    Maybe all the transformation or differentiation we see — the duality of large wave, smaller one — an irregular, or regular wave pattern — life/death, dark/light, etc., occurs as a function of our visual and otherwise perceptual limitations…and nothing else.
    Maybe because our eyes are slow perceivers, we humans, over time, have developed a dualistic view of what THIS overall ONE THING IS; Ocean, Waves, Earth, Sky, Humans, Animals, Plants, etc…AND, maybe we like it ’cause we can play in the self-created ocean offerings!
    If the Shamans on the shore of Tierra Del Fuego could not see the ships coming in, due to having no prior experience with them, what does that say about our need to slow down, as in a meditative state, to really SEE what is here…the ONE, seemingly, ebbing and flowing FORM that is ALL there is to see.
    So here’s to the facets on the diamond that WE have possibly constructed…facets, waves and all…the no living/no dying energy entity, shining as brightly as the sun peeping over the horizon that we perceive as rising! Like you Michael, when we go into a state of complete surrender and repose, we may also begin to see your truth..
    Sooo, I am an advocate for slowing down and stepping out of our consensus reality/construct, just as long as it takes to truly perceive this shining, ultimately RIGHT & TRUE THING!

  250. Sorry, I guess I will have to sit this one out. I’ve only seen the ocean once from a crowded beach on a rough, windy day. I have lived my whole life in the midwest. You should see the wind blow waves through tall prairie grass that extends to the horizon as far as you can see with you at the center and part of this “ocean”!

  251. The phenomenon is that the fcrce of a wave carries an amount of sand underneath it when it flows and breaks.
    The top surface of the sand flows right along with the water. The ‘breaking’ of the sand builds up into the ripples of sand found near a shore. That is a deeper, more solid wave that leaves more physically changed after its movement stops; the water moves back out, while the sand will – until the next wave – remain where it was left by the force of the water.
    How does this relate spiritually?
    I can see multiple ways it could (or rather ‘does’).
    First, we can tend to ‘flow’ with the things happening in our lives, both bad and good. We can let the exterior events set our path and we then get ‘swept up’ in things just as the sand gets ‘swept up’ in the force of the water. Only in our lives, to STAY that way leaves us at the mercy of ‘waves’ that we may not like: problems with building contractors, rude drivers on the road, and the like.
    Second, the two waves can signify how the impress of our thoughts [the ‘water wave’ here] can impact and ‘pull along’ the energy field to create in our daily experience what we think and feel about most intensely (whether good or ill) [what is thus created in our physical environment being the ‘sand wave’].
    Third, the two waves can signify how – if we let go and let Spirit guide us [the water wave] – we can be ‘pulled along’ and led to those things most beneficial to us at any given time [the sand wave].
    While I am ‘partial’ to the third of these, I feel that each has its own validity, and they actually work together, as they are [as WE are] all interconnected.
    * * *
    With others’ comments about concern over prizes for the ‘right’ answer to things, how about adding to those prizes for the most thought-provoking ideas that are submitted that you had not considered before? [And with those, you might select a ‘top 5’ and then have people vote on the one(s) most impactful to them for the decision of ‘this week’s guru’.]

  252. Hi Michael,
    What wonderful and amazing responses/insights from everyone!
    Your newsletter and blog (and everything yet-to-come) are an inspiration to us all.

  253. A crest of the wave am I
    Soaring, full emotions, riding high
    Gathering experiences, life memory
    as I fly
    Then curve, white foam creating, exhilerating … gasps…I fold
    Before joining, informing the whole.

  254. one ocean of humanity and soul and two individual expressions (2 people) moving in and out of the oneness as they individuate, grow together and apart and together again. We are all energy wanting to express in many ways interacting with each other as drops in an ocean, gathering together for a greater purpose than we can know.

  255. Michael, Thank you for sharing your loss with us, and in doing so, helping us know we can get through hard times ourselves. After my husband died and I was left with two beautiful sons and a broken heart, I use to take my sons to the beach — they played inthe sand and I sat at the water edge just being there– not trying to figure anything out. The ocean is so overpowering and soothing at the same time– it would calm me down and let me know that I and my troubles could compare to a piece of sand. As I watched the waves, I noticed that the first wave would be stronger, the second not so strong. I could equate my problems as hard to solve at first but the next ones that came along, not as hard to solve as the first because the ocean taught me I could suvive.
    This probably isn’t where you are coming from, but thank you for giving me a chance to think of this again

  256. Hi
    My aunt recommended me your posting
    ocean always makes me think
    i guess i always hear the sound first…the vast swathes of rumbling, despite which and because of which you feel calm
    the ocean is like mind…and waves like thoughts…despite the ebbs and tides, the ocean retains its calm

  257. When the tide is low and the outer ocean is calm and a sandbank forms offshore, a deep gutter is created. It is a deeper blue green colour and dampens the amplitude of the waves ultimatley breaking on the sand.
    While the open ocean waves break on the sandbank the overflow into this inshore gutter of water creates a wave pattern of its own. Trapped by the sandbank as the tide drops, the backwash from the waves breaking on the sand meets the occasional incoming water from the open ocean. This periodically creates a double height wave which, when peaked, flows back onto the beach among this second set of waves.
    Sometimes a strong current forms in the gutter sweeping the water sideways along the beach. An interesting phenomenon is when,in some spots in the gutter, these various waves and eddies cancel out and the water appears calm while in other areas the waves seem to be in chaos as the intersecting backwards and forwards travelling waves coincide.
    In life, the open ocean waves breaking on the sandbank could represent our outer persona, interacting with the world around us. The inshore wave movements could represent our inner selves where our lives can proceed with regularity and calm with which we can cope and occasionally, through the combination of natural boundaries, ebbs and flows we find ourselves in a temporary state of chaos or duress.
    This is all totally natural as we are all like sea creatures, fully immersed in nature and subject to natural rhythms of life and death, ups and downs, ebbs and flows, calm and chaos.
    The swishing sound of the waves breaking over the sand inside the sandbank is a gentle sound.It’s the sound of the sand and water mixing, slowly grinding away the sand particles.We also see the mix of flotsam and jetsam left by the receding tide and witness the creation of new sand as particles from the flotsam and jetsam are ground away.
    Once again we can feel the ongoing
    cycle of nature ..changing one form into another.We learn at school in science the law that ‘matter can neither be created nor destroyed but changed into various manifestations’ so, I believe that on death, we too are not destroyed but change into new manifestations, melting back into the universe from which we emerged. So, I feel that our loved ones always exist with us in the universe but in a different state, with their fundamental components similarly dispersed back into Nature. This revelation can be a very comforting when we feel great loss or feel alone.
    Being drawn to the ocean and the sky for solace and contemplation of our feelings when we grieve assists us to heal as we witness the awesome persistence of the cycles nature in action. Our place in the grand plan of nature can feel harmonised when experiencing the forces of creation at work.We are each like a drop or water or a particle of sand in the ocean of existence.
    What is that phenomenon . . .
    . . . and what is the revelation?

  258. 1 ocean – the Divine ultimate being, energy, who we truly are
    2 waves – the Divine separates to experience itself as/in opposites
    and returns again and again
    divinely enriched and ever expanding

  259. Two waves identical except for the fact that they are moving in opposite directions create a “standing wave”. They in effect cancel each other out and cause a area of calm. A peaceful break from the ebb and flow.

  260. It is tide pools.
    In those waves, and with a sandbar, and especially low tide…we are gifted with being able to see so much of the ocean life in a tidal pool. And that analogy to life is so clear…

  261. As I said above…The phenomenon is tide pools. In midst of much force, power, and ever changing variables – a place of stillness, calm, and beauty…peace…tranquility is discovered.

  262. Hello,I have never been to the ocean ,so know only what I’ve seen on tv or heard from friends.
    I believe though that The 2 waves could represent leaving the physical realm moving on to the spiritual realm the 1 ocean. Our lives are like those waves, we are born like the wave and create a ripple effect which continuously expands as we grow the ripple expands.Then a new wave comes and takes it’s place.

  263. The Ocean for me represents that we are all one tiny part of a greater whole. The more we give of ourselves in being of service to others the greater the force of the second wave. The entire human race is trying to evolve to something greater, the knowledge and experience we share has the ability to empower others. Love and Light

  264. Ocean is vast and represents the universe. Low tide waves are life and death. We are part of the vast universe come to life like the wave that comes to the sore and again get united to the same universe/ ocean like the return wave. This continious process of life and death is like the continious in-coming and returning waves of the ocean.

  265. 1 ocean 2 waves illustrate the interconnectedness of life for no matter if 2 waves come one after the other they both come back to the same ocean just like wives and husbands joined together in life will both go back to the One they came from. And the ripples the waves create touching each other in turn produce wonderful little rainbows that remind us of the interconnectedness in life as the sunlight in summer hits the ripples that the two waves make. The rainbows with their beautiful colors tell us the beauty in life just like what 1 ocean and 2 waves bring to the beholder.

  266. Dear Mr. Michael,
    I wish to inform you that I had posted my comments on September 9 on your website as given below. But today when I was scrolling your website to see my name and comments, it seems to appear under another persons name called “Dolores” and someone else’s comments under my name. I am disturbed at how your program functions. Kindly correct the error and make sure the comments are put under the right persons name. Thanks.
    —-Premila Pinto’s comments are as below which I sent on your website on September 9, 2007.—
    Dear Michael,
    I think you are talking about the Tsunami that occured. I was from the ocean and two big waves came one after the other. It drew people into the ocean, never to return back.
    I feel that God’s word and his love also draws us into himself but in this case you do not die you live, a new creation!
    —-God Bless Premila—-

  267. Dear Mr. Michael,
    I wish to inform you that I had posted my comments on September 9 on your website as given below. But today when I was scrolling your website to see my name and comments, it seems to appear under another persons name called “Dolores” and someone else’s comments under my name. I am disturbed at how your program functions. Kindly correct the error and make sure the comments are put under the right persons name. Thanks.
    —-Premila Pinto’s comments are as below which I sent on your website on September 9, 2007.—
    Dear Michael,
    I think you are talking about the Tsunami that occured. I was from the ocean and two big waves came one after the other. It drew people into the ocean, never to return back.
    I feel that God’s word and his love also draws us into himself but in this case you do not die you live, a new creation!
    —-God Bless Premila—-

  268. Dear Mr. Michael,
    I wish to inform you that I had posted my comments as given below. But today when I was scrolling your website to see my name and comments, it seems to appears under another persons name called “Dolores” and someone else’s comments under my name. I am disturbed at how your program functions. Kindly correct the error and make sure the comments are put under the right persons name. Thanks.
    —-Premila Pinto’s comments are as below which I sent on your website-
    Dear Michael,
    I think you are talking about the Tsunami that occured. I was from the ocean and two big waves came one after the other. It drew people into the ocean, never to return back.
    I feel that God’s word and his love also draws us into himself but in this case you do not die you live, a new creation!
    My email id is: angelinepinto2007@yahoo.co.in

  269. Dear Michael:
    I’m finding more than one answer yet similar in nature:
    o The calm after the storm is clearer to perceive.
    o Another door opens after discord.
    May God in his infinite wisdom continue to Bless you.

  270. Sunday, 16 Sept 2007; 8:15 AM
    Dear Michael:
    I’m finding more than one answer yet similar in nature:
    o The calm after the storm is clearer to perceive.
    o Another door opens after discord.
    May God in his infinite wisdom continue to Bless you.
    Sincerely, Joanne

  271. We are the ocean and we are the waves, all interconnected in the frenzy of life we engage in. The stillness between two waves in the sandbar would be the silence between two breaths, and in that silence, we find ourselves and the truth of who we are. Realising too that we are not alone, that we are part of the all, the whole, and nothing is ever lost or gone. We just are.

  272. Our soul is our full self, wealthily gifted into life; the 2 waves are the 2 manifestations of this life…our outer ego self, busy tumbling & crashing every day and our inner self is our deepest wealthy consciousness; we can only know this if we have calm (quiet sea) to observe it; but then we are shocked to realise that this has always been the case for everyone; this phenomenon is eternal.

  273. the double decker phenomenum – the second wave catches the first wave and they form a double decker wave which is bigger, faster and more powerful than the first 2 seperately.

  274. I went to the beach yesterday…aftermath of this thought provoking topic…
    My life has also been one of ebb and flow…this too shall pass is one way of allowing myself to let go of the old and accepting the forgiveness that i need. Great reading and thought provoking topic. Will continue to absorb what it is that i need. Thanks.

  275. I am a flatlander from Alberta,so I do not get to whatch the ocean very often.
    Seems to me their is one wave coming in (recieving from the infinite abundant universe) and
    one wave going out (returning to
    infinite abundant universe ie. the one we are all a part of). What we recieve we must freely be willing to share with others,or return it to the one,so we can recieve the next wave or blessing!

  276. One mind(1 ocean) two parts (2 waves) conscious and subconscious.
    Just as the waves are constant, no two are the same because they are tempered by conditions not immediately apparent. Conscious awareness is tempered by our subsconscious, our life survival skills storage bank. This enables us to maintain a sense of consistancy in our life under changing conditions.
    Art. Hansen

  277. One mind(1 ocean) two parts (2 waves) conscious and subconscious.
    Just as the waves are constant, no two are the same because they are tempered by conditions not immediately apparent. Conscious awareness is tempered by our subsconscious, our life survival skills storage bank. This enables us to maintain a sense of consistancy in our life under changing conditions.
    Art. Hansen

  278. Hi Michael,
    It is always so very sad when a loved one dies, even if it is expected. It’s comforting to remember the lessons this person has lovingly taught us, which brings me to my interpretation of your mystery: The first wave as a perfect preparation for the second, building and then dissipating the energy, so that the second wave can express itself perfectly also. I ocean, which could represent humanity, each generation preparing the next to express themselves in the perfection we chose to strive for on this beautiful planet.

  279. In those conditions, I imagine all the small sea creatures, seashells, rocks, pebbles, sea glass, seaweed, etc. would create a “second wave” as they are pushed and pulled in the shallow waters. I’ve also witnessed the small burrowing sea animals at low tide, scurrying to dig holes before the next wave hits. Is this what you mean?

  280. Ocean significant of our life and waves are problem in our life that sometimes we are afraid to face but in the end we realise the problems are not as huge as we think and we could overcome. In life, problem is never ending and the challenge is we keep facing it to be more exprienced and successful with the guidance of GOD. That is art of life.

  281. Warm greetings to all from the Mediterranean (Valencia, Spain). Michael, are you referring to above and below, what is above is below? Or the gentle ripple effect of one wave dividing into two as each continues in its own direction?

  282. When the waves come rushing in, there is a sense of foreboding, as opposed to the peace one experiences when the waves are calm. We rush through life, which leaves us exhausted and drained of vitality. Perhaps, the waves at low tide remind us to slow down from our usual hectic lifestyles, so that we may live the way we were actually meant to live, in peace and harmony.

  283. The ocean to me represents the whole, the one, the all that is, our source of love and life. The waves can be so many things but here I see it as one wave being us here on earth and the other being someone watching over us. We may feel small and insignificant but no matter what we always have someone watching over us. In good times we don’t call on it or feel we need it as much but in difficult times we need it so much more. The “someone” watching over us may be an angel, spirit guide or loved one. They are always with us surrounding us with love, carrying us when we need it. Sometimes it feels as though we are one and in total sinc and other times we feel separate but not matter what happens in life or death we are always together in perfect harmony. Michael, I have had a devastaing lost as well and although I didn’t think I could go on, I did with my husband’s help from the other side. He’s always with me whether I feel him or not. He has carried me through and shown me that life is worth living. You see our relationship hasn’t ended, it has changed (the theme of my book he and I are writing together). What ever your loss may you always know you are not alone, ever!
    Angel blessings, Nancy Lee Mullaly

  284. The two waves are a representation of the duality of life. We live in a material world, but are also a spiritual being. When we hit the sand bar, the difficult areas in our lives, the waves pause for just a moment, then resume to eventually come together as one again and flow out to the ocean, the universal consciousness or God. This shows that even though we appear to be separate and apart, this is only an illusion. We are always a part of the one. There is not life and death, only continuum.

  285. I am also of the feeling that the ocean represents the great matter of the spiritual world. The wave coming in is our physical life on earth and the wave going out is our return to the great matter of which we are all a part of.

  286. I watched a video of waves coming on shore this morning and just let my mind go. I used to do this everyday when I lived in Florida. What I noticed then, that I noticed today was that each wave coming in has a little tiny wave it engulfs as it comes ashore. The symbolism for me, can go in numerous directions and one is…… We are spirit in human bodies (the small wave is who we think we are, and the gigantic wave is our True Self!) all universally connected to Source. One Ocean……..2 waves!

  287. Welcome back Michael.
    I have lived by the ocean for most of my life and I find that just being on the shore and looking at the vastness of the water and seeing the waves constantly pound the shoreline is a very relaxing and spiritual time for me. I think that the ocean represents the one spiritual energy that everyone or thing eminates from and the waves are part of that energy that are going away from and going back to in an ever constant and never changing pattern. Just like our lives, we are born of spiritual energy, we radiate spiritual energy through out our lifetime and we return to our spiritual creator when we have worn out our bodies. Life, death and all in between are all spiritual energy.

  288. I thought about the duality of this realm and i also thought about each wave being just a mirror of the next wave, they appear to be different from each other: each wave has an specific location in the time-space continuum, but in essence they are the same…
    but without the moon we couldn’t have waves, and the pulling of the earth’s gravity on the moon also creates the ripples on the surface of the ocean…
    an event, 2 waves, seems so simple, but there are so many different forces and energies behind it, creating it.
    Also lets consider our bodies are mostly water, each cell being 60%-80% water, we are like millions of little tiny oceans being influenced by many invisible forces creating a walking wave of waves, a vibrating mass of energy in the middle of more vibrating energy, like in a hologram mirroring the big picture in an ocean of galaxies…
    i think i went too far off the topic? lol
    one macrocosm 2 microcosms
    wishing everyone profound peace and happiness
    calgary, canada

  289. Sometime go outside and sit,
    In the evening at sunset,
    When there’s a slight breeze that touches your body,
    And makes the leaves and the trees move gently.
    You’re not trying to do anything, really.
    You’re simply allowing yourself to be,
    Very open from deep within,
    Without holding onto anything whatsoever.
    Don’t bring something back from the past, from a memory.
    Don’t plan that something should happen.
    Don’t hold onto anything in the present.
    Nothing you perceive needs to be nailed down.
    Simply let experience take place, very freely,
    So that your empty, open heart
    Is suffused with the tenderness of true compassion.
    Carefree Dignity

  290. Like the waves, we can move towards something, or we can move away from it.
    We can react to life, or have life react to us.
    Unlike the little fish caught in the current of the waves, we often can make a choice – moving towards something, or moving away…..

  291. Much gratitude to you for putting this riddle out to us. Whether or not I guess what your correct answer is, through contemplation of the riddle I have come up with answers that feed my own soul.
    This morning another “answer” hit me. When contemplating the passing over of a loved one, I think of “the other side” and it occurred to me that you may be referring quite literally to the 2nd wave on the *other side* of the ocean. As you stand in Florida and experience a wave from the Atlantic Ocean, there is a corresponding wave on the coast of Europe or Africa where the same Atlantic Ocean meets a different shore. Hence, one ocean yet two waves.

  292. The ocean is God. The 2 waves are the prayers going to God and the blessings or answers to and for us, the miracles we receive each day

  293. 1 Ocean = 1 source of the true love of god for humanity . 2waves: usually the waves are strong and get everything with them so the phenomen is :you feel ,see the powerof this wave how andtake you in her way no one can stopped its direction they ngret you very high or deeply

  294. The first wave comes in to shore, the 2nd wave goes back out to sea. This is a great analogy for the inflow and outflow of our own breath, and that elusive, miniscule yet infinite space where there is neither inflow nor outflow…just one sea of consciousness.

  295. The ocean is timeless. Its waves
    a constant reminder of its daily consistency, predictability, and
    the reliability of its ebbing and flowing. Since creation, the ocean has been an ageless symbol of continuity. A show of awesome power and serenity, a comment on life, the ocean is a representa-tive of man’s condition. Roiling with emotion at times, it later calms, soothing troubled souls. Its waves are representative of the ocean’s every whim and fact.

  296. The ocean is the perpetual cycle of life. The low tide, death, the release of a soul, is over-
    shadowed by the second wave as a soul is created through birth. The sand barrier might try to separate the soul from the loving grace of a savior, but the wave breaks over and through because of God’s gift to us. The time-lessness of the ocean, from its first day of creation, is a constant reminder of the cycle of life. We live and die, and as eternal as the ocean is to this planet, so is eternal soul’s reward when we claim victory over that barrier of sin that would separate us from our Father’s love. The ocean is His reward to us, a symbol of both power and serenity, it would seem to suggest the brutality and violence found in death, or its mere, quiet whisper of soul’s release as it so gently leaves the body to be present with the Lord: A newly created soul soon follows, as is the constancy of the cycle of life, its nature a dictation from the Creator. Our expectation of the ocean is found in those two waves–taken, perhaps, for granted, the continuity of the ebbing and flowing of those two waves will be forever changeless to us. The
    ocean and its accompanying waves are as certain as the life and death they represent. Our lifes’ struggles are not unlike that of the waves crashing over the sand barriers, its hopes of restraint set on those waves not reaching heaven’s peaceful shore.

  297. Abundant Blessings to you Michael,
    thank you for sharing with us your insights and wisdom, my life is indeed enriched by your teachings. I felt compelled to respond to your challenge and offer my thoughts to you; the ocean and waves are a constant source of energy and rejuvenation, without one there will not be the other a constant flux of ever changing and endless possibilities, sometimes calm and sometimes stormy, a perfect co-existent
    God Bless
    Janet, Perth Western Australia

  298. I believe the ocean represents
    the infinite. A wave represents us
    and we get separated from the source when we’re stuck in an inlet and forget we are part of the infinite.The only way we can reconnect is if a wave comes along and we reconnect to that wave and head back to the ocean.

  299. The ocean is life. The waves are the energy flowing which reacts to the obstructions in the flow. The ocean stays the same, the wave changes according to the obstructions. Our determination (sandbar) to thwart the wave changes the energy of the ocean (life). The sandbar, our obstruction or our resolve changes the energy of the ocean (life).

  300. The One Ocean is everything.
    Two Waves are how we respond.
    We can choose to respond in a positive outlook or manner. Choosing to learn from our experiences. Taking the higher path or we could respond in a negative manner, reacting with the “why me?” attitude.
    Have a wonderful day!

  301. S0 sorry for your loss Michael…glad you’re back. I’ll give your query another try here. While contemplaing the ocean, could you have become aware that the rythmn of the two waves lapping at the shore line, were in sync with the rhythm of your own breathing? Essentially, the beating of the two chambers of your own heart, housed in your body…just as the two waves are housed in the one ocean…what a wonderful possibilty…EVERTHING in the Universe beating to the same rhythm…ONE HEART!!

  302. When I sat down at compute, I said to myself, “What in the world could he have thought of?”
    “The Beginning of (or) the End” (underto)(of Life)

  303. The ocean is our common humanity, as we are all “one”. Underneath our personal “minds” and independent perspectives is the great ocean of human consciousness, shared by us all. The individual waves are each one of us, all totally unique, with individual goals (we think), as we push forward, and upward, peaking in the sunlight. But the force that drives us is the ever-present ocean of life.

  304. Here goes Michael….this is my second guess……The one ocean represents all of our spirits…….the two waves represent the beginning and ending to our human life……how ever long or short. May we all complete our purpose just as each wave, and return to the Oneness of the ocean of spirit……..see ya’ there….Melanie

  305. When I sat down at the compute, I said to myself: “What in the World could he have thought of?”
    “The Beginning of (or) the End”?
    (Life – undercurrent) Time for a New life to begin?

  306. The ocean is the mind of God or the universe and the wave is the mind of the individual man or woman. They are different in a way yet they are profoundly connected and cannot in any way be separated. The wave operates individually, yet is a part of the whole (ocean).

  307. I really like September 15 3:24pm
    Experiences and feelings, hopes or memory of life experiences
    Now vs past/future…2 waves in the whole of things.

  308. Dear Michael,
    Unfortunately I can relate, to a certain extent, to what you are going through. 11 and a half years ago, my husband died of metastatic lung cancer. Two weeks after he passed, I had to move to D.C. to take care of my mother, who was in the terminal stages of cancer. She died 11 weeks after Jim. Now I am waging my own battle against brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme, which generally takes its victims within a year of diagnosis. I’m lucky. ???? It has been nearly two years since my initial diagnosis and surgery. I had a recurrence a few months ago, a second surgery, and am enrolled in a second clinical trial. The new drugs are kicking my butt, but this “extra” time on the planet has given me the time to reflect on the meaning of my life, and it all boils down to one thing: Love. That’s what I think of when I’m by the water. I, too, live in Florida, although on the Gulf Coast. We don’t really have waves on this side, but whenever I’m by the water, what I experience is just an endless expanse of Love.
    Nancy Paradis

  309. Hi Michael,,
    1 ocean 2 waves even though there are 2 waves they are part of the same ocean. Oneness.There are 2 Souls [waves] expressing themselves yet in the wholeness of the ocean becoming One.There is no separation. Life after death continues in a different form.

  310. What is very obvious when looking at the sea sould be the string of light that separate the waves and this string of light like the silver string that link us to the univers and keeps us close to our loved one that are gone to heaven. It is the most calming view

  311. One wave moves back and forth. The other wave moves up and down. water doesn’t move on it’s own. Gravity and wind effect it’s change. We also do not move on our own. We need motivation, hope and so on.

  312. ocean–emotion, motion….+ e = incredible amount of manifested energy belonging to the soul, cleansing gathering, letting go, nourishing, friendly pair of lungs, a wave that moves your breasts and hearts, a bliss of trusting God, mother in our wombs of the whole creation = a symbol from “heavens” of unseen power of love to feel and move as she does……..

  313. we all have one life (one ocean) but 2 choices on how to live it. we can either go with the flow or buck the tide. Of course, going with the flow allows for more positive energy to come into our lives, whereas bucking the tide wears us out and uses our energy negatively.

  314. Two dancing waves
    Conspiring wind
    And we breathe unfamiliar delight
    Rising, falling, playing, embracing, becoming,
    Rushing, laughing, to shore
    Depositing our gifts
    And returning once more

  315. Two dancing waves
    Conspiring wind
    And we breathe unfamiliar delight
    Rising, falling, playing, embracing, becoming,
    Rushing, laughing, to shore
    Depositing our gifts
    And returning once more
    To the Light

  316. The ocean is our God given unlimited potential. When the wave hits the shore ie. when we come into our humanity, (1st wave) we conform to the shape of the shore temporarily until we move back out into the ocean of our unlimited potential ie. our spiritual self (2nd wave) and swim in the ocean of our unlimited self, our God self, our divinity.

  317. life is a wave, always on the move, has never started, will never end, and we are waving along, expanding for ever as a wave. So why not wave?

  318. 1 Ocean, 2 waves this to say One life two forces ( positive and negative) because no matter how you want to look at it this two forces that are always in our life but the only issue is how do we handle each force when we come in contact with it. As for me I place myself in positive ness so that at any point in time, I now come in contact with any negativity, my positivists will see me through in this 1 Ocean, 2 waves – Godwin .U Nigeria

  319. Each wave (and life) passes, touches, nourishes, is a part of the other. While we all have similar form, we are all individual, special and separate. Together we form a sea of humanity, separately we are an ocean. We would not be the “me” we are today without the touches of each and every other wave in the wonderful ocean of life.

  320. At the moment the second wave is coming in and the first going out there is a stillness- a calm where the ocean is clear- maybe in the midst of the ‘turmoil’ and stresses (the waves of emotion ) of this time you also found stillness and clarity in that moment of calm…..

  321. the waves have the same characteristics as the ocean, only different expression. they are contained in the same body; they are part and parcel, thus has the same essence as the ocean. only that they are microcosm and that they are free. they have the free will to flow anywhere!!!

  322. While we all appear to be individuals like the two waves, we are all still really just a part of the ocean or God and are all connected. What one wave or person does has an effect or impact on others, even though we may not be aware, since we are all connected through the one body.

  323. As it is that the ocean demonstrates great power, it can not stand alone. She is nothing without the humble sands below. As our parents, family and friends do for us, each grain of sand represents growth, direction and grace.

  324. all the oceans of the world are connected, the same as we humans. Althought there is a wave coming in to the shore there is also a wave going out…and the wave going out gives its strength to the new coming in. The same as people are given strength by the ones going out.
    Our lives and souls are enriched and given more wealth because of the treasures we have in each other. So although we lose a loved one, their strengths carry us through and add to our own strengths.

  325. 1.Ocean: It help you to become quiet, and calm and able to listen to what God is saying to you.
    2.Waves: give you endless vision of the future.

  326. Perhaps you are thinking of something as simple as the first wave depositing a lot of unwanted and ugly debris and trash, and then the second wave washing it away. That’s how our lives are—–sometimes we are at an ugly place in our lives, but just as quickly as that time comes, it is replaced by a wonderful place that is calm and “clean.” Life is fleeting, just like the waves.

  327. Oceans and waves always bring to mind ‘Dover Beach’ a poem by Matthew Arnold. I remember it for the lines; ‘Begin, and cease, and then again begin, With tremulous cadence slow, and bring The eternal note of sadness in.’
    It is more melancholy than I remember it, and has religious overtones that I was not aware of when I first came across it. I enclose a copy as an annexure, hopefully that does not freak your computer out.
    It is still a powerful piece of poetry and I still like it.
    To your question; one source, two effects. Yin and yang, positive and negative, it is how you perceive and deal with them that makes the difference. They bring to you or take away from you depending on how you view the event.
    Some will hear eternal sadness in the sound of the waves and some eternal re-assurance and hope.
    PS No place for an attachment. Probably just as well; Jeez, you generate a lot of responses, some very long winded.

  328. Standing on a beach, watching the waves ebbing and flowing, I experience the ocean as life itself. The waves, crashing and swirling and encircling my feet, are life’s myriad experiences. Then there’s that split second when the water is still and we are submerged in the experience and see our life clearly. In that moment, the richness and blessing of the experience is revealed. In the blink of an eye, the wave turns back to the ocean, leaving us with whatever we need and carrying the rest back into the vast ocean of life. In short, one wave brings the gifts of life literally to our feet, and the other leaves us with lessons learned and clears the way for our next experience.

  329. The Universe is the ocean, and the first wave is our gifts from the prime source,God. Our gratitude is the energy behind the second wave which is more benefits from God, according to our gratitude.

  330. Micheal, I send you my best wishes in your time of healing. To me the ocean is my physical body and the 1st waves – the ones that are visible and come onto the shore is my conscious mind as I go through life, dealing with life’s issues. The 2nd waves the ones that are not easily seen but are very strong (rip tide) is my subconscious mind, hidden, but very strong. Just like with the rip tide, the subconscious mind has an incredible control over us, and if we panick and fear it, we will struggle even more.

  331. there is only one source where everything originates. like the ocean .The soul rides that wave of the source . the soul comes and goes like the wave ,ever changing , manifesting our journey infinitely.

  332. The ocean is the vastness of Gods wisdom, intelligence, creativity, beauty,and we are part of this greatness.
    Once while I was on the beach I remembered the passage of Jesus preaching near the sea-side and how beautiful a view and experience it would have been.
    The waves remind us of our ups and down in our lives and everything is temporary and passes off and we can courageously rise up and be serene.

  333. 1 ocean, 2 waves ..rising and falling. As in the ups and downs, how can one appreciate the ups without experienceing the downs…

  334. Hi Michael,
    Glad to have you back. I’m sorry for your loss.
    Regarding your challenge and clues to interpret what you mean by 1. Ocean, 2. Waves, the idea of a split or separation came to my mind.
    Here’s my shot/interpretation:
    The ocean is one massive body, but then something happens which causes a division – creating what appears to be two waves. Within a short period of time, there is a reunion and the ocean returns to a whole unit – one body – much like life and the loss of a loved one.
    To take it one step futher, we, the human population, are one body/group, rolling around out here on the planet, reacting to and creating our individual experiences – coming and going, being pushed and pulled, swayed, and swished, built up – let down, turbulent, then calm, joyful and sad, giving and taking, contributing and accepting – together and alone; yet, despite our individual experiences, we still are one massive body who shares common space, emotions, and experiences.
    When one member leaves our group or dies, there appears to be split, a division, a loss, a separation; however, it is only temporary, for eventually we will all be one and meet again (heaven). In the meantime, while we’re here, it is in our best interest to evetually choose to rejoin the one larger body; so that we may experience the fullness of being human, as well as the strength and support that each drop(or memeber)has to offer.
    Thanks for providing a forum, an ocean if you will, for us individual waves to contribute and unite. We missed you! Looking forward to reading your answer, as well as the other ideas of the group.
    Nancy Burke

  335. the ocean represents you, your life. and the two waves represents the 2 loved ones you lost. the ocean is your own life, so peaceful and serene but once there is a major event like a passing of a loved one the waves will occur in the ocean.

  336. Here’s what comes to my mind, when I interpret the 1 ocean and 2 waves riddle. My mother was killed by medical error about two and one half years ago. That unleashed a tsunami in the lives of my sister and me. If we had not turned into two waves in that tsunami and worked with what we got and then turned a horrific experience into some positive things, we would have drowned in all the upheaval and pain. Actually, we’re still in the tsunami and still being the two waves. We just keep moving with the currents, and we are creating some waves — healing waves we think — of our own.

  337. The ONENESS of
    Come and Go
    Up and Down
    Raising and Falling
    High and Low
    Black and White
    Plus and Minus

    makes the world go round …

  338. The Ocean is a representation of GOD. God is the source of all things. So the first wave is a transformation of GOD into all living things that we see as on earth in what is called the physical realm. After existing in the physical realm for a limit time each living thing is returned to the source(GOD) or spiritual realm; this refers to as dying. So living is the first wave and dying is the second wave. In other words each soul from GOD is transformed into a physical body and is later returned to its original state as as soul. Each soul never loses connection with God whether in the physical state or spiritual state. As with the waves each extends from the ocean and back to the ocean never loses connection. Finally the ultimate meaning is GOD is forever a part of everything.

  339. Dear Michael
    I just had a thought as I read this letter. 1 Ocean 2 Waves. One ocean could represent one Infinity, the first wave represent birth, and the second the passing from this life to the next. Life is Energy and energy flows by wave. The first wave brings us to this physical reality, the second washes us back into Eternity. Perhaps, life is a continuous wave of mystery, never ending. It just appears real because we want it to be, but all is illusion. 2 waves are just a change of perception of reality but remains part of the same ocean of Eternity.

  340. Well Michael I just couldn’t resist a second attempt.
    When the wave comes ashore it is then reversed in its tracks… at low tide and especially during the calm seas of summer we can actually witness the second wave penetrating and flowing through the oncoming wave. It’s as if it were slipping through unaffected and undisturbed by the oncoming wave. They are in essence the same wave only now flowing in the opposite direction. It seems to defy the laws of physics by going its merry way against the flow of the primary wave action. But this is actually properties specific to waves, as opposed to what we would expect from active forces as we experience them in our every day lives. Underlying these principles are phenomenons which we can only abserve when we allow ourselves to be quiet and witness them from an unsuspecting eye. In the same way we are able to truly experience reality devoid of the common sense and learning our intellect has been subjected to. It has been explained by certain great observers that the road to enlightentment can only be achieved by liberation of what is known. By quiet observation only can one truly experience the feeling of oneness that is our true essence. We permeate all matter and matter permeates us in the same way the waves meet and permeate the other. It is our deepest truth and greatest challenge to recognize! For me it has only hapenned in very small fleeting instances and certanly not in any sustainable knowing. There in lies our quest to enlightenment!

  341. I think the ocean represents the human soul. The two waves are (1) our conscious, voluntary thoughts, and (2) our subconscious, involuntary thoughts. Depending on the “tide” or circumstances, we “ride” which ever wave best suits the situation.
    Michael, I think I speak for the majority of your readers when I say a sincere “Welcome Back”!

  342. 1 ocean = God 2 waves = His children, at the beginning we are like separated (2) but on the return of the waves it just enter in each other so it is one. one with the self and one with God.
    Centered and looking inside at the light

  343. The ocean is the beginning, the sculptor, the creator of contrast and yet it is oneness, the definer, and the end. Two waves, “then” and “now”, “I” and “Thou”, here and there, exist from and because of the ocean…a brief separation of the water that, in time, becomes itself, it’s oneness, it’s eternal property, as it was, again…not unlike us who live, create, define, come together, separate, and, in the end, become one again.

  344. In a person’s life, we go thru many trials and tribulations. Bestowed by in the safe hands our fathers who then passed on and leaves a legacy to lead a life on our own.

  345. Hi,
    I go to the beach each morning for a walk and have paid a lot more attention to the shallow wave form in the last week since your question?
    I am now aware that the incoming wave then creates an outgoing wave which on it’s return accentuates the next incoming wave ???
    Another thing which you have brought to mind is something I have wondered snce I was a child ? I was grew up living on the North East coast of England and I used to always wonder if the tide coming into my beach means that the tide is going out at the beach in Norway across the North Sea ?? ONE ocean TWO waves incoming on one side and outgoing on the other ???????
    Thank you for stimulating my thoughts and rekindling some childhood memories !
    P.S. I now live in Australia

  346. Hi Michael,
    I would take the wave zip to mean that life is short, don’t waste time on the little stuff , we have help (the 2 waves for a short time going in the same direction) from a lot of sources, if we pay attention and don’t miss opportunities that come our way. So the metaphor – Life is short , so pay attention to the Window of opportunities – there is a rhythm as with the ocean, opportunities won’t linger around, they come and then they’re gone.

  347. Well, I certainly didn’t get it initially, but once you described the zip action, I could picture it in my mind. I still think the joining of two hearts as one as the zipper if zipped is what it’s ll about, in other words, Love.
    Nancy Paradis

  348. The 2nd. Waves or undertoe, is a visible example that created energy like the “Soul,” is never destroyed! It goes on forever in a different way regardless of what happens to the first wave.

  349. Wave zips are like the little things that make life beautiful. They pass so quickly that people even hardly notice them. But once you take note of such beautiful little things in life then you become a new person. You see life’s wonderful blessings in the small things that happen to you — even in seemingly hard and difficult times such as losing a loved one. For even losing a loved one will serve to remind you that you will later join him or her as 2 waves in 1 ocean.

  350. We come into form, only to move to formlessness, then back into form again and again. Silently moving life into creation, into form, and reform.

  351. When life slows down and we become totally aware of the present moment, we witness timelessness. The concept of past and present all zipped together in the now. Time is an illusion. We separate pieces of all that exists in an attempt to grasp an understanding of it and to experience parts of it. The notion that all simply is NOW is too complex for our consciousness to imagine. And to experience it all at once could possibly create another explosion.
    The zip is a powerful yet simplistic glimpse of the notion that past and present all exist in the now. In the purest reality there is no separateness. We as creators create from that which is already and decide to focus on this part or that part separately and call them events. We warp the now and call it time. We segment linear time and focus pieces of the now (where everything and anything exists) into different areas of the time line. And we imagine them approaching. We focus specifically on them in the now and we record them as a memory to be rewound at our will.
    Time is the now unzipped and spread out into event of past present and future. When zipped…do we even have the tools in our consciousness to imagine that which Is all at once?

  352. As we have been taught throughout time…”The Inner determines the Outer”.
    The metaphor becomes, The two waves as part of the toatl ocean join together, in just the ‘right’ conditions to form the ‘wave zips’ which are fleeting in their lifespan (a moment).
    The more attention we have on our Inner waves of Love & Peace, the more ‘Love & Peace Zips’ we will show the Outer world of our Life.
    Can we ‘Chamge the World’?
    Absolutely, by changing my attention of our ‘Inner waves’
    “What a Wonderful World”

  353. The zip as I see it is actually the joining of forces working harmoniousy together to not just keep the ocean as it is but showing one what could “be” simply by not trying to fight against each other.
    Most people just dont see the greatness that could be had by the combined actions of one another. They only see what one has done and expect another to make the changes.

  354. I believe the Zip, is the heart
    that holds tight the first meditation and then the actual
    seeing this and feeling it. It
    will remain tight in your heart.
    It is sealed tight and cannot be
    taken away from the beholder.

  355. I wish I could see the phenomenon you described. It would be facinating. I would think that the first wave is life in motion with all its power, brutality, and beauty. The second wave is our reaction, thoughts, changes we make as a result of the life we experience. The two murge together to create Faith, Hope and Love and build character in each of us .

  356. The spiritual significance of 2 waves and 1 ocean is that: mankind exists as a duality – conscious and unconscious, yet the two are inseparable. Our states of consciousness represents the 2 waves and the unity of both represents the ocean. Indeed, the Father and I are one – I am in the father and the father is in me.

  357. I think it is symbolic of our creator, and how In Him we live and move and have our being.
    He doesn’t control, but gives us free will …we live our lives and they build and build,like the incoming wave and come to a climax or end or beginning, crashing wave at shoreline..Some of the wave must’ve splashed onto the beach,because, not all return, but the undertow that rushes back out to the ocean, is our new beginning and eternal fortune.
    We are in Him and Him in us, and we have freedom with unseen boundaries,to move about within, and when reached we return to our source to be refilled , renewed and be one with.

  358. As you draw in positive thoughts, thenegative thoughts are being displaced. At a certain moment, they merge (zipped)… the stronger the positive thughts, the stronger the diminishing of the negative thoughts. Think of breathing, while you are exhaling, almost imperceptibly new breath is entering you before you inhale.

  359. God giveth God taketh. God the Almighty is playing his Creation his Great Orchestra of life. 1 Ocean 2 waves forms part of His masterpiece He conducts the waves to whatever heights and directions He wants and quells them as He wishes and so be it. We are only bystanders to admire God’s creations and let the events touch our soul. In doing so we strengthen our belief in God The Almighty and feel closer to Him.

  360. I forgot to mention the zip, and that it is about how are lives are fleeting…God says like vapor.
    Here and then returning…

  361. Complete peace. Being one with your spirit, mind and body. It could also be two people who come together and apart as they live life.

  362. Don’t know if you are taking this from scientific answer, or philosophical….haven’t seen the ocean in over 13 years…the zips could all look like little crosses, BUT…even though they are all separate they are connected to the main source like we are all separate but connected to the SOURCE. We are really all the same.

  363. Dear Michael,
    Every time I tried to guess, its strikingly different answers that pops up in my mind…it was indeed mind boggling….Well i’ll stick to this: “The Ocean represents our life, with its vast intricacies and depth, whereas the waves represent the right and wrong path of achieving self realization”
    Warm regards,
    > Sarat

  364. Ahhhhh….I hope it’s ok to post again…
    I re-read your comments and I think I got it…the first time…I really closed my eyes and saw what you were saying…but you said the answer was in the title and your observation of the motion of the ocean and waves was the story…
    One body/ Flesh/Soul and Spirit
    The zips are our lives and events as we jointly exist as one like the waves, and when the climax or the incoming wave crashes against the shore…our mortal bodies and lives end, and our soul and spirit return to the source.

  365. My interpretation of the ZIP. The waves coming into shore are new experiences, the present. The wave leaving are our lossesm our past. What is the saying when God closes one door he opens a window. The Zip represents what these experiences contribute to who we are one by one, day by day, our life lessons and our soul experiences.

  366. ocean–emotion, motion….+ e = incredible amount of manifested energy belonging to the soul, cleansing gathering, letting go, nourishing, friendly pair of lungs, a wave that moves your breasts and hearts, a bliss of a trusting God,who is rebirthing each moment out of the mother out of her womb and all wombs for the whole creation = a symbol from “heavens” of unseen power of love to feel and move as she does……..taking care of You ever so gently…never let you down or spill to nothing
    Blesses You all in all moments

  367. Metaphor for the GRACE of the zip waves:
    The loving touch of one being for another. Whether incoming or outgoing, the zip waves caress, empower and support each other. They both become more than either could be alone.

  368. If I go, and I will go
    And first reach that distant shore
    Look and see the wave of me
    Rushing almost invisibly…back
    For you company
    Once more

  369. The great miricle of cleansing and redifining perfection. With each incoming wave comes stirred up matter, receding waves take what is no longer needed and replenishes with new invigorating oppertunities. As with life, constantly changing,ever evolving, never at a stand still. Life Faith Love all are the most beautiful, perfect demonstration of unconditional ever changing and continual abundant grace granted us all. Lifes ebbs and tides renew, as does the mighty ocean.

  370. Hello,
    I only read your email last night. I thought about your question for a little while and then let it go. When lying in bed, I felt my answer.
    Although after reading your email today, I believe I was feeling the spiritual context.
    1 ocean, 2 waves, we, “all beings” are the ocean;
    the waves are our breath..the “in breath” giving life and the “out breath” letting go-death. The cycle of all things. Life, death and rebirth.
    After reading your next question today with regard to loosing a loved one.
    I feel again life, death and source.
    2 waves, life and death,
    coming from and going back to source.
    They look as though the are separate, coming and going at different times. But, when it is clear and you can “see” that they come back together in another form of thier own; They create a wave zip that could not exist without the 2 waves (eachother) and source.
    For me, to trust and know that even if we cannot understand or see something clearly, even though we feel separate at times or away from source, there is a purpose for everything and we are always connected to it and to all.
    It may be hidden underneath at times, but when we are clear, quiet and trust it is there, we will feel it, see it, know it in our hearts.
    May peace & love fill you during this changing time in your life and always.
    As it says on my grandfather’s tombstone “TO LIVE IN THE HEARTS WE LEAVE BEHIND IS NOT TO DIE”. Just like the ocean and the waves. The are one, always have been and always will be.
    Thank you for this opportunity to share what I feel; especially about the ocean!
    Karen M.

  371. MICHAEL,

  372. One Ocean:
    “…and the gathered waters he called “seas”. And God saw that it was good.”
    Two Waves:
    “e-ter-ni-ty” — all time without beginning or end.

  373. One ocean, two waves . . .
    The ocean represents the vast number of people on this earth. The two waves coming together to form a “wave zip” represents that special relationship we make within our lifetime. It signifies the harmony of two souls blending as one. When we find that special bond we want to remain united forever, but as with the waves, we must continue on our path. We meet, move as one, and continue our lives destiny. One person travels forward in life (the wave heading towards the shore) while the other returns to our maker (the wave moving outward).

  374. The silence:
    Knowing that if we are not one with ourselves we will forever remain frustratred with our purpose.
    Two waves….
    Yes, our souls are eternal, we ae all one, but time is really not flowing, it is at one point where time is at a standstill, where eternity meets.
    There is no sorrow, death nor pain, and we know that we are connected with all souls past and present.
    No separations.
    Life is one.
    *Renee Danielle Talbot-
    Soul Therapist Extraordinaire*

  375. Dear Michael:
    While in Southern California recently, I spent hours at the beach regularly. The joy and peace I experience watching the light sparkle on the water and flash along the fronts of the waves and ripples is always new. I even saw the outgoing waves at low tide numerous times, yet missed seeing the zipping together.
    In losing my loved one, I chose to just let myself “be”. As this was an incredibly low point, I felt such vulnerability; yet that choice to “be” meant that I was also very open. So I saw meaning in everything. What I realized over time and through an initial experience, was that the energy of his being, his consciousness, was and is carried in me. I wasn’t aware of this while he was alive, yet the loss of his form made this possible.
    In the one ocean, two waves, I see the ocean as one, with countless wave forms rising and rolling across it and onto shore. The wave going back out can be seen as the rebounding energy of a prior breaking wave which is merging into the form of the incoming wave, thereby rejoining the ocean (in form only, because it never left the ocean). The forms of waves are infinite, but the ocean is One. And so is humanity and Life. When we are vulnerable (at low tide), and open, we may see and really experience this.

  376. The spiritual significance
    represented by the “zip” phenomenon involving the 1 Ocean and 2 Waves is that we are all connected to each other and the Universe.

  377. Our time on this is is so sacred and short.
    Knowing that we will be together again with our loved ones is very comforting.
    Wave Zips represent our coming together agian.

  378. Hi Michael, I live in Florida and love to spend many days at the beach. When I look out on a calm day my thought is of how the sky and the ocean look as if they are one. “One Ocean” yet the 2 waves to me would be the mystery of what we can physically see here and the “wave” of what we experience above the water compared to what we cannot see or feel under the ocean’s “waves” (the 2nd wave). We know they both co-exist and are wondrously separate worlds in their own way -one we see the other we cannot. Yet we are affected by the presence of both. Like life & death

  379. The Silent Secret? We come from the 1 Ocean into human form…and then we leave…one wave in, one wave out. Now the zip phenomenon (by the way I’ve seen it) tells me that we are always connected.
    Thank you for this.

  380. I believe the metaphor you refer to here is the merging of the spirit and the soul in a perpetual dance of life as we know it into the less obvious realm of the soul… the spirit comes home or returns to the source which by the way it never left.

  381. Whether visible or invisible, we are connected, part of the whole, above or below, within or without, two sides of the same coin.

  382. The zip that occurs when the outgoing and incoming meet I think symbolize atonement. Where we become one at that moment with all that has is and will be. Before rebirth and after transition we again are the whole and not the fragmented.

  383. The waves coming and going represent life and rebirth. Nothing is as it first appears;our lives are in constant motion and change.
    Life on Earth is like that. We are here in the now and then our essence moves on to eternity to be recreated once again.

  384. the ‘zip’ wave symbolizes the merging of souls.
    The essence of your loved one is now ‘zipped’ together with yours in an eternal bond. Actually a bond which existed before either of you incarnated. We cannot be in more than one place while physical however in the spiritual state we can be with our incarnated loved ones all the time. zipped together.

  385. the out going wave is an absolutely necessary part of the formation of the new wave coming in. As the new wave is created it draws from the out going wave.
    The new moves of god pull from the previous move.
    the other signifigance is the last wave also resists the movement of the next wave.
    this is also true in the kingdom of god often times the move that was the last will offer the most resistance to the next.

  386. the zip requires two opposite facets to come together in order to be useful.at times we can be caught up in one side or the other, one wave or the next.the real focus must be on the whole picture and full appreciation only comes with the total veiw.
    that all parts make up the whole

  387. To me it represents the blending of masculine and feminine,yin and yang,recieving and giving…..what i believe dan brown’s da vinci code is all about….. the holy grail is the integration of the male female in all of us……and then blend that all together as the whole ocean…….we flutuate between our masculine and feminine in daily life!!!!!

  388. 1 Ocean – Life
    Incoming Wave – Birth
    Outgoing Wave – Death
    Death is always lurking just like the “undertow”. It is only towards the end when you’re dying (low tide) that you see it.
    Wave Zip – Life process
    The wave zip is like the process of life. We are born into this world, live for a short but beautiful time and then we’re gone. Then new babies are born and this process goes on.
    I think the spiritual significance is birth and death is part and parcel of life. Birth (incoming wave) represents the creation of new life while Death (outgoing wave) takes away life to allow other new life to grow. It helps to rejuvenate this world.

  389. This tells of no actual death but the transformation of the spirit into a new place & time “heaven-universe”.A re-unification with the whole from which we came and all return to. But on return(zip) we move on to other realms (short sideways move)and life at our level resumes,so no one ever really dies (except as a physical body which really only returns to the physical whole from which it came as heavier frequencies. When frequency waves “zip” they unify thru alteration in frequency to the greater frequency that spawns it. Thus our spirits re-unify to the higher frequencies that form us. At the current level we exist we are an amalgam of many frequencies which dissasseble (die) and rea-assemble (zip)creating a new harmonic moving sideways (undertow). Short lived as an interference pattern..above the ordinary then gone(transformation complete) and returned to the universe at higher frequencies we don’t recognise due to the limited resonances/dicordant frequencies of our existance now.

  390. Well, the waves could symbolize all of creation’s souls and their coming and going, only as fleeting as a wave crashing close to shore. The “zip” is the eternal connectedness that all of our souls share, whether we are on the side of the natural, or on the side of the supernatural being. How great is God and all His creations! I wish I had time to view the ocean at such length and wonderful pleasure.

  391. Michael,
    I believe that the spiritual significance is this: The waves are representative of the spirit. When one departs, as in death, the spirit is re-incarnated, much as the “old” wave is united with the “new” wave to form new life.
    There is also an “absorption” that happens with the spirit of our loved ones. I noticed this when my mother passed away. It was as if her spirit, in part, melded with mine. She was now only alive within my memory of her, thus taking on a new form.

  392. All IS ONE; all of life is connected; all coming from the One(Source) ~ the waves and ocean represent/demonstrate this Truth. Yes,2 (seemingly)separate waves that ‘zipper’ or.. interconnect. As with One Life, all of life is connected. As with the ‘seemingly’ 2 waves; they, too, are interconnected … as one,… ARE ONE.

  393. Hello:
    There is an ocean and it is the signifiance of life itself.The
    ocean is never completely still
    everywhere at any one time.Part of this ever changing ocean are the
    two waves that are the forces that
    bring the low tide and also the
    high tide.Life is progression from
    our birth(first wave) and to our
    death(last wave).In life we gather
    from the constant change- the hope
    for a better day(refreshment).
    Verne Fuller

  394. the unveil that we must remind to reach the perfection of whom we are really.
    The true that we forget but is where we are coming from.

  395. I want to read your description of wave zips more carefully and meditate on it but my first thought is that the zipping of the incoming and outgoing wave is a metaphor for multitudes of zips that occur betweed different dimensions of being, especially at times of birth, death but at other times two when the outgoing spirit and the incomin g spirit or being momentarily are locked inextricably together. Seems important that the outgoing wave rides on top, if I undrstood aright, and that these interlocking forces contain the ocean so it does not flood the earth (and would there be an ocean as we know it without earth, an ocean of waves etc, created by winds and rains and temperature variations of various curen ts -but I am too sleepy to express/-

  396. In studying the biography of any person that history deems to be great, one is always moved by the interplay and striving between natural talents and drives, the striving itself, and the overcoming or grappling with great obstacles. The zip becomes the beautiful manifested weaving of the life, driven by the individual, between all sorts of gifts and adversities, where sometimes even the greatest hopes and longings are sacrificed for the journey at hand. Even Mother Theresa, has recently revealed her greatness in that she was able to travel her path of sacrifice and devotion to the poor and needy in spite of her own extensive inner anguishes and doubts. We need to steer our course between and among the ebb and flow, the giving and receiving, using and transforming both. The zip becomes the story of our life!

  397. Ocean: that which is Eternal
    First wave: birth into the physical realm
    Second Wave: Physical death
    Zip thing: an incarnation, lasting a lifetime.
    I get extra points for not living near the ocean. LOL. Incidentally, all of the posts are wonderful. I’m glad I don’t have to choose !

  398. When the energy from your thought waves going out match the energy waves coming in they fit together and create the essence of your thoughts into reality effortlessly, all becoming One.

  399. all souls are in this 1 divine journey, creating reality as we go thru our spiritual evolution. we are not alone in this process. we are always in partnership w/ our Creator, in co-creating our world. “1 journey, 2 travelers”

  400. Maybe, as the waves zip across the top of each incoming and out going wave, it’s the energy of our soul. Speeding up, the fear gone, as we reach toward the love of God. It no longer matters what the beach looks like or the size of the waves, we are going to eternity. As the waves join, it’s with love and peace.

  401. Ocean is the Universal Power and we all are part of it. In comming Wave is birth- our arrival to earth. Zip is the roal we play on earth and then the return wave is death wherby we once again become one with the Universal Power. The point is that in this whole cycle we take different forms but we are always a part of the Universal Power. We are never separate from the Universal Power. We emerge from it, we play our role as a part of it and then then again become one with it.

  402. I believe that the zip that you are refering to is that point in time when our journey on this earth ends. It states in the Bible, that the Lord givith and the Lord taketh away. Just like the incoming and outgoing waves of the ocean, and it is at that split second in time that the water seems to zip into another world or location, to become invisible, and never to be experienced again, we vanish, we die and move on to another world. We come into this world growing ever so strong, we make our mark upon the beachs of the world and our fury subsides, blending in to the incoming fury of another, and then we zip, we are gone, Oh what beautiful medifore you have eluded to. May God continue to bless us with his creations.

  403. Single wave reaching distant shore
    Depositing gifts, taking more
    Not an ending but a cycling
    It slips back out, an undertow
    Side to side, undulating, flowing
    …beneath light foam crested incoming waters
    Then rising, circulating, gliding
    Meeting you above the plane
    Together again
    Both different, enlightened
    Flowing, one

  404. A few thoughts on waves.
    Yes, I recognize your description of the water action at the sea shore. I have seen the out-going waves at the ocean front – and your ‘zipper’ wave, too. (I might have called it a third wave or a sideways wave.) It has been many years since I lived near the seashore, however, and I hadn’t thought about putting a deeper meaning to them. Your thoughts and questions have stimulated an interesting chain of thought for me, however. I thank you for that and share the following:
    The ocean might represent the unity of the family of God – the great energetic whole–to which we all belong.
    The big, visible, incoming ‘first’ wave might represent our personal expense of energy as seen in various physical, temporal, conscious energetic activities as we live on the earth. The fulfilling of a mission in the outside world.
    The smaller, less visible, outgoing ‘second’ wave might represent renewal of our personal energy as manifested in meditation or spiritual study, pondering, and prayer. A return to the energetic source for replenishment.
    The third, consequential, sideways ‘zipper’ wave might represent the integration of action and meditation as demonstrated in personal internal maturation. The production of a wiser, wealthier soul.
    Have a wonderful, wealthy day!
    Margaret Ida

  405. Hi Dr. Michael..
    I want to thank you for sharing these insights and for expanding our creative thinking.
    I’m often intrigued by your perspectives and welcome them enthusiastically!
    Although I didn’t respond to your initial question, my thought was That 1 Ocean meant 1 Universe… and 2 Waves; symbolizing the ebbs and flows of life.
    The ‘zipper’ insight was a refreshing eye opener for me.
    If I ponder your thoughts to find the same metaphor regarding your loss, based on what the ‘zipper effect’ represents, that means I can only seek a truth that is from your own perspective. The best thing I can do is share mine and see if it relates. I will give it my best to explain.
    The Ocean represents the Universe or Source.
    If I look at the first incoming wave, it represents our projection or touching into this physical realm. Each incoming wave landing on the shore, a different life experience.
    The ‘visibility’ under certain conditions is our openess to recognizing our power in connection with Source. The ‘sandbars’ are our bridges of awareness to Source.
    The ‘low tide’ represents our deep connection to our inner selves, when we silent the externals. Only then can we see in the ‘troughs’.
    The 2nd outoing wave represents the infinite life experiences, knowledge and perspectives gained in the physical realm and our journey back to Source.
    When the 2 waves meet in this ‘zipper’-like fashion, it is our connection and re-connection we make with Source. As the two meet and join together, it represents our continuous expansion.
    Each of these angles where the zipper ends join is the ‘coming together’, joining our life experiences here in the physical with the vast, larger part of us in the non-physical. The joining or connection of these infinite perspectives creates a higher level of consciousness. Simply, by reconnecting with Source, we create the ‘crest’ or ‘mound’, reaching our higher level of self…our constant infinite expansion.
    This is the metaphor I offer in relation to your loss of a loved one:
    There is nothing ever lost, only more you have gained from your interactions with them. And now, from their non-physical perspective, they are able to offer you assistance in your own expansion and the expansion of the Universe.
    There really is no disconnection or separation between the two realms, as there is no death.
    As your loved one re-emerges into the non-physical, the connection is not lost.
    Your connection with them will continue with each and every ‘crest’ that forms and you will always be a part of them, as they will always be a part of you.
    Thank you for this opportunity!
    Many blessings,

  406. The ocean repesents unlimited opportunities for happiness, the first wave the arrival of a loved one, the outgoing her death. the blending makes possible remembering how wonderful life was and the returning wave that she will always be with you in thought. God Bless You always.

  407. Michael,
    This is the first time I have submitted anything to a blog, so please excuse….
    Ref:1 Ocean 2 Waves, some of the comments are so rich in observation, they are like koans.
    my humble entry is the possible realization “All is One” and there is no loss, just a changing of the potential, and the infinite wisdom of a Power that holds us safe when we acknowledge It…Like ‘seek and ye shall find, Knock and the door will open, Ask and it is given’ The profound beauty in the simplest words we sometimes are too busy to observe. Peace and Love to you and to all who read and submit for the enlightenment of those of us who do not always reply. Thank you. M

  408. Dear Michael and wonderful people writing on this blog … you know, it is funny, because i have had exactly that experience. i didn’t go back to read my previous post, and maybe i didn;t mention it then, but i also have been totaly hypnotized by the zipper effect. and it IS true that not all of the waves create this outgoing wave that can be seen. have always been curious about that, andi didn’t realize that it had to do with a low tide. In any case the two waves are the intertwining of two seemingly different phenomena, one the incoming wave and one the outgoing. and the “zipper” is really the moment in which each allows the other to create a visible observable and conscious affect on the other. as a matter of fact if you watch really closely this dialogue goes on for a while, as the waves come in and out and create back and forth dynamics and patterns that are really different than the original ones. as if ALLOWING the interaction creates and continues creating ever new patterns, ever new opportunities. and yet this all has to do with the illusion of separateness. the illusion of disconnection. it truly all is one. your life, your loved one’s life, the end and the beginning. it is still going one, seen or not.
    keep on giving us wonderful things to think about michael.
    with gratitude, susie r

  409. 1 ocean
    2 waves
    1 life
    two births,
    the first one is the birth of a soul coming to the shores of existence from the womb’s waters, begginnings of a new life, a new incarnation,
    from sea to earth,
    from light to matter.
    the second wave is the wave receeding to the original matrice.This birth is the passage from
    accumulated wealth of experiences from the shores of life to the merging with the source of all existence, of all creation.
    death is but an invented word of our finite conceptions, what one can really witness contemplating the ocean is the incessant movement and re-creation of forms
    in a time-space continuum that has no limits.
    love to you all.M

  410. Hello Michael;
    What a glorious observation you have”discovered”—I think I shall go to La Jolla Ca. and watch this
    activity/interaction myself.
    Actually I think I remember noticing this many years ago, as I traveled there often.
    To me, the “spiritual” meaning that could apply—
    The incoming wave is the “Father”
    energy of Divine Mind flowing into
    the “Earth” Mother–Divine Love—
    then reflecting outward and merg-ing, thus creating a new “form”
    the zip as you call it—
    containing the wisdom experience
    and qualities of both waves—
    the Divine Son (Sun)
    I look forward to reading “your”
    discovery and insights DCC.

  411. Our lives are like the incoming wave.At lifes end as we know it When we are played out and come to a halt up on the shore Thats not the end.as we return to the universe and our maker our lives intersect with other incoming waves in a way that creates a blip or as in wave theory the waves add together where they coincide. our lives continue to affect others around us even after we die .Thats the message in the zip.
    Blessings to you all.

  412. Dear One,
    The English language falls somewhat short when addressing the phenomenon you speak of but, for what it’s worth, here is my two-cents reflection on it anyway.
    The 2 waves represent the giving and receiving of Love, the secrets of Life Eternal. The incoming wave (wave1) represents the receiving aspect or the inflow of Love to us. It comprises all that life have bestowed upon us and all that it continues to ceaselessly shower upon us, both seen and unseen, in unending gifts, such as, creation, consciousness, abundance, nature, beauty, grace and so forth.
    The outgoing wave (wave2) represents what we give back or return in kind or our outflow of love as dictated by our thoughts, words and deeds. You may notice how the efforts of wave2 pales in comparison to those of wave1.
    The crashing waves represent our problems of life. As painful as these appear to be, these remain a necessary part of the cycle for our spiritual growth. The beach, as beautiful as it appears, represents the physical and material world that we each build for ourselves but being made of porous sand it is only temporal and fleeting. It’s interesting that much of humankind spend their precious time building sand castles on the beach with their backs turned against the sea (the source of Spirit). Indeed, it’s the rare soul who stands on the shore in amazement beholding the spectacle of the dancing waves.
    When we begin to enquire into the meaning of life and its problems we initiate a process of discernment and caring (the development of sandbars). When our hearts have grown cold (at high tide) we remain choked and caught within a cycle of darkness (the undertow current) but when we learn to warm our hearts to love all living things through contemplation or meditation (calm waters) then the undertow rises towards the surface light to create a state of balance or centeredness or peacefulness in ourselves. When this balance attains a certain threshold, when we have finally learnt to share and outpour Love to all things, a dance takes place between the two waves, a joining, a union, a merger of soul and spirit, a wave zip occurs. This dance is a resonance of harmony and gratitude resulting in a sudden and instantaneous personal transformation of joy and expansion of Love and consciousness (the phenomenon).
    At the end of this journey, when all have been said and done, and life retreats back to its source, we may find ourselves reverting to the backdrop of the ocean; an ocean that was there with us all along; an ocean of Love and mercy that knows no bounds, an ocean wherein we may discover its boundless glory and omniscience in absolute silence, serenity and wonder, and, where we may come to realize that the only thing of any real worth or of any lasting importance or perhaps realize the final discovery that actually remains in the end of all things, is, in essence, Divine Love… without end.., home… at long last.., the final resting place.., the final revelation…….


  414. We live our life(ocean) between the two waves(birth&death)with our observance of what we are is like a pizza that changes with temperature and time.In the ocean
    the first wave reflects new life and quickly is drawn back to the sea only to be quickly become a part of the second wave.With each death comes a new realization that there will always be a continuation of life’s cycle for in reality this is a reflection of life eternal.
    verne fuller

  415. Ocean is our own life and the waves are the problem we are encountering everyday, even if we are fear to face it, somehow or rather we manage to solve it or go through it. We got to realise that we are the energy not the physical body and we will go back to the same energy as the waves comes to the shore but it dont remain there. We are all here to learn and mature. If we understood the purpose in life, we can make heaven here on earth.

  416. First of all i need to express how wonderful it is to read everyones own personal attachment to our mother earth,and her connection to the almighty universe. it is with that connection that we are connected to the Zip effect of the ocean.
    It is the pull of the moon to the earth that forms our waves.. I feel compelled when i am feeling the winds coming off those tides and we as organic organisms are connected just as ocean life.
    Just as GOD life. we project our positive GOD sense into the universe. just as the waves connect, so do we. to GOD.
    Love to all.

  417. The incoming wave represents birth and the outgoing wave represents death. But really, there is no death, only a transformation. A rejoining (zipping) or reforming of our original self or soul that now continues on its journey in a new direction perhaps…

  418. The metaphor that comes to my mind as I reflected on the phenomenon you described, Michael, is this:
    The ocean is LIFE, life in all its fullness as manifested by each one of us.
    The incoming waves are all the things that life brings forming our experiences. Like waves on the shore, these experiences come crashing at us. They may be good or bad, beautiful or ugly, happy or sad. These are the “givens” in our lives, the things that we receive.
    The outgoing waves are our responses to these “givens”. These are our own way of meeting what comes to us.
    The two waves meet or “zip” together and a resultant wave is formed that moves sideways on top of the first two waves. Likewise, the meeting or the zipping of the “givens” in our lives and our responses to them become a new thing that takes on a form that is now visible to others. This new thing, so to speak, goes out there into the world (the ocean of life) to impact it in ways that we may never realize. This is our contribution to the common life.
    Together, all of us, wherever or however or whenever we are situated, influence in no small way the way life here on earth is played out.

  419. Blesssings Michael,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience. Perhaps the Zip is the Urim circuitry uniting the Brotherhood of Man with the Brotherhood of Light! Or perhaps the Zip is the singing of a Soul Group! Whatever resonnates for the growth of each soul’s journey is the answer!! 🙂

  420. There are so many ways to look at this – each one being very insightful and true. Time passing, lives crossing – relationships ending and beginning; many of my friends have been diagnosed with cancer over the last 3 months, it’s alarming and painful, yet it’s absolutely beautiful because in the midst of the pain and struggle, we’re able to hold onto each other and forever etch our story onto each others lives. Like those waves – one life is coming into shore while the other life is heading out to stormy seas for awhile, perhaps forever but yet we’ve had that moment where the two of us became one and touched each other like no one else could. God is good, thank you for the spiritual insight!

  421. Our family has always used hand motions as we speak, gesticulating with each word. Our Mother used to tease us when were using our hands as much as words by asking the child to sit on his or her hands and explain how a zipper works. It always brought us all to giggles and laughter as we tried our best to describe what we could pantomime, but had trouble describing with words but without visual aids.
    What a happy memory to share and it also pretty well illustrates that the ocean is the whole of our being, but we open and close and come and go throughout each existence touching other beings, places and things only to move and change and touch more and different beings, etc.
    How infinite the posibilities and how many we can have just by reaching out. The choice, whether to reach out or be alone is for each of us to make.

  422. When the two waves zip together, it is the merging of our outward and return journeys – life on earth, returning to our spiritual eternity; a “cementing together” of our tracks leading to the path of eternity.

  423. I think the whole thing represents the Circle of Life. The first wave represents our parents, the people who are already here on this earth, manifested out of the great ocean of Life. The second wave is us being born from our parents. Made of the same stuff (the Ocean, Life). The ‘zip’ is our brief interaction with our parents, then we continue outward to sea, to our own journey, to some day repeat the process. The shore represents when we make our transition. We look like we disappear from life, yet the reality is we simply have taken another form.
    Thanks Michael for reminding me how reflecting on beautiful images such as this can heal me, and remind me of the eternal truth that is back of our physical existence.

  424. I think it shows that if you can remain still and calm. That you can quietly unite with someone else, and zip together only for a moment, stepping aside in life to a place of serenity and peace. If you can still yourself and stay out of the hustle and bustle of live crashing around you, draining your soul. Time will stand still, as you live in that moment, and in the fleeting second that life leaves one of you , and the angel comes to zip them off to heaven, and their earthly existence comes to an end. A moment of peace and stillness will come to you, as you veer from the business of life to savor them and their life, and what was between their dashes. Like a suncatcher being hit with the rays of the sun, the colors dance. But in an instant branch out from the center in a vision of brilliant colors. Peace and beauty sparked in that instant. If the zip could be heard. A soft thank you, and goodbye as you shared their final moment.

  425. Wave Zips.
    Just as there were so many interpretations of the first part, 1 ocean, 2 waves, so may there also be numerous interpretations of Wave Zips. Thinking of your description of Wave Zips, it brings to mind the linking of the spiritual world with the physical world. Another thought that had immediately come to mind was one relating to my son and my departed Grandmother. I had complications during my pregnancy with my son and he was born 4 months early. Though many family and friends had felt uneasy keeping in touch during the touch-and-go months following my sons birth, I had never waivered in my ‘knowing’ that he would make it. That was 8 years ago. About 2 years ago, my son, who has always had a thing for his Great Grandmother, though she had passed away 2 years prior to his birth, told me that she was with him when his soul was being made. His statement about blew me away. Anyway, the Wave Zips brought to mind the connection of my son and his Great Grandmothers spirits, one which is now on the spiritual plane (outgoing wave) and one on the physical world (incoming wave).
    Blessings to you.
    Teresa – Collinsville, IL

  426. Sorry for you loss. The ocean donate constant change in all of us. The waves bring renewal. Life is always changing and unfortunately we can not control it. We just have to go with the flow. Pick up the peices and move on one day at a time.

  427. The waves signify us moving along this earth together and after one crosses over (which is when the wave breaks on the beach) it then creates the undertow rolling back out to be joined together again.

  428. “A wave of probability is coming from our past and colliding with a wave of probability from our future to create the our personal Universe-Ocean in the right moment of present.”

  429. the phenomenon is the ZIp phenomenon for the Sacred Trinity. symbolizes energy . Together they represent unity and wholeness.

  430. the phenomenon is the ZIp phenomenon for the Sacred Trinity. symbolizes energy . Together they represent unity and wholeness.

  431. Read recently a couple of articles which deal with this subject and are very uplifting, and thought I would share.
    A Beacon Light – Susan Law Corpany
    I stand at the shore, feeling the softness of the sand between my toes, knowing that each grain has been broken down over time by the buffetings of the ocean. The rise and swell of the tide has eroded each particle until the coarseness is no longer felt. I feel small and insignificant and fear that I still have many rough edges which need to be polished, yet I know that I am numbered to the One who created this world and the bounteous ocean that deposits its gifts so freely at my feet.
    I see the sun dip one toe into the ocean, tentatively it wades out to its knees, up to its waist, and then in a blaze of color, it plunges its head under the water and is gone. Replacing the sun as a light to seafarers in need of guidance, the beam from a nearby lighthouse reflects upon the twilight waves.
    I pray that in some small way I might also light the way for those who follow, for my children and the children of my children, for the stranger I met at the market earlier in the day, for the woman whose lonely eyes bade me stay a bit and chat. I pray that my hard edges have softened enough that for those with whom I come in contact, my presence will be a soothing rather than an abrasive one.
    As the sun sets on each vanishing day, I vow to shine my light, such as it is, for my fellow travelers, as I have often found myself stumbling and navigating through life by the light of the lantern of another. Were we all to shine what tiny glimmering light was ours to hold, flickering and weak though we may find it, many a fellow traveler would find safe passage home.
    Going the distance does not mean
    that you will reach your destination.Johan Campbell
    Some time ago I listened to a very interesting interview about a guy who swam the English channel. What really struck me as a valuable life lesson was when he described how he had to battle the currents caused by the tides and at one point in the swim actually swam for an hour without making progress.
    He had to swim just to stay in the same place. If he had stopped swimming he would have been swept back by the current, but eventually the tide turned and then, in fact, swept him towards his destination.
    Just to put this into perspective, and so that you will know what to expect if you ever want to swim the channel. It takes so long to get across that the tide changes 3 times during the swim and the tide change causes strong currents in the channel.
    That made me think about how often in our lives we have to battle the currents caused by the tides of our lives, illnesses, relationships, finances, workload, getting a job, losing a job, you will know what the currents in your life are.
    Sometimes it just seems to be so hard, we work and we work but we just don’t seem to get anywhere. It feels as if all our efforts are wasted and all too often we give up trying and let the current sweep us back.
    But that just washes us into the next current and we struggle for a while but then give up and then that current washes us back, and so we go bouncing between the currents but never getting through. We end up using our life’s energy without ever achieving our desires. Oh we “go the distance” alright but we don’t reach our destination.
    The danger of bouncing between currents is that you lose your enthusiasm for life, it is just one battle after another, every day a struggle with no end in sight. Then you lose your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed and you risk giving up and drowning.
    If you find yourself in this position you have got to be like that swimmer. He focussed on the destination. He reaffirmed the value of the reward in relation to the effort. He reaffirmed his faith in his ability to hold out. He knew that it could be done and was determined that he would do it. He also knew that the tide would turn, nothing lasts forever, all he had to do was to keep on keeping on and he would (and he did) succeed.

  432. I feel that what we experience in our lives and what is in the past represents our wave moving out, then new life experiences are brought to us by the 2nd wave coming in for us to live our lives out. When the 2 waves zip together, it represents our whole lives, past present and future. I too am very fond of the Ocean as it’s waves dance to and fro. No two waves are the same as we are, no two people are alike or life experiences are the same; possibly similar, but never the same. God created such beauty in our world. I love His glorious artwork and soak it in as much as I can. Life is so very short. Michael, I too am dealing with a more recent loss of a loved one…My 17 year old son, Zachary. It is a blessing for you to write about the ocean as Zack loved it as well, had just been accepted to UNC Wilmington, NC to study Education-major, History-minor. He wanted to teach History to middle-school aged children. I am not the first, nor will I be the last to lose a child. I trust the Lord took my baby for a good reason, but that doesn’t mean I would not have taken his place in a heartbeat. My heart aches for Zack and this particular grieving process is not easy. No grief is easy, there are just different types Those are just the changes in life. Just like the waves.

  433. I enjoyed reading all the beautiful, poetic thoughts of your readers. My interpretation is really simple. All that we put out into the world, be it good or bad, comes back to us. The ocean has always had a mystical effect on me – at once eternal and ever-changing. It can teach us many lessons. Thanks for all you do.

  434. The “WaveZip” is like the moment a person takes their final breath. It is the instant that ones’ soul leaves the physical body. The soul is still living. It is simply transformed into its invisible state.

  435. Michael I am sorry for your loss but I know it has cleansed you. As I was thinking about the ocean and the zipping waves, there were a few things that came to me. First of all what is water? Certainly, in the bible it is referred to as the Spirit. The Spirit who helps us in our weakness and cleanses us with the Word. So, I am guessing, the the word of God came to you, opened your eyes and cleansed your spirit. How again does the water speak? I believe that the zip waves are symbolic of the illusion of TIME. When they touch, that is our time together. Then we explode apart into this vast ocean of illusory time only to realize there is no time. Only LOVE. (One might add service!)
    God keep you,

  436. -o- The ocean is one entity despite countless waves. The large waves that crash stormy shores and the little, somnolent ones that lazily lap serene beaches; they’re part of the same ocean.
    So is it with the rest. People, animals, birds, insects and the earth — we’re all inter-connected. We impact others’ lives and conditions far more than we realise.
    -o- The incoming wave is, perhaps, what I get from this life in terms of traditions, cultural heritage & memories, experiences, opportunities and problems.
    The undertow I send out is my contribution to the ocean. Someday, in some way, maybe on a distant shore, my contribution in this life will be a part of an incoming wave in another culture, another lifetime.
    -o-Without my even realising it, my smallest action could be a part of a large wave of the future.
    -o- Let’s get more aware of what we do and say. And how it affects others.

  437. Is it possible that you likened the sea or ocean to the yin-yang of life. Each has a wave-like symbol that come together and meet within a circle and represents all that is within our lives. According to the ancient Chinese Yellow Emperor the symbol of Yin-Yang represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents “everything”, while the black and white wave shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called “yin” (black) and “yang” (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.
    The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, just like the waves within the ocean that flow and curl up and curl down, flow in and flow out, cause waves in the sand and then smooth them out – causing everything to happen. It is the root and source of life and death;it stands for peace and serenity and grief and confusion; joy and anger; calm and chaos; life and death – in fact all that is and all that is not – the positive and the negative; shadow and light; wealth and impoverishment – all and nothing. In an ocean as in life the ebbs and surges vary,there is intensity and tranquility yet all is in a constant flow that has a middle ground – a meeting point where all is in balance, all makes sense and all becomes one as the waves meet and wrap around each other to make the whole within one ocean just as the symbol has the two waves in the one circle.

  438. -o- The ocean is one entity despite countless waves. The large waves that crash stormy shores and the little, somnolent ones that lazily lap serene beaches; they’re part of the same ocean.
    So is it with the rest. People, animals, birds, insects and the earth — we’re all inter-connected. We impact others’ lives and conditions far more than we realise.
    -o- The incoming wave is, perhaps, what I get from this life in terms of traditions, cultural heritage & memories, experiences, opportunities and problems.
    The undertow I send out is my contribution to the ocean. Someday, in some way, maybe on a distant shore, my contribution in this life will be a part of an incoming wave in another culture, another lifetime.
    -o-Without my even realising it, my smallest action could be a part of a large wave of the future.
    -o- Let’s get more aware of what we do and say. And how it affects others.

  439. I would like to think of the 2 waves, 1 ocean as the physical and non-physical blending at the zip wave. The glimpses of oneness we get while meditating or while allowing the awareness of our inner being and our connection to All That Is. The 1 ocean is all of conciousness as we are all one but “appear” to be individual as the 2 waves appear to be but we are really always a blending of both physical and non-physical, of both ourselves, our loved ones and All That Is.

  440. The wave that hits the shore is heavier than the wave coming in due to foam, so it slips underneath as an undertow unseen. Heavier from what it has learned touching earth. Unseen it slips back until it in circulating and sideways motion rises and merges with the incoming and peaks above the frey, zipping along, sealing our oneness.
    Hence the validity of some of the poems written espcially on the 15th and 22nd. Right nautically but not perhaps the right answer looked for.

  441. Hi Michael,
    1 Ocean 2 Waves to me means We are all part of 1 Ocean and appear as separate phenomeon (waves) for a short time. But eventually we become again part of the 1 Ocean. Our conciousness is all combined in the 1 Ocean. We are brought into form and appear as separate waves but the waves are formed from the 1 Ocean.

  442. To me the wave zips represent the brief moments when we rise above the feeling of separation. We realize that we are never really a-part but are in reality always together, one whole.

  443. As the wave zips across the water alone it comes into and for a second joins and then moves away from a wave heading for shore. We come into the world universally connected (the ocean) we birth into relationships then spend time joined together, and then pass away………

  444. 1 Ocean = “Live It”
    2 Waves = “View It” & “Share It”
    Death is as much apart of life as being born, just as the pain from having lost a love one.

  445. Have you considered the possibility, Michael, that God /the Great Spirit may be sending a message meant only for YOU, which is why our efforts here to guess YOUR “right” answer have proven unsuccessful?
    Everything happens for a reason …
    Warmly, Humbly, Respectfully and Positive-ly Yours,
    Sharon Iezzi (a.k.a “Fearless Reader”)

  446. 1 Ocean – 2 Waves. One Life – Mind and Spirit. When the two overlap, and the spirit connects with the mind, a person is attuned to the whole universe, both on the psysical and spiritual plane.

  447. You are always one step ahead, Michael. And you are not beyond “The ‘Grace’ of the one above.” Your losses will always bring pleasant mwemories in thought – thru the remaining of time.Even tho – the stock Exchange was a difficult lesson, your father certainly would be proud of all you have accomp- lished & then some! “SO MUCH!

  448. Some people go through life without ever seeing the ocean.
    I grew up not far from the other side of the Atlantic ocean where, often, its mood is angry as it crashes interminably against the massive rocks along the Irish coast. When I was a foolish child, too far out from the shore for a non-swimmer, the turning tide of that powerful ocean came within moments of taking my life. It was a zillion times stronger than I, but I was saved to live a life..
    Years later I visited the ocean again, in Florida.
    There it was calm, but the power was still there. It appeared so still, glistening and gleaming under the bright Florida sun. It appeared so still, but just watch for a moment and you will see an undulation of power, constant shifting, gathering strength one could imagine, gathering its reserves of strength as it got ready for the arrival of the winds that would soon come out of the void and shift its mood to unleash the expression of its power.
    Yet that dat it was so calm and calming, while its very vastness made a statement. Beside it, I was less than a grain of sand.
    When I left, I took with me the memory of that calm time I spent just being with the ocean under the hot Florida sun, acknowledging its greatness. It is Water, the essence of life. Of all the memories I carry wth me, memories over time and the places I have visited, places of repute and renown, places that inspire awe for many reasons, for me none is more awe-inspiring than that vision of me, standing there alone on the beach, alone with the vast ocean, sharing time and space with the life blood of the universe.
    I am but a molicule in the fabric of the universe. The ocean, the waving, heaving, undulating, crashing, calming, deceptive, soothing, storming, terrifying, enduring ocean, is the very essence, the one element that gives life to our world. It is in all of us.
    The Ocean merits our respect, our love, our awe, and above all, it merits our protection.
    I cannot guess what the ocean and its waves means to you. I suspect it will mean a million things to a million people, and a millions more to millions of others. It is in our blood after all! Know it or not, it is something common to all of us.

  449. So the inflowing wave and the outflowing wave zip together – a phenomenon I have not yet observed, but will be on the lookout for it! Interesting how nature does it – but nevertheless, I am the one to hold the handle to my own zip, and zip it up and down as it suits me. Or if it jams or breaks I must be extremely careful and patient to put it back together again, for a smooth zip action once more. This is more about zips than waves, but it is another thought.

  450. Dear Michael,
    I’m so sorry but it appears that my answer given on Sept 14th ending with the words In His Eyes….is attributed to another person…named Mary Nelson….and I was given credit for yet some other individuals profound words……
    Nevertheless……I visualize the one ocean as no differentiation between those in Heaven and those on earth, for our loved ones that have passed are always with us…
    and the wave zip represents when we shall be with our loved ones again when the Lord calls us home.
    A joyous time indeed it will be when the rapture incurs and body and soul like a wave zip join and all are raised and called home…
    the one ocean ..two waves may also represent …the Holy Trinity…
    God the Father above us all…
    yet three persons in One with the Son and the Spirit…..
    Blessings and all Good,
    BettyAnne Giordano

  451. I sincerely apologize to all ….
    It appears that the POSTED BY is UNDER the actual comment……
    I was absolutely in error for mentioning that my words in a previous posting were attributed
    incorrectly…PLEASE forgive me all
    I feel so utterly ashamed for not being more observant …….
    I am truly sorry BettyAnne

  452. Hi Michael… I guess this one is a little harder because it can mean a lot of different things for each of us; it would depend on where we are right now, both emotionally and spiritually. I’m going through the gradual loss of a loved one right now. This person does not share our belief system also he is a religious person. I know that he’s going to a much brighter, peaceful and tranquil place. I’ll be happy for him when he passes over and beings the next phase of his life, I also know that we will still be connected and he will continue to give me guidance and love. At the same time I’ll be missing his physical presence, not to be able to physically hold him anymore, play golf, pool or just sit and play a game of cards. We were distant when I was growing up, we couldn’t be in the same room for long without fighting, than one day I got up and decided that he was to important to me to just let go, I started to understand him, where he was coming from and where he came from. Things got a lot more loving between us from then on. So how does this relate to question, one ocean two waves. For me the first wave is our life, flowing in a forward direction, always. Sometimes with great force and furry, as the saying goes you can’t see forest for the trees. But the universe has checks and balances in place to help us stay on track, just as the under tow keeps the ocean in its rightful place; I see our under tow as our higher consciousness, the universes way to help keep us in our rightful place. When we sit and quite our minds and allow this guidance into our hearts and souls we find the peace and love in everything that happens to us, this is the zip wave. It holds us together, emotionally and spiritually.

  453. We see in our “ocean” the bottom of
    the sea.We stand in this life being
    influenced by the movement of push
    and drag.”Pushed” into life at anothers wills and and “dragged” to death on the force of another.
    The combining of forces dictates
    our existance.All our life is also
    like a pizza.The “cheese” sails accross the “ocean of tomato sauce”
    amid the” two waves of meat toppings”
    and it’s life is determined by the
    control of” others”.How hungry are we
    to be delectable to these” others”
    Verne Fuller

  454. Wave zips may refer to life’s fleeting moments. These pass away so quickly that we often miss the chance to seize the wonderful opportunities they offer such as expressing love to people closest to us, being kind to strangers that may ask our help, or lending help to someone in need. When these pass us by, they don’t come back in the same way and we miss our chance forever. This is often what people feel when they lose a loved one they missed caring for in their lifetime like wave zips passing them by.

  455. What is that phenomenon . . .
    . . . and what is the revelation?
    Quite a mystery. It has been inspiring to learn of the phenomena people see when they are by the ocean and the paradigm views and revelations described in this series. Some thoughts…
    When we look at the ocean we see an ocean of water with waves breaking on the shore however, in daylight, we cannot see the matching ocean of space (except when clouds float by or the birds soar in the breeze).
    We living creatures are traveling though the ocean of creation, wholly immersed in the visible and invisible universe for our entire lives, sustained by and interacting with the natural environment and responding to its rhythms. We harmonize with the soothing nature of the gentle water, the sun and air on a still calm summer’s day. Being made up of combinations of nature’s gaseous, liquid and solid components, being in the ocean is like being home – healing, soothing inspiring and earthing.
    In the tidal gutters, which are open on one or both ends to the sea, in addition to the waves traveling in and out there are patterns of eddies formed in the sweep which travels parallel to the beach.
    When the waves trapped between the beach and the sandbar bounce back and crash into each other a unique sound is created and a little line of bubbly white water travels in sequence along the crest of the break. When the backwash forms these larger waves in the shallows it can seem that the sum of the colliding waves is greater than the two small merged waves. The new peak swell rebounds from the sandbar and heads back to break on the beach. This wave amplification can be an analogy for a couple where they meet and form their relationship which evolves a life of it’s own through all that they may create together, including their home and family. The sum becomes greater that the parts. Witnessing the merging of those two waves back into the ocean then seeing another set build up again in time, after a certain sequence of smaller waves have broken and bounced back, demonstrates that a similar set of circumstances may recur in human life and waves of loss and grief would peak and then the calmer pattern of peace and the joy return in a new phase.
    In an enjoyable environment like a peaceful calm beach we can feel privileged to have this priceless human lifetime with our amazing senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste so we can fully appreciate the ocean experience.

  456. The ocean represents life, while tides and waves represent the affairs in the lives of men. The big wave is the easily visible experiences of our lives – the successes, failures, challenges, jobs, property, relationships et.c. These manifestations could be called the effects in the law of cause and effect. But to have any effect there must be a cause, – not easily discernible but nevertheless present if one would but look – the small wave. Whereas the big wave is discernible to the senses (in the physical world), the small wave is discernible to the soul. Just like one wave blends into the other, so do the ebbs and flows in the soul of man have a direct bearing on the the affairs in his visible/outer life. Just like the big wave cannot exist without the small one, life cannot be truly lived without the soul. Just like the small wave controls and determines how far the big wave will go, so does the state of the soul of man determine how far he will go in the ocean of life.

  457. As the flow of the ocean moves in and out so do the moments in our lives and the people in it. i love the title: 1 ocean 2 waves. As people move into our lives people move out. I’ve lived on the beach and can honestly say that i haven’t witnessed the phenomenon. I do love the beach however. when i become an LPN, i am going to buy a house on the beach and live there year-round. I’d love to see it though.

  458. Hello Michael!
    I only want to say thank you for your beautiful mail about the ocean.For me the waves that come in is peace and harmony.All the good things and the waves that go out is all the negative things/stress and negative feelings.The sound and the colour make me feel good and in contact with my real feelings.Again thank Michael.

  459. My interpretation is “in life or the cycle of life, we are born and die. There always one that will come in that will take our place and those older teach the younger who in turn will eventually repeat the same cycle when the time is right”.

  460. I know I’m too late but but I wanted to give my thoughts…..
    1 ocean 2 waves —-
    The ocean represents our lives…and the waves represent the positive and the negative that come rushing into our lives at different times. Do we let the negative wave overtake and drown us, or do we ride high on the positive wave. We are the one ocean, the waves are the positive and negative aspects of our lives.

  461. Michel,
    Sorry for the delay,glad that you are back with wonderful thoughts.The whole of our life is like an ocean with wild and mild waves with ups and downs.As We are not able to swim across the ocean so easily, so too our life we cannot pass it unless we are well prepared to meet the challenges that occurs daily.Our efforts, hard work, spiritual preparations, trust in a loving God, and total and full faith in HIM will make our life a successful one.
    The silent secret is the union with the creator.The wonderful moment with GOD,when we pray,meditate or other times of awareness of his presence with in us.The deep respect in owe,the profound feeling of oneness with him.

  462. Hi readers n posters water is the earths lifes blood with it our spinning globe would look like a giant scab!!! as we all know so my thoughts once I read your email was:
    Body Mind Spirit as in Chakras
    Chakra means disk or wheel, they refer to the seven energy centers in your body. These discs are swirling energy centers that give off and pick up on the energy in and around us.
    Each one of the chakras is associated, tuned in if you will, to certain areas of the body, feelings, and body functions. In order to help you become less stressed, more peaceful, and in the flow, clearing and balancing these energy centers is essential.
    Before you groan and think who has time for that, it’s really quick and simple. Here is an overview of each chakra.
    1st Chakra Root Chakra
    Location: Base of the spine
    Color: Red
    2nd Chakra Sacral Chakra
    Location: About 2 inches below your bellybutton just in the center of your tummy
    Color: Orange
    3rd Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra
    Location: Just beneath the ribs on your solar plexus
    Color: Yellow
    4th Chakra Heart Chakra
    Location: Heart
    Color: Green
    5th Chakra Throat Chakra
    Location: middle of your throat
    Color: Blue
    6th Chakra Third Eye Chakra
    Location: Center of the forehead
    Color: Indigo
    7th Chakra Crown Chakra
    Location: Top of the head
    Color: Violet
    All my best to you and your
    1 Ocean, 2 Waves 7 Chakras
    Phillip Skinner

  463. The waves represent the strength of the Almighty Lord and the sparkling lights coming from the water represents the love, light, peace and happiness that the Lord has bless us each and everyday if we will only believe in him. So let us all live by his commandments and be happy and enjoy the beauty he has given to us.

  464. Michael; back on September 25th, I had written about my son, Zack. I was reading it today, and realized a typo. A typo that changed the whole meaning of what I was trying to say. Upon mentioning my son Zack’s death, I meant to say I would have taken his place in a heartbeat. I apologize for the way that must have sounded to you and everyone who might have read it. My apologies.
    God bless you, Julie

  465. When I think of the ocean, I see a wave rolling to the shore and there always seems to be one right behind it…thinking of what this means to me is that, even though we may feel alone…moving up to the shore (moving through life)…God is always there supporting us.


  467. I believe the under current is like the unseen forces in our lives that are so powerful that we have no control over them, but like the under current we can learn how to respond to it.

  468. I grew up on Long Island-IN the Atlantic Ocean, really, since Long Island is not really not an island at all, but a peninsula that juts out into the ocean about 200 miles or so. I spent many happy hours at the beachas a child and an adult, although now I live on the opposite coast where those hot, lazy beach days are not quite the same.
    Because the Atlantic can become treacherous in a heartbeat, my dad always constantly warned us about the “undertow”, (or the “undertoad” in “The World According to Garp.” Remember that book?) So as soon as you asked the question I thought of it…
    It’s an invisible force, but incredibly strong. Inexorable, but deceptively gentle…
    If we view the wave as a metaphor-the wave that comes crashing into the shore is our birth We come roaring into life, don’t we? A seemingly invincible force we go through life so full of energy, we never notice the undertow. But it’s there.. it is the inexorable pull to our inevitable end-the march towards death-the taking back of what was given..
    I think the ocean is a wonderful metaphor for God, or the Universal life force. It gives and it takes away-perfectly symetrical, perfectly natural, perfectly right. It makes one wonder why we fight so hard against life’s natural rhythm; why we view death as the enemy when it is simply the completion of the process-the completion of the Wave.
    That;s what I think it means anyway

  469. your story reminds me of mine..everyday secret I am living. thank you for sharing it with us, your particular blessing in the moments of grace bigger than one life based on missnderstandings of a chance and a forgotten script of creation….
    But Michael WHO WON????
    there was an agreement to follow…hahaha
    can´t wait to see the ending

  470. I can relate with you. During my growing up years, and even up to now, there are only three sights that calm me when i’m troubled. The Ocean, the Mountains, and a place i don’t want to mention because it’s associated with dead people. I always find serenity and peace after visiting either of these places.

  471. I am not sure that I have thee answer, but I have my answer…
    When looking out over the ocean on a calmer day in the summer…I would see the heavens reflecting on the water, duplicating them as one…one flows into the other with no beginning and no end…both great in mass, and both endless…even though we feel we have a loss, the earth keeps going never missing a beat…we are till we are no more…and like the great strength of the ocean we too must go on for a great distence…never stopping, but always revolving,generation after generation…one replacing the other as we pass…We take our stand, from child to adult…then the last…to keep on till forever is served…One wave after another, but we are just one ocean in time….

  472. I did not receive your follow up email regarding the secret you were to deliver “tomorrow”. I must have fallen off the list. Could you please put me back on and forward the latest to me. You inspire me to be more than I think I am, and to always look for the good in every situation. Thank you and God Speed.

  473. 2 waves: 1 somewhat violent, disturbing, unsettling. When at low tide it hits the sandbar it is altered to a state of calm, quiet, peace – redirecting our emotions, the feelings in our hearts are transformed as the waves with the tides.

  474. 2 waves: 1 somewhat violent, disturbing, unsettling. When at low tide it hits the sandbar it is altered to a state of calm, quiet, peace – redirecting our emotions, the feelings in our hearts are transformed as the waves with the tides.

  475. Michael,
    It may be associated with the Tao….Ying and Yang. The two forces, yet one Being. But like the Tao, if it is defined then it doesn’t exist.
    However, the activity of the ocean that I have observed is it’s constant motion to reach it’s own level….although events such as wind, tides, motion of the boats on the water, it tries to smooth out the highs and lows and attain it’s own ‘level’.

  476. The amazement is how turmoil and
    tranquility can coexist in such a
    massive ocean.The waves vary from
    tranquil to turbulent to tranquil
    to turbulent and so on and so on.
    Its a massive energy controled by
    the Universe as are we.

  477. Michael – thanks for your words.
    The Psalmist writes: Ps 89:9
    Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.
    Ocean (sea) and waves can represent a couple of things:
    1) The ocean or sea is people; the waves are the individuals. The storms of life come to all of us. Some people seem to raise themselves up in defiance; others may be raised up because of their pain and affliction. They will rise no higher than God allows or we permit.
    2) We all carry about a mental sea of thought which can be a thousand times bigger and more awful than the physical sea; some thoughts (waves)rise and break like billows on the shore. Passions of men often rage in individuals, cities and nations. Yet, one spoken Word from God to our spirits can leave the mind as calm and smooth as when Jesus spoke to the storm and not a breath of wind moved over its surface or made a ripple on its placid bottom. One spoken Word from Him will catapult you through the storms of life to a brand new shore. http://www.thehealingexpert.com

  478. A wave comes in, a wave goes out; the ocean gives, the ocean receives, and so it remains.
    A soul comes in, a soul goes out;
    the Collective Soul gives, the Collective Soul receives, and so It remains, repeating a pattern as endless as time.

  479. Hi Michael, its been so long since I heard from you I almost deleted without reading! The sea to me would bring the magesty of all that is and was. How insignicant we are as a human being and yet how important we are as spiritual beings. I would be able to draw in all that fantastic energy and become one with it, and in that feeling, know humility and greatness, a oneness with a divine source. The waves are the feelings that are generated. Proof to me that life goes on

  480. The ocean and waves are integral part of each other as we are of the universe.the rising and subsiding waves tell us not to be excited by good or bad because all shall pass and therefore we must remain calm and try find the depths of our being like trying to search the fathomless depths of the ocean.Trust yourself snd keep on going at it no matter the results.

  481. Life is an Ocean. Basically we see two types of waves: One is when the ocean gives us what we perceive as “good” and the other what we perceive as “bad”. So again this is the duality of this world – the joys and pleasures on one side and the pain and suffering on the other. But it’s up to us what we make out of it.

  482. when u sit and look out into the ocean and watch the waves come in its that feeling of deep emotional calmness and joy which can help u to find a way if u choose to take it.

  483. I would think that low tide is when the waves allow a great deal of sea life to come alive and enjoy itself.This is much like how we must conduct our lives.

  484. As I ponder the question at hand it occured to me that it might be the similarity with the mind. In the high tide you are on automatic listening only to the egoic mind and hence the crashing effect. But in the low tide it is showing where the higher spiritual mind can co-exist with the egoic mind if you know both are there constantly. You become the watcher of yourself and your actions and can be an active participant instead of just being along for the ride.

  485. I cannot remember ever seeing this
    phenomenon, so I am imagining what it might be: the one ocean sends in a wave to the shore; its path is interrupted by the sandbar when low tide allows the sandbar to appear above the ocean’s waterline. Some of the wave goes around one end of the sandbar, the rest goes around the other end creating the second wave. The waves are reunited when they pass the sandbar and reach the shore. With the energy of reunion spent they return to their source and become again a part of the one ocean.
    In the same way we each come from Source and may live much of our life together with our loved one before death takes one of us, separating our paths. But like the two waves, after a time we will be joyously reunited and find again our one Source together.

  486. To me the critical part of your tail is in the observation of how the two waves zipped back together and became one. Like the endless circle, or a moebius loop, we usually see either on side, one path, or we see two individual actions that are coincidental or unrelated. True, it started as one movement yet it crashed against an obstacle (the rocks or shoreline) and divided into two forces; two directions. But the zipping of the waves is one of the few times that we actually get to see the circle of the universe and its endless dualities come together and rejoin as one. This is the seam in the universe, constantly forming and repairing itself.
    It shows that the universe, life, us, despite all of the wishful thinking is not always in unison, not always moving in the same direction or working in concert. Yet in the end as in the beginning, it does all come together again. The physical and the spiritual, all dualities, zipping together again into a common body. In the end it is not the waves — either of them — that matters nearly as much as that they zip back together.

  487. i have witnessed the phenomena you describe and it is truly hypnotizing. the holy trinity comes to mind though not in the traditional sense. as we live our lives me must continuously get more into ourselves as spirit, represented by the incoming wave. as we invest more we release whatever we have that doesn’t enhance us and the two waves cresting, zipping is the manifest glory that is ours when we tune in. we can ride the crest infinitely receiving and releasing because it all recycles never ending, never beginning yet always in motion and so we are

  488. It’s like when your eyes meet another person’s and you do not have to talk. Also, it’s when two hearts beat as one.

  489. Maybe the Ocean represents ongoing life. And the waves represent two souls going in different directions who meet and love and join together on the same path for awhile before life and death take them in different directions again making way for others to do the same.

  490. I ocean= one man
    2 waves= two women( it is from ocean)
    Incoming wave= crash ( pain but the ocean need it. without incoming the ocean becomes the river.The ocean will lost his own generation ocean. For the ocean in coming is very inportant.
    out going wave= formed ( all over the world)

  491. thanks Michael.
    Change is always happening. WE cannot stop it. we can reposition ourselves to best accept it and keep on livig in this life. Life like the ocean will always change.
    God bless you.

  492. Sometimes life is just ebb and flow, just like the ocean. But sometimes we are up high and riding the rim, daring and unafraid we are at the top of our game. Hardly ever do we ride the rim by our own efforts. We have support as the two waves causing the zip come together to support our efforts. Then we must separate until another time when we can come together again. Sometimes conflict tries to derail our efforts like the undercurrent but our timing is everything in life.

    Growing with excitement as it
    rushes toward shore,
    Bursting with exuberance,
    containable no more,
    Hurling itself onto the shore,
    Then pulling away to return once
    Drunk with delight in its endless
    Shaping the sands hour after hour;
    Knowing no beginning, nor yet any
    Infatuated with life, with time to
    So let me live in love with the
    Meeting each moment with spirit
    Flinging myself into each day,
    With no hesitation, no shying away.
    Let me never think of the time it
    will end,
    Only let me spend, and spend, and

  494. I must admit one ocean two waves concept I had never thought of. However what a wonderful way to show the complexity of our lives. The ocean represents our total lives and how our lives are forever in motion. The real mystery is the fact that our natural lives and what we do and what we experience directly affects the supernatural. The undertow if you will, represents the supernatural. Not all people understand that, when we do or say or even think something in the natural a direct and powerful event occurs in the supernatural, without the supernatural the natural would not exsist. Like the ocean we are composed of spirit, soul , and body. Three parts yet making one. The ocean is the body if you will and the waves are the spirit and the soul one cannot exsist without the other each is a part of the whole which makes up the entity.
    To go furthur the rocks and the sand bars and the reefs change the direction the speed and the quanity of the waves, the same way that barrers in our lives help to fashion us either to the good or to the evil. Another aspect of this phenomonon is how each wave has an opportunity to change the course or the influence of another wave. No man is an island.

  495. Hi Michael,
    I’m thinking in terms of symbolism. I view the two waves as the unification of two spirits or two souls. The wave zip represents God’s seal in the bonding of these two souls. I didn’t think would expect me to give you this strange interpretation. Sincerely, Sandra

  496. The Ocean is the Universe and the two waves are two individuals. When they come from their different paths and lives and directions, they zip together and travel together for a time and it is a thing of beauty, this relationship. Beautiful and transient because one day it ends through death or another reason and dissolves into the Ocean of Life, leaving behind only the memory of what was.

  497. One Ocean Two Waves? it is much deeper.
    The Ocean is the spirit of God (the Light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends is not. The Two waves are the word of god. Not seperate but whole. Cast your bread upon the waters, and watch what it returns.

  498. One Ocean representing our God. Two waves are the good and the bad which represents us and the undertow which is always pulling us to our creator…

  499. I have listened and heard what you were describing…but everyone determins what they are saying in different ways…I see the water hitting the shore, but like the tides it does go back out… turning everything in it’s path over and over again. to make it all different also…it moves some samd in and takes yet other sand out as it curles to swim back out to sea… I don’t know the answer you are looking for but i do know that the ocean touches so many grains of sand that it would be hard to keep it straight…Hope this finds you well and I really just want your answer, not to think of my own, I have far too many thoughts going on and it keeps me busy thinking of the many outcomes to the questions…

  500. Its seems like the cycle of life. Just as when a person dies a child is born. Out with the old and in with the new. As one wave is formed the other is destroyed, which gives way for another wave to be manifested. It can also mean that defeat is only temporary because after time you will rise again and be able to move forward.

  501. Ocean, stating the vastness of
    god and his power. Reminding us that we are powerless without him. Waves, the tide of life, the ups and downs and the preceptions we entertain that keep us upheaved in the wake. Reality is the harmony and peace you feel riding the wave to shore. Fear and anxiety is the lack of control and power we have when the flow of life takes us out and we struggle against the force as oppose to allowing the current to bring us back to destiny.

  502. 1 ocean 2 waves.
    the way i interpret this is that in life, in every moment, in all situations (our oceans) we have two choices, we can conquer, fight, be positive, look at the bright side or we can do the opposite. We choose how we react to our “oceans”, we choose which wave we want to “ride”.
    We say to ourselves, “I will choose this path, SO, I can accomplish what it is I truly want or don’t want”. I do this, SO, I can ha

  503. 1 ocean 2 waves.
    the way i interpret this is that in life, in every moment, in all situations (our oceans) we have two choices, we can conquer, fight, be positive, look at the bright side or we can do the opposite. We choose how we react to our “oceans”, we choose which wave we want to “ride”.
    We say to ourselves, “I will choose this path, SO, I can accomplish what it is I truly want or don’t want”. I do this, SO, I can have this. I do these things (good or bad), SO, I can feel comforted, loved, appreciated, safe, etc..
    We all have different oceans, we choose which wave we want to ride.

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