How a Pizza Changed My Life

That's right.

A Pizza.

Changed my life.

A mushroom pizza, to be specific.

With onions.

No kidding.

The date was February 24, 2007.

A Saturday.

Let me explain the beautiful thing that happened to me that night.

It started with an order of pizza.

I order it about once a month.


Because, the rest of the month it's all beans for me.

And salads.

And coconuts.

And fruits.

And nuts.

And grains.

And fresh veggies.

And free-range eggs.

And yogurt.

And all organic, mind you.

Having been around a lot of illness in my life, I treat my body preciously.

However, I throw pizza in every once in awhile to pay homage to the 100 billion cerebral neurons God gave you and me.

You know –

To celebrate the infinite possibilities The Creator wishes us to never forget is our joyful birthright . . . 

     (Pizza being one of the sacred pleasures of that birthright.

      Not to mention the occasional Stone Cold Chocolate Peanut Butter Sundae, or a good bowl of Southern Grits with eggs, butter and bacon.)

But how did this one order of mushroom and onion pizza change my life?

Here's how:

The exact recreation of events:

     7:10 pm I call Papa John's. I place the order.

     7:55 I buzz the delivery man into the condo building's front door.

     7:56 I wait, salivary glands distended, as the man unseen ascends the elevator.

     7:57 The knock on the door. My heart skips a beat. I open the door. I take two stove-hot boxes from the bright-eyed Papa John's courier.

     I give him a decent tip. ($2, if you must know.)

     He thanks me and leaves.

     7:59 I get out a plate. Clink a few ice cubes in a glass.

     Open up a root beer (my 30-gram sugar vice. . . without which, pizza ain't pizza).

     I sit myself down in front of this high alter of Sicilian succulence.

     I place my hands on the first box.

     Close my eyes.

     Inhale deeply of the mist of tomato and cheese heaven.

     Thank The Creator for this pleasure.

     Stay still, just enjoying the moment.

     Then . . .

     I slowly begin to open the box.

     Steam issues forth.

     My eyes remain closed.

     And now –

     The first bite.

     The luscious gob of cheese and tomato sauce is gulped, too hot to retain, the roof of my mouth singed but barely noticed amidst the ecstasy.

     I feel myself swoon.

     8:01 Now a second bite.

     Again, it quickly passes from between my lips down my gullet.

     But wait . . .

     . . . A sudden realization strikes.

     Something's not right.

     Something's missing.

     My heart begins to race.

     I try a third bite.

     I'm right!

     It's not there either!

     I feel myself return back to my body.

     My eyes open.

     I look down at the pizza.

     Take up fork and scrounge around under the cheese.

     My heart drops.

     There's no mushrooms in the pizza!

     Nor onions!!!


     Didn't I specifically tell the order-taker on the phone, "Double mushrooms, and onions. Under the cheese please"? (Nothing worse than dried out mushrooms and onions.)

So . . . .

Now my question to you, my friend –

What do you think happened next?

What do you think I did?

What would YOU do?

Eat the plain pizza (after paying for pizza with mushrooms and onions)? –

Or call Papa John's to raise holy Roman h*ll?

The choices are as simple as that:

          A. I Called B. I Didn't Call

The first person to guess in the comments box at the bottom of this page what I did wins a unique prize:

Here it is:

You win a free large mushroom and onion pizza.

That's right.

I will order a large pizza for you.

From your favorite pizza parlor, wherever you live.

Have it delivered right to your home.

Tip included.

All you have to do is guess:

     A. I Called about the missing mushrooms and onions

     B. I Didn't Call

Then, after you provide the answer, you have to share WHY I chose either A or B . . . and . . .

Why it was life-changing for me.

Share your answer in the comments box below.       

Hasta la pizza!



350 Replies to “How a Pizza Changed My Life”

  1. You did not call. As you sat there pondering what to do, it hit you. OH MY GOSH!! Plain cheese pizza is so FABU!! Why didn’t I try this sooner.
    Besides, if the truth be known, you probably had onions and mushrooms in the fridge. If it was that big of a deal, you could of sauted up some yourself and thrown them on the pizza.

  2. B. Didn’t Call
    If this truly was all about Giving Thanks and enjoying the moment, then the real growth can come from accepting the disappointment that what was ordered was not delivered, setting it aside, and then moving on with what you get.
    God always answers our prayers (pizza), sometimes not quite the way we want (onions and mushrooms) but what is truly best for us at the moment (no mushrooms, no onions)

  3. I am going to select A…that you called Papa Johns and complianed that the Pizza was not what you paid for…and that you look forward to this magcificent delicacy only one time out of the month,,,even if Papa Johns did nothing to rectify this, it was standing on principle, an to apease your dissapointment___so again A is my choice..Have a Brilliant day Michael.

  4. I am going to select A…that you called Papa Johns and complianed that the Pizza was not what you paid for…and that you look forward to this magcificent delicacy only one time out of the month,,,even if Papa Johns did nothing to rectify this, it was standing on principle, an to apease your dissapointment___so again A is my choice..Have a Brilliant day Michael.

  5. You didn’t call, being the nice person that you are. You ate the pizza naked and bare as it was, and still you were thankful for the moment and just having pizza. We all face little disappointments in our daily lives but being able to roll with them is the secret of the Wealthy Soul and you’re definitely one of those. {{{hugs}}}to you!

  6. You didn’t call
    because it was a new lesson for you and you learned from it. Weather you liked the pizza or not.

  7. I don’t think you called because you realized that we all make mistakes and you found that what they sent was just as good as what you have normally… and you found that coming out of your comfort zone was a good thing and something you need to do more of. Which BTW.. we all need to get out of that comfort zone and try new things.

  8. You didn’t call.. because you realized that we all make mistakes, and you enjoyed what was sent to you just as much as your normal .. comfort zone pizza. You also realized that coming out of your comfort zone can be a good thing.

  9. You called and learned that asking provides rewards in one’s life. You need to ask for what you want out of life.

  10. You didn’t call because the Pizza delivered was delicious and forever changed how you will order pizza in the future.

  11. 🙂 You called. You told them that there had been an error in the order. You told them what you had ordered and what you ended up with, but that you did not want to waste the pizza that was delivered so you would eat it. They thanked you for your gesture of kindness. You ate and enjoyed the pizza you had received. You realized that you can take any situation in life and make it into something positive. Next month, Papa John’s is bringing you an extra large with all the toppings that you ordered, made extra special, and delivered to you piping hot and free of charge!! It’s when we give that we receive back in multitude!! 🙂 Have a happy day!!

  12. Yes you did call…’s your ‘one special’time to savour and indulge! It’s not the ‘be all and end all’ of time, but sometimes a little treat is needed to apease/reinforce and yes, let us indulge! It gives one more fortitude to carry on in our endeavours!
    I know I would have called for the reason that I didn’t get what I had ordered and that’s what I was looking forward too. I don’t want to ‘win’ a pizza……I don’t eat them, but I do think one should stand up for themself.

  13. I believe you called. Because you believe in giving people a second chance in life. You know that they will appreciate the opportunity to make it right.

  14. You called.
    Asked for the manager and said, “Hey, my monthly pizza arrived without mushrooms and onions UNDER the cheese”.
    You could see the manager frowning at his cook. His tone indicated he was displeased with the new cook he had hired. Still, it was already done. All the manager could do was offer you a free pizza and a liter of root beer.
    But you wanted more. This is the pizza you look forward to each and every month.
    Then, the law of attraction kicked in. One of your readers likes her pizza with mushrooms and onions just the same way you do, under the cheese. She even drinks sugared soda (Coke, not Root Beer).
    It was meant to be like this, with you, the pizza, and the strange redheaded gurl in California. She too eats only organic food, but every now and then, craves junk food.
    See, the pizza, just like the circumstances surrounding the mistaken order, were perfect. Even in the state of imperfection, there is always perfection.

  15. You called.
    Asked for the manager and said, “Hey, my monthly pizza arrived without mushrooms and onions UNDER the cheese”.
    You could see the manager frowning at his cook. His tone indicated he was displeased with the new cook he had hired. Still, it was already done. All the manager could do was offer you a free pizza and a liter of root beer.
    But you wanted more. This is the pizza you look forward to each and every month.
    Then, the law of attraction kicked in. One of your readers likes her pizza with mushrooms and onions just the same way you do, under the cheese. She even drinks sugared soda (Coke, not Root Beer).
    It was meant to be like this, with you, the pizza, and the strange redheaded gurl in California. She too eats only organic food, but every now and then, craves junk food.
    See, the pizza, just like the circumstances surrounding the mistaken order, were perfect. Even in the state of imperfection, there is always perfection.

  16. You simply savored what you had gotten–how many people in the world would almost literally kill for what you had in your hands?
    You would TELL Papa John’s the next time you ordered, NOT to complain, but simply to notify, and would accept with grace anything they chose to do about it,(including if they did nothing).

  17. My post.
    It posted twice.
    Once under the name of Garry.
    I am not Garry.
    My other post, under the name of THE did not post at all.
    Am I going to phone Michael and demand correction to this error?
    No, I am not.
    Would you?
    In the grander scheme of things, things like pizza, or postings, are trivial. My time is better spent enjoying my Saturday morning and the fantastic day that awaits me. Acceptance………

  18. You called because by not letting them know, yours will not be the only mistake the business sends out to customers. Employees need to know that they hold more than a job, they are representatives of the business they work for. If you were the owner, would you not want to be notified of the shortcomings of your service? Sure you would. Of course, there is no reason to be rude or harsh in letting them know. But not only should you getwhat you paid for, they should be made aware of the areas they need improvement, afterall, they are not in the pizza business, they are in the people business. Satisfying the customer is what keeps them in business. And we can’t forget that a negative word goes a long ways to hurting businesses.

  19. You didn’t call. You thought that you shouldn’t be eating this stuff anyway. You felt that life was just teaching you a lesson. Remember you said that Pizza was unusual and a guilty pleasure. You thought that in the scheme of things that you shouldn’t be eating this and fate had given you the right result. Now order me a Guido’s pizza in Anchorage Alaska lighly done with mushrooms and black olives and let’s be done with this.haha

  20. You didn’t call. You released the negative thoughts and enjoyed the moment because you know negative thoughts will bring more negativity into your life.

  21. Michael,
    I would think that you called, but didn’t raise holy h@#%. You simply explained the situation to the person that happened to pick up the phone and they kindly made it right for you. The new call was made @ 8:10 and by 8:50 you were enjoying your pizza after having given thanks with extra gratitude!

  22. I think you didn’t call because you feel everything happens for a reason. Maybe you shouldn’t like pizza so much.
    P.S. I used to work in a pizza place $2 while not being a crappy tip still isn’t that great with what gas cost. Drivers are on mimumum wage.

  23. You did not call. You realize that everything happens for a purpose and serves us. After a moment’s reflection, you realized that you have been stuck in a comfort zone, ordering the same pizza over and over. How we do one thing is how we do everything. You realized that you were staying in your comfort zone in other areas of your life, without considering whether that was serving you best. This realization, and the decision to examine other areas to see if you are letting past habits keep you stuck, is what changed your life.

  24. Yes you called. Not to raise heck but to thank them for the fabulous pizza and the great sevice.We all make mistakes and may we be as merciful and kind as we wish others to be with us.

  25. You did not call – you are aware that nothing happens by accident in this universe and that is the pizza you had attracted to you, perhaps by your belief that it’s something you “shouldn’t have” So you set your intent to be grateful for what showed up, and you would let Papa John’s know the next time you ordered that there were items missing from the previous pizza they sent so that they could set the intent to be more aware of the products they were sending out to their customers.
    Great blog by the way!

  26. You called. After getting over the initial shock that the two main requested ingredients were missing, you expressed your disappoinment as this is a once a month treat you anxiously await to savor. The fresh and carefully prepared ingredients are a delicacy you splurge on healthwise, so naturally, not receiving what you ordered and paid for prompted you to call and bring this error to their attention, if for nothing more than to assist in more attention to detail of orders and customer satisfaction. Resulting in accuracy of future orders that you and others place. You, being on the receiving end of this error allowed you to experience a slight set-back in a much anticipated endeavor, although it didn’t turn out as expected, it is palatable and will come again. Thanking them for their concerted effort to correct this, you then realized that unexpected changes bring a new perspective for growth in all areas.

  27. You didn’t call. You sat back and thought, well for some reason I didn’t get my onions and mushrooms.
    Next time I will…then you sat down and started to enjoy again the great smell of a pizza!

  28. You didn’t call because you DID very much enjoy the pizza with mushrooms and onions. It’s not just about the eating part, it’s everything else too. You were blissful in every moment and you can continue that bliss; onions and mushrooms or not.

  29. I’ll choose
    B. I didn’t call
    You didn’t call because you realized that if you only needed pizza once a month and this month you doidn’t get what you wanted then found that you really didn’t need it in the first place. This was a sign that you could be taking care of yourself better and Papa Johns’ mistake just helped make it a little clearer.

  30. You called..We learn by our mistakes. Whether you received a response or not, if the mgr passed the info on it helped a future patron be satisfied… Help others. I learned by all the mistakes I have ever made.

  31. You didn’t call because you remembered that there is a reason for everything. You thought about this for a moment, and asked God what you should do in this situation. You take another bite of the plain pizza as you’re waiting for an answer. Not bad…Why waste a good pizza? All it needs is a little bit of fresh vegetables. You open up your fridge and see that you do have onions and mushrooms, so you quickly chop them up and spread them on your pizza. Wow! Amazing! You thank God for answering your prayers…and for helping you to create the best pizza you ever tasted–cheeze pizza with your favorite FRESH vegetables ON TOP!

  32. You didn’t call because a simple mistake allowed you to learn about yourself(that you were willing to forgive eventhough disappointed) and about how good “margherita pizza” (that’s the way we call “simple” pizza here)can be..And now you can probably have pizza more often because you had a simpler pizza that CAN be included in your diet more often…
    would you have really sent me a pizza all the way in Italy???LOL…
    A hug,

  33. I’ll choose
    B. I didn’t call
    I choose “B” You didn’t call because you v really didn’t need it in the first place. This was a sign that you could be taking care of yourself better and Papa Johns’ mistake just helped make it a little clearer. blessings

  34. My guess – you DID call, but you told them the pizza was delicious and thanked them. Now they will remember you … or not, but no harm in trying.

  35. You called, told them they missed the mushrooms and onions but told them all is good, the pizza is great just the way it is, thanked him or her and wished them a good night.

  36. hello,
    I choose A; you did call
    you remember that the universe gives us what we ask for, and if it was unclear, you ask again. This is a monthly occurance, and if there was a goof, you ask again.
    with respect
    and gratitude
    upon the arriveal of your real pizza, you thanked the driver, Blessed your NEW pizza, and ate what you asked for.
    ~ leslie

  37. Well Michael, I have unfair advantage. I know you a long time, I have worked for and with you before and I know that you would typically call, and insist it be fixed and fixed the way you like it.
    I think you didn’t call. I think you accepted the delivery as it was and that you decided that the pizza was as it was meant to be.
    Then you sat down and said “Om” for a long time.
    Remind me to tell you about being really really hungry in Coober Peady Australia. We could have a huge large cheese pizza, or a teeny tiny deluxe pizza…

  38. You did not call even though you wanted to. The reason is that you praised God for sending you the pizza and you realized that he did–just without mushrooms and onions. You realized that you have grown over time spiritually and that all blessings are from God, that he is in control even in the kind of pizza we get. It changed your life because you realize that God, the Creator, if he cares enough about us to order the pizza for us then the real important things in life are certainly at the top of his list. That gave you peace about those “big things” and changed how you look at things forever.

  39. I don’t think you called. Even though it wasn’t your specialty pizza, it was still special. Sometimes in life we don’t need all the extras, only the ability to savor the moment. There’s always next time for the extras.

  40. You did not call, you stayed with your pleasure, kept your joy and appreciation for what you had before you. You said so what, life can be enjoyed with or with out onions and mushrooms

  41. you didn,t call you realized the bliss was generated in your mind, and you can generate that any time you choose the pizza is just a samakara of something that you have programed in you head of happiness, which can be replaced by anything you want to replace it with, and believe me if you stick to your organic food especially satvic organic food not only your mind will be filled with bliss but your body will be too which in fact will make it easier for your mind to follow. I would suggest though calling the pizza shop and not throwing a fit but telling them about the mistake and letting them know this time it is okay, now you not only have bliss, and a healthy body but good karma as well.

  42. You called – but you were nice about it. You realize everyone makes mistakes. You know Papa John’s would want you to be satisfied & happy with your pizza. This way you are not depriving yourself & you are allowing others to correct their mistakes. Everyone was happy.


  44. Although my first thought was that you did call to ask for the pizza you had ordered, I then changed my mind. How could that be life changing? Sometimes we don’t get what we ask for. We have a choice then to be angry and complain, or learn from the contrast. Will this make your next pizza even better?

  45. You didn’t call…just enjoyed the moment anyway and looked forward to next month’s pizza!
    Now I’m hungry!

  46. You didn’t call because cheese pizza was good as it was and who needs all that onion breath. But you could have called and then someone would have gotten in trouble, and I am sure they didn’t do it on purpose so they didn’t deserve to be punished for such a small mistake or maybe lost their job. You probably could have gotten a free pizza though!

  47. Ah, Michael … what a picture you painted. I so love your stories! And in my mind’s eye I see a complete holographic image of the outcome …
    Here you’ve been depending all this time on someone OUTSIDE of you to provide you with your monthly pizza pleasure package.
    And this month, for some unknown reason, the trusted provider falls short of the mark.
    It’s the Law of Attraction in action!
    Quickly moving beyond the temptation to immediately call Papa Johns and blame THEM for the incomplete pizza, Michael realizes the significance of the incomplete pizza as an opportunity to take inspired action!
    He rises up like a phoenix from the ashes and heads determinedly towards the kitchen, pizzas in hand.
    He opens the refrigerator door seeking … and finding … fresh mushrooms and onions.
    Quickly grabbing a frypan, he thin-slices those mushrooms and onions and, on impulse, adds some fresh green pepper to the mix.
    Into the frypan those veggies go, along with a dash of Michael’s favorite brand of cold-pressed olive oil.
    As he stir-fries his veggies to perfection and tenderly arranges them on the now-cold pizza, Michael sees a new and GREATER creation taking shape before his very eyes:
    Michael’s Homestyle Pizza with Mushrooms, Onions and Peppers!
    And Michael Norwood, intrepid author and lover of all things organic, has now become a full-fledged partner in pizza creation!
    Breathlessly and tearfully (from onion slicing) and salivating shamelessly with anticipation, Michael deftly pops those pizzas into the oven and sets the timer.
    It seems like an eternity. One minute. Two minutes …..
    Out–comes the pizza and out–comes Michael, pizza in hand, into a whole new world:
    An indescribably blissful, beautiful, sensual world of pure pizza-eating pleasure where the OUT-COME is determined solely by Michael!
    A ‘wealthy soul’ moment of the highest magnitude!
    And the pizza Michael just co-created (thanks to Papa John’s ‘oversight’) tastes FAR better than anything he’s ever had!
    Did he call about the missing mushrooms and onions? No way.
    And the next time he orders pizza, it’ll be all-cheese, please!
    Warmly and Positive-ly En-JOY-ing the Moment,
    Sharon Iezzi
    (a.k.a. “Fearless Reader”)

  48. How could you possibly call and complain – after such ecstasy! :-0
    After all, according to the Law of Attraction, you created/attracted that pizza – and you were ‘swooning’ right up till the third bite!
    The anticipation of the taste, smell and enjoyment – prior to its arrival – probably sustained the actual, physical enjoyment – for two delicious chunks…What actually ‘spoiled’ it?
    So, then, were you then pondering on why you attracted it? Were you still enjoying it?
    Maybe you did phone – to thank Papa John’s for the gift of insight?
    As for what I would do?…
    I’m thankful for whatever food I have. Usually, I find I don’t have cause for complaint!
    Thank you for a little Saturday afternoon puzzle!
    Bless you.

  49. A – You called to let them know of the error, but did not accept a replacement pizza, a credit, or anything free. Forgiveness is important to you and you exercised it here.

  50. You did not call…trusting that you got what you needed and found what ever the ingredients were that you enjoyed them more than you would ever have imagined. Source/Existence/The Universe has taken care of your every need and your frequency has brought to you through the law of attraction just what would bring to your experience of eating the most pleasure and joy.
    Maybe at that point of awareness, you would be grateful to Papa John’s and call them with a gratitude for the so called “mistake”. And both parties move forward with more to be grateful for! Continuing the chain of awareness and graditutde, not to mention the example to others that where we put our focus is a choice.

  51. I bellieve that you didn’t call, rather you put on your big boy pants & took it like a man! You chose to remember that life is a radical adventure. Therefore the naked pizza was just right for you. Got you outta your comfort zone for more that just a minute, didn’t it? Mission accomplished..

  52. I think you didn`t call, everything happens in the right way at the right time. And if that happened something in your unconcious attracted the pizza without mushrooms and onions. Inside of you wanted to make a change and you realized that you where some how guilty of ordering pizza. So you realized you didn`t need pizza in your life.

  53. I think that you called them back! as you wanted to ask them about your order as Was supposed to have had the mushrooms and onions on the pizza though being nice about it an honest misatke. as to be human we all make mistakes.
    Just being thankful for what we get and giving thanks to God as well….

  54. Hi
    I believe you called.
    Each of us has a moment we set aside to enjoy ourselves. If things aren’t right, we are usually not happy. Calling to tell them of their error will satisfy your needs and their need to know they have made an error.
    Hope you enjoyed the second pizza – the WAY you like it.

  55. I believe you did not call because you felt it was making a big deal out of something that should not be. And besides you ar a nice guy and you furter did not want to wait another hour for a pizza.

  56. You defiantly called! You wanted mushrooms and Onions, and you did not get what you wanted so you called to get what you wanted!

  57. In the set-up of your post you might think about putting all of the information between the broken lines so people won’t misunderstand who posted it. It looks like the top portion is the poster when in reality it is the one who posted the section above the name. It is a bit confusing. The broken line says “I’m done”. You could just put the broken line under the name if you wanted to avoid confusion – or not. I think you called and gave them a “heads up” so they wouldn’t make the mistake again.

  58. Didn’t Call.
    I think normally you WOULD have called… would have wanted your ‘Special Treat’ to be just right… But in savoring so completely WHAT YOU HAD BEEN GIVEN and receiving the gift of what WAS – you relinguished the hold of what you thought ‘should have been’ to hold onto the pleasure of what WAS/IS. Oftentimes, what is, IS wonderful – but we miss that wonder because we are SO focused on our expectations… the ‘what SHOULD have been’. That realization kept you from calling.

  59. Hey Michael: I choose A. You did call because that is your favorite pizza from your favorite pizza place. You want to keep your relationship with them so you can enjoy your treat in the future. You simply want to be honest – that you were disappointed with the error. You choose to tell them so they can make a correction and continue doing business with you.

  60. You didn’t call. At first you were a bit annoyed and wanted to call, but then you realized, that you got exactly what you needed to realize that what you got, you created. A little reminder that either your creative thought is not strong enough or that love for yourself has got holes of doubt if you are deserving of all the good things in life. In either case what you got was perfect, a milestone, pebbles (like in the fairytale Babes in the Woods) of guidance about what you should work on to grow.

  61. It goes with the experience of living. Since this is a regular ritual, you probably looked at the minor shift in the routine and realized that there must be a reason to try the difference.

  62. B. You didn`t call. You rejoiced within yourself, discovering the fact that you would feel worse by calling and complaining than by just accepting the absence of mushrooms and onions.
    (Oh, I really look forward to a real American Pizza airborne and delivered to me here in Norway…)
    And last but not least, here`s my chance to THANK YOU for being such an inspiration! Love your blog.

  63. You did not call because for some particular reason (unknown to you at that time) you attracted the plain pizza to you to expand your taste in food. By the way, I believe the second steaming pizza box had the mushrooms and onions under the cheese.

  64. B. You did not call
    The greatest gift from the teachings of “The Secret” is what we teach in Unity and New Thought:
    1) Law of Mind Action, aka Law of Attraction
    2) Gratitude.
    And as a proponent of the teachings of the Secret, I surmise you blessed the pizza as the wonderful attraction of something a teeny bit more healthy. I also believed you probably laughed and considered this delivery a gift. And I close with knowing that you were grateful for this delectaable delight, sans your “extra, extra” ingredients.
    Blessings to you!!

  65. I think that you didn’t call. The reason it changed your life is because you realized that you enjoyed the pizza just as much without the mushrooms and onions and the only thing you initially felt upset about is that the mushroom and onions were missing, but it didn’t really change the enjoyment you had when you ate the pizza, and it made you realize that there are things in your life that you don’t really need or want, but you think you want them because they are out there, but they are truly not necessary to make you happy.

  66. A)You called and the reason why is you were concerned that someone might get it and be allergic to mushrooms, and it was your duty to help prevent a dis aster.
    your friend Greg

  67. You’d better had called (not to complain but to rectify)- every one’s allowed a peice of ‘heaven’ once a months – so go out there and get it even if you didn’t get it the first time you’ve just got to give it another try – then another and so on – or just order from somewhere else!

  68. I’m going to say you didn’t call. You realize mistakes do happen and take it as an opportunity to learn something and maybe experience the taste of a new kind of pizza. It still tastes good, just different 😉

  69. You looked in the second box, and that was the one you ordered 🙂
    And $2 is… a tip. But it sure doesn’t express a feeling of abundance! If someone has to drive to bring me dinner I usually give them at least $10.

  70. You Called!!!
    The Second Box was the correct Pizza and the first box was a complimentary one proving once again the concept of “abundance”
    God Bless Papa Johns!!!

  71. Of course you called. You were selected by the universe to help the store know that there was a problem needing to be addressed. You were kind because you were helping them understand that their good business could be better if they improved their service. Not showing them how to improve would not be the kind thing to do. Thanks for helping them.

  72. You didn’t call, because you realized the first couple of bites of pizza were fabulous – you tasted what you wanted to taste, what you had in mind. Your mind, that is, fooled your body into tasting, feeling and enjoying what was not there.
    Just because of expectations.

  73. A. YOU CALLED.

  74. You did not call because you realized that despite your past enjoyment of pizza with onions and mushrooms, your current healthy state had attracted that which you really wanted, the unadorned pizza. You savored the pizza as it was, knowing that everything is perfectly attracted to us according to our resonant frequency and this was what you had “asked”for.

  75. You called to thank them for their excellent service and to tell them how much you enjoy their pizza BUT they delivered the wrong order to you. The cheese pizza they brought you is delicious BUT just not quite as good as the mushroom/onion order you were looking forward to.

  76. You did not call. You looked beyond the disappointment of the moment to the deeper lesson of acceptance of the basic good of the plain pizza. I delivered pizza for a year and NEVER had to take a wrong order back. Any pizza within the grasp of your five senses is better than the delayed gratification of proving a point.

  77. I noticed that the pizza delivery person gave you two boxes. I don’t know what you did, but had this happened to me, before complaining, I would have opened the second box to see if that one had mushrooms and onions. My guess is that you got more than you asked for. One pizza with mushrooms and onions and another cheese pizza. You probably called and said thanks.

  78. You know what, I just read all of the posts’ and I really don’t know the answer to the question even though I posted twice already. How could no onions and no mushrooms on a pizza change your life? I can’t figure out how 2 pizzas’ a 2 dollar tip, a delivery person, an out-of-body experience and a realization that all is not what it seems change you. What? Did you materalize the mushrooms and onions or something? I’d really like to know the answer to this one. You have my attention!

  79. Didn’t call.
    You already gave thanks for the pizza. Up to the moment you ate it. You were thankful for it. So why should you call to complain?
    So, no, you didn’t call.

  80. I think you didn’t call. You said a pizza changed your life. Being as health conscious as you are, I don’t think you would order two pizzas. I think one pizza might have been another customers order by given to you by accident.

  81. When you get lemons, make lemonaid! You did NOT call. You either ate it and enjoyed it OR added your own onions and mushrooms. As the song says:If you can’t be, with the one you love……honey……love the one your with! It’s all a matter of perspective…….how you choose to see something or process something and action……….putting those ingredients on yourself possibly!

  82. I think you called to let them know that they gave you an extra pizza. You said there were two boxes. Hopefully, the other box contained a mushroom and onion pizza. It changed your life because in the course of an innocent mistake, you realized that you like cheese pizza, and it became a lesson in being open to “tasting”, “indulging”, or experiencing whatever is sent to you. It may be way better than what you expected. In short, it was a lesson about expectations, disappointment, and perception. i’m sure you passed the test with flying colors! Kudos to you for seeing an extraordinary opportunity in a very ordinary situation!
    I know what I’m having for dinner tonight! 🙂

  83. You called about the missing mushrooms and onions. I don’t know that mushrooms and onions would be my first choice but you were obviously looking forward to the ectasy of your favorite pizza only to be denied. They charged you for it and should provide what you ordered.
    P.S. My son says, correctly, that mushrooms are fungus and shouldn’t be eaten. 🙂

  84. You called and it changed your life because you were finaly able to stand up for yourself. Instead of just taking the wrong order and not saying anything you called and told them about the mistake. They corrected it somehow, to your satisfaction, and you realized that it feels good to handle situations in a mature way.

  85. I willcall just to inform that order I receive was rong and I will appreciate if they cant more carefull the next time. They ca fixe hat mistake next time I will order. we know everyone can be disturb with something and we dont have to yell at those people we may be thing that we said extra mushroom and oignon bcause we thing that we said but probably our mine was not set with what we thing. After the call back to the pizza place we explaine the situation to every one well I will still eat the pizza my eyes close and keep going enjoy that pizza, it’s still so good in my mine, why note.

  86. You called because the root beer wouldn’t have tasted good without the mushrooms and onion to which you papate is atuned

  87. You did,nt call because you
    realized you were having such
    glorious fun with what was given
    to you–why interupt the unique
    experience you “fell into” with
    El Groucho–energy and wait another
    45 minutes to start over with a
    “new Pizza” You therfore chose to
    continue with the “ectasy of the
    moment. Attitide and Gratitude–

  88. A. You called, not only because of the “Monthly delight,” but as a “Value’s Lesson” for the Delivery guy’s future.
    Besides, my husband would make the same call, [for the “Value’s lesson, and he hate plain pizza]! 🙂

  89. PS “Attitude and “Gratitude”
    I just scanned back up to the begining of your mouth watering
    explanation of– homage to your 100
    billion cerebral neurons, minus any
    noticable trace of “guilt” and the
    resulting “life changing” insight.
    I Am Amazed at the response,
    Thanks for your wonderful story—
    even if I don’t get a free pizza,
    You have given me new found
    apprecion for my next glorous meal
    posted by David—

  90. you call back and explain that their was some food missing and it’s ok… you said probably i just didnt need that on the pizza and you realized whil you were calling how important communication is to pass with very simple explanation

  91. B. You didn’t call. You closed your eyes and continued to enjoy the pizza because you realize that ALL sensation is really more mind than a sense experience.

  92. My first thought was that you did not call, because you “go with the flow” as I do now with my tears.:)
    Then, I thought you did call and kindly explained the disappointment and how much you love their mushroom and onion pizza…because you let them know how well they are doing, as well as give them a compliment! That is respectful for you both!

  93. Of course you called. The manager of the pizza place was sorry,(truly) and offered to make you a new pizza and probably offered to refund your money.
    If you don’t get what you want, ask again.

  94. Michael
    I think what I would do, would be to peal off the cheeze and grabbing some mushrooms granted that I have it of which I would think you do pluse an onion of which I would slice up and spread it on the pizza recover with the cheese then pop it in the oven and re-heat the pizza.
    Then there is the satisfaction that you prepaird the pizza how you like it rather than how the pizza place did.
    And you know Mike I think I might do that myself tomorrow or sometime soon order a plane pizza and make it how I would enjoy it.
    Well you did enjoy up to bitting the pizza and that should amount to something.
    Thank you,
    George Cardona

  95. Michael
    I think what I would do, would be to peal off the cheese and grabbing some mushrooms granted that I have it of which I would think you do plus an onion of which I would slice up and spread it on the pizza recover with the cheese then pop it in the oven and re-heat the pizza.
    Then there is the satisfaction that you prepared the pizza how you like it rather than how the pizza places did.
    And you know Mike I think I might do that myself tomorrow or sometime soon order a plane pizza and make it how I would enjoy it.
    Well you did enjoy up to biting the pizza and that should amount to something.
    Thank you,
    George Cardona

  96. I think you did not call the Papa John’s to complain about the pizza… but you did call to tell them they got the order wrong because someone else may have ordered the pizza you got, and they probably got the pizza you ordered – and obviously, they are going to be the ones who are very, very upset!

  97. You didn’t call!! According to what I read you gave the delivery person a $2.00 tip….You never said that you paid for the pizza, only that you gave a tip….You know you get what you pay for…Now if you had paid for the pizza you would have called and reminded them you didn’t get what you paid for….smile!

  98. You didn’t call. Because If you are worried about all the things that you do not have, you won’t be being greatful for all you have and you will be focusing on what you do not want…so taht way you will be atracting all that you do not want to your life.
    That’s going against the Law of Atraction.
    I do not like pizza, but I want to know if it’s true what I’m thinking.
    Best Regards From Monterrey, Mexico
    Guadalupe Zamudio
    P.S. Thanks for your emails and all that you are sharing with us. God bless you.

  99. You did not call Michael.. Youve already had two slices of the first one.. The Pizza guy would have given you another in apology, and the delivery boy would have been happy to carry it to you, seeing the nice tip you gave him ;)..But YOU WOULD HAVE TO EAT ONE MORE WHOLE PIZZA.. And you couldnt have stopped eating!No I dont think you called..Or maybe you called to thank him for letting you eat less? Hmmm?

  100. You called. You told them that oops they forgot what your ordered and by the way their cheese Pizza was delicious too, but by the way they forgot the onions, the mushrooms and you thought they should know. They promised to send you you next mushroom onions pizza free, free, free and they are so glad you enjoyed their “just cheese” pizza, and thank you very much.

  101. Wow, I thoroughly enjoyed all the posts and the wonderful flavor of them all as I laughed myself silly, feeling wonderful that such a blog as this could really change all our lives because we truly are all connected and one with each other. I, too love pizza but have been in the process of going more raw and found the enrichment of everyone’s comments so delightful.
    Thanks for this pizza that is changing all our lives.

  102. You called. Not out of anger but out of desire for what you want. Having faith in the Law of Attraction is great but getting what you desire also takes action! Hope it was a good pizza! Cheers! Kristie

  103. Hi Mike!
    You did not call. You stepped back and thought, whoah, I was really diggin’ that moment until I looked for something that I thought was missing! I don’t need that thing that I thought was missing! Everything I need is right here, baby! I am equipped with all that I need to have a blissful experience filled with gratitude, dude! And you savored each precious moment all the more.
    F.Y.I.: The pizza dudes deserve more than $2! I grew up in Chicaga
    I knows the ‘za!!! Luv Ya, D

  104. You didn’t call because, to your surprise, the wrong pizza created th correct response. We can learn that not getting exactly what we asked for may teach us that the Universe knows best.

  105. You had to call. Not to complain but out of concern for the customer who had possibly ordered the pizza that by mistake was delivered to you.
    Your pizza will be delivered fresh and steaming hot just like you imagined.

  106. Michael,
    You definitely called because follow-up is part of your nature. It seems you would leave no stones unturned because you love to investigate, communicate and educate. End of story.

  107. B. You did not call
    Reason: You wanted to savour the moment. You were enjoying the pizza & you thought why spoil my day.

  108. i think you called, but also something personal gave you a feeling that changed some veiw on something else in your life, through the experience of it all.

  109. I instinctively choose A! Why? Because you wanted to call and thank them for giving you what you didn’t realize you needed. What would that be, you ask? LOL That would be the reminder to BE greateful for what you get, and savouring the moment of gratitude, along with the pizza you didn’t ‘want’! BTW, I see there are many responses here, and I chose to not read them, choosing instead to give you my souls answer! Have a beautiful, light-filled, wealthy day!

  110. B. nOpe you didn’t call coz you thought that this plain pizza is ok and SO WHAT??we all do mistakes 😀

  111. You call because you wanted to find out why the pizza man didn’t include the mushrooms and onions. Perhaps there is a mis-communication. There could be a chance that the pizza shop owner would be friends with you for telling him about the mis-communication, and hence improve his business.

  112. I like Bob Stone’s response.
    My guess: A. You called (on the condition that the second box did not contain the vital catalyst rendering your Out-of-body bliss). Why? Papa John’s your choice, if you are a true and loyal customer, you’d let them know when something’s not right (or find out if it was incorrect in your part – same difference). But, you won’t be raising ‘Roman h*ll’ (as you put it), you’d be seranading the maker (if they’re real Italians) that it breaks your heart when what’s ordered isn’t there) and that for ‘the love of Pizza’ please remember to put in what turns you on (next time?).
    Well, an epilogue…what might’ve changed your life could be the realization that whether there’s mushrooms & onions on the pizza or not, you will enjoy the rest just the same before it turns cold and ponder about how and why you could bring this up on your blog for a discussion with a prize. Now, that is a good copy you’ve added to your blog, again!

  113. You did call some other time when you ordered another pizza. But this time you can tell them of the bad experience.

  114. B. You chose not to call. You realized the importance of accepting what is delivered to you as opposed to demanding what it is you want. Similarly, we need to learn to accept what He provides for us because only He knows the true reasons. Challenges through deprivation allow us to grow an experience new things.

  115. you rang to tell them what had happened because if one doesn’t tell people about their mistakes, how can they make their life and what they do better.

  116. you just posted my message as if it was by a person called Michael Edmondson and my spot underneath is blank, I too am not complaining but simply telling you this so that you can correct your mistakes as I hope your pizza shop corrected there mistake lots of love, tom tilyard

  117. I believe you did not call and that was your breakthrough. In the past you may have called and complained but now you realize it was not a major concern and you could enjoy the pizza they sent you.


  119. Michael, I believe that you didn’t call. Because if this was a “wake – up” call for you, than you clearly understood that this is meant for YOU, not for something interactive. I could agree with many people that maybe the pizza was “better” that way, or that “that” is what you asked for, but i believe that the law of attraction was working for you. You felt guilty about ordering this pizza. The lack of mushrooms and onions was a way you waking yourself up: either feel totally comfortable with yourself for ordering the pizza, and enjoy the pleasures of Gods gift ( 🙂 ) every once in a while, a release the guilt totally, or listen to the inner message of “love yourself with healthy food” and follow that with a whole heart. I believe that your heart was divided, and that( like me) every so often you need to attract a little reminder to yourself to love ALL of yourself … so, having enjoyed that moment of wonderful clarity, you ate your pizza … and who knows what next month will bring???
    With Love and Gratitude for the gifts we bring our own way (with a little help from our friends) Susie

  120. you called that way you can get all that you orderd and plus they would let you keep the one you didnt order no harm no fowel

  121. You didn’t call
    A moment lost is lost forever there still was a pizza although not made to your specification there was still the chesse, the sauce and the crust. There is still next month when you order and politely tell of their past mistake, knowing that bringing it to their awareness will make them more conscience. At least this time chances of it happening again are slim to none. Once you get that wonderful pizza you so enjoy you’ll be glad you only suffered a mild dissappointment the month before. Instead of raising your blood pressure, and upsetting your digestive tract just so you can bark about how you were wronged. Chances are you will receive some sort of discount to make up for the past mistake since it was a mistake and not a personal vendetta against your taste buds.

  122. You did not call as you know that everything happens for a reason…you accept what you have and give thanks for the lesson (have you figured that out yet?).

  123. You did not call as you know that everything happens for a reason…you accept what you have and give thanks for the lesson (have you figured that out yet?).

  124. I think you did not call to complain because you realized you were ectatic about what you were eating, utterly in the moment, grateful and praising God -until it dawned upon you that you had prior expectations of mushrooms and onions. These expecations had not been met but only the thought of them stopped your pleasure in the pizza -the pizza was wonderful anyway and what was life-changing was seeing, in this small event, very clearly how expectations can ruin enjoyment of what is, even right in the ectatic moment of enjoyment. The pizza was wonderful. It was a sensual delightd-and that taught you something deeper about how expectations can interfere with the wonderful things that are in the moment. You stopped, took this in, and continued to ejoy that delicious pizza.
    It is possible you called at some point to give thanks for the wonderful pizza you recieved and to let them know a mistake had been made just because businesses need to know but you made it plain that you were not disapointed but grateful for the pizza you recieved.

  125. I think you did not call to complain because you realized you were ectatic about what you were eating, utterly in the moment, grateful and praising God -until it dawned upon you that you had prior expectations of mushrooms and onions. These expecations had not been met but only the thought of them stopped your pleasure in the pizza -the pizza was wonderful anyway and what was life-changing was seeing, in this small event, very clearly how expectations can ruin enjoyment of what is, even right in the ectatic moment of enjoyment. The pizza was wonderful. It was a sensual delightd-and that taught you something deeper about how expectations can interfere with the wonderful things that are in the moment. You stopped, took this in, and continued to ejoy that delicious pizza.
    It is possible you called at some point to give thanks for the wonderful pizza you recieved and to let them know a mistake had been made just because businesses need to know but you made it plain that you were not disapointed but grateful for the pizza you recieved.

  126. You didn’t call. You checked the second box, and low and behold, that one had mushrooms and onions! You were overjoyed and sat back enjoying, even more, your delicious pizza. Once you had your “mushroom fix” you sampled on the cheese pizza and maybe shared it with a friend. You figure you’ll tell them what happened the next time you call to order. 🙂

  127. You didn’t call. You decided to enjoy the pizza all the same notwithstanding the lack of mushrooms and onions. Enjoyment of life or life’s events should not depend only on external objects.

  128. I would say that you did not call and would give the pizza place the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the person who took the order was having other difficulties in their life and you would just be adding to their troubles or maybe it was their first night on the job and they were overwhelmed learning all the new things they needed to know to do the job. Judging from the way you have shared viewing other things in life it would make the most sense to me that you would think twice after your first reaction of disappointment and then do the right thing and give all concerned another chance before mentioning it. Hey, it also gives you another chance to be even more excited about the anticipation of your next pizza which is more than half the fun any how…right?!

  129. Hey Michael
    You called Papa John’s and told them what had happened, and asked them to please be sure next time to bring what you order. You prolly felt that this time it’ll be okay if you skip the relatively healthy mushrooms & onions. You, and God, actually got a kick out of it … “It’s okay to chomp this stuff once in awhile, even though the ‘shrooms are missing — still tastes good!”

  130. Hey Michael
    You called Papa John’s and told them what had happened, and asked them to please be sure next time to bring what you order. You prolly felt that this time it’ll be okay if you skip the relatively healthy mushrooms & onions. You, and God, actually got a kick out of it … “It’s okay to chomp this stuff once in awhile, even though the ‘shrooms are missing — still tastes good!”

  131. You did call, because as a responsible person you helped them to make a better product and to encourage them to correct their error. You are doing them a service. It is quite a courageous move to hold the mirror up to others so they can make thier adjustments. Life is simple, face, solve and adjust. From the higher more spiritual side is to over-ride the human traits of not getting your expectations met. Some have said to err is human to forgive is not company policy. However absence is to make the arrival of your dream pizza more scrumpous.

  132. You did call, because as a responsible person you helped them to make a better product and to encourage them to correct their error. You are doing them a service. It is quite a courageous move to hold the mirror up to others so they can make thier adjustments. Life is simple, face, solve and adjust. From the higher more spiritual side is to over-ride the human traits of not getting your expectations met. Some have said to err is human to forgive is not company policy. However absence is to make the arrival of your dream pizza more scrumpous.

  133. The answer is “B”. The rest of the story is that later that evening you where buzzed by someone identifying themselves as the manager of the pizza store and they had realized there mistake and had brought another pizza on there way home.The attarction part of the evening was the manager was a beautiful young lady who you have been dating ever since..Who cares about the mushrooms and onions.

  134. You called; however, you realized that you had attracted to you vibrationally what you received. The frequencey of your then or past thoughts matched the frequency of the experience. Past negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions blocked your good (favourite pizza) from coming to you.

  135. You called and politely explained to Papa John’s manager that your pizza had no onions or mushrooms as ordered, and the manager gave you credit for two free pizzas the next time you ordered from there.

  136. My comment appeared under the name “Catherine” and then nothing is under my name on the post below it. I noticed that several other people had the same problem. Michael, you might wish to notify your server about this matter.

  137. I believe you called. Acknowledged the error but stated you understand that these things happen and no real harm was done becasue you were actally saved a nice bit of heatburn this time. I believe that although you were not pleased with your order, it was not the end of the world. But more importantly I believe you were thinking whose order did you get? And what poor soul was about to eat a pizza loaded with onions and mushrooms they detest.
    Placing a call to acknowledge an error had been made would alert the pizza place that someone out there in pizza land would not be getting their cheese pizza because you had it. If you are a regular customer then the management should automatically ask you if you want them to make you another and deliver it or comp your next one.
    I believe that although you were disappointed you wanted to avert a situation which could inflict a very different response then yours. Thus preventing the pizza dilivey person from getting in trouble or the person getting your pizza from getting upset.

  138. I believe you called. Acknowledged the error but stated you understand that these things happen and no real harm was done becasue you were actally saved a nice bit of heatburn this time. I believe that although you were not pleased with your order, it was not the end of the world. But more importantly I believe you were thinking whose order did you get? And what poor soul was about to eat a pizza loaded with onions and mushrooms they detest.
    Placing a call to acknowledge an error had been made would alert the pizza place that someone out there in pizza land would not be getting their cheese pizza because you had it. If you are a regular customer then the management should automatically ask you if you want them to make you another and deliver it or comp your next one.
    I believe that although you were disappointed you wanted to avert a situation which could inflict a very different response then yours. Thus preventing the pizza dilivey person from getting in trouble or the person getting your pizza from getting upset.

  139. You did NOT call, even though you were entitled to…. In life reacting to (or acting upon) what we are “entitled to “, is easy, too easy. The challenge is consciously choosing the higher path, venturing into the “discomfort zone”, and acting with largesse. As soon as you choose largesse, it acts as a magic key into vast, subtler realms, where the rewards are far greater than the smaller, oftentimes petty satisfaction of (re)acting according to entitlement.

  140. WOW Michael, another great story. What a great picture you weave. I think you didn’t call because you realised that you had been limiting yourself to the same pizza every month. there is so much more to enjoy out there. We should be taking a chance and trying something different. And often we find (as you did) when you try something different it’s really good.

  141. You did not call because you accepted accountability and responsibility for NOT having checked your order, even though PAPA shares the greater burden of the error you are a man of integrity and therefore, you responded properly in that situation, wisely took the responsibility and made the best of a not too difficult incident.
    Congratulations! There are few people of integrity around, these days.
    God bless you!

  142. I say you rang – not to complain, but just to let them know you didn’t get what you ordered – why did you ring? because if they don’t know there is a problem, they can’t fix it!
    ps – I live in rural Australia, if you don’t want to send me a pizza, that’s ok – they won’t deliver to us anyway (too far away) – so we make our own in our own pizza oven – will think of you when we make pizza next!

  143. Of course you called. From the perspective of ensuring that Papa John’s could be empowered equally as much as you when you spoke your truth – from your feelings instead of from your shoulds.
    People (Papa John’s – or ourselves) can only expand and develop and get better and better each day if they have information with which to do so.

  144. I choose B as you did not call to complain because you are greatful to the insight and the opportunity it has created for you and the new view point that it allows you to look at.
    However, later you could have decided to call Papa John’s to let them know about the immense advertising you are doing for them around the world and to thank them for the lesson you gained from that special pizza without mushroom and onions.
    Have a nice day Michaek from Down Under!


  146. Dear Mike,
    I think you called Papa John to tell them about your experience caused by their mistake.:->
    You weren’t angry and you didn’t expect another pizza because you have eaten the wrong pizza. You just let them to be more careful next month 🙂
    May God Bless you, Mike. Best Regards, Tri.

  147. I would called the pizza guy and say I think you mistook my order,sorry..Clear the doubt in me and sleep peacefully having got it cleared…

  148. you did not are aware that every experience good or bad is created by you are responsible for getting a pizza without mushrooms and onions

  149. I think you did not call. After the great enjoyment of the first two bites, you decided …, oh what the heck, I enjoyed those and my palate could probably do with another taste sensation.

  150. You called. Everything happens for a reason. You called, because you wanted to be part of a solution. You asked for the contact adress of the person who ordered the cheese-tomato pizza, made the effort to get intocuh with him/her and turned the challenge of dealing with the Pizza you didn’t order into an opportunity to make new friends.
    Great story Mike! Stay Blessed.

  151. B,I believe you didn’t call because people make mistake too. If God called about all the things we have left out of His order He has given us we will not be forgiven for all the things we have left out or just didn’t do.

  152. You called, but were nice about it, and got a free pizza, which you are now giving away to someone else.

  153. You did call, but you ate the pizza that you ordered, and was credited for a pizza in the future.

  154. You did not call. As the change was already made to the pizza. Perhaps theres alesson in small things pertaining to life.

  155. You called, after all you paid for the mushrooms you should have them, it was not your fault that they sent the wrong pizza

  156. You did not call. You savoured the original pizza w/o the extras and enjoyed the moment you had been anticipating. I believe if you had called and ordered another it would not have been the same. Your irritation would have clouded the anticipation and enjoyment of another pizza pie.

  157. I beleived you called to complain, for the next time, however the ate the pizzas you purchased. I conclude this from the background information you provide.

  158. I believe you did not call right away. I think you may have checked the second pizza that was also delivered to see if it was correct. Maybe that one had the mushrooms and onions on it. I believe you did call about the pizza that was incorrect and they gave you an explanation or an apologoy about the incorrect pizza and the epiphany that happened when you heard it, changed your life. Monique

  159. You did NOT call. You accepted the pizza, you let go of the outcome. You realized that the Universe knew best and that you needed the lessons learned in THAT particular pizza at THAT particular time and so you savored each bite and ponderd the lesson implicit in this tasty little classroom and gave thanks to the Creator for thinking of you and personalizing your experience. There is life beyond mushrooms and onions…and once we figure that out, that life can possibly/probably INCLUDE mushroom and onions IF WE WISH, but perhaps our perspective will change, IF WE LEARN THE LESSON….whoda thunk it…Papa Johns and the Universe in cahoots!

  160. You called Papa Johns. The rationale for the incorrect pizza would be the probable reasoning for the life altering pizza as previously mentioned.

  161. You didn’t call because the “old” you would’ve raised h*** and the “new” you is open to the possibility that maybe you can enjoy something unexpected that comes your way. After all, you were savoring the pizza BEFORE you realized the onions and mushrooms were missing. Another chance to get out of the rut of: “it’s always been this way and it always has to be this way…” even for something as ordinary as what toppings MUST be on my pizza for me to be happy!

  162. You did not call. There is a reason behind every outcome. Would the mushrooms and onions not be fresh enough for your healthy body??? You accepted the pizza with gratitude, and enjoyment, and knew there were higher powers at work reminding you that things are not always as they appear to be, and to accept them as they are. And next time…when you ordered your pizza, you would remind them not to forget your onions and mushrooms.

  163. You did not call. There is a reason behind every outcome. Would the mushrooms and onions not be fresh enough for your healthy body??? You accepted the pizza with gratitude, and enjoyment, and knew there were higher powers at work reminding you that things are not always as they appear to be, and to accept them as they are. And next time…when you ordered your pizza, you would remind them not to forget your onions and mushrooms.

  164. You learned you can expect to more greatly savor the adventures created by “disappointments.”
    You DID call and the pizza that was created with good intentions but not according to your original request did change your life forever. The incident created an opportunity to generate additional grateful and generous souls, what I call a gratitude adventure.
    You called to thank them for the pizza, a decadent treat, and delicious. You are thankful that even though its not what you ordered, it is a decadent treat as is. You learned you can adjust and make an immediate shift to a place where you are equally grateful.
    This created a tremendous opportunity to pass gratitude and joy on to multiple people. So you called the management to thank them for the delicious pizza and opportunity. You requested and were granted that they give a sizable credit to the next delivery scheduled by the same delivery agent. I believe this created gratitude for the next consumer who passed on a sizeable tip to the delivery agent (gas costs $3.41 per gallon here in Portland this weekend). The grateful customers told the story of the unexpected bounty to their friends, which created more business and happy customers for happier management and staff. Meanwhile the gratitude lingered, and the happier delivery agent got better tips. You got a great treat (pizza) and your attitude of gratitude multiplied and expanded in the city around you.
    You created wealth of economy and joy.
    So when its next time to order a mushroom and onion pizza, just to be certain you don’t encourage carelessness to force new opportunities (minus onion and mushrooms):
    You also planned how to continue a lifetime of joyous pizza ordering. Just to make sure you control the toppings in the future you have a plan, but if the plan fails the above plan will work again.
    You could become less complacent about the details when ordering and accepting deliver: You have the order taker to repeat the order to you. Then when its delivered, you check the receipt for the right ingredients. Before accepting the delivery, if wrong, maybe the order was meant for your neighbor and your fave pizza is still in the truck. The delivery person would be very thankful of your helpfulness. If the wrong pizza was truly created for you, then you have a choice to wait for another or, accept the pizza as is at a severe discount (the delivery man has a cell and will call his manager for permission), and your off to another gratitude adventure.
    Each time now that you face a disappointment you recognize that it’s the first step to a new experience that ultmately will increase wealth of economy and gratitude.

  165. i say you did not call as you accepted the fact of the missing ingredients,which then you moved on, surrendered and then found grace. Gave thanks and enjoyed your pizza.

  166. you called because you wanted double mushrooms and onions under the cheese you only get it once a month bobbie

  167. Yes you would call. I think its right to call so at least next time they will not make the mistake, or they might send you another one in a way to say sorry for the mistake.

  168. Yes ..You DID Call!
    You asked for mushrooms and onions and was not delivered. is profound..
    We ask and sometimes we do not get what we want…
    But it does not mean we should stop asking and continously find a way to fulfill our this case desire for a Pizza!
    Please send my Pizza (meatlovers special) with mushrooms and greenpepper please!

  169. We have all had dissappointment in our lives, and we should now understand that man will continue to disappoint, but God never will. Set your sights on Him, and other things in life will not seem to matter as much…You DID NOT call…..L

  170. You didn’t called
    Why, you look at the cheese pizza and decided that it was not all that bad and it would be great to try something new/different. How bad could it be. Having tried it, you enjoyed it and considering all things, found that in every disappointment, there is a blessing.

  171. You did not call. You realized that you were enjoying the pizza with your eyes closed, savoring the flavor and aroma, before you opened your eyes to see the missing ingredients. So was it the ingredients that made the moment or your own enthusiasm that you created in your mind? Regardless of your dissapointment, you did not call.

  172. You called. You were disappointed that the luscious mushrooms and onions weren’t included, and rather than stay in a disappointed state, you immediately took positive action and got above the line again in a fabulous state, which led to even greater things– maybe even a free order or two– and more positive actions after that by you!

  173. You didn’t Call because you took it as a learning experance. This was life changeing for you because you learned someting new about yourself and were able to grow from this experance. . good or bad.

  174. You called because you deserve to have what you want in life AND because the pizza business owner wants to give his customers what they desire. By calling, you both win!

  175. You called because you deserve to have what you want in life AND because the pizza business owner wants to give his customers what they desire. By calling, you both win!

  176. you do not call the pizza place to complain but rather you take a third sumptuous bite of the pizza, you open your kitchen cabinet and add a dash of garlic powder, a splash of onion salt, and enjoy the experience of something new, completely different than anticipated and yet better than expected because your attitude of expecting a great experience outweighs the need for the details of the pizza to make the experience occur.

  177. You called…not to complain but just to tell Papa John’s as an FYI that the pizza ordered was incorrect. But still enjoyed what was received. Gratitude is the key… still received a Pizza even though the wrong one.

  178. You did NOT call. You accepted the pizza, you let go of the outcome. You realized that the Universe knew best and that you needed the lessons learned in THAT particular pizza at THAT particular time and so you savored each bite and ponderd the lesson implicit in this tasty little classroom and gave thanks to the Creator for thinking of you and personalizing your experience. There is life beyond mushrooms and onions…and once we figure that out, that life can possibly/probably INCLUDE mushroom and onions IF WE WISH, but perhaps our perspective will change, IF WE LEARN THE LESSON….whoda thunk it…Papa Johns and the Universe in cahoots!

  179. You did NOT call. You accepted the pizza, you let go of the outcome. You realized that the Universe knew best and that you needed the lessons learned in THAT particular pizza at THAT particular time and so you savored each bite and ponderd the lesson implicit in this tasty little classroom and gave thanks to the Creator for thinking of you and personalizing your experience. There is life beyond mushrooms and onions…and once we figure that out, that life can possibly/probably INCLUDE mushroom and onions IF WE WISH, but perhaps our perspective will change, IF WE LEARN THE LESSON….whoda thunk it…Papa Johns and the Universe in cahoots!
    Thanks for the fun: Deborah Katz

  180. No call phone!…and one day you will remember to Papa Jonh about the incommplet pizza.Think in country like Afrika many people never see a pizza…think about the Children?…Me personal- wathever happen in my life- is”it my only RESPONSABILITY.
    There is only one person in the world where YOU have acces to complein and thats YOU.
    Thanks Michael.
    Eugen Burdusel

  181. You didn’t call. You realized that the universe delivered to you the perfect pizza for understanding that we are all unnecessarily attached to things/habits in life. Change is great! Go with the flow! Get out of the box. Enjoy what comes your way. Surrender to the bliss of a pizza without mushrooms and onions.

  182. Michael.
    You did call. Absolutely!
    On your end of things: Because of the “Laws”, you acknowledged that you DESERVE what it is that you request!!!!
    On the business end of things: You acknowledged that the pizza parlor deserves to know if a customer was not 100% pleased. They cannot fix a mistake if they do not know a mistake was made.
    You thereby acknowledged your right to receive. You also acknowledged the business laws of ‘customer satisfaction”
    By acknowledging these two things, your life changed in accordance with these principles..
    Ok now,I am sooo curious as to who I will meet, besides you…..
    Tell me, tell me!!! 🙂

  183. (1)- A. I called about the missing mushrooms and onions.
    You ask if their was a mistake about you’r order.
    (2)- WHY I did A or B,
    Because you are interested in what is happening in you life you’r curiousity bring you very far
    (3)-HOW A or B was life-changing for me.
    WEll if it woul’nt happen you would not found this way of yourself. Cause event are their in our life to show us something new by a simple events. If you are open minded and can see this bright idea when it come to you well cath it and be in action.
    There you go with that call back that is what happen.

  184. 1. You called about the missing mushrooms and onions.
    2. You called because this is what you wanted. This is what you paid for.
    3. It was life changing because you realized that because you called they not only brought you a replacement pizza, they also gave you a coupon for a free one for your trouble.

  185. You didn’t call because you don’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes you get what you need.
    It was life altering because it woke you up to accepting what life gives you. Trust in new experiences.

  186. You called. You told them that there had been an error in the order. You told them what you had ordered and what you ended up with, but that you did not want to waste the pizza that was delivered so you would eat it. They thanked you for your gesture of kindness. You ate and enjoyed the pizza you had received. You realized that you can take any situation in life and make it into something positive. Next month, Papa John’s is bringing you an extra large with all the toppings that you ordered, made extra special, and delivered to you piping hot and free of charge!! It’s when we give that we receive back in multitude!!

  187. Pst number two from Dawn
    Hi again Michael.
    I posted this already and then went back and reread your email from today.
    I was supposed to say HOW this would change my life.
    and knowing I do.
    and following that belief always.
    And knowing that the pizza parlor owner deserves the best from me….every purchase is a vote for what you believe in….
    if you believe you deserve onions and mushrooms in your pizza, or a holiday in the bahamas, or time at home with your family………keep your eye upon the donut and NOT upon the hole.
    Thanks Michael
    Happy Life
    THIS Is WHaT I Said in my first post…..
    You did call. Absolutely!
    On your end of things: Because of the “Laws”, you acknowledged that you DESERVE what it is that you request!!!!
    On the business end of things: You acknowledged that the pizza parlor deserves to know if a customer was not 100% pleased. They cannot fix a mistake if they do not know a mistake was made.
    You thereby acknowledged your right to receive. You also acknowledged the business laws of ‘customer satisfaction”
    By acknowledging these two things, your life changed in accordance with these principles..
    Ok now,I am sooo curious as to who I will meet, besides you…..
    Tell me, tell me!!! 🙂

  188. You Called to say how disappointed you were in not getting your mushromm and onion pizza. BUT you went on to say that the pizza was delicious despite the omission. You implored him to make a note for next month since you only order once/month and maybe could he add double. You were very understanding and explained that you just wanted to make sure they double-checked their other orders since not everyone will be as patient as you were..

  189. Of course you called Papa Johns. If you owned the business, you would want to know when errors were made so that you could correct them. But you told them not to worry, you would eat the pizza you got, you just wanted to let them know. They in turn, sent you a coupon for your next pizza and root beer.

  190. You called because you did not get what was expected or wanted. Life changing because you realized that you normally would not call, but this time you did not want to settle for somthing to eat you wanted it “your way”. Life can treat you the same, you can settle for what comes your way or You can change and not be satisfied with something less than what was expected (or wanted). Did I win ???

  191. Oops, didn’t answer the third part. This changed your life because you realized that no matter what life throws your way is the perfect experience at the perfect time.

  192. You did not call PJs. You didn’t because you realized you were an attractor for a plain pizza and you received exactly what you wanted. This changed your life because you realized the law of attrction is real and that this was a real-life example.

  193. You called, but as usual Papa John’s didn’t do anything about it. They hardly ever stand by their products. A $2 tip to have 2 pizzas delivered is cheap. (I used to work for Domino). I think it changed your life because you realized that you can’t always get what you want, but you gotta make the best out of what you get.

  194. 1) You would be doing the Pizza parlour owner, the person who may have got your order, the local community and the world in general a great disservice by not calling back. You need to call them back.
    2) You may not have been the exception. Likely other people’s orders were also messed up. You would be doing the owner a great service by bringing it to his attention. You give him the opportunity to improve the accuracy of his customer service. If left unchecked, he may lose customers that can’t be bothered, or are too intimidated to correct the situation. In fact, your order may have been mixed up with someone else. Your (and their) dissatisfacion would probably be broadcast to several other people and grow expodentially, so the owner’s reputation and business would suffer. Much better to give the owner the opportunity to exceed your expections and more than make up for the error, while correcting a flaw in his product/service offering. Also, you should never accept less than your expectations, as this would represent a limiting trend in your outlook to life.
    3) The “Butterfly effect”. By making you, the owner and his other (potential) customers happy, you introduce joy into the the community that would ultimately permeate outward and have a positive effect on the world, and thus the universe.

  195. Hi Michael. You did call to thank them for the great ervice they always offer and to let them know that in this instance they sent the wrong pizza. However, you had found that the pizza you received was really good and so you didnt expect them to do anything about it. You were really just letting them know for quality control purposes.
    The life changing effect on you was that you discovered you were in a rut – same pizza every time – and that there was so much more out there to try. Were you only in a pizza rut? Or were there other areas in your life that required a change? You looked at and changed some of these areas.
    I look forward to enjoying pizza with you although I am in New Zealand and you are in the US.

  196. You didn’t call because your realized that the law of attraction was in effect and you attracted the pizza with the missing elements.
    It changed your life, because you realized that you are responsible for all that comes into it.

  197. YES you did call to tell them they delivered the wrong order but to also tell them how much you value their service and special mushroom/onion pizza!
    this is what you craved and thought about all week so this is what you were waiting for.
    It was a life changing experience for you because on the other end of the phone call was a very sorry manager but also very appreciative of your honest, sincere, and non-tempermental request after the “wrong” pizza was delivered (phew that was a LONG sentence!!!). You have since then developed a friendly relationship with that manager and have enriched your life with another friend.

  198. I believe you called, not because you were upset but if you owned that Pizza shop you would want to know if you had made a mistake and have a chance to fix it.
    We must ask for what we want in life and put it out there. If we hold it in it will fester within us.

  199. I think that you called. The reason is because your pizza was not what you ordered. You have the right as a customer to satisfaction and not receiving that was an injustice to you as a living, breathing person.

  200. You called.
    Asked for the manager and said, “Hey, my monthly pizza arrived without mushrooms and onions UNDER the cheese”.
    You could see the manager frowning at his cook. His tone indicated he was displeased with the new cook he had hired. Still, it was already done. All the manager could do was offer you a free pizza and a liter of root beer.
    But you wanted more. This is the pizza you look forward to each and every month.
    Then, the law of attraction kicked in. One of your readers likes her pizza with mushrooms and onions just the same way you do, under the cheese. She even drinks sugared soda (Coke, not Root Beer).
    It was meant to be like this, with you, the pizza, and the strange redheaded gurl in California. She too eats only organic food, but every now and then, craves junk food.
    See, the pizza, just like the circumstances surrounding the mistaken order, were perfect. Even in the state of imperfection, there is always perfection.
    In that, the simple act of observing perfection in it’s purest, raw and imperfect form, you realized that all of us, even James Ray and our other Pizza Party friends, delight in sharing such situations. A true Wealthy Soul believes that imperfection evolves into perfection through compassion, teamwork and communication — and THAT is a life changing realization (at least for me it is)

  201. A i think you called about it .
    It was all about principle you ordered it , you payed for it . you wanted it …. Because next time your pizza would be free …

  202. You called Papa John, becuse if you were in their shoes, that is what you would expect a customer to do. You would even thank them for bringing this oversight to your attention. You would then make sure that your order taking department exercised more care in handling incoming orders correctly. The next thing you would do, is to offer your disappointed client a freebie the next time they ordered a pizza from you. By taking these steps you are first of all proving to yourself that you have a high standard of personl efficiency and that you will always maintain these exacting standards in all your business and personal interactions with everyone. This is life changing, because it reinforces your resolve to live and let live correctly on each and every occasion you interact with anyone else in either a personal or business capacity.

  203. #1. You called.
    #2. To set it right
    #3. Changed your life to realize when you take control of your life and set things right, it gives you an inner peace.

  204. Is it possible you did not call and create hell for the Pizza Maker.
    You stopped and pondrered about what you would do.
    Then you came up wih the Brilliant idea of openeing your own Pizza franchise and you made millions.
    Good on You.

  205. You didn’t call. You pondered the meaning of not getting the pizza you ordered. You noticed that you experienced joy and ecstacy without the mushrooms and onions. Your ‘aha’ moment was that you created the joy and ecstasy not the things you want. You also created your dissapointment. You now have access to joy at all times and can do with less.

  206. You didn’t call. You decided it wasn’t worth raising your blood pressure arguing over something as trivial as pizza. That was the change factor. You finally understood that acceptance and experiencing the here-and-now are healthy for you, so you enjoyed this new kind of pizza.

  207. You didn’t call. You decided it wasn’t worth raising your blood pressure arguing over something as trivial as pizza. That was the change factor. You finally understood that acceptance and experiencing the here-and-now are healthy for you, so you enjoyed this new kind of pizza.

  208. You didn’t call:
    Hey, sometimes crap happens and at SOME level you attracted that combination of flavours the way it was. This ‘mistake’ (which really isn’t a mistake since you attracted it AND its all perfect anyways regardless) allowed you to experience a new sensation hitherto unknown. It also allowed you to experience non-attachment – you had ordered the pizza, you sat there in anticipation that you were expecting it to come as order yet it arrived differently. You allowed yourself to revel in this new experience knowing that you could always order another mushroom & onion pizza another time and that attachment (not committment/belief) to your creations only creates a lack mentality – hence, NO mushrooms or onions the way you wanted.

  209. You chose B — Everyone is entitled to having a moment of mix-up — you were disappointed but relished your next order even more….you would be very concientious in your next order, in a kind way, to remind the order person to take extra care with your order and to have a wonderful evening!!

  210. So what would of you done that was life changing? I would imagine that you would of done something that you never done before and felt real good about it……end result, peace.
    By the sounds of what you said, were were really disappointed that the pizza was not the way you had ordered it, so instead of complaining about it and feeling like a victim, you felt the need to take responsibity of these feelings…..and so you did!! The action that followed would of been what you never did before and so disappointment, turned into the wonderful PEACE of Acceptance!! LIFE Changing!!

  211. You were enjoying the pizza….and did you or did you not order the other toppings….you’re not sure…and those first two bites were heaven….without them…
    You didn’t call cos you weren’t sure you ordered them….you were enjoying the taste of the pizza without them…..and in the big scheme of things it was no longer important what toppings were on the pizza….and you leaarned when you try new things you may like them.

  212. You realised that something was not aligned with what you thought your instructions were… you wanted a mushroom and onions pizza but the universe delivered you a cheese pizza. How did your intention and the result get out of whack? It was life changing because you realised that the universe serves up exactly what you order each time. It isn’t wrong and somehow you attracted or put out for the cheese pizza. Whether you then rang up or not I think is irrelevant because you are enlightened as to your responsibility in this process. Perhaps you sat back and ate the cheese pizza, really getting a taste for what you ordered, or perhaps you rang and spoke to the person who served you and asked them what they heard you say? Maybe you took the opportunity to really clearly order a pizza with mushrooms, onions and cheese on top and waited patiently and excitedly for the divine result.

  213. I’m saying you didn’t call because you were already swooning over the taste of the pizza before you realized the mushrooms and onions were missing. Sometimes we’re thrown a curve and maybe and if you can accept that and enjoy that wonderful sauce and gooey cheese while it’s piping hot and your taste buds are ready for it, you will have had a new experience. I’d eat the pizza enjoy it and add the onions and onion the next time.

  214. A. YOU CALLED
    You attracted this monthly opportunity to be grateful for pizza and to be grateful for Papa John’s.
    You called the manager and thanked him for always getting it right before, but something must have happened…
    Was he alright?
    Was the cook alright?
    How about the order taker?
    Are they all OK?
    You discuss it with the manager as you eat your pizza.
    The manager is grateful for the chance to correct a mistake.
    And grateful for your call.
    And your patronage.
    You will call again.
    And order again.
    And give them another chance.
    Next month.

  215. Hi Michael
    I think you did not call because you realise that what you give attention to grows, so rather than set yourself up for future situations of a similar nature, you took the lesson from the experience, and put yourself in a state of grace (appreciation) and enjoyed your pizza anyway.

  216. You did not call. The second pizza was the one you ordered and it was correct.
    do not jump to conclusions. Look at all the evidence. Haste makes waste. ALl is perfect as it is. ALl is as it is meant to be

  217. You did not call. The second pizza was the one you ordered and it was correct.
    do not jump to conclusions. Look at all the evidence. Haste makes waste. ALl is perfect as it is. ALl is as it is meant to be

  218. B. You did not call
    The ability to accept things / happenings with grace – which is gratitude manifesting itself, is a virtue rarely practised. So, it walking the talk to practise grace.
    Thank you for genuinely sharing the ‘food’ for our souls, where the world prefers to feed our bodies.

  219. You did not call
    You didn’t call because you realized the missing toppings were the real joy of the pizza, but the experience of having the pizza
    You learned that the experience is what it is all about

  220. Well, I can only speak for myself…e.g. what I would’ve done. I would’ve called the Pizza place, politely explained what happened, and ask them if they might give me a rain check on the pizza I originally ordered. Then I might look to see what veggies I had in the frig, saute them up and put them on my pizza and then simply enjoy it.

  221. A.) I think you were going to call and as the phone was ringing you realized, Life is not Made to Order. Sometimes you don’t always get what you pay for, and you hung up.
    When life gives you lemons (or lack there of) you make lemon-aid!
    Life gives you lessons – sometimes in the form of Pizza or sometimes in the lack of your desires. It’s all about the silver lining (the crust must have been awesome)!
    Just like in the pursuit of Happiness movie, when Will Smith says “He must have been wearing a great pair of pants”! when asked why the firm would hire a man without a shirt on.
    I’m hungry! I hardly ever eat Pizza, but now you got me going Michael. See the silver lining? Pay it forward for me please! Got any ice cream to go with the Root Beer?
    Love on ya, your it!

  222. I am staying with B) You did’nt call. Why – well your subsconscious was sending out the message that you wanted the cheese, mushrooms and onions were not in that equation, the cheese that was what you were concentrating on, so when you opened the box it was the cheese that was there just like you saw in your mind.
    changed your life because you were grateful for what you received. the more we display gratitude the more that comes into our lives.
    Cheers to all and be grateful every single day.

  223. You didn’t call. Maybe you forget to tell them you want the mushrooms & onions. You may miss these 2 dearest ingredients but also realise that not to take things for granted that Papa John will remember even though it is a monthly order.

  224. Dear Mike,
    I think, you didn’t call Papa John, because improving yourself is more important than improving others. You just take a long long breath and then enjoy your plain pizza. I think, if you can be patient and still thank God when someone upsetting you, you’ll become a better person. And your experience with the wrong delivered pizza maybe will teach you to be more careful, more accurate, more slowly and clearer next month when you order your special pizza, Mike ! May God Bless you. Tri.

  225. You could choose option A:
    Beacause, this isn’t just about missing out on your favourite toppings, isn’t it?
    It’s also about reciprocity and ensuring that the pizza business is more aware of not just maintaining its relationship with you, but also maintaining good service to all their clients. By you calling and letting them know of the error, and accepting whatever compromise or extra service they volunteer to make up for the onions and mushrooms, you will have achieved the following:
    1. Got the issue off your chest!
    2. Helped the Pizza biz retain clients
    3. Get on with eating the pizza without feeling fustration in not having done A.
    4. Lok forward to the next pizza being free to make up for what happened!
    Rod Adkins

  226. You didn’t call…as you no longer felt you needed the pizza you ordered to give you the satisfaction you had looked for. You changed your disappointment…… negative feeling, to one of gratitude, positive…positive!!!! Our happiness and joy should not depend on outward circumstances…….or they control us. In this way YOU took control of the situation, by changing a negative into a possitive. Live Changing!!!

  227. you could do both.
    1=someone is looking for their plain pizza, maybe it is a neighborg and you turned up having a new friend.
    2= you decided it might be easier to digest this way.
    3= I dont care about the pizza as long as it has no meat and that the crust is very thin.

  228. You did not call – the reason you did not call was because you were grateful for the pizza that you received. You got what you needed – maybe not what you wanted, however a pizza is what you needed. Mushrooms – how important are they – yes you like them – but how important are they.
    This can change your life accepting life on lifes terms – knowing that everything happens for a reason and you did not want to eat the mushroom pizza in the first place. So, you were sent a cheese pizza which did you just as well.

  229. You didn’t call in, because you realized that you could enjoy the pizza for what it was AND your life was changed because you thought universaly about where your mushrooms ended up – at some other home to be a surprise to some unsuspecting host, to enjoy. Thus sharing your enjoyment far beyond yourself.
    gosh I wish I had a pizza now…:)

  230. You did not call. You realize that everything happens for a purpose and serves us. After a moment’s reflection, you realized that you have been stuck in a comfort zone, ordering the same pizza over and over. How we do one thing is how we do everything. You realized that you were staying in your comfort zone in other areas of your life, without considering whether that was serving you best. This realization, and the decision to examine other areas to see if you are letting past habits keep you stuck, is how this changed your life.

  231. Hi Michael,
    I think you called to thank them for a delicious pizza that was exactly what you needed, even though it was not what you ordered.
    The missing ingredients were a reflection of two things that you realized were missing in your life. When you recognized them it was life-changing. You probably got another pizza as a bonus.

  232. 1. You didn’t call, being the nice person that you are. You ate the pizza naked and bare as it was, and still you were thankful for the moment and just grateful to be having pizza. 2. It was an honest mistake….maybe they had new help so you were nice and gave them a break. 3. We all face little disappointments in our daily lives but being able to roll with them is the secret of the Wealthy Soul and you’re definitely one of those. What was life-changing was that the next time you decided to order a pizza, you decided to try a new pizza place to see if they could duplicate your favorite pizza. If they failed, then you being a “forgiving soul,” went back to the original place but told them about the mistake with the previus pizza and told them in a kindly way, you certainly hoped that problem never arose again! Now go eat your pizza with the hidden onions and mushrooms before it gets cold.
    {{hugs}} to you!

  233. You called to let them know of the error, so that the staff at the Pizza place can learn from the experience, but you did it in a FYI kind of way, no harm, no foul. You ate the pizza you had in order to maximize the experience you were in the experience of. You thanked the Universe for the opportunity to savor the unadorned purity of a truly cheese pizza.

  234. b. didnt call
    because you considered that you have been asking for the best and the universe knows better and delivered whats best.
    and for the first timeyou didnt feel like crap for calling and raising holy whatever and you experiencedbetter digestion and less discomfort from eating a pie without the stuff that gives you indigestion.

  235. b. you didn’t call. You drove over and waved the pizza in their faces, asking politely (not demanding) if you could please have another one with mushrooms and onions, under the cheese ( I never thought of that). They aplogized profusely, made you a correct pizza and even gave you a coupon for, I don’t know…a free upgrade next time. You did this because 1) the creator knows there is no messing with perfection, and 2) you sought resolution and peace.

  236. b. didnt call
    considered that you have been asking for the best and just may have received it. then realized that you didnt feel like crap raising holy whatever and didnt experience the usual indigestion from onions and the mushrooms .

  237. A, U should hv call.
    Y? – U deserve the right thing as u hv paid for it.
    How life changing – U call up and tell them in a polite way, that there is a wrong delivery of pizza, and make them sure it never happen to anybody again. It will be life changing for u, if u handle the problem smoothly rather than demanding them.. Jus thought of a quote, ” People may forget what you have done to them, but will never forget how you made them feel”
    So jus make them realise their mistake, so that u can continue to be ever-green friendly customer for them..

  238. Ordered “A” pizza.
    Two boxes delivered.
    More to story, fella!
    Eyes closed, inhaling the cheese and tomato smells (which you like also) with high expectations of tasting mushrooms and onions.
    It wasn’t here!!!!! Oops!
    Open your eyes!!!!! You were momentarily disappointed!
    Did the “hungry” in you take over and you didn’t care and ate it anyway because it was your treat night?
    Did you try to see if you could guess with eyes closed which pizza was your fav?
    Did you order two, one for you and one for another person?
    Did you know the owner and he threw in an extra?
    Was it buy one get one free and they didn’t put the extras on one of them?
    Apparently, many thoughts, visions and tastes control our mind. Our feelings and emotions take over. We choose to take action….or not!
    Most of all, we are greatful for the Lord blessing us in any way.
    Maybe you changed because you actually liked the pizza without the extras……
    You realize mistakes are made and there are reasons for them.
    Maybe you think it is time to give up pizza!!!!!!!
    Maybe you are just making this all up.
    My goodness, this could go on and on…………….
    Silly me!
    Take care and have a wonderful day!!!!!!

  239. You did not call because you thought very clearly that you wanted your special pizza with the mushrooms and onions. You thought very clearly with concentration.
    The delivery guy arrives with your correct pizza. He apologizes and offers your tip back.
    You talk to him and tell him that you are happy he returned. You discover that he is really your neighbour and turns out to be someone you enjoy visiting with. He is a student, a good friend who helps with your home when you are gone.

  240. You did not call because you realized that the first few bites were just as good as ever even though it was not your customary pizza choice. It changed your life because you realized that the joy was not in the destination, but in the journey or anticipation of the experience. Once you discovered that your pizza was different, you also realized how powerful visualization is. From here you expressed thanks for realizing life is perfect exactly as it is, that you enjoyed the bliss of anticipation of your pizza experience. You were also grateful becuase this different pizza provided you with the contrast to really know what you like. Because you know how loa works, you visualized an even better experience of eating this pizza WHILE eating this different pizza. You know that your next pizza experience will be even better. Heck – you also know that you don’t even have to order the pizza next time to get the blissful experience. You know longer have to wait once a month. You know that you can visualize and enjoy this experience anytime you want without any regard to keeping yourself healthy.
    But the real question is not whether you called or not, but rather – what kind of pizza experience will you have next time and when will it be?
    Here’s to many more blissful pizza experiences.
    When I win one of the pizza prizes, may I please leave omit the onions? I would like to celebrate the experience with my husband. He is allergic to onions. I would like for him to have a blissul experience also.

  241. Michael, I am not sure that i made this clear in my previous post: You DO NOT call, because the wake up call is TO YOU, not to the pizza place. It is a message from your unconcious, using the law of attraction. You are not 100% ok with ordering this pizza and straying from your healthy food diet, and so the Law of Attraction attracts a “not 100%” pizza. This changes your life, although not because of the pizza itself, changing eating habits etc, but because it gives you the opportunity to examine your beliefs, and see in “real time” how they affect your “reality” and what you attract into your “Reality”., This gives you a tremendous push in the direction of consciously manifesting your reality!
    With Gratitude and Love for your participation in the changes in my life (did i attract you into my life, or what??), Susie

  242. You did not call because you understand that the universe is abundant. I think you ordered 2 pizzas.
    The first pizza you opened was not your exact pizza. So you opened the second pizza which was your favorite. While enjoying the second pizza you realized you were more excited about the pizza experience in progress than you were about the actual pizza moment.
    Did you eat the first pizza anyway? In my house, there is no such thing as a bad pizza. That would also be true of potato chips and mountain dew. Once a month of course.

  243. Okay, so I sez ta da guy I sez,
    you wanna know how dis could..a..
    change ya life, hah? Well, like I tol ya before, youz did not call, cuz youz was diggin dat moment until youz looked for what youz taught was missin! An den, youz realized dat you ain’t got nuttin missin! And you is filled wit dat gratitude, dude. So..a..ya life-it
    changes fuh da betta, cuz, see, now
    youz got eyes what are open,see?
    Everyting is as it should be, hah?
    Da Univoice provides-an now ya know it ain’t always wat ya taught it would be like, hah?
    Who Loves Ya,Mikey,hah?
    Dolores, dat’s who!

  244. I say you did not call as you chose to accept, surrender and express gratitude by giving thanks for the pizza you did receive.


  246. I will accept it, enjoy eating it, because I belive that the univers is giving me the best for me in this moment. I the same time I will visualize and feel the pleasure of eating the piza. hoever, I will call the piza restorant to tell them that I havn’t got exactelly what I ordered and tell them what happend to make them awear of their misunderstanding and adjust the situation as they should.

  247. 1. you did call to tell them about the pizza. but you were not angry about it, you told them gently where they had gone wrong. so they answered with good grace
    2.your pizza was probably exchanged for somebody else who you had been wanting to know or collaborate with for years. so you got in contact with that person. so your life changed.

  248. I still believe you didn’t call because being the person that you are you would understand that people make mistakes too. Why you didn’t call I think at that moment it was a time for you to think about all the things that was left out of the order that GOD had placed to you. How it was life changing would be, although we like our things a certin way thats what we look for and when we don’t get it we tend to complain about it. Instead of thinking about the other person we just think about self. Every little thing that happens in our lives happen for a reason. That to me was a perfect example of how GOD places an order to us and we still leave things out, but GOD still forgives us.

  249. LOL Are you kidding, Michael? The ‘why’ of this question is because not only did you see the gratitide in fully enjoying the first pizza, but then you saw the abundance the universe provides when you opened the second box, and discovered the pizza you did order. ‘Ask and yea shall receive’! It’s about understanding how generous this universe is, when we state what we desire. Yes, the order ‘seemed’ to have been altered, and you were grateful for that, only to discover that in the second box was your prized, mouth-watering gift from God! When we are grateful and FEEL that gratitude, we know we’re on the ‘right’ track! ‘Nuff said! Have a wonderful, fun-filled day!

  250. You B. Did not call, becuase you were greatful for the Pizza you did receive and the reason that this is life changing is becuase sometimes we ask for something but we do not get exactly what we ask for, but it is usually just as good or better and this experience helps us to enjoy what we do have and be greatful for it and now that next time we may need to be even more specific so that the universe will deliver to exactly what we asked for or better. We also learn that people are human and that we make mistakes but that we should still bless them and again be happy and focus on what we do have, that is a mouthwatering delicious cheeessseee pizza! Yummy! :o)

  251. A. You did not call.
    B. Although PJ’s made a mistake, you discovered it turned out to be a gift.
    C. You realized that you had greatly enjoyed both the aroma & taste of the pizza….that is, until it dawned on you that the mushrooms and onions were missing.
    You had let your expectations (mushrooms & onions) get in the way of allowing you to experience the “great delight from the little things in life”…..
    …..How many times have we let expectations restrict us from experiencing the delight of the infinite number of possibilities that God makes available to us??
    Vaya con Dios…

  252. Didn’t call. One great thing I’ve learned over the last several years is there is ‘no such thing as coincidence.’ If one receives a pizza that has items that one didn’t order, then there is a REASON for receiving that pizza. The thing is one just needs to listen to what God is trying to tell them. I call it the WOW factor. When one GETS the reason for whatever happens that WOW factor kicks in and things just..well..the world may seem a lil different 😉

  253. You didn’t call. Oh, you started to, but then realized that the enjoyment and the anticipation of the mushroom/onion pizza had already given you the desire of your palate for the taste sensations and you enjoyed the pizza as it was.
    What was in the second box? Was it the correct pizza?
    You realized that if you focus on the mistake, you lose the joy of the moment. You had the pizza, your anticipation and the sensations of the dinner you wanted. You chose to accept the err of humans and focus on the joy of life around you rather than being sidetracked by one thing that wasn’t perfectly the way you originally planned.
    What wonder might be in store today, tomorrow, with the next order?

  254. Here’s my thought . . .
    after receiving the pizza and actually enjoying the smell, texture warmth of the pizza you already experienced that which you look forward to each month. It was not just the toppings, but as your description implied, it was the experience as a whole. I believe you did call the Pizza company. You did, in fact, advise them that you your pizza did not come as you ordered it. It was missing two of the main ingredients for you. However, instead of being upset with the pizza company, you thanked them. What for?? For allowing you to experience something other than your “usual” experience of pizza. Once you recovered from the initial disappointment, you realized this pizza had it’s many “good qualities” as well. Lesson taken away was the realization that we sometimes become “caught up” and programmed into what our likes and dislikes are that we may be missing many more experiences that are waiting to be explored until, of course, they are presented to us. How this changed you . . . you now look at the whole menu of what life is offereing you. You no longer stay with only what you know, you put yourself out there, selecting from the many menus of life realizing that, yes, you can still order your Mushroom and Onion Pizza but it doesn’t mean you have to order it every month. You have opened yourself up to new possibilities.

  255. Called to say you were disappointed because you look forward to the pizza… they can improve on their customer service and to see how they were going to win you back as a loyal customer.

  256. 1) you chose B. you mighht as well enjoy what you have.they made a mistake.forgiveness!.
    2) you didn’t make the call ’cause you were satisfied with the first 2 bites.sure, you didn’t have the mushrooms & onions but life can be worst than had enough veggies for the week anyway.
    3) it’s life changing for you because anger is a normal reaction.I would have probably picked up the phone to complain but not necessarily complain but just to let them know. In this case, you did not call because you know nothing will change at that moment. Food was still good and yiou satisfied your hunger.
    You exercised common sense which is not common nowadays.

  257. It’s simple….. of course you called. What you received was not wanted or expected. And it was life changing because you realized how easy it was to take action for the things you really want. If so easy for pizza why not the rest of your life’s desires.

  258. you did not call
    you realized the importance of letting go and letting god and everything in the world is just as it should be

  259. You didnt call. Forgive the mistake made and feel good. Look forward to the next beautiful moment.
    Best regards.

  260. Wow..tough thought really. If you did call, it was because getting things in Life that you ask for and pay for is the way to succeed in Life. Sitting back and being docile means no one is coming to knock on your door to hand you things. However, I am a believer in FAITH. Perhaps the mushrooms would have made you ill? So, I say, and this is the final answer, that you didnt call. You accepted what came to you at the door and enjoyed it. Perhaps you just needed a cheesy pizza just for yourself, and God knew it! No-you didnt call.

  261. A. You phoned and explained how much you loved their mushroom and onion pizza.
    The nice pizza people said to rectify things they would provide you and 4 of your friends, pizza on the house.

  262. Michael,
    when I read your letter – I thought that life was playing a trick on me! Last week, I was in rush to get home, get the dinner done and get to a meeting – all in 90 minutes! The only solution was to stop by Little Ceasar Pizza and pick up a pizza for dinner. My regular: 2 large three cheese pizzas & diet coke! While I was waiting, I picked up my phone messages: answered the urgent ones and filed away reminders, etc. Pizza was ready in 15 minutes – as their ad promises! – and I was on my way to a very busy evening. I could smell pizza all the way home. Aroma of mozzarella, blue cheese and feta was filling my car for two whole blocks. I was tempted to open the box, take a slice out and enjoy it while driving! Well, I wish I had done it! Then I would know that the pizza I was taking home was not my favourite: three cheese pizza – but double cheese pizza!
    Now, my problem was much bigger than yours because I had two other members of my family waiting for their special pizza, too! And trying to convince other people to settle for less than they think they are getting is not easy!
    I don’t know what you did – but I can tell you that I did not call and did not complain. The Little Ceasar Pizza has a policy that if they make a mistake they will give you a free pizza next time but you have to call and file a complaint! I did not call! Instead I said to myself: to be successful in life you need to be willing to accept the change! If you can not change the type of pizza occasionally – how can you change much bigger habits in your life!

  263. Michael, you enjoyed the pizza you were given in the delivery but you DID call to let the Papa John’s know about the mistake.
    You decided to enjoy what had been presented to you as a chance to sample something new and different from your usual.
    The prinicple of Justice which is an underpinning for success in life required that you let the restaurant know about the error so that other souls who might be more bent out of shape by “errors” could benefit from greater attention to detail by the cooks. You did this not to seek re-dress but simply to help improve the future for yourself and others who would order from Papa John’s.
    Thanks for a wonderful story to ponder the grand mysteries of pizzas!

  264. 1. A/ You called.
    2. Why? If it were my business I would want to know if a customer didn’t get what they ordered. I wouuld not want a dissatisfied patron.
    3. It was life changing because there was no complaining, arguing or ill words. they were happy to send you what you ordered and thankful that you brought it to their attention and you were happy to have your delicious pizza! It was all good!

  265. You called, because that not what you ordered, plus Papa Jonhs need to know of error made.
    It changes your life becuase you finished eating the pizza and you come to the conclusion a pizza without mushroom & onions has its own delicious flavour. In the future months you will be alternating between the two , pizza with mushroom & onion, and pizza without mushrooms & onions.
    Have a great day

  266. A. I Called about the missing mushrooms and onions
    You don’t like to complain, you like to be grateful and appreciative of what you get. However you wanted what you ordered, it is something you treat yourself to, once a month, and it is special. Papa John’s was more than willing to make up for their mistake.
    You learned that if you don’t take responsibility for your own happiness, then you are at the mercy of the others. You can get what you want, though sometimes it takes a little more (time and initiative) on your part. You are worth all that you desire (and more), and words cannot describe how wonderful that feels.

  267. YOu did call because you believe are worthy of what you want and could wait for another . It was life changing because in the past you would have settled. Helen

  268. A) you called
    B) you called because you valued your right to enjoy that which you requested. You valued your right to give feedback even if it was not in agreement. (no I do not believe that you were rude about simply stated fact.)It changed your life because you were able to claim personal power in a healthy way.

  269. I think you called and explained that there was a mistake in your order.When the delivery guy knocked at your door with the correct pizza and apology, there was something he said that got your attention. Something that was a eye opener or maybe even something extra he gave you for the misunderstanding.

  270. A) you called back and spoke with the mgmt as to your order not being not being angry at all just explained.
    (B.)But at the same time being thankful for what you received even if you belived it wrong.
    C.) You put your level of trust back in one can not be always right.
    Prase God for all things!
    God in his wisdom gives to what he wants us to have at any given
    As christ said ask and it shall be given unto you.
    though it may not be as we want always.

  271. The answers to your questions are:
    1) You did not call
    2) The reason you did not call was because it would not have affected the pizza that you ordered and paid for and had to eat anyway.
    3) It was life-changing for you because up until then, you would always have complained about things of minor importance.

  272. You called- acknowledging that mistakes do happen, but you expect that you would get what you pay for. It would be life changing for many people to be assertive without being aggressive, and realizing that you get much farther that way. Most likely, they would either give you credit for your next month’s pizza- (most keep a notebook for such things, or offer to send the correct pizza immediately, AND let you keep the incorrect pizza anyway. So by stating your needs (the correct pizza) and by not being obnoxious about it- you end up with more. You come away feeling much better than if you had called and ranted and raved, or had not called and decided to just put up with it (In which case you would have retained a feeling of being victimized)

  273. You called were put on hold, they informed you they were swamped because they had too many orders and too many were sent out wrong. You offered to help them set up an efficient system, they agreed gratefully, and offered you a major delivery of piazza as thanks when the system worked and they more than doubled their customers due to the new service system. You realized many folks are in a mess, stretched to their limits with no way to change anything in their imagination, and with only a few tweaks their lives could be so smooth and wealthy.

  274. You did not call. I think the pizza parlor knows you specially that you are their regular customer. I think the next step you will do is that when you order again, you tell them what happened last time and yiu wouldn’t like that to happen again. I think the mistake in not deliberately done. It was meant to help you and even the pizza delivery man for something deep inside us.

  275. You called to ask for the pizza you wanted because we never get what we don’t ask for. If you just accepted the pizza with the missing ingredients you would remain dissapointed. Life is the same way we have to ask for what we want or live with dissappointment.

  276. You called, because if you did not call you would have done great in justice to your loving self. For whatever you discovered either good or bad with that pizza.

  277. You did not call. I believe you enjoyed what you were given and because of it enjoyed the next weeks’ pizza even that much more because it served as a reminder of life’s wonderful pleasures even when they don’t turn out the way we think they’re gong to.

  278. You did call. Businesses need to know what goes right and what doesn’t. You gave lots of positive feedback as well as pointing out the mistake this time. You enjoyed the different pizza this time and received a free one the next month. It changed your life because the pizza restaurent owner thanked you so much for ‘complaining’ that you decided that all feedback is good positive or negative as long as the spirit is to help someone grow and improve.

  279. Dearest friend,
    Thank you very much for your kind newsletter. You are really making the world a better place for living. I will study the subject and will comment later. Thanks, Aziz.

  280. You called, but did not get angrey. Why – well 1)anyone can make a mistake – someone just mixed up the orders and as a result they 2) gave you a free coupon for another pizza. By not getting angrey you were able to encourage someone and if they were really having a bad day maybe by you being so forgiving and not angrey you might have made their day just a little better

  281. Well knowing that what i give out i get back….Not blaming that pizza man….but taking action and asking that my pizza be delivered as to what i ask…..That also meation that a blessing be given to the company and that 3 folds would be granted and blieving that it’s on it’s way.
    Wanda Breen

  282. Well knowing that what i give out i get back….Not blaming that pizza man….but taking action and asking that my pizza be delivered as to what i ask…..That also meation that a blessing be given to the company and that 3 folds would be granted and blieving that it’s on it’s way.
    Wanda Breen

  283. You called and thanked the establishemnt for sending you a chance to sample the pizza without mushrooms and onions and asked when you could expect the real pizza you ordered? Then you explained about a great product you have that could eliminate the challenge of getting the delivery’s correct if this was an oversite.

  284. You called angry about the missing mushroom and onions. It taught you a lesson however about expectations and how when it’s not meet causes grief.

  285. B
    You did not call because life was too short to argue over something you knew already metaphysically satisfyied you…you already inagined that wonderful pizza and knew what it would feel, taste, and smell like..and you knew the pleasures it gave you…
    In this here lifetime, you know all things are not perfect and you have accepted that…and once this pizza arrived you already manifested the pleasure in eating that pizza and now that reality showed itself, it was not all that perfect…but that is ok because you had the best of the spiritual pizza…lol
    We live in an unperfect world and to accept that you are able to move forward with all the little trivials that life throws at us such as the pizza with no mushrooms and onions…
    I would have chosen A…however there would of been a twist…I would of thanked them for the pizza but also let them be aware that there was a mistake in your order and if they would kindly credit you on the next order…this shows to them that you are not upset but are making them accountable and that you made them feel good by letting them know that you will return for more pizza…so I would say that I would of dealt with meaningless situation in a light way and stil felt good about it on how I dealt with it…


  287. You called. Not to raise roman h*ll,but to: 1) inform them of a mistake to help them. and 2) thank them for their mistake because you relished the pizza – we don’t always have to get our way to enjoy Life. The universe knows what it is doing, always! and 3) I realize just how many people in this world who will never have the thrill of a simple, delivered pizza.

  288. Mike;
    You didn’t call, and the reason why is that you got exacttly as you intended. You see, there are two laws at work under the law of attraction, one the law of attention, what we think about we bring about, and two the law of intention, what we secretly intend, we put our attention on, and that is what we attract into our lives.
    Another thing, my results are always my results. NO one elses, and if I am willing to be responsible for them, and own my results, then in that moment, true mastery is possible.
    If anyone is interested in more, my books on the topic of transformation are available at
    Peace Love and Light

  289. Mike;
    You didn’t call, and the reason why is that you got exacttly as you intended. You see, there are two laws at work under the law of attraction, one the law of attention, what we think about we bring about, and two the law of intention, what we secretly intend, we put our attention on, and that is what we attract into our lives.
    Another thing, my results are always my results. NO one elses, and if I am willing to be responsible for them, and own my results, then in that moment, true mastery is possible.
    If anyone is interested in more, my books on the topic of transformation are available at
    Peace Love and Light

  290. I bet you called….so they could remedy the kinks in the system so their customer service would not continue down a less-than-perfect road…because word-of-mouth advertising gets a big bang for the bucks, and you didn’t want the advertising to be negative…since you like their pizzas so much…you want everyone else to like them as well. You ate your pizza as-is, but your life changed due to the technique you developed for fool-proof orders-by-phone!

  291. I bet you called….so they could remedy the kinks in the system so their customer service would not continue down a less-than-perfect road…because word-of-mouth advertising gets a big bang for the bucks, and you didn’t want the advertising to be negative…since you like their pizzas so much…you want everyone else to like them as well. You ate your pizza as-is, but your life changed due to the technique you developed for fool-proof orders-by-phone!

  292. You did call. And to your astonishment, the pizza delivery guy delivered you the wrong pizza. He also realized this when he got to his next delivery and he was thinking about just letting it go…like you wouldn’t notice. With many apologies from the pizza joint and the delivery dude…they also offered you your next pizza for free.
    You are very proud of yourself for calling….you got your pizza delivered within moments of your call and another one at a future date for free. NICE! Had you NOT called, you would not have gotten YOUR pizza and enjoyed it as much. You’re
    here to enjoy all the pleasures that are for YOU! You now understand that had you not called back, the delivery
    guy would have let it go, but you did call, got your pizza that you wanted and even MORE! Good job on the law of attraction! Two pizzas for the price of one!!!

  293. I see, it change your life the acceptance of guilt for what you don*t need to do to feel great and all the described sensations.
    What you receive hmm, well, some olives to harmonize the savour of new taste acceptance with the class within. savour it when tested but call for complete the change. if it was about errs and guilt the middle line between, accept the change but with olive 🙂
    Have a great day!

  294. You didnt call, you have the naked pizza and you try new sensations, and dont waste the time calling those guys.

  295. You didn’t call.
    you decided that you will take responsibility for the results you got (manifested) (different pizza) and enjoy it, exactly the way it is, and exactly the way it isn’t. (no mushroom, no onions…)
    The way to shooting bulls eyes leads through shooting off-center. The way to adjust one’s aim is to not get upset about the errors but use them as feedback.
    Knowing you, you would choose that route. And so would I.

  296. You savored every delicious bite of your steamy hot pizza and called after your delightful meal that gave you pleasure and satifaction. So in fact you did both. You did not call and ate and then you did call to get what you paid for.

  297. At first you did not call and savored the great pizza, then after you enjoyed the great meal that was truly satifying and for which you were really grateful, not only for the food but also for the new experience of a different flavor pizza. Then you did call because sometimes in life you can have both. You did not call at first because you had (and made) the choice to make your happiness more of a priority than a vegetable. Then you did call because you paid for this but got that. This was life-changing because you took control of your emotional state and made two decisions that increased your happiness and pleasure. You learned that you are in control in every moment and you now exercise that control, never being a victim to circumstances again in your life. You also liberated yourself by forgiving the pizza guys and realized that sometimes mistakes happen for your own good.

  298. Dear Dr. Norwood,
    Responses aren’t usually an either or scenario. It is an interesting way to view the response. I can think of a myriad of responses and none of which would necessarily be “wrong”. Feedback or lack there of is not “wrong”. I
    often believe that when we do not give loving feedback we rob the person from excelling or rob them from an authentic interaction. Feedback can be the most personal and valuable moment when a the recipient has the chance to
    open from the heart with someone who “bothered” to give feedback from the space of love. It has become my practice to resist feedback that is primarily about me, especially when I am not in a good space. Too many people talk to talk and instruct so they can “play” the “smart” instructor.
    I also believe when you make the choice to shop or dine at establishments
    where people are earning substandard wages for HARD tedious work;
    expectations logically are best modified. I had the experience at a TGIF on
    a busy sports night with my family when the youngman waiting on us(a college
    student) really got each order absolutely wrong. We were confused and
    waited a long time for the food and to see him again, that we decided to eat
    what was served. We were so engaged in the fact that he was working so
    hard, going to school and had a great demeanor and positive outlook, great
    smile and interaction. He was so apologetic when we told him we actually
    enjoyed our surprise dinners. He was flabbergasted and hugely apologetic.
    We told him not to worry; he could have been my son or nephew. We didn’t
    want him to be stressed over it. Additionally we left him a 25% tip and
    wished him good luck in his studies and not to give up and don’t get down if
    people get disappointed with his waiter skills. He had tears in his eyes
    and said he would remember us in his prayers that evening. I am so glad we
    said something to him and had the opportunity for a wonderful interaction.
    I know that it doesn’t always work out that way; when it does it smacks of
    synchronitcity and the divine guidance. I was happy for the opportunity to
    give feedback and create a moment of connection. Feedback is often
    complicated; it is a gut thing.
    Your Reader

  299. Dear Dr. Norwood,
    Responses aren’t usually an either or scenario. It is an interesting way to view the response. I can think of a myriad of responses and none of which would necessarily be “wrong”. Feedback or lack there of is not “wrong”. I
    often believe that when we do not give loving feedback we rob the person from excelling or rob them from an authentic interaction. Feedback can be the most personal and valuable moment when a the recipient has the chance to
    open from the heart with someone who “bothered” to give feedback from the space of love. It has become my practice to resist feedback that is primarily about me, especially when I am not in a good space. Too many people talk to talk and instruct so they can “play” the “smart” instructor.
    I also believe when you make the choice to shop or dine at establishments
    where people are earning substandard wages for HARD tedious work;
    expectations logically are best modified. I had the experience at a TGIF on
    a busy sports night with my family when the youngman waiting on us(a college
    student) really got each order absolutely wrong. We were confused and
    waited a long time for the food and to see him again, that we decided to eat
    what was served. We were so engaged in the fact that he was working so
    hard, going to school and had a great demeanor and positive outlook, great
    smile and interaction. He was so apologetic when we told him we actually
    enjoyed our surprise dinners. He was flabbergasted and hugely apologetic.
    We told him not to worry; he could have been my son or nephew. We didn’t
    want him to be stressed over it. Additionally we left him a 25% tip and
    wished him good luck in his studies and not to give up and don’t get down if
    people get disappointed with his waiter skills. He had tears in his eyes
    and said he would remember us in his prayers that evening. I am so glad we
    said something to him and had the opportunity for a wonderful interaction.
    I know that it doesn’t always work out that way; when it does it smacks of
    synchronitcity and the divine guidance. I was happy for the opportunity to
    give feedback and create a moment of connection. Feedback is often
    complicated; it is a gut thing.
    Your Reader


  301. I think you did not call since you mentioned you got 2 stove-top boxes and I can’t think of a reason why a single person would order 2.
    I’m also guessing that the 2nd box contains your order and the first box you opened is the free pizza.

  302. You called but not to complain, but to bring to their attention they sent you two pizzas by mistake. You’re an honest person, not one to complain about something as trivia as a wrong order….no mushrooms

  303. OK, I’m not sure what someone else would do but here’s what I’d do.
    B not call
    as you already said, the first and the second bite were delicious. You gave thanks to God for this gift of delicious food and it tasted really good.
    I would enjoy the rest of the pizza and the rootbeer, accepting that it wasn’t how I’d imagined but surprises are a real blessing and maybe it wasn’t right for you to eat mushrooms and onions that day.
    What I would also do is let the pizza people know next time I spoke with them that the order hadn’t been exactly as I ordered last time, missing out the mushrooms and onions, because I feel that’s respectful to them and letting them know that the service they had provided hadn’t been excactly as I had asked last time. Therefore I would be giving them an opportunity to rectify this for the future if they wanted to by maybe doing something like charging me for a plain pizza with just cheese and tomato on and giving me mushrooms and onions for free next time, or making sure that the orders are getting through to the pizza making people in the best possible way or some other thing I’ve not thought about; but in a way where they never had to feel like I was having a dispute with them. I would at the same time let them know that apart from the missing mushrooms and onions, the pizza had been delicious.
    And that’s what I’d do, so it’s kind of both but definitely with the do nothing option first and the give the feedback option at a later date when I wasn’t going to get so caught up in the details of the missing mushroom and onion that I’d forget to fully enjoy the delicious pizza, my blessings from Allah subhana wa talla for that day.
    may god bless you and have a nice day

  304. It seems like the next step 2 take WOULD B A telephone call. Especially after freaking out. And obviously a test 4 U. The question is whether or night 2 fight. And the choice is up 2 us: however that choice has already been made. In ur case and in the case of many this fight only leads 2 disturbance. U were already high and the point is that the power of thought is what was maintaining ur extasy. Learn how 2 KEEP UR GROUND AND THAT EXTASY WILL B AVAILABLE AT WILL. ANSWER= AN INTERIOR CALL WAS MADE AND AN EXTERIOR CALL DISSIPATED*

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