The Great Paradox of “The Secret” Controversy

It's a true Paradox.

And it's a hilarious one.

Kind of a paradox within a paradox.

But, on another level, it's a sad paradox.

It's the paradox regarding the blockbuster
hit DVD movie, The Secret.

It's the paradox over all the controversy
about the movie:

Is The Law of Attraction real?

Can your thoughts really affect your destiny?

Can the difference between thinking negative
or positive thoughts really change the
outcome of your challenges?

Your desires?

Your goals?

Your life?

Is it possible to think purely positive
thoughts all the time?

If you have a negative thought, does it
totally destroy all the effects of all your
positive thoughts?

Are positive thoughts all that's necessary to
manifest your dreams?

Are positive thoughts more important than
positive action?


We humans have a way of complicating things, don't we?!?!?

The Secret was an extraordinary movie that, with stunning power,
brought to light the primacy of what every inspirational speaker
and writer has talked about for generations.

If you look back upon my newsletters for the last 6 years, you
will see that ultimately everything I wrote you about had to do
with taking a potentially negative circumstance or thought
pattern – overcoming your adversities, transforming your grief
into grace, etc. – and reframing it in such a way as to show you
the hidden gifts, strengths and wealth to be had when looking at
these same challenges in a different light.

In my own style, via my own life, via the vessel of my own
experiences and soul, this is what I was writing to you about,

and what every other inspirational writer . . . 

and speaker . . .

and angel . . .

and inner voice inside of your heart has been communicating.

Something ancient.

That yes, His Will will be done.

That yes, "You Can."

"You Can" overcome your greatest challenges.

"You Can" discover your meaning and Life Purpose.

"You Can" achieve your dreams.

"You Can" realize your Life Vision.

All these messages are a form of activating The Law of
Attraction, n'est pas?

So, when a brilliant movie finally comes along that encapsulates
this message into a beautiful, unforgettable and potentially
life-altering package that strikes a collective nerve with
lightening bolt speed across the world, don't you have to ask

          Why all the fuss?

          Why all the controversy?

Which leads to my question:

          What's The Great Paradox about this controversy?

It's extraordinarily important for you to see what this paradox
is, my friend.

This Great Paradox over the controversy about The Secret contains
as many lessons as the movie does itself.

Once perceiving this paradox, and crystallizing its lessons in
your spirit, you will see how this same paradox may be preventing
you from engaging The Law of Attraction in your own life . . .

And attracting in all the success, love and wealth The Law of
Attraction promises.

So . . .

          What is that paradox?

It's sitting there right in front of your eyes!

          Can you see it???

Share what you believe that paradox is in the comments section below.

Big simple hug (with no paradoxes!)



165 Replies to “The Great Paradox of “The Secret” Controversy”

  1. the ultimate paradox is that if you cannot understand the law of attraction or think it is a hoax, that is because you resonate at the same level that believes in hoaxes, hostile worlds, hateful people and all the like. Once you resonate at an open minded,helpful, loving, energy level, then the law of attraction or ‘the secret’ becomes more believable, accessible and more improtantly, understandable.
    In summary, you are your thoughts!!!

  2. If the Secret/Law of Attraction is so simple & available how come most of us aren’t using/generating it in our lives.

  3. I think the great paradox is in the name itself, THE SECRET! It’s no secret, it’s been about for ages.

  4. The Paradox is that whilst the Law of Attraction is portrayed as a secret handed down to the few the reality is that we all use and employ it every day without realizing – so it is not a secret. The “secret” component is recognizing it (as an integral part of our lives and its power).

  5. Hi Michael–
    I don’t know if this is the paradox you’re eluding to but… It’s going to be impossible for someone who is focused on bringing negativity to something positive to get something positive from it in their life experience.
    Without even realizing it, what people are doing who are choosing to focus on any “negativity” they have come up surrounding the movie The Secret is that they are continuing to focus on the negativity. It’s been my experience that whatever you place your attention on seems to get done in life.
    So, this is a long-winded way of saying that I believe that the paradox you’re referring to is that by focusing on the negative aspects of The Secret (or anything else) you’ll get more negativity. The strange thing is that this is what most people say they don’t want and they attract more of what they don’t want because that’s where their attention is placed.
    Just my thoughts
    Otto Collins

  6. There is conscious and unconscious intent. Since our un and subconscious is 90% of what’s going on with us, we must find a way to modify the signal we’re sending from that system. Since it is unconscious,it’s very difficult to find and change. I’ve found The Healing Codes to be effective. Look at for this amazing process

  7. The paradox is being left knowing the “what” – that you CAN – but not knowing the “how”. Therefore, the question is – “So what do I do now?” i.e.what is the secret about the secret?!

  8. It can’t be that easy, are you telling me that I am the creator of my own experiences, even the car accident. That is the paradox, you created the car accident. This is all about being accountable. What a bright and new fresh day it will be when you become accountable. Life is easy, and time is on your side, take a leap of faith, become that which you think. PICK GOOD THOUGHTS

  9. Hi Michael!
    Thank you so much for the question.
    I believe that the paradox is about the difference between our knowledge and our way of life.
    We know the Law and we even believe in it, but we act as if we know nothing about it.
    To make the Law work we have to act, think and feel according to the Law every moment of our life.
    The best regards,
    Elena Bogatyreva

  10. It seems to me that the paradox in all this controversy is that the nay-sayers are living proof of the truth of the Law of Attraction. Their negativity towards it, and I dare say toward many other things in their lives, ensures they get the negative outcomes that confirm their assertion that positive thinking and positive vibes cannot generate positive results. So their negative thinking and negative vibes ensure they get negative outcomes, even as they deny the Law of Attraction. Quite funny really, in a tragic kind of way…

  11. The Law of Attraction “works” whether you “believe” in it or not…. just like the law of gravity “works” whether you “believe” in it or not!

  12. The great paradox is recognizing that the “Law of Attraction” works for the postitive and negative – The Universe always says “YES” – if you really want to know how you “think about life” just look at your life, it is a direct reflection of your thoughts and actions. It is done unto you AS you believe!

  13. The paradox lies in the very name of the law of attraction. It is not a secret. By advertising and explaining it it becomes an obvious fact. It is working without our agreement to it and works in the open. It is not being hidden from our eyes – it is there in plain sight for those to see, who have the eyes to see. By naming it a secret it grabs our attention and attraction and then starts working in the open.

  14. HI Michael,
    The Great Paradox is… The Law of Attraction ALWAYS works … it is a state of isness … a person who believes in The Law of Attraction sees it working in life and the person who doesn’t believe in it won’t realize it is working but in actuality it is working for it is bringing to that person what he/she is focusing on.. ‘it not working’. The Law of Attraction is always working no matter what a person believes for it brings to us the manifestation of our beliefs and what we focus our energy toward.

  15. The paradox is that whatever you think will come true, so people who are questioning if it works, or have a controversy surrounding it, will get just that! doubt and controversy in their life, and that is what the secret will bring them. My brother asked me, is it working in your life? and I said, yes! if I am feeling and thinking in skepticism and doubt, that is what I attract. It works everytime, without exception.

  16. I believe that the paradox is that if you focus entirely on attracting something positive it can prevent it from manifesting in your life. You have to believe, to the point of it being a matter of complete faith that it will manifest, and then let it go and let God (or the Universe, or whatever you choose to call the creator) do the rest.

  17. The paradox is that whatever you think will come true, so people who are questioning if it works, or have a controversy surrounding it, will get just that! doubt and controversy in their life, and that is what the secret will bring them. My brother asked me, is it working in your life? and I said, yes! if I am feeling and thinking in skepticism and doubt, that is what I attract. It works everytime, without exception.

  18. I was once told that “your questions define you”
    When you focus on questioning the validity of The Secret you go down a path to prove it wrong (even if you ‘wish’ it were that simple)…and it will be exactly the hoax you think it probably is and you will see and attract everything you need to prove it.

  19. The paradox is that it works either positively or negatively in your life depending on your thoughts, whether you are aware of it or not!

  20. The paradox is this…The Secret ain’t a Secret! Its been around since the beginning of man.
    Thoughts influence actions. Actions influence results. Whatever you choose to focus on and act on you get.

  21. by focusing attention/energy on questions concerning whether or not “the secret” “works,” we, because it does “work,” through our attention, magnify and multiply doubt.

  22. The Law of Attraction states that what you want, you will attract to yourself whether positive or negative. The paradox is that what you desire is already there.

  23. I believe the paradox is that the very same principles that chose to conceal the secret are very much the same principles that are creating the doubt and dissention for the masses now that is has been revealed. The Secret was deliberately hidden so that only a chosen few would benefit from the knowledge, while leaving others for chance and happenstance. However, now that it has been brought out in the open these elements are at work to keep us confused and in doubt about the validity of these principles, by weakening our belief and creating more doubt and turmoil.

  24. I suppose the truth of “The Law of Attraction”, also means that if you constantly feed your mind
    with ‘Lack’ or ‘Want’, ie if you focus on the things you don’t want, the paradox is – that is precisely what you’ll get – The Law of Attraction in action!

  25. I think the paradox of The Secret is that “the secret” works whether you believe it works for you or not. If you believe it doesn’t work it obeys your belief and (to paraphrase Ernest Holmes and Science of Mind who has been teaching this since about 1924) “works by not working.”
    BTW – Holmes also said in his book that he had discovered nothing new. He simply had studied all the great wisdom teachings of the ages and tried to find the “golden thread of truth” running throughout all the teachings and tried to present the information in a way that the Western (left brained/linear) mind could understand.

  26. Hi Michael,
    Thank you for your consistence and persistence. The paradox in The Secret is that it isn’t a secret. Even back to bible times we have been taught “what you think about is what you get.” James 1 vs 13 talks about desires (thoughts)becoming fertile and giving birth to sin. In that example “what you think about is what you get”, so the principal applies in a positive sence as well.

  27. The paradox is that most of us, when thinking about what we want, do so because we don’t have it at this time. The FEELING we have is that of the LACK of what we want rather than of actually having it. It’s the FEELING that the Universe matches, not the thought.

  28. A feeling for what can be rather than what must be. Working in this way, I may not know my destination until I arrive, but I’m happier when I get there.

  29. The paradox is that in imagining “positive” and “negative” thought there is a polarity or separation or judgment which must be healed to experience the highest good. All that is ever needed comes automatically in conscious union with the Source of Life.

  30. The Secret behind ” The Secret” or the Truth behind ” The Secret”
    Is that all revelation and thought were and are originated and inspired by God…In the Bible you will find scripture that God inspired that taught us from the beginning of time these truths…As a man thinketh in his heart so is he…Beloved think on these things…Whatsoever is pure , whatsoever is lovely , whatsoever is of good report…Job said the very thing he feared came upon him…Believe and you shall receive…works for the good and the bad…I think that what people need to know is the missing link that makes any of it all matter and that gaining the world and not giving credit to whom credit is due, is a tragey, all credit goes to the One, THe Great ” I AM”…the creator almighty God…and by not recognizing the relationship that is missing in having a saviour , a helper, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost…you have gained the world and will lose your soul…and all that you have gained you will lose when you die…Seek the eternal and learn the promises…They are for good and not evil, plans to prosper and not harm you…to all those who believe…in their heart and confess with their mouth…those whom are called according to God’s purpose…All things do work for good…Read the BOOK…the only book that will give you true wisdom , insight, peace… and TRUTH…..The Word…The Bible, the inspired word of God…

  31. The Secret behind ” The Secret” or the Truth behind ” The Secret”
    Is that all revelation and thought were and are originated and inspired by God…In the Bible you will find scripture that God inspired that taught us from the beginning of time these truths…As a man thinketh in his heart so is he…Beloved think on these things…Whatsoever is pure , whatsoever is lovely , whatsoever is of good report…Job said the very thing he feared came upon him…Believe and you shall receive…works for the good and the bad…I think that what people need to know is the missing link that makes any of it all matter and that gaining the world and not giving credit to whom credit is due, is a tragey, all credit goes to the One, THe Great ” I AM”…the creator almighty God…and by not recognizing the relationship that is missing in having a saviour , a helper, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost…you have gained the world and will lose your soul…and all that you have gained you will lose when you die…Seek the eternal and learn the promises…They are for good and not evil, plans to prosper and not harm you…to all those who believe…in their heart and confess with their mouth…those whom are called according to God’s purpose…All things do work for good…Read the BOOK…the only book that will give you true wisdom , insight, peace… and TRUTH…..The Word…The Bible, the inspired word of God…

  32. Hi y’all!
    Did you know that Rhonda Byrne
    first learned about the ‘Secret’
    from an old book entitled
    “The Science of Getting Rich”
    by Wallace Wattles, and that
    the Law of Attraction isn’t
    even mentioned there?
    But something else is…something
    CERTAIN-ly, VITAL-ly important,
    and it’s this particular ‘something’
    that set Rhonda off on her quest to
    share this ancient ‘secret’ she
    discovered with the world.
    It’s the STUFF that dreams
    (including Rhonda’s) are made
    of … ‘Secret’ indeed!
    ‘Paradox’ indeed!
    Or was that:
    Pair o’ docks?
    Pair o’ docs?
    Anyway, you get the ‘picture.’
    (Smilin’ at ‘ya!)
    Like attracts like.
    Controversy attracts controversy.
    Simplicity attracts simplicity.
    And one good challenge deserves
    (attracts) another.
    Where’s the best place to hide
    the great secret of life?
    Why, in plain sight, of course.
    You’ve got a great discussion
    going, Michael!
    Warmly and Positive-ly Yours,
    Sharon (Fearless Reader) Iezzi
    P.S.: If any of you haven’t yet
    read The Science of Getting Rich,
    you can download it FREE here:

  33. The paradox is illustrated in the instruction: “Don’t think of a pink elephant”. If people try to avoid negative thoughts, that is where their attention will go.

  34. The paradox is that you are already one with whatever you are seeking to attract. The Law of Attraction is a misnomer. It’s more like a Law of Attention, realized.

  35. The great paradox is you. You can be your own worst enemy by letting others influence your actions and thoughts. By keeping a positive focus on you, your dreams, and goals, then and only then will you know the power of “THE SECRET”.

  36. Hi Michael.. As usual, you do posse some interesting points to ponder. The great paradox as I see it is that our greatest growth comes from your greatest challenges in our life’s. This is not a secret as much as it’s something that we have forgotten, we were created to have all the joy and abundance that we could want or need. It’s more an act of re-membrane than positive thoughts. Mac Skanes

  37. It is my thought that the ultimate paradox (that which seems to say two opposite things)is that, “Our” positive thoughts are given the credit (accurately) for what affects our destiny and influences The Law of Attraction -However, The Creator is actually emanating through us as His Will of our purpose.

  38. The Paradox is: You can’t have what you want until you let go of the thought of what you want. Otherwise you’ll always be WANTING it and not RECIEVING it.

  39. This is not likely to get me Dr. Norwood’s free coaching session because I have a different “take” on the paradox. To me, the paradox is that all kinds of people who are Secret “supporters” are getting their knickers in a twist over the fact that some people are criticizing or challenging some of the statements made in the movie. It’s as if the “supporters” are afraid that the LOA will go “poof” if attacked, and so they feel the fierce need to defend it.
    The movie contains much truth. All the participants who were interviewed for the film did a very credible job of presenting their viewpoints and their understandings of how the LOA works.
    The “critics” of LOA have been raising questions about some of the statements. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions, folks. It’s called “discourse”, “debate”, “discussion”; it doesn’t need to be construed as an “attack”.
    Some of the critics, rightly so, have found that some of the quotes in the movie are wrong–for example, the quote attributed to Buckminster Fuller is wrong. There’s nothing wrong with making corrections either. Often in the heat of making a documentary film, there can be slight errors in how a source is referenced. It’s OK to correct these.
    Other critics have said that the movie gives the impression that with the LOA, all you have to do is visualize, feel good about your visualization, expect it to happen, and the universe will deliver it. They are saying that the “action piece” is left out, that you don’t get rich, get a new job, find a mate, or whatever, by ONLY visualizing. You also have to get off your ass and take some action toward what you are visualizing.
    MOST of the teachers in the Secret say in their own teachings and writings that the action piece is important, that’s it’s not enough to just sit around and think that the universe will behave like a giant ATM. The LOA is not about laziness; it’s about motive, spirit, and INSPIRED action.
    The movie, in my opinion, did fall short on the action piece, but I think that’s because the editing process made it impossible to include absolutely everything in the movie. I’m a producer of documentary films and I know that there is often an agonizing process involved in deciding what has to be cut because of time constraints. We live in a sound bite universe, so it’s not surprising that much of the elaboration of the LOA had to be left out.
    The “critics” in asking further questions and challenging certain premises are, in my opinion, merely fostering further debate, and there is nothing wrong with that at all.
    While it may be true that the LOA is real and that it is a powerful concept to access in one’s own life, that doesn’t mean that the topic should not be debated, refined, revised, challenged, etc. That’s how knowledge evolves. Affirming the LOA does not mean that you check your brains at the door. And it does not mean that things can never be challenged or questioned.
    In my view, the debate fostered by the movie, both pro and con, is waking up a lot of people to a very important discussion of what life is really all about.
    The LOA itself can withstand the discussion; the Universe welcomes discussion. The paradox, to me, is that some of the most vocal proponents of the LOA DON’T seem to be able to withstand discussion or challenge. Instead they get defensive and upset, and accuse questioners of being unduly negative.
    If your truth cannot stand up to questioning, and if you are afraid that questioning will cause you to lose your truth, it was never your truth in the first place.
    I have absolutely no doubt that in the quantum universe, there are mysteries of attraction and manifestation that are now coming to light. It’s a wonderful time in the awakening of humankind. I see the questioners as furthering that evolution. It’s not negative at all. It’s all good.

  40. Hello Michael,
    I believe the Great Paradox in the controversy about The Secret is that The Secret contains no secret. No matter what you may or may not believe about the law of attraction–its existence, validity, spiritual connection, anything–every one of us are constantly living this law every day of our lives. We just don’t realize that what we already have in our lives is the direct result of this law because we can’t believe that we’d attract some of the things, most of the things, that most of us do, on purpose. Wouldn’t we be attracting what we want? Ah, but we are– that’s the Paradox.
    Enjoying for your thoughts on this the past year, Michael.

  41. The Paradox is “That as the attackers of the Secret are pouring the negative in, the Secret grows even bigger and they are actually promoting it by drawing more attention to it.”

  42. The ‘sad’ paradox is that if people believe that “The Secret” is just that, a Secret… inevitably, it will remain so for many. If people keep talking about “The Secret”, it will no longer be one.

  43. The paradox is simply that one can not have day without night, or night without day. Opposing forces are an important part of universal laws, as it is through adversity and opposing forces that we learn to seek positive actions and behaviors.

  44. The paradox is that most of us are so busy looking outside ourselves that we forget to live in the moment, to appreciate what we already have in our lives, to live with integrity and honesty everyday. We need to see the joy in our lives and live in gratitude of these joys. Recognizing our passion and living it is what should motivate us, that is where your true happiness will be.

  45. Could the paradox be that we are still looking for answers and reassurances “without”? when all answers and reasurrances lie “within”?

  46. The paradox is that if your belief system is not one of taking full responsibility for where you are at now, any manifesting or visualization will not work. In other words you already have the secret or you do not. One who does not “have” it may work towards the belief and mind set to have it, do not expect it to happen on its own.

  47. THE “GREAT PARADOX” lies in the fact that if the LAW OF ATTRACTION were a hoax then the movie “THE SECRET” would not attract ANY attention. The fact that the DVD of the movie “THE SECRET” has attracted so much attention, both positive & negative, is viable proof of the LAW OF ATTRACTION. People who have given it negative feedback are the type of people who are operating in the LAW OF ATTRACTION—IN A NEGATIVE MANNER.
    Any people who have given positive feedback are the people who are already operating on the POSITIVE side of the LAW OF ATTRACTION. That is the “GREAT PARADOX” to which Dr. Norwood is referring.

  48. The paradox is that if you believe that the Law of Attraction does not work then you it will not work for you. However, if you believe it will work, then it work for you. As Jesus said, According to your faith it is done unto you.

  49. Our thoughts create our life and our circumstances. When somebody asks: “Is The Law of Attraction real? or
    Can your thoughts really affect your destiny?” He CREATES his own uncertainty right this second! He “proves” it by his thinking that this is a question open to debate. If he would just LOOK without thinking he would SEE the thruth and KNOW! It is like one person facing a challenge says “I can’t!” and another says “I can!” – Both create their reality according to their thinking.

  50. The paradox is the attraction. It is attracted by the contriversary which is attracted by the law of attraction which proves the law of attraction.

  51. I haven’t followed the details of the Secret controversy (which isn’t so secret, I gather), but I notice the following knot of ideas — something like Lang’s knots. If you deny the Law of Attraction with a lot of negative energy and the Law is false, then you’ve wasted your energy. You could rely on an even more basic law, that given a chance the truth will prevail. But if the Law is true, you’re loading your life and karma with your own negativity. So either you’re wasting you energy or suffering from it. It would be better to go see another movie and enjoy the popcorn. But if you want to deny the Law, do it calmly with sound reasons and strong arguments. That is, act with the rationality in the name of which you’re beating up the folks who believe the Law. Now pardon me while I try to untangle the ideas we’re debating. I think I’ll go see a movie with a gorgeous actress. I believe in THAT law of attraction.

  52. I believe the Paradox is…. The Law of Resistance.
    A paradox in logic is a statement that contradicts itself.
    There cannot be…. only The Law of Attraction. There have to be other Universal Laws at work. But it all works together.
    For some reason in my mind, I keep thinking: “for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.”
    It’s just the beginning…. not the whole tamale!!!! But, I sure do like tamales!!!!

  53. I haven’t seen the movie yet, I just bought it, but my thoughts are: The paradox of any controversey regarding the Law of Attraction is pretty funny, and sad, also. Because even though many people refuse to see it, they ARE living the Law of Attraction every day!! Thoughts create…it’s as simple as that. So, refusing to look at it doesn’t change anything. It just continues a pattern of staying stuck…in sometimes very challenging, heartbreaking, growth preventing, and painful ways. When people stay stuck – they are still living the Law of Attraction….they are just attracting these particular experiences to them.
    I hope many peoples eyes, minds and hearts are opened by this movie. I’ll watch it soon.
    Suzanne Jay

  54. Hello Michael,
    Since what we think about, visualize and dwell upon will come to us through the Law of Attraction, it is obvious that different people will see the same thing differently, resulting in the so-called ‘controversy’, hence this is the Great Paradox regarding all the
    controversy over The Secret?
    Just like some people will see a half glass of water as half-full and some people will see it as half-empty, which proves that the way people see things will be the way they think about them.
    When you say:
    What is that paradox?
    It’s sitting there right in front of your eyes!
    Can you see it???
    Most people will say ‘no’, depending on the way their mind works (thinks), but some just might say ‘yes’, because they can see ‘it’.
    Nothing is ‘black’ and ‘white’, black is ‘black’ only relative to ‘white’.
    I think you get the point.
    Best Regards

  55. I think the paradox is that by doubting in and questioning The Law of Attraction, you’re chasing away the things you want. The Law of Attraction is still working, but in a negative way because of your doubts. So, while it’s there for us to use, by questioning, doubting, etc., it’s not working to our advantage. You need to believe and go with the flow…..

  56. Just the name “The Secret” generates in most of us a feeling of lack and limitation. Secrets keep people out of the “know.” Yet, thinking that way uses the “secret” to keep us out of the Know, with the KNOW. Like all of us who have been studying THE LAW for sometime, sooner or later we get the key factor which is focus on the feeling beyond what you want and stay THERE longer than is comfortable, and life gets easier and easier, until there is more thoughts in joy than in fear. One minute spent in thoughts with Joy, transforms one-hundred minutes of thoughts with fear. Take a minute now, for the World.

  57. Paradox is that Law Of Attraction “works” all the time. Because of Fear and as we do not surrender our wishes and trust to the God, we don’t notice it, or it works on opposite way as we wish and expect.
    Love and blesings to all,

  58. enough people believe in this topic at one level or another that the film message and the controversy was attracted to us in a big way (an answer in part to prayers from earlier)

  59. The paradox is that we already use the law of attraction ALL of the time – our life already reflects what we attracted and it will reflect what we attract. The only secret is in learning to do this with volition (or alternatively learning to want what we already attracted).

  60. If you believe that you are part of God, then you understand that YOU ARE THE ONE THAT ASSISTS IN GRANTING THE WISH OF ANOTHER! Inspired actions on your part are as much a result of the other’s wish/intention as your own. Therefore, what you envision to happen to yourself happens to another, and vice versa. So, in making any intention, you are best served in wishing what you want upon another person and, as such, it will automatically happen to you!
    And, if it hadn’t been for actions in the last day that convinced me of this, I would not have believed it to be true myself. Timing is everything!

  61. The paradox is “The Secret” isn’t a secret, especially now since there has been so much publicity about it, and so many people know about it.

  62. The paradox of the secret is that it is a form of entropy in that it is a measure of the amount of information in a message that is based on the logarithm of the number of possible equilivant messages.(Websters definition)In other words we need both negative and positive thinking in order to have life.
    Besides, what we think is only relative to our own life experences.

  63. The paradox is the “controversy”. There is no controversy when both sides of an argument are right. Whatever you believe, is true for you……
    If you believe in the Secret, it will work for you. If you believe it doesn’t work, it won’t.
    Neither side is wrong.

  64. Here’s what happened to me. I started to hear about the controversy and how The Secret’s teachings could actually damage my mind, create havoc and even make me bi-polar. Oh No! I tried to ignore these negative suggestions but doubt crept in. I noticed what was happening with a sinking feeling (very effective) and knew this for exactly the same old process I once carried of starting a new, fabulous relationship and the silver lining erodes.
    So I told myself just let go of the neg. suggestions. Easier said than done, they are like a virus infecting my mind, multiplying fast!
    But I did it. How? I listened to another comment by Joe Vitale who teaches the Attractor Factor, and he said that the biggest key ingredient to the Law of Attraction is to be in the now, and to be happy. To be in this state draws more of this to you like a magnet. This I know to be unwaveringly true.
    So I thought about how I feel when I watch The Secret (twice daily) and every single time without exception I feel wonderful, happy, uplifted, inspired, grateful, empowered and many other good things. In essence, I feel really good. So I decided that if The Secret can generate that feeling in me for 90 min’s twice a day, how much better my life is with it in it.
    Therefore, to me The Secret, is the actually the Secret. I don’t mind if I’m watching an old ritual or hidden truths or new discoveries or famous people telling stories, I FEEL GOOD – REALLY GOOD. This realisation made me laugh and allowed me to keep watching -avidly and delightedly – The Secret.
    Now the comment from Joe Vitale I heard on a free promotional Audio Book released by some of those who believe that The Secret doesn’t give the right info/message or enough information.
    I had responded to this suggestion (Audio CD) when the doubt was creeping in my mind and I was seeking to find enough positive comments to counteract the doubt. I succeeded because that was my intention. This all makes me want to laugh.

  65. IMO, the paradox is this….
    The Law of Attraction says that what you think about will manifest or come to you. That means that you have to think about the the Law of Attraction coming to you for the Law of Attraction to come to you!

  66. The Law of Attraction has no paradox. It follows the Law of the Universe and this law is proved by quantum physics.
    The paradox is our human being; it is US! We are pure energy; we are a part of God; we are conscious; we are powerful and we can attract everything we want. But also, we are so busy to think about our little stories; we have an EGO so strong that it takes the entire place within our heart, our soul. Our dominant thoughts are usually about our daily worries, fears, and failures.
    We forget the essential; to be grateful for our life; we forget to really love. We learned to let our ego control our thinking, and our thoughts are what we attract. So we are trapped into that false realty.
    We don’t get what we want … we get what we ARE.
    WE are the paradox!
    Our life is the problem, not the Law of Attraction. If we do not like what we are in our own life, we have to change our thoughts. It is as simple as that. But sometimes we are too “lazy” to change, so we let other people do it for us and we loose everything. And, like a merry go round, we come back into what we know better; we give up our dreams again and again; we return to our dominant thoughts about our daily worries, fears, and failures, etc…
    The Law of Attraction is all about changing our thoughts, reprogramming our own mind and following our dreams or goals. We are energy, we are powerful; we can create our future with wealth, health, joy and happiness.
    “We are divine!…
    All the powers in the universe are already ours.
    It is we who have put our hands before our eyes…
    And cry that it is dark!”
    – Swami Vivekananda, ( 1863-1902)
    This is the truth not a paradox.
    N’est-ce pas?…

  67. Hi Michael. Let me guess…you have attracted all of us here as we have been attracted to participate in this question. This is a true manifestation and perfect example of LOA in its existence and result.
    I still have to catch up and get together with you on your coaching offer from last Christmas time. Perhaps this served as a reminder for me. (Ask, and you shall receive.) In any event, I am grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to connect in the here an now and for being a part of your thought provoking inquiry…all things start with thoughts/ideas. Thank you for heightening us all to another level of awareness in the collective consciouness.

  68. The paradox, if they don’t think it’s true and a hoax, that is what they will manifest. It is always working. The law is always working and works according to the energy we put out. To think a thing makes it so, so, they will put negative energy into it and that is what will return. Those who believe are putting positive energy into what they want to return to them and it is happening.
    Happy thinking and feeling to everyone!!! Abundance, love and the richness life for each and everyone.

  69. The paradox is that people stop with positive thinking about their dreams and desires, without allowing the automatic mechanism in their minds to give them the solutions to achieving their desires. Then they do not act on the solutions and feel that the process does not work for them or anyone else.
    So the ultimate paradox is that after more exposure to Hermes Trismegistis’s immortal words, “as within, so without,” 99.99% of the people who understand them will never be changed by them, as has been the case for 6000 years.

  70. The paradox is very simple. We are all living the law of attraction whether we believe it or not.
    To recognize that the law is working either with you or against you (depending on what you are focusing on) is your first step into using it to your advantage. To realize your dreams!

  71. I believe that the paradox of The Secret is that it won’t work without believing in God (Source, Creator or whatever name you want to use.) You need to be working for the greatest good of all with a pure heart for it to really work.

  72. The LAW OF ATTRACTION symbolizes not just the manifestation of one’s thoughts and dreams from fantasy into reality (ie: into truth), but also the profound responsibility that goes along with it. Once manifested, how one chooses to act/behave (ie: taking responsibility) can be either harmonious or detrimental to one’s well being and to others.

  73. By calling the Law of Attraction “The Secret” it makes something that has always been, something new and confusing to a lot of people. Some people have a hard time grasping the simplicity of it, so they can’t believe its true.

  74. By calling the Law of Attraction “The Secret” it makes something that has always been, something new and confusing to a lot of people. Some people have a hard time grasping the simplicity of it, so they can’t believe its true.

  75. the paradox is this–if you create your own reality, you can create that you create it, or create that you don’t…

  76. The paradox is myself. While my conscious mind resonates with the truth of the Secret, my subconscious mind hasn’t totally grasped it yet and therein lies the controversy.

  77. The movies states unequivocably that the Secret has been around for ages, and that ALL the great thinkers of the world have known it (and advocated it) — yet, the movie also says: And now you’ll know it, too! (How can that be? Since, it was never a secret in the first place! That’s a true PARADOX.)

  78. I think the paradox is that if a naysayer thinks the Secret isn’t real, they’re right — it won’t work for them, and therefore it won’t be real…. sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy powered by the power of attraction… is this it? Let me know, and thanks!

  79. … whoops — but I left out a point — it’s their belief that the Secret doesn’t work, and the outcome of that belief, that proves that the Secret works — even, and especially, for them!

  80. the paradox of the secret is the title – a paradox is a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory but in reality expresses a possible truth.

  81. If you start to question its truth…Is it really true, does it work? Then it becomes an untruth for you and it will not work.
    Saying The Secret which has been around for thousands of years really isnt a secret is also a paradox.

  82. The Secret ONLY works when you take
    ACTION on your thoughts. Your thoughts produce both negative and
    positive action.

  83. Dear Mike,
    I think the paradox is : waht we want oftenly isn’t what we need, and LOA works for what we need ! Am I right ? Sincerely, Tri.

  84. I think the paradox is that it had been hidden throughout humanity and not many people had found out until just recently.

  85. Hi Michael,
    The paradox surrounding the message of The Secret is that what we focus on expands. Therefore any attention given to the DVD, positive or negative, is only going to give it more attention and feed its success. It’s “the secret” of advertising. It’s also why a war on drugs, terrorism, etc. only makes it grow.
    Where our attention goes, energy flows!

  86. I believe the paradox is the Law of Distraction. When we become distracted by the negativity and stresses of life, it does not allow us to focus and receive the clarity that makes way for the Law of Attraction.

  87. After looking up the word paradox and discovering that it means “An apparently true statement that seems to lead to a contradiction or to circumstances that defy intuition.” or “A statement that leads to an infinite and instant contradiction.” I can only come to the conclution that the paradox lies within our own thought patterns. As with the original version where Ester Hicks makes comment of “what is” You witness what is, then focus on what is, then mainfest what is, and witness what is, then focus on what is… you get the point.
    We our selves have closed our minds so much that we can’t really see beyond “what is” We have conditioned our own minds to make this our reality and to break this pattern is almost impossible even when a small miracle does present itself.
    we have put ourselves into this infinte loop thus the paradox.
    I do have a sneaky suspicion that you have a different answer to your own question. 🙂
    Looking forward to your response!

  88. The Great paradox over the controversy of “The Secret” is that if you don’t believe it will work, then it won’t! If you do believe it will work, then it will! Just like the message within “The Secret” so clearly expresses, “that within all areas of your life, if you think or believe things are negative and won’t work out, then they won’t! But if you remain positive, and believe in your hopes and dreams, the Universe will guide you towards, and bring those positive wonderful things into your life.” So, one can only wonder how much negativity and scepticism dwells in the lives of those who do not believe in their own dreams and desires ever coming into reality. Equally are the riches in the lives of those who think positive, which recognize the lessons they need to learn in order to become into alignment with the Universe to be guided towards the fulfilling destiny for which they so greatly desire.

  89. The paradox is that we already have the riches we crave but we don’t realise this, as we are always striving for the next thing without appreciating the life & things we already have.By being grateful we will have more to be grateful for

  90. The answers to our life’s circumstances are not outside of us. Man keeps desiring for an outward experience or person to have the answers for them. Our answers are in our spiritual hearts or sub-consciousness. Our thoughts are created by the condition of our hearts, we choose immediately faster than the eye can blink am I in love or fear the thought is created, an action is taken, habits are formed, character is developed and desitny is created. There is no secret the answer has been since the beginning of time. Out of the conditions of the heart flow life’s issues and the power of the tongue is life and death. There is no secret–only truth. There is no new truth only different ways of deliverying the same message. Truth cannot change.
    “My thought life is the author of my belief system” Pastor Gregory Dickow.

  91. Wrote the paradox above…this is not a paradox, but an irony of the Secret–the Secret is not THE SECRET.
    The Law of Attraction ‘serves’ another Law that is THE Secret, that is, the Law of Love.
    “The Power of the Universe is in LOVE with you”–the Universe will intersect with your point of love, and that’s where the Power lies.
    That’s why loving thoughts are more powerful than fear-thoughts–the essence of the U is love, and all that resonates to it enters into synergy with it.
    Moreover, all our creations of love are eternal (store your treasures in heaven…)–all else (and we certainly can create lots without love) is perishable.
    In Power vs Force, Hawkins states that a person whose conscsiousness is above 540 (in the love/joy vibration) counteracts 750,000 people below 200 (fear, etc). Thank God for the Love of Law, for without it the Earth and mankind would have perished long ago!

  92. The great paradox is that God is all that exist. We are God. We are Jesus Christ. And Jesus says that I and the father are one. You are the creator and you experience what you create. We are asleep and cannot see that we are god. The bible says WAKE UP. This is who we are.. God is awesome.

  93. The paradox is that anything is possible and can be created, but the how is not up to me.
    I need to see it as a miracle in the happening.
    I have experienced this occasionally, and it is so pleasing and rewarding that I am looking for miracles everyday.

  94. There is no parodox. The idea is simplicity itself. The hard part is applying it. However, if you think positively ALL the time, then NOTHING is negative. SO by definition everyhthing is wonderful.

  95. I think that the paradox is simply that you already have to be a positive thinker to truly appreciate and believe in The Secret. Those who speak negatively about it, as you’d guess, are already negative thinkers and thus, would be against its message.

  96. Very simply, what you see is what you get,. As when most deep changes occurr on a consciousness level, cultures have to stir up dust in their learning process, very much like the changing of cells.There always appears to be chaos around any change in cultural conscious awarenes as we have been experiencing of late. It is happening around us right now in the world. We can say the world is changing for the good or not. It’s all in the observer to make their call as the individualization of a Spiritual dmemonstration.But when we can all come together for world peace and world prosperity, there would be no issue as basically there really isn’t any issue. Focus on only what you want to see and nothing else.
    Rev Di

  97. Hi Michael,
    The paradox is wanting is lack. Therefore when we want somthing we do not have it. There is no lack in having so the paradox is we must let go of the want so we can have.

  98. Ok, I actually posted the message that is appearing under the name of Anita at March 29 8:31am, not the one below it…

  99. This blog is screwed up this morning – Amy posted the message under both Anita’s and Elizabeth Doran’s names. And Amy is the one posting this message, regardless of the next name it will give me. Don’t want to put words in anyone else’s mouth….

  100. The paradox is simple.
    The Secret will work for those who believe. It will NOT work for those who do not believe.
    Therefore everyone’s belief system is correct. Both groups get exactly what they believe in.

  101. I think the paradox is that the movie tells us everything we are not supposed to be doing with our thoughts and our minds, instead of focusing solely on what we ARE supposed to be resonating.

  102. I believe we all have our own secret…it is within us..we all have different answers to the same questions..the secret is our own search to our own happiness..after all we are responsible for our own happiness..

  103. I believe we all have our own secret…it is within us..we all have different answers to the same questions..the secret is our own search to our own happiness..after all we are responsible for our own happiness..
    I believe we all have our own secret…it is within us..we all have different answers to the same questions..the secret is our own search to our own happiness..after all we are responsible for our own happiness..

  104. sorry for the confusion everyone…my comment was posted under someone elses name..i tried to correct it…mine begins with
    I believe we all have our own secret…..
    ty joy


  106. Instead of asking why the controversy,
    I have to ask for what I would like to have happen.
    And what I would like is for you to give me a free coaching session, and to reimburse me the $20 it will cost to be on the call with James Ray!

  107. The Paradox is that the movie has caused widespread controversary which presumably the makers could have avoided by using their own “secret” if they wished. Surely Disney could be distributing this movie to every theatre in the world if the secret were being used to its full potential?

  108. The paradox of the “secret” is that we most times cannot “see the forest for the trees” and the worst part of that is that we “accept” that as a given that we can’t do anything about. The movie The Secret, has empowered us by telling us that we can not only “see” the forest, but we can live in it as well. I loved how this simple information has set me free from my own prison.
    Thank you

  109. First timer here and I have enjoyed reading everyone’e opinion concerning ‘The Secret’. Here is my 2 cents.
    ‘The Secret’ is a wonderful reminder of lessons and teachings that have been taught for eons; it was just packaged brilliantly.
    Rhonda, God bless ya, but if you included your judgments and thinking patterns about ‘fat’ people in the film like you did in your book I would have turned off the movie. I am surprised the universe would reward such beliefs/behaviors. But then that kind of stuff happens everyday.
    The paradox in my opinion is yes we are gods (attention to the small ‘g’) but we ain’t God (attention to the capitol ‘G’).
    The Law of Attraction is valid, but I do not believe many writers past/present including “The Secret” has it completely right. It is a good start, however it is a mystery and I do not believe we humans have figured it out yet or if we ever will. It is a law but it does not stand alone. It works with the other Laws of the universe which rarely are mentioned.
    One thing that is never discussed in New Age thinking is that the universe or God will say NO. You can meditate all you want, use your positive affirmations, have long talks with your gurus, you can continually shove rainbows up your ass and other people’s asses, but if God says No to you and/or desires it is no. The universe is not Santa Claus nor cares to be viewed that way. And another thing you and your desires are not the center of that universe either. It kind of bothered me that the movie zoned in only on one’s own desires – to hell with helping others to achieve a better world.
    Simply, all souls have things in their lives that they will do and accomplish no matter what. It is what you signed up for.
    Another thing that irritates me in this thinking is that pain and misery has no place in one’s mind or existence. Plus everything that goes wrong in your life is your own fault. (thank you for whomever came up with this belief since you victimize yet again the victim)
    I believe that in negativity there is beauty also. So many works of art that we claim now as priceless were results of all those emotions that many new agers choose to ignore. Look at Lourdes or the Buddha and the Lotus. These alone are prime examples of how there is beauty in all that muck. We just need to remember this as well.
    In God there is ALL so we as reflections will experience ALL in greater and lesser degrees.
    I will let go of this rant/rave for now. Take care all and thanks for reading my opinions. Have a great weekend.

  110. The GREAT PARADOX is that despite knowing the TRUTH -(SECRET) we still are limited by our KARMIC PAST- NOTHING IS IN OUR CONTROL.

  111. The GREAT PARADOX is that despite knowing the TRUTH -(SECRET) we still are limited by our KARMIC PAST- NOTHING IS IN OUR CONTROL.

  112. I think the paradox is that when one clings to their objections, doubts and fears, the law of attraction brings about what they doubt, fear and the objections they hold onto. However, if they utilized their objections, doubts and fears to transform them into positive reframes, they would get the results they wanted in the first place.

  113. Paradox…hmmm… It doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks. I can only be concerned with what “The Secret” means for me. I AM a believer and have been and continue to be blessed from all sides, by successes and the lessons I’ve needed to learn through what has shown up for me. I’m happy that it’s out there and available for those who see value in it for them.

  114. Micael, Thank You so much for your wonderful work. Two things; Life is perfect. We just don’t like everything that comes with it. And, this is not THE point in history when The Secret has FINALLY been given perfect form. I speak of Jesus, Emerson, Napoleon Hill, and many others. Alegria! Kevin

  115. Micael, Thank You so much for your wonderful work. Two things; Life is perfect. We just don’t like everything that comes with it. And, this is not THE point in history when The Secret has FINALLY been given perfect form. I speak of Jesus, Emerson, Napoleon Hill, and many others. Alegria! Kevin

  116. I don’t want to believe that life ain’t perfect. What really defines perfect anyway; yet another completely subjective idea…I would rather believe it is perfect. This means I choose to accept things like sacrifice, death and major suffering as part of this “perfect” world we live in…the ever present reminders of reality and the “price” for taking certain risks, among other things. I must consider the notion of the consequences of our actions; even if our actions are totally positive, it does not guarantee they will always be received as such. We don’t have control over other people; although we may have some, it has limits. Because we cannot remove choice and free will, just as we cannot change the fact that there will always be a balancing act in the universe of positive and negative energy, likewise people are subject to this energy. And since the pervasive underlying current in this country for example(USA) is fear, partly because that is the way that the people in power through the economic structure and the media control us, and also partly because we have seen greatness destoyed and tortured over and over throughout history, we feel we can only get so far to change things without huge risks and sacrifice that may destroy us. Like Jesus Christ, who they say had to die for our sins,it seems to me that he was rejected and destroyed by the establishment that would not accept his positive power because it threatened them, it represented the unknown, and they use control, judgement and negative power to mask their fear of the unknown. Other great people like MLK and Nelson Mandela similarily had to suffer and/or die because they lived in a world of people that were not all ready or able at the same time to accept certain truths and potential changes. The bottom line is that each of them challanged the establishment in such a way, by spreading truth and awareness that could potentially undermine it totally, so the powers respond fearfully by removing the person from having the very freedom that allows them to challange and question that power that dictates all of our lives. And the sad part about that is that it again sends a message to all of us that we can’t change things, or that we would be crazy to try. This sadness and fear even translates to our individual lives, even making change on a personal level in a world of people who accept horrible conditions, jobs they hate, relationships that don’t make them happy, conflict all over the place and other things they can actually change if they understood they have the choice and the personal power; but fear keeps them stuck, and the fact that they see almost everyone doing the same thing serves to keep them uninspired. The negative use of power through societal conditioning imposed on us to make us all the “same” more or less, as well as our negative mind made world (individual and collective) keeps people submissive and afraid to try and make change even though so many of us know that our real opportunity in this life could be so much greater- but I know that more people would have to come together and overcome fear(negativity) to be able to create a powerful enough positive force to create a change that no one person would have to be sacrificed for, that the people in power could not ignore. The world seems to love to have a scapegoat for it’s challenges or issues, another factor of fear and therfore the blame for “rocking the boat”. The scapegoat often times is really just a person or group of people trying to create necessary change for our overall change and enlightenment, something which again challenges us to become more aware and accepting of truth and diversity and therefore makes way for new growth and opportunity. The scapegoat is/are then cast out, removed or dismissed, but if massed awareness can happen on a large enough scale to tip the balance we may finally have a real chance to change. The fact that the secret has affected so many people, has again challenged them to accept a new truth (which is really just innate wisdom we all have and need to be aware of), it should be expected that because the secret creates fear since we are now treading into the “unknown”, we will invariably see people responding negatively as well in their own resistance of this new truth. They just don’t see yet, they are not ready, it challenges them overly, and again, maybe it is not possible for everyone to be positive because of the balancing act of physical reality. So again, I don’t believe that life ain’t perfect, I just accept that even in this perfect world there is just energy and for energy to work it has two polarities and likewise this simple truth permeates our entire existance. How could there be positive without negative? The secret is that we each have the ability to make the choice to be positive or negative. Until we realize that choice we are subject and victim to whatever energy comes our way. And even when “bad” things happen we have a choice about how it will affect us; what we believe about it. I believe the power of that choice is so strong that it transcends death, disease and all human suffering. If not then Nelson Mandela would not have survived his time in prison. Unfotunately, only people ready to become aware will get this. Usually those people who get it have experienced something really challenging that made them have to choose. Unfortunately,I don’t think most people change until they “have to” most of the time, which again may be a bi-product of human conditioning. I think people can only stay negative as long as they can afford the consequences. If because of “The Secret” more people as indivuals now open up to the possibilities and also feel “safer” because this is happening on a large scale so therefore they do not have to bear the risk and potential scrutiny of stepping into such “unknown” territory as few people before this opening had the courage to, this momentum could really be the crack in the old reality we need to bust it wide open. I believe it is possible. It really does start with each individual’s belief and effort. We just need more of them!! I do believe it’s as much what we do as what we think!

  117. The parpdox is that the Law Always works – it’s our choice whether to use it positively or negatively.

  118. I know that i’m a bit late on this but the great paradox about the secret to me was that it wouln’t necessarily ‘make’ you happy.
    I applied it for a few months with stunning results and it was a blast. Literally crazy stuff was hapenning and then I became a little depressed. Like, I can create all this stuff but “So what, what’s the point?”
    I then realized that no matter how much stuff I created it didn’t really matter, it was all fun and nice but ultimately was not what I was seeking either.
    Then I got it (after listening to some Eckhart Tolle talks, I admit). That creation is great, but that everything that I am truly seeking is right here right now. That to quote a great master “Love is not an achievement it is a recognition. Peace is not an achievement it is just recognizing.” H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
    This seems truest to me. That the Secret as great as it is, is completely unnecessary. Yes create everything that you want of and dream of and enjoy it, AND also realize and recognize that everything that you have always wanted you already have and are at depth in soul and relax. Relax deeply into this.

  119. I know that i’m a bit late on this but the great paradox about the secret to me was that it wouln’t necessarily ‘make’ you happy.
    I applied it for a few months with stunning results and it was a blast. Literally crazy stuff was hapenning and then I became a little depressed. Like, I can create all this stuff but “So what, what’s the point?”
    I then realized that no matter how much stuff I created it didn’t really matter, it was all fun and nice but ultimately was not what I was seeking either.
    Then I got it (after listening to some Eckhart Tolle talks, I admit). That creation is great, but that everything that I am truly seeking is right here right now. That to quote a great master “Love is not an achievement it is a recognition. Peace is not an achievement it is just recognizing.” H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
    This seems truest to me. That the Secret as great as it is, is completely unnecessary. Yes create everything that you want of and dream of and enjoy it, AND also realize and recognize that everything that you have always wanted you already have and ARE at depth and in soul and relax. I just relax deeply into this and the secret applies itself.

  120. Like Poe’s purloined Letter, hidden in plain sight, it is not a secret. It has been known for at least 2000 years. (See also, Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret) It’s too simple (to be believed) and almost too hard to (really)be applied. It sounds so simple, but until we make a major paradigm shift, it is extremely hard to apply on a CONSISTENT basis. Applied half-heartedly, we may not get even half-hearted results. And, we may be applying it to areas that are not readily visible to others.

  121. I agree with Story Waters….We are here to create and whatever we create consciously or unconsciously through the Law of perfect…even if it appears imperfect.

  122. I believe the “secret” is actually a very ancient knowledge that is essentially about focusing on what you want, as opposed to what you don’t want. Pretty simple really. If one wants controversy one will get controversy, if not …
    Like I said… pretty simple really.

  123. I would like to pose a question asked of the Savior while he served his earthly ministry.
    “And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his Disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” (John 9:1-3)
    I would like to rephrase this in terms of thoughts. I was born with Periferal Artery Disease (PAD). In terms of the theory that our conditions are determined by our thoughts, I would ask, who then is guilty of negative thought, my parent or me? I propose that thoughts are not the only force active in our lives but that there is a much higher intelligence that has at least as much if not more influence in our lives as our thoughts. I fully agree with the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and to keep our thoughts positive. But I am more than willing to remain subject to that higher authority and work within those parameters to improve my life.
    This is not in answer your question, just a general comment.

  124. Hi everybody,
    it has been inspiring to read about so many great insights.
    I too believe life is perfect… in the perspective of reincarnation and karma. The Soul chooses what it needs to experience, which to the Ego may look like a tough life/an imperfect world.
    I wonder if our childhood programing or previous incarnations have to do with most of our failure? It has happened to me many times thruout my life that the universe delivers an opportunity I asked for, but when I face it, I realize I can’t act upon it. On a subconscious level my emotions sabotage the achievement, I get a feeling that I can’t do it (for various “reasons”). This is a paradox to me.
    Seeing if from the perspective of a Soul in a learning/evolving process, I am bombarded with the same lesson all the time. The universe is very generous. It gives me a new test again and again, hoping that at some point I will get the lesson: I will stop acting out of fear, I will stop puting up resistance.
    I think it is the same with world issues such as global peace, ending world hunger, shortage of drinking water, housing, jobs etc. We hope that in a distant future the humanity will solve all these problems, but emotionally we don’t believe we ourselves can help it in our life time. It seems beyond our reach, we can’t see what we can do on our individual level. We accept all the negativity served to us thru our massmedia channels as the ultimate truth. Our emotions get overwhelmed and our being is paralysed. I wonder what would happen if we stopped living in fear of shortage… it is a myth that there is a shortage of everything on this planet and therefore only a few can have a good life… if we stopped believing in this myth, let go of that fear, could we create a better world…?
    I think everybody interested in this topic, The Secret, the understanding of how the universe works, we all feel the inner urge to change our destiny both on the personal level and the planetary level.
    I wish there was a blog discussing The Secret and other universal laws (see the book “Your Life, Why It Is the Way It Is and What You Can Do About It, Understanding the Universal Laws”, by Bruce McArthur).
    I am greatful to the founder of this discussion, and I wish it would continue and go beyond the question of the paradox. It would be sad to stop, now that such a great movement has been started!
    I remember about 10 years ago I found a chat room about astrology which expanded to discuss other topics, and it became a support forum with threads about various life questions. People in every group could address the thoughts of one another. I think such a forum would be of much help for the understanding and spread of the idea of The Secret.
    Thank you all.
    Humbly, Yvonne.

  125. In my previous posting I mentioned a chat room with different life topics. It was a message board type. Anybody could start a discussion group on any topic and anybody could address any speaker/writer. It worked very well. If a topic wasn’t interesting, nobody responded and the thread died. Many discussion groups lived on for a long time and people became friends. It was an interesting experince.
    I think such a forum would be very suitable for The Secret, if anybody would create it.
    It would be a real fun to gather a group of people who would like to participate in different experiments, such as everybody in the group trying to manifest one and the same thing within a certain time frame, and then compare our experiences. We all believe The Secret works and we would prove it to the world. 😉
    Humbly, a pot of ideas…

  126. No good deed goes unpunished. Light is countered by dark…is misunderstood. Dark is just the absence of Light…you can’t turn on the dark, only take away what?…LIGHT. The Secret turns on the LIGHT. The notion of PARADOX is the same…Nothing at all…just and absence of LIGHT. As we move into the higher realms of being and understanding, the other Universal Laws reveal themselves! A paradox is built on the principal of duality. You’ve all just been awakened! You’ve been triggered to search for a TRUTH! Form follows thought:What you think you become! The Paradox is you are being asked to think about a PARADOX instead of thinking your own thoughts! Perfection is an eternal quest…just enjoy what you experience on the way.
    10th Dimension
    Buddha Supreme aka Yehousa Buddha Ashtar Melchizedek Ma’com
    90.7 KPFK

  127. I’m not sure what the paradox is. I do know that we are very complex creatures and that our conscious minds are only the tip of the iceberg and that years of meditation may give us some insight into some of the other layers of consciousness. If there are those instances where the law of attraction may seem not to work, those other unconscious layers may be sabotaging our intent. In this respect, using The Secret becomes an exercise in self-exploration and self-monitoring.
    Recently I joined a “spiritual journey” group. When this group viewed The Secret the room was dense with righteous indignation and comments that this was not a spiritual premise because it “focused on things”, “there is no magic answer”, “things don’t come through magic, only through hard work”, etc., etc.
    I first heard of the law of attraction in a Unity church over forty years ago. I doubted that it would work. So, I tested it, all the time not believing. The focus of my attention showed up in a few weeks in spite of my disbelief. I then became frightened that I would not choose wisely and did not use it consciously for many years.
    Henry Ford said, “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.” Now I see the law of attraction as a powerful tool that can be used to combat feelings of powerlessness. When we consider all the chaos in this world created by feelings of powerlessness, isn’t this a great time for this law to be presented in such an effective format.
    For better or worse we live in a world of material stuff. Remembering Maslow’s hierarcvhy of needs, if an individual should become stuck in the acquisition of things, it may be only a step on to other levels. How much better to be stuck in acquiring stuff than to be an instrument of violent behavior. What a better way to exercise one’s personal power!

  128. Michael, I know this is late, but I saw some of the tv show & thought & laughed! I believe the leaders of whatever are scared of losing their power over the scared people. Too scared to believe so they hang on to the old. But the Secret isn’t really new or old. and I could go round n round about this, Michael. Michelle Hmelevsky

  129. the parodox is very is oneself .we are as humans full of paradoxes and a fairly complicated species.there your answer plain and simple and to the point.that is in itself a sort of parodox dont you agree with blessings susan

  130. The paradox for me is that we already have everything we want, it is our focus that needs to change. If your focus is lack you get more, if your focus is bad relationships you get more etc…. The laws of attraction are always working whether we know it or not and everything we have now is what we have already attracted into our lives. The secret is not learning how to attract what we focus on because we already do that, it’s how to change our focus.
    From that comes another paradox in that you can’t move out of thinking about what you don’t want to what you do want without still thinking about what you do want and since the subconscious mind can not process negatives we can still end up attracting some stuff we don’t want. When most of your focus is on what you do want and you can envision your life surrounded by what you want as though it’s already yours in reality then you’re on a winner.

  131. The paradox is exactly the simpleness of the secret. We humans are meant to be abundant in every aspect of our lives. God (or however you want to call Him)put us in earth to be happy and we denie ourselves this right by having negative thoughts. If you think the content of the movie “is too good to be true”, you are being negative again. Nothing is too good to be true, unless you believe it.

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