“Your Missing Piece”

I’m a collector.

And you should be too.

And what I collect is something that may be missing from your life.

And if it is, you may be living what Henry David Thoreau called "a life of quiet desperation."

He said, "The masses of men" live such lives.

But fear not.

The thing that’s missing is easily found.

As easily as a stamp collector finds stamps.

And that’s how easily you can begin to reclaim what may be lost in your life.

And reclaim what may be missing.

Just like that.



Feeling like a new person again.

All in the same day.

What am I referring to?

First person to guess it right wins a f’r’e^e 20-minute coaching session with me.

If you guess it right and, additionally, tell a personal story that illustrates it and illuminates it for your brother and sister Wealthy Souls, you get a f’r’e^e  45-minute coaching session.

Your life clock is ticking.

Time to fill in the gap.

Answering the question is your first step in discovering what’s missing so it’ll never be missing for long again and you’ll cease feeling that sense of "quiet desperation".

Share your answer in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

To be precise, the question is:

          "What is The Missing Piece from your life
          (and most people’s lives!) that may be
          causing you, my friend, to live a life of
          quiet desperation?"

Big Clue:

          It sometimes is missing from my life, too.
          But not when I write these Wealthy Soul
          Newsletters. Nor when you share your beautiful
          thoughts on my blog.

Share your enlightening answer now, my friend, in the comment box at the end of the page below –

493 Replies to ““Your Missing Piece””

  1. Interesting that I should read your newsletter this morning as I sit and question where my career should go from here. Without a goal or some direction to life, I think we are lost–unable to reach our potential because we have no map to follow. Like that story we often read about being a ship lost at sea because we have no map to direct us. My goal today is to get my life and career back on track–and in order for me to do that I must map it out and take the first step–push off and get going down that new path I have chosen.

  2. I think that the loss of the “family” is one of the greatest losses that we are facing today. Being part of a family implies a committment to it…emotionaly, morally, financially, etc. If the going gets tough, that does not mean throwing in the towel, but actually digging in deeper to resolve the issue facing them. I honestly feel the the downfall of the family will eventually bring about the downfall of our civilization as we know it. If we don’t take care of our own flesh and blood,, how will we take care of the rest of society?

  3. What is truly missing is a fulfillment that only Christ Jesus can provide. I need to learn how to be organized with my time and be more dedicated so that I can receive blessing for being a faithful servant!


  5. What is missing is not applying the law of attraction? And this is missing because people are not recognizing who they really are inside. Instead, everyone is under the spell of social conditioning, believing in what they see instead of designing their own creations.

  6. Contentment within yourself. God gives you that, KNOWING, even if you do not feel it, that He is always at our side. No need to be feel alone because He is there.

  7. I think you, as I try to be, are a collector of good memories. They are easily collected because you can make them each and every day.
    At the end of one’s life, on one’s deathbed, that is all one really has left from living.
    May we all create a great memory today.

  8. I discovered some time back that was missing from my life was
    ” SHARING” and not just my giving in the sharing but also receiving
    from others.Everyone has something to share and exchange with others and everyone has the time to listen to others who want to share.Can you just sit back and try to imagine what the world would be like if there wre no sharing…Food for the hungry..medicine for the sick..education for those thirsting for knowledge.The true foundation for life is sharing..Where would we all be if there were no sharing?More than likely “we wouldn’t be.” So when you begin the day…give some though to sharing.It’s good for all of us.

    “What is The Missing Piece from your life that may be causing you, James, to live a life of quiet desperation?

  10. I think self-confidence and lots of faith, both in the Universal God and in myself. I have a fear of success, and I have lived with this for about 60 of my 75 years. My ex-husband told me every day how really bad I was at managing money and I guess I took it really to heart(my sub-conscious mind). I am a retired RN and have a medical history that would fill a book, but I’m still here. Guess that counts for something. Thanks, Dr. Norwood, for all of your messages. I really enjoy them. Patricia.

  11. Peace, because with peace, all else can work better in life. When I am peaceful, everything else falls into place. When we are at peace and have gratitude for what we have now, the law of attraction, love, inner guidance, contentment, freedom all work better.
    I find whenever I have let go of things that were bothering me, my life starts changing. As I learn to forgive others and myself for things from the past, I can move on. Releasing unhealthy beliefs that stagnate my success is crucial, as well. The days that I truly look for love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, trust and have patience, my days become more productive and my months more fruitful.

  12. The missing piece is the absolute presence of holiness that comes from unconditional love and grace – unmerited favor. To me, quiet desperation is NOT a negative, but rather a positive factor of humility, compassion, mercy, forgiveness and the quest of being holy, Such desperation truly keeps me focused on fulfilling my mandate of ‘dying to self’ while embracing eternity with Holy God.

  13. That’s the nag with the english language – it was built in a time when the only words that could possibly describe what “it” is are compartmentalized in religious categories, seemingly locked away. We are only now beginning to modify the way we speak and talk to ourselves to include the solution to the problem. But everyone has it. The missing piece is an illusion. 🙂

  14. The missing piece for me was the understanding that I was already whole.
    This realization first came to me when I was putting together a jig-saw puzzle. I don’t even remember the puzzle’s picture; I just remember the process and my thought of how like life it was, including the obsessive search for one maddeningly absent piece, that later my hand, almost without volition, picked up and put into the waiting gap.
    That’s when I understood that the puzzle of my life was already completely present before me, with no extra pieces and none missing. Some might be upside down or cardboard side up, but if I calmly trusted the puzzle, and diligently fitted together whatever I could, whenever I could, the whole would reveal itself in a way I would understand.
    Over the years I’ve sometimes forgotten this, or had to refresh it with a different image. The current one is this: I may hope to learn to play another instrument, but I am already the music.

  15. I think what most people are missing is a GOAL, or a definite PURPOSE in life. Most people just wander through life from day to day or paycheck to paycheck, taking whatever comes along and not planning for anything. And many times, those that DO have goals, give up on them before they have a chance to realize them. As Olympic champion Jesse Owens once said: “Its always too soon to quit.”

  16. Purpose. I never feel “quiet desperation” when I am at work in some way (as a stay-at-home mom that means PTO or school district activities). But when life is a series of events it seems meaningless…I am in search of a purpose. I have been for quite a while now. I hope to fine it.

  17. I believe it is the ability to know what makes you happy. A person needs to identify what happiness is for them or they are desperately searching and never finding it or even knowing that they have found it. What is happiness?? I’m sure it can be different for everyone or sometimes exactly the same thing. It is KNOWING what it is for you that makes it possible to find or have.

  18. I think what is missing from my life is knowing that I am perfect just the way I am. With all of faults and talents, I am worthy of my own self love and acceptance of myself. I am a creature of God and I am worthy no matter what, I just need to believe it.

  19. What is missing is finding your passion or your purpose in life. I read an article that said a man opened a mustard store because he was passionate about different kinds of mustard.


  21. Passion,
    The passion to achieve anything you choose to.
    Passion that makes you tick, passion that makes you unstoppable all the way to fullfillment or the next level..

  22. What’s missing is Connection!
    Connection inward to one’s true Self, and connection outward to others who in the long run are part of our Self too.

  23. Fulfilment
    It means different things to different people but attaining it offers a sense of joy and peace – an at oneness with oneself, it often involves giving of yourself to others and doing something you feel passionate about.
    Having left Headship after 22 years on ill health grounds I am in the process of creating a new life. It would be all too easy to allow the challenges life offers ( believe me I have plenty of challenges, a wheelchair user, live alone, creating a new professional life etc. etc)to have a negative and draining impact on the state we choose to live in. Fulfilment and happiness are states we can choose to aim for and achieve on a daily basis rather than disappointent of frustration. Not always easy but oh so much more pleasant for ourselves and those around us.

  24. My family life is grand ( we have been married over 30 years). I am not yearning for some unrealized dream.
    My answer is this: I would like to have enough money to pay the bills without stress, and to contribute to some of my favorite charities.
    I have embarked on an internet business under a very successful sales and marketing pro. I know that 95% of internet marketers fail to make any money. I will be in the other 5%. Wealth is not an objective, although it would be nice.
    We are both retired, so having time to spend with each other is an objective that is being met.
    Thank you,
    Dr.Gwen A. Roberts-Foote

  25. What I feel that is missing in my life is the time and the lack of ability I have to connect to the masses. To allow myself to understand that everyone on this earth really intends to be a good person and believes that what they are doing and being is the best they are capable of. In a world that is so filled with hatred, violence and desperation to prove themselves right. The need for everyone to pay a penance for harm done by creating more hurt. The one thing I feel that is really missing is RESPECT! Respect for ones self,one another and our opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is with respect we are able to see the others view. Whether we agree or not, we must have respect without defamation, because ultimately it leads to so much distruction both worldwide and within ourselves.

  26. I think you collect connections with others. In your hint that is what you do by writing your newsletter and that is what we are doing by posting on this blog.
    Today I was talking with someone I use to work with. She is very stressed out and I am familiar with the situation. She just needed to bounce some thoughts off to someone who could understand them. And because we have a shared background we could start laughing about something silly which is what she really needed to do.

  27. Hi all!
    I’ve read all of your comments so far about your own personal missing pieces, and they are all right on the money. But you know what they all have in common?
    ATTITUDE! I don’t mean just ‘positive thinking’, but a firm unshakeable FAITH that you have everything you need to feel happy, contented, fulfilled, etc.
    But like all living & growing things, we need to constantly nurture our attitude & faith … with DAILY INSPIRATION. As Zig Ziglar once said, “People tell me that inspiration doesn’t last long. Neither do showers. That’s why I recommend them DAILY!” We are what we think, so let’s not listen to negativity or cave in to self-doubt. Let’s find as many uplifting & inspiring places as we can to hang out in and share with like-minded souls. Thank you all, especially you Michael. May God continue to bless all of us.
    Love Life ~ Be Grateful
    Frank Yusuf

  28. The answer to me is pure, unconditional LOVE!!!That amazing element that puts everything else in its place. For, without love, all we have is fear.

  29. Missing is the understanding that everything is interrelated to each other. Nothing is good or bad – it is just the meaning we give to our experiences.

  30. Missing is the understanding that everything is interrelated to each other. Nothing is good or bad – it is just the meaning we give to our experiences.

  31. A dear friend of mine lost her 34 year old daughter to an auto accident a few weeks ago. A daughter she never saw eye to eye with. The black sheep of the family so to say. Shortly before the accident I was talking with her and told her I could not wait until my 18 year old daughter went off to college in the fall. Mine were the same old complaints-dirty room, lazy, talks back, etc…
    After the funeral she came up to me and embraced me and said “never wish your daughters were gone.” At that moment I knew the most important thing I could do was to repair my relationships with my own children because that is what what missing from my life. Good relationships.

  32. Unconditional love, yes God can give that, but when push comes to shove, is there anyone (worldly) who can give that unconditionally and without reservation…

  33. Guts!!! better trying and fail (to retry with more experience) than living wondering what would have happened if…

  34. what i believe is a personal intimate relationship with God the father for when we stay connected with him he keeps us in perfect peace who’s mind is stayed on him

  35. What is sometimes missing from my life and others, summed up in one word, Passion. The excitement to be involved in something so enjoyable that it transends time and stirs ones heart to feel fullfilled to be doing something that gives great pleasure, in other words fills your heart with Passion and a zest for life.

  36. For me, the missing link is found when I’m fully connected or in my bliss. Often it’s when I’m learning something new or experiencing a special place, like the end of the dock or with a special person. I’m fully present, fully involved. Time passes without my awareness. I feel light, there is a strange sensation behind my eyes that feels like a glowing. Everything else around me seems to drop away and I’m fully alive, fully me.
    I try to incorporate those things into my life as much as possible that allow me to be in this favorable state of being.

  37. The thing missing is GRATITUDE. It is impossible to feel or act desperate when we are living in a state of gratitude or thankfulness-any level of this thought will put you on the right track.

  38. self…finding one’s self by seeing our reflection in all people, places, and things…
    being at one with our surroundings therefore transcending the illusion of separateness

  39. I think it’s giving or sharing of yourself; your ideas, your services, your smile, your money; your experiences; your knowledge -your best. When you give, you are manifesting love, and in the process, you are receiving the opportunity to share, connect, and realize your true purpose.

  40. The missing link for me is sharing, be this love, commitment to each other, resources and the planet. The world is a beautiful place but we treat it, and each other, with contempt much of the time.There is plenty of room for different races, different faiths, different governments but we are so wrapped up in our own little worlds for much of the time it seems that we are too insignificant to make a difference. Before I shuffle off this mortal soil, I’d like to think I made a difference.

  41. For me, it’s gratitude. We get so hung up on things we don’t have, if we are greatful of all we have (eyes, hair, teeth, lips, ears etc. mostly taken for granted) we would lack for nothing because it would always make us happy, and happy people attract whatever good they want.

  42. I would say that the missing piece is feeling that one is alone in feeling quietly desperate and that in order to share that feeling with others is a way of filling that empty space and feeling more fulfilled,another way of putting this is to connect with the universe and the many types of people in it in order to feel alive and useful.

  43. My first time commenting here. I could write for hours (but won’t). What is missing from my life is peace of mind, better known as acceptance, surrender and patience. For years (45 of them) I beat myself up for not being good enough. The universe has spent untold amounts of energy and time providing me the opportunities to learn the lessons that I would need to learn in order to be whole. I’ve fought the Universe for so long and am only now (at age 47) beginning to fully understand that fighting the Universe is a futile effort. Michael, I’ve read your writings in the emails I have recieved. Thank you for being you and sharing your thoughts. We all have thoughts, but we don’t all share them. Thanks…Marc

  44. MEANING — which gives reason and inspiration to all we do, and thus contentment (what some call happiness). Another way of putting it might be CONNECTION, which seems to be what your Big Hint was about.
    In my life as a divorced mother, my children are simultaneously an obligation and a solace, and in these years I need look no further than Motherhood for my meaning in life. But I also know that the Almighty has other plans for me, and I wait faithfully for them to unfold.

  45. I wasn’t the first to post this answer here, but I believe the missing piece is in fact PEACE. Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace in anything and everything we do is unfortunately missing far too often.
    When we have a feeling of ‘peace’ it represents either everything is okay or that nothing really matters.
    Its certainly possible to have it every day, even if you have to start small and, as you say, then begin to collect pieces of peace until you are living long healthy days full of Peace in your heart, in your mind, and in your physical body.
    This is not so hard to do, in fact to enjoy the feeling of peace everyday in my life, I take care of those three things… my heart, my mind and my body.
    To do this I live a life of goodness, choosing to be kind and giving to others and forgiving my self when I slip into old habits of negative thought or action such as being mean or critical of others or self.
    I have learnt that understanding the way our minds process things is an important step towards living with a peaceful mind and now do not need to live in confusing thoughts any more.
    I treat my body with the same desire for optimum health as a parent does for their child, and nourish it with food thats taste good and is good for it. And nothing else. Of course its also important to keep it moving, and to let it rest, thats how it functions best.
    When I’m having a bad day or bad thought I’ve found the best way to deal with it is to write it in a letter to God. I don’t know exactly who God is to other people but to me it is the collective energy force that gives us all life. Writing my pain, however small or large, and asking for help with it, to God, stops me from directing it to others and thus spreading it into their lives and making things worse. It frees me to receive the answers in my own mind and it frees me to continue my day in peace, living a life of good. And hopefully, as is my only intention, to bring good to the lives of others.
    I have decided that I don’t want to wait until I die to ‘rest in peace’, rather I want to ‘live in peace’ every day I am alive.
    In this way there is always an opening for the abundance of everything that comes from peace… health, wealth and happiness. Of which I am always grateful for.
    When you are at peace it is amazing the opportunities that open up to you. Thats when you really know that Life is Good.

  46. LIFE! is the true essence of living – until you realise that life is the most important aspect of living then you will never achieve peace! Without it there is nothing else…
    I realised this when I was asking myself the question: “what is important to me and what can’t I live without?” I answered the usual answers until I discovered that without my “LIFE” I wouldn’t have opportunity to appreciate, love or feel peace and security without it!

  47. Oh my, I just saw how long my post was! I do apologise! May you all be blessed with patience when reading through it.
    Have a Happy day. 🙂

  48. Sometimes we loose connection with our spirit. When that connection is lost, we live in “quiet desperation.” However, when we share our pure thoughts, thoughts that take shape from within our hearts, we reconnect with our spirit, our true selves. We can exist for a long time, disconnected within. It only takes a moment to reclaim our spirit.

  49. To live deliberately. Deciding what to do, after honest consideration and examination of one’s heart and mind, then doing it… instead of reacting to circumstances. To live authentically and deliberately.

  50. Living your passion, your divine appointment the “thing” that you were born to do that no one else on this planet can do as well as you. Your reason to get up each day,that makes your life worth living…….your passion…..the thing that makes your heart sing, that you would do whether you got paid for it or not. It is your door, you connection to the divine.

  51. Dear Dr. Norwood,
    You are so right-sometimes when we forget to look “outward” instead of thinking about ourselves we
    do live lives of quiet desperation. But anytime we remember to give without considering the cost we are blessed beyond measure and our lives are filled with a sweet sense of satisfaction that comes only in that way. In a simple book, The Giving Tree, it is said very well. Of course in the role modeling
    of Jesus Christ it is exemplified to the fullest.
    It is indeed “the missing piece” that we need to pass on to those who have not found it yet.
    Sincerely, Nancy Graber Canubida

  52. Missing from my life is actually living my DREAM. I have it right here at my fingertips, yet I don’t press on to fulfill my calling. I think I am talented, but motivation escapes me.

  53. I think I lack Motivation and Commitment. Maybe others lack the same too. We all know we are in a bad situation and have to get out of it and have to do something about it, but everyday just passes by thinking and no positive action being done, and we keep on cribing. So lack of Motivation and Commitment.

  54. We live in a fast paced world, where one most often is a walking robot, functioning but never really living. That is one of the reasons why people tend to seek destructive pastimes to continue the numbness, thinking that it will be an escape from the day to day blank life, and so it becomes a circle of emptiness.What I have found that I, personally needed, was to live in the present moment, cherish it, live it, savor it, and Not live in the past, regretting, feeling needless guilt, and we need Not live in the future, because it has not happenned, and it may Not happen, at least the way we continually fear or worry about it!! So, Michael, my answer is that we LIVE in the Present Moment, because, that is ALL we REALLY have! And how blessed we are!! A friend, Victoria C

  55. Dear Michael
    “The Missing Piece from most people’s lives (including mine), which causes one to live a life of quiet desperation” would have to be “not finding, not knowing yourself, or may be sometimes just forgetting yourself – who you really are and what is your real mission in this life”. Everything stems from knowing and understanding yourself, what makes you tick, what are your strengths, what are your dreams and what you would like to leave behind for posterity – about who you really are, or the difference you have made or wish to make, to the lives of one other or scores of others.
    When we discover this or re-discover this, we reclaim what was missing. So, as long as we are in touch with ourselves, in tune with ourselves (kind of), the “missing piece” will never be missing for long again, and we’ll cease feeling that sense of “quiet desperation”.
    If this is the right answer I would be happy to share a personal story.

  56. Dear Michael,
    The missing piece in me and others often times is feeling unfulfilled amidst such blessed life.I have a job that blesses me because I work with very poor peple in my country,Kenya but there are days I am gripped by frustration.I have a loving family and two beautiful daughters.Being a single mother, there are days of course I feel like I am incomplete and pretty anxious.Yet I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made.I need to share my love and kindness, ideas and thoughts more.This will give me unlimited peace and inner joy that I believe make us whole and fulfilled.Connecting more with others and nature draws one closer to God who is the source of of all love and grace.Through sharing, one gets to learn a lot fromothers and cultivate a spirit of appreciation.

  57. Winston Churchill had impressed me as a child with the slogan that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. That didn’t stop me from being afraid, just more conscious of my fears.
    When I was in college I used to wonder at the MAD MAGAZINE’S hero (can’t remember his name – Winston HOBART? – right now)motto “Who me worry?”. I couldn’t imagine how one could go forward without first worrying A LOT about the next step to take.
    Many years later it dawned on me how damaging and time consuming it was to worry. Several things had occurred in my adult life which overwhelmed me with the presence of Higher Spirits that surronded me and guided me, communicated support in my efforts and the message ‘fear not’. As soon as I left fear behind me doors opened left and right and, just as surely, close when I begin to fear or worry!

  58. ‘Nothing’ is missing from our lives, to have true faith and belief in ourselves and others enables us to have everything!
    I am not saying that this is me however but I keep on trying!

  59. The missing part of my life is my wonderful “commitment with christ” it is shakey , i find myself doing what i don’t want to do and what i want to do i can’t do.As if i am losing control of who i am. But i have sort from God’s strenght never to relent till i win. I miss Gods’ peace, control, and love yet i know he will never leave nor forsake me. that i might boldly say He is my HELPER.

  60. Like you Michael, I know when I am in sync with my soul. One morning, when I was tuned into the divinity within myself, I wrote a song that my music producer son produced. Here are the words to the chorus: “For there’s a shining star that lives inside of you. And when you’re who you really are, your dreams will all come true.”
    So – my answer is: the divinity within is what inspires us to be who we really are. Have a wonderful day!

  61. We all can be collectors of true CONNECTION, with everyone we come in contact with. We all have a story to share that can potentially offer wisdom, guidance, hope, direction and comfort to others. Through our connection with each other we have the opportunity to provide that piece of the puzzle that someone else may have been looking for. Each piece of information COLLECTED can be a stepping stone to move us in the direction of our desires. I am a collector of knowledge and wisdom from everyone around me. Offering a piece of advise or a book that has great wisdom. The more connections I make, the more wisdom I become exposed to … willingly.

  62. The missing piece is giving to others. When I give of myself to others then I am happy. Because I did not recieve love from my parents I found it hard to give love and to give of myself. When I do then that is what makes me happy. I spent a lot of time trying to get things get people to love me etc.. Now I know that I can GIVE LOVE. I spend part of every day loving everything and every person I come in contact with. The other day on my way to work I stopped at my favorite cafe for coffee and a dog walker had tied five dogs to a post while she went to get her coffee. I began to speak to each dog petting and loving each one. The dogs responded by wagging their tails happily. Two little ones came out from behind and waited patiently for me to get to them. I spent the rest of the day feeling good because I was able to truly be in the moment with the dogs and to give all of myself to them. The experience kept reminding me all day to be loving in each moment. We have to try as much as possible to stay in each moment and if we do then we will realize that we have absoutly no problems at all because if you ask yourself what is wrong right now the only answer can be that you are being non loving and judgemental. My answer to the question is the missing piece is giving of yourself espically love. Why not be the shoulder someone else cries on, the ear for another, the calm in the storm.

  63. Truth is what is missing….as Thoreau says, “More than fame, rather than money or love, give me truth.” (the quote is close)
    When you can tell the truth, and be that OPEN…then you are able to truly love, because all is out there is to be known and therefore loved totally.

  64. accepting what you cannot change,changing what you can and the wisdom to know the difference. Peace of mind and heart and having purpose in life.

  65. Contribution. Giving something out that’s more than about just earning a living or filling a personal need. Knowing that what you’re doing is making a positive difference in the world and will out last/live you.

  66. We are missing “why”. As a famous person once said, “When our why is big enough, what becomes immaterial.”
    I don’t particularly refer her to “purpose” because our why’s and our purpose’s change throughout our lives, but I know that when my child needed surgery to survive and had no health insurance to pay…that did not even cross my mind except to warn the surgeon that we didn’t have a lot of $$$$, he said we would cross that bridge later and of course we did, but the “why” of that situation was not a purpose but something that would drive me (and maybe you, too) to do whatever I could to get through.
    Afterwards, we each have to find the “why” we will continue today and tomorrow until our Savior comes for each of us.

  67. Sharing. You are sharing your answers with us, and when we post on your blog, we are sharing our inner thoughts and ideas with others. When we feel sorry for our selves, help someone else, and you will be rewarded.

  68. I tried to post a comment yesterday but it’s not here on your site today. So that’s what’s missing right now.
    I put a lot of effort into developing that response, so now I feel that, right now, acknowledgement is missing from my life – although the original comment was not about acknowledgement.

  69. I want to start this my answer by quoting a William Ernest Henly – ‘I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul’ and there fore I am a spiritual being in a human body – and I do have power to change my circumstance – to live and enjoy a fullfilling life – but first I must reach that level of consciousness and awareness to do so.
    I think we are all on a journey to understand ourselves – our purpose our mission –
    To understand self – we must searc inwards to find out who we are – why we are here and what we must do – its a personal journey – each and everyone of us – must undertake – some go very slowly – others quickly – some never end up finding themselves at all.
    We live – lives of quite desperation, because we have lost touch with our spirtuality – with our core being – the moment we connect with that source, or find ourselves then our world changes
    Like the master Jesus once said, the Kingdom – is within – its not out there and we can only find it by looking inward –

  70. I do not have the peace of God that passeth all understanding even though I have learnt to read and stand on “his” word. I need prayers to show me what I need to do to acqire this missing piece in my life.
    Otherwise I have learnt through experience to continue to live with hope.

  71. I feel that worldwide, in every country,every city, every village, the missing piece is love…..deep authentic unconditional “I know you’re not sorry but I love you anyways” love. When we see love come from a child or a kind person, they are giving us that piece, that love. If we are open to it, it fills our heart with joy and we return it. For all of us, we have more than one missing piece, and it is different for each one of us.If we can always ask ourselves whats missing and listen to our inner voice, that gives us the answer to seek that which is missing according to our own beliefs.

  72. Inner Peace, Happiness within ourself as our journey in life is filled with change. Confidence. Loving yourself. Embracing your unique talents and attributes while unleashing one’s hidden powers. True belief in yourself.
    Finally, having faith in what your heart and soul is telling you, and following it with love and belief.

  73. What has been missing from my life at times is joy. But when I found my joy, I also found peace, contentment, renewed commitment, a constant attitude of gratitude and had a new “lease on life.” What I don’t know is what came first, the gratitude or the joy. They seem to encompass each other. Recently, I’ve felt so stuck, and in desparation, reached out blindly to people for help, in a blanket email. That day, I received a call from a woman in New York (I’m in St. Louis). We talked for an hour or so, and by the time we hung up, I’d decided to actively pursue a new career at the ripe old age of 53, and to change my life. I immediately began working on the exercises she gave me, which were mostly acknowledgments of myself, and listing gratitudes for my job, and my joy returned. How very blessed I am.

  74. Dear Mike,
    I think the piece missing in my life now are SELF CONFIDENCE and SELF LOVE ! I’ve got everything I ask : a good husband ! But, he ‘s followed by 8 step children who are very very different to him ! And, although now I have a lot of money (my salary & my husband’s pension), we are oftenly have troubles facing my step children who always visit us only when they need money ! I try to be firm, but my husband can’t resist my step children’s charms ! And all of these make me lost my self confidence and my self love ! I oftenly forget to pamper myself and I never feel happy anymore ! Even, I can’t face the world with bright smile anymore, only with frowned face ! I have a feeling that there are no true friends anymore, only people who try to use me, to make me a slave, to make me a money machine ! Thank you, Mike, for letting me to share my feeling ! And, please, forgive me if I sound too bitter ! May God Bless you, Mike !

  75. The missing piece is belief in yourself and your abilities to handle life as it is .
    And if you expand or expound on that word belief, we come up with, faith in ourselves, that we can….do or become and have.

  76. Wrote the following to explain PEACE and ‘communication in empathy’. The essence of becoming who we are meant to be! READ ON IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND Ann
    My eyes snapped open on the instant to a consciousness of stygian darkness. Slowly the form of his face appeared to emerge from the gloom, a lighter shade of dark picked out by the continuous side-to-side rocking of his head. I painfully raised myself on my elbow, bone against rattan on the unforgiving flags of the floor and made out the soft pink of his palm as he showed me three fingers to indicate that it was 3.00am. Unfolding myself from sleeping mat, stiff and aching I tiptoed outside following the lithe form dressed only in shorts with a canvas bag swinging at his hip. Shivering in the chill and, wrapping my hitherto sleeping sheet tightly around my shoulders I set off at a run to catch up with Rengasawmy.
    The way was off the lakeside road heading into the mountains from Athoor.I flatly refused to allow my inner warning system to dwell on the cobra that had slithered across our path the previous day. Nor would I allow that instinctive western fear of all things native to stop me trusting the genuine concern on the boy’s face when he had realised that I was Catholic. “ Oh God” I prayed, “ please keep me safe, please do not let me be lost for the children’s sakes” I whispered in mantra as furlong stretched to mile in the darkness ahead.
    I did not see the mound but softened my panting breath when he held a warning finger to his lips and, bent low in effortless grace, he climbed the dusty bank before us. I followed more slowly, welcoming the easier pace and treading carefully so as not to dislodge the loose stones that rattled in the silence like hailstones on a galvanised roof. He sat on the top beside a single stunted acacia bush and swung his legs over the edge and I, ever trusting, followed suit.
    And so there we were, staring ahead, unspeaking. It was an awareness of breathing that first alerted my senses to the fact that we were not alone; that, and the feeling of body smell that increased to a definite animal odour. I watched him from under hooded lids, the peace in his forward tilting body seeming to drop from his very fingertips as his hands hung loosely over his knees. In an agony of discomfort I dared not move. A grey luminosity I cannot call light began to suffuse the space ahead of us as we watched ghostlike shapes emerge into our extending horizon like newborn islands out of a misty sea. Deep purple to darkest crimson the line of our vision shimmered evolved and lightened so that I had to keep squeezing my eyes tight shut to make sure that this was not a phenomenon just born of my staring. I sensed rather than heard restlessness in the forms of the sheep before me, now silhouetted against a shook foil sky.
    He has brought me to see the dawn I thought and was grateful to him for the spectacle as needles of green and white began to shoot into the black heavens like the aurora borealis, pricking out the stars. I turned to thank him but he stalled me with his eyes, raising only two fingers of his near left hand.
    Clear and sweet, as I imagine the lark in the proverbial monastery garden must sound, the haunting whistle trilled in the stillness. A figure rose away to the right of our bush and I wondered at his having remained hidden from our sight. Long staff in hand he began to walk slowly over the crest and again the beautiful sound of his whistle floated over the scene with magic consequences. Here and there, nearby us and away in the farthest corners of what I could now see was an enclosed square, sheep rose slowly to their feet. Without a murmur they picked their way among the forms until they too had disappeared over the rim and clattered down the slope after the boy. A high call sang out, like a boy soprano singing as from high in a minaret, and I am sure I never before heard such a sweet tone. Another figure in long jubbah with the distinguishing curved branch in his hand rose from the bank directly opposite us, and, dropping silently over the edge, was out of our range of vision almost immediately. Twenty sheep moved to the spot where he had disappeared, and followed one another in unhurried order after his song. I got such a shock when the lilting whistle of a broadly smiling boy rang out no more than twenty feet left of where I sat hardly breathing. His sheep passed him by as he stood quietly between them and me. And then without glancing back he too was gone. As the light increased five more boys sounded their unique call. Each flock followed their young master away from the overnight place, having earned for him his five rupees worth of bread, to begin together a new day of being and becoming on the arid plain of Tamilnad.
    When they had gone eighteen year old Rengasawmy took a small bottle of water from the canvas bag on his belt and offered it to me. I drank gratefully, passed it back and waited. He poured some water into his cupped hand and washed it with his middle finger, then dripping a little at a time from the bottle into the clean bowl he had created he delicately sipped from his hand. “When I go home my parents take me to church” he said smiling “but this is where I come when I cannot get to church. This is my testament ” he said making page turning movements with a long delicate finger over his left palm. “I find the Good Shepherd is here,” he pointed from the imaginary book over the soiled rain soak now ready for planting. Head nodding as is the way of his people he smiled shyly.
    I said nothing. Rengasawmy unfolded his limbs and we began the return journey into the glare and noise of the new-day heat. Struggling against pain and stiffness I was deep in the realisation that I had just lived the sermon and understood, as I never had before, the meaning of His words when He said, “I am the good shepherd… I know mine and mine know me ”.
    We walked slowly back but spoke no more, each guarding the sacred silence that flowed between us.
    I brought that peace home with me from India and I offer it now as gift to everyone in this place.

  77. I believe the missing piece is power. Each individual has the power to make decisions that lead to the lives we live, make the decisions we make, and to feel the way we feel.

  78. could thismissing piece be the Holy Spirit, salavtion, love and peace. i know these are what people long for, they are things you can give to someone without knowing the person. They are so valueless.

  79. The missing piece is simply
    a short personal story for me was that 4 years ago i was really depressed and suddenly found Gardening very helpful..
    i had a large garden and one day when planting something it struck me.. suddenly i looked at the garden and could see how much potential lies in it.. i imagined what i could do with it.. what plants i am gonna grow. and 4 years later i get so much energy every single day out of this garden…
    it helps me stay in the MOMENT..

  80. I feel HOPE (apart from some other important things, like PEACE and LOVE) is the quality I most miss and would love to have at this very low point in my life. I hope by reading the answers people have sent, I may find at least, a small part of it. Thank you.Janet

  81. One must have purpose. They can be an atheist or devoutly religious person. Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” talks about this. Ever think about what gives one satisfaction?
    It is purpose. If you have that you are ok. If you don’t, then why should you be around?ha

  82. I believe for me the main missing piece is MOTIVATION.
    Motivation, focus, accountability, connection. Those are my missing pieces. I seem to be missing much. As of now I am on a journey. My whole life has and is an act of desperation. But, realizing it or not my motivation to change these things have always been driven by fear or pure mental exhaustion. Years of abuse(emotional, physical,etc.) from very early childhood and being left to fend for myself, through adulthood, has left me floundering in all aspects of life. Years of medications to fix me…..when I wasn’t the one who was broke. Medicated the drive to change right out of me for years. Those who hurt me have passed or have been cut out of my life. The fog is lifting…I’m in my late 30’s and waking up to a new day. But there is so many life laws that I have seemed to have missed. I must learn so much spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even nutritionally, that I get overwhelmed and I have no motivation. I truly believe that focusing on the wrongs done to me in my past is non-productive. I try, I repeat try, to focus on the person that I can become. I know I could desperately use a mentor and hopefully I will be one someday. My goal if I ever get far enough in my own journey will be to help others who are still living in a fog.

  83. Inner Radiant Joy which comes from Stillness and being grateful.
    We don’t need anything to feel joy–we just need to FEEL IT and everything else falls into place.

  84. I think the missing piece may be the WONDER of all we perceive in this life. The immeasurable infinity of the unseen world is more than humans can fathom, and, if contemplated, inspires awe in every human heart and mind.

  85. Hello Michael,
    until recently I realised what piece was missing from my life, it was forgivness along with humility, I found this after finding out about my husband’s affair with a younger woman, he asked for forgiveness and it was a while before I realised what true forgiveness is, it is putting all the bad that has been done to you behind you and starting afresh with new eyes, I love my husband and realised that we all make mistakes, even God was humble enough to forgive us and he created us so, yes, the missing pieces in my life were forgiveness and humility, I am a better person now having found them. God bless you, Norah

  86. We gain understanding of the pricelessness of this human existence, no matter what our external circumstances, through taking time to slow down and quietly acknowledge the gift of each breath. This simplest of experiences, contactable 24/7, helps fill our hearts with gratitude for the miracle of our existence and our interconnectedness with all of creation. This knowlege can act as the missing jigsaw piece which enables doubts and fears that we are separate, alone, abandoned or unsupported to melt from our minds because, in fact, we see clearly that we are each sustained moment by moment by Nature’s free gift of life energy. How our various trials and tribulations diminsh when we take a moment to count our blessings and we see how fortunate we are.

  87. Could that missing piece in all of us be GRACE? There was a time when I was lost and drifted, until I found GRACE. We may have all the other things, love, faith etc. but I believe that GRACE brings it all together for me.

  88. Hi
    More and more I find that the missing piece in my life was not quite understanding that there is no power “out there”. All the power is inside. We are creating our own lives, and until we understand that, totally understand that, we blame others for our problems, our lack of joy etc. We do not realize that our thoughts, when negative, creates negative results and situations. When our thoughts are positive, we create more positive results. The biggest block is getting rid of the “programmings” we have adopted along our life’s path so that we can tap into this awesome, gigantic beautiful power which lies inside each and every one of us. The person lucky enough to tap into this power can finally learn what trust, peace, health, wealth, wisdom is all about. It takes time but oh so worth it to finally “wake Up” and stop blaming others but rather appreciate them for the role they play in our lives.

  89. Hi everybody 🙂
    MOTIVATION !!! Isn’t it a motivation, the good one? Whatever you want to say or do you need to be motivated.
    Am I right?
    love and light

  90. Forgiveness.
    It’s all over the bible. “Love/respect your neighbor, judge not etc. the lords prayer. Takes a litle practice and then it becomes automatic. Brings a lot of peace.

  91. Hello,
    I think APPRECIATION is the key word for me. It seems to allow all the others to happen. It keeps you cented in the now and sends ripples across the universe that return to you appreciation of the universe beyond your wildest dreams.

  92. As I read through these inspirational comments and powerful words I realise that one of my words stand out from all the 6 I wrote. The word is HOPE. I think no matter what you have or don’t have, unless you have hope, that something to live for, you lead a life of quiet desperation.

  93. The piece that is missing is total and unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance, than we can only receive from God. With having the WORD as an integral part of our souls, knowing how HE sees us, and applying ourselves to His Word, we know that everything we need is available to us, we have purpose, we have attitude, we have morals, strength, joy, peace and happiness, halleujah!

  94. Complete—–when I am with family and friends, feeling total and utter joy, I feel complete. When my life is in order, I’m feeling loved, confident, motivated, committed, contented and loving. While many love me, I am more blessed to have many to love, and that makes me complete.

  95. It is “Wisdom” that we are missing. I would like to quote T. S. Eliot,”Where is the life we have lost in living,where is the knowledge we have lost in information, where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?”

  96. Human life teaches us great lessons though challenges, especiallay when stark reality deals us a very difficult hand of circumstances to live through.
    Our complicated lives with stress, pressure, worry, fear, anger, sadness and desperation can be eased by simply feeling and experiencing the flow of life within, one moment at a time.
    Caring for others and our environment is an inevitable consequence of our sensivity to the value of our precious life and therfore every life.
    Feeling joy, love and inner peace is each human being’s entitllement.
    Respecting each other’s uniqueness and life’s preciousness can enable the earth’s brotherhood and sisterhood of humans to live in a caring, sharing, amicable and cooperative community.
    Communication forums like these are crossing numerous boundaries drawing hearts and minds together on a common thread. Isn’t it great to see how this energy manifests when people work side by side, hands on, active in projects to restore problem areas caused by human impact or natural phenomena?

  97. The missing peice is Joy. Joy is the ultimate feeling when you have God in your heart he is the only person that can bring you that total fulfillment.

  98. ENCOURAGEMENT: I am a professional care giver for 30 years now, yes I am licensed as a CNA, but most importantly I am a devoted personal care nurse providing encouragement – sometimes just to breathe. I give comfort care, respite care, hospice care, and companionship to the frail elderly. I touch my clients, I nurture them, I freely give affection from my spirit – I am a compassionate soul. It is not religion, but rather pure surrender that resonates from the inner sanction of compassion and spiritual servitude. As for me, the “quiet desperation” within requires encouragement, compassion and affection from others…..freely I give and freely I receive.
    A blessed quote I cherish from Mother Theresa:
    “There are many sorrows in today’s world! These sorrows are due to hunger, to dislodging, to all kinds of illness. I am convinced that the greatest of all sorrows is to feel alone, to feel unwanted, deprived of all affection. It consists in not having anyone. May we all be instruments of peace, of love and of compassion.

  99. Hello All:
    The only “missing piece” I know of that hasn’t yet been specifically named here (and something you definitely have, Michael) is CHARISMA.
    I believe that charisma is something we can develop. Charisma flows from self-confidence (specifically, the confidence of a powerful faith) and is the power most people associate with “attraction” or “personal magnetism”.
    Quoting from answers.com: “Charismatic individuals generally project unusual confidence, calmness, assertiveness, authenticity, and focus, along with superb communication skills. To the early Greeks, charisma was said to be “a divine favor/gift” or “gift of grace,” implying that this “divine quality” was an inborn trait; today however, many believe it can be taught and/or learned despite the persistent inability to accurately define or even fully understand it.”
    People who have (or develop) this quality of charisma have the seemingly uncanny ability to attract anything or anyone they want into their lives almost effortlessly. They use this power to benefit not only themselves, but others as well.
    Infinitely Yours in Love,
    Sharon Iezzi
    (a.k.a. “Fearless Reader”)

  100. “To feel it’s immediate transforamtive powers….”
    INTENTION…Living your life with the intention of living it with love, kindness, compassion, creativity,beauty,expansion, abundance, and receptivity…..

  101. Attitude helps change our perspective.
    We can have a paradigm shift of attitude when we look at circumstances from a different viewpoint.

  102. The missing piece must be self-esteem! The world looks entirely different when I feel good about myself. It enables me to be so much more.

  103. UNDERSTANDING…is the missing piece. As we collect experiences in life, what we need to do is understand what these experiences, these relationships, these ups and downs, mean. Sometimes we find understanding on our own; somtimes other people provide it for us in what they say, what they do, what they write. Without understanding what we experience, why we experience it, who we are, who others are, our lives are just empty motion and empty collections of things.

  104. Family can be missing if a person is now in an ’emply nest’ or living away from home so displays of love and affection have become less frequent.

  105. DESIRE
    True Desire ia a magnet that has attraction to a goal. Even though the possessor of this magnet knows not what the goal is in truth, the pull is felt and followed. True DESIRE does not give up but continues until its answer is found. It knows nothing of time and does not weaken. It knows nothing of comfort and only strengthens. Itdoes not seek demise and is ever alert. Above all, it waits patiently when there is nothing to be done. It comes with certainty, and therefore is a gift of SPIRIT.

  106. i feel the missing piece is the one of satisfaction. i really dont get satisfied with what i have. i always want more and more and this has led me into some bad habbits like stealing.how i wish to get the piece of satisfaction. i would conquer.

  107. The missing piece is the vision of the golden cord of light that connects all sentient beings in the universe, giving us peace in the All in All.

  108. INTEGRITY – The missing piece is being/acting in accordance with what you know (not only in your conscious mind but in your unconscious mind/heart/gut)to be true. My fiance says that I came with a built-in ‘inconsistency detector.’ Actually, we all do but we’re just not always aware of it. If there’s something off between what is true and what you’re experiencing it will cause unhappy emotions.

  109. Well….you’ve pestered me – so nicely, I might add…!!! 🙂
    Don’t think I’m ‘missing’ anything. I just know that I cannot do without laughter, fun and the sheer JOY of connecting and having a bit of the old ‘craic’ (as we call it here) – even more enJOYable, with a bit of music thrown in!
    But then, I can have a ball on my own too – just relishing the joy of living! 🙂
    All the Best,

  110. Dear Michael,
    You are so generous, and that’s probably because you believe so intensely in ‘kinship’ which many of us are missing at one time or another. That’s perhaps the missing piece because when we have that we never have to suffer the ‘quiet desperation’ which we suffer otherwise – a sort of loneliness, even with everything else that you might have. I’m sure I would have a personal story to tell because that’s probably the ‘biggest missing piece’ in my life, because I somehow never cared enough about it.

  111. I’d have to guess stillness, the stillness of simplicity. That quietude in which one can allow all one’s pieces to settle into the whole they already are, was always available, just overlooked in the midst of the life headlong rush. T.S. Eliot’s ‘Four Quartets’ refers to it as ‘ a condition of complete simplicity, costing not less than everything.’
    I first encountered it in moments alone in the woods, then later in meditation.
    Even later I also realized another essential word; mindfullness, but I first had to know there was something to be mindful for, and not forget amidst distraction. It was good to understand the great ocean of stillness, but only mindfullness could begin to help me establish it as a habit.
    These things aren’t ‘missing’, they’re only missed, They must be recognized, remembered, and carefully tended.
    Grasping for a single word, however important it may be, is still a thoughtful game. Ultimately there is no external word, or piece to be guessed at or sought. One must be still, and look within, with patience and openness, to find what is already there.

  112. The word is “ONENESS” people long to have what we all once remembered. That we are one with GOD and one with each other.All of the negative things that are happening daily in the world would be gone if we all remembered who we really are. Would you harm yourself? Would you bomb GOD? of course not…not if you were aware (AWARENESS = CONCIOUSNESS) Sadly everyone thinks they are correct, and from their “POINT OF VIEW” they are…there point of view is directly related to their level of conciousness…the lower the level the lower the vibration and the further away they feel from everyone else.

  113. Dear Michael,
    The perfect example of ‘kinship’ is what we are experiencing ‘you’ and ‘us’, as we share so much of the best of us with each other, in true kinspirit.

  114. The fact is that nothing is missing…we are all completely whole exactly as we are. The mind has many facets…like a diamond…and those facets are the different voices of our dual self…one voice is that of the suffering or seeking self that considers itself to be apart and disconnected from the whole. The seeking self will never feel satisfied….as soon as it discovers one truth, it will be off to seek something else. That is it’s job. The answer is to discover the “Big Mind” the part of you that encompasses all the other “parts” and to discover that in fact you are “it”…you are source, you are all, God, I am…call it what you will. I have proven this to myself, after much searching, by studying with Genpo Roshi at Big Mind.org….check it out…you too Michael!
    Love and Light


  116. Right away i think inspiration because that is what I constantly look for but I see someone said that Is it enery, postitive enery or laughter? Maybe a little bit of soul or spirit? I know some days I will hear some special words from some one at work that lifts up that day and gives me a better outlook, sometimes it is just a smile

  117. I will say it again…..encouragement!
    You Michael are always providing such “encouragement” which leads to a wealthy soul and without it a sense of discouragement may take root within…..so, all I know is that my quiet desperation exists and seemingly crys out for the motivation, recognition, affection and unconditional love that comes from encouragement.


  119. Freedom of choice!!
    Waking up and having the choice to be grateful for life, being able to choose to be happy or not, is totally under our power. We have the privelege to choose every day, our actions, attitude, our profession, how we spend our time, how we spend our money, if we choose to serve others, or not, the list goes on, We have control and power over our lives, the privelege to choose!

  120. Dear Michael,
    Having ‘kinship’ is again being a part of an extended ideal family – where we are all in some way ‘kins’ as we are the way we and you are communicating through this blog. There’s no mistaking that when we are missing this we are indeed suffering in “quiet desperation”.

  121. The wealthy Soul comes only through
    The CHRIST and to be a Christ and to live like a Christ.
    And what that means, please let’s look in the “Old Book” the Bible and let’s learn together what GOD means
    and what HE, Jesus CHRIST, was saying us before 2000 years:
    Be in LOVE together!!!!!!!!!
    For me is that The Missing Peace in this world.The re-connection.
    Dear Michael,
    it was and is a very good idee to think about what’s missing, but it’s better TO FIND This Missing
    Piece: The CHRIST in us.
    Love and Light for You!!!
    Klara from Germany Oct. 12th 1006

  122. The missing piece is spirit, when we are in spirit we have hope and inspiration. We are never alone and we are not focusing on ego. Spirit will guide us on any journey we wish to take.

  123. The missing piece is saying yes. Yes to everything that comes your way. Say yes to life. Even say yes to pain and sorrow for pain and sorrow can be teachers. RESPECT is another missing piece. We can give and recieve respect to all..
    With love to all Elizabeth

  124. This was interesting and quite mind boggleing. But the thing missing in everyone’s life is to actually love life and live it. Along with incorporating christ and the word of christ.

  125. Dear Michael,
    Thank you for asking, your open mind and curiosity give me a sense that you really do care about my answer and those of others.
    I am personally working to uncover the gifts I have not yet discovered, and a way to use them authentically. In conjunction with teaching my children through example, how to see their choices and own them.
    It is my belief that what is missing to many is an unconditional gratitude for one another, for our life and the lessons we learn. I am really trying to remain mindful that each moment is a gift and each person I am in someway connnected with throughout my daily activities is an opportunity given to me.
    Every interaction, and smile, or cross reaction I choose to express, is a gift with a much larger purpose. I have made my more immediate goal to be patient of others, realizing that I can not possibly be aware of their challenges, and maybe sharing a friendly smile may make it a little easier for them.
    My quest has also created an opening for an endeavour to thank people with notes and phone calls more often. I am taking responsibility for my actions and reactions- kind of rudimentry- but I have found that since I have put this thinking in the front of my concious actions- that I have a better sense of myself, and I am filled with peace and gratitude!
    The most interesting part for me is teaching my children this, they have really empowerd them selves, knowing that they have choices, that are for each of them individually to make ( and that this is the way they will govern them selves throughout the rest of their life), no one can “tell them how to” feel about a situation.
    The example I will use is: “he [being an older brother] made me cry because he said I am a bad colourer!”, my response may be now- “well, [7 year old], do you know that you are a “bad colourer”? No?, so perhaps you could choose to not react by crying, and you could ask a question, or change the subject, or say “no I am not, I am 7 and I am doing my personal best- how did you colour when you were 7?” This will likely end the entire blame game and give 7 year old the opportunity to choose her reponse and actions, and the big brother the opportunity to percieve that this is truly a waste of time, and maybe this would be a good point to play with her instead of create an unhappy moment.
    Thank you Kindly for your interset and sharing your quest for life, I will keep in touch.
    Best Regards,

  126. Hi
    I think it is COMMUNICATION. Lack of it.. dont know how it happens, with your own ones leads from one to another loss.. of motivation, inspiration, drive, confidence and what not… making you feel you dont even get LOVE. But wait.. not all is lost. Get back and communicate… some way or other and sure enough, all is got!

  127. and when we come to that realization that there is no seperation, we are in the flow. the flow of divine inspiration where all things are possible and all things are whole and all things are created….

  128. I’m back again…….
    we can have it, we can get it from others, and we can gain it from people we do not even know.

  129. Balance and Compassion
    Two qualities when present that help in my understanding and acceptance of all aspects of human expression including my own.
    At times they escape me especially when I go into critical judgements of myself and others and feel totally out of wack!! Best vibes to put out into the world so as not to cast more dark shadows.
    I have noticed that when I favour one aspect of my personality over another I am sending my predjudices out into the world and they are then reflected back to me.

  130. Michael, I would have to say
    that the missing link in my life and others is learning and finding to still ones mind and look,see, and hear through the minds eye and let the knowledge of all flow thru you and you will be in a place of peace, love,happiness, sharing whether in words or actions the true meaning of life will flow from you, the secret is to be able to be still enough to hold on to this wonderfull gift that is for all of us to receive
    and to teach.

  131. I believe the word is love. I haven’t read posts since I last posted, but I believe the word is love. There is nothing more powerful, whether giving it or receiving it, regardless of the form, love will release you from “quiet desperation”.

  132. I decided to take one more stab at the answer, I’d say that people who are living in quiet desperation, are missing hope – hope that their lives are, were, or could be different.

  133. Hi Michael,I think that most people’s “missing piece” is forgetting CONNECTIVENESS;i.e their connection or connecting to others as I feel that is extremely important for every living being to feel connected and not feel alone.

  134. The thing that is lacking in most people is Intention. Not the kind of Intention that “makes something happen” but the intention that connects with source energy and makes it possible to manifest all of your desires. My experience has been that what ever I lay my focus on, whether it is what I do want or what I don’t want is what manifests in my life. With Intention I can focus what I do want and align with source energy.

  135. uhhh~~… is it “feminity”?
    There are too many love advice articles that are teaching women to PLAY games smarter even than men do … and forget the most potential power that women have, that is … Feminity, i belive~~

  136. This question is generating soul-searching to find a word or words to express the key to emerging out of quiet desperation to a feeling of empowerment and courage.
    Sometimes lifes trials and world problems can seem daunting amd asking from help from the universe can release us from feeling overwhelmed or incapable of the solving the challenges closest to our hearts.
    Giving freely to others opens us up to lfe’s abundnce and we receive inspiration from the kindness and generosity of others.
    Thankyou to everyone sharing these insights.

  137. God given PASSION. Life is nothing without it. Passion for life, family, friends. Being able to make a difference in others lives. Being able to make a difference in this world. Passion is what drives us to make things happen.

  138. “Good” is the missing piece.
    Good is my God.
    God is my health, strength, support, defense. Life, Truth, Love and Substance is God. God is Life, Truth, Love, Spirit, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient. “OM”

  139. Growth; Learning; Wisdom; Patience; Knowledge; Lessons; New Pathways; Belief, Trust.
    I am not ilamarie btw; which is showing they posted my 8:11 instead of me lol (who is ilamarie?) comp glitch here

  140. Connection with nature; self-knowledge; friendship; fellowship; Mission; Passion; Prayer; sense of ‘awe’ with life itself; intuitiveness; stillness; fulfillment; advice; character; church; memory; music 🙂 – excludes people so that isn’t the answer; Time; Sharing; Opportunity

  141. My answer is bliss.
    When I feel completely whole and know that I am one with God and all others in the universe and I love all that is, I am in bliss. Bliss brings total peace with everything.
    Thank you for the opportunity to ponder the answer and read everyone’s thoughts. What an awesome exercise.
    Warmest regards,

  142. Curiousity; Honesty; Wonderment; Answers; Pondering; Spiritual Awakening/learning/growth; fearlessness; Expression; Insightfulness; truth-seeking; wisdom-seeking

  143. Dear Michael,
    Good morning and thank you for your prompt reply to my posting yesterday. The missing piece is “GOD FIRST”. I have a good relationship with God but there are times when I allow the worries and concerns of this world to take hold of my time and what God has blessed me with. It is during such times when I reflect on God’s words like, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his rigteousness, and all these things will be added unto you”, that I come to my senses and ask God for forgiveness. On my desk there is a quotation which reads, ‘PUT GOD IN THE CENTRE OF YOUR LIFE AND EVERYTHING WILL FALL INTO PLACE”.
    I admit that when I learn to do this, immediately I experience the PEACE that GOD promised his children.
    With love and prayers,

  144. AWARENESS AND PRESENCE. I believe when we are present and living in the moment we have an absolute awareness of who we are and of the beauty in and around us. We see and experience the full miracle and magic of life and all that is. All our worries and stresses fall away because in that moment we are alright. Hummingbird

  145. What is missing is our memory of who we really are – soul. We are divine just here for the human experience, but we somehow forgot the simple fact that as a piece of God, we create our own human experience. Remembrance is what’s missing.

  146. It is my belief that the word is “living”. All of everyone’s answers above are embodied in that gift we all enjoy and take for granted – life. The question is, How do we choose to live our lives?. Do we exist merely to mark the days of the calendar with each passing year; or are we engaged and truly embrace what our purpose and passion is in our lives? Do we see each day as the third, fourth day of the week, or do we get up each morning and give gratitude and live for the day?
    If “living” is not the missing piece, I submit, as a runner-up, the word “identity”. With your clue, sometimes other people help us identify who we are. And when we have that unique identity we call our “self” and all its potential, how can one live a life of quiet desperation?
    great day to all,

  147. Dear Dr. Norwood,
    After reviewing the submissions above, I can’t imagine that tne answer is not already there somewhere. But, for the sake of creativity, I’ll try to think “outside of the box”.
    The principle of Occam’s Razor is leading me to envision the complex simplicity of “Star Wars” and George Lucas’ concept of “The Force”.
    As evidenced in the thoughtful comments of this blog, individuals find their way to their particular successes or happiness from perspectives unique to themselves and through utilization of psychological and emotional tools that complete an exclusive connection, for that individual, to their own manifestation of “The Force”.
    Note that Lucas, concept of this ultimate source of energy had a light and a dark side — both apparently equal in strength.
    Once able to tap that incomprehensible power, (no matter what name theye might call it) the connented individual has only to channel his will toward the destiny of his choosing.
    Such fantasy may have some meaningful lessons for our perceptions of reality if we truly are to achieve that in which we coach ourselves to believe.
    Thank you for inspiring so much provocative thought.

  148. Dear Dr. Norwood,
    Perhaps the single word you seek is ADVENTURE, as Thoreau cites in “Walden”
    An attitude that longs for a new adventure will never be bored, never lack the passion to start anew, and never lack the commitment to follow through.
    Adventure can be found in any environment. Various opportunities have led me into many different and seemingly unrelated careers during my life. Sometime the earnings have increased significantly, and sometimes they have evaporated to nearly nothing. But I can honestly say that I have truly enjoyed every job that I ever had, from the intense stress of management to the strain of hard physical labor. There has always been something new that I can learn everyday — even if it’s how something should not be done.
    The human mind is not created to be satisfied with complacency. That is Thoreau’s “quiet desperation”. Seeking adventure wherever you may find yourself has the ability to restore the essence of your human nature and raise you above the doldrums of despair.

  149. To me, INSPIRATION captures all the other answers and differs according to the needs of each individual. When we are in harmony with His divine nature, we share in the insite that created worlds, started humanity, accomplished the work and follows the divine plan. Inspiration gives birth to faith, enthusiasm, purpose, vision, and endurance.

  150. The missing piece you are looking for is called “giving”.
    It is possible to give by not knowing it – by simply pasing something on or sharing with a person who could be in need for that “something”.
    Many differences can be made by just giving! Giving your time to listen especially at the right time.

  151. The missing piece is true humility. If we can tame our ego’s, then we are truly open to allowing God and our fellow man to provide us with what we are searching for. How often do we miss receiving blessings because we are not open to the truth?

  152. What’s missing in most people’s lives is ‘giving’. The pleasure and fulfillment of giving to others is often overlooked.

  153. Upon considering this question one more level deeper. I believe you are referring to “space.”
    I came to this because of my love of working with horses. When one is training an equine the most necessary element for effective training is to give them room to move freely. As strong as they are we cannot hope to win in any physical battle, and given the pressence of pressure they will push or pull in the opposite direction until we provide a release of all pressure and they no longer feel trapped or confined. They will, at that precise point, willingly choose to submit to whatever it is we are trying to teach. This works very well when we are working with people or, for that matter, trying to learn ourselves. The one requirement to make it effective is to allow enough “space” for movement or change to take place and then the pieces fall into place on thier own.

  154. Dear Mike,
    I think the missing piece is “FAITH”, i.e. : to believe that the truth, the good will win and the evil, the bad will lost. Am I right ? May God Bless you, Mike !

  155. Yeah..I really feel desperate these days..as if I am alone in this world..I felt pain in my chest..a heartbreak..I fell like the world is not friendly to me..And when i read your newsletter, I realized…that there is really “one piece lacking” in my life..and that’s the TOTAL SURRENDER OF MY LIFE TO GOD…because all my life..I tried to do it my own..i am boastful..I am stubborn..But GOD is good and HE’s always there to correct me..and others like me..

  156. You know how a door needs two hinges to work properly. If either hinge is missing or broken, it is a great struggle to open the door. For me, one hinge is “forgiveness” and the other is “understanding.” Combined they equal “true unconditional love.” One does not work without the other so in order to open the door to reveal true unconditional love, we must repair and strengthen our door’s hinges. Facing our daily challenges with forgiveness and understanding will repair the hinges allowing us to one day open our door without struggle allowing our hearts to completely fill with true unconditional love.

  157. Hi Michael,
    The missing piece is prayer. I sometimes decide to remain in silent prayer all day. No one knows what I am doing and it benefits me and sends positive vibes out into the world. Whenever during the prayer days my mind wanders which is very frequently I gently remind Get it RE_MIND myself to go to prayer again. I pray for others and for myself and for the planet. Prayer is a way for me to stop and be in the moment and quiet my mind.
    Elizabeth K. Doran

  158. Hi Michael,
    The missing piece is prayer. I sometimes decide to remain in silent prayer all day. No one knows what I am doing and it benefits me and sends positive vibes out into the world. Whenever during the prayer days my mind wanders which is very frequently I gently remind Get it RE_MIND myself to go to prayer again. I pray for others and for myself and for the planet. Prayer is a way for me to stop and be in the moment and quiet my mind.
    Elizabeth K. Doran

  159. dear sir,
    just hope & belief existing of the most powerful one and so seeing the world optimistic. also knowing the our innate and inward personality so knowing that powerful one ruling over the world the most indispensable, therewith hope .
    sincerely yours

  160. Resignation? Is that it?
    Releasing? Letting go of what we feel is right for us and letting the Universe/God guide us? I try to do that more and more, because once we have released our wishes to the Universe it is known, so release our deams and trust the phrase; Ask and you shall receive.
    Serenity? allowing life to guide us; a feeling of deep relaxation which allows our dreams to come true.

  161. The answer is JOY. To delight in the wonder of the smallest of things, the beauty of nature, the smile on a childs, face brings joy to your heart. And guess what? It’s all around you, just open your eyes and look for it….it’s free!!

  162. ACCEPTANCE. My vision is of all standing together hand in hand and that acceptance is felt regardless of anything else. Acceptance that we are all in this world together as one.

  163. Validation.
    We are all searching for being good and right and we feel the need to find just that perfect validation that will give us never ending happiness which doesn’t exist.

  164. OPPORTUNITY…resoundingly and emphatically: seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty, one door shuts and a better one opens; having or developing the ability to recognize every moment and event in our lives, no matter how disappointing, as an opportunity for growth and transformation. setbacks allow us to tap into and discover our true inner strength and potential. ever heard the saying: ‘i’d rather be a strong person than have an easy life’ ?! so if you’re not already doing it get out there and start collecting opportunities…it’s a great past time

  165. It Vision Michael. It’s seeing the dream and then moving and planning toward that goal. When I opened a research center with a group of physicians I knew that I was being steered toward the success of that vision. People came into my life at precisely the right moments and facilitated its success. When I felt stressed or worried, I just prayed, God it’s in your hands, lead me to the right decisions. It hasn’t been easy….but it certainly has been fulfilling.

  166. My voice.
    Sometimes, I lose my voice because I listen to others and forget that mine is unique. When I remember to open my heart so that I can live in harmony with my mind and spirit through love, then I am complete and at peace. I am able to weather the storms of life without fearing I will be pulled in the wrong direction.

  167. I’d have to say what’s missing in many people’s lives is understanding service. Having the heart of a servant magnifies not only other peoples lives but your own as well.
    Wishing you wellness and joy,
    Pam Murphy

  168. What is missing from my live is BELIEVE, believe in myself, others, endless opportunities that life gives everyday. If we do not believe that we deserve respect, love , prosperity, etc. it is not true for us and we are not going to get it.

  169. Acceptance of things that happen to you that you can’t do anything about. Take charge of your life and accept people, life changes and have faith in yourself. I resisted a change- moving from a place I loved, to a place I could afford. I was depressed for a little while, but I began to like my new life and the new friends I made. I accepted that change in my life and poof went the depression and I became a happy, contented person. Once I realized my life was not what I thought it should be, I accepted and it was good and peaceful.

  170. I agree with nahda, perhaps the word you are searching for is communication? What do we have without it? Its impossible to connect without it. All of us have done it with each and every one of all who are reading these posts. Without once even seeing another’s face! Try to live a day without some kind of communication (and I have most definately done this a number of times) and you will find very sad and dark days indeed. We all need to speak, to write, to touch, to smile, to give a look and to receive the same or else we feel lost.

  171. Or perhaps it is the ‘information’ that we communicate to eachother, the message that we send. As a writer, I suspect you would collect a lot of bits of information that you may one day piece together to bring about an answer or stimulate some further questioning which will lead you to further knowledge, of whatever subject. Or is it the ‘knowledge’ that is the answer?!

  172. I posted earlier and said I thought Michael means validation, then didn’t tell what I was thinking…here goes.
    Children brought up in an addictive family have dysfunction all over their lives, they want normal and balance but they haven’t got a clue what those are. They learn very quickly that others can destroy their projects, ideas, vision, dreams, just by doing what they can’t help doing…it really is sad…but these young ones grow up looking for balance and to find someone or the people who can and will make it alright…only there is no such thing. We must each find our own ways and accept and validate our own lives and selves. No one else should have that burden.

  173. The missing piece is compassion, also known as warm heartedness. I recently went to hear the Dali Lama and that is what he also thinks is missing in most people’s lives. He recommended that we begin at an early level to teach our children this most important piece.

    That is what I am learning and what is very hard to do.Living in the moment is what it’s about. I read somewhere it’s like being able to live grounded to the moment, not in the past of “I should of” or the future of “I need to”. Living in the moment makes you act upon the present and the future will take care of itself, along with your past helping you make choices for the moment.

  175. To add to the Mindfulness…
    When you live in the moment, you don’t have that feeling of despiration. It encompasses everthing, from sadness to joy. I can find where I got this later, but I remember a story I read about the negative things people can tell you and it was described as those negative words being thrown in the air hitting nothing, similar to throwing bricks in the air without a target. I shared that with alot of people because I was amused by the image of of an angry person trying to hit something without a real target. An example of mindfulness is knowing that you are not the target, and a pray for the person and listening is the better solution instead of arguing. Living in the moment helps you see the situation for what it is. The situation is just that- a situation…not a problem which causes dispair. Not an easy thing to do!

  176. The missing part for me, is being me. I don’t feel as if I fit here in this world. I know that we are in this world but not of this world, That is how I feel.
    I can’t explain my desire to really please God and how much it hurts to think that I have dissappointed him. I know that he is a forgiving God. That is not the point.
    It is about our very personal and intimate relationship. (The Lord and I)
    The crucifixion is yet very vivid in my mind. I did see the movie the passion. I repented and cried through the whole movie. It is not that I had not repented or that at times I still have to repent;I am sorry the Lord suffered so much for me and at times I yet make very foolish choices,In my humaness.
    He knows all about me and he loves me anyway. I am learning to not be so hard on myself and others. However, I don’t want to lose sight of the price the Lord paid for me to have eternal life.
    I do write and I am struggling to get my book published. “I Fell In Love With Him” it is about my relationship with the Lord. The difficulties that I have encountered amaze me. How could it be so difficult?
    It is and has been a learning experience. That task alone is helping me to stand for what I know about the Lord. I have been challenged in every area of life to hold on to the word of God and not take down.
    I am most comfortable testifying of what the Lord has done for me, in me and through me. I am experiencing what I call my “Banana Season”. I label it as such because the Lord has peeled so much off of me this year alone.
    When peeling a Banana; once you remove the peels from the Banana, you can actually get to the fruit portion and enjoy. I want the Lord to get the Glory out of my life and to enjoy the fact that I am HIS child.
    Which means just being who he has made me to be. ME!

  177. Genuineness, or authenticity perhaps are not missing if we are indeed complete and whole as we are but surely deeply hidden at times.

  178. It doesn’t come by the bullwhip
    It’s not persuaded with your hand on your hips
    Not the company of gunslingers
    The epicenter love is the pendulum swinger
    Emily Saliers
    Pendulum Swinger
    Despite Our Differences

    After talking with a getnleman at a gas station while we were both filling our vehicles with gas, we shared the same thoughts on the price of gas, how I needed to get a vehicle that would cost less for fuel, and how he liked his car for fuel economy. It was just ordinary conversation, however much to my surprise, the gentleman went to pay for his gas just ahead of me. As I got to the counter, the gentleman was just leaving. The gas attendant said that the gentleman that just left paid for my gas!!! It was a full tank, too!
    I ran out, just as he was pulling away and I stopped him and said thank you for paying for my gas!! He said no problem, its “be good to a stranger week!!!” WOW! I said God Bless you…and thanked him again, and I was just gleeming all day! How wonderful he felt so inspired to do a such a generous deed.It gave me so much joy that I was inspired for days to be extra kind to strangers and doing good for others.
    I told everyone about my experience, how thankful I was and how happy it made me. I’m sure it inspired others to do good deeds for others also.

  180. PASSION. The ungh that must get out. That deep hunger inside that drives you when others quit. That inborn quality that was inside Sir Hillary when asked why he climber Mount Everst. His response “It was there.” PASSION The force that makes the cheetah run. The force that makes the gazelle run faster. PASSION That flame that engulfs from inside unless let out to light the world. Despair is caused from not finding the outlet to your passion. A song of quite desperation is sung when that passion goes undung. PASSION

  181. I am not presently living a life of quiet desperation, not any more since I become Aware of My Purpose In Life. Awareness of Being and Knowing Your Purpose seems the be the missing piece in lot of people’s lives. To be aware that fate is in your own hands, that joy and happiness is your making, that life is what you make it and what you want it to be.

  182. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hl7BNWLXWY&mode=related&search=
    For me the missing piece has to be the feeling of divine love from within. I have spent 25 years of my life feeling self-hatred. It has been a battle .. but day by day I am learning to love and accept myself a little more. I have greatly wounded the little girl within me over the years but today she is learning to trust me a wee bit more and together we are beginning to heal. The world is becoming a very beautiful place and together with help from divine helpers we will become all Love wishes for us. Learning to love yourself has to be the greatest love of all. So embrace your inner child and have a beautiful life xxxx

  183. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hl7BNWLXWY&mode=related&search=
    For me the missing piece has to be the feeling of divine love from within. I have spent 25 years of my life feeling self-hatred. It has been a battle .. but day by day I am learning to love and accept myself a little more. I have greatly wounded the little girl within me over the years but today she is learning to trust me a wee bit more and together we are beginning to heal. The world is becoming a very beautiful place and together with help from divine helpers we will become all Love wishes for us. Learning to love yourself has to be the greatest love of all. So embrace your inner child and have a beautiful life xxxx

  184. Inner-Beauty… In a world so totally obsessed with outer appearences, we have forgotten to look at the sum and substance of what truely makes a person beautiful. Be it their kind heart, or giving nature, consideration of others, we don’t see the beautiful glow of their inner-beauty, their soul, the important things that makes them who they really are no matter what their outward appearance look like. If anyone has seen “Ugly Betty” the new series, you would see a not so perfect outer appearance, yet someone who has a certian degree of inner confidence, kindness despite being put down, and a simple inner-beauty that makes her who she is.

  185. NOTHING-nothing is missing, we just think that we are missing all these “things” that make us happy. In two and a half years, I have lost 3 important people in my life; my husband, my father and mother. Yes, they are missing in my life, in my physical life, but they are still with me. I’m working hard at acknowledging that I have have everything, all the time. I just have to “see iet and feel” it, and it will be so. We area co-creators of our lives and what we are “missing” is really there, all the time!!

  186. Good morning all!
    Having just returned from a trip, I haven’t had a chance to read everyone’s missing piece guesses yet – but caught a glimpse of some of the qualities I would have mentioned initially such as passion, trust, truth, purpose, gentle humor and laughter and so on!
    Being a story teller, I do have a story to share, but first I’ll set forth my choices for the missing piece:
    authenticity, integrity of self, compassion, living in the moment. I was never very good at limiting myself to one word but true story tellers seldom put up confining parameters! How could we tell our stories if we did that?
    Last week I travelled from AZ to the east coast and experienced a true “mind glitch” right from the start! I was convinced that my flight left at 6 am. That’s what I just KNEW the reservation person had told me, it was the flight I KNEW I had chosen on purpose- so I timed my arrival at the airport for 4:30 – more than enough time, I thought, to check in, etc. Even though I had the itinerary with me, and even though I had read it dozens of times prior to leaving, I just KNEW my flight left at 6 am. Well,it didn’t, it left at 5 am and I arrived at the airport at 4:34 — 4 minutes after the computer had shut down and would NOT accept any more passengers even those with pre-paid non-refundable tickets!!!!! So I had to fly “stand-by” from then on! – gasp! “stand-by” – good grief – this will ruin my entire day and trip! BUT…it did NOT ruin anything! Fancy that!?
    Thanks to that 4 minute blip – and my mind’s glitch between reality and perceived knowledge — and in spite of having an incredibly long day [getting up at 2:30 am is NOT my idea of a fun way to start the day!]– and in spite of sitting in Tucson watching 3 other flights take off without me, I made it to D-FW airport just in time [and I do mean literally just in time – if that flight had not been delayed I would have missed it, too] to catch the exact flight I was originally supposed to have connected with! If I had been on the first flight, I would have had to sit at Dallas-FW rather than at Tucson so it didn’t really matter!
    After my initial shock and yes a tiny bit of anger at “the system”, I chose to “go with the flow” and live in the now —- much less stressful all around!
    Even allowed me to laugh at myself for being so unable to “see” the flight information clearly! AND!!!!! I met some great people! — it seemed that there were several of us who, for whatever reason, missed that first flight and had to fly standby so there was a kind of informal “stand-by club” for a few hours – lots of good talk, laughter, and fun!
    Additionally, since the flight from D-FW to Philly had been delayed [which was why I made it!] due to bad weather in the Philly area, that leg, which should have been just about 3 hours, was actually almost 5 because we were sent east then north instead of northeast. To top everything off, once I finally got on the shuttle to the hotel [wondering if I was the only one and thus would have to pay an exhorbitant fee], I met 3 others who were attending the same conference I was and we had a ball talking, laughing, getting to know each other– and it was much more cost effective for each of us! So it all worked out well in spite of the initial hiccup!
    Remember that glitches/blips/hiccups really can be fun! — if we ALLOW them to be that way!
    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

  187. I believe the missing piece is simply being a “gift” in all the lives that cross our path. Because to be a gift we must enlighten, encourge, uplift, guide and inspire… I also look for the child in everyone, because if you look for it you will see it, no matter how young or old the person is! Touch a life any life!!!

  188. I think the missing piece is either personal power or IMAGINATION (DREAMS/GOALS/DESIRES), and CREATIVITY!
    It’s something that I know I didn’t allow myself to possess until recently.
    I knew there was something missing in my life, but could’t put my finger on it. I have faith in God. I have a loving marriage and two beautiful kids, but something was still missing.
    Then one day as I was reading a book it hit me. I didn’t dream any more, I didn’t imagine my life any different than it was. I quit believing that I was capable of having anything more than what I had.
    Once I started dreaming again, and imagining my life, planning my life in my day dreams I started creating a different life.
    Once I did that I manifested a new home, a new car, and so many little things that I can’t even tell you them all in this one post.
    So I definitely think the think lacking in most people’s lives is personal power through imagination and creativity.

  189. The Missing Piece is “ME”.
    I recently opened a new business and in order to become successful and profitable, I need to recruit agents. Unfortunately, I been lacking in my duties because I was afraid of being myself. I was afraid of people knowing who I was and who I am.
    I’ve been searching for some direction and help and received it this week. The employee who I deligated the responsibility of recruiting, quit. After thinking about it for two day and praying about it, I realized that God was sending me a message. He was telling me that if I want to succeed with my business, I must be the person who recruits, I must share myself with others, I must become “ME”.
    “ME” is something that I’ve been hiding and running away from for many years. Now is the time for “ME” to step up.
    Thank you Michael for planting the seed for “ME”.

  190. Ok, see I have been dealing with the issue of “lonely”..even though I know it’s an illusion..you still just don’t know what I would give for the simple talk and touch. See my boyfriend, whom I lived with for 10 plus years is a workaholic..and when he is here..let’s just say I am very lonely. Thanks for letting me share. I am grateful today for my health..wisdom..and wishes!

  191. I have been on the internet for aleast 10 years, I think maybe I have committed maybe 4 excluding this blog. I have watched diligently. I love all the People around me, I think they are absolutely beautiful, talented, they truly amaze me. I think finding fault in others is truly an misconception. That is very easy for me. No body and done me any wrong ever not really.
    I have been so caught in the past of right and wrong, expectations of I thought were coming from others Wow it wasnt true. Despite of all that I have a wonderful life, I have a husband, who is very gifted, he indulges himself in anything he does, I have 5 beautiful children 4 girls and 1 boy. I have never worried about money, except when I was young, very young. When raising my children, I invested in things of heart, so they are really beautiful. I know this for a fact, my mother so please when you read this is not monster, just wanting to loved in her own life, She was a good mother, she wanted her children to grow always doing the right thing, and when you did something you do the best job, never leave nothing undone, for some reason she was more diligent with me. My family was separated meaning my mom and dad and 2 brothers and 2 steps sisters for about 20 years. I was removed from my mom mostly by authorities. After 20 years, reconcilation, wow this is really healing for everyone. It started out slow, but now it all coming to full spectrum. I actually have still some guilt and I didn’t realize this until my little brother Charlie got married and my oldest step sister, who didn’t live with but came to visit, I’m sure she didn’t what to expect, I always love her and thought she was so beautiful, she is. Because of the abuse, she back off from me, or at least in my mind she did. It doesn’t help I never try to contact her or Amy, I just figured that if my mom didn’t love they couldn’t either, that wasn’t true. I have become my own person, come to realize my mom truly wanted the best for me. Karrie and I bonded at wedding, and everyone was at peace and one of the reasons was my beautiful children and me and love they seen.
    Your book is a wonderful book, I loved it so. One of the most heart warming books I ever read, tons of infomation at the same time. You could actually go threw it and build a reach search project, it is intergrated with heart so it so much more whole. I gave someone my book, not because If this person truly reads will on reinforce these values he already possesses. I don’t even know him that well, it so strange, its not even logical. I could of gave to alot people, like my husband, his brother, my brother. This person is really really special to me, one of the most special peopleI that has ever come into my life, what I have felt to be true in love, we felt, it shocked me, took me back, I had to take deep look inside. I still can’t explain it, and everyday I am thankful for the experience, so I gave him my book.

  192. Truth. Looking past the facade we put up to protect ourselves (the face we show the world)and seeing the truth or the essence of who we are. We are all spiritual beings who have come here to learn, to love, to feel the sensations of being in physical form. We chose this life, and we make choices every day that effect what we give and get from our life experience. Our truth is the core of who we are, it’s who we were when we arrived here. As we grew, our environment shaped our personalities. We created defenses, and belief systems in order to survive. If we can see that we are more than what our mind limits us to believe, we will remember that we are unlimited. Our only limitations are those we put on ourselves. Read Richard Bach ‘Illusions’, a great reminder of how we create our lives by our thinking.

  193. A few days ago I attempted to post unsuccessfully, and then proclaimed my missing piece of the moment to be about acknowledgement.
    The original post was about
    People need to learn to be receptive – to see the support from others in their lives, to hear the inner voice, to feel the gentle nudge from wings of angels, or to know the forgiveness of God through Christ.
    I don’t remember the rest of what I said, except that if we can suspend logical understanding from time to time, we can live in a state of grace in an ever-expanding consciousness of love.
    If we can be receptive, we can live our lives consistent with our God-given gifts, and our purpose in life.
    We need to be receptive to getting past and transcending our negative conditioning and life experience so we can vibrate in harmony with God’s divine will.
    We also have to have a sense of humor in this all.

  194. I have never written anything online on any blog, so plese bear with me. I read most of the above blogs, and was touched by most.
    You know you sometimes go through things and you are never really “thru” with them.
    I have personally been having a challenging time for the past 16 months or so. Yesterday morning while I was listening to Zig Ziglar in my Automobile Univeristy, I came upon a revealing “piece” that was lacking in my life.
    Last year I was let go from a teaching and managing job at a Karate school from a man that was like a brother to me. We worked together for over 10 years, I won a national award and am one of the best in the country at what I do.
    He basically fired me over the phone because he could not do it in person. I did nothing wrong. He lied and said he could no longer afford to pay me. I would have worked for less, but not nothing.
    I knew all the numbers so he, a man that teaches honesty and integrity was not.
    I had 2 jobs. I work for NYC and had always in my annual performance review been rated superior or outstanding by my supervisors.
    Last year, because of a comment I said that I could have stayed in my position and could have continued to doit standing on my head, caused my supervisors to become annoyed and rated me only as a satisfactory employee.
    By rating me satisfactory, I could not be put up for promotion, nor could I be put up for promotion for at least 3 additional years.
    That satisfactory rating by another man that was like a brother to me, a man that I helped to train to be a better boss at the minimum will cost me upwards of $250,000. during the next 20 years. Money I don’t have.
    Hard work I do.
    My missing piece is coming. I am a peaceful person. I was mad for what these 2 men did to me. I blamed them for a lot of my misfortune, and I had a lot of resentment and anger towards them.
    Yesterday, I forgave them. My missing piece is FORGIVENESS.
    By me forgiving them I cannot blame them for anything. I take responsibilty for my actions.
    It is amazing because I had lunch with someone also who needed to hear about forgiveness.
    “Forgive them for They know not what they do”
    Thank you for letting me write.
    I could write more, but I just realized how long this is.
    May God Continue to Bless and Enrich Your Life.

  195. Sincerity –
    Sincerity in our words, our feelings, our relationships, our desires and self knowledge, and most importantly, sincerity in paying attention and listening to others.
    Thinking about what is missing in my own world, and those around me, I believe we sometimes offer up compliments and pretty words of trendy wisdom without listening or paying attention to the real needs of the person we are attempting to communicate with. I’ve been working on sharing sincere conversation with everyone I come into contact with, even the cashier at the grocery store or the people in line with me, and I have found that it has brought me a sense of peace, contentment, and joy.

  196. From the clues you have given I feel “open interaction” with any being is my missing piece. Just this morning I was feeling great desparation – car problems, plumbing problems. I got on the phone, called the landlord, called my friend (mechanic & landlord), then called my brother-in-law. After all of these conversations (I collected), I no longer felt that desperation & feel inspired to continue reaching out to others to take care of myself.
    Love Always & Forever

  197. Enlightenment. So many people have given me the answers I was searching for without even knowing it! Just in casual conversations.

  198. Duh … maybe this is TOO simple, but it just dawned on me: the one thing that was missing from my life for so long that, when found, made me totally FREE in every way was finding (actually reclaiming) my own IDENTITY.
    I AM who I AM, a unique expression of Divine Love, and when I know that and REMEMBER that each and every moment of my life, there is no one and no thing that can stop me from fulfilling my divine mission.
    In my humble opinion, this intrinsic, sacred knowledge of one’s own spiritual IDENTITY (a knowledge that goes way beyond mere belief) is what opens the floodgates of the waters of Life to each of us personally and fills our cup to overflowing with abundance!
    Humbly and Infinitely Yours in Love
    (You are of Infinite Worth!)
    Sharon Iezzi
    (a.k.a. “Fearless Reader”)

  199. Authenticity
    My happiest, most fulfilled times are when I get to interact with primary school aged kids. For several years, I’d bring tadpoles to certain classes and talk to the kids about them. It was so cool to come back and hear what the kids had to say about watching their tadpoles transform into frogs, and then releasing them back to nature, where they belong. I love children because I can be my authentic self with them and they almost always love me back!

  200. To be more specific – FLOW – that’s whay I’m in when I’m my authentic self and engaged with what I am doing

  201. Is the mising piece freedom? And were you talking about Ellen???
    Free to be, act and speak not because of anyone but because of what is deep inside. A place inside where no other person can see but where you know you hide…

  202. Fearlessness to show who you really are as a unique human being. Feeling secure enough in yourself to not fear people will use your circumstances, experiences, life attributes, lessons, hurts, humiliations, humbleness, shame, embarrasment, against you. For example, in my new job I feel the need to not disclose who I really am, for fear that somehow I will be judged or have to explain myself & defend my life to anyone who makes negative/hurtful comments about me/my life to my face. It takes being secure, feeling confident in your own skin, & filled with self-confidence, and having the life skills to deal with all types of people in case you need to deal with judging/hurtful people who might not be as insightful, caring, loving, as we wish people would be. It is letting go, having the courage to be yourself, to show yourself to others that enables us to truly live honest lives, more joyfully, as we are allowing ourselves to truly BE ourselves. Honestly, sharing with others, while not fearing reprisals & judgements, is living in the moment, and finding a likewise soul who cherishes this honesty coming from someone, is a treasure in itself. Too many people lives their lives hiding in the shadows, afraid they will not be liked/accepted simply because there are so many types of personalities in the world, and many people do not understand the complexities involved with being open, caring, and non-judgemental with others. To accept another soul & allow them to be who they are is a rare treasure we give to others in appreciating them for their honesty & being who they are while having the willingness & freedom to show us who they are honestly. When we receive this gift from others it frees our souls & opens us up to be ourselves more often as we realize we have not had a negative price to pay for allowing others to see our true selves. The hardest part is allowing OurSelves to open up & practice Showing Others who we REALLY are. No masks. Hard to do in so many life facets, i.e. workplace where we are expected to stay mainstream & be more like robots & follow the herd instead of being more sensitive beings & expressing & showing concern for others. Oprah has successfully done this in her career & other areas of her life, while touching people’s hearts with her honesty, and telling others how she survived her abusive past by the hands of others. She is the example the world has come to love. Even though, as human nature is, some do not accept her, she continues on expressing who she is honestly caring for other people & brings forth trust towards her from others, by showing that she is sincere in her words & feelings & is not putting on an act. The sincerity comes through her persona.

  203. It has to be identity. I remember for years always feeling ‘what about me’. I have always been a quiet, shy person and felt no-one loved me, always overlooked, I wasn’t important etc. My parents couldn’t even tell me they loved me – I know they cared but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t until I realised who I am and accepted and appreciated me for who I am that I felt loved and was able to show love. I needed to find my own identity not wishing I was someone else. I am still a quiet, shy person but appreciate who I am now. The problem is my daughter is struggling in the same way & I can’t give her her identity, she has to find it & accept it for herself. I can encourage & have spoken to her about my struggle but at this moment I am the worst person in her life – she feels like no one really cares. It’s because she hasn’t found her IDENTITY. I pray every day that she will.

  204. Sounds like self-acceptance and/or self-worth. Taking your place in the sun…being the child of the universe that you are.
    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” Dr. Seuss

  205. Authenticity-Being true to yourself; acting and communicating in ways that reveal who you really are to people. I think we have all been brought up in a homogenized culture with corporate values, so we all tend to put on a mask each day. But underneath, we each have dynamic ideas and personalities that may contrast with the norm, but are refreshing and needed perspectives. As well, when we act authentically, people begin to trust us, because we are being real, and our environment becomes one of trust.

  206. Your piece today was interesting because my first inclination when you asked for the missing piece was to say light. I believe that we are light beings. The most unique aspect of light is that it cannot be destroyed and cannot be captured. Have you ever tried to capture light in a box? When you try you cannot. As humans we are light inside of our bodies. Some people call that god or soul, it is all the same. It is what you see in someone’s smiling eyes. It is what you feel when you are in the presence of someone else. It is the energy, the vibration, the light that makes up who we are.

  207. whats the mising part of ones life – I beleive people are craving to fill a void in there life it is peace of mind being able to go thru a stom in life and remain at peace and demostrate an internal peace and calmness that it literaly shakes those around you.the story of letting the storm(lifes crisis) go around me but not thru me and remaining calm as i know internal peace is my master in controlling my life amen.

  208. The only word that I can find that is not listed here is expression, self-expression or soul expression to be exact. The divine ability to express your thoughts and desires freely without fear of judgement or rejection. Isn’t that why you are always asking for a story? So that a person can freely express all of their feelings about a life situation so that others can connect and relate and hopefully feel a bit more comfortable in their own skin when they find out they are not alone?
    I was raised to believe that being myself wasn’t good enough. Of course no came right out and said those exact words. They said things like “that’s a stupid idea” “if I wanted your opinion I’d ask for it” “nobody was talking to you” and so on.
    Today, after much spiritual seeking and a 12 step recovery program, I’ve learned to feel comfortable in my skin. I have to allow myself to be open regardless of what you may think of me. It takes continued practice on my part to allow myself to be human.

  209. What is missing in my life, is a true blue relationship with a wealthy soul who is familiar as family. That we are there for one another for all the good and all the bad that comes each day. What’s missing is the love and strong devotion to the preciousness of their being together and totally enjoying them. I have been waiting to be this special person for someone most of my life.Can this be it?

  210. I believe the missing piece is Purpose. Everyone needs to know that they have a reason for being here and something to work towards. If they don’t have a purpose, they live their life just waiting for that last breath, flailing away at life.
    I am a 42 year old female. I grew up in an abused household and carried those scars around until I was 35. Not physical scars, but the scars upon my soul. I lived my life in a state of death. I got into drugs, I was suicidal, depression was my days and nightmares were my nights. I believed the words my abusers said, how I was no good, would never amount to anything. I believed them when they said i was trash and that no one would love me. They stole my soul and betrayed my innocence, but, they were never able to steal my heart. It wasn’t until later on, in life, that I realized God had given me His heart, His love.
    In 1998, at age 35, I was ready to give in. I said goodbye to praying for comfort. I said goodbye to the idea of a God. I said goodbye to ever seeing life come into this dead body. It was then that I met someone. He asked me to go to his church. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I went. I sat there, all angry and hurting. I scorned at the preacher with every word he said. At the end of his sermon he gave an alter call. He motioned me foward and I walked. At 12:59, on June 28, 1998, I gave my heart, God’s heart, back to Him and received His Son, Jesus. I felt the physical weight life off of me. I laid there crying for the next 4 hours. This was 8 years ago. Today, I have gone from abeing a construction worker to a Security Officer. I am taking my Bacheor’s degree in Criminal Justice. I have been given a mission in life. God has a purpose for my life. I am not sure, exactly what it is, but, I have bits and pices of information. The events of September 11, 2001, put a burden on my heart. It gave me a spark to serve. Even though I am 42 years old and have lived the life I did, including drugs, I have plans to get into the field of Counter Terrorism. God might have different plans and that is okay, but until then I press on towards the mark. The only information God has revealed, about what I will do to serve Him, is that it will have something to do with young women who are hurting. I also know that I will save at least one person’s life. What I do know is that whatever God has planned, it will be a mighty mission. Not that there are missions, of God’s that are small, for none of them are, but, I know that what I will do is a huge feat. I also know I will meet the preseident. I don’t know which one, but one of them.
    I wait anxiously to serve God, in whatever He has for me to do. I would not trade any experience I have had, the good or bad.
    What the devil meant for evil, God means for good! Genesis 50:20

  211. Allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable invites such authenticity that all relationships will thrive. I have a very dear friend that, as much as I love her, is a challenge because she is often so guarded in her approach to people. I must carefully choose how I phrase my sentences and which words I use to avoid a hassle. Yet, she does no such thing with me. She knows that I love her unconditionally, but I know that if things get to hard for her, she’ll shut down. I have another dear friend that I can be totally open with, allow myself to be completely vulnerable with, and there will be no judgment from her. Which friend do you think I’d rather be with most of the time? I like being open and vulnerable, approaching life on life’s terms and being undconditionally loved. It seems to me that when one is open, that person is inviting and enticing. It’s an attractive quality that fosters trust.

  212. “Innocence” you cannot have without “Honesty!”
    Firstly, thanks for making me feel part of this wonderful wealthy soul family you have created Micheal, you have done a great job in making people feel part of a bigger picture…
    Now back to me!!!
    When I was 30 I attended a party with much older people. Instead of leaving to find some fun of my own age I choose to sit and listen and find some amazing stories to entertain my night. I sat next to a gentleman of about 50 and we exchanged some idle chit chat until I asked him what he did for a living (you know – same old boring question out of desperation to keep the conversation going or until you find a common ground of interest). He told me who he worked for and that he’d become the CEO! I said: “wow” I know that company – your must be so proud of yourself?” Well the look on his face said it all. He was dumb struck, stupified even confused. I knew, in an instant, he had never thought of asking himself that question nor had he ever even thought of it as a real life achievement. His face finally softened from the shock of being asked such a simple question to “awe” – I will never forget the lesson he taught me about remaining innocent and I hope that one day he used those words to turn the light on in one of his employees or the lives of those close to him…
    The other was very recently. Sitting at the pub with friends, someone was asking me about my religious beliefs. Having great self worth and lots of knowledge I told him that I was a Witch. He had no problem with it at all although he was a Catholic school teacher he thought it was fascinating, but the guy next to him did. He challenged me for 20 minutes before I said ” lets cut through the crap and get to the bottom line?” You are not interested in Witchcraft or my religious beliefs! You want to know why you are so miserable and dissatified with your own life (it was a little more detailed but this is the gist of it) He fessed – I was spot on. I told him to go and play with life, come home after dark, follow your passion and play in the mud if thats where he needed to start. I told him to find his “innocence”, be “honest” with himself and find some “awe” in his life.
    Thanks for the opportunity and I love reading others stories also.

  213. Hello One & All…
    Not sure if I’ve hit the nail on the head so to speak, but to me, my missing piece may just be the one thing many avoid…VULNERABILITY!!! It’s more than just wearing one’s heart on a sleave. It’s more than letting one’s skin bleed. It’s way beyond any personal need. To me it means being all out there no matter what!!! I’ve been there and still continue to be out there no matter what. Many experiences taught me the way, however, I owe the greatest of lessons in how to be truly vulnerable to my Mother. In and through her death I learned the true meaning of living on the outside by exposing the inside. I learned that the many days of the week on our calendars have an extra day called Whenday, and that for some of us we tend to live our days as if we are guaranteed another tomorrow to be and do what we want to…but; Whenday never comes. We are to live now, today and show the world who we really are no matter what. I have found it extremely freeing to just be. It is so relaxing now to be able to truly be in the moment with anyone, I found I can learn more by not talking. I see and hear more by not speaking and am able to give more of my own heart by listening. I haven’t wasted much of my todays…and the reason is because I’am done wasting my yesterdays. Now from this moment on, I have made today the priority of being ME!!! If one does not judge, he will never feel judged. Thank you Michael for the opportunity to express my deepest subject to others…ME!!! It really isn’t about whether I’am right and got it right, because true freedom is the right to be wrong. Good Luck to all who participate. Can’t wait for the next Newsletter.
    Big Smiles Your Way,

  214. I still feel like that little starlost among all the others trying to find my way back home through the crowd. But things are starting to get a bit easier though since I know I am no longer alone and never was.Thank you for all your letters Micheal, they have been a great help to me.
    Many Blessings

  215. Michael,
    The concept is the same, but the application is different for everyone.
    The thing that is missing from those of us living in quiet desperation is the ability for each of us to present our own authentic self.
    Story: I have a friend who lets her authentic self out every day. Her words inspire me, and I aspire to be this way too. She works as a cashier in an upscale grocery store. She tries every day to connect personally and create a “peak” experience for every person who comes through her checkout line. When an elderly person has trouble filling out a check or takes an inordinate amount of time, she mouths “thank you” to the person waiting in line behind her. When she is helping the next person in line, she thanks that person for his/her patience. She says she wants every shopper to walk out feeling better than he/she did before coming into the store. And it works. She is her authentic self, giving her entire attention to each person who comes through her checkout line. People will wait in her lane 10-people deep when other lanes are open, just to experience my friend’s authentic self. This is truly the servant attitude in which the servant receives the gifts that are even greater than those being given.

  216. Hi Dr;
    I just read 3 e-mails of yours dating back from 9-4-06. I have so much to read. That I wanted to try this one out.
    I think the missing piece is “To be YOURSELF”!! Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m not. But I am myself, things aren’t all the time perfect. But I live a simple but, happy, exciting, and doing the best for me and my daughter LIFE!
    Well, tat-tat for now.

  217. REALITY- in who you are; in what you live; in how you treat others; living and acting out what you believe to be the truths in life; letting God be the Director of all aspects of your life without trying to hide any of the reality of who you are from Him or anyone else

  218. Dear Michael,
    Earlier it seemed like ‘kinship’ would be just the right quality to represent what you were referring to in your stories and hints, but perhaps there could be some other words to express almost the same thing. Many others have also expressed a somewhat similar understanding, through what they thought would convey more or less the same meaning, by referring to words and expressions, such as ‘connection’, ‘communication’, ‘sharing’, and like you said, could well have been right, but it wasn’t the exact word you were looking for. It’s quite possible, that human as we are, the same words could well mean somewhat different things to different people and it’s that quality (in a sense), which you could be looking for – that is HUMANNESS (or personhood, both not in the standard dictionary), or maybe even ‘brotherhood’ or ‘camaraderie’, all of them in some way conveying some kind of ‘interdependent relationship’.
    However, your latest newsletter now seems to convey to me a somewhat different quality, which could once again be either ‘openness’, ‘frankness’, ‘candidness’, ‘unpretentiousness’, or some other word with quite similar meaning.
    The best part of this wonderful exchange is the ‘genuine kinship’ which so many of this wonderful group are most ‘frankly’, ‘openly’ and ‘candidly’ ‘sharing’, with total ‘humanness’ and ‘camaredrie’, without the slightest ‘unpretentiousness’. Its truly a beautiful spirit which we are witnessing here, with many of those qualities being actually demonstrated.
    If any of these are the right words and need to be better explained through a personal story I am sure there could be so many beautiful stories which this great group would be happy to share that we could may be have a series of webinars (which could be arranged by this poster) for people to actually verbally tell their stories.

  219. Sorry again, ‘without the slightest unpretentiousness’ should have actually read as ‘without the slightest pretentiousness’. ‘Humanness’ is what it all comes down to.

  220. If you would ponder on just 5 verses of the bible, and understand them, you will be enlightened enough to replicate Christ. They are:
    1: Let us make man in our likeness and image.
    2:Let us give man dominion over all.
    3: viewing all, He called it good.
    4: Let everything produce after its’ own kind.
    5: Then God placed all things before man to see what he would call them. And whatever he called them, it was so.
    Zillions of books, lectures, and religions have be written, heard, etc attemptint to understand what was just given to you. We are God, expressing as you now are. But we are not expressing the fullness of what we trully are – Spirit. It was wisely said: “Man know thyself”. Namaste. frank

  221. Authenticity
    “Set alone in an open room the small, but pure berry tree shadows out its form.”
    I wrote this when I was in sixth grade. The meaning: Without the influences of others, we can be our authentic self. It is amazing what I knew then and still has been fighting all my life . . . to be “me”.
    Authenticity is something I have been struggling to reveal in all avenues of my life, as I am sure so many others have been trying to do. I guess the first question all of us have to ask ourselves is “who am I?” I think all of us can state a few things about ourselves, but the influences of outside opinions definitely play a role in our belief about who we think we are.
    I came from a family of nine children. As I was growing up, my brothers and sisters all had an influence in whom I thought I was. Unfortunately, kids can be cruel and their words and opinions had an affect on my self-esteem and altered the image I had of myself. Instead of believing in myself, I believed the words that were feed to me . . .”You’re stupid, unimportant, you’re uncoordinated, unlovable, etc.” to be true. These messages got in the way of knowing my true self. How could I possibly be “myself” when I believed what others thought of me? It has been years since I moved from my family’s home and finally been able to look at myself through my own eyes. I am far more than they ever gave me credit for.
    I have finally emerged from my cocoon and am learning to spread my wings into the person I truly am.

  222. “Set alone in an open room the small, but pure berry tree shadows out its form.” I wrote this when I was in sixth grade. The meaning: Without the influences of others, we can be our authentic self. It is amazing what I knew then and still has been fighting all my life . . . to be “me”.
    Authenticity is something I have been struggling to reveal in all avenues of my life, as I am sure so many others have been trying to do. I guess the first question all of us have to ask ourselves is “who am I?” I think all of us can state a few things about ourselves, but the influences of outside opinions definitely play a role in our belief about who we think we are.
    I came from a family of nine children. As I was growing up my brothers and sisters all had an influence in whom I thought I was. Unfortunately, kids can be cruel and their words and opinions had an affect on my self esteem and the image I had of myself. Instead of believing in myself, I believed the words that were feed to me . . .”You’re stupid, unimportant, you’re uncoordinated, unlovable, etc.” to be true. These messages got in the way of knowing my true self. How could I possibly be “myself” when I believed what others thought of me? It has been years since I moved from my family’s home and finally been able to look at myself through my own eyes. I am far more than they ever gave me credit for.
    I have finally emerged from my cocoon and am learning to spread my wings into the person I truly am.

  223. Hi Michael… I would also like to extend a heart felt hello to all of the people on this blog. It’s great to read the experience you’ve all had throughout your lives. It does bring home the point that we are all here for the same reason, to learn and grow through our experiences, be they painful or happy. Most of the times the greatest grow comes from the painful things that happens to us in our lives.
    To answer the question you asked Michael, the one missing peace in the puzzle of our lives is believeth. The knowingness that’s deep inside of our self, that no matter what happens we can overcome it. When you have this kind of believeth in yourself it shines through, it everyone around know that there only one person’s opinion that matter to you, it’s your own. It allow’s you to relax and be who you are, there’s no EGO involved at all, put peace and contentment shining out from the very core of who you are.
    I know what you mean when you said that this was missing even when you were at the high of your Holistic career. I know because when I was at the top of my career in selling I was still not happy inside. It took a lot of work to feed my EGO, that’s what keep me going. I was always scared that someone was going to come along and knock me of the top. I was afraid that people would see through me and know that I didn’t believe in myself as much as I was letting on. There was a lot of wasted energy and time on trying to control everything and everyone around me, things I missed and times I can’t get back. I’m still in the same career, but there was a real low point my life and career after my wife and I divorced. It’s taken a few years of soul searching and growing to find and nurture that believeth within myself. I now look at life through much more understanding eyes, I know things will work out and my life has more meaning now
    Thank you Michael for the insights that your books brought into my life and for the sharing of all the wonderful people on this blog.
    Peace, Love & Happiness

  224. My missing peace ( not a miss spelling). Sometimes it is just peace of mind, or peace and quiet, or a piece of my heart, (my youngest daughter has it with her. Tucked under her angel wing) some times it is just the peace in knowing what I want and understanding it might hurt someone to do what I want or need to do for me, but instead I hold back too long to keep from hurting someone else and then I can’t hold it back any more. Then I have broken the peace. That makes me sad! However, when I see the sunrise, I feel renewed and when I see the smiles in my granddaughter’s eyes, I have peace again in my heart and in the future for mankind…

  225. its funny that so many of us are looking for a purpose in life, and yet LIFE IS OUR PURPOSE we waste alot of time wondring what the purpose of life is… TO LIVE as simple as that, if life is all about what we want then what a very selfish place the world will become ,
    As far as being filled with LOVE , love is not the word i would use , i think having respect for others is more the go.
    I think for me at the moment being honest with myself and getting past mental blockage’s is the thing, for example if i put things off because i think somehow they are going to be difficult then it just builds pressure in my subconcious, and when i finally complete what i have put off it gives such a feeling of relief.
    I find the other thing is not to think to much, i find the more books i read about improving myself or geting intouch with your emotions the more depressed i feel, BUT THATS JUST ME, KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID .. K>I>S>S>..
    Enjoy every day as it could be your last 🙂

  226. The “missing piece” is acceptance of self. Being yourself at all times. The world is moving at such a fast pace and we are forever trying to keep up and conform to the world. We have forgotten how to be ourselves because we are trying to be like the next guy to be ‘something’ and be liked. I have had the opportunity to live with different cultures and each time you change your ways a little to conform to the society and at the end of it all you wonder what you have become.

  227. Transparency is a word I used as I shared my tears and frustrations with the teachers I work with last week when my mom fell and broke her shoulder. I told them some may not be comfortable with it and I could tell by their inability to communicate any respnse to me, that it was true for most. The masks we wear for protection keep us from seeing ourselves and others in the true light of God’s wholeness. That’s what you and the others here do in all of these blogs…what a funny name. OR are these still just attempts to realize the masks that we still wear.

  228. authenticity.
    gratitude, gratefulness for life in each moment; thus generating joy.
    this was mistakenly posted to someone named ‘Tina’.
    it actually was posted by me-Gale; however, one mind, one thought–all thought is mine and all my thoughts are everyone’s

  229. Maybe the word you are looking for is compassion? I think there have been so many amazing and heartfelt answers. Acting and thinking compassionately encompasses many of the comments already presented.

  230. I have been recieving Dr. Norwood’s letters for several months now and this will be my first time posting. I can’t guess what the missing piece is…but it is something I have been searching for many years now. Maybe it is the ability to accept myself for who I am, or maybe it is the ability for each of us to express our true and real feelings. I am not sure but eager to find out. I just wanted to share a bit of ‘grief’ about myself, I have been trying to heal from a tragedy for 13+ years now. When I was 22, I lost my husband of 4 years and my 2 year old son in a horrible car accident. The shock of the event is something I doubt I ever get over. I was left a widow and mother of my 9 month old daughter. My life has never been the same. I denied my grief for many years, I did any and everything to hide the fact of my loss, whatever it took to keep the reality of my situation hidden was my main objective. After 5 years, I finally accepted that half of my family was gone and I begin to move forward with my life. I remarried and in 99′ was blessed with another son, who is now 7 years old. My surviving daughter is 14. As I have tried to put behind the trauma I suffered in 93′ with the loss of my husband and son, I still find myself hurting. It is a pain so great that I don’t know if I will ever be able to fully heal from it. Since their deaths, I have lost my mother (and best friend), my sister-in-law, my aunt, and an uncle. I have very little remaining family alive. My father passed when I was 15, I have no living grandparents, my father’s side of the family disowned my sisters and mom at the time of my father’s passing so I have no contact with those living relatives. I have 2 sisters, one who sadly chose a life of drugs over her family, and a younger brother. There are many wounds left unhealed amongst us. It seems as if tragedy has followed me my whole life, and though blessed with a wonderful family now, I still suffer great bouts of depression. It seems as if something is missing, an emptiness that can’t be filled. I want so much to heal from all the hurts and sorrow of my past, to be able to look ahead with joy and happiness, but somehow it is just always outside my grasp. Maybe it is the missing piece that I still can not find that holds me back from true hope and contentment. I walk forward and smile though the tears are never far from the surface. I love my husband and children with all my heart. It is just my heart has so many deep wounds it hurts. I do have hope that one day my heart will no longer hurt and my days will be filled with true happiness. The memories will remain but only the good ones that bring joy upon recalling. I just wanted to share this with you. To let you know that eventhough my life has been filled with tragedy and sadness, I have had many blessings and I still can look ahead and have hope. God Bless, Nikaian

  231. As I read Nikaian’s note, I am touched by her ability to be so open. The fact that you decided to write and share your pain is very brave. I have just recently read a book called “Ask and it is Given”. It is basically about the Natural Law of Attraction and how what we most often think about continues to come into our lives – what works and what doesn’t work. You may wish to read. I have found it helpful.
    Another source could be a program called Think Right Now CD’s to help change your thinking. There is one called I am Healed Now. These are resources that I use on my path of growth to become more TRANSPARENT and REAL. I realized I was more excited about being the first to get the right answer than finding out what the answer was and then I stopped. I look forward to knowing but I no longer have to be the person who provides the answer.
    The ongoing journey I seem to have is: that “not being good enough feeling.” It is so powerful that I struggle to invite deal wonderful friends into my home because I don’t measure up in my own mind. They are both loving, giving, beautiful people. The positive energy we share is incredible; and I get together with them as much as I can as long as it’s not in my home.
    Thank you for letting me share. I know what I need to work on. The goal is to find the path that works.

  232. Giving of Oneself
    I find that each time – I have decided to willingly and lovingly fill the need of another person – without expecting anything in return, that I am in the richly blessed by the experience, sometimes the blessing may materialize immediately at other times, it may take a little longer.
    I quote Zig Ziglar who says that ‘You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.’
    Any one who has been a student before – would know that – from time to time, student run out of money and food – most of the time, parents, guardians, and loved ones – quickly respond – by putting monies in our bank accounts – or giving other gifts or food items – that could meet our needs. However there are sometimes they may not be in a position to do so – it is in times like this, am referring to.
    It was a lovely weekend, and I received a call from a friend of mine, who I had not seen in ages, requesting I help him cook a meal – I gladly obliged – to go to his house – we go shopping – he goes off to work – and I into the kitchen – I cook a large pot of tomato sauce and big pot of rice – as my friend returns – he not only gives me permission to take away some of the cooked food – in a bowl – he also gave me a little money in appreciation.
    I was deeply touched –and really moved – without my asking – without my mentioning – he had graciously come to my aid. This is just one of some many instances –where I discovered that helping another – is one way of helping oneself without realizing it. Each day – as I wake, I find myself seeking for who I will help – a kind smile, a wave – a part on the bag – an encouraging word and compliment – have done so much more for me – than the person – who it was intended for.

  233. Blessings!! I have many but I would like to tell you about my one. God gave me a special son. He is 28 but has the mind of a child. He helps me, keeps me company and we go every where together. Some call him my shadow. I cannot imagine life with out him, he is such a joy.This is one of my greatest beessings! Thank the Lord. We especially love going to Church together. I used to say why, but now I know.

  234. When I get up in the morning, I make coffee and go outside with my cats and dog. I sit down and breath in the fresh cool air, and think how lucky I am to be alive today, and how today like every other day is going to be a great one. No matter what goes wrong, or what goes right I got up this morning and was given another chance to make a difference to someone. You see I am 44, when I was 17 my Mother died from Breast cancer, In August 2001 I lost my father to heart desease, In January of 2005 I lost my Stepmother to Cancer. I am so thankful, My husband, Son, and Self are healthy and happy. I know death and am not ready for it, but realize it can happen anytime. You need to live every day to its fullist, because you never know. Happiness for life belongs to everyone.

  235. What you can do to others and others can dot o you without even knowing that you are doing it is
    to communicate. You are communicating to us as much as we are communicating to you and with you and also to whoever is reading what we say. Everybody communicates, consciously or unconsciously throught heir language and behaviour. What is missing is good communication, interpretation and understanding.

  236. What most of us are missing is self-reliance. We spend so much time looking for answers outside of ourselves and waiting for things to happen, or for others to do for us that we find only frustration. We can have anything we want if we rely on our own power to provide for and care for ourselves.

  237. Sometimes I feel that I need a helping hand in my life because the challenges can be multiple and complicated and a little overwhelmng.
    Sometimes I find comfort by simply calling out ‘Help Me!” to the ethers. I guess it is a simple prayer!
    It is often uncanny how emotional and spiritual support can emerge from one’s surroundings in some way, sometimes simply from changing one’s perspective by lookking out at the horizon, or by going for a walk in a park, phoning a friend or rrelative, doing some gardening or having a swim.
    If I see something unjust or unfortunate on television or in a story on the radio I sometimes hear myself say out loud ‘ For Heaven’s sake..what is going on?” Probably others feel similar empathy?
    To help deal with big challenges, , even though I am a grown woman, I sometimes imagine I am a little girl reaching up and holding the hand of a wise guide who I Imagaine is walking beside me reaching down and leading me through life’s obstacles.
    Acceptance and acknowledgement of my part and responsibility in the grand design which is upfolding moment by morment, even though the overall outcome is not known, is a form of faith that whatever happens I am enfolded in the infinite and, I trust, will fulfill a purpose.
    I attempt to conduct myself ethically and honestly, as best I can, open to learn through study, feedback and guidance.
    Every day more is learnt about how to cope with, and do justice to, the opportunity to have human life on this earth.
    Sometimes I feel that the Creative Energy has a great sense of humour as the way life pans out can seem like a comedy script. Sometimes it is hilarious and lght, other times it is more of a black tragi-comedy. We have the saying ‘You wouldn’t read about it’ to descibe seemingly unbelievable occurrences or sets of drastic, horrible, weird or wonderful circumstances.
    Nevertheless seeing the humorous or funny side of a scenario, even though very dark, can immediately relieve the pressure of a situatiion. That paradigm shift of attitude can bring relief and relaxation that, even though things may be very serious, they will pass and we’ll be able to say ‘all is good’, when looking back at one’s life’s history as a whole.
    As human beings we admire and honour wisdom, honesty, humility, intelligence, common sense, openness, caring, sincerity, reliability, fairness, consistency, resilience, diligence, justice, kindness and generosity…. qualities whcih soothe and calm the circumstances whcih can cause people to feel victimised, endangered, fooled, manipulated, angry, discriminated against, impoverished, un-cared for, trapped or exploited, perhaps in unfortunate situations whcih can be brought about by one’s relationship to, and presence in, human society and by our location on earth by birth or by choice.
    Let’s trust that our collective futures are in good hands, whether human or divine, as this will inspire confidence and positivity.

  238. It’s very simple, the thing that we all need to be able to face anything and avoid living a life of quiet desperation is…..the right attitude. For obvious reasons, and there are so so many examples of the right attitude from the beginning of time right up until today. To begin with Jesus Christ, the son of God. I wonder, did He really know all He would have to face, scorn, beating, and crucifixion, even at the end, hanging on that horrible cross, and to the very end, all He did was speak life. The same it is in our lives, when we choose life, and the right attitude in life, we can overcome anything, if you take the time to read various biographies of great men, every single one of them had to face incredible challenges, but they persevered, and not because of anything else but their extraordinary attitude. Examples, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, Lance Armstrong, on, and on, and then there’s me. Well, I have faced many things, but through it all, I have determined to choose the right attitude. I will choose love over hate, peace over war, wisdom over stupidity, courage over fear, and joy over sadness. Now, I know we are only just human, and that noone is perfect, but I can choose to see the good in things, the “lesson” to be learned, and the wisdom to be “found”. With the right attitude I have hope, I put fear behind me, and I press on knowing that whatever it is that I have to face, 1) with God, I am never alone, and 2) this too will pass and 3) last but not least, faith grows with every challenge, and brings us closer to God. So, for all of you out there, never give up, seek knowledge, because true knowledge, the truth (the word of God) will set you free!

  239. At the beginning of the year our priest spoke about Jesus, the prince of peace. He posed the question: “How was it possible for Jesus to always be at peace?”
    The answer he gave was that Jesus remained true unto Himself.
    It struck me then that only when we are true to ourselves can we be truelly free and at peace.
    I know that when I am too afraid to speak out what I truelly believe, I experience this quiet desperation and I lose my inner peace. It could be anything from not disagreeing with what I believe to be wrong to keeping quiet in the face of injustices.
    Jesus was never afraid to be different, to be misunderstood, to be rejected etc., for what He believed, and therefore He could be at peace with Himself. The missing piece:

  240. What lacks among every human being is the courage to accept the fact the we are all weak and we need people to help us and share our experiences with. This non-acceptance in turn makes us be more closed and frigid which makes us afraid to share our own experiences to others.

  241. why don’t these comments apply correctly to the person who wrote them? these are gale’s
    again – revealing your true self; authenticity, as i mentioned
    maybe this comment will be received correctly….

  242. AUTHENTICITY– having the courage to be and express exactly who we are at all times. To be authentic and unpretensish reveals the devine beauty of our souls.

  243. When you are at peace, you will find your missing piece.
    How would you know. At the very present moment, what you do is blissfull, happy and joy.
    There is no struggle but desire to complete everything you touch with love

  244. Well, Michael, reading your account of the audition, that young girl sounds so REAL. Her singing obviously demonstrated her ‘realness’ too; her pure, raw energy that reflected what the ‘veteran ‘lifers’ – Mr. Cowell et al – have lost, in the abraseviness of the world.
    I’m going to see my family, including my grandchildren, this week and I’m soooo looking forward to being with them. Their wholeness and unspoilt innocence and playfulness is a joy! Gets me playing again!
    So, t’ra for the moment. Have a great week, All.

  245. You’ve been driving me crazy with curiosity. I thought I knew the anser – similar to others, and since they didn’t win, I guessed my answers were wrong.
    As I read about Kelly Pickler I cried and can’t stop. I’m not even thinking of what the answer is, I just have to write to stop the tears.
    It’s about it being her destiny, her reason for being, existing, she can’t NOT sing…it is what she is…it’s bigger than her… the human self.
    I cry because I see I HAVE TO DO IT! IT’S TIME! I am supported by my Creator, my invisible team of helpers…and the best thing is it gives me and everyone else JOY, inspires and empowers all … the giver and the receiver.
    Thank you for this story.
    Who is Ms. Pickler? Did she do well? I don’t have a TV so I dont’ know if it’s old news or the beginning of a new contest.
    Thank you for all you do, Doc, you are and offer the medicine that heals our souls.
    Spiritual Electrician
    Reaching into people’s hearts to turn their light on!

  246. Michael,
    The only word I can think of right now is “exposed”. This young girl exposed her true self in front of God and everyone. I have found that we go through life thinking we have to do something because we “think” we should, or be something because others say we are good at it. I have found that sometimes it is very difficult to expose my true self to others and strangers because they might not like the “real” me. This young girl demonstrated that exposing her true self to others made her not only lovable, but a real winner.

  247. I am enjoying reading these posts.
    Today October 17th is a very special day. It is a day when people from around the world will be focusing their positive thoughts for love and healing. An ultraviolet pulse beam will be radiating from higher dimensions and will cross paths with the earth
    (See http://www.megaHRgroups.com Elizabeth Tobin’s website)
    This pulse beam corrosponds with the heart chakra.
    My daughter who is thirteen has been having some trouble with her dad. He has been saying some terrible things to her which stem from his own fears. What I want to share with you is what she said to me between her tears. She said “I know why Possum (a dog who died of old age) lived so long” I asked her why and she said because she was so loved, if someone is really loved they will live a long time. I think that says it all. My beautiful daughter has the most amazing spirit of anyone I have ever met. She is so upbeat no matter what struggles she has been through. She is able to remain herself and remain loving. She knows who she is and when people are mean to her it makes her more compassionate. I am sending love to her dad today because he seems to have lost his way. I really believe in the power of the light and some special people like Kelly Pickle are born to bring the light to the rest of us. My own child is one such person. She goes around spreading love and joy and that is what is important. For me nothing is missing but so often I forget that. I encourage everyone to join together on this day (October 17,2006) to think positive thoughts and send thoughts of love out to the universe it will make a difference.
    love and peace to all

  248. I think the missing piece is often HOPE. It’s so easy to loose it but just as easy to get it back again. I was feeling a little overwhelmed yesterday. I’m a single mom with very high expectations for myself and my kids. I want to give them the very best. But some days I just don’t have the energy to give them the attention they require, to make a healthy dinner we all sit down to eat, to play, sing songs and read a story. Somes days I just don’t want to do anything. I don’t want to go it alone forever, I had lost hope…But reading your emails gave me hope that something better just may be around the corner. And that I don,t have to be perfect all the time. Thanks

  249. I remember Kelly Pickler from American Idol and she was impressive with being her genuine self…..she was “real” not fake and she was enchanting as well as anointed. I recall the song that Sammy Davis Jr. sang many years ago: “I gotta be me” and it goes like this –
    Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong
    Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
    I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me
    What else can I be but what I am
    I want to live, not merely survive
    And I won’t give up this dream
    Of life that keeps me alive
    I gotta be me, I gotta be me
    The dream that I see makes me what I am
    That far-away prize, a world of success
    Is waiting for me if I heed the call
    I won’t settle down, won’t settle for less
    As long as there’s a chance that I can have it all
    I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be
    I can’t be right for somebody else
    If I’m not right for me
    I gotta be free, I’ve gotta be free
    Daring to try, to do it or die
    I’ve gotta be me
    I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be
    I can’t be right for somebody else
    If I’m not right for me
    I gotta be free, I just gotta be free
    Daring to try, to do it or die
    I gotta be me

  250. When Kelly Pickler points to herself and laughs, ‘Pickler. Pick Pickler. Pick Me!’, she is providing the most important missing piece. She has made her request before Universal Law, a call to action, she ASKS to be chosen. It is important that each of us make our request or call to action, or “ASK and ye shall receive.” Sometimes we go about wishing and hoping, yearning for those things near and dear to our hearts. This is not the same as ASKING or requesting a stated action to occur. Though it may be daunting or intimidating at times personally to my husband and I in our real estate business, we ASK for the listing and don’t beat around the bush. They key is to putting forth the “request” or “call to action” is to be prepared to accept it. We must be able to receive as well as to give.

  251. There were so many great answers to this question. Certainly a spiritual relationship is needed in every life. But the story of Ms. Pickler as so many stated, seems to me is that she was Ms. Pickler. Win lose or draw she was going to do it as Ms. Pickler. Humbleness also is needful. But goodness is not an act or action its a state of being.

  252. The word is emotion. A lot of us have pent up emotion, and are afraid to let it out, to be transparent and let others know what we are feeling and thinking. I like the script about Kellie.

  253. I still am not sure what the word is but the story of kelly makes me think sincerity.I did not watch every american idol but I did follow it when she was on and I rooted for her the whole way I have spent my life searching to over come wall I put up as a kid and it is when I am doing something I have a love for that I forget all that and true joy ahines through That is when I feel that I am sinecerely being my self

  254. I believe what is missing is Honesty, Innocense and faith. Just believe, be innocent and honest. Be true to yourself. Believe in yourself.

  255. That young girl was completely HERSELF! She wore her heart and soul on the outside for everybody to see and knew that in being herself she was a COMPLETE and UNIQUE human being with so much to share.

  256. Enthusiasm. Go through life with enthusiasm for yourself and others. Honesty. Be honest about who you are and what you do. Integrity. Be sincere and be genuine. Appreciation. Appreciate what you have, who you are, others and the ‘universe’.
    Live without regret.
    Give without remembering, receive without forgetting.

  257. Funny at first I thought the singer was Barbara! What a nice surprize your story was. She was in total alignment with her purpose and she was genuine , authentic self and she totally believed in herself. He being so authentic was what touched their hearts. There are many talented people she was different. She was confident enough to keep her name, make a little joke about it and then was truly humble about all they said to her. Her tears were of genuine gratitude for the acknowledgement of her talent, her gift. They were an authentic expression……as was her talent.
    She was just being herself, humble, yet totally living her truth and acting out her passion.

  258. The missing piece:
    FOR US –

  259. Kellie has the ability to laugh at herself and to be open and honest about who she is with no guile. She is completely “real” and lives in the moment. Her actions show a girl willing to be vulnerable and live without fear of how the judges might perceive her. Her attitude is “this is me” and I don’t need to hide the true me behind a fake persona to look sophisticated or hip or whatever. We loved her because she hasn’t lost her childlike innocence. She still trusts that the world is going to respond to her as kindly as she does to it. She follows The Golden Rule.

  260. the girl believes in herself. the outer world – judges can not make her insecure about her desire and passion for singing.

  261. Dreaming – so many have given up on their dreams. If you ask, many people could not even tell you what their dream(s) are. So, first is the ability to dream, then figuring out what your dream is, then, of course, working toward achievement of that dream which incorporates most everything that has been posted here.

  262. Now that I’ve read the question… & I might have two names here (Ila and Stella)…At first I said “Good” was missing. I meant that naming our good (whatever we want) is the first thing to getting it. Now about the story, Kellie knows per passion and has support. She knows her stuff and has a gimmick for being chosen. Her uniqueness is in her AUDACITY!! She trusted herself enough to be seen and heard, to take a chance and fully participate! She was AUTHENTIC. Go Girl!
    I also liked Chika’s “Divinity Within” answer, 10/11/7am
    Personally, I have trouble by “playing it small.” It’s easier to be in quiet desperation than get out and do something spectacular. I get to blame others when I volunteer too much and don’t have time for myself. Victim doesn’t really suit me.

  263. In the Story you told about the young singer on American Idol,Ms. Pickler displays what we all need to tap into more: Our honest, true self and passion. With poise and passion Ms. Pickler believes in her Love for singing. She is confident in her belief in herself when she says, “Pickler, Pick me!” We See and feel her Love and passion for singing. we are taken while witnessing her modesty in ‘never singing in front of other people.’ We all have those few areas of our lives that we have passion and power brimming, bursting to come out and let our true God Self experience the world and have the world experience this innate gift. Who are we to keep it from the world? Yet most of us are Quietly Desparate to live our passions to or the fullest because of societal or familial false constraints.
    What’s missing, my friends, is being my/your Passionate power to the world so that we can ALL recognize and remember what we all came here to do: To touch our own hearts and the hearts of all Every Day with these Moments of LOVE, Passion and Power.

  264. Hello Michael…
    …I think after sharing todays Newsletter about Kellie Pickler I have a sense that your leaning towards the “it” factor some have and some have not. And that when we truly are ourselves then that “it” factor is all one sees in us!? A form of innocence I think shows through us. We don’t know we got “it” but others do. Should be quite interesting to find out (eventually) that were all correct in one way or another. Maybe it’s just alittle bit of it all. Were all different yet the same kind of a thing. Thanks again for something unique to participate in and share with others, it’s been a good experience.
    Thanks For The Joy,

  265. She was genuine, sweet, humble, courageous, and willing to be vulnerable, yet slightly confident. She was real/authentic.

  266. Kellie acted on the decision to enter the contest and demonstrated her unique natural talent and personality, bravely overcoming her modesty, striking a harmonious chord with her audience through her charm and sincere performance as she displayed her gifts.

  267. Authentic; Genuine; Humble
    These are words that come to mind as I think of Kellie Pickler. BEfore you named her, she is who I had in my mind you were talking about. She never tried to be anyone but who she is!

  268. Kelli Pickler believed in herself enough to overcome her fears. She followed her passion to sing and sang her heart out. The other thing that Ms. Pickler did was take the obvious hurdles and stumbling blocks and turn them into steps up. She turned her audience to her side by being positive and making lemonade out of life’s lemons.

  269. I believe that we are just all supposed to be the people that God created us to be; to feel good about US; to be able to say, “I’m proud of who I am.”

  270. PASSION.

  271. we must never lose our childlike nature and sense of wonder so that we cease to live ‘lives of quiet desperation’. we should be our real, natural self wherever, whenever and whomever we are with;
    be naturally good. i may be wrong
    but it was probably Einstein who said that we should trade our intelligence for bewilderment. but
    this could be another thing. enjoy!

  272. PASSION! I believe it what drives many to do their best in their chosen endeavor, to over-achieve beyond what was expected. PASSION came out once in my mind as I see my life where it is right now, the missing piece for the feelings of being monotonous in life, being complacent and at times off-guard.

  273. I just realized what the ‘missing piece’ is for me: many magical moments happen when we share what’s really going on behind our everyday masks.
    When we share our inner world a bit, our vulnerable parts, our struggles – without shame- people usually appreciate seeing our humanity.
    We’re usually striving to be
    in control, composed, confident and all of that good stuff. But if we’re not feeling that way then SHARING our inner experience (without being ashamed of it) can bring us closer to those we share with…and closer to success!

  274. Hi Mike !
    The missing piece in my life is POWER ! Yes, I now lost my POWER that I have when I am a single fighter ! How can I get my POWER back, therefore my husband will listen to me more than to his children (grown ups 30 years old and more) ? How can I get my POWER back, therefore it’s my decision which will be done about using my money (no more lending money to them, who are never pay back, only give some money to help !) ? How can I get my POWER back to refuse my step children’s persuations ? Thank you very much for sharing the beautiful story, Mike ! May God Bless you !

  275. Dear Mike,
    Thank you for sharing the story about miss Pickler ! The missing piece in my life is POWER ! Power to make my husband listen to me more than to his children,power to use my money as I wish, power to refuse my step children (grown ups 30 years old and older)asking and borrowing my money (they all have debt from us but never pay back !), power to only give them some money to help them, power to refuse their persuasions (with tears and angers), etc. Am I right, Mike ? Could you please tell me, how can I get my POWER back without losing my husband’s love ? May God Bless you, Mike !

  276. Is it confidence in general that you speak of?
    Or is it the confidence to express your feelings and emotions to others just because you feel they will ridicule you or would not consider them important enough to be expressed or heard?

  277. In this feverish paced world, sometimes we do not have time to stop and smell the roses! In the corporate world, we become who we are not! Events “recreate us”, sacrifices and hardships destroy a part of us.Hurtful and destructive relationships make us put masks and makes us very cautious with future relationships. In other words, as we live each day we turn into persons we are not. My missing piece would be to LOVE LIFE the way I know life to be. Unmasking, dropping every wall I built to protect me against pain…I would like so much to face my “real” self again. To be me without thinking of what others will say. Loving life, loving self…Just being me.

  278. What is missing from my life is the owning of my own truth. Doubt and self doubt is a big killer of acceptance and the strength to follow my own truth. Right now I know a lot of truth but it always seems way out there and too true to be true, so I just can’t follow it or believe in it to really grab it and make it my own and its so frustrating as I so much want the conviction assurance, and resonance truth brings, but I want to find God first before I can accept my truth is real. The paradox is I have found God in my truth but turn my back on him. So it’s all a catch 22 and the missing piece is the piece I am looking for but already own but can’t see it as I have it but keep looking for it everywhere as I cant accept my own missing piece makes the Universe complete, Every piece is a missing piece but together all the missing pieces make a beautiful picture
    any comments,
    yes anything missing is always because you are looking everywhere but where it is in your own self. Own the missing piece and it is no longer missing
    love Steve

  279. Her ability to laugh at herself
    (she must of had to overcome alot of teasing about her last name when growing up)the courage to stand in front of an audience and try!!

  280. Dr. Mike, I will be 75y/o on Nov. 09–no need for me to be afraid to let you see the real me now, but I have a real srong desire. My husband passed away in 1997 and since then, I have been writing poetry. I am having my first book published as soon as the editor gets finished with my poems. I REALLY want that book to be enjoyed by a lot of people. The poems are about a lot of things–nature, love-lost and found, family, emotion, some Japanese style Haikus. The name of the book is “Horses are Stars.” This is my dream–I want people to ENJOY these poems. I am an unknown-I want to be known after this book has been out for awhile. BTW I am a retired RN and many people in the health professions become writers, poets, artists, etc. as you know. This is my story–the REAL me. Thanks . Patricia Leonaitis

  281. I have learned to treat everyone I meet the way I would like to be treated.
    In other words, just be me, not what the world would want me to be.
    Thats what I see in this story.

  282. It was her confidence which can be achieved by balancing the aspects of heart and soul and those of mind, a harmony between physical and spiritual.

  283. I want to share my story with the readers of this blog.There`s something badly missing in me but i donno what it is. My life, otherwise, is a fulfilling one and i have achieved most of what i wanted, possible or impossible to a common person. But there is this bottleneck of my marital relations. In perceptions and in values we are poles apart and i have always acted independently towards my pursuits. I do not expect much from him either, except that he should behave like a human being does with another human being. But he always seems to be suffering from some sort of complex, some sort of, i donno what. One thing in particular which has been the greatest shock to me is that he is always trying to instigate, and alienate our children from me in a very indirect and shrewd way. Money, he`d never spend willingly, neither on household nor on us,nor does he do so except for lill titbits. Yet, he has been able to gain a good ground for himself in our children`s mind and heart, perhaps because he always says ok to them for everything. He has been so influential for our daughter that she has become a living wreck by dropping her otherwise brilliant academic career and living a life like an autumn leaf ready to be drifted anywhere or any way with the wind.
    She avoids all communication with me and flares up with the slightest things. She is not even willing to marry cuz since she is not continuing her higher studies, in my opinion, she should get married. From her talks, there sounds no ambitions, no goals, no feeling of any kind of thrill or happiness. She has just become a prototype of her father.I tried to give her love and warmth of emotions but it only works for a few days. I feel helpless and desperate and dont know what to do. I`d otherwise wish her a good future with a good qualification and a life like all other girls of good standing. I just donno what will happen to her……..God bless!

  284. At first I was thinking what we are all missing is the trust so we are able to express our authentic selves to the world around us.
    But I think that really what we are missing is having a DREAM.
    When we are working towards something that we are passionate about, I don’t think we can help but let our inner light shine for all to see.

  285. I used to feel like alot of people on this page I am telling you what saved my life marrage,relationships with my children, inlaws and Mother .It is being saved by Jesus Christ, being Baptised and studing the Bible every day.Now I know my purpose it is to serve the Lord and to witness to the world.Every aspect of my life I used to complain about,I judged people,gossiped yelled cryed and did not know why I felt so empty.I was missing Jesus our God and savour.
    IN Jesus Chsists Love
    Joanie Herring

  286. looking and seeing and speking and hering thru the eyes of innocence, just beingness and let the true self come thru, so captivting for everyone who gets the gift to be a witness to this incridble innocence that is everything
    all in oneness.

  287. Dearest Micheal
    I just realized that I don’t have to have everything all at once but it it would make it easier putting the puzzle together. I need the land and the structures to bring in people and animals in from the cold. I need the nature, the mountains and the lakes to show the dying that it isn’t over and never will be and show them that peace does exists.
    We need the family that loves one another unconditionally and I know I must plant the seeds so my dream can grow and I need people like you to keep inspiring me and showing me anyhing is possible,so please stay with me cause you are part of the puzzle too.
    God bless you (he is part of it all too) I am so thankful that he gave me people like you’
    Forever and always

  288. Hello Everyone,
    Michael, thanks so much for your newsletters. I really look forward to reading them. They always inspire me to look for the extraoridnary in the ordinary.
    Below is one such recent moment that I thought I’d share.
    Yesterday, I was in a bit of hurry to get home to meet the carpet cleaners I had scheduled. I live in Chicago, and Friday afternoon traffic is brutal. I took a slightly different route, and it turned out to be a real blessing that I could have easily missed, had I not been paying attention.
    I was stopped at a traffic light, feeling quite anxious and slightly irritated, when I looked to my right and saw two young women, teenagers, chatting in a vacant property lot. I looked away, fiddled with the radio, and then my attention was drawn back to these two girls. They were standing there in the middle of this empty lot hugging each other – not just hugging, but really embracing and rocking back and forth. As I continued to watch them, they separated, said a few words, and embraced each other again with even more passion. This time squeezing each other even tighter and adding a little jump. They were so happy! They separated, and embraced each other AGAIN, with even more enthusiasm than the first two times, which I didn’t think was possible.
    As the light changed and I began to drive away, the two girls turned and began walking, almost skipping, arm and arm, across this empty, unkept lot toward a beaten down housing project.
    For a moment, life was awesome for those two girls, as well as for me.
    Although I have no idea what the topic of conversation or good news was, it didn’t matter. It became a joyous and jealous moment for me, and the girls never even knew it.
    I’ll admit that I was really curious, but even more than that, I was genuinely happy for them. I let out a little, “You go girl!”, (in my car) and hoped somehow they’d receive it.
    As I thought about that moment, I felt blessed and inspired by witnessing “authentic” joy and love being expressed, right in the middle of a vacant, littered city lot, in the middle of a traffic-filled street, in front of a delapidated housing project.
    Then,I asked myslef, when was the last time I felt -received or expressed – such joy,passion- such love, and the sad thing is, I couldn’t remember, and for a second, alright a few seconds, I felt a little jealous. I wanted to experience that joy, that connection, that depth of expression with someone. I knew I had it in me, and remembered a time when I did. When I didn’t filter, and wasn’t scared to be expressive, but life had trained me to “act appropriately”, especially in public, and in the process part of me was “living in quiet desperation”.
    The good news: On an ordinary day, in an ordinary moment, God gave me the opportunity to see who I could be, if I just allowed myself to be a little more, “authentic”, especially, with those I care about the most.
    I didn’t have to feel jealous, I could have that. I just had to be willing to be vulnerable to express myself, without being concerned about what others thought, where I was, or how others responded. I could have that, if I was only willing to be courageous and risk – to go for it!
    With that realization, all I could say was, “Thank you!”.
    I hope my post inspires others to have the courage to love a little more authentically, or at least see the examples all around you in an ordinary day.
    Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and may you have a love-filled day!
    Thank you, Michael! I don’t think I would have ever made the connection or had the insight that I did yesterday, if I hadn’t been reading your newsletter! Blessings!
    Hugs and :)s to all!

  289. The young singer had authenticity (is that a word?), she was just herself and put on no airs. She was therefore congruent. She was not acting or performing, she was all of herself in all of her passion and power and that was proven by her joke about her name.

  290. gratitude is what we’re missing most in our lives. whatever circumstances we’re in we need to be willing to experience gratitude and the feelings associated. especially when life is looking a bit ragged and feeling rough. gratitude can turn you around in a heartbeat.

  291. the missing piece – the missing peace 🙂 – is “presence” – being “present” for the moment at hand and giving it full, loving attention allows us to “have” that moment, to have our selves, to have our lives with consciousness.
    The witnessing awareness allows us to perceive that we are missing nothing.
    There are no “missing pieces”

  292. She sang the best she could, but she did more than that. She showed herself — even her vulnerability — which we usually try to cover up (because we fear being judged by our weaknesses). She was REAL.

  293. I am a Chinese. What I have learned in college is English. Now, however, I engage in Machinary manufacturing. Who knows what I lost?

  294. BELIEVE in myself and others and the power of belief in everyday life to transform negativity into positive opportunities

  295. I think what is missing in my life is not just for me to know what to do but for me to do what I know.
    Such action must be taken now!
    Yes! we can only act in the now.

  296. I was trying for a baby in 65 and 86…went to a specialist in fertility and was told that there was no way I could have a child for allmy insides were damaged from some unkown phenomena…we started the process of adoption and low and behold, I was pregnant…I found out on New Years Day of 87…I was under strict orders from doctors and montioring was done monthly with ultra sounds as well…no one thought I would carry this baby to term…but low and behold, in august of 87, my beautiful daughter was born mad at the world when she came out through cessarian…she was and is my Miracle Child…we tried two more times after my only daughter but to no avail, lost them both in the first trimester and from there was told no more trying…she was meant to be with me…she is my twin and is so much like me…she learns quicker than i do when it comes to life although has to experience everything…lol…just like her mom…thank the Creator for giving me the best thing of my life, my daughter.

  297. my answer; Prayer-it is to the quality of our life as water is to a seed, I also think of it as my “God Voice”We are an intergral part of who God and Reality are. We are “Hosts” to God in our lives on this earth. Sincerely, Kathy

  298. This is a long story but I’ll try and make it as short as I can. When I was pregnant with my 3rd child I had gone for some blood tests and had a sonogram. In that sonogram they had picked up that I had a single artery umbilical cord. They told me that I had an extremely high chance of having a child with Trisomy 18 which means that the baby would have all kinds of abnormalities and either die in utero or die at birth or shortly thereafter. They wanted me to do a amniocentesis. Also if the baby didn’t have trisomy there was an extremely high chance of having heart and kidney defects and much more. You can read up on all the scary things. This was all because of the single artery umbilical cord. When I was pregnant with my 1st child I wound up bleeding heavily and almost lost her. I was working one day and started bleeding heavily and it was found that I had a weak cervix and had to take progesterone suppositories to strengthen it. I had to stop work. The second time I got pregnant I had a miscarriage early on. Then I had my son. Luckily everything went well. Then I had a miscarriage again early on. So when given the option to have the amnio I chose not to do it because with an amnio comes a great chance of miscarrying. Everyone told me I was crazy not to do it that I should find out if the baby has any of these things. My doctor and family were angry with me for not doing it. I felt in my heart that I should pass on the amnio because with my previous history of miscarriages and what happened with my 1st child that there was a great chance that I would miscarry after having the amnio. I put my trust in God that he would take care of me for trusting in him. I felt that it wasn’t worth the risk, I could be carrying a completely healthy child. I wasn’t going to do this just to satisfy everyone else’s curiosity if it had all these other things. I also felt that if my baby had trisomy that I would leave it to God to take the baby instead of me. I would not have terminated the pregancy whether it was or not. I had a scheduled c-section and after the doctor took the baby out he said to me, Genevieve you are one lucky girl. I had a beautiful healthy baby girl. Later on that night the nurse came in the room and she said you are so lucky. She preceded to tell me that the doctor said that to me because I also had a knot in the umbilical cord. A knot in the cord cuts off the oxygen supply. It was a miracle also that my baby was born alive and well because of the knot. I trusted in God and he blessed me doubly. My Jamie is my miracle.

  299. The ‘missing link’is happiness, or feeling good.
    Back in 2000, I needed to buy a car, but my credit wasn’t great and I was worried that I wouldn’t get the loan. I completed the application and then spent the next few days feeling good about getting a new car. I refused to let in any negative or contradictory thoughts, I just kept feeling happy. I got the loan!

  300. The missing piece for many of us is passion. Finding what we enjoy doing so much that we will do it without pay because it makes us feel so good. Kelly Pickler has a passion for music and singing. She’s genuine about herself and what she enjoys doing.

  301. What’s missing is different for everyone. We should be complete, if you think you lack love, that’s what you have to look for, if it’s wealth, that’s your goal. You just have to go out and dare to take it. It is out there waiting for you.

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