How To Make A Miracle (pt 1)

If only I could do it everyday.

And I know you wish you could,
as well.

It is an ability that our ancestors
coveted as much as you and I.

They created the legend of Aladdin
as legacy of this deep-rooted

And we play with our children, saying to them
such phrases as "Abra Cadabra" and "Open
Sesame" . . . our secret desire for this type
of power so silenced by our adult minds, we
don’t realize we may have imprisoned our own

And yet, at different times of our lives,
we glimpse the possibility of the magic we
yearn for, and for just an instance, the sky
opens up and the light of the true Creator
sparkles in our eyes.

When was the last time you witnessed a miracle, my friend?

And even more importantly, when was the last time "you" created one?

And taking it even a step further, "how" did you create it?

And now, one step further than that, could you create it "again" at will?

Please share your most extraordinary experiences on this subject in the comments box at the bottom of this article.

In a few days, I will share with you one of my own most inspiring miracles.

It’s something that defies medical science.

Something that defies physical law.

It’s something that changed my childhood.

And it’s something that threw off the chains of an affliction and released a wave of self-empowerment that is still rolling in, even as these words come forth.

And now it’s something I’d like to share and explore with you, my friend, and all our brother and sister Wealthy Souls, so we can expand our experiences and make miracles something to practice, rather than something to dream of.

It starts by all of us collecting our miracles together. Then we put them in a big pot (we’ll call a "blog").

We add a touch of belief, a pinch of wonder, a smidgeon of intention, and a spoonful of know-how. . .. . . then we close our eyes, state our desires, and then wait in a state of joyful expectation.

But, Step One first.

Start by sharing any tiny (or big!) "miracle" you have created or experienced in the Comments Box at the bottom of this page.

Let’s begin 2007 by making such miracles a reality.

Create the reality nowby sharing your miracle below.

You’re totally self-contained with this one, my friend.

The benefit is immediate to you in the space you open to seed new miracles.

Totally self-empowered.

Turn on your motor.

Bring it on.

Get rollin’.

Bring on the wave.

Bring on your miracle.

Share it with the world.

Feel its power.

Allow it to expand.

Take the invitation.

Enter the fold.

The Universe and God awaits you.

Not later.

Right now! –

A big hug and a magic rug!

      *** Now kindly share your miracle below –

197 Replies to “How To Make A Miracle (pt 1)”

  1. My daughter, Stefani, who was born 2 pounds and dropped to 1.9 lbs before gaining weight. My husband’s steadfast “knowing” that she would be fine with no problems although the babies around us in the NI were being strapped by problems right and left. And Stefani now an 11-year-old miracle who lights the world with her presence and who no one would ever guess had a bumpy start to life. As the saying goes, “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen!” Truer words have never been spoken!

  2. I have been having strange ‘block or circulation’ problem & associated pain for a long time (30 yrs). In 2000, it got worse & I had to desparately find a way out. I met a friend who was staying next door but was not aware of the problem.
    He asked me to tell my problem to Sai Baba (Idol) in his ears. His wife instantly heard a voice that my problem is gone. I got up next morning to realise that the block was removed.
    It was a unique experience of my life.

  3. When I was a young mother on welfare with three children I had a table that was falling apart, and no drapes on the windows. I prayed for both, and the next day the drapes came – the exact size and color to fit the window and match the carpet! Two days later a new table with 4 chairs – exactly one for each of us. God said it, I believed it and that’s good enough for me.

  4. I have created many small miracles..or so they appeared at the time. in retrospect having now read many texts on metaphysics and the law of attraction i understand in an an elemanetary sort of way that it was not a random blessing but one to which i definitely contributed, by my state of mind.
    my biggest miracle so fa is the birth of my daughter, and her uncanny ability to remember many things from her baby days!

  5. I had more then a few but one come up tp my mind now is, one noght I was at a friend stayin till next morning. This friend was call to work overnight. I was sitting at a kitchen table writting in my journal and I had ask God to show me if someone was listening over there and to show me if there is anyone with me like (an angel) or something cause I was going to a struggle. I kept on writting and suddenly I had drop like a ***clear water tear*** fell on my left arm. I look at it and I think where is that come from I look up to the seeling and there was no seeling leak. And wright away I felt comfort and peace within and I then I start to have tear of joy and surprise just like when I was a litle girl. So with all my experience I do beleive but as a good human been still have my days of doubt but now I do beleive.
    Excuse my french writting Hope you did understand the meaning of my message.
    ****Have a GOD day****

  6. TO some this may not be a miracle but to me this is just what miracles are: doing something you never dreamed possible or that are out of the ordinary. Jan.4th my father in law passed away, my father is a minister and was suppose to do the service. He got sick and because of his sickness in the pass, I had been filling in for him at our church(this is another miracle to me). I felt so compeled to do the service, and as I stood there that day I truly knew I was a miracle in the making. I was doing the impossible in my eyes yet it is possible through God’s eyes. God has truly been amazing me in finding out why we as children of God are not doing the impossible things that God said are possible and who say they believe but yet they are living below their potential.

  7. Before Thanksgiving 2006, my father went into the hospital to have double knee replacement surgery. All was successful until he got home. Two weeks into his recovery, he had a heart attack with life flight assisting his returning to the hospital. He had to have quadruple by-pass surgery, but that was not all. The surgery went well, but now he had a blockage and could not eliminate. The doctors had to go in and do exploratory surgery. My son who is 18 and a beautiful christian had his men’s group pray over a healing cloth. I took it to the hospital the morning of this last surgery to save his life. The blockage had to be dealt with. My family prayed over my dad while he laid in his hospital bed barely conscious. The surgery took 1 1/2 hours. They found no blockage. We all considered this to be the end because they found nothing. All was lost, until I called my son and told him of the bad news. My son said “Mom, let me leave you with this……maybe he’s healed”. From thay moment we all had hope again and my dad started miraculously getting better and better. He is now at home and is alive and still getting better. This was truly a miracle.

  8. I remember when I was only 7 years old. I lived in Tuxpan, Veracruz Mexico. My mom had made plans that my older sister and I leave with my Uncle on my Dads side to go live with my Grandma on my Mom’s side. So that we could slowly make the transition to move to the United States since I was a United States citizen and she wanted me to grow up in my country. I vividly remember that I came down with some illness the weekend that my uncle was to come back to the states and my sister and I were to come with him to my Grandma’s house to live there. I was so looking forward to come to my Grandma’s house because my goal was to live in the states. The illness I came down with I cannot tell you what its called, but its symptoms were fever and a ball on the side of my throat. My mom went to visit my Grandparents on my dads side who live 30 minutes away and left me with this. If you don’t get better today I will not send you ill with your uncle. My desire was so strong to go with my uncle and having being raised in a Christian home I prayed to Jesus to heal me like he healed many people in the bible and I pictured myself in the biblical times and Jesus healing me. When my mother returned 2 hours later she was amazed at all symptoms that were now gone. Needless to say that night my sister and I were on our way to my Grandma’s house. To this day my mother and I talk about it and give thanks for the miracle that we witnessed. I know that there is still more miracles that I am overlooking in my life but that is one that is at the top of my list.

  9. We found out that our son has Myasthenia Gravis(a very rare Neurological condition). I will start by stating that our son is fine now. He is in what they call permenant remission. That in itself is a miracle, but not the one I will refer to. I won’t go into all the details of how we found out, but it was quite an ordeal.
    When we first found out about his condition, we had no idea what his condition was. Of course, there was much anxiety around what would happen to him. We read up about the condition. Coincidentally, the doctor who wrote all the articles was our son’s doctor.
    Certainly, the miracle of his recovery from this condition is much bigger than the fact that probably the best doctor in the nation was his doctor. The reason for my post is that I am looking to celebrate all the little miracles in my/our lives. I worried about who would be taking care of him. My time would have been much better spent putting it out there, who might be someone who could best take care of our son.

  10. Receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior has change my life. Leading others to Christ brings me great joy. The blessing of eternal life is a Free gift from God. God is able to keep us in perfect peace when we trust him.

  11. It is just amazing that I have been asking for a miracle to find a way for a miracle to come to my dog Banditta. Bandiita is having problem getting around. Her back legs have been giving out lately. I had taken her to the vet and then the neurologist. After exrays, cat scans and other test they can see some possible problems but nothing that seems that obvious to be the problem. After a rough day yesterday I was very concerned. I started listening to a audio program with Dr Robert Anthony, he was speaking about how we create our reality and how quantum physics, using our thoughts and feeling actually create our reality. I then asked Jesus if this was true and what came to me was, Yes. It was kinda strange ’cause the answer was fast and clear. I got inspired to find a few books to read on healing. I found an old email with information on “Dream Healer” by Adam. Found it at the local book store and before leaving and paying for it something told me to look a little closer, I found out that Adam has another book that goes into more detail on the process. Anyway the book I ended up with was “The Secret Lost Mode of Prayer” which teaches us to feel our prayers as if what we want had already happened. Banditta is already feeling better, and her leg seem a little stronger today. I believe I am in the awakening of a miracles and the beautiful unconditional conscousness of love, Banditta will be full cured. Thy will be Done!
    Bless us all

  12. My mother(age 58)divorced in 1972 after 34 years in a horrible marriage. My father was extremely verbally and emotionally abusive. She continued to teach and was socially involved with lots of friends, but no dates. She seemed okay about everything, so I didn’t think much about it other than relief that she was finally free from the hell she’d been living in.
    Then sometime in early 1989, I was driving to Wichita from the small Kansas town I was living in. A song came on the radio, “Waiting For a Girl Like You” by Foreigner, I think. Something compelled me to pray for my mother to find a love like the haunting words of that song. I believe that God through the Holy Spirit touched my heart on that particular day to pray that prayer about my mother. A few weeks later, a widower who had been married to one of mama’s friends asked her to lunch after church. That was the beginning of a 10 year relationship that lasted until she died on October 28, 1999. She found true love at age 75! I will never forget those feelings of longing for her to experience true love and I believe it was the pureness of the wish that God honored it by bringing this man into her life.

  13. I find it remarkable that I managed to live through a childhood of intense abuse.I consider it a miracle that I was able to uncover memories that extend back to my infancy. I am deeply greatfull to God that I was able to give to Him all the justified rage and hatred of my abusers.I now live in beautiful peace.

  14. I regard it as a miracle that I am finally “Awakening” after having lived in a slumber for so long. I believe I am getting back to the person who I have lost since childhood. One more miracle I need to see happening, and that is to clearly see what I was put on this earth for to do. Sparks are flying, but the fire has not yet been stoked. Please pray with me. Thank you.
    Hans de Groot

  15. Hi,
    years ago I set out to go on a journey one Sunday afternoon but after travelling for about ten miles I realised that I was going in a completely different direction and heading towards a monastery. I kept going and bought a bible that same day, one of the size that I needed. For me this was a miraculous event as I had set out to go elsewhere and I believe God directed me differently, along His path. I would never say that I created a miracle as only God can do that but I don’t think that I’ve been used as a vehicle by Him to create one. I just try to live my life as closely aligned to His plans for me as it is possible to be. I have known people who were cured of bad illnesses through the power of prayer, or by a miracle, however you wish to describe the experience.

  16. My daughter died in 1986 of leukemia. She was 14 years old. Before she died I asked her if she could, would she come back as blue birds and nest in my blue bird box. She said she would if she could, but what if I can’t she asked. Thats OK if you can’t I said, maybe I shouldn’t have asked…
    That winter after she died, I looked out of my window and there must have been at leest a hundred blue birds, flitting around, landing on, and looking from the maple tree. It was a spectacular sight. On the one year anniversay of her death, for the first time ever,I saw a pair of blue birds at my box andI have had blue birds nest in my box ever since. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a mairacle!

  17. Do you know, I guess I don’t have much to say. This past two years I have learnt to forgive myself and to reach a modicum of peace. I have learnt who my Guide is. I have had visions and discovered the sheer joy of not merely believing but knowing with every part of me where I come from and where I am going. I have discovered that I am capable of great love and in turn am loveable. I am incredibly blessed and spend as much time as possible in gratitude. In conclusion I am just an ordinary woman who has so much to be grateful for that my heart is full.

  18. The last miracle I had was about four years ago when the bank called me and said that they would re-possess my car. Well when I went to see the bank’s manager he simply told me that he has changed his mind and he will help to consolidate my debts so that I can pay a lower rate per month.I am through paying this car now and I now know a new one is on it’s way.
    I thank you God!

  19. I believe all children are miracles, but my youngest son, William, truly is. I had lost 9 babies over the course of time (miscarriages), but had a son and a daughter when I found out I was pregnant again. I lost the baby about four and a half months into the pregnancy, though, and had a D&C (the doctor never did an ultrasound first, or he would have seen another fetus still in there). As time went on (and my clothes were feeling tighter!), I started to feel kicking but thought I was having a ‘psychological pregnancy’ or something. But no, I then found out I was still pregnant, and had William, who somehow survived the D&C, a few months later!
    I now need another miracle – to bring my husband back into my life again. I love him more than anything, but he’s going through a ‘mid-life’ something or other and has left.

  20. What an interesting discussion, Dr. Michael! I am going to contribute not a life and death struggle or a healing story but a story to show that miracles happen even in the mundane.
    Many years ago, I was driving a journey of some 800 miles, in a fully loaded pick-up truck, with my young son and daughter (infant and 5 years respectively). At some point I realized my husband had not put money into my bank account and I didn’t know if I had enough for gas to get all the way home. It was 1 in the morning and I stopped at a gas station two hours drive from my destination, scrounged all the change I could find in the vehicle and my pockets, and bought a few dollars worth of gas. I looked at the gas gauge as I pulled back onto the highway and my heart sank as I realized I only had enough gas to get about 1/3 of the way. I kept driving, hoping to get as close as I could and then in the morning I would seek help. I worried about myself and the children getting cold overnight (I am writing from Canada although thankfully it was not winter). I debated walking to the nearest house for help but they were few and far between on the prairies and I couldn’t leave the children alone in the car nor carry both of them. They were sleeping peacefully. After mulling over all my options, I prayed earnestly and unceasingly for the gas to get me as close to my destination as possible. Everytime I passed a signpost, I thanked God that we had come that far. And yes, I was exceedingly grateful every mile that we covered but I also had some disbelief mixed with joy as we went further and further down the road, well past the point where I knew from past experience, the truck should have run out of gas. Yes, we did make all the way to the elderly relative where we were to spend the night (she didn’t drive so couldn’t possibly have come to rescue us if we had stopped even a few miles away). The gas was like the oil in the temple lamps in the Bible; it kept burning for as long it needed to burn. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I drove some 100 miles longer than I normally would have been able to on that tank of gas. Miracles do happen and I have never forgotten it.

  21. My miracle is actually a shared miracle. The miracle of how my husband & I actually met. I was just graduating from high school and had a job at the local Hardee’s restaurant. My husband was 4 years older and lived in a town 45 miles away. He had gone off to college 15+ hours away in another state when he graduated from high school. The fall of 1983 he became extremely ill at college and when he came home for Thanksgiving ended up hospitalized with a very severe strep infection. Needless to say he did not return to college that year but remained at his family’s home and recovered and got a job.
    My husband really liked Hardee’s Hot Ham & Cheese sandwiches so he, his brothers, and their friends would come to Hardee’s to eat whenever they were in Glendive. The first time my husband saw me God told him “there is your wife”. So he asked a mutual friend if i had a boyfriend. She told him no, that I had been dating someone from the Junior College in our town but he had recently gone back home to Washington state. So my husband asked me out. It was over 2 weeks before we could actually plan a date because I worked the closing shift 5 nights a week. I remember on our first date thinking “either he is going to be around ‘forever’ or he is NEVER going to come eat at Hardee’s again”!
    Well that was June 1984 and 22 1/2 years and 4 great kids later…….it is obvious that he is going to be around ‘FOREVER’. How do I know that?!? We are “soul mates” that is how.

  22. Life is a miracle, friends that stick by your side. I’m blessed to wake up each day and realize that by ‘changing my attitude of graditue’ … what I think about I bring about … The power of positive thinking has been my miracle for 2007.

  23. The more I give the more I get back. What comes round goes round.
    Being told about ‘Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.
    Now that’s true miracle reading

  24. I was sitting writing affirmations and dealing at the same time with tremendous anger with my deceased father because of his sexual and emotional abuse, so I was pingponging between positive affirmations about myself and furious anger that God gave me such a father, when i suddenly heard a voice say, “your voice connects me with my soul”. I knew this was an answer for a few things – he had a great deal of trouble being connected with his soul because of abuse he went through and because of my mother’s death when I was 4, leaving him with three little girls all under the age of 5. My voice was both wonderful and difficult for him because of this. And I recalled that of all my sisters, I was the only one who went round the house singing all the time. And this is now giving me a sense of wanting and needing to use my voice now for my own pleasure and the pleasure of others. That voice I heard has turned things around for me

  25. Dr. Norwood, every morning that I wake up is a miracle! I am 75 years of age and was born with an atrial septal defect(heart). I had two episodes of CHF before I was twelve and went through nursing school with it, but had my first open heart surgery the year I graduated.(1957) Had a second open heart in 1978, and a pacemaker put in that same year. I survived brain surgery in 1997(just too stubborn to give up, I guess.) Anyway, I’m still here and going strong, a living miracle. Thanks for reading this. Truly yours, Patricia Leonaitis

  26. This is a very empowering comment stream! Lovely to hear the good things all around us.
    I had a pretty lousy fall. In the course of 2 weeks, my parents moved from my childhood home, my beloved cat died, I lost the baby I was carrying, and the man I loved left me suddenly and without warning for another woman. I was devastated. The miscarriage left behind a terrible infection. I spent weeks in bed and barely coping with life.
    In the midst of all this horror, it was feared that an old liver problem I’d experienced would re-emerge. But the tests came back – not only was I not sick, but I was in complete remission from the problem. My liver function was above normal!
    It was a simple, small thing, but it still gives me reason to hope as I struggle to understand my place in the world.

  27. Everyone has the God within them. We all need to look at each other and treat each other through God’s eyes, which is in our hearts. The world would be in a much better place. All it requires is a few moments of your time each day to hold a prayer in your heart, a talk with God, or a positive thought for the day. All God requires us to do is put him first in all we do.
    Love is the greatest gift we can give to each other. Love is a miracle. Love can perform magic. Love the people you come in contact with each day. Even when you are angry – turn it around to love. Think about about how angry you get. Take that depth of that anger and turn it around to love. You will then be over-pouring with love. LOVE —Nancy

  28. Hi
    Just last year i was miraclously healed by God.A sickness which has been with me for more than twenty years just disappeared from my body. I have never felt such peace in my soul and body till that time. I give God all the glory. Join me in praising God. Amen.

  29. Due to complications of a connective tissue disease, without warning I’d been struck blind. Doctors tried treatment after treatment, in a race to stop the damage to my eyes before it was too late. After each daily examination, the cornea specialist would hold his hand in front of my face and ask how many fingers I could see. Hope dwindled, as day after day I replied, “none.”
    As I lay awake in the lonely darkness, I prayed harder than I’d ever prayed before. The last several weeks, I had been living in the middle of my most dreaded nightmare. I felt alone, frustrated, sad, and afraid. All my plans and dreams for the future were hanging by a thin thread that could break at any moment.
    The searing pain stabbed at my eyes. It felt as if fire were consuming them. But it wasn’t pain that caused my sleeplessness. Worse than the excruciating physical torment was the terrifying darkness and the agonizing over the “what if’s.”
    What if I accidentally pulled the protective coverings off in my sleep and rubbed my eyes against the pillow? The doctor had warned me to avoid even a slight touch to my inflamed corneas.
    What if I would never regain my sight? What if I couldn’t take care of myself? What if I couldn’t drive my car and be independent anymore? What if I would never enjoy reading a book, watching a sunset, or – worst of all – gazing into the eyes of my beautiful grandbaby?
    During the long, sleepless nights, I fumed in disbelief, “Why is this happening? I CAN’T be permanently blinded!” In despair, I cried silently in my heart, questioning God. But I had to hold back the tears because crying irritated my eyes more.
    You can understand my reaction when the surgeon announced that he needed to cut my cornea, lift it, and clean under it. I told him, “I’d rather have my legs amputated!”
    They say courage is fear that’s said its prayers. I learned that truth by experience. I knew there were many people praying for me. I too prayed fervently. I begged God, not only for healing of my eyes, but for strength to endure whatever happened. I had to put my trust in Him, because He was in control and He was the only one who could help me.
    While lying awake one night, I clicked on the TV. An all-night station played gentle music as a man read soothing Bible passages. It comforted and calmed me, so I began looking forward to listening every night. I was awake anyway, and it helped the hours pass more quickly.
    Like a fountain of fresh water, God’s Word, combined with the soothing music, rinsed away my anxiety and worries and replaced them with peace. I was reminded of the words of Jesus: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you . . . Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) At last, I was able to say, “Whatever you want, God.”
    I gave my fears to God and determined to believe in His love for me. I knew He would keep His hand on me, no matter what happened. And I knew He wanted only what was best for me, so why should I fear? If He chose to heal me, I would be unspeakably grateful. If He chose not to, I would remember that He had a reason for that, too. No matter what, with His help, I could go on with my life and use it for Him.
    The surgery went well; in time my eyes healed, and my world grew brighter. The pain subsided, and the blackness gradually became a white fog. It was a long road to recovery, but I defied all odds. Slowly the fog grew clearer. After the ordeal, my doctor confided that he hadn’t believed I would ever see again. He told me it was a miracle, but I already knew that.
    Actually, God gave me two miracles. He healed my eyes, restoring my sight when doctors believed it was hopeless. And, like a plant bursting forth from a dead seed, faith, hope, and trust had blossomed from my fear. Perhaps that was an even greater miracle.

  30. My miracle is one of healing of a friend. To convey the depth of this miracle, I must view back about 12 years. For reasons too complex to set out here, I was passing through a phase in which EVERYTHING was changing! I had found, initially from circumstances of very strong personal NEED, the quality effects of a particular complementary therapy. I found it so positive and effective that I started a course to qualify in this therapy. During this time, I met another therapist, and we set up an “exchange treatment” for each other once every few weeks, to mutual advantage and at no cost.
    During my first treatment of this colleague, she told me (with very wide experience to back up her capacity to “feel” this, that I had more healing energy streaming out of my hands than she had ever come across with ANYONE, EVER before.
    I didn’t know what to do with that piece of information, but stowed it away, for future reference.
    Two years later, in a completely different context, I accidentally discovered that a good friend, at whose home I had called just in passing, unexpectedly, had just set about trying to commit suicide.
    I took appropriate action, and, soon, she was being received in the Accident and Emergency Dept in the local hospital. The evidence of a massive overdose was very real.
    I was told that she probably had about 30 – 40 minutes to live. And, at the same time, the Universe reminded me of that statement about healing energy coming out of my hands. I declared a determination to do “hands-on-healing” for this woman, and, after attempts to discourage me, the professionals in the Department allowed it.
    My “knowledge” of what to do didn’t come from experience; it was “given” to me as I acted upon my determination, for about 4 hours.
    After that time, it was accepted that my friend was past the worst of the effects of the overdose, and she was put on a ward for the night.
    The should have died of liver failure, but survived with virtually no liver damage at all.
    Similarly, with no direct experience of how to do this, I worked almost full-time with this friend for about 8 months, helping her to “move on” from the factors that had led to the suicide attempt. I had virtually no formal support from anyone in the process, but, in the end, she was declared to no longer be a psychiatric patient at all (this was her fourth suicide attempt, though I did not know that at the time), with no use of psychiatric drugs at all.
    I used that experince as a springboard into the absolute reality of healing without (or alongside) medicine. Often my work produces (minor) improvements to a condition, but, from time to time, more MIRACLES have occurred, often not just healing a single illness (or problem), but achieving holistic outcomes which show improvments in health, circumstances, actions, etc, etc, all together.
    I continue to progress down this road. . . . . . .

  31. Hello
    I remember I was 26 years old and I wanted to find a loving, lasting relationship and I just put it all into words and into God´s hand with possitive law of attraction and I found my husband Humberto with whom I have now been married for a wonderful 20 years.
    Believe me it really works.

  32. A miracle? I am praying for one now- for a dear friend of mine who also is/was my soulmate. He is an alcoholic. I tried so hard to help him by starting a business with him. Due to his many DWI’s, he’s considered a felon. This was the only way he’d have work. Yet he violated probation once more, landing him in court yet again. he wanted me to lie for him to the judge and his probation officer. My conscience wouldn’t allow it, so he basically dumped me out of his life. I miss him so much. I pray to God that he has a change of heart and can allow me back in. If not that…then for my heart to heal from his exclusion. That would be the true miracle!

  33. What a great way to start the day – reading about all these miracles and thinking about all the miracles in my life. Twas a time that I was of the mindset that there were no miracles. Perspective is a matter of choice and having that choice is the miracle that allows me today to experience every moment and happening in my life as a miracle!

  34. Well after my parents deaths 2 years ago in which they passed away a month apart I was in complete depression I prayed I did everything to get my self out of it.
    Then one day out of the blue I had this feeling I need to find the answers to all this chaos in my life, well it came to me in a poem that said everything I needed to hear at that moment I won’t write the hole thing here but will tell you who wrote it and it gives me peace knowing that even though loved ones are not here physicaly they are all arounds us and in us
    and to me that inits self is a miracle we are a miracle Einstein said it well miracles are everywhere or nowhere its up to you to see them oh by the way the poem that I spoke of is by Ann Frye 1932

  35. I truly feel everything is a miracle, we just need to look around us. I was single and though I loved my life, I wanted someone to share my life with. I “was out there” doing Internet “dating”. It was good, met a lot of really nice people, but I “knew” what was important to me and I was not willing to “settle”. This truly was my Intention, to find “that one”. One day an email arrived after seven years, I responded, the rest is history, we have been happily married for two and a half years, and we continue to remind each other every day, what a wonderful life we have! By the way, I am 70 years old, so it is NEVER too late!
    With loving support, I started searching again, but this time for “the” opportunity to work from home so I could create an income. I found that I would not stay with any program, and finally realized it was because I did not feel good enough about sharing it with others. Also, I truly wanted to be Passionate about what I did. A few weeks ago, after many “false starts”, just like the dating, I found THE Company I plan to be affiliated with from now on. I am totally focused on “spreading the news” so that people can become the “best they can be”. That will create a joy way beyond any amount of money. I also know that when I do that, the money will follow.
    I know when I set my Intention and “listen” that God does respond. Miracles Abound!!

  36. Last time I saw a miracle was 1 year ago. It was not my own miracle but my 9 years old daughter’s miracle. She was always asking how could she go to a TV programme to act or to sing and I had no idea on that matter so I said that this was very dificult. She was at that moment taking theatre classes and she loved them. After a few months my daughter and some friends of the same age decided to sing in a birthday party, organising a small contest. She won the contest… After this event something extrange happened. Only a week later I received a surprinsing call. A voice was asking me if I was Sara’s mum and if she could go to a casting. They wanted a little girl actress for a TV series. We accepted. She assisted to the first casting. She passed. She assisted to the second one and she passed. Finally, she was selected!
    She worked for several month, combining the job with the school. It was a bit stressful because we lived more than 100 km from the TV set and she finished the job (tired of being an actress!). She was asking for a normal life! Now she is back to her normal life.
    Dont you think that she manifested her desires? It is quite miraculous, isnt it?

  37. I think life itself is the greatest miracle. I am a Reiki Master and my first patient had a very bad back ache and she should have an operation next. After four sessions she was totally well, which for her and me was a great miracle. The same happened many years later for a lady with womb cancer. She was pregnant and wanted to have the baby in spite of the doctors’ opinion. Several times I have been out of money, with several bills to pay. And out of nothing, the money appears! We sure are taken care of.

  38. My life has been one of silently waiting for God to make itself known to me. As humans, we are all in the dark so I’ve always shied away from most religions but tried to gleen any of the teaching that touched my heart. I became a nurse RN-I wanted to help heal the pain and hopelessness I saw all around me. I believe I did make a difference. Now in my life I feel especially lost and yet coming closer to my God and the holyness of all of life. I have been diagnosed with squamous cell cancer of the left lung and had it removed 10-10-06. My heart is telling me to find healing through changes in my life-not more traditional medical care. I see the glory of life and feeel God.s blessings whereever I go , whereever I am. Yet it-this knowing is deep inside me I don’t know how to share or give it to others. This site was the first thing I did this AM. What a blessing. Thanks,and blessings to all. Kathy

  39. There have been so many miracles in my life Michael: the birth of my premature son 1 1/2 lbs, my finding the money to attend college but the most important miracle was sent to me after my special friend died of cancer and I was totally crushed. I was so close to him for 5 years of pain and suffering but through this time I have never been closer to another human being. We shared in the quiet times at night and learned a lot about life , religion, personal beliefs and falsehoods. I grew in every place of my heart, mind and soul. It was as if God was reaching down from heaven to help us both through the experience. At the end of his life, my Michael told me he would be waiting for me at every turn of my life and would always be there to help me make the necessary decisions to keep me on the right path. When he died, I was lost. One morning I opened my email and there was a PowerPoint presentation showing all the places we had talked about and writings as if Michael was softly talking to me from heaven explaining our life together and all the dreams and realities we had experience together. I felt he was right there, right now. I was awestruck. The next email I opened was from Michael Norwood with the first gift of insight. Each day a new gift was delivered as if it was a personal mail to me from heaven and Michael. I have kept these Powerpoint presentations in my computer and when I am lonely or lost, I pull them up and Michael is right there talking to me again. Thank You from the bottom of my heart Michael Norwood for being there and talking to my heart and soul about someone who is so dear!!! These was back in October 24, 2004. God bless you everyday. Thank you for all the miracles you have given back to all who read your books and your mailings.

  40. It delights me how common miracles really are. It seems our common use of the word assumes its rarity when there is ample evidence that they are abundant. Cynics assume its rarity and sceptics seek proof of each and every claim of “miracle” on the basis of the cynics’ assumption of its rarity. When the sceptic discovers an explanation for the miracle they then claim its no longer a miracle. To me a miracle is something great that happens spontaneously, regardless of how it happens. Some people claim the Creator is the source of all miracles and I see we are creators in our own right and we create miracles all the time. Science has another name for miacles – placebo effect! And they factor it into all tests with humans. I have personally experienced a miracle after being pronounced dead by paramedics after three consecutive heart failures as a result of an allergic reaction, in one ambulance ride. But my wife yelled at them (she was in the anbulance too) to keep up the CPR etc. I resumed consciousness without ill effect shortly after in hospital. The weirdest and most amazing experience was that I witnessed that third “death”, saw myself lying there, blue with lack of oxygen; the paramedics agreeing to stop and my wife yelling. Miracles happen every day – unscathed survivors of traffic accidents, tsunamis, earthquake burials, spontaneous remissions of cancer and other “terminal” illness, timely arrival of much needed money from unexpected quarters, unplanned meetings with lost loved ones. The list is endless if we only look and recognise. I see miracles as the outcomes of the universal laws in action, and I’m eternally grateful.

  41. When you have a mission impossible just prepare yourself mentally and physically. Every day pray to the Holy Spirit and your guardian angel to help you. Excercise to gain strength and mentally repeat affirmations of what you desire, express gratitude, let the repetitions of what you desire turn into intense belief and focus intensely on it every moment and it will manifest physically and give you the strengh to achieve your mission. Three months ago I had to go to Vancouver to help out as housekeeper and nanny to a hyperactive 4 year old grandson, a demanding 2 year old granddaughter and later a new born baby boy and a very fastidious daughter-in law. The last winter was one of the worst! First it started with big floods which contaminated the resevoirs so we had to lug big bottles of distilled water from the supermart, then came the snow storm end of November and later the wind storm in December and incessant rain. I had never been able to withstand the cold which bit into my joints and hurt so much especially at night.I panicked when I experienced shooting pains to my lumbar spine, hip and down my leg threatening a slipped disc from carrying the kids and lifting the heavy stroller on to the boot of the car. The stressful conditions of instant beck and call, rushing around with housework which I was not used to and having to cook and wash took a toll on my blood pressure which is normally low.I just had no time to read emails or communicate through internet and worried about my business which had to be put on hold. Somehow when things got too tough I prayed and problems resolved itself and I am now still recovering from a bad flu which started on the long plane journey back home. I am so amazed at what I could achieve and now can proudly say to myself with great satisfaction ‘I DID IT!’. It gives me confidence to go forward to work out my goals and achieve my dreams. Prayers always help.Trust in the Lord .

  42. When I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and had only an inadequant temporary job, I asked for True Love and a Million Dollars. Each day on my bus ride to work, I delighted in wondering how this would be fulfilled for me. In just a month, I met the man I married that year, and it was the most profound True Love, and he was a Millionaire. Unfortunately, my fear it wouldn’t last also created the loss of all of this within a couple years, so be careful what you create! Now I’m really careful about the miracles I’m creating!

  43. There was a time I believed in miracles, but now, after witnessing many in my life, I know that with God, ALL things are possible. When we truly know that, how can we believe in miracles rather than believe in an ALL powerful God.
    Anything we can think, we can create. Everyday, every moment, it is my desire that God’s will be done. When I desire, or have a ‘want’ for something, I first think, ‘God’s will be done’. Then, I know if I do not receive what my desire is, God has a better plan and I will receive something more magnificent than I hoped for.
    With God, or our Higher Power in charge, we cannot fail ever!

  44. Dr Michael,
    Thanks for your comments. For the Christian, miracles should be the norm. I am a Healing Technician. I have laid my hands on the sick and seen cancers and tumors die and disappear Jesus said in Mark 16:15-20 ‘In My Name’ the believer shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. We lay hands on the sick in the name of Jesus and they recover.
    Should we be so amazed that God does what He says He will do?

  45. My Miracle is My Life.
    After many years of being abused, depression, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse I almost drank myself to death (unintentionally). A cab driver, to whom I am forever grateful and will never know, saved my life by calling 911. I had stopped breathing after consuming a large quantity of alcohol. When I awoke in the ICU I was at first in shock at what had happened, then horrified, then the deepest despair. The only answer was to ask The Great Spirit for one more chance. I realized that I did not want to die at all- I just wanted the pain to stop. I decided in a very profound moment to choose Life. To choose Sobriety. To choose Gratitude. I am 8 and a half years sober. I am no longer depressed or abused. I am surrounded by loving souls and I am filled with Gratitude. This is my biggest Miracle. Thank You.

  46. Thank you so much for this fantastic forum, I have been smiling and tearful reading thru these tremendous stories of love and faith. I have experienced many instances of “miracles”, which are God-in-action, especially working as a hands-on healer. One case that comes to mind stood out for the mere fact that the healing was NOT hands-on, but from a distance. Some may call it prayer, but in a more pro-active manner that you actually send the person healing energies. A friend’s son was involved in a horrid car accident and left in a coma, with the first reports being that it was doubtful if he would live, much less come out of the coma. Another healer and myself agreed to spend the next several weeks using our energies from afar to assist in his healing. I did not know this young man, either by his name or face, yet I steadfastly sent healing energies to “Sandy’s son, you know who it is” every day for several weeks or a month. I heard over the course of time that he’d come out of a coma, that he was doing better, just sketchy details for which I had no real clue what they meant. Still, I persisted.
    Some time later, I attended a fund-raising event for the charity which Sandy headed up. I spoke with her, asking how her son was doing. She told me I should speak to him myself, as he was standing right over there! I was stunned. He was a handsome young man, with his new wife, not in any wheelchair or looking anything but a perfect picture of health. I introduced myself to him and explained that I had been one of two healers who had sent his “distance healing” for quite awhile. I noticed an obvious glow around him and told him that I sensed he had been saved for some much greater purpose, to which he nodded enthusiastically, agreeing. I had taken he and his wife by the hands and between the 3 of us, an energy passed that was so great I immediately broke into a complete sweat of heat, while tears streamed uncontrollably down my face…a fact that surprised even me, as I am not usually given to this sort of display. I apologized to them, but they seemed to accept this as perfectly natural, Thank God! We spoke at length. I learned that his doctors thought he may have some brain damage, but that apart from a little slowness of speech, he was perfectly healed. He thanked me for my part in his recuperation, but I feel that it was Spirit that healed him, not me, and that he should direct his thanks to God. It is quite difficult to explain the depth of enlightenment that I received in this meeting, but a living proof that we are all so connected and can truly make a difference in people’s lives. I cherish this memory to this day! Miracles can and do happen, regularly, even if most are not on such a grandiose scale and I seek to discover the connectivity between every person who crosses my path, and even those whose paths I never cross.

  47. My miracal, While watching the movie “The Secret” with my friend,both of us for the first time, I had a burning desire to learn more about one of the presenters. I so badly wanted to read and know more about them. This desire was so strong I could not get this person out of my mind. At the end of the movie I told my friend of my need to read more about one of the presenters, my friend went to her spare room and returned with a gift. She had bought two copies of the presenters book about a year before..not knowing why she needed two. We both were in amazement.

  48. I work in home care and Dec 23 1999 as I was walking to one of my clients house I looked up and said
    “Dear Creator tomorrow I am supposed to go help someone take a bath. Problem is it is a 1 hr job and it will take me 45 minutes each way on bus and wait time .
    Also my family is coming for Christmas eve supper . Wish I knew how to get out of this .
    Well aprox 10 minutes later an ambulance was picking me up off the sidewalk as I had slipped on some ice hit the back of my head and passed out cold .
    After 6 days in hospital with bleeding between and skull and membrane I was allowed home .
    This was really a miracle because there was no permanant damage .Early April I began writing poetry and became intereated in Enregy work
    I now am able to “see” and “feel ” and “hear” anilmals
    Spirit guides and yes even differnt color lights when I close my eyes.
    I also became spiritual
    In May 2000 following surgery I was told I would need a transfusion I said no and started to pray.Suddenly a man was running in front of me and 2 others were running after him I stepped between them and the MAN turned around and said
    “Thank you for helping me
    I am telling you that you do not need that transfusion.
    He put his hand on my shoulder and then dissapeared .
    After a blood test to see how many units I needed the nurse came running to me totally stunned .
    I belive that a miracle happened. your count is up by 50% and the Dr is siging the relaease papers right now You are free to go home just after he sees you .
    I smiled and said “Thank you”
    She said” I just saw a 1 in a million miracle happen here.
    She had a spring in her step and magnifigant smile on her face .
    Wiseowl Viola

  49. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago. It was a small tumor, yet cancerous. I made it a purpose to forget about it, doctors were wrong (I said to myself),there was nothing wrong with me. Sure enough it’s been eight years, during which I’ve only had 2 checkups for other reasons and I’m completely healthy. All the other patients that were ill at the same time have died except for another girl and I. That’s my miracle, working with my mind and discovering that it is so powerful you can do anything you wish. My miracle isn’t over yet; ever since I had my surgery I’ve been studying, reading many books ( including The Wealthy Soul), articles and attended many courses and workshops, which have helped me understand the powers of the mind and the existance of God. That’s why I say that my experience was a good one, otherwise I might have never learned and grown so much.

  50. Life is full of miracles!!!
    You just have to be opened to them.
    I will pick one of many in my life.My Faher past away 10 jan 2001.When my siater and i packed up all his things 6 mts later.I was in his basement suddenly the basement was filld with the smell of his aftershave,with out a dout he was with us. It has happened again a few months ago he came to visit me in my home in Australia,same thing suddenly the room smells of his aftershave,so now i just know that he sometimes comes to see me.I pull up a chair for him and sit down and chat to him ,its great.With my spiritual path i have found the more you look,the more you find.
    Lots of Aloha from Anna

  51. Well along time ago i had a daughter named Meagen and she was about to have open heart surgery. I went for a walk ending up at a garden where i was sitting and just overwhelemed with my motherhood for the first time. I do feel anything, but for a brief moment in simple words i ask that i would see my daughter cut her teeth, hear the word mom, and share time and that i did……..Upon her funeral it all came back to me as i wrote her unlige and i remember that what miracles that i did recieved during her 3 years with me and much more. I also ask that she get a new heart, and on that day i know that she was my miracle.
    This i share………

  52. The most recent one is I have been envisaging a new car. Recently I have seen them everywhere. Now, I know that we tend to see them more when we open ourselves up to it. However, what I’m exeriencing is way beyond this. This morning on my way to work, for example, I must have seen 10 of them, several in front of me at various points, others going past me. I had to laugh with joy at what was happening.

  53. My college friend and I were driving on a mountain road to visit another friend in Wheatland, WY. We were laughing and having a good time. All of a sudden, we realized I had missed the curve on the road and my front tires were off the road. It was only down the mountain from there. The next thing we knew, the car was back on the road and we were awe struck.

  54. Thank you for my life, which is a miracle in itself.
    After 20 years receiving cortisone for bursitis in my shoulders an living on codeine for 25 years, I prayed for a miracle to get rid of my pain and suffering.
    Open up your heart then you open up the door.
    I found the cause of my bursitis, arthritis and all the pain in my body.
    For someone that was supposed to be dead or in a wheel chair by the time I was 40 walked a marathon 26.2 miles at the age of 70 without pain. That is a miracle in itself.
    Growing up in school being called ‘MR” for mentally retarded having
    ADHD, Add and you name, I had a DREAM of a Beautuful Happy World.
    I searched and searched and could not find it anywhere because it was not out their, it was inside me all the time.
    At age 63 I received my Ph.D in Psychology.
    I now teach people “How to Relieve Stress, Pain and Learning Blocks Naturally Emotionally and physically without Drugs.
    I tell myself I did not go thru my pain and suffering in my lifetime for nothing. It was to seek the miracle to find the cause which I did
    In loving life Elizabeth.
    Life is Good, What a Blessing

  55. All the stories of hope and encouragement. My miracle story is
    how I was going thru a lot of past issues and after work one day I went to the library. I saw a girl going thru a similar situation that I had experienced when I was younger and was able to release the event. I then got two videos and a book that proved to be pieces to a puzzle that I was searching for and didn’t know it. It was like the situation was created and all I had to do was walk into it, to receive the enlightment.

  56. When I was in the 4th grade we were practicing a choir number for a countywide contest. The teacher stopped and pointed at me and told me to just move my lips and not make a sound because I was off key and couldn’t sing. That comment changed my life and not for the good. About 6 months ago I released her and her comment. Last Sunday I sang a solo in church: To Dream the Impossible Dream. I have never done that. I am 79 years old. This was a monumental miracle.

  57. A few years ago I was povertystricken and could see few possibilities to change it. I continued to affirm that there were no limits to what God could do and after a time I manifested someone who has helped my leverage my small assets into a sizeable (and growing) second income. I am so grateful.

  58. A few years ago I was povertystricken and could see few possibilities to change it. I continued to affirm that there were no limits to what God could do and after a time I manifested someone who has helped my leverage my small assets into a sizeable (and growing) second income. I am so grateful.

  59. i do believe in miracle but have not to encounter one yet. I’m sure if we keep on the believe that miracles could happen, it will one day.

  60. It was long long time ago, when I was a single fighter, I got miracles 2 times. First, when I stepped down a city bus, I found my bag was opened and my wallet was gone. Then I briskly climb the bus agai and shout :”Someone stole my wallet ! Who stole my wallet ?”. Then someone point to my foot, and I found it there with all my money still complete ! Thanks GOD ! Second, when I sat down in an inter city bus, someone sat beside me and suddenly I saw my bundle of keys in his hand. Then I shout :”They are my keys ! You take my keys !” He got angry and answered :”No, these are my keys”. Then I shout :”Pick pocket ! Pick pocket ! He’s a pick pocket!”. But, everybody in the bus still silent. Then, suddenly, he stood up, dropped my bundle of keys to the bus floor, and left the bus. Thanks GOD, I got my keys back ! Now,after I’m getting old, when I remembered that moments I feel so grateful and still feel surprised, that me, a small and a bit short woman (my height = 150 cm) could scared thieves/pick pockets ?

  61. Dear Michael
    I create miracles every moment of my life. All it takes is a commitment to live each moment as if it were my last. I practice consciousness ALL the time.
    This is why I can teach Transformational Techniques with deep conviction because I know it works to follow the Universal Laws & live with & through the frequencies of their vibrational flow. Sometimes I can even disappear myself in the Zen of the moment where Love & Joy live in my heart.
    Go to my website
    My Radio Spots & transcripts will be posted soon about my journey into joy & what it takes to Be, Live & Stay in Inspiration & Gratitude.

  62. Miracles happen to me everyday…in little forms…and through this conscious journey, I am made aware of my power to create all the good stuff in my life and also to take responsibility for all the bad stuff that pops up now and remind me that I can change my reality if i choose to.

  63. Hi, I’d like to share what God can do. Jesus is interceding for us, so when my husband of 50 yrs passed away I knew the Lord said in His Word that Jesus took our pains and sorrows. So I believed that and have had the grief removed from my life and am doing just fine.

  64. Do I believe in Miracles and Angels?
    Absolutely. I heard mine speak. And that calm voice saved our lives miraculously.
    We were driving along a mountain pass in Colorado one autumn afternoon, heading for Oklahoma. The air was crisp and cool, the drive had been pleasant enough. Going around a sharp curve with a passing lane on the oncoming traffic side, all of the sudden the situation became life-threatening. In the oncoming lanes were two BIG Mack trucks, side by side, and coming directly at us in our lane was a speeding car… To the left of the Trucks, mountain wall and rocks, to the right of us, a sheer thousand foot drop.
    We were looking at a head-on collision with the Mack Trucks, the speeding car, or sailing over a cliff… and panic gripped my husband as he grabbed the dashboard of our car and cried out in fear. Suddenly, I felt a calm come over me and I heard a voice say softly and clearly, “Go for the hole in the middle…”
    And there, for the smallest moment, was an opening between the Trucks and the oncoming car – just big enough for MY little car to whiz through with mere INCHES to spare on either side!
    Our vehicle shook from the surrounding velocity – and I saw into the eyes of the oncoming driver as we passed – not fear as I expected, but a laughing madness, as if he wanted to hit us!
    Moments later, I pulled over to the side of the road, and realizing what had just occurred, marveled at the reality of what had transpired… I had heard my guardian Angel speak – and his calm voice had prevented a great tragedy.
    Oh yes, I DO believe in Angels and miracles… and so does my husband. Now.

  65. Yes! I see miracles, everyday, my life is a miracle. God sends His Son’s healing energy through me to others everyday. My passion is that all come to know God’s miracles of healing, love, knowledge, life, joy, and on and on. Because we can’t know God without Him first giving us the knowledge of Himself, it is my prayer that all shall know Him by Him.

  66. My miracle in life is knowing God, the supreme Father, the source of love and light and experiencing the tremendous power of his love for us, his beloved children.
    I used to wonder what God must be like, AND HOW WONDERFUL it must be to experience him as he really he, and to get that experience is the greatest miracle in my life. To have the experience of a very compassionate, benevolent, powerful, loving power who wishes me to realise my greatness as he made me, in his own image, a soul, a point of light, like a shining star filled with brightness radiating all the powers and virtues and learning to connect with him, as a child with his beloved father feels so secure and loved, so complete…, so fulfilled. This is the most inspiring miracle of my life and I wish every soul would experience this divine meeting with our divine father the supreme soul…, whom we call Shiva, Allah, Jehovah, the divine power, the benevolent being of light and might, and experience the magic of being with him in a second just by the power of a single thought!

  67. I have been fortunate enough to have two lovely healthy children.It is an absolute miracle that life can grow inside of a woman.
    I have also watched a healer at work, which is a god given miracle to be able to heal others through the palm of your hands.
    I have also experienced lots of small miracles, well i class them as miracles. if i ask the universe for help say when i am going to the metro centre and i want to park in the most convienant car park i always ask the universe to make sure there is a one there for me. and nine times out of ten there is.

  68. A miracle I have experienced was when my mom become pregnant with her third child. I always wanted to have another baby to take care of lol but my mom was told she could never have children due to her broken tailbone, so it was a big shock when she became pregnant with Shayne. It was also a great miracle needed at a time of great despair.

  69. When I was a young girl, my dad made promises to me which he never kept. I hated him for that and then he got married when I was ten years old. I hated my stepmother because I blamed her for his behavior; as a result, I was always rude to her and refused to interact with my siblings by her.. At age 15, I stopped speaking to my dad and refused to see him. After seven years of not speaking to my dad, I had a dream where I was attending his funeral and was pouring out my heart to him. When I awoke, I realized that I must make peace with my dad. I took the next plane and visited him. I was 22 years old then and still had not made peace with my stepmother. One day at age 34, I visited my dad at his home for the first time, took a gift for my stepmother and apologize for mistreating her. Today, we are the best of friends and I can talk to her about anything. My dad died four years ago, by that time, we were the best of friends…my brother and sister would say that I was his favorite. I would spend hours on the phone talking to him. I do miss him dearly, but I have wonderful memories and ease the loss. I have a marvelous relationship with my siblings and since I have only one brother, I love him dearly. My life is richer now. My miracle is several folds: I heeded my dream, I learned how to forgive, how to love unconditionally and to accept people as they are….unconditionally. I almost missed out on one of the best things in my life.

  70. I think all of life is a miracle! How we live, how our body works, how we think and act and love… My three children are all miracles and the last one in particular is a special miracle. He was born with a default in his heart: the arteries were the wrong way round and he was a blue baby. A small ‘procedure’ was done when he was a day old and then he was operated on when he was eight month old. They rebuilt the top half of his heart – now that’s another miracle in itself!-. I am very happy to say he is fine – so fine he managed to do the foot treck up to Machu Pitchu in Peru – and is now a father himself to a gorgeous boy… Miracles all around us! THANK GOD !!!

  71. I have experienced several miracles lately. I had taken my daughter to a clinic appointment with almost no gas in my car and no money available to buy gas. When we got out of the clinic appointment, I looked at my gas gauge to make sure we would have enough gas to get home. It registered 3/4 of a tank. I was amazed and asked my daughter to confirm that it had actually been almost on empty and she agreed. Then, the next day, after I ran my appointments, I made it home on less than 1/16 tank of gas – a trip of 20 miles. My car just doesn’t get that kind of gas mileage. Another thing is that I was just about to lose my car, and I began praying and thanking God for allowing me to keep my car. A few days later, I learned we had been approved for a debt consolidation loan that I thought had fallen through, since we hadn’t heard anything for weeks. We were able to tell the finance company that we will be able to pay them off in less than a week. There was also my cellphone, which was late and should have been disconnected, but I prayed thanking God for allowing me to keep my phone, and it was extended (without my even talking to the provider) until I received a check in almost the exact amount that allowed me to bring my bill current. This is only the beginning. I look forward to learning to live in the miraculous state of continual prosperity.

  72. As I live in ordinary world now, I don’t know what is miracle well, but I feel a miracle is happening right now and I expect it’s result earnestly.

  73. As I live in ordinary world now, I don’t know what is miracle well, but I feel a miracle is happening right now and I expect it’s result earnestly.

  74. My Miracle
    Not long ago I was 50. I lost everything – a flat, job, food; total bankruptcy.
    First miracle happened, when my friend offered me a place to stay,a food to survive and internet connection in exchange for some help, like cooking, ironing,cleaning her house.
    On my birthday I found on net one very interesting person called Jason, helping and teaching similar like resp. dr. Norwood, whom I discovered a little bit later (I belive you are some kind of miracle too ).
    I received few Newsletters from Jason and he encouraged me to become his paid member. Benefits of his membership are unbelivable, great and very prescious for soul growth.
    I answerd him, I’m not in position to take his offer and explained my situation. And said I will react when circumstances will allow me to do it. I pressed Enter.
    In few seconds!!! an answer arrived from him ( each of us is living on another half of the planet, time difference is app. 9 hours. I was surprised he was up,… ), saying :
    “Don’t pay a dime Eva. I’ve created an account just for you. This will help.I sincerely hope this brings you to a breakthrough. I know it’s coming.
    With love,
    Jason M.”
    I started crying and crying. I felt blessed. The best birthday’s present I ever received. And a miracle, isn’t it?
    With love and blessings to all, reading this,

  75. Dr. Norwood, I just received your e-mail on miracles pt.2 and you asked us to guess about what cured your allergies and also to post a miracle of our own. I don’t have one of my own to share, however, I have miracles in my life all the time. Just waking up everyday is a miracle. I am responding to your question about your allergies as a young boy. I believe you had those allergies because you were emotionally congested. You were denying your own power. With you always thinking why me? You were attracting all that. Maybe deep down you were carrying some type of guilt. Your allergies probably went away after you changed your way of thinking and started believing in yourself, as well as accepting life itself. This is just a guess, and I hope to see your answer soon. God bless everyone! Michelle

  76. Miracles are small or big,coloured,shape,and most important are the ones who talk to your soul….I have been living at the same resident for over 6 years and i was just mediating on what God wanted me to see right now. As i was typing on my computer i turn around and even though I’ve looking out my window thousands of time, it was different. In the horizon, where trees stand tall for their reason, the sun was about to appear in matter of minutes and I was about to see it for the first time since I moved in…..It was so beautiful,colours of sorts, big and the heat that felt on my face as if it was holding me and unfolding to what I was to see at that moment. All I could say was, Oh My God it so beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing my miracle
    just for that moment.
    Wanda Breen

  77. My name is Mary Ryan. Some people call me The Angel Lady. That is because I draw and paint angels for awards, gifts, to raise funds for a non-profit organization where I am currently president that helps persons with mental illness. My diagnosis is is long and includes both physical and mental disabilites. I won’t get too far into that. It bores people.I will say that I was severely abused for a very, very long time.I was sexually and physically tortured by my mother and my half-brother for the first fifteen years of my life.My mother scalded me when I was a baby and I spent several years in the Shriners’ Hospital in Houston, Texas. I had 3rd degree burns over 70% of my body.There was a “Pray for Mary” campaign over the radio there for years. They called me ” The Miracle Baby”. That was beacause I survived.I have almost no eveidence that I was ever burned. I don’t remember very much about the hospital, except that I thought an angel visited me two different times.So, I survived, grew up, got married very young, got divorced very young and went away for twenty years.I went away, in fear, in shame and to protect my son from me.I thought if I was gone, he wouldn’t be sick like me, like my mother and father.
    When I came home to San Antonio and saw my son, after twenty years, I understood.My son is very ill, also. It was then I tried to get help and treatment.
    On Mothers’ Day night about ten years ago, I ran into the night after my son physically and sexually attacked me.I ended up in a shelter.It was there that I met those persons who would help shape my destiny. It was also then and there that I began to do my angels. I sold them for $1 to get soap powder and laundry money for my clothes.It was there that I learned about mental illness and about being an advocate.
    I now belong to numerous organizations in Bexar County, Texas and the United States that advocate for the mentally ill. I am the president of one of those organizations. I am an artist, a writer, a public speaker and an advocate.I facilitate many groups that help people with mental illness find their voice, such as through poetry, through the writen and spoken word, such as through art.I help people understand that helping others in their recovery will help their own recovery.I have 53 personalities. I use a wheelchair. That doesn’t matter. I live to do good works.That matters.

  78. Be the Fish . . .
    Ever since I can remember, I have wanted the ability to heal with my hands and in 1996, after the birth of our son, I started pursuing training in the healing arts.
    Healing has not been a profession for me, I am an artist with a private quest for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. My family surrounds itself with animals, all sorts from insects to reptiles to mammals.
    We have two little ornamental ponds filled with fish, turtles and frogs. One day, I noticed that a goldfish had jumped out of the water and was lying next to pond barely alive. Its eyes and gills were dried and at first I thought it was gone. When I picked it up, its mouth opened to breathe and moved its fins. I placed it in my hands and held it back in the water and used my favorite command – “Life”. I gently rubbed the gills so they weren’t stuck anymore and it would try and breath. I held this fish with an open heart, sending it messages of love and life. When I released the fish it would roll on its side and start to sink. I would support it in my hands and try to release it several times before I finally put it in God’s hands. Its chances for recovery did not look good in my opinion.
    Do you know? To this day, that fish is still alive (2 years now).
    That little fish, taught me a huge lesson in faith and miracles. I now believe, more than ever, that anything is possible and no job is too big for God and we have reproduced these results with other small creatures.

  79. with regards to your cure from the allergies,I would guess that you decided internally that you were not going to be affected by these allergies any more and that it was the power of your thinking that cured you of them.

  80. I had just had my baby. My second after 13 years. Something went terribly wrong and I collapsed, flat lined in fact. I was sent into the most quiet place I have ever experienced. Swirliing around in darkness, gradually turning to colors of orange and blue. I knew something different was going on. I tried to explore the possibilities but all I could come up with was I was dead. I remembered the little baby I had just had and thought at that moment, how I wanted to share her life. How bad it would be to leave her without a mother. I than said, “I don’t want to die.” and like a zipper had unzipped in front of my face, I was back, in pain and unable to speak. There was a tube deep in my throat, lights everywhere, and people staring me in the face saying, “she’s back!” This experience let me know that I can speak life into existence. I am here to do that in every phase of my being, work and wealth aspirations. God bless all of you who share.

  81. The Purity that Believes
    My son thought a bandage stopped pain
    when he was three,
    that blood was cause for screaming,
    fear, the mystery of dark nights
    when the shape of things shifted.
    At five, off to school,
    he of new found sociability
    was beleaguered by
    a case of warts so tempestuous
    that his face ached with remorse
    and he learned embarrassment.
    He submitted to the power
    of the white room
    where he knew, though covered
    in childhood blues and yellows,
    pain lurked from clean hands
    and the smell of rubbing alcohol
    was a needle for sure.
    There in the white room
    his patience was dazzling,
    for such was the determination
    in his submission
    to burn, freeze
    and scrape those warts
    from off that tender skin
    and still
    return they did
    a plague upon his childhood
    a nightmare of skin eruptions.
    To admit defeat
    is not a normal thing,
    the white coat shrugged,
    then whispered what to do,
    quiet, least the warts had ears.
    Each night this child,
    this blond youth of my love,
    this sweet natured sunny child
    made a ritual
    of faith so big and true
    that doubting had no place
    inside the room
    where dreams are made come true.
    One week of this nocturnal ceremony,
    one week was all it took of squinting eyes
    shut tight in focused thought,
    fists clenched in purpose true,
    I wish the warts away
    he said five times and the trick
    not in the words you see
    but in the purity of youth,
    he believed.

  82. My life is filled with many small miracles but I guess the greatest miracle I’ve ever experienced is that my brother, my only sibling, survived 9/11. How he got out of that one tower alive never ceases to amaze me. Other miracles of mine worth mentioning is my mother’s survival of cancer twice and a beautiful friendship that I share with my best friend. I prayed for a best friend and one was delivered. It’s an unusual friendship, takes hard work to tender it but it’s oh so worth it.In this, I have discovered to never overlook anything in life that seems out of the norm and doesn’t meet your expectations.Love comes to us in many unusual yet spectacular ways.

  83. I me Sammy in June 2005. He was working on RadioGetsWild, an internet music station and he wanted to interview me about my first book, “Patrick the Wayward Setter.” I was thrilled and we became friends after that. He narrated my book, and the next, and the NEXT onto audio CD, which have really helped sales. We also did 2 straight to audio works, one of which, “Stories of Hope,” has become a big bestseller, reaching out to folks similar to what Michael does here with his “wealthy soul” stories. The downside is that Sammy is an alcoholic, a chronic DWI offender. I saw thru that to his potential, what he could be and do. When the bottle isn’t calling, he is literally a miracle worker. Being considered a felon, he can’t hold down a “real” job, so what we did together gave him a sense of stability. I encouraged him as much as I could, giving him support, realizing that he didn’t have very many friends. He broke off our friendship/ working relationship after an incident came up in that I withheld information from him, knowing he didn’t want to hear bad news before yet another jail sentence took him away for 3 weeks. He needed hopeful things to dwell on in jail. He found out about my “dishonesty,” upon his release, and instead of hearing my side of it, shut me out of his life. I said some terrible things to him out of my pain, things I deeply regret now.
    The BIGGEST miracle for me would be for us to become friends once again. I miss him a lot, know what his potential is and want to be a part of his life once more.
    Please, pray for this miracle, for a softening of his heart.

  84. Dear Michael
    Once again, thank you for your inspiring stories. When I see your name on an email, I wonder what gem will accompany it, this time and of course you never cease to inspire! And I’ve enjoyed reading through the wonderful responses here.
    Your allergy story struck a chord, because I was there! It started in my late twenties. Reading your story, I could feel the ‘scratch tests’ and see the rashes along my arm. Yuk!
    All that was in the days when I knew nothing about anything – and when I was smothered in stress!
    Almost ten years of suffering later, I had become an asthmatic and then I got pneumonia! As I lay in bed, a friend, whom I hadn’t seen in a while came to visit. This was a woman who, years earlier had been an inspiration to me, having overcome crippling arthritis to run marathons!
    She sat with me for almost two hours, chatting about ‘positivity’ and when she left, I heard myself saying, ‘I’m never having asthma again!’ It wasn’t exactly stated entirely ‘in the positive’, but that was 1991 and in 1993, I began my training and study in the field of complementary health and starting a new career as a writer – free of allergies!
    Years previously, when my eldest son was about 6 years old, I took him to the doctor, yet again, with tonsilitis, a condition he presented with at age 3 – enlarged infected tonsils, fever. (I can still smell the dreaded prescribed medicine!).
    That evening, our regular family doctor was away and I was somewhat disappointed to find a young locum taking is place. After the examination, I remarked, “I suppose the tonsils will have to come out, at some stage…?” (ignoramus that I was back then!), whereupon the doctor put his hand on my son’s little shoulder, looked into his eyes and said, “You will grow out of that, Son”.
    My son is now almost 35, married with two adorable children and has never had tonsilitis since!
    Last year, my son was away from home on business and at about 10 p.m. my daughter-in-law phoned me. Their little son, then aged 18 months was running a temperature, sleeping and waking, crying. Alone in the house, with no transport, my daughter-in-law was reluctant to call her parents to take her to the hospital.
    My mind raced back to when my son suffered tonsilitis. “Is his throat swollen?” I asked. “Yes,” she said. We talked, over the next few minutes and she relaxed, with the baby in one arm, holding the phone with her free hand. I could hear the baby’s breathing easing. “I think I’ll go to bed, now,” his Mum said, sleepily. I advised her to take the child to the doctor first thing in the morning and let me know how he was. I prayed.
    All next day I waited. No call. Eventually, at about 7 in the evening, I telephoned. My son had returned from his business trip earlier than anticipated. He answered the phone. In the background, I could hear the children playing. “How’s the baby?” I asked. “He’s fine – swinging out of the ceiling, as usual; into everything!”
    Finally, a call ‘from upstairs’. About two years ago, my niece was home on holidays from college. Kids of her age live on their mobile (cell) phones, calling and texting at all hours! Jen’s Mum asked her to switch off her phone, so that they coud all get some sleep! So before going to bed, she shut down her phone.
    4 a.m., her phone is ringing, beside her bed! She picks it up, half asleep and presses the answer button. Nothing. Then she smells something – smoke! She rushes downstairs. Smoke in the hallway. She wakes her parents. Her dad gets up and discovers the wiring in the airing cupboard smouldering and tends to it. The danger passed, Jen checks her phone. It’s still switched off. When she turns it on again and checks for recent calls, there are none!
    Look forward to the rest of YOUR story, Michael. And thank you for the invitation.
    Love to All,

  85. This is a miracle that i will never forget. But before i start, let me state, that as a child i always used to hear my name called.For no apparent reason while i was playing and quiet. It always used to sound like my mothers voice, but sometimes anothers voice. When i used to shout to my mother, what do you want, or did you shout me. She used to say, nothing, or i didnt shout you. I noticed that there were two dofferent tones to this calling. Sometimes i hear my name MICHAEL!!! shouted in a vioce of urgency and somtimes it was a more gentle calling.
    Now that you have the history of the callings i used to hear, now here is the miracle.
    When i was a child of about ten years old. I was playing in a sand pit with my cousin David in a field near and aunts house.
    A couple a boys we new and my cousin and i had dug a tunnel in the sand pit.
    We were there a while digging this tunnel and putting thin pieces of would against the sides to stop the sand falling in, now and then.
    As my cousin and i were right inside the tunnel. I heard my name shouted twice in ten second intevals. So went out of the tunnel thinking it was my mother shouting to me to come in for tea.
    I shouted my cousin David to come out of the tunnel because we have to go for tea. So he came out. As we were about 20 feet from the tunnel, walking away for tea, we felt the ground shake and heard a rushing, rumbling sound. I turned round to see the tunnel had colapsed from the top down. On hindsight there must have been about 20 ton of sand that had caved in on the tunnel. Me and my cousin ran home to his house, and when we got there, tea wasnt ready and on asking my mother if she had shouted me. She said no she hadnt. But seeing as we were both in early, we could get washed for tea. We never told anybody what had happened, and it was only a few years ago that i realized that that was indeed a miracle. I do believe in angels and spirit guides, and firmly believe that it was a spirit that shouted my name and saved our lives. I truly hope that all readers find this little story of interest and a comfort in the knowing that we are being looked after from the other side.

  86. God cannot be proven God is an experience. If God could be proven, He / She would be a matter of fact rather than a matter of faith. However, this does not mean that God does not exist. Nor is God is not a matter of belief. There is nothing to believe nor disbelieve. One either knows or one does not know After a Theophany – a personal encounter with God – the certainty for that person that God exists transcends doubt regardless of the opinion of others. My miracle, my Theophany came about after a prolonged period of studying and clinging to Love as a way of life. Jesus told us that God is Love. As it turns out, this is a mathematical equation in ancient Hebrew. How is this so? In ancient Hebrew there were no numbers. Instead, the letters themselves each had a numerical value. When two words added up to the same sum, they were considered synonyms. Both the word “One” (always meaning God when speaking in Spiritual terms in ancient Hebrew) and the word “Love” have a numerical value of 13. When you share Love you share God.
    Now to my miracle, my Theophany. After 15 years of marriage to my wife, she imformed me that she wanted a divorce. Due to work circumstances, for three years we live a bi-state lifestyle and spent only two weeks a month together. She said goodbye to me on Mon. after a honeymoon type romantic weekend. She was sure that I would follow the typical three stage grieving process of denial, pain and anger pleading with me to hate her now so I could bypass the pain stage because she didn’t want to hurt me. This made no sense because one can learn from pain but not from hate which only breeds more pain. I focused on Love instead and delved deeply into Spiritual Mystical Wisdom from many schools.
    Instead of haugnting the local pubs and nightclubs buying drinks for women I didn’t know, I spent my money on a piano and began to play on Friday and Saturday nights, teaching myself to read music. I had the movers put the piano in what I refer to as my corner of LOVE because it has paintings I’ve done of My deceased Dad right before his death walking down a garden path holding my daughter’s hand each looking back over their shoulder staring at the viewer’s gaze. There is a handwriten note from my step grandson Denim telling me how much he loves me. He and I bonded closely before his parents took him to Costa Rica where they decided to relocate. As they left for their new home, Denim clung to my leg begging me not to allow him to be taken away because he feared he would never see me again. (I have seen him once in 5 years ) The piano represented my mom. As a young boy I would join her in the garage as she practiced. She played so badly that the garage was the only place my Dad would allow the piano. As I sat for the first time at my new piano, I began to meditate and just play what my fingers decided to do and soon I related to my Mom because my music was equally dissonant as hers. I was playing random keys on my right hand and disjointed grating chords on my left. As I meditated, I was remembering how terrible my Mom sounded but how much I loved listening to her because of my love for her. Suddenly, I was visualizing my Mom who passed away more than two decades ago. She began to whisper: “I no longer play that way son, I have the knowledge of the universe at my finger tips now. Just relax and allow me to play for you.” I opened my eyes in shock and looked around to see who was talking and mimicking my Mother’s voice. then I heard: “Play son, we will play together.” I closed my eyes and allowed the Infinite to take over and with that my hands began to make music I had no way of knowing how to play. I wanted to go get a tape recorder and record what I played but Mom said: “Don’t worry about recording this,it’s in your heart forever.” The miracle is that now less than three years later, I can play those songs I played then. What it has taught me is that when the motive is LOVE. All things are possible. And sheds light on the Hindu saying: “If it hasn’t happened yet, it never will.” I has happened. Love …Peace be with you.

  87. I have have had many miracles in my lifetime, and have been blessed by having the unseen and previously unknown manifested in very tangable ways; so that I could learn, and incororate a deep belief that our openness, and willingness to believe that anything is possible, will manifest what it is we truly need in our lives.
    The miracle I wish to share, is one that truly touched me ,in part because it also touched many other people, although I didn’t realize it at the time.
    This occurred when I was a 26 year old registered nurse, working with the developmently disabled in western NY. Many things happened, prior to my diagnosis, but it was missed for various reasons for a while. Eventually, I was diagnosed with a medialstinal tumor (a tumor located at the base of the pulmonary artery, very near the heart)I remember, my only thought at the time was, “I’m 26 years old, and I haven’t really lived yet”. I asked my director at work, for a referral to the best thoracic specialist she knew of, as I decided not to go to the one given to me by my previous doctor. She did, and I saw him for an evaluation. Interesting thing, was he looked like a twin of one of my uncles.
    I had a full workup, and was scheduled for surgery in two weeks, as my physician had to be out of town. I accepted what I would need to go through with the surgery, and the fact that everything happens for a reason. Before I went to the hospital, as my mother and I were talking, I asked her if she would do a healing on me. My request of her just popped out of my mouth (as these things usually do). So, she prayed, and lay her hands on me. It was a very beautiful moment for both of us.
    As I was being admitted to the hospital, I have to admit, I gave the admissions people a bit of a hard time, because they wanted to do an admitting chest x-ray. I had just had multiple in depth studies of that area, in preperation for my surgery and could not see why I could possibly need another plain old chest x-ray!! But, after I thought about it for a while, I decided that they were just trying to do their jobs, and follow their rules, so I agreed to have it done, and proceeded to do so. Turned out to be a very good choice on my part.
    As I was waiting in my hospital room, after speaking to one of my physician’s partners (who had just gone over explaining everything that would be done, and that someone would be coming to bring me down to surgery shortly) I felt at peace.
    Three hours went by, and still no one came to get me. Then I heard all of this joyous shouting coming from the nurse’s station.
    My physician (who looked so like my uncle) walked into the room and stood in the farthest corner he could from me and just stared at me for awhile. It was a timeless moment; I didn’t say a word, I just looked into his eyes and waited. Then he said “Well, I guess I cured your tumor without surgery” – he had a very perplexed look on his face.
    He then continued to say that he had just had a meeting with four other specialists, he called in to review my case. He said “we were comparing all of the previous diagnostic tests you had done with the chest x-ray you had done on admission, and the tumor is no longer there”.
    I just smiled at him and said “Can I go home now”?
    He just shook his head, yes. As I jumped up from the hospital bed to grab my clothes, I thanked him. As he was walking out of the room he said “The nurses are very happy. You really made their day”. I understood what he was trying to say.
    When I returned to work, my director hugged me, and said “You had many, many people praying for you”. She told me that the employees had all started prayer chains” I was very touched, as I hadn’t even met many, many of these people. These wonderful people had been told prior to me returning to work, what had occurred with me at the hospital.
    As they had touched me, I had touched them.
    This turned out to be a very beautiful experience, and also served as a catalyst for me to make some major changes in my life, I needed to do, in order to take the next steps in my life’s path. Which I did.

  88. What a great topic because it makes us so aware of the miracles, large and small and in-between, that abound in our lives.
    I’ve experienced every kind of miracle imaginable and am still in awe at each and every day that unfolds.
    I’ll mention just a few, because to name more would fill ten volumes.
    When I was an infant, my father was sent home to die from terminal cancer. The doctors had operated and found that the cancer had spread throughout his body, and said there was nothing more they could do. The cancer disappeared, and he lived for another 30 years.
    As a very little girl I wandered away from a birthday party and got lost in the woods. I came upon a large man wearing a brown leather jacket and brimmed hat, leaning again a huge rock in a clearing. He took me by the hand and led me back. My relief was huge when I could finally see the large, grassy yard with picket fence that I had left. To my surprise he addressed me by name and told me to be more careful in the future. As I opened the gate I looked back to say goodbye and he had disappeared. I’ve always thought this was an angel sent to protect me.
    Once I was driving in a jeep in an area under construction and went to back up quickly to turn around when a voice inside my head said: “Stop!” I was puzzled as to why, but I obeyed and started to look around. Off in the distance I saw some women come around the turn of a building and start to run towards me. Then I lifted myself up from my seat and looked behind me, and saw a toddler directly behind the jeep. He had come in from my blind side and the rear window was high and small. There was NO way I could have seen him. I would have run over that child had I not obeyed that voice.
    The concierge of my building was in a terrible car accident with her family and we were told that both Rosa and her daughter were going to die. The little girl had suffered extensive head injury and her body had been smashed, and Rosa’s condition was worse. Another vehicle had not respected a stop sign and had crashed into their car, demolishing the passenger side. Well, I just sat apart from all the weepers and plugged into the Lord in prayer. I don’t know why, but I felt a peace and calm and even joy that were not in accordance with the circumstances. Every time the doctors gave out an update, the prognosis had changed. In the end, Rosa only sustained a broken hip which healed in one month, and her daughter had a broken arm and a few stitches to a minor cut on her forehead. Now that’s a miracle!
    Other miracles are like God is winking at us from heaven with a big smile and gently chuckling.
    The other day I was visiting with some friends that I rarely get to see at a local food fair and they wanted some churros (like fried doughnut sticks). I bought a half ration which carries 8 sticks and there were four of us. As we were finishing our visit, I observed that there were 3 left, and I suddenly realized that we had been nibbling on the churros for well over an hour. It turns out that we had consumed at least 19 churros plus the 3 left-over ones, making a minimum total of 22. That number doesn’t even fit on the tiny tray they came on. And when I dropped Mariela off, her sister was returning from work and was super delighted at receiving the 3 churros that were just for her.
    So, be aware that miracles are all around us, big and small and in-between. And as I said earlier, I have many more of all types that I have witnessed. (Once I served 37 people chicken and rice, giving each person a piece of chicken, from a ration intended for only six or seven!)
    Take care, everyone. Remember that God loves us all. Be joyful, forgiving, and grateful, and stand in awe at the wonders of this creation.

  89. Hi. I just read your piece on childhood allergies. I have something ‘small’ but your story caused a rememberance. Anyhow, I went through a period in my adult life where I had sudden onset of allergies. This went on for years, getting worse and nothing worked. Nothing. It was miserable. I finally had tests done……..and they said the 3 things I was allergic to were dust, mold and cats………cats being the worst offender. I had two cats at the time and no children. They were my ‘children’. I was told to get rid of the cats. This was simply unacceptable to me. Something ‘clicked’ inside me and I ‘decided’ that it was an unacceptable allergy to have…..that my body was just going to have to ‘deal’. Well that was 18 years ago that I made this ‘decision’. I have had 5 cats since then and currently have 2. They sleep with me and are on everything I own…….including me. No allergies. I did not allow this cat allergy to become ‘precious’………simply because in my core it was unacceptable to me.

  90. well Michael,
    my life is full of miracles if I
    replay some episodes of almoust loosing my life and how it happend the incredible..but about create miracles, I have in my soul the seeds of the most whished miracle of my life, wrotten in the small book of poems wrotten as wellcome for my son*s rise (birth)..
    Imagine a small girl teach the mother the softly way to deal in home with words…she did*t catch it or just a part. Imagine my deepest whish as young girl without know what the love it mean, whishing for when I*ll grow
    to be the exception of 1/1.000.000people HAPPY as marriage, I designed my family as my man really in love with me and ..even talk that whish to mom and aunt, they where impressed about the strong power of the whish and asked me..well what if it will be not like this? I was soo unhappy how they can even think as: what if?!in place of say as: let it be!! I was angry in fact, see that they choose the negativity conspiracy than love this..
    well, still believe that a fulfilled family is health and happyness for the soul and that the projection we have for love is what we receive, soo with the risk to appear silly somehow, as we*ve spoken about the poems book as my gift for my son in life, all my questions all the feelings, as it was, to understand and to build forward for the can we teach happyness the real happynes to our childrens? feel, live it and share as wise we can be in our life guidance for the utmost fine balance in life I believe, the precious gift we received as human beings:to feel, to enjoy to EXPRIM it! with 14-15y.o i crafted as poem and spoke it in front of a whole audiency in Roumania which join there for patriothic odes, well, I find myself breath deep and tell not what they want to hear, but my poem, vencing my shame to talk about my deepest feelings, in front of all but as a bottle in the ocean, the message sent in Universe..ok, can you support..more? :)here it is, love as adolescent:
    Give me,please
    Your warm smile
    I need it
    in my dreams
    to surround me
    to feel his vibration
    in my heart.
    Give me,please
    your unique blue print
    when you watch me
    Wellbehaved in my soul
    to make me warm
    to make me feel
    as never I was
    I*ll give you nothing back
    just my heart…
    It*ll be that
    enough for you?!
    The last poem in the small book
    is like this:
    And if I laugh
    rolling up and down
    over the mountain crests
    with my body oozing
    as the Spring itself
    It is becouse I guess
    in the eternity coquetting hidden
    at your temple
    not the famish beast
    his witteness.
    You kill,
    but not with snarling
    well with some whispers streams
    and tear my soul
    but not with claws,
    with *Contrapunkt von Bach*
    and the explanationscontinue infinitely
    Michael, even my son I dream about him 2 years before have him, and IS exactly like my dreams was, I talked about the dream to all the familly and friends, just one, remembered and say, you!! is like your dream you talked about!! if my life is like a painting where our whishes we draw in colours, that picture is still not compleet and..if my son is 9 y.o. now and still thissame
    as: nothing but the best for our soul I wish, perhaps the Universe
    delayed until now his bless to find that person and to join our steps in thissame path..So I believe that it is, when it will happend I will let you know too.
    that hug of the happynes that calmth will print on the heaven
    a rainbow as bless.
    so nice, Michael.

  91. well Michael,
    my life is full of miracles if I
    replay some episodes of almoust loosing my life and how it happend the incredible..but about create miracles, I have in my soul the seeds of the most whished miracle of my life, wrotten in the small book of poems wrotten as wellcome for my son*s rise (birth)..
    Imagine a small girl teach the mother the softly way to deal in home with words…she did*t catch it or just a part. Imagine my deepest whish as young girl without know what the love it mean, whishing for when I*ll grow
    to be the exception of 1/1.000.000people HAPPY as marriage, I designed my family as my man really in love with me and ..even talk that whish to mom and aunt, they where impressed about the strong power of the whish and asked me..well what if it will be not like this? I was soo unhappy how they can even think as: what if?!in place of say as: let it be!! I was angry in fact, see that they choose the negativity conspiracy than love this..
    well, still believe that a fulfilled family is health and happyness for the soul and that the projection we have for love is what we receive, soo with the risk to appear silly somehow, as we*ve spoken about the poems book as my gift for my son in life, all my questions all the feelings, as it was, to understand and to build forward for the can we teach happyness the real happynes to our childrens? feel, live it and share as wise we can be in our life guidance for the utmost fine balance in life I believe, the precious gift we received as human beings:to feel, to enjoy to EXPRIM it! with 14-15y.o i crafted as poem and spoke it in front of a whole audiency in Roumania which join there for patriothic odes, well, I find myself breath deep and tell not what they want to hear, but my poem, vencing my shame to talk about my deepest feelings, in front of all but as a bottle in the ocean, the message sent in Universe..ok, can you support..more? :)here it is, love as adolescent:
    Give me,please
    Your warm smile
    I need it
    in my dreams
    to surround me
    to feel his vibration
    in my heart.
    Give me,please
    your unique blue print
    when you watch me
    Wellbehaved in my soul
    to make me warm
    to make me feel
    as never I was
    I*ll give you nothing back
    just my heart…
    It*ll be that
    enough for you?!
    The last poem in the small book
    is like this:
    And if I laugh
    rolling up and down
    over the mountain crests
    with my body oozing
    as the Spring itself
    It is becouse I guess
    in the eternity coquetting hidden
    at your temple
    not the famish beast
    his witteness.
    You kill,
    but not with snarling
    well with some whispers streams
    and tear my soul
    but not with claws,
    with *Contrapunkt von Bach*
    and the explanationscontinue infinitely
    Michael, even my son I dream about him 2 years before have him, and IS exactly like my dreams was, I talked about the dream to all the familly and friends, just one, remembered and say, you!! is like your dream you talked about!! if my life is like a painting where our whishes we draw in colours, that picture is still not compleet and..if my son is 9 y.o. now and still thissame
    as: nothing but the best for our soul I wish, perhaps the Universe
    delayed until now his bless to find that person and to join our steps in thissame path..So I believe that it is, when it will happend I will let you know too.
    that hug of the happynes that calmth will print on the heaven
    a rainbow as bless.
    so nice, Michael.

    “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Begotton Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life…” John 3:16 (KJV)

  93. Michael contacted me during my time of need, doubt and confusion. I was worried about my son who was recovering from the miseries of addiction. He had tried several times over the years to overcome his problems; he had nearly died as many as three times – once from an attack in a bar, once in a motorcycle accident and lastly, an attack and robbery which left him beaten, suffering a concusion, crushed eye and cheek bone and plus injuries. He might have died if not for some construction workers finding him on the ground when the temperature was about 20 degrees. The doctors said the cold probably saved him from bleeding to death. He spent time in a rehab, then drove south to Mississippi to take up residency on the slab where my house once stood. You see, my home and all belongings were lost in Hurricane Katrina. All was gone – not to be found. My daughter’s home across the street was also destroyed. It was a very tragic situation, but all my family was alive and survived the ordeal. We were only 4 miles from where the worst of the storm took out my home. It is a miracle that we all survived. A miracle happened right after the storm. My families in Texas (i.e. my “Texas Angels”)came to the rescue of our families – my daughter, her husband and twin sons, her father-in-law (and dog Henry) and myself. The men (Bryan, Bill, Jasen, Wes and Kelly) drove a large flatbed truck from Dallas to Gulfport, MS. It was loaded with supplies, 500 gals. gas, jugs of water, crates of food, blankets, tar paper and roof repair items, and a generator. Clothes for us all were also provided as were cell phones. It was a miracle. They truly saved us from need and suffering. They will forever be my “Texas angels.”
    They transported me, my daughter’s father-in-law and his dog back to Texas to safety. My youngest daughter Kelly and her husband stayed as he has a clothing business on HWY 49 in Gulfpor, MS. It survived the storm and opened to provide clothes and boots for many of the storm rescue workers and Mississippians who lost everthing like myself. The name of his store is by the way, “Moses’ Men’s Wear”.
    Anyway, back to my son. He still resides on my house slab in Biloxi, MS. He had some problems with substance abuse along the way to his new home, but he finally hit rock bottom and has pulled himself up by the bootsraps. He found a church, an understanding minister and AA. He is doing OK now after nearly losing his sobriety for good – again. He has now overcome that addiction. And then he got a good paying job. He works long hours – but told me that’s what he wanted – so he did not have too much leisure time right now. He has announced that he will start paying me back for loans next month. Once again, my son believes in himself. He has now found comfort in his relationship with God and has accepted Jesus into his life. This newfound hope has given him love of self, life and family. He has a copy of Michael’s “Wealthy Soul”…as do all the members of my family. I am so grateful to Michael for giving me a call back. I am so very appreciative for his answering my call for help. I guess I had forgotten the power that each of us holds to heal ourselves.

  94. A friend of mine lent me a book about Trsacendental Meditation I think, very rare. I was so interested in the book so I was reading it for several days. One day I had the book at the office and before I was going home I went to the restroom. After washing hands I left out. When I got home I began to look for the book everywhere but I could not find it so I began to worry about it.
    Later I went to meditate as I did every night before going to bed, I concentrate deeply on the book. I wondered where I forgot it. Suddenly appeared an image in my mind: The wall of the restroom in which there were two machines for placing paper towels. When it appeared I knew I forgot the book on one of them.
    The next day, early in the morning I went dirtectly to the restroom looking for the book but I could not find it. Then I wrote in a paper an ad asking if somebody found the book, contacted me by my phone number and stuck it in the wall of the restroom.
    Two days later I was working at my desk when a guy who is a friend of mine got close to me. He said hello to me so I turn my head to him and saw he brought the book I was looking for. I almost did not believe it, I recovered it miraculously so I could finish reading it and finally get it back to the friend who lent me it.

  95. My husband & I are in the worst financial situation ever. We do construction concrete work and have always struggled, especially in the winter and wet months. My husband and I both have become so unhappy with the work and the seasonal situations that we have both began praying for the Lord to lead us to better occupations. We have been praying for over a year. Right on the verge of bankruptcy, we had gone to speak with an attorney regarding this. Then out of the blue, I get an opportunity that looks very promising, I have leaped into personal development and it has lead me to amazing new ways of thinking and knowledge I would have never known was available and within myself. This past week, my husband was offered a job earning $375.00 an hour, this is more money than we ever imagined. This not only will keep us from filing bankruptcy, but it got us out of the field we hated so badly. Our prayers and positive thinking, along with a genuine belief has allowed the Lord to do exactley what He promises.

  96. I would like to share a small miracle. I had been separated for 2 years from my husband and was going through divorce. I had had one or two dates but was really looking for my soulmate. One day I wrote in a book exactly what person I was looking for and then read it back every so often. One day when I was thinking about this the name ‘Mark’ came to me as though someone had spoken it very clearly in my ear. I thought nothing much of it at the time but didn’t forget. A few months later I felt compelled to write to my first boyfriend, Pete but nicknamed Bug, who I just discovered on an internet site. I hadn’t seen him for 30 years and didn’t really expect him to remember me and don’t really know why I wrote to him. However, he wrote back to me immediately saying he had never forgotten me or stopped loving me. It is now over a year later and we are planning to get married and I have never been happier or more in love. And the funny thing, he is called by his middle name which I never knew – Mark!

  97. Until now, I was searching for a miracle and I could not find any. Maybe it is because I had too much miracles in my life I do not see them anymore. But I just received one via my email.
    I just received the gift #14: “The Gift of The Moment”. So I said to myself – maybe this is my miracle; just live the present moment and appreciate it as it was a real miracle into my life. Et le vivre comme si c’était le dernier!… So I want to share this Gift of The Moment with you now. This is my miracle.

  98. I don’t really know what a miracle of sorts is, but I do know I haqve hade som real interesting encounters with and in life.
    When it comes to the “miracle” things in my life, in hindsight they don’t appear to me as miracles at all, but at the time it felt more or less astounding.
    I live a very syncronous life. And for those who doesn’t know what that is, it is when you have an experience that just feels very synced. In most of my experiencning I may have a thought, eg. about shifting the music in the gym to a specific type of music, and within seconds that music comes on. I have noticed that I can do this alot. I’m not shure whether I actually influence some person choosing the music with my thought or if I just happen to know that just that music will come on that second or if I influence the computer playing the music. I do seem to be friends with electronics because they more then often do as I will them to do. Mostly I can just block and allow radiofrequencies. Don’t know if that is an ability of any use, but it’s kind of funny to play with sometimes.
    A few years back I was very very connected to the weather. No matter wht the weather was, the sun always shined on my house, or on me. If there were clouds, I could will them to dissolve, and then they vanished in minutes, sometimes under a minut. I could also make it rain if I wanted to. Everyone around me saw that I could do what I claimed I could do and that was very fun.
    During the same period I however got a bit lost. I knew what was on everyones mind, because I heard what they were going to say, a few seconds before they said it. No suprises there. And it was with everyone. Every single person I met I could here what they were going to say.
    If my phone rang, I answered it, said what the person wanted to know and said hi and hung up. Fun at the beginning, but I felt more or less like a communication tower. 😀
    I also knew what every textmessage to my cellphone said before I read it.
    The thing is that I jumped into this state of beingness, from one day to the other I had these abilities. So i surrendered them. Now I have them again, but this time I feel like I am learning these abilities, and I do it with others so now I’m not alone, even though I’m usually “first” with these abilities, so that I can help others understand them better and how to use them and what to be aware of and such.
    Some call me an Indigo…
    Well. Either way. I am experiencing life as the greatest miracle to have and be in and co-create,

  99. I just received the part 2 e-mail asking us to guess what cured your allergies. About 6 months ago, I had the privilege of getting to know a local chiropractor. In his words he believes, he does the manipulating but “God does the healing.” He told me the story of a deaf woman who was able to hear again after chiropractic treatment. My guess is that you went to a chiropractor or osteopathic doctor who performed manipulation on you and that cured your debilitating allergies. To me that makes sense because you became a chiropractor yourself.

  100. Thanks, Michael for your books and this forum.
    I am a doctor and author in New Zealand. As a teenager I was an uneducated, drug abusing prostitute who chose to change my life after hitting rock bottom.
    I returned to high school as an adult student, kicked the bad behaviours, and as a single parent of two sons started Medical School as a 24 year old.
    The miracle for me was realising that my problems were MY responsibility, and that the power to heal my life resided in me. There is certainly a higher power in the universe that steps in to help when asked to, but the call must come from us. we must decide that we no longer wish to live with the problems that are holding us back, and move forwards.
    With best wishes to you and your readers,

  101. Is That God or Is That God?
    I had such trouble getting to my brothers wedding in Canada. My mother had gone on before me to Canada, I had the house to look after, my father to look after, overdue assignments for university. I was stressed and on a tight budget. I had not purchased insurance, my family who were not Christians mocked me for my incompetance. Eventually, I got fed up I ignored everything for a day, to reached out to God and ask Him to fix it. I brought some chips to end my fast, but decided to go further with this fast ~ I left the chips on the wall I said if a tramp passes he can have them. On the day of my flight my brother took me to the Airport, then found out I had a chartered flight, he said ‘You stupid idiot, you are not on the flight!’I kept saying back to him ‘I am on the Flight’, but secretly saying God please help. After a lot of delays, an Asian Check In Clerk said I am going to Check you in ‘You are Such a Nice Person’ (I thought you do not even know me). Then later at the check in The Clerk tore up my ticket ‘My eyes went larger, as I though ‘OH NO’. She said you have gone a stage higher’. You know what they put me in the Executive Lounge. To show that God was on my side, I had an Asian man beside me whose brother worked for the Airline. He kept asking me how much I paid for my ticket!! I just said someone paid for it for me. The Air Crew kept calling me Maam, Miss Mighty. I had all genuine cutlery and dinner wear and this poor man had a complete plastic container,cup, knife and fork. I was offered refreshements constantly. Because I mostly said no to the refreshements, and this man constantly said yes, on one occasion the Air Stewardess said to this poor man ‘And You’ after she had offered me sweets from a large basket. IS THAT GOD OR IS THAT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

  102. Wow – well I have experienced a miracle. Just about a year ago I had basically reached the lowest point in my life. I had no hope, no self esteem, was very depressed, and really just didn’t feel like getting out of bed anymore. Life was just too painful to deal with. I have suffered from depression for the past 15 years, and just seperated from my husband after 25 years of marriage, hated my job (too much stress) and was on two anti- depressants and an anti-anxiety drug. I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep for a very long time. Then along came an angel – an earth bound angel. I had just started an at Home Internet Business and was being coached by the person that first contacted me when I requested information. About 3 weeks after starting, I just fell apart on an emotional level and told myself I would never be good at anything. I quit working my business, wouldn’t take calls from my coach, was barely hanging on at work – in fact I was afraid I was going to get fired. But my coach (that angel I was talking about)didn’t give up on me. She kept calling – for 3 weeks. She called me at work – and I told the secretary not to put the calls through. Well, by some small miracle, I just happened to answer the phone one day at work because the secretary had stepped out of the office and it was my coach. I really just wanted to hang up but the first words out of her mouth were “What happened – I’ve been worried about you”. Well, I started crying and told her it was a long story that she probably didn’t want to hear. She told me to call her after I got home from work and we could talk. At that point – I would find out later – my whole life turned around. We talked for a couple hours that evening – she took the time away from her business and family just to talk. At that point in my life I had felt so alone with no one to turn to – and God put an angel into my life at a time when He knew I needed it the most. My coach and I have since become very close friends and she has brought God back into my life. She showed me what I had been missing for a very long time – why I had felt so alone – and so desperate. She taught me that if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I had to learn to trust in God and let go, let Him carry my burdens, let Him show me the way. Miracles are out there – you just have to open your eyes, your heart, and listen.

  103. I am so gratefull to the miracle of spirit moving around the chess players on my board. Spirit has saved me from a life of sadness and worry and opened the doors to love and acceptance to all the good things we all so deserve. Things like feelings and being able to accept pure unconditional love. Sue

  104. A Rainbow Promise
    I was 36. Newly married. I had just received a post biopsy phone call from my surgeon, and the news wasn’t good. In fact, it was devastating. An aggressive metastatic cancer had invaded my body and the odds of surviving the attack were lousy. I had been given a 25% chance of survival rate with surgical removal and months of chemo and required immediate radical surgery that would change my body forever. All of the sudden life seemed rather bleak and very frightening.
    Crushed, frightened and hoping that the God I thought I believed in was really REAL, I went to the back balcony of my friend’s condo overlooking the ocean and opened the door. The rush of salt air into my face was welcomed. I remember noticing it’s caress, something I’d never done before. I wanted to pray. But I wanted to be sure this GOD I hoped existed would hear me… and it had been so long since I’d tried to pray, that I wasn’t sure my missive would be strong enough to make it through the ceiling!
    I needed a clear shot.
    I stepped out onto the balcony and began to talk to God from some place deep inside of me. With great intensity I cried out to the Cosmos and asked that God would not let this be the end for me… that in His Mercy, He would grant me the gift of TIME and allow this to become a BEGINNING for this daughter and not an end.
    At that very moment, a huge, sparkling Double Rainbow inexplicably danced across the ocean… no rain, no clouds, no reason… it just appeared, and I knew!
    I knew God had heard my prayer. I knew that I was being granted another beginning.
    I knew that THAT was MY Rainbow, MY sign, MY PROMISE.
    And THAT Rainbow was the beginning of my journey back into wholeness.

  105. My life has been filled with miracles. I was abused by both of my parents at a young age. That led to a life of abusing alcohol, drugs, gambling and sex. It also led to over $60,000.00 in credit card debt.
    Throughout it all I managed to earn my Masters Degree in Social Work. I have been working as a social worker the last ten years.
    Unfortunately, I never managed to give up all of my addictions. On October 5, 2006, I overdosed on alcohol and vicodin. I also am diagnosed with depression. Many miracles intervened.
    Since October 6, 2006, I have been alcohol, drug, gambling and sex free. And I have studied the law of attraction.
    Currently I am in the process of filing for bankrupcy, I have joined a new church, I started taking horseback riding lessons, I owe $18,000.00 to my local hospital for participating in their day treatment program for 3 months because my mental health benefits ran out months before.
    I am grateful for the life I have today. I have learned many lessons in my life and I am grateful that I have been given so many chances to “make it right”. It is a true miracle that I am alive and have an optimistic attitude today.

  106. The Ashley/Dylan Miracle
    I have always saved animals, especially cats, since I was a little girl when they became my best friends in my lonely life. I was born in a small town in the Finger Lakes Area in New York State. All I can ever remember is my parents fighting. I had a brother who was five years older than me, too old to really want a little sister always tagging along. I remember my childhood cats fondly; they were my only friends. I was devastated whenever one of them met their untimely demise for whatever reason.
    As an adult and many years later I adopted an adorable little kitten from a local shelter and another adult cat I gave to my soon to be ex-boyfriend. This kitten’s short life lasted only a month. In my grief I decided to seek out another kitten, but this time not from a shelter. When I finally arrived at this person’s house after driving to the wrong town, I fell in love with every one of the four kittens even though when they first met me they all hissed at me. One of these kittens had almost died and was very attached to the man. Their mother had also died. These kittens were hand raised and totally spoiled. Somehow, I convinced the person to let me have two of them, thus I adopted Ashley, a blond boy and Jade, a delicate black and white beauty.
    I have owned several cats in my lifetime but for some reason Ashley had a special place in my heart. He was my boy. When standing at the bathroom sink he would get on top of the clothes hamper and gently put his feet on my back to get my attention. He was always with me. He was super sweet and super smart. My boyfriend called him my whoosy cat. When he was three years old one of my other cats Becky, who had once been a stray, became suddenly ill and died from the dreaded feline leukemia. I went nuts with grief and anxiety worrying about what would happen to my precious Ashley and his sister Jade. I called my ex-boyfriend with my concern and he could not have been any colder in his reaction. As an aside years later we talked again and the cat I had given him also died from leukemia.
    About a year later my worse nightmare happened. My Ashley became gravely ill. I took him to a vet, who wanted to run all sorts of tests which I refused to have done because I did not want to face this reality. I knew what was wrong. I demanded she return my cat to me because if he was going to die I wanted him home. I did not want him to die alone in some vet’s back room feeling like he had been deserted after all the love he had given. When I picked him up, the vet said he was a very sick cat and I could see in her eyes and hear in her voice that he was dying.
    He was so funny when he got home. He came marching into the house letting everyone know he was back. For one day he bounced back to his old self. I called the vet to tell her the great news, and she was very surprised. He then went downhill rapidly. I still remember the feelings and my grief as he was dying and begging him and God that if there was anyway that it was possible that he come back to me. I laid my head on his chest and heard his last heart beat.
    Two years later his sister also died from this disease at age six. After being diagnosed with this I took her home. As I was crying my eyes out, she put her paws on my face to comfort me, which only made it that much worse. In less then a week we needed to go back to the vet, this time to do the “right” thing and put her to sleep to end her suffering. On the ride to the vet she was curled up in her box with her feet pushed against its sides and was totally silent. My Mom and I both thought we should have just let her die at home and in peace, she was not suffering. When we arrived at the vet’s I asked her to let me know if I was doing the right thing and she literally started to scream in her agony when we were still in the parking lot. The vet immediately took her and put her to sleep; he said she was dying as I brought her in.
    A couple of years later I was rescuing a kitten to give to someone else from a terrible situation where there were several cats that were allowed to breed as strays. These cats were tame and being fed by a family, but provided nothing else. He was at most maybe a month old at the time and his mother, like Ashley’s, had also died. This little kitten was another adorable blond who immediately fell in love with me and started following me around like I was his mother. Needless to say, he ended up being mine. I named him Dylan.
    Dylan had exactly the same habits as Ashley. He would put his feet on my back when I was at the bathroom sink. I just started dating a new boyfriend and during a romantic candle light dinner, Dylan landed several times in the middle of the table and on our plates. This was not a normal behavior for this cat and more than slightly embarrassing. He was sick and trying to get my attention. Back to the vet. He ran all sorts of tests. This cat was anemic, but did not have feline leukemia! My Dylan died and he was only two. The vet said his death was unexplainable. When I told this vet my theory that Ashley had returned as Dylan as asked the vet said my explanation made as much sense as any. The cats died in the same way, the first from feline leukemia, which causes anemia, and the second from anemia cause unknown! I later found two pictures of these boys. They were both blonds and their facial markings and stripes were identical, so Ashley I want to thank you for coming back to me. I know you were Dylan and had to leave me again and that I will see you once again across the Rainbow Bridge where you can once again put your paws on my back. This has taught me that if you just ask, anything is possible. They never leave us and they will do whatever we ask to prove this to us.

  107. My Miracle is the Miracle of the entire Multiverse and the one being that we are,and our individual parts we have to play in it.Each day when i wake up i know that i am Undying Soul,God in Form,here to experience all that there is in this world and the worlds beyond.My miricle is the joy i get from living my purpose and in serving all and Meditating on God.I am filled with the Miracle of ever deepening Joy that is the Direct varifiable evidence of the Highest of the High the Lord God within.This is the great Miracle which sustains all things forever and ever.We are that and nothing we do can in truth seperate us from that our.Our oneness and total unity.The Realization of this in each succeding moment is my Miracle.Thanou my dear brothers and Sisters of this great planet.May we each day in each way make it a planet of peace,that glorifies God and lives in the Divine will at all times.Endless Miracles to you all!
    Eternal Cosmic Love.

  108. Michael, Perhaps your Miracle came the way mine and many others come, it came from a voice within and a voice without. As God listened to your cries, in your time of need and desperation for relief, God spoke to you and told you that he is within you, that you have the power to heal yourself, through Him because we all have that power. You had a realization, your pain was an awakening. It has helped you heal yourself and others.You are touched.

  109. I am overwhelmed in my daily life with gratitude – the love of my family and friends ( and sometimes total strangers!)that surounds me is unbounded and truly a miracle.
    I am grateful for giving me this opportunity to share. Thank you, Michael! Maija

  110. After reading and listening to your free gift 2 and (pt2) ‘How to Make a Miracle’ I clicked on the URL which now has me here writing. I sat here wondering what ‘miracle’ has happened in my life.
    Still being alive I imagine is a miracle after my mother told me, as a grown woman, I nearly died a couple of times when I was very young. (pre school age.) Bronchitis and asthma now understand was the cause. I do remember fighting for breath numerous times. My mother’s love and Vicks inhalations helped me through. Perhaps I also have some of what has my mother still alive.
    My mother weighed 3lbs when born in 1916 and slept in a bed of cotton wool. She was so very fragile.
    It is hard to imagine how she survived all those years ago when modern medicine, as we know it, did not intervene. Her mother was told she would not survive and perhaps had it not been for some sort of tonic a German friend of the family had recommended she be given daily, mum may not have.
    My mother is still alive and still looks after herself. And even looks in on and cares for those friends who take ill, who live in units in the Housing Commission complex where mum lives.
    I am in awe of my mother and the strength she displays and has displayed over the years. It is hard to imagine her ever having to go into a nursing home, which she says she will when she can no longer look after herself.
    I think another miracle happened on the 6 January 2007 when my first granddaughter was born. For more than a month she did not gain any weight in her mother’s womb. A decision was made by the doctor to get her out and so she was born 3 weeks premmie weighting in at 2.2kg. 3 days after being born Maddyson and her mother were allowed to go home. 6 days after Maddyson was born she was doing well and weighed 2.3kg. Her next weigh in is in 4 days time. As the family live 8 hours drive away, I have not yet seen Maddyson other than her birth photo. My daughter-in-law tells me Maddyson’s size 00000 baby clothes are slowly being filled out by her growing body.
    I did ask my ‘Angels’ to keep my granddaughter safe.
    I like to think the ‘Angels’ are taking care of her as they did my mother and myself.
    I am reluctant to say ‘God’ as that word just stirs up uneasiness within. I am not saying I do not believe there is a ‘God’. I am just saying I do not think this is his name if in fact it is a him.
    Perhaps my uneasiness comes from the religious sects that, in my eyes, do not follow the ‘good’ path in life. They hide behind the name. And perhaps that is why the name ‘God’ stirs uneasiness within.
    To me the ‘Angels’ have it all. They give their ‘love’ ‘unconditionally’ and in return receive such love.
    It is sad I have allowed others to tarnish ‘his’ or ‘her’ name in my mind. Perhaps I need to forgive myself for allowing that to happen.
    May the love of the ‘Angels’ and ‘Him’ or ‘Her’ be always with you.

  111. Life is magik!!!
    I had more then a few but one come up tp my mind now is, one noght I was at a friend stayin till next morning. This friend was call to work overnight. I was sitting at a kitchen table writting in my journal and I had ask God to show me if someone was listening over there and to show me if there is anyone with me like (an angel) or something cause I was going to a struggle. I kept on writting and suddenly I had drop like a ***clear water tear*** fell on my left arm. I look at it and I think where is that come from I look up to the seeling and there was no seeling leak. And wright away I felt comfort and peace within and I then I start to have tear of joy and surprise just like when I was a litle girl. So with all my experience I do beleive but as a good human been still have my days of doubt but now I do beleive.
    Excuse my french writting Hope you did understand the meaning of my message.
    ****Have a GOD day****
    Lise B

  112. Life i magik!!
    I had more then a few but one come up tp my mind now is, one noght I was at a friend stayin till next morning. This friend was call to work overnight. I was sitting at a kitchen table writting in my journal and I had ask God to show me if someone was listening over there and to show me if there is anyone with me like (an angel) or something cause I was going to a struggle. I kept on writting and suddenly I had drop like a ***clear water tear*** fell on my left arm. I look at it and I think where is that come from I look up to the seeling and there was no seeling leak. And wright away I felt comfort and peace within and I then I start to have tear of joy and surprise just like when I was a litle girl. So with all my experience I do beleive but as a good human been still have my days of doubt but now I do beleive.
    Excuse my french writting Hope you did understand the meaning of my message.
    ****Have a GOD day****
    Lise B

  113. I guess a miracle is something that happens against all odds.
    First Miracle: I was 34 years old and living in Africa with my husband and two children. I wanted to take my children to another country where they could feel safe and have a better future.
    I just believed that we would be accepted, even though we had very little money and not the qualifications needed on the “short list”. I decided to add photos of my beautiful children to my application as well as a proof that my oldest daugter was in a school for gifted children. I noted that they had qualified motor-mechanics on the short list and stated that my husband not only was capable of fixing our own cars, but that he fixed all our friend’s cars and even once replaced a car-engine. We got called in for an interview with the Australian Embassy and I made sure that we looked impeccable and the only thing they they seemed to be worried about was if we would have problems having black neighbours, which we could truthfully answer “no”. Against all odds we were accepted immediately.
    Second miracle: My oldest daughter who was 12 at the time went straight into High school when we arrived in Australia. That was a big mistake as with her conservative upbringing in South Africa she had no idea how to be a ‘teenager’ and did not fit in with her peers. She got bullied and we had to put her in a private school even though not one of us were working. She got Anorexia Nervosa and her weight plummeted. She was sick for more than 4 years and at one stage on intravenous feeding for months. We were told that she had a 20 % change of dying, a 20% change of surviving and a 60% change of permanent Anorexia.
    Again I just concentrated on her getting well. I became a knowledge-maniac, reading everything I could get my hands on and never ever doubting that she would get well again. It was just always; “Ok this is not working, what do we do next?”
    Today she is a qualified Radiographer, working and living independantly on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. She is small, but eats healthy organic foods and knows how important it is to take her supplements and have a balanced life.
    My third miracle is our Computer-business. My husband struggled to get work for more than a year and then when he did, he moved up to management in his company and had a good salary and company car. But the company was taken over by an overseas company and he was made redunded. We had two children in private schoolsand my oldest was still sick. We used to put ‘our” music on and just dance and sing “when I’m on my feet again” and we BELIEVED. He went back to study and passed all his Microsoft Certified Professional Exams and nearly all the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Exams. He started his computer- business with hardly enough money to build one computer. We had to ask the client to pay us the cash in advance. And they did. (This was a company who knew him from nowhere, but is still a customer today) Today my husband has a successful business and even has so much work that he gives some out to sub-contractors when it is too much for him to handle.
    My fourth miracle is Caloola-house. My husband saw this house on the internet, and it was amazing. Full brick and concrete like the house we had in Africa. Swimming pool and barbeque-area and balconies and aircons. 3 Bathrooms, unbelievable. When I saw it the first time, I had no breath, my heart was beating so fast, my legs felt like jelly.
    I had to have it!!! I printed out the image on our computer and looked at it all the time. We hardly had a change. There was a cash buyer from China we were told. I phoned the estate agent and told him if he sold it to the person in China, he would only get commission on one house, if he sold it to us, he would get commission on 3 houses, as would have to sell our house and our investment house to afford it!!
    Well the person selling the house only gave us 7 days to secure a loan. Nobody wanted to give us a loan because my husband had no fixed income. But this estate agent was hungry for commission on 3 houses so he organised us a low doc loan. No bank-statements, no proof of income etc. And we got the loan!!
    Seriously, just before we were about to sign this loan, the pest-inspectors contact us, our investment-house has been eaten away by white-ants, so much so that we have to evacuate our tenant as the house can collapse at any stage.
    My husband freaks out, there is no way we can sign the contract on Caloola-house, we will not be able to sell the ant-infected house, do not even have any rental-income anymore, he will loose his business and everything we have worked for, because we could NEVER afford the payments on Caloola-house.
    Now you have to understand we were living in this tiny house with just one toilet and shower and outside stairs and paper-thin walls, and the kitchen was so small, you could hardly move around. And the busiest steet you could imagine. NOISE NOISE and petrol-fumes, black dust on everything.
    I had to have Caloola-house!! Well, we signed and just BELIEVED that everything would work out, but we also took action, we printed out posters of our house and the price and put it up. At the end we sold our house for a fantastic profit (we did work hard painting and gardening and doing everything as cheap as possible) and guess what….we sold the pest-infected house as “just land” to a rich Greek guy who knocked down the house and build a mansion there for his daugter!!
    I do not know what the next miracle is going to be. But there will be one.. and another one…and another one.
    All I know is that I have to focus on what I want, and jump into action and do whatever I can to make it happen and keep my thoughts positive… I CAN I CAN I CAN….
    Love to all of you
    Let us just live in the moment, forget about the past it is no more, forget about tomorrow it is far away, but do what you can NOW to change yesterday and tomorrow.

  114. I was driving my friend & myself to Puerto Penasco, Mexico, a few years ago. It takes 4.5 hrs from the Phoenix area where we live to get there and this was a trek we made whenever we could, going as often then as twice a month sometimes so it should have been so routine that I should not have possibly taken the wrong road, but we were engrossed in conversation and I did just that. She asked me fairly soon if I thought this seemed like the right way and I said “oh, yes, remember that spot?” so she just dismissed the thought and we went right on talking as I went right on down the wrong road; I should say up the wrong road as we were going higher and higher up a mountainside. Then we noticed a bus that said Yuma and then another one, then lots of cars we noticed having California plates on them. This road was very narrow and was so high as though they had just kept putting layer after layer of asphalt on it until it was a foot or more high up with sheer drops off both sides of it and there were no turnoff roads anywhere. We were up on top of the mountain on a plateau and my driving skills were being severely tested with all the cars and buses zooming along in the direction we’d come from. I felt like I was on a roller coaster that had no brakes for at least a hundred miles. We knew, of course, by then we weren’t on the road to Puerto Penaso at all but we’d decided that it was okay, we’d just drive until we got to a town on the sea and stay there instead. It wasn’t long, though, until we realized that it wasn’t likely that we’d find one of those because we were heading toward California via Yuma, Arizona, which is nowhere near an ocean or the Sea of Cortez. In America, all roads lead to Rome; but, in Mexico they do not. There would not be an intersecting highway to take back toward the sea. Finally, 150 miles into it I spotted a way to get off this high road and turn us back toward the place I’d taken the wrong turn, thus from there we’d be able to take the right road and go to PP after all. Then out of nowhere it seemed this elderly man was walking on side of the road in the middle of nowhere–we’d not seen one gas station or cafe or sign of life at all except in vehicles –until we saw this little old guy on foot going our way so we stopped and he got in the back of my truck to ride until he’d knock on my rear window to signal he wanted off. It’s how these things are done we knew from our previous trips. Suddenly we saw a car with it’s hood up and steam rising underneath it and a frustrated looking man standing by it and he was looking at us with a beseeching expression. I had one gallon of water in the back and motioned to the old guy to give it to the stranded motorist who looked very grateful. As travelled along having at least another 100 miles to go before we’d see a town Linda suddenly cried out to me that hot water was drenching her feet! OMG! I knew it was my heater and that water gushing out of it meant that now it was my engine that should be steaming and we’d given away the only water we’d had and wouldn’t see any for 100 miles!! But, for some reason I was peace filled and unconcerned as I said “Don’t worry about it, Linda; I’m not going to — this is just a test of faith” to which she replied “Oh, I know that” and then we resumed our conversation, chattering all the way down that mountain. I looked at my temperature gauge often as it rose right up to the mark whereafter it would have been in the HOT!HOT! HOT! range meaning we’d be forced to stop the truck in the middle of nowhere. Now we weren’t seeing all those cars and buses any more, either. However, I wasn’t worried as I kept an eye on it to be sure I had no reason to be. The needle rose to that point between heating up and the overheated stage, rising up to it and then falling back downward into the normal range; up, down, up and down it went and we’d never missed a beat in our conversation as finally we approached an automotive store in the center of the town where the wrong turn had been made in the first place!! As I pulled into a parking lot there my truck went into full fledged hot range!! Fortunately I knew enough about engines to be able to bypass the hose to the heater with clamps I’d found in the store ending that little problem!! We cruised to our destination having spent 8.5 hours on the road that should have been 4.5 — having never doubted that it WAS as I’d said — a test of faith we had passed with flying colors; but really I knew and Linda knew that this was really a miracle that was of the kind that does test your faith — just to prove to you that miracles can and do happen all the time and to remind us that we can if we think we can. Just like in that story of faith, The ‘Little Engine That Could’ we could and we did.
    It seems a small thing we experienced that day, but actually it was HUGE and I know neither one of us is ever going to forget the miracle that happened in the next few minutes after I gave away my only gallon of water to someone who so desperately needed it. By the way, the old gent got out 30 miles on down the road — once again, right in the middle of what, to us, anyway, appeared to be the middle of nowhere with nothing anywhere around — just like where we’d seen him walking on top of the mountain! But, there must have been something and someone nearby both where we found him and where we left him off, smiling and waving his thanks. What a wonderful place is Mexico and it’s got a lot to do with the people who live there. That, and the Sea of Cortez!

  115. My world seem to be falling apart, family, job, finances. The only thing that kept me going was my 5:00 a.m. prayer and my devotional time. Finally, I just ask God that if he was in the midst of things and that if he could here me, I just wanted to receive a gift the next day, it did not matter what it was. I completed my devotional time, prepared to go to work. While I was working one of my co-workers came to me and said “Barbara I just wanted to get something for you, I didn’t have much but here”. It was a small Angel figurine in a globe. She said, “I know you like Angels”. I carry that Angel with me in my purse as a reminder; God does hear me and he is in the midst of my life.

  116. I like to jog in a heavily wooded state park. One fall evening as I was running on a trail covered in fallen leaves, I reached in my pocket and discovered that I had lost my single car key. I had run about two miles at that point and realized it could have fallen anywhere. Rather than panic, I chose to be calm trusting that only a higher power could help me find that key. I retraced my steps a bit, and then, for some reason, dropped to my knees and prayed. It was getting very dark and I did not have my glasses so I actually could not even see to look for my key amongst the leaves. After praying I walked a few more steps, asked once more for help, looked down and there was my key, barely sticking out from under a leaf.

  117. I Know for sure that miracles happen. Whenever we have a tough time, we pray to Our Family Goddess Maa Santoshi and we find some respite immediately and a better solution comes across . We had decided to buy the house we were living on rent, we just trusted the land lord and paid him a token money assuming everything would be okay as we have been living in that house for more than a year and also something extra . Something happened , we got the documents checked by a lawyer and that also was a miracle – as my father who was around at that time knew him as he was his friend’s distant relative and he gave us an appointment at no cost . The comfort was he will guide us closely He found that they were not in order. We cancelled the deal. ThankYou ThankYou My Maa , The cost of the house would have become 1 .5 times and my personal finance was only 0.3 times the cost, the rest would have been loans .. It sounds very great also now because I left that city within 3 months and the house was no longer required and that house with the monthly maintenance would have been difficult to maintain , I would not have rented that and the sale deal would have cost me instantly much more than. Thank You Maa.

  118. It was just after WWII in Malacca after the Surrender of the Japanese. I was a young lad then – 17 years old. Mum used to wake us up at 5.30am to wash and dress up to attend Mass at a small Church two doors away. Whilst my three brothers and I were getting ready, my mother went straight back to bed and we would walk about 20 yards to attend Mass. One Sunday whilst preparing to go as usual Mum went back to sleep. I don’t think I said it aloud,”Dear God, why can’t you persuade her to come with us to Church”. Immediately mum jumped out of bed got washed and dressed and said I’m coming with you. From then on she never missed Mass on a Sunday. You see, God listens.

  119. After being a 2 pack a day smoker for over 25 years, I had resigned myself to the fact that quitting was impossible for me. However, I knew cigarettes were slowing killing me so I committed to a quit date and bought the nicorette patches. The morning of my quit date I was awakened by the telephone ringing. It was my mother, whom I had told of my decision to quit on that date.I told her I didn’t think I could do it..and her response was,”Just do it.. and take what comes”. So I put the patch on and in that instant a miracle happened.I no longer had a desire to smoke–it was as if I had never been addicted to nicotine. I didn’t wear the patch but a few days because I didn’t need it. I am convinced a “higher power” removed my addiction because I was willing to act first, in faith, and then receive the cleansing power of being obedient.

  120. regarding the allergies, here’s my “story” 🙂
    my daughter has been under the care of a chiropractor since before she was born (I loved not having any back pain during pregnancy!) When she was about 3 years old, she began exhibiting allergic reactions and my husband took her to a pediatrician who prescribed a liquid allergy medication (granted my husband did this because it broke his heart to see his daughter suffering so). When I learned of the results of the doctor visit, I promptly poured out all the medication and asked my husband to allow me to try something else and he agreed. I then spent some time with my daughter and “explained” to her about her immune system and how her allergic reactions were her body’s way of announcing to her that it wasn’t too sure of her surroundings – her allergic reactions were saying that she might be in a “hostile environment” and that I believed if we could find a way to show her that she was “safe” the reactions would go away. I also believed that it meant that she was very sensitive to her environment and that was a great talent to have – we just needed to ensure that the immune system adjusted a bit and that on a subconscious level, her body could recognize any real threat and activate immunization, while not being such a bother on a day to day basis. I actually explained this in a much simpler and fun manner to my 3 year old. I wasn’t too sure whether or not she would “get it” and must admit I was a bit surprised when her allergic reactions quickly disappeared. My daughter is now 11 and has only had minor fevers (we always go for an adjustment immediately) and perfect class attendance. I talked with her again about this when she was 6 and she was very clear that she understood what I had said about her immune system and that she simply set it straight about how it could be most useful! Absolutely love this child!!

  121. I have never posted on a blog.
    My miracle is coming into my life as we speak. I have been sick for a while and not knowing what was wrong. I started to change my outlook and searching for life instead of the other path. Through what I have learned belief, energy and the law of attraction my life is changing and you can do the same. Do your research and find out what you are made of and your belief systems and change your life for your future. This is my miracle and I experience life in a new way each day today.

  122. Hello:
    On my first trip to Paris, I fell in love with the cadence of the atmosphere. I thought ‘my next boyfriend will be french’. One year later, back in NYC where I live, I was invited to a dinner by complete strangers. I was not going to attend and something propelled me to go. I met my french boyfriend at the dinner. Although I could think of many other examples of miracles in my life, this one is the one example that cried out for telling here today…To be continued…

  123. Life isa miracle. You don’t need to know the details of others life, only the faith and belief that life is in fact a miracle. Let me leave you with this quote, I came up with…..” Do not take time to smell the roses, but do take time to plant the roses, and grow with them”… It is only at this point that one will in fact be in awe of the Wonder of it all and in fact, truly believe that life is one huge miracle.

  124. Hi…Wanted to share this with everyone. After 9/11 my husband ‘s job disappeared. He worked for Sun Micro systems in Dallas. All of our retirement money was in stock options (About a million dollars)Since the options could only be exercised at a certain time frame… We were never able to cash them in . The timing was all off The perfect storm had begun. We were forced to sell our home and try to downsize. The first home we had when we moved to Dallas came on the market so we seized the opportunity. It was affordable and we had some good memories there. In the mean time our credit scores dropped dramatically…. On the day we were moving. So I have half my furniture in one house and half in the other. Real estate agent was baffled but said we would be able go ahead with the other house because we had enough money from the house we were selling. So we moved and the deal wouldn’t go through We needed 40,000 to buy the house we moved into. We didn’t have it after all. So after 6 mos. of being harassed by our now land lord we were evicted and moved into an apt. That’s just the beginning. My husband went into business with a friend and he stole all the money. We were broke. By this time our cars had been repossessed so we were walking every where. No phone. He managed to keep the internet on somehow by selling our stuff on ebay. We finally took bankruptcy and that bought us a little time to try and find income. We continued to sell on ebay. My mother was diagnosed with dementia and my siblings put her in a nursing home after she broke her leg. My mother lived in Seattle and I am in Dallas. She died during that horrible time . I had no money to get to the funeral. Thought I would die then. My husband developed skin cancer on his forehead. With no medical ins. no one would help us. The cancer kept getting bigger and bigger on his head. Two days after my mother died my husband got a call from a friend he had helped get a job with Sun Micro systems. Our daughter in -law got a cell phone for us and we paid the bill by selling on ebay. He hired him over the phone. Thank God. He was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and had 24 stitches in his head by the time we got ins. It had gone down to the bone so he took radiation for 6 weeks every day. After months we were able to find a house and move again. We are getting on our feet again. But when you think you are done for God has another plan. At least that’s what happened to us. I know it was a miracle. I always remember that song “when you’ve walked through hell you surely will find heaven.” During that period of 3 years many other things happened to us. too much to mention. But we are still here And still breathing. Hope this inspires everyone to keep going.

  125. Thanks to everyone for sharing their miracles. I have printed out over 30 pages and am reading through them before bed and in the morning. Your stories have been very moving and an awesome reminder of all that is good in and about life. I will continue to read them all!
    Michael, it looks like you picked a really “hot topic” this time! Thanks for inspiring all of us to re-member the precious gifts we’ve all been witness to and/or experienced.
    I have experienced so many miracles in my life, large and small, that it would be impossible for me to deny that they exist. Without hesitation, the greatest miracle that has touched my life has been my mother’s survival of pancreatic cancer.
    After about seven months of being misdiagnosed, ignored, and told her problem was “psychological”, despite a 25 pound weight loss and other “classic” symptoms, her internist agreed to order a CAT scan, which found the tumor. FYI -My mother practically demanded that the test be ordered and agreed to see a psychiatrist, if nothing was found. She knew there was something wrong, but her doctor insisted, “it was all in her head”.
    Fourteen years ago she was given this almost-always fatal diagnosis. The survival rate is about 5%. That’s right – 5%, which I didn’t know at the time.
    After the diagnosis, she had to undergo a very complex surgery known as a “Whipple”, but miraculously, her tumor was encapsulated and had not spread. Although her recovery was a long process, she did not have to receive any post-op chemo therapy or radiation. As a special bonus – she was able to come home from the hospital on Mother’s Day! As a family, it was one of our happiest days, ever!
    At the time, I didn’t really realize I was experiencing a miracle, but I now fully understand and appreciate that I experienced a real-life miracle! This was the work of God, and I contine to be grateful for his gift!
    My conclusion – Miracles Happen and Prayers Work!
    May you each be blessed with experiencing and recognizing at least one miracle in your lifetime!

  126. Hi all.
    I’m currently 32wks pregnant & although the father has not been there emotionally, he’s been emotionally abusive, leaving me crying & feeling sad 99% of the time. it has been one experience i will never forget. i have also been struggling with my decisions (ie: forgiving him, loving him over & over) even though he has put me through so much in the past.
    And now, i read all the miracles that people have experienced and i too have been blessed more ways than i could ever imagine. i have a wonderful mother, brother and friends who have supported me during my pregnancy. i have had endless moments of weakness but God has blessed me with a healthy pregnancy and a great support structure which is all i need to get through it all. And above all, my little baby boy is bringing so much joy in my life. I continue to pray that one day i will have the strength to walk away from him without thinking twice. i love him completely but i do not want my son to be raised in an unhealthy environment & so far, ours is destructive to both of us.


  128. The day I received the invitation to make a miracle or to share one, I had asked to God for a financial aid, for money in my banking account to release my compromises, for the paying of my debts, then, I received the email with the invitation to share a miracle, it have had several miracles in my life recently, but wich one of all of them?… minutes later I received an economical offer at mi office, a millionaire offer for a project we were selling since 6 months ago.- Rigth now we are working in a LOI for the project.-

  129. Several years ago I attended a Christian Writers’ Conference. At lunch, I was sitting in the car eating and feeling very depressed. I felt guiltly that I wasn’t writing every day – or even every month – like so many of the people were who I’d met. I felt that I wasn’t using the gift God had given me. I found myself thinking, “I’m not a good enough writer to even be here.” That segued into thinking of other things I wasn’t good enough for, and as I let myself sink deeper, I was even thinking of things I was “barely good enough” for, like I was “barely smart enough” to meet Mensa’s requirements and I was “barely tall enough” to be in a Tall Club. Suddenly, I “heard” a voice say gently, “You’re good enough for Me.” I was so startled that, if I hadn’t been sitting already, I think I would have fallen. Many, many times since that day, I have held tightly to the memory of God reminding me that I’m good enough for Him. What more can matter? How can I not love a God who takes time to tell me I am ENOUGH?

  130. Hi Michael, Thank you for creating this place for all to share!
    My miracle happened in 1989…my loving foster mother who took me out of an abusive, neglective environment when I was 14 years old was shot and killed by a disgruntled employee at a hotel in Stockton, CA.
    I remember that day because it was her last day of work before retiring to her mountain home in Shasta. For some reason I could not leave my house that day for work. I had 10 month old twins, a boy and girl, and felt the need to stay close to them, (my mom loved them like her own). I kept thinking about my mom and how happy she must be at her last day of work and tried to call her but couldn’t get through.
    That night I received a call from my foster father informing me of the massacre at the hotel where my mom worked. He had no news if she was one of the three women who was shot but he said her car was still in the hotel parking lot. Then a subsequent call…she was indeed shot and died instantly.
    I flew to CA to attend her funeral. The day I arrived news came that the police had captured the man that shot the three women. He had turned the same gun on himself before they could take him into custody.
    When I arrived back home, (about 10 days after her death) I was sleeping and woke to see her kneeling by my bedside. Her face, her entire body, was illuminated like the moon. She was looking at me and smiling so solemly. For what seemed to be about 10 seconds, I was just looking into her loving gaze and said out loud, “Mom?!” When my husband woke and told me it was a dream. But it wasn’t…she was there and I was touched once again by this beautiful angel.
    I feel her presence with me even today. Especially when times are difficult I hear her say, “Don’t worry babe, everything will be OK.”
    I feel truly blessed that she came to see me, somehow to reassure me that her passing was OK, that I didn’t have to grieve over the way she had died…she was in peace.

  131. After many years with a husband who became an alcoholic and then a drug addict, I began to pray for God to take him from us. I had three children and we lived through his verbal and often times physical abuse for years. I left a couple of times and stayed with relatives, but was told I had to go back. There weren’t shelters or help back then. You see, this man became a drug dealer and sailed the open waters trying to smuggle drugs. I was so happy to have him gone because then I did not have to worry about my children, who he always threatened to take from me if I ever left again. I was always scared. When he was gone this time I began to pray to God for him to get caught. I prayed night and day for this. I knew that was the only way. After a couple of months I got a phone call. He had been caught by the Coast Guard, along with whoever he was doing this for. The tremendous relief and thanks I felt were so great, I did not even worry. God had taken care of us. I did nothing to help him and 19 years later he is still in prison. A changed man I hear and he does talk to a couple of the kids. I hope when he is released he stays this way. Maybe God saved him also. I just know that this was a big miracle for my children and I. There are many more in my life and maybe I will post them also. But for now I think this is the one I needed to say.
    Michael, I know you believed in God’s power to heal you so stongly, that you took it upon yourself to find out about your illness and any alternative therapies that would help, because God gives us the knowledge and the power to search and trust in our healing powers.
    Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for your books.

  132. Michael ,please have a look at my website and their you will see some stories such as this one,would appreciate your thoughts.
    Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous
    This particular story is where my journey began as regards to the unfolding of the stories contained in this book.
    The year 1992 three years after my diagnosis of non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, by this stage I had finished my treatments and had begun practicing pranayama yoga and become more interested in the use of complimentary medicine.
    I had heard about another form of yoga called Dru yoga and that their was a weekend workshop planned and so I took myself along to see what it was all about.
    The venue was in Bilston, nr Wolverhampton and participants were to meet in a place named Maristowe house.
    I entered the reception room to a room full of people head down I made my way to a bench in the corner so I could hide away , as I sat on the bench it started to rock and every time I moved it tried to throw me off which didn’t help my request of going unnoticed .
    I smiled away pretending it was ok as more and more people filled the room all of whom seemed to know each other as one after the other they hugged like long lost relatives.
    Then one particular lady came and sat next to me, her first words were “I’ll balance you up”
    My names Wendy she said with warmth that eased my blushes,
    “So she said “have you practiced Dru yoga before”
    “No, I have just come to have a look really”
    She told me that one day she would like to go on and teach yoga, that this was one of her goals in life.
    We were all put into various groups and by chance Wendy was put into the same dormitory as me and the friend she came with was put in another dormitory.
    She seemed to stay close to I or maybe I did her and we chatted away as I felt easier by the minute.
    All the time their was something about her , their was part of me drawn to her ,something I felt comfortable with, but something else ,something I still cannot articulate, except to say it felt although I was simply drawn to her.
    The weekend was one of the most inspiring and moving weekends I had ever had, because up till that point, I had no comparison that people were so loving so kind to each other and that’s the truth of it.
    Their was a speaker ,a yoga teacher who took the weekend course named Many Patel who even to this day I believe is pretty much 100% love and walks his talk .
    Something had touched me, through the words that were given; something moved me towards a journey of spiritual awareness which was to come to fruition 7 years later at a conference in Wales.
    At the end of the weekend Many Patel asked the people in the room if their was anyone attending for the first time and maybe to introduce themselves. One by one the few of us that were new stood up and said a few words on who they were and their reasons for coming .This of course included me, I could here the tone of my voice rise and fall as I introduced myself I told the group that 12 months previously I had a form of cancer and that I was looking for another way in my life, I’m not sure exactly what I meant by that statement, but that’s the way it came out. And with that I sat back down.
    Many told me “No one here would let you down” and how those words turned out to be true.
    At the end of the seminar Wendy rushed over to me, lovingly hugged me and said, “I told my friend that I was drawn to you, that I didn’t know why, but there was something, but now she said she knew, because she also cancer which was still with her and this was our connection and this is what I had felt to.
    I have since come realize that not only do certain cancer patients have this pull this connection to each other but we all do. There is a connection between us all especially if you have had a similar experience in your own life. You are drawn to another of similar mind, of that I’m sure.
    I wrote to Wendy just once after the seminar and she wrote back but I never wrote again only to say I remembered her on and off as we all do with certain people for the rest of our lives.
    So from there my journey continued I continued practicing Pranayama yoga which was my saving grace and eventually was asked by my own yoga teacher to train to become a teacher which I did over a the next three and half years.
    Alongside that I gained a diploma in holistic therapies, my goal always was to come full circle and help others in the same way I was helped through the simplicity of touch and the right word at the right time, which I’ve always said is the most powerful form of medicine and I have the comparison of radiotherapy to compare with.
    I used to and still do my own little routine of yoga daily, and sometimes during relaxation or at other times of peace ,I would ask God “Please God here my prayer” and I have received on occasions the same answer…..”Be still and know that I am with you”
    I had always heard about people getting great messages, really profound statements but to me I did not see my answer as anything more than something I’d read, something that stayed with me, something that came back to me from time to time when I was relaxed enough to listen, but in all honesty something I thought was not much of anything.
    When I went to the dru yoga weekend some years before, where I met Wendy I noticed that they had a conference every year in Snowdonia in Wales , from that day I promised myself that one day when I was ready I would go.
    Seven years later from that meeting I woke up one morning and decided to go, by this time I was teaching pranayama yoga I had not been back to dru yoga at all, and yet here I was with a strong pull to go to the conference.
    I started paying my money the previous year £5 00 a week by direct debit because that way I knew if I’d prayed I’d go.
    there was a part of me that knew I had to go, I had been teaching pranayama yoga for 2 years by this stage and in all honesty I felt I’d lost something personal to me within my own practice of yoga, I felt I was going through the postures and teaching the philosophy but no longer feeling it in the same way, that year more than most I felt so far away God.
    One of the things I have always believed since my illness is that there is part of us that knows the future (as with this book Geoff) a part of ourselves that prepares us for what’s to come. I now know that this intuitive part of me played its part in my journey to the conference that year.
    The train journey down to Snowdonia was one full of thoughts such as ,what the hell am I going for, I don’t even practice this form of yoga, why am I going alone ect .Generally beating myself up with such thoughts, eve all done that from time to time.
    I checked in, got my keys and lay down on the bed, resting from the journey ,closed my eyes ,and asked myself once more,” what the hell am I here for ?”
    later on that night I walked up to a large hall they called the Haven, her they sold books, tapes ,and generally give information about courses ect.I needed to change a workshop they had mistakenly put me down for.(unfortunately or so it seemed at the time, no one was there who could change this workshop for me)
    The Haven was also a place where people could meet and socialize, and so I got a drink of tea and sat down on some steps overlooking the hall.
    “Can I join you? Asked an elderly man, a helper with the conference named Derek, and that what he did as we began to chat away.
    I told him that this was my first time at the conference and in all honesty I didn’t really know what I was doing here, that I taught pranayama yoga, or at least felt I was going through the motions, that I was saying aspects of the philosophy, but no longer feeling it, I had no real conviction in the words I used, I no longer felt God in the same way.
    Derek listen to my tale and paused…….”Do you meditate at all Stuart”
    “Yes, I replied, maybe it’s something I read, whatever, but the same thing keeps coming back to me “be still and know that I’m with you.
    In spite of that for lots of reasons, I just feel I’ve lost my way……….
    We talked some more,Derick gave me his card and said to ring him any time I was feeling that I needed to talk, I could sense he was a genuine sort ,and we parted with the shake of a hand and I walked back to the rooms I was staying in.
    As I lay in the bed that night, thinking if this is rubbish I can always go back home on the train tomorrow if I needed to, I preyed my heart out……..”Dear God, I’m so fed up, can you here me, please God in heaven if you here me, God send me an angel ,please God send me an angel, give me a sign that you here my prayer, give me a sign that you’re their.
    Now you can tell for the tone of this prayer, that this was a desperate one, one that every now and again we all make, I think! Anyway this was one of those ones from the pit of my soul.
    With that I slept.
    I went down to breakfast the next morning ,train timetable in my back pocket, sat down at the table and introduced myself to the lady next to me, what’s your name I asked.
    “Angel” she said……….I nearly choked on my weetabix…… “But what’s your real name,”
    “Angel, she said, that’s my Christian name, I’m from Holland, we talked some more , I had to tell her about my prayer the night before , where I asked God for an Angel, I said that’s an amazing coincidence, she laughed and said “that’s Gods way of remaining anonymous”
    After breakfast, again I lay on my bed, closed my eyes ………”you must have some great sense of humour” I cried out, if that’s what it is, well God here I am, I am willing to forgive, I am willing to learn to love, I give you my life from this moment on, I give you this weekend, if you exist, have it, its yours I know longer care “and I meant it
    Later on in the day I am waiting in the queue for lunch, I turned to the lady besides me and said this is my first time at the conference ,she politely smiled and as I turned my head to meet the eyes of the lady right behind me, she looked into my eyes and said.
    “Stuart……..I’m Wendy “……….my mind flashed to the dru yoga 7 years prior, Jeeeeeze what’s going on here, there were close onto a 1000 people at this conference, this is impossible ,this can’t happen , I was gobsmaked , I held Wendy so close, our connection instantly rekindled .I don’t have the words to express to the reader how I felt at that moment , because of the prayer behind the sequence of events that were unfolding before me, it was to amazing to be another co-incidence .
    We spent all weekend talking, Wendy had a terminal cancer, it had been that way for the last 7 years, and still she was here more beautiful that ever.
    She had reached her goal and was teaching Dru yoga, she had never been to the conference before either but had a strange yearning to come.
    Remember I said that I went to change a workshop the previous night and that they couldn’t change it, well good job because again by coincidence Wendy had booked the same workshop I had mistakenly been booked onto.
    As is to say, if I missed her in the queue I would find her there.
    On the night back in bed, in all honesty I couldn’t believe what had occurred the few days, I tried to quieten my mind with the breath……..once again……..Be still and know that I am with you”………..I was still and I knew that God was with me.
    I never saw Wendy again, after that conference but she gave me a book as a leaving present when we parted, in it she wrote “keep looking for angels”
    I have continued to keep looking, I know that they come in all shapes and disguises, even woven in the mixture of pain and loss in our lives ,so look for yours and I know it will be their, please know that you are heard in your moments of despair .
    The purpose of this book is to show that that there are no such things as coincidences; That Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.

  133. Dear Dr Norwood
    You said we could write to you if we could guess how you got healed from your asthma.
    I have read most of Phillip Day’s books and also try to attend all his seminars when he comes to Australia. This is what he said about Asthma in his book ‘The ABC’s Of Disease”:
    Profile and symptoms:
    Wheezy exhalations and difficulty in breathing caused by the narrowing of the bronchial tubes (air-ways to the lungs). The condition is brought on variously by air pollution allergens (toxins and pollen), infections, food sensitivities, drugs such as Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), exertion, leaky gut syndrome etc.
    An acute asthma attack can be very serious, where breathing is impaired and can lead to asphyxiation through respiratory failure. The condition is most common in children under eleven yeras of age, among whom there is a two-to-one, male-to-female ratio which equalises by the age of thirty. Traditional treatments usually include the use of oral cortcosteroids, bronchodilators and other inhalant aids.
    That asthma is primatily caused by stress to a poor immune system has been established beyond doubt. The question is, what is doing the stressing and why is the immune system so poor to start with? There is evidence that the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is implicated as a primary causation in asthma (this is usually taken as part of the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DTP) shot.
    Both types of asthma, extrinsic and intrinsic, are cuased by the release of chemicals, including the neurotransmitter hormone histamine and factors known as leukotrienes. The production of excess histamine and leukotrienes is believed to be a secondary factor caused by dehydration, the reaction of a stressed and poorly performing immune system tochallenging factors in the invironment, and poor diet.
    Hay fever, or seasonal allergic rhinitis, shares many common factors with asthma and is very prevalent today, its incidenceincreasing yearly. This has caused researchers to wonder what is behind such a dramatic increase.
    Our research indicates that the prevalence of asthma, hay fever and multiple chemical sensitivity today are primarily caused by a) a failure to breast-feed infants and b) the ongoing degradation of the immune system through poor diet and lifestyle.
    Take Action:
    Most of the common known causes for asthma are in fact secondary to the primary reason people develop these sensitivities in the first place, which is a poorly developed immune system then regularly challenged by environmental and dietary factors. Effective treatment of asthma involves a four-fold strategy: a)avoid asthma triggers b)change diet to a vegan regimen (a 1985 study showed improvement in 92% of the participants) c) eliminate any yeast and fungal infections and d) use nutritional support to restore nutrient balance and boost immunity. This regimen must be conducted over a protracted period of time for the best results.
    To the degree that the body can sort out defects in the immune system, the following regimen is recommended:
    * Prevention: Avoid trigger foods, such as eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, milk, chocolate, gluten products (wheat, barley, rye and oats), citrus and food colourings and additives.
    * Prevention: Avoid areas containing dust, mites, pollen, pollution, paint fumes and other causative factors.
    * Diet: Commence the Anti-Candida Dietary Regimen along with the recommended supplementation, ensuring a vegan approach, apart from cold caught, oily fish, i.e salmon, mackerel, herring etc.
    * Diet: Take particular care to avoid the foods discussed in Foods to Avoid, both in the Anti-Candida Dietary Regimen and The Food For Thought Lifestyle Regimen.
    *Diet: Ensure additional intakes of flaxseed oil and other omega-3 essential fat food sources. (see A Guide to Nutritional Supplements)
    * Detoxification: Magnesium Oxide bowel cleanse
    * Restore Nutrient Balance: Commence the Basic Supplement Program ( adjust for children according to body weight), ensuring
    * ‘Ingenious” complex, as directed (see A Guide to Nutritional Supplements
    * Vitamin B6, 50 mg, twice per day
    * Magnesium, 200-400 mg, three times per day
    * Selenium, 200-400 mcg, three times per day
    * Vitamin B12, weekly injection
    * Echinacea and astrafalus, as directed
    * Ginco biloba, 90-100 mg, three times per day
    * TIP: Use a HEPA air filter (high efficiency particulate arresting) to assist in removing allergens from the patient’s environment while recovering (these are available from heating and air-conditioning companies)
    *TIP: Drink at least 2 litres of fresh, clean water each day
    *TIP: Remove pets, dander, uphostery coverings and other media where allergens may collect.
    This regimen is a long-term strategy for all asthmatics, aimed at boosting immunity and allowing the body to adjust to environmental conditions gradually. Certain foods which trigger the condition should be avioded untillasthma attacks appear to have diminished. Any reintroduction of trigger foods should be under the advice of your physician only after the condition has not been in evidence for a protracted period.
    Remember that the body likes to take nutrientsin collectivaly. Nutrients work best when the various components are allowed to work synergistically in combination with a natural whole-food diet, the vast majrity eaten raw. Abasic but comprehensive supplement program can have extremely good results, if carried out consistently over a period of time with suitable diet and life-style changes.
    For the past 17 years, I have been disease-free and have not have a day off work. I put this down to avoiding the minefields, boosting nutrients in the body, staying hydrated, getting exercise and rest, and having a moderately good attitude.
    ^ Maximol (ionised mineral and vitamin supplement)
    ^ B-complex-supplement
    ^ Vitamin E, 400 IU per day
    ^ Zinc, 15 mg, am and pm
    ^ Revenol (Antioxidant)
    ^ Essential fatty acid complex, alternatively 1 tbsp flaxseed oil per day
    ^Apricot kernels, 7 g per day
    ^ Vitamin C complex (ascorbates plus bioflavonoids), 1-3 g per day
    Once again, this program must be taken IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FOOD FOR THOUGHT DIETARY REGIMEN and adequate hydration. It is not a substitude for a good diet.
    ^ Little or no meat in the diet. Any meat consumed should be hormone and pesticide-free. White meat is better than red. Avoid pork.
    ^ Avoid sugar, dairy, coffee and alcohol.
    ^Eat properly constituted, organic, whole, living foods, a high percentage raw. If you want hot, briefly steam your veggies. Do not murder them. Remember that heat kille enzymes.
    ^ The ideal balance is 80%alcali/20% acidic ash foods. Most diets today comprise 90% acid/10%alkali!
    ^ Some broiled fish, deep and cold caught, eaten sparingly is OK.
    ^ Avoid the foods below
    ^ Hydrate the body (2 litres of clean, fresh water a day)
    ^ Keep high glycaemic fruit intake down. Eat more fruits that have low sugar-conversion, such as pears and apples.
    ^ Eat six small meals a day, ensuring a)that you don’t go hungry, and b)that the body has a constant supply of nutrients.
    ^ Use the Basic Supplement Program (see above)
    ^ Exercise (to get evrything moving and assist in detoxing the body in an oxygen-rich environment) A regular walk in the early morning air is also healthy and very invigorating
    ^ Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
    ^ Reduce environmental toxicity (avoid jobs using dangerous chemicals, radiation, etc)
    ^ Use safe personal care products
    ^ Use safe household products
    ^ Pork products ( bacon, sausage, hot-dogs, luncheon meat, ham, etc) These are high in nitrites and are known homotoxins which can cause high blood urea and dikitopiprazines, which cause brain tumours and leukaemia
    ^Scavenger meats (inc all shellfish and other carrion-eaters (see Leviticus 11 in the Bible) Carrion-eaters, pork and shellfish in partcular, concentrate toxins of other animals in their tissues, which we then consume to our detriment. The same goes for the elimination organs of commercially raised animals, such as liver and kidney, which can be high in drug and pesticide residues.
    ^Aspartame/saccharin, artificial sweetenets. These are known mental impairment problems and cancer risks.
    ^Refined sugar/flour/rice. SUCROSE FEEDS CANCER. Restricred amounts of wholegrain bread are OK. Use only wholegrain rice. No sugars should be consumed other than those naturally in whole foods.
    ^ hydrogenated + partially hydrogenated fats (margarine)
    ^ Junk (processed) food, including fizzy sodas and other soft drinks containing sugar, artificial sweeteners or phosphoric acid, which are drunk out of aluminium cans
    ^Fat-free foods. Essential fats are essential!
    ^Polluted water (chlorinated or fluoridated)
    ^Caffeine products
    ^Alcohol products
    ^Excess refined salt.
    I guess that you used a combination of some of the aboves to cure your asthma-problems.

  134. Long time ago, I got a scholarship to a University in Japan. I fell in love with that country. I got back to Mexico, always dreaming to get back to Japan, I wanted to live in Japan. Then 8 years later, came for one year a man to start an assenbling line in one of the factories in the country. He didn’t speak any Spanish or English. So when he discover I understood Japanese became friends, and at the end of his stay he proposed me marriage him. And I have been living in Japan ever since. Already 17 years…So I feel my God send him to reach me

  135. Hi Michael
    I think you could have made your ‘stop sneezing’ miracle by learning to keep the sense of stillness and connection in your heart at all times.
    My miracle is surviving cancer (13 years ago in May) – and realising that it was the event in my life that changed everything and lead me to my current place of enjoying every moment. This helped me when my mother was dying two years ago.

  136. Freeing yourself from allergies? Perhaps you meditated a little longer and/or meditated a few times a day instead of only in the morning with your meditation being focused on your allergies being gone completely.

  137. Michael
    Your “aha” moment with your allergies respresents the miracle that can happen when the heart is Able to accept and believe in Truth. Acceptance that a circumstance is not a punishment and that you really are enough. Spirit makes this all so simple and we choose to make it so difficult because of fear and doubt. Through belief, acceptance and trust you were able to choose differently in life…a miracle brought to you by a teacher presenting as messages from your physical body.

  138. Dear Michael, in my opinion the step you took to create the miracle of getting over your allergies was to make a fast

  139. Michael, I think the answer you are looking for is: Belief. Belief in your powers to heal yourself. You asked and believed. You trusted that you had the power, that YOU could rid yourself of allergies.
    i.e. “Believe and ye shall receive”.

  140. You stopped reaching for the tissue box which was acting an an anchor to start sneezing, or removed the tissue box all together.

  141. When I was five or maybe six, I was plaqued with nightmares. Day after day I was fearful to go to sleep. Finally, one night, I got on my knees and prayed the hardest I could. As a child you think of what you don’t want. I thought, I want to sleep well tonight. Don’t let me have the bad dreams God. I woke up, realized I had slept peacefully and began to tell others, God REALLY DOES answer prayers! One must harness what is already there. God promises, he delivers.

  142. instead of reaching for your kleenex box first thing upon waking up, you meditated first, breaking the habitual cycle and creating a new one.
    i am loss as to what i have to share anymore

  143. I think you found a way to meditate all the time… you began living your entire life in the inner silence and stillness of attunement to God, the Universe.

  144. Hi Michael. I believe the answer to your miracle lies in your conscious acceptance and knowing God really is there/here for us, should we simply listen for His ‘voice’ within us.Love Gary. Namaste.

  145. This goes many years back, as you get older you don’t think of things as miracle we look for the big things. Back to my story. One evening in the summer not watching what I was doing wanting to get home. I jumped off the truck I was riding in and ran right out in the street to cross it. I looked up and a car was speeding dawn on me, all I could do was jump for the curve, and just as my foot hit the curve the car flew pass me, There was no way I ran out of the path of that car, it was God that protected me that day. I never forgot it as far as I can remember that was the first miracle in my life

  146. I have had many miracles in my life. One was a healing of a ruptured disc in my cervical spine. I prayed for it to be healed and the pain to be gone. I was healed and have had no pain at all whatsoever.
    Now today I have 4 miracles in the working with God. A beautiful new house in the west side of town, a drivers license,healed of type 2 diabetes,house sold where I am at for 69,000.
    It is done.

  147. Dr. Norwood,
    You stopped confessing to yourself that you had allergies. You stopped owning them. When you did that your mind was able to overcome your physical reactions to your environment. God gives us great power and you were able to see and use that power.

  148. Hi…Michael I think you got rid of your allergies by simply visualizing them gone in your meditation…and so they disappeared?
    My miracle story is about a time when I was driving home from work one night…I’m a nurse and don’t finish until nearly midnight. I was driving along this dark road, and sort of on auto-pilot, when I heard a voice say “lock your door!” I didn’t think this was strange for some reason, and just did it. About five minutes later, I came to a stop light, and there came a car behind me…a man got out and rushed up to my driver side window and was very agitated and yelling said..”Where’s such and such street!” I couldn’t tell what he was saying…but I was nervous naturally, and told him I didn’t know, he began pounding on my window, and yelling something, so I opened up the window a tiny crack so I could hear him better, and he yelled “you don’t have to be afraid of me!” I replied…”Oh, I think I DO!” Recalling the warning I’d just had. Then another car pulled up behind him and the light changed, and I drove off. To this day I’m sure my Guardian Angel warned me…and don’t know what was wrong with that man, but I felt in danger. This voice has come to me on other occasions, and I’ve also had a trance like state overcome me at intersections, just when a car ran a light or in one case a transport truck. I know someone is looking out for me, and for all of us. We should talk to our angels and guides, because they are always present and listening. I know we have free will, and they cannot interfere with that, but they are waiting for us to ask and they will answer…as in “Knock and the door shall be opened to you”. Try it!

  149. RE:Your Miracle, I think you opened your mind while medatating and realsied your power by asking God or the Universe to put a stop to your allergies,. I hope this is the right answer.

  150. About 6 years ago our Boy Scout troop held a registration for potential bone marrow donors at our church. At the time, I was well aware that most donors remain on the registry for years without ever being matched to a patient. In my case it seemed miraculous that I was called less than 6 months later as a possible match for a cancer patient. After further testing I was found to be a perfect match to a woman in another part of the country who had exhausted all other avenues and had no other chance of survival. I’m pleased to say that she is now a happy and healthy wife and mother with no sign of cancer. God does work in mysterious ways…

  151. Mike, the simple step you took to create the miracle of
    getting over your allergies was to remain in the ‘state’ after meditation.

  152. It was wonderful to read such a lot of personal testimony of miracles. I too have experienced one years ago when I was a chronic asthma patient. Almost every day I had use the inhaler and medications. Then, I started a course in Yoga, meditation and then reiki. I have been practising these for the past 10 years or so and I found right now that I am completely relieved from asthma and many other illness. I consider it as a miracle in my life

  153. Dr. Norwood,
    I think at that moment, after meditation, you began to FEEL well (no sneezing, etc.), and thus the FEELING remained with you and you WERE well. You felt it, you lived it (and are living it still).

  154. I was sitting in bed two nights ago watching a show with my wife. We had just gotten back together a few days before, thank God. I had a Grand Mal seizure that lasted about 5 min. when I came to my son was holding me down and my wife was call 911 which got there in 5 min.s I started to come back to life in another 5 mins. After they got me in the ambulance with and IV and stopped the bleeding from my bitten tongue I stated to feel much better. I thank god for not leaving me in bed alone without my wife and family that night.

  155. Michael,
    Whenever we focus on the Lord, He sustains us. Allowing Him to be in control gives us freedom and we have a peace that can only come from above.
    God bless.

  156. Hi Michael… To start I want to say thank you to you and all the dear wealthy soul brothers & sister. Reading your amazing books( The wealthy Soul Series) and reading the responses on your blog has helped me open up and share my heart more freely. It has also helped me get in touch with my inner self to know that beautiful loving person crying to get out. You’ll all helped me drop the walls that I’ve put up to protect me and jail myself. This has been the greatest miracle in my life so far, it’s not only shone a light on the path to my spiritual awakening, it’s also helped in my personal and professional life as well. As I’ve stated here before, my whole life changed after my marriage of twenty one years came to and end. I also lost a good paying job around the same time, as a result I had a lot of money problems and a son in college. After a short trip away to my birthplace with my dad and two of my brothers I made a choice to move away from my family and friends, about two hundred miles away. I started my career over, I rent a one room apt. and did something that I was not comfortable with, I spend a lot of time alone, not even TV. I was looking for something, I guess I was searching for a reason to why we are here, I thought there had to be more to just being born, toil and than die. You see I was an atheist, so I thought. I friend gave me a book to read, that book started me on a journey of discovery and enlightenment. It brought me to spiritualism, well as in most things that I do, my need to understand more and deeper lead me down the path I’m now on. I love to learn new things, that’s away being a part of my make-up. I started to mediate on a daily bases, I joined a spiritualist church and found a new family, people who are there to help you when you need it and let you discover your own way. I also kept a few friends from my old life, as it turns out they to believe in the same things. They told me that I needed to find that path for myself, that’s why they didn’t talk to me about before, I wasn’t ready. My exwife and I now enjoy a friendship, we work better as friends, my relationship with my birth family is also a lot stronger.
    I sat down earlier last week to write something to post on this blog, I write everything on my WordPerfect than cut and paste, well I lost it all. Nothing got posted, I also didn’t save it fro some reason, so I couldn’t retry to post it, I took it as a sing that what I wrote was more for me and not for posting, I also believed that the right time and words would come.
    As for what you did to over come your allergies Michael, I believe that you discovered the link to mediating and not sneezing you decided learn more. That’s when you found the trigger to your allergies, than you learned how to remove to blockages and cure yourself. Have a wonderful day and remember to open up to all the little miracles that happen in our life’s everyday. The sun rise, the songs of the birds and laughter of the small children around you.

  157. Michael,
    I believe that as you were meditating you were “seeing” yourself as whole and healthy without allergies. You then began to believe this and live this reality. I have been reading about self-healing and the power of the mind. We collectively need to harness this power.
    Thank you for your incredible insights,

  158. It seems to me that you realized that this new practise of meditation could stop your sneezing, so you took steps to build it into your daily schedule and the more that you practised this the more free you became of your allergies. You were in effect allowing God to heal you by your constant practise of meditation.

  159. Okay, here’s my silly guess…
    You realized you were allergic t the tissue; so, you stopped using the tissue or switched brands . Just tryin’ to think “outside the box”.

  160. I helped to look after an elderly Salvation Army lady whose family members were too far away to be called upon to do small jobs she could no longer manage to do herself. We became very close and to me she was like another Mother to replace the one I had lost to pancreatic cancer several years before. I had a hellish addiction to ‘pokies’ and one night, about 6 months after this lovely lady died, I was sitting at a pokies machine with no money left even to get home on the bus! I asked Winsome to help me if she was still close by me and could do anything. About two minutes later I won a jackpot of $900 and took off out of there fast and went home thanking her all the way. The next morning I rang a special man for treatment. The only appointment available, was in an hours time! I had to get there or wait two weeks for another slot! How she did it I will never know, but ALL THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS went green as the bus came up to them and there were no hold-ups anywhere along the way! I got to that place with TWO MINUTES to spare! I wasn’t even dressed when I made the phone call! That is the biggest miracle in my life and I will always be grateful to Winsome for answering my prayer! Thank you Winsome Farr, wherever you are now – I bless you every day for the love you shared with me when I needed it most! Her presence was all around me long after her death and even now, two years later, I still get ‘messages’ from her in many ways and she is still helping to fashion my new, pokies-free, life.
    from Cheryl

  161. Michael, I believe that the action you were prompted to take was to WRITE IT DOWN. Put into writing how you felt free of the allergies, that you WERE free of them. All of the meditation brought you to that final point, where all you had to do was write it down as a fact, a done deal. And it was done. And you are still writing things down, and now sharing them with us.
    Thank you for your wisdom.

  162. an answer as to how you healed your allergies-achoo- bless you!
    you started focusing on what you
    wanted and not on the sneezing which was what you didn’t want.
    that which we resist we grow bigger.
    as you would sneeze, you would wish that you wouldn’t sneeze again and the more you focused on not sneeZing the more energy it gave it and so on.
    but by focusing on meditation and your connection with spirit you changed your focus, and stopped resisting the sneezing.
    what a blessing that the the meditation on godly things stopped
    you from being “allergic” to all those beautiful godly things such as nature that previously caused such a violent reaction.
    Thank you for the blessing of
    sharing your gifts with the world.

  163. Fasting diet and prayer and meditation and love from your mother?
    I have had so many miricles happen in my life I don’t know which one is more important to me, I think I will tell you of my youngest son Nathan, I call him my miricle child. I was 25 and in a very unhealthy relationship with my first husband, we just had our third child and because of our problems did not want any more children. I was too young to get my tubes tied so he got a visectomy right after our third child was born. I was breast feeding my third child and did not start my period, I usually did not have my period when I nursed, I thought it was a good birth control. Along with the visectomy that my husband had along with breast feeding and only a few times we had intercourse I did not think I would get pregnant. I decided to leave my husband after a really bad fight when my third son was 6 weeks old, my third child was now 3 months when I finnally got away. I could not lose weight and went to see my doctor to put me on a diet and he told me I was pregnant, I thought I had cancer growing inside of me, he sent me for an ultrasound and I was 16 weeks pregnant, had a hard time to convince my husband it was his. My son is now 20 years old, a beautiful young man, gifted and loving, everyone loves him whoever meets him. That is one miricle of my life.

  164. How did you get free of your allergies? I guess you never stopped meditating again, which means your whole daily life became meditative.

  165. Everyday is a miracle for me, because of my healing tears….so is crying during meditating your answer?
    “When the shell of my heart breaks open, tears shall pour forth and they shall be called the pearls of god.” – Rumi …and what makes one LOVE self and then roll over easily to loving others thru compassion.

  166. It’s hard for the Mind to focus on more than one thing at a time. When you’re sneezing, you’re sneezing. When you’re meditating, you’re meditating

  167. Although the miracle of my son and daughter being born was fantastic, I think the most important to date is when I saved my daughters life.
    Here’s the short story…
    I was working on the 3rd level of our home when all of a sudden my wife let out a blood curdling scream for me to come upstairs FAST. When I got there I saw that my daughters face had turned blue…she wasn’t breathing. I immediately rushed to her, picked her up in my arms(she was 5 yrs. old) and checked her mouth and throat to see if I could see a blockage…nothing. Since I had taken St. John’s First Aid courses a couple of times, I knew her breathing was restricted so I quickly rolled her on her stomach, while still in my arms, tapped her gently a few times on the back between the shoulder blades then performed the Heimlich maneuver on her. All the time my wife was frantic and shaking. To our amazement out popped a hard candy that she had swallowed and within seconds she was again breathing. I thanked God for giving me the insight to take the first aid courses as without them, my daughter may not be with us today.
    May God Bless you all !!!

  168. Hi there Michael.
    There are many Michaels in my life.
    More then 10 people has also said that my guardian angel is Michael too.
    So it comes as no surprise to me that you, aswell as I had many many
    problems with allergies as a child.
    And it comes as no suprise to me that your allergies went away during meditation as have I noticed they do for me.
    I however was a bit “slower” then you, since I’m about 29 now and just recently found this that some call Nothingness.
    There are many many words for that which is, but no matter what word is expressed about that which is, the words about the isness of life as it is are not to be grasped or understood or known.
    Just pure cognitive experiencing.
    Haaah. Talking about that which is is always a bit tricky.
    Feels like you have found your bliss.
    With sincere and loving regards
    Prem Amrit (My old name was Stefan, but to remind me of what I am doing
    here, I was given a new name)

  169. You created a private action while meditating to allow you to trigger the “stop sneezing” step when required….like power pause?

  170. I was without money a few days ago and no where to go. My phone was cut off and I willed people to come see me for readings and my favorite people found me on Venice Beach and got readings. I ate and lodge myself.

  171. I was without money a few days ago and no where to go. My phone was cut off and I willed people to come see me for readings and my favorite people found me on Venice Beach and got readings. I ate and lodge myself.

  172. More silliness…
    In response to your question, while meditating, you put the pillows over your face, and realized you were alergic to your comfy feather pillows, and once you removed them and stopped meditating, your allergies disappeared.
    “Maria” the Miracle!
    I teach 3-5 year old deaf and hard of hearing students, and one of my students is definitely a miracle!
    “Maria”, I’ll call her, was 1 lb and 12 oz when she was born. (She carries a small cloth doll in her bookbag that was the size she was when she was born. Truly amazing!)
    So, little Maria started out life with the cards stacked against her, but there’s more. Not long after Maria was released from the hospital, she was diagnosed with Lukemia, at age 7 months. After having chemo and radiation, she underwent a successful stem cell transplant, when she was a year and a half. Maria will be six years old in February, and has remained cancer-free! Recently, her mother found a small lump in her in her abdomen, and she had to undergo, yet another, surgery to have it removed. Again, Maria and her family were blessed with by receiving a benign diagnosis.
    Despite her small stature, hearing aids, glasses, and fine motor difficulties, Maria has a spirit and soccer kick, like no other. Her hearty laugh is contagious and always brings joy to my day and spirit. When Maria laughs, the world laughs with her – you just can’t help it!
    Her tiny body, has been through so much, but her spirit soars and blesses everyone who is privledged to be a part of her life.
    Just yesterday, Maria’s mother shared that the doctors are considering removing a caderac(sp?) that developed on one eye due to the chemotherapy she received as a baby.
    Please say a little prayer for my little miracle student and her family. She has an incredible family and they all could really use a break!
    Please join me in asking the Lord to guide the doctor’s decision, and ask that He bless this family with strength, hope, courage, and peace.
    Please keep “Maria” the Miracle in your prayers.
    Thank you and Blessings!

  173. Hi Michael,
    Did you feel grateful that the relief was coming to you and opened your heart to let it happen?
    It seems the most potent way to manifest – request accept it will occur, open and be grateful for it being on it’s way.
    Cheers, and thanks for your great work.

  174. Hallo, I would like to thank first of all everyone who has contributed to this site and shared their love and light with others, that appreciate the miracles that bind us all for we are all connected. My story started with me reading the book ‘creative visualisation’ by Shaktai Gawain, up until this point I wanted to believe in magic but because of a very religious and yet sadly lacking spirituality, upbringing had no realization of my own power. For some five years i had had alot of problems with my neighbours who seemed to me to be unreasonable, angry and volatile as well as very angry people. To cut along story short, on my 30th birthday I sat and reflected on what i really ‘wanted’. I decided it was peace on my doorstep. In Shaktai’s book she said to visualise your goal and to REALLY BELIEVE IN IT, without worrying how, when or why it was going to happen, just to have faith and trust that it would. After much bad feeling leading to solicitors, I visualised my neighbours and myself in the suggested ‘pink bubble’ chatting merrily away and getting on as if none of the unpleasantness had ever happened. I mentally affirmed that I believed all would be well and I need not worry about the why’s and wherefore’s. Well, the next morning I awoke and pulled open the curtains to find that overnight the wind had lifted the neighbours gazebo right over the fence and landed it bang in the middle of my garden!! I knew at some point they would have to come and collect it thinking: this will be interesting)and sure enough at 6pm they rang the bell. When I opened the door I made an icebreaking comment about how I thought a space ship had landed in the night when i had opened the curtains that morning, and invited them through and helped them to dismantle it and get it back into their garden. On the way out, they said that they would like to forget the past and move on, since then we have had lovely over the garden wall chats and invites. I hasten to add that there had been such unreconcilable differences up until this point. Their back yard which has been a junk yard for years with action taken from environmental health department, is now a beautiful garden with flowers and a hammock and night light!!!! Certain problems really are as simple as asking without judgement and believing it to be so, especially if your intention is pure and for the highest good of all concerned. Love and ligh to you all. Emma

  175. Greetings from Dubai!
    This letter is for anybody out there who might have experienced and overcome this unknown fear… The reason I am writing is because of this problem that I want to overcome.. It happen sometimes when I am talking to someone, specially someone on top level post… I would be ok at first full of confidence and then suddenly I’ll get so nervous and couldn’t look them straight in the eyes resulting to losing my concentration to what I am saying or discussing.. I am timid and shy in nature, but working here in Dubai for long years I have developed enough self confidence but sometimes it just suddenly disappears and leaves me feeling helpless and stupid.
    Can you please guide me to remove these triggers and help me to create a Miracle of overcoming this embarassing habit.
    Looking forward to your response.
    GOD Bless you always.

  176. I have miracles everyday as I find that whatever I need (including this website, although I’m not even sure how I got here) come to me when I need them….but one thing that I have had happen many times is getting shooting stars sent to me…it may sound crazy, but the 1st one came as I was alone in a very dark area on the sea and was speaking to my Father who had passed that year and across the sky came this bright shooting star! All I could say was “Hi Dad!”….since then I have had many and when I know that someone is going to pass, I ask for them to send me one to let me know they are okay….I have yet to NOT get one, the last was last week, the very next day after my friends Fathers funeral…I looked to the sky right as I got out of my car and said “Okay Murray, wheres my star” and not 2 SECONDS later it came! It was actually so immediate that it shocked me….I had this happen many times now….and so many more things that I believe come from our higher source…

  177. hello everybody,
    i had read some of the miricale posted here..and i am happy that there are many healty soul all over the world,,,
    i had never done any miricale in my life,,,
    my life is full of trouble and misfortune……
    i hope to create some miricale one day to give positive turn to my life.


  179. My mom and sister have never been close. I am going to be graduating from a 2 year program. My sister wanted to come to the graduation ceremony with my nieces. My sister called and invited my mom to come with her. My mom called me after talking with my sister; she sounded so happy that my sister called her and made the invite for the road trip to come see me graduate. (I live in MA and they live in NJ). The beginning of the conversation from my mom was “God still does miracles. Your sister called me…” It was beautiful to hear my mom so happy. I’m excited to see them soon but also that they spoke without arguments.

  180. I don’t know whether you read this or not but I bought your books from Amazon and I don’t know how to keep receiving your newsletter and inspirational gift collection. Todays was the gift of grace. Can you tell me how to continue hearing from you.

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  184. I was watching [url=]vida guerra nude[/url] once and then I realized why not to make the whole website that would be dedicated to those photos of her… This idea is realized right now as you can see and this post is sort of as introduction. I hope you can get the maximum of what I am offering you… But before that, take a look at this photo of [url=]victoria justice naked[/url] naked that I have right here… Don’t you think this one is the best among the other ones? Anyway, let’s start our review already then.
    She is blond and I love them very much… Being 20 years old I think she has done pretty much for her life. Most teens at the same age are either in college or having a party all day long seating without a job… But [url=]megan fox sex tape[/url] is just an example for all of us… If you put your heart and soul into something then it will work for sure.
    I bet every man regardless of age and sexual orientation would love to see [url=]lindsay lohan nude pics[/url] because that kind of beauty cannot be ignored.
    Her body is something well proportioned and so young that I think she could do modeling with no problems. The only problem that could stop her from making that career is probably her height… Honestly, I don’t know how tall she really is but when I see some photos of [url=]selena gomez porn[/url] I start assuming she is not less than 5’7 which is totally enough for becoming a model.
    Her tits seem to be pretty small for me but I forget about that little shortage when I realize they are so smooth and elastic… Just imagining that you touch them can make you feel very excited… at least, works with me. I bet woman like her won’t ever do a plastic surgery. Besides, she is 20 only and maybe she needs more time for her boobs to grow… I wish her tits would be pretty big in future… but only natural.
    How about her ass? It is much bigger than her breasts so I think it is ok… She probably works in gym or something because having that cute butt without a hard work is impossible.
    Now it is time to introduce you something else besides those pictures of [url=]catherine bell nude[/url] above as I think you might get bored with them… although this is something very hard to believe in. I will go with this one. “There’s more to life than dating the boy on the football team.” First of all, I bet all football players in her high school were trying to date her and many of them tried to get a chance to see [url=]jennifer love hewitt nude[/url] too… But I guess all of them failed as this girl has got some new and pretty high demands that have lead her to where she is right now. All school girls should take an example from her because there is more in your life than dating some popular guy from school. If you think that this can make you popular too, you are wrong… First of all, there is no guarantee that he will be a professional player and earn millions. Most people are ended up like Ell Bundy… this is pretty obvious comparison, but I guess it is funny.
    So, how about we settle on this… Becoming popular means working hard from day to day which is what exactly [url=]claudia black nude[/url] did and I’m very proud of this girl…
    Nude celebrities have always been something all people want to be a part of… For example, when I look at this picture of [url=]renee zellweger nude[/url] the only thing I can think of is pretending me being there with her on that pic. But there is nothing bad in that, right? Nobody kills or charges for that kind of thoughts… just kidding though, don’t take it serious. Anyway, I would like to present you the second quote from her…
    “People haven’t always been there for me but music always has.” Well, if you ask me to be there for you [url=]kelly brook porn[/url], I will always do that. I bet everyone else is feeling the same way, right? If not, then how about checking out some [url=]jenny mccarthy nude[/url] first and then I think you’re ready…
    I have got some [url=]rachel bilson nude[/url] right there that I would like to share them with you if that’s ok. Anyway, I hope you don’t mind at all. Well then, let’s go.
    First I saw [url=]katrina kaif porn[/url] was somewhere between April and May on some nice photos. Back there I didn’t pay much attention to her as a personality but when I realized how hot she really is I started to try to get her know better. The first thing that I have noticed about this young girl was her tiny tits. You might wonder how it was possible to notice them but let me tell you that when you see a woman standing topless it is pretty hard not to.
    I guess it is time for our quote of the day from [url=]mariah carey naked[/url] so here it is “I’ve never really been popular with the boys.” Too bad to hear that because woman like could easily do that thing. Being popular among boys is always tough but when you are pretty just like [url=]tila tequila porn[/url], you can run them whatever you like and this is just fun for girls… I know that because I have been manipulated by one hot chick before I knew she only needed hard and dirty sex from me. Of course that didn’t hurt at all but you get this feeling being a male whore and this is kind of unpleasant, you know.
    Oh, that was quite nice, wasn’t it? I think you liked it pretty much as I did.
    Knock, knock… Who’s there? It is me again but this time I have got some fresh [url=]demi lovato nude[/url] with me, so can I come in? Thank you.
    Have you noticed what kind of curly and long gold hairs [url=]dakota fanning nude[/url] has? Oh yeah, this is the first thing why I love this woman. The second one would be her breast and then ass by the way. But let’s stop on hairs. They are so rare and precious that I think she takes care of them every few hours. Can you imagine how much money she spends all the time to make a good hairstyle and those really expansive shampoos and other stuff that is just necessary? If you sum the whole money she gives on her hairs every month I am sure it will be ten times more than your monthly paycheck… No offence though.
    As you know, it is time for her quote. “I love make-up. I play with my look and try on all kinds of colors” Girl, you are so young and gorgeous… Why would you need this stuff? I understand if Pam or Paris does that kind of thing all the time because they are uglier than you… Don’t get me wrong, that’s not what I was trying to say. You are very hot and I love you so much, but don’t play with makeup because you can get used to it.
    Yep, I know it was great and you had fun today… But unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to each other now.
    If you don’t believe that these pictures of [url=]sophia loren nude[/url] are real then explain yourself because if you don’t then I am going to have to ask you to leave… just kidding by the way.
    What a view… it is so amazing, isn’t it? Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t tell you. Have a look at this photo featuring [url=]ashley tisdale nude[/url] because I am sure you won’t forget that ever. She is only 20 years old but she is so pretty and mature already. I wonder how sexy she will look by the age of 30 or something because according to my pretty solid experience most women get their maxim sexuality when they something between 30 and 35. This is the top of being sexy and right now all women should support me… But don’t think that if you are 49 or even 60 you can’t look sexy anymore. There are thousands of examples that I can give you right here but you should know that by yourself.
    And now here is her quote that might help you “In middle school and junior high, all my friends ditched me, so I was really lonely.” I guess the problem was that [url=]kim kardashian naked[/url] was nerd back there and thus nobody really wanted to be friends with her. But she tried to be herself and I bet they would carry her on their hands if only they knew what kind of star she will turn too pretty soon. And she did actually, however it is too late for those people.
    This is it fellows, have a nice day.
    I hope that this photo of [url=]tea leoni nude[/url] will be applicable here as that’s what this review is all about.
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    I saw this quote from her the other day and thought you might be interested. “A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums” I can fully agree with her on this point but there is something I don’t like about her songs. No, really, they are like similar to each other and either about love or heartbreak which is probably the same thing. I would advise [url=]mila kunis naked[/url] to step of a bit that kind of theme as first of all, she repels guys with her music by saying how some boy let someone down or something. And singing about love will only attract women and I don’t think you are a lesbian.
    Wow, I didn’t expect this review will be that nice which means I did a good job here.
    You probably came here for some [url=]kim kardashian nude pics[/url], right? Then please explain me one thing… What the hell are you waiting for?
    Who would thought that we will watch one day these gorgeous pics of [url=]maryse ouellet nude[/url] and will talk about the way her tits look on them. By the way, let’s do that. I think her tits are pretty nice except for the fact that small. But I guess that’s ok as she is only 20 years old and maybe they will grow a bit in some nearest future… At least that’s what all her male fans hope for. I actually don’t think that all men who can say [url=]isla fisher naked[/url] is one of their favorites, love her for her songs… They surely like her sexuality and the way she looks.
    Now it would be appropriate to put this quote here… And just so you know it is from her. “Somebody who has a compatible sense of humor with me, this would be the most important thing,” I have a huge sense of humor that can probably beat yours, [url=]vanessa minnillo nude[/url]. If you don’t believe me then come on… bring it on. But being serious, I wish her to find that kind of guy that would make her laugh every day and she couldn’t stop loving him for that… Damn it, I sound like gay again… Damn her songs, they make me feel sissy. See, I told you I can be fun.
    Sad, very sad to say that but this is the end of my review… So I guess goodbye.
    This good girl can be gone bad pretty soon. Take a chance to look at [url=]emmy rossum nude[/url] here and you will understand what I am talking about. But for me, being bad is kind of sexy.
    I wonder what it is like to see [url=]vanessa hudgens porn[/url] live standing right in front of you. This chance will get only her boyfriend I guess and no one else… Well, maybe some doctor but I was talking about having sex. That fellow will be very happy and I will be calling him the luckiest son of a bitch, in a good way of course. Man, I wish I was her boyfriend just for one night and I would make a party and invite all my friends so they were jealous. And then, on the next morning I would say to them that I dumped her. That would be cool.
    I remember this quote from her that I am sure you will find both, hilarious and useful “I feel kind of unnatural looking down to people and they looking up to you” What to do [url=]maria ozawa porn[/url]? You are such tall. I mean she is almost 6 feet sharp and now imagine her wearing high heels… She will be about 6’2 or something after that. I wonder what kind of guy she wants for herself… Probably 6’6 or something, but not less… I bet she needs a basketball player to date with. Yeah, that’s it. They will look kind of sexy and very unreachable for paparazzi if you know what I am saying.
    So anyway, I hope you keep reading my reviews because they are fun and very hot.
    Would you like to see [url=]shakira sex tape[/url]? If that’s so, then I welcome you. This place is something where you can check her out totally without her clothes.
    What do we know about her ass? I don’t mind calling it two nice pies because that is a precise description for it. If you look at this [url=]shannon elizabeth nude[/url] I have hot right here you will be able to check her butt in some different angle which will give you some very nice view of it. But the point is to appreciate them, so go ahead.
    I forgot about one thing to put here… it is her quote “I always have an idea who I want to thank if I win” This is pretty obvious. In fact, I say there is no celebrity that would say something quite extraordinary during that ceremony of winning speech. They all sound very banal and to be honest people are getting sick of it. I think, if they don’t come up with something spicy or at least unique and different from those “thanks” the crowd won’t be clapping at all because this is getting all people bored. Come one you guys, you are so smart… [url=]rosario dawson nude[/url], you are not stupid blond, aren’t you? Then think of anything that would differ from those “I want to thank my producer and my fans. Nothing would be possible without you. Also thanks to my cat Kittles as he inspired me so much with his peeing on my shoes” and some other crap like that.
    Yeah, this was pretty fun and I liked it very much. I hope you have same feelings about this. Bye.

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